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Nursing Simulation: Maria Hernandez Pre-Sim Questions

Maria Hernandez Simulation
Chamberlain University College of Nursing
November 27, 2022
1. What are some non-pharmacological measures that can be used for pain relief in
care for this patient?
Relaxation therapy is a nonpharmacological measure that may provide
pain relief. Among the possibilities is music therapy. There is also guided
imagery as a relaxation technique. According to John Hopkin’s University
(2020), “By creating images in your mind, you can reduce pain and other
symptoms tied to your condition”. In this case, the patient may watch
television or visualize a place where she would be comfortable and happy.
Distractions are also good as long as they do not affect the surgical site's
2. What vital signs could be indicative of complications for this patient?
Mrs. Hernandez could experience an elevated temperature during the
healing process. This could indicate that the patient is at risk for an
infection, which could be a problem for her. Having decreased respiration
would be another concern. A patient under a general anesthetic may suffer
from bradypnea that could lead to pneumonia if her lungs are not
exercised after surgery.
3. Based on what you’ve learned about the nursing process, describe one applicable
nursing diagnosis, treatments, and nursing considerations for this diagnosis.
A diagnosis of impaired skin integrity might apply to Mrs. Hernandez.
Since the patient underwent surgical debridement, the integrity of the skin
is compromised. A sterile 0.9% Normal Saline solution could clean the
wound and prevent infection. In this case, it is essential to observe how the
wound is healing and the presence of granulation tissue, slough, and
eschar. An increase of 10% in caloric intake is recommended (Hall et al.,
2020, p. 1252).
Hall, P.P.A.P.P.S. A. (2020, April). Fundamentals of Nursing (10th ed.). Elsevier Health
Sciences (US). https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/books/9780323677721
Herdman, H. & Kamitsuru, S. (2018). Nanda International Nursing Diagnoses:
Definitions and classification 2018-2020 (11th ed.).
Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2021, June 7). Imagery. The Johns Hopkins University.