Release Form The undersigned certify that they have supervised, read and recommend to the Midlands State University for acceptance a research a research project entitled: Estimating a maize production function for Mazowe district submitted by Elias Chipatiso (R112185J) In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Commerce Economics Honors Degree. ……………………………………… Signature Student ……………………………………….. Signature Supervisor ………………………………………. Signature Chairperson i|Page ………………………………… Date ………………………………….. Date …………………………………. Date Approval Form The undersigned certifies that they have supervised the student, Elias Chipatiso’s dissertation entitled: Estimating a maize production function for Mazowe district, submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Commerce Economics Honors Degree at the Midlands State University. Supervisor signature Chapter 1 …………………………………………… Chapter 2 ……………………………………………. Chapter 3 ……………………………………………. Chapter 4 …………………………………………… Chapter 5 …………………………………………… ii | P a g e Dedication My dear family and friends iii | P a g e ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I acknowledge all the tireless efforts of Dr Z Tambudzai who made this study a success. Special thanks goes to Crispen Chipatiso, Bruce Munyaradzi Mafokosho and Mr & Mrs Magodo whom provided financial support. For your patience and understanding throughout the completion of this study, I would also like to thank the department of economy staff for mentoring and guiding me for the past four years and your kindness, this was a selfless sacrifice. I would also like to thank Janet T Mupfawi, Wendy F Mauta, Victor S Utete and Tatenda E Chingosho for proving a shoulder to lean on when I was falling. Sincere thanks goes to all small-scale farmers in Mazowe District for their time and information provided to carry out this research. Special appreciation to everyone who stood by me and encouraged me to focus and be strong throughout the entire period of my study. Thank you for appreciating me as a friend, classmate, brother and all roles I played in your life. Finally ,I would like to thank God for sparing me and enabling me to through college life and succeed. iv | P a g e ABSTRACT The main objective if the study is to estimate a maize production function in Mazowe District for smallholder farmers. The study also attempts to investigate socio-economic factors that affect maize production. A Cobb- Douglas function was used to estimate production using primary data obtained through questionnaires. To ensure for unbiased the model corrected for heteroscedasticity, results indicated that age, land size, household size, amount used on seed and fertilizer were significant using the 2t rule of thumb, except for capital which was not significant under this study. Though it as significant age had a negative coefficient of -0.1608 and a t- statistic of -3.84. v|Page Contents Release Form ........................................................................................................................................ i Approval Form ..................................................................................................................................... ii Dedication .......................................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................................................................... iv ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................ v CHAPTER ONE .......................................................................................................................................... 1 1.0 Introduction to the study .............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Background of the study ............................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Statement of the problem ............................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Objectives of the study .................................................................................................................. 6 1.4 Significance of the study................................................................................................................ 7 1.5 Hypothesis ..................................................................................................................................... 7 1.6 Organisation of the rest of the study ............................................................................................ 7 CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Literature review................................................................................................................................. 8 2.0Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Theoretical literature .................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.1 Special Production Functions ................................................................................................... 10 Linear Production Function (Perfect Substitutes) ................................................................. 10 Fixed Proportion Production Function (Perfect Complements) ........................................... 11 Cobb-Douglas Production Function ...................................................................................... 11 2.2 Empirical Literature..................................................................................................................... 13 CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 18 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 18 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 18 3.2 Model Specification .................................................................................................................... 18 3.3 Justification of Variables ............................................................................................................. 20 3.3.1 Capital ...................................................................................................................................... 20 3.3.2 Age ........................................................................................................................................... 21 3.3.3 Land .......................................................................................................................................... 21 3.3.4 Seed.......................................................................................................................................... 22 3.3.5 Fertiliser ................................................................................................................................... 22 3.3.6 Labour ...................................................................................................................................... 22 3.3.7 Household size ......................................................................................................................... 22 3.4 Estimation Procedure and Diagnostic Test ................................................................................. 23 vi | P a g e 3.4.1 Heteroscedasticity ................................................................................................................... 23 3.4.2 Multicollinearity ....................................................................................................................... 23 3.4.3 Data types and sources ............................................................................................................ 23 3.4.4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 24 CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................................... 24 RESULTS PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 24 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 24 4.2 Diagnostic Test Results ............................................................................................................... 25 4.2.1 Multicollinearity Test Results................................................................................................... 25 4.2.2 Heteroscedasticity Test Results ............................................................................................... 26 4.2.3 REGRESSION RESULTS .............................................................................................................. 26 4.2.4 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ..................................................................................................... 27 4.3 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER FIVE ....................................................................................................................................... 29 POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 29 5.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 29 5.1 SUMMARY OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................... 30 5.2 POLICY RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................................................... 30 5.3 SUGGESTION FOR FUTURE STUDIES ............................................................................................... 30 5.4 LIMITATIONS AND DELIMITATIONS ................................................................................................ 31 5.4.1DELIMITATIONS............................................................................................................................. 31 5.5 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................... 31 List of Acronyms .................................................................................................................................... 32 List of Tables ..................................................................................................................................... 33 Reference List.................................................................................................................................... 34 Appendix 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 38 Appendix 2 ........................................................................................................................................ 46 vii | P a g e CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction to the study Agriculture has always been an important component of Zimbabwe’s economy and is key part to the country’s efforts to reduce poverty. Government of Zimbabwe (2013) highlighted that agricultural production was severely affected, resulting in the country depending on imports to meet the demand for domestic consumption and industrial needs. Furthermore, these challenges led to significant skills flight and erosion of private and public financing, thereby affecting quality service delivery and achievement of the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). About 70% of the population depends on agriculture for food, income and employment and it supplies 60% of the raw materials required by the industrial sector and contributes 15-20 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).The performance of the sector has a strong influence on the rate of economic growth, economic stability, employment level and demand for other goods as well as food security. Zimbabwe is divided into five AGRO-Ecological Regions with rainfall and agricultural patterns decreasing from region 1 to 5 (Vincent & Thomas 1961) and (Moyo 1994). The land is divided into five natural regions on the basis of soil type and climatic factors. Natural regions I, II and III are suitable for intensive crop cultivation and livestock raising, while regions IV and V offer limited scope for crop agriculture but are suitable for livestock raising on a large scale. The bulk of Mashonaland (West, East and Central), Midlands and Manicaland Provinces are under regions I, II and III, while Matabeleland (North and South) and Masvingo Provinces are under natural regions IV and V. The three Mashonaland Provinces constitute the breadbasket of the country. Zimbabwe’s farming sector can produce, and has produced in the past, exportable surpluses of maize and certain other food crops. But, as described earlier, severe constraints have resulted in less than full capacity utilization of its natural resources. 1.1 Background of the study A report has it that maize was introduced to Europe in 1942 from Southern and Central America by Christopher Columbus and later spread to Africa (Okoruwa, 1997). Today maize has 1|Page become Africa’s most important staple food crop and is grown by both large and small scale farmers. Currently it is produced in most countries and is the third most planted crop after wheat and rice (African Report 2013). Zimbabwe’s crop production is highly diversified comprising of tobacco, maize, cotton, wheat, sorghum, soya beans and horticultural products. Tobacco, cotton and horticultural products which are export crops are the most important in terms of revenue generation. Maize is primarily for domestic consumption and is crucial to the country’s food security. The country has not been meeting its national requirements for maize and had to depend on imports and aid in order to meet domestic demand due to the decline in agricultural production from year 2000. 2 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 2000 2001 2002 Area (ha in millons) 2003 2004 2005 Production (ton in millions) 2006 2007 2008 2009 Yield (kg/ha in thousands Fig 1 Zimbabwe’s maize production from 2000-2009 Source: ZIMSTAT Total maize production has declined from 1 619 651 million tonnes in 2000 to 1 240 000 in 2009 and to 600 000 tonnes (not on the graph) in 2012 against the national requirements of 1800 000 tonnes. In 2012 a total area of 1.6 million hectares of maize were planted and of this 722 577 hectares were written off due to a drought and the worst affected areas included Masvingo, Manicaland and Matebeleland North (Government of Zimbabwe 2012). Efforts to revive the economy were dented by the drought that hit many parts of the country during the 2011-12 cropping season. A strong adverse movement in production of national maize, which accounts for the chief part of food production is evident from the 2|Page past decade. In addition, the graph shows a drop in the average annual production of about 530 000 tonnes between the two periods before and since 2002. The reasons for the downward trend, before the fast track land reform, include a continuing switch by the large-scale commercial farms from maize, which became a Grain Marketing Board (G.M.B) controlled crop, to other non-controlled crops such as tobacco, cotton, among others. Recent decline (since 2002) were due to structural change triggered by land tenure policies, lack of investment and funds domestically and externally in agriculture sector. The newly settled farmers cultivate only about 50 percent of the total arable land allocated to them owing to shortages of tractor/draught power, fuel, and investment in infrastructure or improvements and absenteeism on the part of some new settler beneficiaries (Muzuri 2005). Large-scale commercial sector now produces less than one-tenth of the maize that it produced in the 1990s (GoZ 2012). Increased frequency of drought combined with maize production being on more marginal lands of the communal farmers with little no fertiliser was noted by some experts to explain some of the long term negative trends. A major feature behind the variation in Zimbabwe’s economic growth is the agricultural sector reliance on certain rainfall (Kinsey. 2010). Rainfall is highly variable in Zimbabwe, both from one year to another, but also between different parts of the country. Recurrent droughts are a normal feature of Zimbabwe’s climate and have had negative effects development, magnifying existing poverty and vulnerability problems. 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 mm of rainfall above and below average 3|Page Fig 2 Zimbabwe seasonal rainfall, deviation from the mean (1990-2007) Adopted from: Unganai, 2011 based on Department of Metrological Services. The season 1990-91 was a drought year followed by the worst drought for the century in 199192 with rainfall 77% below normal. The 2001/02 drought occurred in the first year that farmers had land the Fast Track Land Reform making it harder for new farmers to become established. Changes in rainfall between years, timing of rainfall and length of the season over time all present increasing difficulties for communities in anticipating the climate conditions each growing season. Because maize is a staple crop, the minister of agriculture repeats government’s efforts to ensure that each farming season becomes successful. The land reform through farm invasion, was caused by the pre/post- colonial imbalances in land distribution. In 2001 the government then properly re-allocated the grabbed land and corrected the land imbalances. Three quarter of the land before the introduction of land acquisition policy belonged to 4500 whites and constituted less than a percentage of the estimated 13 million population (Nebakwe 2002). Utete (2003) found out that there were zero hectares for A1 resettlement farmers as of June 2002 and by July 2003, A2 farmers had 5.6 % while A1 had occupied 10.6% of the former white’s commercial farmers. Six hectares of arable land were allocated to each A1 farmer. Food security became a concern in Zimbabwe due to fast track land redistribution and Utete report expected maize output to increase from farmers in areas with good land and rainfall patterns. Tillage for A1 farmers was provided by District Development Fund (D.D.F) as government mandate and charges differed depending if farmers provide own fuel (dry charges) wet charges when the tractor comes with fuel. Most A1 farmers in Mashonaland province have uncultivated fields and low agricultural produce making food security for the nation to remain a major concern. Muzuru (20050 alluded to the uncultivated farms saying that some farmers still take farming as part time employment. This therefore explains the need to identify the characteristic features of A1 farmers in the area under study and estimate their production function and see the relationship between inputs and output then come up with measures to improve production in the district. Mazowe District was selected because it has more A1 farmers as compared to other districts in the province (CIMITY 2003), had faster resettlement than other districts, so farmers in Mazowe 4|Page started meaningful production early. Furthermore, in Mazowe, Farmer Syndicate that were formed assisted farmers in the procurements of inputs, peer education and team work on farming. Table 1: Mean range of maize hectares grown by farmers in the province for four years. District Shamva Bindura Mazowe 2003 2004 2005 2006 Range 0.73- 6.19 0.86- 4.83 1.80- 4.70 1.47- 3.35 Mean 3.4583 2.8437 3.2500 2.4063 Range 0.33- 4.77 0.94- 5.94 2.16- 5.02 1.66- 4.4 Mean 2.5385 3.4375 3.5938 3.0313 Range 1.35- 8.07 1.23- 6.51 2.44- 4.95 2.02- 6.04 Mean 4.7143 3.8667 3.6944 4.0278 Source: Mazuru N, Njaya T and Hanyani-Mlambo B (2007) The total area under maize production had been generally declining over the years. Farmers had wide differences in sizes of area allocated for maize production. Provincial sample average of 3.60 ha and 3.1 ha for periods 2003 and 2006 were surpassed buy Mazowe district which had 4.71 ha and 4.03 ha respectively. Table 2: Average maize production per district from 2003-2006 District 2003 2004 2005 2006 Shamva 7.11 9.34 10.88 12.87 Bindura 8.18 9.85 10.84 8.73 Mazowe 13.64 11.94 13.72 17.43 Source: Mazuru N, Njaya T and Hanyani-Mlambo B (2007) 5|Page Mazowe had dominance in both area under cultivation and in maize output because it received rains earlier giving an advantage of early cropping than other districts. The standard deviation suggest the coexistence of very good maize producers and small size producers. 1.2 Statement of the problem The country needs about 2.2 million tonnes of the staple grain to feed its people annually. In the 1990’s Zimbabwe was a net exporter of maize and as from 2000 there was a substantial contraction in agricultural output that made the nation fail to meet its food requirements. Empirical studies suggest that most under developed and developing countries are still facing the problem of high poverty levels. This calls for improving yields of major staples, such as maize for better food security and livelihoods of rural households. Thus, resources need to be used in the most efficient way to achieve this objective. Further, improved efficiency is expected to improve food security by cutting hunger halfway in 2015 (Amos, 2007). In order to realize increased production farmers in developing countries need to efficiently utilize the limited resources accessed for improved food security and farm income generation (Amos, 2007). Mazowe district is part of the Mashonaland Central Province that has one of the most productive communal lands, producing both food and cash crops. Maize is the dominant crop however, the main sources of cash income include cotton, tobacco, sunflower, soya beans and sugar beans production. Employment on A1 and commercial farms is also an important source of livelihood. Maize is a strategic crop to the nation, therefore the research seeks to assess ways of increasing production focusing on A1 farmers in Mazowe District. 1.3 Objectives of the study The main objective of the study is to contribute to the literature of maize production by: ο· Estimating the relationship between maize output and the main traditional input variables. These include seed, labour, capital and fertiliser. ο· Investigate some socio-economic factors that affect maize production in Mazowe District. ο· To suggest policy measures to improve maize production in Mazowe district. 6|Page 1.4 Significance of the study The study is important as it address a topical issue in the country. Problems associated with low maize production in the country seeks remedies as they have grievous ending. Useful agricultural knowledge will be contributed by the research towards the welfare of the nation so as to reduce the level of poverty and high maize import bill for the country. Increasing maize output will require multiple factors including technology, institutional changes and changes in policies. 1.5 Hypothesis H0: Maize production is not influenced by gender, age, irrigation, land, seed, fertiliser, machinery, capital and labour. H1: Maize production is influenced by gender, age, irrigation, land, seed, fertiliser, machinery, capital and labour. 1.6 Organisation of the rest of the study The rest of the dissertation is organised as follows: Chapter 2 contains review of the literature in which theoretical and empirical review is discussed. Chapter 3 presents the methodology to be employed for analysis. Chapter 4 contains empirical results and their interpretations. Chapter 5 summarises the findings and policy recommendations as well suggestions for further researches. 7|Page CHAPTER TWO Literature review 2.0 Introduction It provides a theoretical framework which strengthens this study so as to propose sound policy recommendations and it provides a foundation upon the current study is based upon. It is categorised into theoretical and empirical literature review findings from different countries. They are obtained using econometric models, empirical models and tests. Theoretical review is based on common observation that have not been empirically tested to prove whether the assertation made really occur in the real world. The information used is drawn from text books and publications. The main idea of providing such works is to sightsee work done by others and detect existing gaps and will also assist in constructing the model to be used in Chapter 3. 2.1 Theoretical literature Economic theory is to a large extend about money, costs, prices, and markets, return on investment, profit and similar economic concepts. However, the concept of production economics is superior in that the limits of economic behaviour are defined by the technical production possibilities. Production technology is the decisive factor regarding the quantity produced and how it may be produced (Rasmussen 2013). Production technology is in its most general form, a description of the relationship between input and output produced. The description of production technical relationship is based on empirical observation of relationships between inputs and output. Hence, a production function is defined as maximum amount of output that can be produced (through the use of a given production technology) with a given amount of input (Blank and Lynch 2001). Production of goods and services involves transforming resources such as labour power, raw materials, and the services provided by the facilities and machines into finished products. Semiconductor producers for example combine the labour services provided by their employees and the capital services provided by the fabs, robots and processing equipment with raw materials, such as silicon to produce finished chips. The productive resources such as labour and capital equipment that a firm uses to manufacture goods and services are called inputs or factors of production and the amount of goods and services produced is the firms output. As the semiconductor example suggest, recall firms can often choose one of the several combination of inputs to produce a given volume of output. 8|Page The firm can produce a given number of chips using workers and no robots or using fewer workers and many robots. The production function tells the maximum quantity of output the firm can produce given the quantities of the inputs that it might employ. Production functions are analogous to the utility function in consumer theory. Just as the utility function depends on exogenous consumer tastes, the production depends on exogenous on technological conditions. Overtime, these technological conditions may change, an occurrence known as technological progress and the production function may shift. The production function equation tells the maximum output a firm could get from given combinations of inputs however, inefficient management could reduce output from what is technologically possible. Total production function also known as single unit production function, shows how total output depends on the level of input. It shows four notable properties from the example below Table 3. Total Production Function Inputs Quantity 0 0 6 30 12 96 18 162 24 192 30 150 When inputs is zero, quantity will be zero, which means nothing can be produced without using any inputs. Between input zero and the 12th input, output rises with an additional input at an increasing rate (total production function is convex) thus there are increasing marginal returns. When there are increasing marginal returns, an increase in inputs increases total output at an increasing rate. Output rises with an additional input but at a decreasing rate from the 12th input to the 24th input (total production function is concave). During this period there will be diminishing marginal returns. An increase in inputs still increases output but a decreasing rate, they set in when a firm exhaust its ability to increase productivity. When the quantity of inputs 9|Page exceed 24, an increase in quantity of inputs results in a decrease in total output. During that period there would be diminishing total returns. There are two related but distinct notions of productivity that can be derived from the production function that is average product and marginal product. Average product (AP) is the average amount of output per unit of input. Mathematically, it can be represented as below: π΄π = πππ‘ππ πππππ’ππ‘ ππ’πππ‘ππ‘π¦ ππ ππππ’π‘ It is also known as average physical product (APP) The Marginal Product (MP) is the rate at which total output changes as the amount of inputs are changing. ππ = πΆβππππ ππ π‘ππ‘ππ πππππ’ππ‘ πΆβππππ ππ πππππ‘π The MP is analogous to the concept of marginal utility from consumer theory. In most production processes, as the quantity of one input increases with the quantity of another input, the point will be reached beyond which the MP of that input decreases. This phenomenon, which reflects the experience of real world firms, seems so pervasive that economists call it the law of diminishing marginal returns. 2.1.1 Special Production Functions Linear Production Function (Perfect Substitutes) In some production process, the marginal rate of technical substitution of one input for another may be constant. For example, a manufacturing process may require energy in the form of natural gas or fuel oil and a given amount can always be substituted for each litre of fuel oil. In this case a marginal rate of technical substitution of natural gas for fuel is constant. In some cases, a firm may find it that one type of equipment may be perfectly substituted for another type. A linear production function is a production function whose isoquants are straight, thus the slope of any isoquant is constant and the marginal rate of technical substitution does not change as we move along the isoquant. A linear production function is of the form Q = ππΏ + ππΎ 10 | P a g e Where a and b are positive constants. In other words, the input in a linear production function are infinitely (perfectly) substitute for each other. Fixed Proportion Production Function (Perfect Complements) Also known as Leontief production function, after economist Wassily Leontief who used it to model relationship between sectors in a national economy. A production where the inputs must be combined in fixed proportions are called fixed-proportions productions function and the inputs in in fixed production function are called perfect complements. When inputs are combined in fixed proportions, the elasticity of substituting is zero, because the marginal rate of technical substitution along the isoquants of a fixed- proportion production changes from ∞ to 0 when we pass through the corner of the isoquant. Firms facing fixed proportion production function have no flexibility in their ability to substitute among inputs. Cobb-Douglas Production Function It allows for some degree of substitutability among production input while Leontief production function do not. It is an intermediate between a linear and fixed proportion production function. Optimal output solutions will occur at points of tangency between isoquants and isocost curves or in the case in the case of the Leontief function a corner solution will result. Hence, excepting cases of the corner, marginal rates of technical substitution will equal slopes of isocost curves at optimal production levels. It is given by the formula π = π΄πΏα Kβ Where A, α, β are positive constants. With the Cobb-Douglas production function, inputs can be substituted for each other, unlike a fixed-proportion production function inputs can be used in variable proportions. Though the rate at which inputs can be substituted they are not constant as we move along an isoquant, this suggest that the elasticity of substitution for a Cobb-Douglas production falls somewhere between 0 and ∞. In fact it turns out that the elasticity of substitution along a Cobb-Douglas production as always equal to 1. Because it is thought to be a plausible way of characterising many real world processes, it is often used by economist to study issues related to input productivity or production costs. For, example Ballack S and Lynch L (1980-1990) estimated the Cobb-Douglas production function to study the impact of “high performance” workplace practices on worker productivity in United States firms. 11 | P a g e The introduction of the Cobb-Douglas regression into agricultural economics In remembrance, it is not shocking that agricultural economist were prominent among those who adopted the Cobb-Douglas regression as an empirical research tool. Agricultural economists became a hot-bed of empirical research during the inter war period. Economists were employed by the United States Department of Agriculture and the state supported longgrant colleges with the exception that they would conduct research into issues of interest to farmers and agricultural policy makers. As a result training in statistical methods was emphasized in graduate programmes in agricultural economics and many econometricians of the inter war period came out of the field of agricultural economics (Rutherford 2009; Fox 1986). With their innovative use of regression analysis, Douglas production studies began to appear. Agricultural economists were in a better position that economists in general to understand them and were more likely to be intrigued by statistical issues they raised. For two related and long-standing research areas in the field of agricultural economics, Douglas vision of statistically estimating the production function of neoclassical economic theory was salient. Banzhaf (2006) provides an excellent account of the emergence of agricultural economics in the early 20th century as economists came to dominate the pre-existing research area of farm management. Farm management encompasses the work of applied scientist in the early 1990’s, whose research was intended to help farmers solve practical problems. As the experts who could teach farmers how to apply the scientific knowledge from several disciplines to keep their farms profitable in the face of shifting economic forces, early agricultural economists envisioned a central role for themselves in this field. Based on their possession of a general framework for thinking about the business decisions faced by farmers; the neoclassical theory of the firm, agricultural economists claimed this role. They sought to bring order to the field through the application of neoclassical theory, generating a body of research and knowledge they called production economics. Common sense notion of the economy were being applied in a haphazard and conflicting way, as economist moved into the field of farm management they found a very empirical, practical but rather theoretical literature. Research in production economics included the application of the logic of maximization to a variety of situations arising in farming, such as allocating of labourers of varying efficiency to cooperate inputs of efficiency (Waite 1936) or the multi enterprise farm which produced multiple outputs requiring the same type of input (Benedict 1932). In principle, a properly 12 | P a g e estimated production function could prove a wealth of theoretically appropriate information to guide farmers in their input and output decisions. The regression would yield not just ratios but functions relating inputs to outputs, thus quantify the actions of the law of diminishing returns, it would also reveal input substitution relationship. Indeed during the thirties some agricultural economists had already produced estimates of the production relationship implied by the neoclassical theory, including two way cross tabulations or bivariate regression involving one input and one output (Hopkins 1930; Warren 1936; Menze 1942) but Douglas’s approach offered a clear advantages over these earlier efforts. Its functional form easily handled several inputs and parsimoniously captured the key assumptions of diminishing returns and when estimated as a regression produced coefficients that were directly and easily interpretable as elasticity’s of output with respect to inputs. The hypothesis of this study is drawn from the Cobb-Douglas production function. The reason for the choice of this view rests upon the argument that most empirical studies support its postulations. Since it was developed by Knut Wicksell (1851-1926) and tested against statistical evidence by Charles Cobb and Paul Douglas in 1928, the Cobb-Douglas function form has been widely used to represent the relationship of an output to a set of inputs. 2.2 Empirical Literature Africa was self-sufficient in goods and a leading agricultural exporter at the beginning of the independence movement in 1960 and Asia was the epicentre of the world food crisis. By the mid-1960s, Asia had launched the green revolution which at present adds 50 million metric tonnes of grain to the world food supply each year. Although Asia struggles with issues of household food supply, it is Africa, not Asia, which bears the brunt of the world food problem (Byerlee, 1997). Africa’s food balance sheet has shifted from a surplus to deficit for example, between the periods 1970 and 1985, food production went up by 1.5% while population grew by 3%. This accelerated a decline in per capita food consumption, reducing average calorific intake and making Sub-Saharan Africa the only region in the world which experienced a decline over time. Growing reliance on food imports, food aid, increasing degradation of the natural resource base and increasing poverty are problems emanating from stagnation in food production. Demand for food is expected to rise due to a double increase of 1.2 billion expected in the human population by 2020. Food production gap in Africa demands fresh thinking and urgent concentration of the mind by both scientists and policy makers. Two preconditions are 13 | P a g e absolutely necessary for making an improvement on the downward spiral of poverty and malnutrition in Africa. First, in most African economies, the driver to economic growth is growth in agriculture. The majority of the population depends on agriculture, and an increase in agricultural household income generate further rounds of spending that rouse economic growth by increasing demand for rural non-farm products, as well as urban industrial products. The second precondition is rapid technical change in food production (Byerlee, 1997). Technology, institutional changes, infrastructure and changes in policy are crucial in providing the momentum for a maize revolution. The importance of rice and wheat in Asia is equal to the importance of maize in Eastern and Southern Africa because it is the dominant staple food. It was introduced in Africa in the sixteenth century by Portuguese traders on the Eastern and Western Africa coast and slowly moved inland through the incursion of slave traders who valued maize as a storable and easily processed grain (Miracle, 1966). Most of Africa’s population lives in rural areas and categorised by subsistence farming, poor roads and other poor infrastructure, poor market information, low literacy levels and relatively high levels of poverty levels. In addition to poverty, rural farmers use little or do not use some inputs central for increased productivity (Chukwuji, et al., 2006). Sub Saharan African (SSA) countries have drawn strategies of supporting poor farmers to eradicate poverty. Among strategies, include increased agricultural output (productivity) through new technologies and innovations like high yielding and disease resistant crops (Sentumbwe, 2007). New technologies were further designed to enhance incomes of rural poor farmers and hence as a means of accelerating economic development. However, according to Wambui (2005), output growth is not only achieved by new technological innovations but also through efficiency use of these technologies. Few studies have been carried out to assess the allocative and technical efficiency of the rural farmers. Due to scarce information and low literacy levels, most farmers in SSA may be still allocating resources (inputs) in less suitable ways. A number of studies have noted an inverse relationship between farm size and yields. Van Zyl (1995) points out that international evidence indicates that a large-scale mechanised farm sector is generally inefficient especially when compared to small-scale family type farming. Van Zyl's argument is supported by Adesina and Djato (1996) who note that previous studies in Asia have tested for relative efficiency differences in terms of farm size and found that small wheat farms in the Indian Punjab were more economically efficient than large farms. The results from studies carried out in Pakistan contradicted those 14 | P a g e of the Indian State. According to Alvarez and Arias (2004), some studies have also failed to come up with concrete evidence of differences in the relative economic efficiency or its components of technical or allocative efficiency, between small and large farms. There have been different investigation of the production function in different parts of the world in both developing and developed countries. Nasir (1990) has made an attempt to assess and evaluate the production function in Kashmir agriculture for the period 1973-1986 and came out against mass orchardisation in order to achieve regional self-reliance. Its analysis advocated a thrust towards restructuring the basic input-output matrix to overcome the local supply gap. He believes that reallocation of resources with capital intensity bias will promote growth and employment potential of the agricultural sector in the state. The variables used in this study were gross national output, land, rural population as a proxy for labour and annual capital expenditure in rupees and a double log equation was used. The study concluded that marginal of land is significantly greater than that of labour and capital inputs. Land has great potential for growth and thus greater productivity owing to less capital intensive agriculture. The marginal value of labour shows that, in farms the marginal return for each rupee spent on land is profitable. Al-Najafi and Hussain (1993) estimated the production function in Iraq’s agricultural sector during the period 1970-1986. The variables included in their study were output (as a dependent variable) land, labour and capital as independent. The figure for land was an index of total cropped area and capital included value of seeds, fertilisers, irrigation charges, electricity, pest-cides, maintenance and other operational expenditures and a loglinear model was used. Al-Najafi (1988) estimated agricultural production function in Iraq using time series data for the value of agricultural output as a dependant variable agricultural land, capital (fixed and variable), labour (as number of men) as independent variables for the period (1970-1983). All variables used in the estimation were at 1970 constant prices and express all variables in terms of index numbers. The model applied were in the form of log-linear. Al-Remawi (1998), estimated the determinants and growth resources in Jordanian agricultural sector. He applied a Cobb-Douglas production function in order to estimate the relationship between the value of agricultural output and total cultivated area in donums, labour force in agriculture, and agricultural mechanism, chemicals, fertiliser and rainfall. A semi-log model was used with time series data for the period 1975-1992 using the index number for the variables included in the 15 | P a g e study. In the study all variables except rain where statistically significant and all signs were positive except labour which was negative. Hussain and Saed (2001) assessed and evaluated the crop production function parameters in Jordanian’s agricultural sector during the period 1981-1996, in order to achieve regional selfreliance. The analysis advocates a thrust towards restructuring the basic input-output matrix to overcome the local supply gap. Different forms of production were applied, log-log model, linear, semi-log, inverse semi-log for all variables. All forms used exhibited positive signs and the coefficient of determination (R2) was very high. The variables used in this study as aggregate are output as dependent variable, while the independent variables where land, labour and capital. Cornia (1985) pointed out that those who adduce evidence for the inverse relationship used this to advocate for the redistribution of land from large-scale farmers into smaller unit holdings. In Zimbabwe, the Government believes that if some land is redistributed from the large -scale commercial (LSC) farmers to the smallholder farmers there will be some increase in productivity and improved income distribution for the people of the country (Ministry of Information, 2001). Sen (1982), as quoted by Alvarez and Arias (2001), found an inverse relationship between farm size and yields per acre, giving rise to a set of follow-up papers that tried to confirm these results. Kalaitzandonakes et al (1992) failed to find the best results when analysing the relationship between technical efficiency and size, with the results changing depending on the method used to estimate technical efficiency. Byiringiro and Reardon (1996) carried out a farm productivity study in Rwanda. They found that there was a strong inverse relationship between farm size and land productivity and the opposite for labour productivity. For smaller farms they found some evidence of allocative inefficiency in the use of land and labour. This they assumed, was due to factor market access constraints. They also found that farms with greater investment in soil conservation had much better land productivity than farms with average investment in soil conservation. Ajibetun, Battese and Daramola (1996) also investigated the factors that influenced the technical efficiencies (TE) of smallholder croppers in Nigeria. They used trans-log stochastic frontier production function instead of the Cobb-Douglas frontier function because the latter did not adequately represent their data. The estimated technical efficiencies of the sampled farmers varied widely, ranging from about 19 percent to 95 percent. 16 | P a g e Their results also indicate that the technical inefficiencies of production of farmers are significantly related to age and farming experience of the farmers, farm size and the ratio of hired-labour to total labour used. The inefficiency of these smallholder farmers was not significantly related to the size of farming operations of the farmers involved. Bekele, Viljoen and Ayele (2002), investigated the effect of farm size on the technical efficiency of wheat production in Central Ethiopia. The study covered the 2000/2001 cropping season, and a multi -stage sampling method was used to sample 199 respondents. Farm size was designated as the size of total cultivated land operated by the farm households and farms greater than 2 hectares were classified as large farms while those whose farm size were equal or less than two hectares were classified as small. They used yield of wheat per hectare as the dependent variable. Among the independent variables they used land area, seed, fertilizer, labour and traction. The maximum-likelihood estimates for the parameters of the stochastic frontier were obtained using the program, FRONTIER, version 4.1 developed by Coelli in 1994. Their results indicated that differences in technical efficiency exist between small and large farm groups owning more oxen; increased family size and more income per household reduce inefficiency in both large and small farm sizes. Although these authors came up with expected results the margin between their definition of large and small farm is rather too narrow. Better results could have been obtained if the difference between a larger and smaller farm was widened. Battese and Hassan (1998) investigated the efficiency of cotton farmers in Vehari District of Punjab, Pakistan. They analysed data from cotton farmers using a stochastic frontier production function model, in which technical inefficiency effects are assumed to be a function of other observable variables related to the farming operations. A questionnaire was used to collect details about operations of the farms especially varieties grown, yields obtained, the use of inputs like fertilizer, seed and pesticides. The sample size was 45 and the predicted technical efficiencies of these cotton farmers ranged from 0,699 to 0,991, with the mean technical efficiency estimated to be 0,930. This implies that, on average they were producing cotton to about 93 per cent of the potential (stochastic) frontier production levels, given the levels of their inputs and the technology being used. The empirical results also indicate that an increase in land area under cotton would result in greater productivity of cotton for the farmers. 17 | P a g e CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction The major thrust of the chapter is to look into ways of data collection, types of data used in the research, estimation procedures and possible relationship which exist between the variables being examined. It also focuses on the analytical framework of the study and provides the model used in carrying out the research, the variables to be included in the model both explanatory and dependent variables and justification of these variables. The model and some of the variables to be used emanates from the literature reviewed. 3.2 Model Specification The study will use both primary and secondary data. Secondary data will be useful for background information and to obtain a deeper understanding of the study. The main source of secondary data would be previous studies conducted in the area of study and primary data will be obtained from small holder farmers in Mazowe District. The area under study is located in Mashonaland Central province, and has a population of 232 885 and 63 632 households (Census 2012). It has 16 tracks of land with associated buildings devoted for agriculture and there are 3 main bodies of water moving to a lower level of channel on land which are Madzomba, Nyamasanga and Sawi. Morning sunrise at 06:05 and evening sunset at 17:48. It’s rough GPS position Latitude. -17.51670, Longitude. 30.96670. There is no significant whether temperature 110 C/ 520 F, wind 6.9 km/h East/North East and the clouds are clear (Travelling Luck for Mazowe 2013). The research will use a Cobb-Douglas Function to represent the relationship of an output to a set of inputs. Q=ALαKβ ………………..1 Where Q= output, A, α, β are constants L & K are labour and capital respectively Capital can be interchanged with labour without affecting output: P (L; K) =b LαKβ…………………………………….2 18 | P a g e Where P = total production L =labour input K =Capital input b= total factor productivity α & β are the output elasticities of labour and capital. Due to its flexibility, the stochastic frontier production function specification of the CobbDouglas model will be used in this. Defined in logarithmic form, the stochastic frontier production function would be as follows Log (Y) =β0 + β1ln (L) + β2ln (K) + β3ln (age) + β4ln (fert) + β5ln (hsehld) + β6ln (s) + β7ln (land) +V..................................................................................................3 Ln is the natural logarithm. Y = output β’s = regression coefficients L= labour K= capital AG= age of the household in years LA= area cultivated by the farmer S = expenditure on seed FERT= expenditure on fertiliser Hsehld = household size V = error term 19 | P a g e Variables to be on the questionnaire Independent variables Definition Values Age Age of the household in years Actual age in years Household size Number of people staying at Actual number in figures the farm Land Area cultivated by the farmer Continuous variable for maize production Seed Expenditure on seed (ha) in Continuous variable United States Dollars (USD) Fert Expenditure on fertiliser (ha) in Continuous variable USD Capital Capital devoted for maize Continuous variable production Labour Man hours worked per week Continuous variable Output Number of bags harvested per Continuous hectare 3.3 Justification of Variables 3.3.1 Capital It is vital in determining the total production in agriculture. The relationship between capital and output is expected to be positive in the study. Capital entails an increase capital goods or purchasing them and is measure in USD, it includes tractors, ploughs and many other machinery used. Development economics generally agree that lack of investment in agriculture is fundamental cause of continuing decline in production in developing nations. Official development assistance to agriculture has been declining over years and public investment have been limited by budgetary pressure (Herald 14 September 2006). In this study Coudere and Marijse’s argument is on smallholder was used. They argued that there is no variation in the types of equipment these farmers use. To represent capital the equipment’s used for maize production are used as proxies for their capital 20 | P a g e 3.3.2 Age This variable measures actual age of the responded of the household in years. Younger farmers are expected to be mechanically constrained than older farmers who are perceived to have acquired resources. Therefore, it is hypothesised that age of household head and machinery access are positively correlated. This is supported by an observation (Belete and Fraser 2003) that older farmers are likely to have more resources at their disposal. Contrary Dlova, Fraser, Belete (2004) found out that age is one of the factors that can affect the probability of a farmer being succefull. The study concluded that older farmers are less capable of carrying physical activities while younger ones are capable. They also added that they are more ready to adopt to modern technology. Although farmers become more skilful as they grow older, the learning by doing effect is attenuated as they approach middles age as physical strength starts to decline (Liu and Zhung 2000). Similar conclusion were made by Awundu and Huff man (2000). The reason for this is because the age pick up the effects of physical strength as well as farming experience of the household age. 3.3.3 Land The variable refers to the land size in hectares. Increase in land size may enhance production if the land is effectively utilised. At the same time land will be available but not effectively utilised. Effective utilisation will entail application of appropriate farm practises that will lead to high physical output than otherwise would be the case. A number of studies have noted an inverse relationship between farm size and yields. Van Zyl (1995) points out that international evidence indicates that a large-scale mechanised farm sector is generally inefficient especially when compared to small-scale family type farming. Van Zyl's argument is supported by Adesina and Djato (1996) who note that previous studies in Asia have tested for relative efficiency differences in terms of farm size and found that small wheat farms in the Indian Punjab were more economically efficient than large farms. The results from studies carried out in Pakistan contradicted those of the Indian State. According to Alvarez and Arias (2004), some studies have also failed to come up with concrete evidence of differences in the relative economic efficiency or its components of technical or allocative efficiency, between small and large farms. Cornia (1985) pointed out that those who adduce evidence for the inverse relationship used this to advocate for the redistribution of land from large-scale farmers into smaller unit holdings. In Zimbabwe, the Government believes that if some land is redistributed 21 | P a g e from the large -scale commercial (LSC) farmers to the smallholder farmers there will be some increase in productivity and improved income distribution for the people of the country (Ministry of Information, 2001). 3.3.4 Seed The use of hybrid maize seed produced by local seed companies or imported has gone down due to their high cost and need for foreign currency. When this seed is not available on time many farmers resort to using retained grain. Seed requirements are calculated by using the recommended seed rates and forecast area to be planted next year and are included in the total utilization. It is hypothesised that farmers with inadequate inputs are less likely to achieve higher levels of production leading to lack of purchasing power for machinery and equipment. 3.3.5 Fertiliser A number of studies established that fertiliser usage is positively related to output (Reardon et al 1996). Conversely a farm unit that is too constraint to afford adequate amount of fertiliser will most probably experience lower output. It is one of the land augmenting inputs that is likely to enhance land productivity, thus an increase in fertiliser usage leads to higher yields where rainfall is adequate. World Bank (2007) found out that an increased use of fertiliser accounted for at least 20% growth in agriculture in developing world over the last 30 years. The researcher expects a positive relationship between fertiliser and maize output. 3.3.6 Labour Labour marginal productivity in traditional sectors was thought to be negative or zero and thus it could be withdrawn without any reduction in the output. If the total output does not decrease through withdrawal of some labourers (who make no contribution to the output), then utilising the surplus of labour force in alternative occupation can increase national output. It was recognised by some development economist that for agricultural sector in developing sectors to perform these function, productivity must be through the application of new technology (Meller 1979). 3.3.7 Household size 22 | P a g e 3.4 Estimation Procedure and Diagnostic Test The econometric package STATA, will be used to for estimation of the results. Each independent variable will be tested for significance level on the dependent variable. The ordinary least square (OLS) method of regression is used in this research. 3.4.1 Heteroscedasticity Heteroscedasticity is a violation of one of the requirements of ordinary least squares (OLS) in which the error variance is not constant. The consequences of Heteroscedasticity are that the estimated coefficients are unbiased but inefficient. The variances are either too small or too large, leading to Type I or II errors in the presence of Heteroscedasticity ( type I error leads rejection of a true Null Hypothesis, while in type II error one accepts a false Null Hypothesis, OLS is not BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimator). However, in order to be sure of the level of Heteroscedasticity, the Breusch Pagan test is used. Some of the methods used to correct for Heteroscedasticity are transformation of data into natural logarithms and the generalized least squares (GLS), also known as the weighted least squares (WLS). 3.4.2 Multicollinearity Assumption 10 of the Classical Linear Regression Model (CLRM) is that there is no Multicollinearity among regressors included in the model. The term Multicollinearity is due to Frisch (1934). Originally it meant the existence a “perfect”, or exact linear relationship among some or all explanatory variables of a regression model. If it is perfect, the regression coefficients of the X variables are indeterminate and their standard errors are infinite. If it’s less than perfect, the regression coefficients, although determinate possess large standard errors (in relation to the coefficients themselves), which means the coefficients cannot be estimated with great precision or accuracy. Whenever Multicollinearity is present the remedy is to drop the variable with high R2 or do nothing, it results in wrong signs of the estimated parameters. A correlation statistic that is greater than 0.8 reflect high correlation among variables (Barnes et al 1978). Multicollinearity will be conducted on the null hypothesis that there is high correlation between variables against the alternative that there is no high correlation. 3.4.3 Data types and sources 23 | P a g e Primary data will be collected from farmers using a survey method involving structured questionnaire. DeVuas (2002) defined a questionnaire as a general term to include all techniques of data collection in which each person is asked to respond to the same set of questions in a predetermined order. Cross sectional data was obtained from A1 farmers in Mazowe District. 354 self-administered questionnaires were used to randomly collect data from a population size of 3963 farmers (Krejcie and Morgan 1960). Battese (1998) unless random sampling methods are used in obtaining the sample of the farmers, the analysis of the data may be of no benefit in making inference for the whole population. Thus, in-order to obtain farm level data on inputs and output on maize and other variables which are important for the study random sampling of farms was selected. It was not feasible for researcher to attempt to collect data on all possible crops grown by the farmers in the population involved, because the questionnaire may be too long and complicated to ensure high response rate and quality data as noted by Battese (1998). This is why the study was restricted to the analysis of one of the most important crops involved in the district which is maize. The student believes that the questionnaire produced managed to collect precise data required to answer the research question, as many authors for example (Bell 2005 and Oppenheim 2000) argue that it is far harder to produce a good questionnaire. 3.4.4 Conclusion To sum up, the chapter specified the model, justified the variables, and expressed the diagnostic tests, and the data types and sources. The next chapter focuses on the results presentation and interpretation CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction This chapter represents the results of the findings in the context of estimating a maize production function. The data represented was collected from 354 smallholder farmers in 24 | P a g e Mazowe district. The aim of this chapter is to highlight the input output relationship in maize production. The chapter begins with the diagnostic checks test results, followed by regression results and lastly marginal effects. 4.2 Diagnostic Test Results 4.2.1 Multicollinearity Test Results The term Multicollinearity is due to Frisch (1934) that originally meant the existence of a, “perfect”, or exact relationship among or some explanatory variables (Gujaratti, 2011). The Multicollinearity test is carried under the null hypothesis that the explanatory variables are not correlated against the alternative that there is correlation. Table 4.1 Correlation matrix results land1 seed1 fert1 K1 L1 age1 hsehld1 land1 1.0000 0.6197 0.6317 0.3065 0.5174 -0.1480 0.3566 seed1 fert1 K1 L1 age1 hsehld1 1.0000 0.5116 0.3842 0.3917 -0.2801 0.3465 1.0000 0.4579 0.4198 -0.0757 0.4111 1.0000 0.2388 0.1039 0.3446 1.0000 0.0288 0.3442 1.0000 0.1660 1.0000 As a rule of thumb, if the pairwise or zero order correlation coefficient between two regressors is high, exceeding 0.8, multicollinearity is considered to be severe. Blanchard (1967) posited that multicollinearity is essentially a data deficiency problem (micronumerosity). The correlation table 4.1 shows the entries along the main diagonal which show variable’s own correlation whilst pair-wise correlations that occur between explanatory variables are presented by entries off the main diagonal. The researcher did not reject the null hypothesis that there is 25 | P a g e no multicollinearity since there is no perfect multicollinearity therefore researcher adopts the do nothing approach (Blanchard, 1967). 4.2.2 Heteroskedasticity Test Results An important assumption of the classical linear regression model is that the disturbance term in the population regression function are homoscedasticity, that is they all have the same variance. Persisting in using the usual testing procedure despite Heteroscedasticity, whatever conclusion drawn or inference made may be misleading. Table 4.2 Breusch-Pagan/Cook-Weisberg test for heteroscedasticity Chi2(1) 102.10 Prob > chi2 0.0000 The study tested the null hypothesis that the error variances are all equal versus the alternative that the error variance are all multiplicative function of one or more variables. From table 4.2 shown above the alternative hypothesis states that the error term variance increases (decreases) as the predicted values of Log Y increases for example, the bigger the Log Y increases, the bigger the error variance. A large chi-square of 102.10 indicated that heteroscedasticity was present. In-order to correct for heteroscedasticity the researcher used Robust Standard Errors and it relaxed the assumption that the errors are identically distributed. 4.2.3 REGRESSION RESULTS A Cobb-Douglas function was used to run estimates of a production function between the dependant and independent variables. The outcome in the table below shows six variables that contributed significantly to the production function. The variables are age, household, seed, labour, fertiliser and land. Table 4.3 Regression Results Output1 26 | P a g e Coefficient Robust Error Std t P>t land1 seed1 fert1 K1 L1 age1 hsehld1 _cons 0.231 0.433 0.245 0.012 0.167 -0.160 0.067 0.424 0.034 0.089 0.038 0.009 0.043 0.044 0.023 0.345 6.88 4.86 6.41 1.32 3.85 -3.63 2.97 1.23 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.219 Number of observation = 352 F (7,346) =83.78 Prob >F =0.0000 R-squared =0.7798 Root MSE =0.12192 4.2.4 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS Significance of the whole model is revealed by the F-statistic and the predictability capacity was shown by the R2 (the coefficient of determination). The F statistic value of 83.78 far more exceeds the required rule of thumb of 5. As ascertained by Gujarati (2004) it is apparent that the null hypothesis of coefficients of explanatory variable being simultaneously equal to zero is rejected. By the same token the p-value of F-statistic is 0.000 which is way less than 0.05 equally signifies the significance of the whole model. Meanwhile, R-squared shows goodness of fit of a model as the value of R2 obtained is greater than 50%. The observed R2 is 0.7798 shows variables in the model better explains the variability of the dependent variable (maize output). Approximately, 78 percent of the variation in the regressed (maize output) is due to variation in seven explanatory variables that is land size, seedling, fertiliser, capital, labour, farmer’s age and farmers’ household size. The remaining 22 percent is due to other stochastic factors. The regression results show that all variables except age of the farmer are positively related to maize output. The results also shows that except capital all variables had a significant relationship with maize output. The variable capital was insignificant because equipment owned was used as a proxy for their capital. This results concurs with Condere & Marijses’s (1998) whose argument was that there is no variation in the types of equipment smallholder farmers use. 27 | P a g e The results shows that an increase in any one of these except age of the farmer will increase maize output. The significance of variables is measured by the t-statistic values. A variable is said to be significant if its absolute t-statistic is greater than two or a neighbour of 2. From the results all variables (except capital) are significant in explaining variation in maize output since all t-statistic are greater than 2. The results shows land size (Land1) coefficient of 0.231 which is positive and significant since p-value is 0.000 and the t-statistic (6.88) is greater than 2, hence the relationship is significant at all levels. This suggests a unit increase in land size result in 0.23 units increase in maize output. The positive impact of land size on maize output was expected as testified by Cornia (1985) who finds that an increase in land size have a direct positive relationship with output. Results shows the coefficient of 0.433 which indicates a positive and significant as the p-value is 0.000 and the t-statistic (4.86) is greater than 2, showing significantly that a percentage increase on money spend on seed will lead to a 43.3% increase in maize output. The results are in line with Benson (199), who observe that seedling is positively related to maize output highlighting that an increase in money spend on seeds will increase maize output levels. The results would be relevant to show most Zimbabwean maize farmers are unable to afford hybrid seeds they use local seed which are cheaper. The implication is that locally unimproved maize seed most farmer’s plant are significantly out-yield even those fertilised. Basing again on the regression, results have shown that the coefficient of fertilizer (fert1) is positive and significant as the p-value is 0.000 and the t-statistic (6.41) is greater than 2. There is strong evidence that amount of fertiliser is positively related to maize productivity in Zimbabwe. The results shows the coefficient of fertiliser as 0.245 which shows that a percent increase in money spend on fertiliser is lease to about 25% increase in maize output. This result reveals that a unit increase in fertiliser result in one quarter increase in maize output level. As such, the results conform finding from various researchers who find that fertiliser plays a vital role in maize productivity in agriculture. Basing again on the regression, results have shown that the coefficient of Labour (L1) is positive and significant as the p-value is 0.000 and the t-statistic (3.85) is greater than 2. There is strong evidence that amount of labour is positively related to maize productivity in Zimbabwe. The results shows the coefficient of labour as 0.167 which shows that a percent increase in money spend on hiring an extra employee will lead to about 17% increase in maize output. The findings of this study did not compliment that of Meller (1979) who establish that 28 | P a g e labour marginal productivity was thought to be negative or zero and that labour can be withdrawn without affecting output. Basing again on the regression, results have shown that the coefficient of age (age1) is negative and significant as the p-value is 0.000 and the t-statistic (3.63) is greater than 2. There is strong evidence that as a farmer gets old this negatively affects productivity in Zimbabwe. The results shows the coefficient of age as -0.16 which shows that a percent increase number of years will lead to about 16% decrease in maize output. The findings of this study compliment that of Belete and Fraser (2003) who find that youthful farmers are innovative than their older counterparts. The results have shown that the coefficient of household size (hsehld1) is positive and significant as the p-value is 0.003 and the t-statistic (2.97) is greater than 2. There is strong evidence that as farmers has more individuals as family members old this positively affects productivity at the farm. The results shows the coefficient of age as 0.067 which shows that a percent increase household size will lead to about 7% increase in maize output. The findings of this study compliment that of Setumbwe (2000) who find that smallholders farmers mainly depends on family free labour such that family size has a direct relationship with the output farmers produces 4.3 CONCLUSION This chapter presented and interpreted the results obtained from a Cobb-Douglas function. In conclusion, only one variable capital proved to be insignificant and age showed an inverse relationship with output. Chapter 5 will now highlight policy recommendation. CHAPTER FIVE POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSION 5.0 INTRODUCTION After researching and presenting findings in previous chapters, this chapter dispenses the major objective of empirical that is recommending policy makers courses of main action that can be 29 | P a g e perused as remedies. It outlines summary of the study, policy recommendations, and suggestions for future studies, limitations and delimitations of the study. 5.1 SUMMARY OF THE STUDY In the first chapter of this research, the researcher briefly looked at the background of maize production in Zimbabwe from previous years to date. Various trends on maize output were highlighted. The chapter also highlighted the introduction of maize from Europe to Southern and Central America and how it later spread to Africa. The main objective was to estimate the relationship between maize output and main traditional inputs and investigate some socioeconomic factors which also affect maize production. After establishing the objectives the researcher went on to look at related theoretical and empirical literature as well as determinants of maize production. Most literature suggested that socio-economic factors and traditional inputs factors have an impact on maize production. In chapter 3, the researcher looked at the methodology used to estimate the maize production function. The Cobb-Douglas function was used and found that al variables has a positive relationship with output except for capital. 5.2 POLICY RECOMMENDATION Due to a decline in agricultural production from year 2000, the country has not been meeting its requirements for maize to feed its people. This was triggered by high seasonal rainfall patterns deviating from the mean. This calls for investments in construction of more dams to be used for irrigation, in order to reduce high import bill on maize and to eradicate poverty. We also recommend that Agritex programmes should be introduced at community level. This involves periodic visits by officer to farmers and educate them on maize farming. This education may help improve the quality and yields on maize in Mazowe district. 5.3 SUGGESTION FOR FUTURE STUDIES The researcher advises upcoming researchers to dwell on some areas which are very important but due to some constraints he failed to cover the area and is perceived to be of paramount importance, these include the importance of farmer education in enhancing productivity, financial assistance of smallholder farmer through credit facility to purchase inputs and 30 | P a g e irrigation among others. Future researchers should change the sample size of households that may alter the significance of the variables. 5.4 LIMITATIONS AND DELIMITATIONS • Some information was restricted and considered confidential and this became lengthy to the researcher to compile data • Availability of information on past researchers estimating maize production function was very limited and the researcher had to use very old studies and other production functions not of maize. • Financial constraint was the major problem as the researcher had to go through the whole district, travelling using own transport. 5.4.1DELIMITATIONS The research was only limited to smallholder farmers in Mazowe district but there are many districts in the province and that random sampling was used to interview only farmers who reside in the district. 5.5 CONCLUSION A thorough research was embarked to estimate a maize production function for smallholder farmers in Mazowe district. Objectives of the study cemented the background of the research as was traced by the researcher. To attain the desired outcome both theoretical and empirical review complemented the methodology used. Out of the seven explanatory variables in the model, only one (capital) was not significant. In order to highlight some areas which require attention for research the author offered some recommendation based on the findings of this study. 31 | P a g e List of Acronyms AP Average Product BLUE Best Linear Unbiased Estimator CLRM Classical Linear Regression Model DDF District Development Fund GDP Gross Domestic Product GLS Generalised List Squares GMB Grain Marketing Board 32 | P a g e GoZ Government of Zimbabwe LCS Large Commercial Scale MDG Milleminium Developmental Goals MP Marginal Product OLS Ordinary Least Squares TE Technical Efficiency UN United Nations USD Unites States Dollar USDA United States Department of Agriculture WLS Weighted List Squares ZIMSTAT Zimbabwe Statistical Agency List of Tables Table 1 : Mean range of maize (ha) grown by farmers in Mashonaland Province for 4 years. 2 : Average Maize production per district 2003-2006 3 : Total Production Function 33 | P a g e 4 : Variables to be on the questionnaire 4.1 : Correlation Matrix Results 4.2 : Bruesch- Pagan/ Cook Weisberg test for Heteroscedasticity 4.3 : Regression Results Reference List Awudu, A and Huffman, W (2000). 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APPENDICES Appendix 1: Questionnaire MIDLANDS STATE UNIVERSITY FALCULTY OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS 36 | P a g e My name is Elias Chipatiso level 4.2 student from MSU with registration number R112185J studying towards a Bachelor of Commerce Economics Honours Degree. I am currently doing a research: Estimating a maize production function for smallholder farmers in Mazowe District in partial fulfilment of my degree. I would like to find out the factors that affect maize output in the area under study. The responses to this questionnaire will be confidentially treated, and strictly be for academic purposes only. Instructions ο· No names required on this questionnaire ο· Tick where necessary 1. Gender Male 2. Age of household head 3. Household size Female ……… ……… 4. Is your maize production under irrigation? Yes No 5. Land size used for maize production (in hectares) ………….. 6. Which farming equipment’s do you own? Hoes Ox-drawn ploughs Tractor scotch cart/ trailer 7. Do you own any not mentioned above, if yes please specify? ………………………………………………………… 8. What type of inputs do you use and how much do they cost? Items 37 | P a g e Type Amount hectare) (Kg’s per Value in USD Seed Fertiliser Chemicals Other 9. 10. How many bags of maize do you get per hectare? ……………….. What level of agricultural training have you attained? None Master Farmer Cert-Diploma Other 11. How many hours do you spend in the field per day? ………… 12. How many days do you work in the field per week? .................... Appendix 2: Data Set Output land seed fert K L 35 3.5 42 144 800 20 1.5 23 99 800 40 4.7 46 102 1500 38 3 38 96 620 45 5 40 136 600 38 2 33 136 750 49 4.5 40 102 900 47 4 46 170 850 39 3 40 100 650 44 4.5 46 105 740 48 3.5 46 170 800 51 5.5 46 165 6500 38 | P a g e age 45 30 40 36 49 42 49 42 30 42.5 41.5 49 hsehld 45 60 40 38 63 52 49 47 39 44 48 51 6 4 6 4 7 8 9 6 6 9 6 11 37 47 39 40 44 20 26 45 42 40 41 46 37 40 47 51 15 17 39 44 46 46 48 49 47 41 37 50 49 49 15 35 50 45 36 47 42 39 49 44 40 51 37 35 44 40 39 | P a g e 2 4 2.5 3.5 4 2.5 3 4 3.8 4 3.4 4.6 2.5 2.9 3.5 5 1.2 1.5 3 3.6 3.9 3.5 4 4.2 5 5.5 1.5 5.5 3.5 4 1.4 3 5.5 5 3.5 4 3.5 3 3.7 3.8 3.5 4.6 3.5 3.5 3 3.25 38 44 40 40 42 23 22 48 40 44 46 40 36 40 44 48 23 23 30 40 40 44 42 40 42 42 38 46 40 46 21 40 46 44 35 42 40 38 40 46 38 46 35 42 42 42 93 101.4 99 100.41 136 90 66 140 136 102 132 165 70 99 120 170 64 62 75 132 136 140 165 136 170 124 144 170 155 160 96 108 155 136 93 130 125 102 150 120 124 165 96 120 140 124 700 900 650 1200 1250 500 600 1600 1250 1800 3500 4000 800 1500 1300 3500 350 450 700 1300 4200 4000 6000 6500 5200 3500 1550 6570 3000 3500 450 720 5500 3600 550 6200 5000 900 3700 3000 2800 6500 1120 650 5600 2500 40 40 41.25 49 45 32 41.25 45 40 36 42 44 40 42 44 49 28 30 36 40 42 40 35 41.25 35 52.5 28 45 42 41.25 20 36 41.5 37.5 20 40 41.25 28 30 40 41.25 45 42 40 36 35 63 47 39 40 51 64 68 45 42 40 63 66 37 40 47 51 61 69 39 44 46 51 48 49 47 65 37 51 51 49 63 60 50 45 36 47 42 39 49 68 71 51 66 35 44 40 4 8 9 7 7 4 4 9 7 4 7 9 5 8 6 8 4 7 4 6 8 4 7 8 7 6 5 8 9 6 3 6 7 7 5 4 7 2 7 5 15 14 5 7 10 6 37 49 43 37 39 44 42 35 48 52 49 47 39 41 52 46 35 20 40 38 50 38 49 47 39 44 48 51 37 47 39 40 37 50 49 49 15 35 50 45 36 47 42 39 49 44 40 | P a g e 2 4 4.2 1.5 2.8 3 3.5 2 4.5 5 5 3.5 3.8 3.5 4 2.9 3.5 2 4.7 3 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 4.5 3.5 5.4 2.25 4 3.6 3.5 1.5 4.5 3.5 4 1.5 3 5.5 5 3 4 3.5 4.5 2.5 3.5 40 46 48 24 44 40 45 40 40 50 40 44 46 42 46 44 42 38 46 44 40 42 40 44 40 42 40 46 38 48 40 42 44 40 40 40 40 40 46 44 42 40 42 42 40 46 99 110 136 96 100 145 120 96 124 141 136 124 120 140 155 136 102 70 124 96 170 99 136 165 100 155 132 231 132 220 132 198 120 231 160 155 66 102 170 210 120 165 136 115 150 120 600 550 4500 6500 1200 6700 4200 520 1200 5000 1700 1700 6500 5700 5200 6000 6500 1900 2000 1700 2300 750 1560 1650 750 5200 5500 6500 4500 4300 2500 4000 1600 6570 3000 3500 900 720 6000 4700 2500 6200 2800 3500 4000 2700 25 44 50 35 45 52.5 40 45 49 42 30 41.25 30 52.5 30 42 45 25 40 45 49 36 42 41.25 30 52.5 41.5 37.5 40 40 41.25 49 28 30 30 41.25 20 28 41.5 37.5 35 40 36 40 42 44 37 49 43 69 53 44 67 58 54 52 49 70 61 41 62 58 45 60 40 38 63 52 49 47 39 44 48 51 63 47 39 40 37 51 51 49 63 60 50 45 36 47 42 39 49 68 4 7 7 9 12 8 9 3 6 13 8 5 9 4 12 9 5 4 9 4 6 8 4 6 4 6 7 9 4 8 5 9 7 8 5 6 3 6 11 7 4 4 7 2 7 7 40 51 37 35 37 40 37 47 43 37 39 35 20 40 38 45 38 49 47 39 44 48 51 37 47 39 40 44 20 37 50 49 49 15 35 50 45 36 47 42 39 49 44 40 51 37 41 | P a g e 3.5 5 2.8 3.5 3 3.5 2 3.75 4 2.2 3.5 3.5 1.2 4.7 3 5 3 4.5 4 3.5 4.5 5.4 5.5 3.5 4 4.5 3.5 4 2 1.5 5.5 3.5 4 1.4 3 5.5 5 3.5 4 3.5 3 3.7 3.8 3.5 4.6 3.5 44 46 48 42 42 42 40 42 48 40 40 42 40 46 44 42 42 46 50 42 42 40 40 35 46 42 40 42 23 38 46 40 46 21 40 46 44 35 42 40 38 40 46 38 46 35 124 165 120 120 130 136 90 100 93 85 100 102 66 124 96 160 93 124 136 100 165 170 235 132 215 124 132 165 70 144 170 155 160 96 108 155 136 93 130 125 102 150 120 124 165 96 1500 6000 4250 1700 2650 1750 1600 1550 4500 6500 2500 6500 4600 1400 620 2400 6600 560 900 5600 740 640 680 4500 650 600 550 4500 6500 1550 6570 3000 3500 450 720 5500 3600 550 6200 5000 900 3700 3000 2800 6500 1120 41.25 45 40 36 35 30 25 30 39 35 45 20 28 40 45 49 42 30 41.25 30 52.5 41.5 40 40 41.25 49 35 40 28 45 42 41.25 20 36 41.5 37.5 20 40 41.25 28 30 40 41.25 45 42 71 51 66 35 44 40 37 49 43 69 53 45 60 40 38 63 52 49 47 39 44 48 51 63 47 39 40 51 64 37 51 51 49 63 60 50 45 36 47 42 39 49 68 71 51 66 8 9 7 4 6 5 5 4 7 9 5 5 4 9 4 6 8 6 6 5 4 8 9 6 7 4 5 7 4 5 8 9 6 3 6 7 7 5 4 7 2 7 5 15 14 5 35 44 40 37 49 43 37 39 44 42 35 48 52 49 47 39 41 52 46 35 20 40 38 45 38 49 47 39 44 48 40 41 46 37 40 47 51 15 17 39 44 46 46 48 49 35 42 | P a g e 3.5 3 3.25 2 4 4.2 1.5 2.8 3 3.5 2 4.5 5 5 3.5 3.8 3.5 4 2.9 3.5 2 4.7 3 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 4.5 3.5 4 3.4 4.6 2.5 2.9 3.5 5 1.2 1.5 3 3.6 3.9 3.5 4 4.2 3.5 42 42 42 40 46 48 24 44 40 45 40 40 50 40 44 46 42 46 44 42 38 46 44 40 42 40 44 40 42 40 44 46 40 36 40 44 48 23 23 30 40 40 44 42 40 42 120 140 124 99 110 136 96 100 145 120 96 124 141 136 124 120 140 155 136 102 70 124 96 170 99 136 165 100 155 132 102 132 165 70 99 120 170 64 62 75 132 136 140 165 136 144 650 5600 2500 600 550 4500 6500 1200 6700 4200 520 1200 5000 1700 1700 6500 5700 5200 6000 6500 1900 2000 1700 2300 750 1560 1650 750 5200 5500 1800 3500 4000 800 1500 1300 3500 350 450 700 1300 4200 4000 6000 6500 800 40 36 35 25 44 50 35 45 52.5 40 45 49 42 30 41.25 30 52.5 30 42 45 25 40 45 49 36 42 41.25 30 52.5 41.5 36 42 44 40 42 44 49 28 30 36 40 42 40 35 41.25 45 35 44 40 37 49 43 69 53 44 67 58 54 52 49 70 61 41 62 58 45 60 40 38 63 52 49 47 39 44 48 40 63 66 37 40 47 51 61 69 39 44 46 51 48 49 45 7 10 6 4 7 7 9 12 8 9 3 6 13 8 5 9 4 12 9 5 4 9 4 6 8 4 6 4 6 7 4 7 9 5 8 6 8 4 7 4 6 8 4 7 8 6 20 40 38 45 38 49 47 39 44 48 51 37 47 39 40 45 20 40 40 37 50 49 49 15 35 50 45 36 47 42 39 49 44 40 51 36 47 42 39 49 44 40 51 37 35 37 43 | P a g e 1.5 4.7 3 5 2 4.5 4 3 4.5 3.5 5.5 2 4 2.5 3.5 4 2.5 3.6 3.5 1.5 4.5 3.5 4 1.5 3 5.5 5 3 4 3.5 4.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 5 3 4 3.5 4.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 5 2.8 3.5 3 23 46 38 40 33 40 46 40 46 46 46 38 44 40 40 42 23 40 42 44 40 40 40 40 40 46 44 42 40 42 42 40 46 44 46 42 40 42 42 40 46 44 46 48 42 42 99 102 96 136 136 102 170 100 105 170 165 93 101.4 99 100.41 136 90 132 198 120 231 160 155 66 102 170 210 120 165 136 115 150 120 124 165 120 165 136 115 150 120 124 165 120 120 130 800 1500 620 600 750 900 850 650 740 800 6500 700 900 650 1200 1200 500 2500 4000 1600 6570 3000 3500 900 720 6000 4700 2500 6200 2800 3500 4000 2700 1500 6000 2500 6200 2800 3500 4000 2700 1500 6000 4250 1700 2650 30 40 36 49 42 49 42 30 42.5 41.5 49 40 40 41.25 49 45 32 41.25 49 28 30 30 41.25 20 28 41.5 37.5 35 40 36 40 42 44 41.25 45 35 40 36 40 42 44 41.25 45 40 36 35 60 40 38 63 52 49 47 39 44 48 51 63 47 39 40 51 64 39 40 37 51 51 49 63 60 50 45 36 47 42 39 49 68 71 51 36 47 42 39 49 68 71 51 66 35 44 4 6 4 7 8 9 6 6 9 6 11 4 8 9 7 7 4 5 9 7 8 5 6 3 6 11 7 4 4 7 2 7 7 8 9 4 4 7 2 7 7 8 9 7 4 6 40 37 47 43 37 39 35 20 40 38 45 38 49 47 39 44 48 51 37 47 39 40 47 39 40 44 20 26 45 42 40 41 46 37 40 47 51 15 17 39 44 46 46 48 49 47 44 | P a g e 3.5 2 3.75 4 2.2 3.5 3.5 1.2 4.7 3 5 3 4.5 4 3.5 4.5 5.4 5.5 3.5 4 4.5 3.5 4 2.5 3.5 4 2.5 3 4 3.8 4 3.4 4.6 2.5 2.9 3.5 5 1.2 1.5 3 3.6 3.9 3.5 4 4.2 5 42 40 42 48 40 40 42 40 46 44 42 42 46 50 42 42 40 40 35 46 42 40 44 40 40 42 23 22 48 40 44 46 40 36 40 44 48 23 23 30 40 40 44 42 40 42 136 90 100 93 85 100 102 66 124 96 160 93 124 136 100 165 170 235 132 215 124 132 101.4 99 100.41 136 90 66 140 136 102 132 165 70 99 120 170 64 62 75 132 136 140 165 136 170 1750 1600 1550 4500 6500 2500 6500 4600 1400 620 2400 6600 560 900 5600 740 640 680 4500 650 600 550 900 650 1200 1250 500 600 1600 1250 1800 3500 4000 800 1500 1300 3500 350 450 700 1300 4200 4000 6000 6500 5200 30 25 30 39 35 45 20 28 40 45 49 42 30 41.25 30 52.5 41.5 40 40 41.25 49 40 41.25 49 45 32 41.25 45 40 36 42 44 40 42 44 49 28 30 36 40 42 40 35 41.25 35 40 37 49 43 69 53 45 60 40 38 63 52 49 47 39 44 48 51 63 47 39 40 47 39 40 51 64 68 45 42 40 63 66 37 40 47 51 61 69 39 44 46 51 48 49 47 5 5 4 7 9 5 5 4 9 4 6 8 6 6 5 4 8 9 6 7 4 5 8 9 7 7 4 4 9 7 4 7 9 5 8 6 8 4 7 4 6 8 4 7 8 7 41 37 50 49 49 15 35 50 45 36 47 35 20 40 38 45 38 49 47 39 44 48 40 20 40 38 50 38 49 47 39 44 48 51 37 47 39 40 15 35 50 45 36 47 42 39 45 | P a g e 5.5 1.5 5.5 3.5 4 1.4 3 5.5 5 3.5 4 3.5 2 4.7 3 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 4.5 3.5 4 2 4.7 3 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 4.5 3.5 5.4 2.25 4 3.6 3.5 1.4 3 5.5 5 3.5 4 3.5 3 42 38 46 40 46 21 40 46 44 35 42 42 38 46 44 40 42 40 44 40 42 40 44 38 46 44 40 42 40 44 40 42 40 46 38 48 40 42 21 40 46 44 35 42 40 38 124 144 170 155 160 96 108 155 136 93 130 102 70 124 96 170 99 136 165 100 155 132 102 70 124 96 170 99 136 165 100 155 132 231 132 220 132 198 96 108 155 136 93 130 125 102 3500 1550 6570 3000 3500 450 720 5500 3600 550 6200 6500 1900 2000 1700 2300 750 1560 1650 750 5200 5500 1800 1900 2000 1700 2300 750 1560 1650 750 5200 5500 6500 4500 4300 2500 4000 450 720 5500 3600 550 6200 5000 900 52.5 28 45 42 41.25 20 36 41.5 37.5 20 40 45 25 40 45 49 36 42 41.25 30 52.5 41.5 36 25 40 45 49 36 42 41.25 30 52.5 41.5 37.5 40 40 41.25 49 20 36 41.5 37.5 20 40 41.25 28 65 37 51 51 49 63 60 50 45 36 47 45 60 40 38 63 52 49 47 39 44 48 40 60 40 38 63 52 49 47 39 44 48 51 63 47 39 40 63 60 50 45 36 47 42 39 6 5 8 9 6 3 6 7 7 5 4 5 4 9 4 6 8 4 6 4 6 7 4 4 9 4 6 8 4 6 4 6 7 9 4 8 5 9 3 6 7 7 5 4 7 2 49 44 40 51 37 35 44 40 37 39 35 20 40 38 45 38 49 47 51 37 3.7 3.8 3.5 4.6 3.5 3.5 3 3.25 2.2 3.5 3.5 1.2 4.7 3 5 3 4.5 4 4.6 3.5 40 46 38 46 35 42 42 42 40 40 42 40 46 44 42 42 46 50 46 35 150 120 124 165 96 120 140 124 85 100 102 66 124 96 160 93 124 136 165 96 3700 3000 2800 6500 1120 650 5600 2500 6500 2500 6500 4600 1400 620 2400 6600 560 900 6500 1120 Appendix 3: Diagnostic Test Results Heteroskedasticity Test Results . hettest Breusch-Pagan / Cook-Weisberg test for heteroskedasticity Ho: Constant variance Variables: fitted values of Output1 chi2(1) = Prob > chi2 = 102.10 0.0000 Multicollinearity Test Results 46 | P a g e 30 40 41.25 45 42 40 36 35 35 45 20 28 40 45 49 42 30 41.25 45 42 49 68 71 51 66 35 44 40 69 53 45 60 40 38 63 52 49 47 51 66 7 5 15 14 5 7 10 6 9 5 5 4 9 4 6 8 6 6 14 5 . correlate land1 seed1 fert1 K1 L1 age1 hsehld1 (obs=352) land1 seed1 fert1 K1 L1 age1 hsehld1 land1 seed1 fert1 K1 L1 age1 hsehld1 1.0000 0.6197 0.6317 0.3065 0.5174 -0.1480 0.3566 1.0000 0.5116 0.3842 0.3917 -0.2801 0.3465 1.0000 0.4579 0.4198 -0.0757 0.4111 1.0000 0.2388 0.1039 0.3446 1.0000 0.0288 0.3442 1.0000 0.1660 1.0000 Appendix 4: Regression Results 47 | P a g e . reg Output1 land1 seed1 fert1 K1 L1 age1 hsehld1, robust Linear regression 48 | P a g e Number of obs F(7, 344) Prob > F R-squared Root MSE Output1 Coef. land1 seed1 fert1 K1 L1 age1 hsehld1 _cons .2309796 .4334195 .2446988 .0121101 .1666394 -.16023 .0670454 .4243635 Robust Std. Err. .033573 .0890937 .0381859 .0091805 .0433389 .0440841 .0225907 .3447032 t 6.88 4.86 6.41 1.32 3.85 -3.63 2.97 1.23 P>|t| 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.188 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.219 = = = = = 352 83.78 0.0000 0.7798 .12192 [95% Conf. Interval] .1649453 .2581826 .1695915 -.0059469 .0813967 -.2469383 .0226122 -.2536277 .2970139 .6086564 .3198061 .030167 .251882 -.0735217 .1114787 1.102355