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Business Protection Seminar Planning Guide

guide to planning BUSINESS PROTECTION seminars
planning your seminar.
The following timetable details the processes involved in running a successful seminar, from the decision to
produce a seminar for your clients to the event itself and the follow up period.
This will help give you an idea of all the things you need to plan for and allows you to see at a glance where you
should be in the planning stage, and what is still left to do.
10 weeks
9 weeks
Decide on the date and start
time for the seminar.
Make sure that you have all the
information that you need
in order to present on the day.
se the ‘Sample template’ letters
to help you produce:
• Invitation letter with reply slip
• Attendance confirmation letter
• Agenda
• Response Sheet.
esearch potential venues and
decide on a location. Ideally
the venue needs to be 10 miles
from the mailing areas and of
good quality.
Set up a database to record:
• Details of mailshot recipients
• Responses received
• Names of people attending
• Progress after the event.
Use the ‘Seminar Planning –
Key Elements Guide’ to make
sure you have considered all
the requirements.
8 weeks
Research your target market;
use your own client base, buy
lists, research the local area or
use research websites.
Visit possible venues to decide if
they are suitable for the seminar.
Once you have chosen a
suitable venue, make sure you
check it’s available and book it.
(Refer to the ‘Seminar Planning
– Key Elements Guide’ to help
you out).
7 weeks
You may wish to promote your seminar on your website or via email, which could
generate interest from your existing clients. If you choose to do so, make sure that you
provide details of the venue, date and time. Ideally include a facility to book online.
6 weeks
Start planning your presentation
and consider the topics you
want to cover. Ensure any other
speakers are available.
Make sure that you allocate staff
to be available to welcome your
clients on the day of the seminar
and direct them to the room.
If your staff are attending
make sure they are familiar
with the content and objective
of the seminar and the role they
will play.
guide to planning BUSINESS PROTECTION seminars
5 weeks
Print and mail out invitation
letters to your clients (you may
wish to use a printing firm to print
out the invitations). Also print
additional documentation for the
seminar such as:
• Attendance confirmation letter
• Agenda
• Response sheet.
We suggest you use the
database set up earlier to
record responses to the
mailshot as they come in.
This can help you keep better
track of how many attendees
will be there.
Mail out attendance
confirmation letters as
We recommend that you
provide pens and notepads for
clients, ensure that these are
ordered and taken on the day.
4 weeks
Finalise any packs to be given out to your clients.
Ensure these are readily available or ensure printing time will be met.
3 weeks
Make sure that you have
prepared for the seminar and
finalised an agenda of the talking
points. Also ensure you have
gained agreement from any other
2 weeks
Phone all guests to confirm their attendance. This is vital.
• Confirm that they will be attending
• Confirm date, time and venue
• Ask for and answer any queries
•Check for any dietary requirements (if breakfast/lunch provided).
Confirm final numbers to venue.
1 week
Contact/visit the venue’s
events manager to confirm:
• Timings
• Catering
• Facilities
• Room layout/set up
• Equipment
•Early access for practice
Day before
Final rehearsal (if applicable) at the venue if possible and ensure everything is in place
for the day. Deliver packs/handouts to venue if possible to avoid carrying yourself.
Day of the
Arrive early! Check the presentation/technology is working correctly.
Refer to the ‘Day of Seminar’ checklist.
Fully brief your staff so that
they know the timings and
what they are expected to do,
for example greet clients and
hand out packs.
Final rehearsal at venue
(if possible)
Legal & General Partnership Services Limited
Registered in England and Wales No. 5045000
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Legal & General Assurance Society Limited
Registered in England and Wales No. 166055
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Registered office for both firms: One Coleman Street, London EC2R 5AA
QQ35076 02/14