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English Language Learning: Grammar, Vocabulary, and Reading

[295-296] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
One of the most popular members of the pea
family is the peanut,/which in the United states is
sometimes called the goober pea. /They are used
mostly for food./In the southern part of the States/
peanuts are used to feed farm animals./Peanuts
may be roasted and eaten/whole by people. /
Peanuts may also be made/into peanut bread
candy, peanut butter, and other things./Parts of
peanuts are also used/in making oils, cosmetics
soap, plastics, fertilizer, and medicines./The nut
that is not a nut is a very useful product. /
One of the + 복수N + 단수V
=~한 것들 중 하나
-used to
-be used to + 동원
-be used to + ing
[301-302] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
Make + O +O.C
I'm keen on the use of technology for
education, /particularly the development of
electronic./This device would make it possible
to teach almost anything./You could program it/
and it would talk to you /and teach you a language./
It could even check/your listening, speaking
reading, and writing abilities./Of course,/nothing
can replace a good human teacher,/but much of
the tiresome routine of education /could be taken
over by electronic teachers. /They could lead to an
educational revolution/
-- make to teach almost anything possible
 Make it possible to teach almost everything
[309-310] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
The hospital emergency room (where I worked)
received/word [that a child (named Billy Cash) was
on route/with his mother.]/A new assistant was asked
to watch for their arrival./The assistant stood his post/
at the entrance like a soldier./When the door finally
swung open/revealing a small boy and a woman,/ the
assistant lurched forward, shouting,
/ "Is this
Cash?"/ Although somewhat taken aback,/the
woman managed to answer calmly,/ "Well, I have
insurance. Will that do?""/
[311-312] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
Today people in many countries play
April Fooľ's Day jokes./Some of the best jokes
have been played by the media./For example, /
in 1957 the British television news program
‘Panorama’ showed/a story about a family of
spaghetti farmers in Switzerland./In the story
the farmers were pulling spaghetti/ off the
spaghetti trees./After the show, /many people
called the television station/to ask how they
could grow /their own spaghetti trees./
Some people will believe anything
[317-318] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
Often, accidents happen/because not enough
planning is done./Stephanie Epper,(a stunt woman),
1. that의 쓰임새는?
says/she learned that lesson the
hard way./For many years,/she doubled for
an actress/on a TV western./Falling off horses
and driving wagons were routine for her./In
movies,/she has been knocked down by cars/
and dropped from helicopters into the sea./But the
"closest call” ( )she remembers happened/when she
didn't check all the details in a stunt./
2. 마지막 문장에 생략된 표현을 찾으시오.
[319-320] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
1. 전치사 + oneself
Vocabulary lists by themselves are not adequate
study aids/ for students (learning English). /A more
organized,/systematic approach to learning can be
useful./The following two study systems, (Vocabulary
Study Cards and Vocabulary Study Sheets), will
help you expand/your English vocabulary. /Both
systems are systematic, manageable,/and based on
learning and memory strategies:/remembering new
material, categorizing and labeling, associating,
visualizing, applying and reviewing
By oneself = 혼자서
For oneself = 혼자 힘으로
In itself = 그 자체로, 본질적으로
Of itself = 저절로
2. 문장의 형식은?
Help + O + R/toV
3. 다음 구의 구조는?
[3230-324] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
This is a reminder to all residents (who live at
University Village)/that their vehicle must display
a parking permit/(issued from the rental office)./
In order to obtain a parking permit,/ residents
must have a current vehicle registration./All are
required to display a parking permit/at all times/to
avoid ticketing or towing./Residents (who live on
the Sawtelle side of University Village) are eligible
for/second car parking./Once again,/all vehicles
must display a valid parking permit,/ which may
be obtained from the rental office/
1. issue
1) 주제, 쟁점
2) 문제
3) 발급V
4) 발표V
2. In order to obtain
=To obtain (부사/목적)
[327-328] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
Chicken feathers have many advantages/in
cleaning up oil spills./They are cheap and easy/
to get./ Unlike boats with vacuum cleaners,/they
can be used in rough seas./They are simply strung
together /and dropped over pools of oil./ The
pillows are easy/to fetch with a long-handed pole
or a net./ They are light, easy to stack/ and easy to
carry to spill sites./Afterwards,/they can be buried
or burned/ without causing harmful smoke./
[331-332] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
When you want to end a conversation,/you
usually say good-bye /or something (that indicates
you are finished and want to leave)./Similarly,/
a paragraph needs a final sentence/that gives
readers a sense of completeness./
This is the purpose of the concluding sentence,/ which
usually is the last sentence/of the paragraph./
You can conclude a paragraph/in many different
/ but two types of concluding statements are
commonly used./One way is to restate the main
a general idea/or sum up your paragraph/with a
[319-320] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
Employees like telecommuting because they
can have a more flexible working schedule
can start to work when they want. They
They can sla t wo
d on out in the moming
can work in the evening and go out in the
or the afternoon. 2 They don't have to spend as
much time sitting in highway traffic. 3 They can
take advantage of the fresh air. 0 They sometimes
think their home is work, and this makes them
feel confused. 6 Moreover, telecommuting gives
working mothers and fathers more time with their
[319-320] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
In the old days, people got their news by
of mouth. As society became more (A) [literate /
liberal] and printing costs decreased, newspapers
became the medium. Radio then brought a sense
of immediacy to the news. Television added the
(B) [audio / visual] impact. Now we have the
Internet, which gives (C) [out-of-date / up-to-
the-second] news about any news event any time
we want it. Who knows what the news medium
of the future will be?
[319-320] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
Owing to live television, people can receive news
as it happens
(A) Because of "live" reporting, people nowadays
can feel as though they are participating in
history, not just reading or hearing about it
(B) For example, during the Gulf War, CNN
viewers around the world could watch the
war as it was going on.
(C) It has changed the viewer's role completely.
[319-320] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오
We often make O mistakes in judging other
people's character, When we are young, we tend
to take everyone and everything at face value.
But then we find our judgment is 2 mistaken, or
we are deceived by someone we grew to love,
respect and trust. People with a pleasant
good looks and a charming voice may 3 impress
us with their beauty and their smart fashions: but
underneath this D deceptive personal appearance
they may hide a 6 good heart, for they are wolves
in sheep's clothing.