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Management Reflection: Bribery & Ethics

Student name:
Cung Khanh Linh
Student ID number: 21001290
Student name:
Dang Hoang Phuc
Student ID number: 21001166
Student name:
Ha Xuan Hoang
Student ID number: 22003144
Unit name:
Principles of Management - T123PWB-1
Tutorial/Lecture: Principles of Management
Lecturer or Tutor name:
Unit number:
Tuesday 8:00-11:15 and
Class day and time: Thursday 8:30-10:30
Mien Le
Principles of Management - T123PWB-1 Group IV
Reflection 1 – Tutorial 2.2
Due date:
Date submitted:
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Student’s signature:
Cung Khanh Linh
Student’s signature:
Dang Hoang Phuc
Student’s signature:
Ha Xuan Hoang
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A. Feedback
For the presentation:
It's possible to see the group's lecture on the "Dirty Little Secret" story about bribes in business and
corruption. And the group has fully responded to all the questions that include "What's your reaction
to the events mentioned in the case? Are surprised that bribery is why you think bribery should be
taken by think it needs you need to be outlawed?" We've said it's important for managers to be aware
of external environmental forces, especially in global settings. Discuss the statement in light of the
events described","What might the managers to be done differently? " as well as providing all the
explanations for the reasons and exhibiting an example of a company, the organization is based on
information from the synthetic sciences and the documentary documentation of your group.
Considering the first aspect of the team's spirit—a group of compatriots in the presentation—when
the answer comes from other groups, the group hasn't responded very quickly. And the team did not
have a contract together, but it is a good thing to do together and have a distinct division in exchange
for everyone's private parts. Furthermore, the team's two members communicate with a very good
group, but there are a few questions that the group has not answered. The group should give a signal
so that the team can be more easily asked and help save time for the rest of the paragraph.
When group 1 started a lecture on small secrets in the general business of remission, the importance
of the manager in the Siemens AG firm, the group had an obvious slide show coming along with the
images. The simple font and eye-catching background are also elements that can inform the audience
about the reader. Starting with the first two parts of the search, which were the first glimpse of
bribery and the countries that were prohibited, the elements were expressed clearly, as were the
explanations for the very specific questions. Furthermore, the images and notes contained within can
aid in a basic understanding and be recalled from a group of theories. But in the third and final part
of the presentation, the slide was pretty short while some of the members said a lot, but there was
some information on the slide. This makes it hard to remember a few details from the reader, and it
is difficult. The last slide is the fifth slide, and all the information and images are enough to give the
audience a more understandable example of three bribed companies. Finally, there are a few
questions coming from group 2 that ask a few difficult questions compared to the answers from
group members to be able to respond quickly, and the group sometimes requires a signal to a
question so that a group can be told that a group can be discussed.
For the debate:
To provide such a precise and logical response, the two debate groups must have been very attentive
to the presentation of the two groups. However, because this is the first-time groups 1 and 2 have
debated, there are still many flaws in the way questions and answers are asked and answered.
Because group 1 still did not grasp group 2's inquiry, the answer was not clear and easy to
understand. Furthermore, group 1 did not fully comprehend the nature and scope of the problem they
presented. The essential thing to note is that when group 2 posed a question, group 1 had to wait a
long time for her to prompt before responding, probably because they did not comprehend the topic
and did not know how to express their opinion. Furthermore, group 1 had a division to answer
inquiries in order to avoid confusion and panic among the members. To address the topic "If you are
a manager, how can you govern the firm to avoid making mistakes or plan strategies to counteract
it?" group 1 went through extensive preparation and debate. Short, brief, and easy to grasp, but it
lacks meaning and fails to persuade the questioner. Group 2 had many interesting questions, but they
occasionally asked questions unrelated to what group 1 presented, which caused some confusion for
everyone in the class. In short, both sides had numerous flaws and errors of their own, but they
finished the argument extremely successfully.
B. What was learned
Through the presentation, we gained a deeper understanding and knowledge of the seriousness of
bribery and corruption. In addition, money, secrets, foreign officials, “Palm Lubrication” Bribery. It's
a dirty secret about global business that managers at multinational companies don't want to talk
about. Although many countries have joined the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention to prevent and
reduce such practices, it has not been effective because it has passed the control of organizations as
well as countries. Almost every country has corruption and bribery, which is obviously not surprising
since people can often see it in the news every day. Especially it takes place in developing countries,
where the management level is still weak and the experience is still low. By making bribery illegal,
everyone will operate on a level playing field, which will improve freelance work. It is true that the
manager plays a very important role in operating and handling situations that come from outside the
environment. They need to have the observation, bravery and confidence to make good decisions and
solutions for the company when they have fallen into the law. In this text, we will witness a lot of
extralegal activities, mainly bribery. Without denying receipts, tax evasion, and high-profile bribes,
managers can notice unusual cash inflows. If global business observation is done well, managers
have a high chance to avoid such mistakes or prepare a countermeasure, helping them avoid paying
fines or even facing the law.
The move by Germany's Siemens AG to win a series of contracts for the 2004 Athens Olympic
Games by bribery had a negative long-term effect, leaving the company vulnerable to influence in
terms of reputation and trust, from which their serious problem is the weakness in signing the
contract. Instead, they should use that money to invest and develop their own company or create
attractive projects that attract customers. Give the company many advantages in competing with
other companies and reduce the possibility of losing the contract. Siemens AG is just one of the
typical examples of large companies being legalized while many other large companies such as
Rolls-Royce, Microsoft, BAE systems, etc. That also partly proves that almost every company has
bribes but has been waiting for it to be hidden and well hidden by the money.
A. Feedback
For the presentation:
Observations revealed that Group 5 had made a very strong canvas presentation on the topic. "An
Ethical Hotel where Disabled People Can Find Their Way" and provided complete answers including
"What challenges could a manager face in the long-term management of disabled workers?", "What
are the hotel's advantages of having its workforce being comprised significantly of disabled workers?
What are the potential drawbacks?", "In your opinion, would a performance imperative approach or a
compassionate approach be applicable to the management of disabled workers?", "What do you think
managers can do to let disabled workers find the "right place" in an organization? How can disabled
employees help in this process? Explain", "How can other companies be sensitized to recruit more
disabled workers? According to you, how would Albergo Etico inspire them? Explain.". In addition,
the binoculars provide full details of the benefits and limitations of employment as well as the
disabled workforce outlined in the textbook.It is impossible to mention that the spirit and working
style of the whole group are very good, but because of the remaining time of the class, there is not
much time for groups of five and six to argue with each other. But there are some answers from
group 5 that are not very clear, and the way group 5 communicates with the listeners is very good.
When starting a presentation with the first slide, the information on the screen is just enough, there
are only a few slides with a few images and information that have not been recorded, which can
make the reader a little confused about what to do. a few small pieces of information, but in return,
the benefits and limitations are stated clearly and in detail. On the second slide, there is too little
information with only one question about approaches and management and one slide answering the
same question, so this reader's information will make the audience somewhat confused and make it
difficult to remember the information. On the last slide, the information is sufficient, but there is no
illustration and only explanation of the question, which makes the audience bored because there is no
image but text instead. Another thing is that the speed of the slide is just fast enough for members
and listeners to keep up with the reader's information. In addition, some members of group six asked
too many questions, so sometimes some members of group five could answer a bit confusingly,
making it difficult for the audience to follow the progress of the lesson.
For the debate:
In the argument between groups 5 and 6, they argued very eloquently and convincingly. This is also
the first time groups 5 and 6 have made this argument, but based on previous group observations and
experience, they have done well and are much more confident than the previous groups. Within 15
minutes, the presentation team had a rapid conversation and provided short, simple responses that
were still relevant to the debate group. In other words, the two representatives of Group 5 who
stepped up to answer the question did so fluently and clearly, but with some sadness because they
still did not comprehend the subject, in addition to being limited in time owing to interruption. Group
6 listened intently and offered probing questions, causing Group 5 to misinterpret the meaning of the
inquiry. Overall, the debate between the two teams is fascinating.
B. What was learned
Following the presentation of group 5, group 5 brought us a very interesting topic about an excellent
case in managing disabled workers in the hospitality industry, that is Albergo Etico ( Hotels). moral).
At Albergo Etico, in addition to helping workers with disabilities to learn and work like a real
employee, it also gives people with disabilities spiritual values, helping them to be independent.
more confident in making friends and more understanding with people in the same situation. The
management of people with disabilities is also a big challenge for managers when letting them work
in the hotel. The hotel is a very hard and tiring place to work, requiring employees to have endurance
and strong physical strength to be able to work continuously for many hours. Therefore, hotel
managers attach great importance to the physical and mental health of their associates, especially
disabled workers who need to strengthen their muscles to be able to perform all required jobs. To
achieve this goal, the leadership has directed that it is necessary to combine with local sports centers
so that employees with disabilities can regularly practice sports, massage therapy in order to relax,
increase physical strength. muscular strength and endurance.
The benefit of hotels when they have a large number of people with disabilities working is increased
diversity in the work environment. In addition, they also easily attract a huge number of customers
because they can use a new type of service that is not yet widely available. It is important that the
hotel will receive the trust as well as the trust of customers by sharing to help people with
disabilities. It cannot be denied that every job has its own advantages and disadvantages, being a
disabled person in a hotel will inevitably make mistakes. Because they can't do everything as well as
the average person, those are big problems. Fitness, experience and health will always be a big
challenge for the staff and management at such hotels. In question 3, group 5 gave a good answer
about choosing between a compulsive approach and a compassionate approach. They choose to be
forced and I also agree with them, it creates seriousness and dignity in the way of working.
Furthermore, it helps to avoid instances of racism and unfairness among employees. In addition,
contributing to increasing work efficiency, not being stalled for unnecessary reasons and creating
trust between employees and management. Recruiting people with disabilities to work and train them
with skills and work experience is difficult, but managers still have to find a position that is more
suitable with the ability and capacity of each person. many times more difficult. Managers can help
them with things like improve skills like communication, posture, and body balance, or participate in
a judo practice that helps them improve their balance and coordination movements. Especially,
people with disabilities should try their best, try their best, participate in supporting each other so as
not to lose the trust that managers place on them. If other companies hire disabled people, it will also
be great challenges for them. Because they are still inexperienced in training and managing such
people, and there may be distinctions between people with disabilities and people with disabilities.
Therefore, they need a lot of time to research and learn carefully before making a decision to hire
people with disabilities.