WELCOME Rajeev institute of technology , Hassan Department of computer science and engineering Computer graphics mini project Presentation on:- “DYNAMIC SORTING VISUALIZER” Presented by:CHANDANA KM [4RA19CS017] CHANDANA PS [4RA19CS018 Under the guidance of:Mr.Ravikumar Assistant professor, Dept. of CSE RIT Hassan CONTENTS INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES HEADER FILES IMPLEMENTATION SNAPSHOTS NEEDS AND ADVANTAGES CONCLUSION INTRODUCTION The representation manipulation of pictorial data by a computer. The various technologies used to create and manipulate such pictorial data. The sub-field of Computer Science which studies methods for digitally synthesizing and manipulating visual content. DESCRIPTION Dynamic sorting provides the ability to change the sorting direction in the report. This sorting works on randomize the circles according to their radius. Circles that needs to be sorted in ascending order. ABSTRACT The term computer graphics includes almost everything on computers that is not text or sound. Today nearly all computers use some graphics and users expects to control their computer through icons and pictures rather than just by typing. Computer graphics is the field of visual computing, where one utilizes computers both to generate visual images synthetically and to visual and special information sampled from the real world. HEADERFILES “stdio.h”: This is the header file that includes the functions like printf(), scanf() for read and write operations. It also includes the file handling like open(), close(), etc. “stdlib.h”: This is used to get some standard libraries. “GL/glut.h”: This is to include the graphics built in OpenGL function and utilities to build and implement our customized graphics packages. “string.h”: This is the header file that include the strings like bitmap charcter() to read strings. “math.h” : The math.h header defines various mathematical functions and one macro. All the functions available in this library take double as an argument and return double as the result. IMPLEMENTATION void initialise(void) In this function the swapping flag along with global variables that holds the values of X coordinates during swapping are initialised to zero. It also initializes the array of circles that is obtained from the randomly generated sequence and place them at equal intervals. void bitmap_output(int x, int y, char *string, void *font) This function is used to print the text on the visualizer window. void int_str(int rad, char r[]); This function does the conversion of integer value to string value, so that it can be passed as parameter to the bitmap output function. void circle_draw(circle c); This function draws the circle as per the passed circle structure variable, which consist of the circle centre coordinates along with the radius. void swap_circles(circle *cc1,circle *cc2) This function basically swaps the two key circles void sort() This function basically does the sorting process. void display_text(void) This function is going to display the text on the visualizer window based on the sorting flag. void display(void):-This function basically draws the circle. void main_menu(int value):-This function basically calls the display function based on the value passed as argument and also based on sorting circle. void reshape(int w , int h):-This function is used to reshape the window with the new width and height which is passes as parameter. This function is triggered whenever the current window is reshaped. void init(void) This function uses three gl functions to initialize the current window (i,e) glClearColor(),glMatrixMode(),gluOrtho2D() to set the window background color and to define the 2D orthographic projection matrix. void main(int argc,char**agrv) This is the function from where the execution of the program begins. In this function we have certain “gl” functions used to initialize the basic glut window with desired properties SNAPSHOTS NEEDSANDADVANTAGES Arrange Data in a Systematic Representation. Better Visualization and Understanding of Data. Advantages of Analyzing Big Data by Sorting in Excel. Reduce Huge Time Consumption in Research Surveys. Advantages of No Requirement for Additional Storage by Sorting Data in Excel. CONCLUSION The development of mini project has given us a good exposure to openGL by which we have learnt some of the techniques which helps in the development of animation and gaming. Hence it is helpful for us to even take this field as our career too and develop some other features in openGL and provide as token of contribution to the graphics world. Understanding, analysis and design of sorting algorithms. THANK YOU