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Computing History: Catalysts for Change

GEE 002: Module 1
Catalysts for Change
After this module, you will be able to:
1. Discuss the development of computers, showing how they
evolved from simple manual calculations aids to complex
2. Show how information storage and retrieval evolved
3. Discuss some of the moral issues that have arisen from
the development of information technology
4. Describe the two centuries of progress in networking
technology and culminating in the creation of an email
system connecting over a billion users
Information Age
- Also known as Computer age, Digital age, and New Media
- A modern age regarded as a time in which information hsa
become a commodity that is quickly and widely
disseminated and easily available especially through the
use of computer technology
Milestones in Computing
Aids to Manual Calculating
Manual Calculating is slow,
tedious, and error prone
Mechanical Calculators
Blaise Pascal
His father is a tax collector and asked him to calculate taxes
In order to speed the chore, he invented a mechanical calculator that is capable of adding whole numbers
containing up to six digits
Gottfried Leibniz
Inspired by Pascal, he constructed a more sophisticated calculator that can add, subtract, multiply and divide
whole numbers
These calculators were not reliable and did not commercialize
Create the Arithmometer, the first commercially successful calculator
Demonstrated how a machine could compute the values of polynomial functions through the method of differences
but unfortunately, had been unsuccessful
Charles Thomas de Colmar
Charles Babbage
Georg Scheutz
Inspired by the work of Babbage, created the world’s first printing calculator (machine that calculates
mathematical tables and typesetting the values onto molds
William Burroughs
Former bank clerk who invented adding machine
1800s were characterized by rapid industrialization, economic expansion and concentration of corporate power.
Because of these, corporations needed access to up-to-date, comprehensive, reliable and affordable information
which cannot be achieve if the accountants and bookkeepers cannot compute a long columns of transactions by
It results to “de-skilling” and “feminization”
Cash Register
- During 1800s, companies were challenged related to
embezzlement wherein clerks could steal cash simply by
not creating receipts for some sales
- James Ritty and John Ritty
James saw a mechanical counter connected to the propeller shaft of a
They used the same concept to create the first cash register
Adding machine capable of expressing values in dollars and cents
- In early 1900s, Cash register that is capable of creating
printed, itemized receipts for customers are constructed
This provides business owners with detailed sales records and
prevents clerks to embezzle cash
Punched-Card Tabulation
- Due to rapid industrialization, corporations needed to
handle greater volumes of information
- Herman Hollerith
Use punched cards to store data which is better than the predecessors
who uses rolls of paper
This approach allows the computation of subtotals by categories
Precursors of Commercial Computers
John Atanasoff (professor) and Clifford Berry (graduate)
John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
Constructed an electronic device solving systems of linear equations (first computing device
built with vacuum tubes but it was not programmable)
Mauchly visited Atanasoff to learn more and worked with Eckert to create a design for electronic
computer to speed the computation of artillery tables for the US Army
They completed the ENIAC (Electronic Numeric integrator and computer)
A person with desk calculator could compute 60-sec trajectory in 20 hours but with their device,
it can compute the same in just 30 seconds (which is 2400 times faster)
ENIAC unlike Atanasoff-Berry Computer, can be programmed but it was not stored inside a memory
rather “wired-in” from the outside (reprogramming it meant removing and reattaching many wires.
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) was created to improve ENIAC. It can also
be programmed but this time, it is stored in a memory
F.C. Williams
He is actively involved in the development of cathode ray tubes used in radar systems
He decided to put his knowledge to use by figuring out how to use CRT as a storage device for
digital information
Small Scale Experimental machine- the first operational, fully electronic computer system that
had both program and data stored in its memory (using CRT)
First Commercial Computer
Ferranti Ltd
Ferranti Mark 1 was introduced by this british corporation which is the world’s
first commercial computer
Eckert and Mauchly Computer Corporation
After completing the ENIAC, they decide to launch a commercial computer (UNIVAC
1) but unfortunately experienced cost overruns that made them bought out by
Remington Rand
Remington Rand cooperated with CBS to predict the outcome of 1952 presidential
election. UNIVAC predicted that Dwight Eisenhower would win election in a
landslide but political experts disagrees so Rand had to instruct his engineers
to reprogram UNIVAC 1 to correspond with the expert’s prediction. But it turns
out that UNIVAC 1 prediction is correct.
IBM’s products are inferior to UNIVAC but IBM quickly turned the tables and had
half of the market in 1955 due to its investment with research and development
Programming Languages and Time-sharing
In the earliest digital computers, every instructions was coded as a long string
of 0s and 1s
People immediately began looking for ways to make coding faster and less errorprone
Assembly Language- allows programmers to work with symbolic representations of the instruction
codes. Programmers wanted fewer, higher-level instructions to generate more machine instructions
Frances Holberton
Grace Murray Hopper
John Backus
Created sort-merge generator for the UNIVAC that took a specification of files to be manipulated
and automatically produced the machine program to do the sorting and merging.
Developed the A-0 system that automated the process of linking together subroutines to form the
complete machine code
He convinced his superiors of the need for a higher-level programming language for IBM computers
He led the efforts to develop the IBM mathematical formula translating system (FORTRAN)
FORTRAN is a automatic programming system that generates machine code 5 to 20 times faster than
assembly language
Programming Languages and Time-sharing
Common business-oriented programming language
Each computer provider companies creates their own version of FORTRAN which
resulted to differentiated program languages. These languages cannot be used to
other computer brands because of its incompatibility
US Department of Defense develop COBOL to require all manufacturers to use
common programming languages
Dartmouth Time-sharing System (DTSS)
John Kennedy and Thomas Kurtz directed teams of undergraduate students of
Dartmouth College to develop a time-sharing system and an easy-to-learn
programming language
DTSS gave multiple people the ability to edit and run their programs
simultaneously, by dividing the computer’s time among all the users
Time-sharing made computers accessible to more people because it allowed the
cost of owning and operating a computer system to be divided among a large pool
of users who purchased the right to connect to the system
Transistor and Integrated Circuit
- Transistor
A semiconductor substitute for vacuum tubes
Bell Lab scientists, led by Bill Shockley, invented transistor to be used
to amplify signals that can detect enemy’s planes precisely during the war.
Vacuum tubes can also amplify signals but it needs a lot of power that
resulted to lot of heat and burned out like lightbulbs
Shockley understood the potential of transistor and decided to found
Sholkley Semiconductor in 1956 and hired an exceptional team of engineers
and physicists but 8 of them decided to walked out and found Fairchild
While transistors are superior to vacuum tubes, they are still too big for
some applications. Thus, Fairchild decided to create a semiconductor that
contains transistor, capacitors, and resistors known as “INTEGRATED
IBM System/360
- Integrated Circuit made possible the construction of much
more powerful and reliable computers
- Mainframe Computers
IBM dominated the mainframe market during 1960s
These are large computers designed to serve data-processing needs of
large businesses. It enables enterprises to centralize all of their
data-processing applications in a single system
In 1964, IBM announced the System/360, a series of 19 compatible
computers with varying levels of computing speed and memory capacity
Because the systems were compatible, a business could upgrade its
computer without having to rewrite its application programs
- Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore left Fairchild to found
another semiconductor manufacturing company, which named
A year later, BUSICOM (japanese calculator manufacturer) approached INTEL
about designing 12 custom chips for use in a new scientific calculator.
Intel agreed and assigned Marcian “Ted” Hoff to the project. Hoff suggested
that they can create a general-purpose chip that can be programmed based on
the need of the customer
- Ted Hoff, Stanley Mazor, and Federico Faggin led to release
of the INTEL 4004, the world’s first microprocessor
⅛ inch x ⅙ inch chip that can function as ENIAC
Microprocessor are still in use into everyday devices like cell phones, MP3
players, digital cameras and the like
Personal Computers
- Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs
Created more powerful personal computer that supported keyboard input
and television monitor output. Steve Jobs thought a few improvements
and they decided to build a business out of it.
They launched APPLE COMPUTER and later release APPLE II
- Two significant developments made personal computers more
attractive to business
Computer spreadsheet program-Bob Frankston and Dan Bricklin- they
released VISICALC to Apple II. It made APPLE II increased its sales
IBM PC in 1981- IBM decided to make its PC an open architecture,
meaning the system was built from off-the-shelf parts and other
companies could manufacture clones with the same functionality
Milestone of Networking
Electricity and Electromagnetism
Amber is a hard, translucent, yellowish-brown fossil resin often used to make beads and ornamental
If you rub amber, it becomes charged with a force enabling it to attract light objects like feathers and dried leaves.
The greek word for amber is ELECTRON. In english word “ELECTRIC” means “to be like amber”
Alessandro Volta
Professor of physics
He discovered that electricity could be generated chemically. He produced an electric current by submerging two different
metals close to each other in an acid
He used this principle to create the world’s first battery
Christian Oersted
William Sturgeon
He discovered that an electric current creates a magnetic field
He constructed an electromagnet by coiling wire around a horseshoe-shaped piece of iron
When he ran an electric current through the coil, the iron became magnetized
He showed how a single battery was capable of producing a charge strong enough to pick up a nine-pound metal object
Joseph Henry
He rigged
series of
up an experiment that showed how telegraph machine could work. He strung a mile of wire around the walls of his
and placed a battery at one end, and connected the other end an electromagnet, metal bar and a bell. When he
the battery, the electromagnet attracted the metal bar, causing to ring the bell. In this way, he could produce a
- Samuel Morse (MORSE CODE)
He worked on the idea of a telegraph and patented the design in 1838.
In 1837, Morse proposed a construction of NY to NO telegraph system
to US Congress and was not approved until 1843.
Telegraph became the sole method of rapid long-distance communication
until 1877 and people kept finding new applications of it like making
it as an fire alarm system wherein a person can pull the lever of
alarm box and immediately transmit the message to fire department its
Alexander Graham Bell
His father and grandfather are experts in correction of speech and he followed their
steps and became a teacher for deaf students.
He focused on improving telegraph. A significant problem with early telegraph systems
was that a single wire could transmit only one message at a time. If multiple messages
could be sent simultaneously along the same wire, communication delays would be reduced,
and the value of the entire system would increase
His solution to this problem was called HARMONIC OR MUSICAL TELEGRAPH
Harmonic telegraph assigned a different note (different sound frequency) to each
message. At the receiving end, different receivers could be tuned to respond to
different notes, as you can tune your radio to hear only what is broadcast by a
particular station
He speculated that it should be possible to capture and transmit human voice over a
wire. He and THOMAS WATSON succeeded in transmitting speech electronically in 1876
Though Telephone helps businesses to conduct transactions in easy way, some found it
unpleasing to lose privacy. Anyone can call you at anytime that might disturb your
Typewriter and Teletype
- Typewriter
Christopher Sholes, Carlos Glidden, and Samuel Soule patented the
first typewriter
Remington and Sons Company produced the first commercial typewriter
- Teletype
Charles and Howard Krum succeeded in testing an experimental machine
that allowed a modified Oliver typewriter to print a message
transmitted over a telegraph line
- James Clerk Maxwell
Published a mathematical theory demonstrating the relationship between
electricity and magnetism. This theory predicted the existence of an
electromagnetic wave spreading with the velocity of light. It also
predicted that light itself was an electromagnetic phenomenon.
Heinrich Hertz successfully generated electromagnetic waves, proving the
correctness of Maxwell’s theory
- Guglielmo Marconi
He put Hertz’s discovery to practical use by successfully transmitting
radio signals
He then founded Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company
David Sarnoff landed a position to Marconi Company and introduced the use
of radio for entertainment
- Paul Nipkow
Invented electromechanical television
- Philo Farnsworth
Invented the first completely electronic television transmission
Remote Computing
- George Stibitz
He made a teletype machine the input/output device for the calculator
He did not have to be in the same room as the calculator to use it
He typed numbers into the teletype, which will be transmitted the
data in miles, after the calculator computed the answer, it
transmitted the data back to the teletype which printed the result
- Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA)
They funded research and development at prominent universities
It aims to develop “galactic network”- a global computer network that would
facilitate the exchange of programs and data
A circuit-switched telephone network were not a good foundation for this
ARPA initiated the design and construction of the ARPANET
- Fear of a nuclear attack led to the crucially important design
decision that the network should be DECENTRALIZED. Every computer on
the network would have the ability to make decisions about how message
traffic should be routed. It means, the loss of any single computer or
communication link would not prevent the rest of the network from
working. Packet-switched network met this condition while circuitswitched did not.
- ARPANET can only transfer programs and data only and
people still rely on telephone for personal communication
- Ray Tomlinson
Wrote the first software enabling email message to be sent and
received by ARPANET computers
- Lawrence Roberts
Created the first “killer app” for the network
It has the ability to list their email messages, selectively read
them, reply to them, forward them to others and save them
- ARPA researchers anticipated the need to connect the
ARPANET with other networks based on different designs
- Robert Kahn
Developed the concept of open architecture networking which means
individual networks could be quite different as long as they shared a
common “internetworking architecture”
With Kahn, Vinton Cerf design Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and
internet protocol (IP) that would support open architecture
TCP is responsible for dividing a message into packets at the sending
computer and reassembling the packets at the receiving computer
IP is the set of rules used to route data from computer to computer
Internet is the network of networks that communicate using TCP/IP
- National Science Foundation (NSF) saw the importance of
networking to the academic community
They created TCP/IP-based network called NSFNET and provides grants
to universities to join the NSFNET
These grants encouraged broad participation by stipulating that
universities would have their internet connections available to all
qualified users.
NSFNET consisted regional networks connected by the NSFNET backbone
They encouraged universities to reduce their network subscriptions
costs by finding commercial customers for the network
- Refers to a high-speed internet connection
- It make feasible the transfer of large files such as
those containing images, music and video
Wireless networks
- Computers and mobile phones within relevant range of the
hotspot communicate with the hotspot using radio waves
Milestone in Information Storage and Retrieval
Greek Alphabet
- 6000 years ago, writing system were developed to allow the
recording and communication of various types of information
such as laws and financial records
- Three general types of writing systems
Logography- each character represents a word
Syllabary- each character represents a syllable
Alphabet- each character represents a phoneme/letters
It was a simple, efficient way of transforming the spoken word into a
written form, and it marked an important milestone on the journey of
civilization from oral culture to written culture
- 750 BC the Greeks developed the first true alphabet,
representing vowels and consonants. It has 24-letter Greek
Codex and Paper
Papyrus- important information
was recorded with this but it
tends to fall off
Codex- rectangular pages sewn
together on one side
Pages are made out of sheepskin
or calfskin
It is superior to papyrus
- Durable
- It was divided into pages
which makes it easier for
readers to find a
particular passage
Gutenberg’s Printing Press
- Johannes Gutenberg
He began to work on a printing press that would imprint pages
movable metal type rather than wood blocks
They started to print religious books and pamphlets
It became a powerful tool for mass communication
- The printing press made possible the establishment of
- Vannevar Bush described many ways in which technology can
solve important problems. One of them was the information
He suggested a machine that could stimulate the mind’s ability to make
associations between pieces of information
Information retrieval system equipped with a provision whereby any item may
be caused it all to select immediately and automatically another
- Ted Nelson
Nelson coined the work “Hypertext”
Hypertext refers to a linked network of nodes containing information. The
links allow readers to visit the nodes in a nonlinear fashion
In 1967, Nelson proposed the creation of a system called “Xanadu”, a
worldwide network of connected literature but the system was never
Graphical User interface
Douglas Engelbart
He set out to use the power of the computer to augment human intellect
He wondered why people couldn’t interact directly with computers and view the output on
a CRT like radar images then he created a research lab called “Augmentation Research
Center” where he created several input devices like computer Mouse. He also developed a
hypermedia and groupware system called NLS (oNLine System)
He then made a 90-minute demo on how NSL works which includes: Video Display divided
into windows, email, use of a mouse to direct cursor, and live video conferencing with
staff members 30 miles away. This demo is still considered as “The mother of all demos”
Alan Kay
He saw the demo of Engelbart and decide to take the next step and became one of the
founders of Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
His team developed ALTO, a small minicomputer design to be used by single person
He also developed the ALTO’s graphical user interface that responded to the point, click
and drag operations of a mouse
Single-Computer Hypertext Systems
Peter Brown
In 1987, Apple Computer released
HyperCard- a hypertext system that
enabled programmers to create
“stacks of cards”. A card could
contain text and images
He started a hypertext research
project calles GUIDE and later
commercialized and released
version for Apple and IBM
The HyperCard programmer created
links from one card to another
with buttons. Buttons could be
visible to the user and labeled,
or they could be transparent and
associated with an image or an
area of the card
Networked Hypertext- World Wide Web
Tim Berners-Lee
His parents are both programmers and learned that it is easy to get a computer
to keep information in lists or tables but much more difficult to get it to
remember arbitrary relationships
He wrote a program called ENQUIRE that incorporate links between information. He
proposed the development of a networked hypertext system that could be used for
documentation purposes however, the proposal was not approved. He purchased a
new released personal computer called NeXT and started to try ENQUIRE
ENQUIRE is a system that allows links between information stored in different
computers connected by a network. The links can connect any two computers on the
internet, even if they have different hardware or are running different
operating systems
He completed the first Web browser (a program that allows users to view Web
pages and traverse hyperlinks between pages) on the NeXT computer. He then
MOSAIC- first widely used web browser
Search Engines
- Search Engine- a program that accepts a list of keywords
from a user, searches a database of documents, and return
those documents most closely matching the specified
Most powerful information retrieval devices ever invented
Information Technology Issues
- Information Technology refers to devices used in the
creation, storage, manipulation, exchange, and
dissemination of data including text, sound and images
- Issues related to IT:
Email allows anyone to send email to anyone else with an email
address- most email traffic is spam, unsolicited, bulk, commercial
Legality may be different from one country to another
Unauthorized copies of information can be easy
Data privacy issue
Liability of programmers who created bugs