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Affidavit of Desistance: Sample Template

Republic of the Philippines)
Makati City
) S.S.
I, Mary-Joyce B. Buraga, of legal age, single, Filipino, with residence at 22B Baker Street, City
of Makati, under oath and hereby depose and state that:
1. I am the private complainant in a criminal case for Malicious Mischief against Steve
Harrington docketed as IS No. XV-01-INV-6619 before the Office of the City Prosecutor,
Makati City.
2. In this regard, Steve Harrington already asked for my forgiveness and have given me a
considerable amount of money which I accepted.
3. In view of the forgiveness asked and payment made by the accused and considering
that I will be moving to US and won’t be able to attend hearings, I would like to manifest
that I now completely and absolutely exonerate the accused from any liability in
connection with the above-mentioned criminal case and that I am no longer interested,
and I hereby desist, in prosecuting the said criminal case; and
4. As such, I respectfully pray that the aforementioned case against Steve Harrington be
withdrawn and/or dismissed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name below this 21st day of September,
2022 at the City of Makati.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ________ day of _____, 2022 at the City of
Doc. No. __________
Page No.__________
Book No. __________
Series of 2022. _____
Republic of the Philippines)
Manila City
) S.S.
I, JUDIEANNE N. ABEJERO-BONIFACIO, of legal age, married, Filipino, with
residence at 2661 Enrique Street, Barangay 755, Sta. Ana, Manila, under oath hereby depose and
state that:
1. I am the wife of AMIEL JOHN C. BONIFACIO;
2. He is unemployed because of illness and old age.
3. Due to his unemployment and my inability to work because of my old age, we have
no source of income. As proof of my indigency, I have attached as “Annex A” is a
Certificate of Indigency issued by the Barangay Chairperson of Barangay 755, Sta. Ana,
4. Due to these reasons, we are entitled to the benefits of Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program or 4Ps.
5. I am executing this affidavit based on my personal knowledge, to attest the truth of all
the above facts for the purpose of applying for the 4Ps, and for whatever legal purposes
this may serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have thereunto signed my name below this 21st day of 2022
at Sta. Ana, Manila.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____ exhibiting this competent proof
of identity this day of ____, 2022 in _________, Manila.
Doc. No. __________
Page No. __________
Book No. __________
Series of 2022.
Republic of the Philippines)
Makati City
) S.S.
I, Coleen B. Micosa, of legal age, single, Filipino, with residence at 032 Maguyam,
Silang, Cavite, under oath, hereby depose and state that:
1. I am a duly-licensed driver in accordance with pertinent Land Transportation laws,
rules and regulations, and was issued corresponding (Non) Professional Driver’s
License with number 020-000-123, which is valid until November 04, 2022;
2. Sometime on September 20, 2022 said driver’s license was misplaced and got
3. Efforts were exerted to located said driver’s license, but in spite of diligent search,
it could not be found and the same is now beyond recovery;
4. Said driver’s license has not been confiscated by the LTO, Police or other Traffic
Officers for any traffic violation;
5. As such, I am executing this Affidavit of Loss to attest to the truth of the foregoing
and to support my application for the issuance of a new (Non) Professional Driver’s
License, in lieu of the one that was lost;
IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of September
2022 in Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines.
SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN TO before me this ________________ in
_____________, Philippines, affiant exhibiting to me her competent evidence of identity
by way of _______________ issued at __________________ on __________________.
Doc. No. ___;
Page No. ___;
Book no. ___;
Series of 2022
Republic of the Philippines )
Makati City
) S.S.
I, Ma. Donawenn P. Alfonso, of legal age, single, Filipino, with residence at 87 Gen.
Luna St. Tuktukan, City of Taguig, under oath, hereby depose and state that:
1. I am the borrower of book titled Criminal Procedure A Bar Lecture Series by William
Riano with barcode no, ABC123;
2. I borrowed the book last September 14, 2022 to review for our class;
3. The said book is still under my possession;
4. I undertake to return the book on on September 23, 2022.
I am executing this affidavit based on my personal knowledge, to attest the truth of all
the above facts, and to undertake the return of the borrowed book, and for whatever legal
purposes this may serve.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name below, this 21st day of
September 2022, at the City of Makati.
SUBSCRIBE AND SWORN to before me, this _____ day of ________ 2022, by affiant
who exhibited before me her competent evidence of identity ___________ No. ____________,
issued on __________ at the City of ____________ and which expires on _____________.
Doc. No. _______
Page No. ______
Book No. ______
Series of 2022.
I, REMUEL O. TORRES, Filipino, single, of legal age, with address at Guadalupe Bliss, Barangay
Cembo, Makati City, after being duly sworn, according to law, hereby dispose and state that:
1. I am known by the name, Remuel O. Torres, and have used the same in my personal and
official records, and interactions, as shown by the following (a copy of hereto attached as
Annex “A”):
2. My name was recorded on the following as “Rem Torres” (a copy of which is hereto
attached as Annex “B”):
Birth certificate registered at the Civil Registry in the Municipality of
Concepcion, Province of Tarlac
3. This affidavit is being executed to attest to the truth of foregoing facts, to establish that
REMUEL O. TORRES and REM O. TORRES refer to one and the same person and
for the purpose of opening a personal GCASH account.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of September 2022 in
Makati City Philippines
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 21st of September 2022, at the 5th Floor of the Health
and Physical Sciences Building (HPSB), University of Makati School of Law , affiant, REMUEL O.
TORRES, personally appeared before me and exhibited to me Passport ID no. DFA19734 which is valid
until March 29, 2029
Doc. No. 1109
Page No. 1
Book No. 2
Series of 2022