Surface Area to Volume Ratio & Gas Exchange in Organisms

Learning objectives
 Explain how the size of an organism and its structure relate to its surface area to
volume ratio.
 Describe how larger organisms increase their surface area to volume ratio.
 Explain how surfaces are specially adapted to facilitate exchange.
 The external environment is different from the internal environment found within an
organism and within its cells.
 To survive, organisms transfer materials between the two environments.
 This transfer takes place at exchange surfaces and always involves crossing cell plasma
 The environment around the cells of multicellular organisms is called tissue fluid.
 The majority of cells are too far from exchange surfaces for diffusion alone to supply
or remove their tissue fluid with the various materials needed to keep its composition
relatively constant.
 Therefore, once absorbed, materials are rapidly distributed ro the tissue fluid and the
waste products returned ro the exchange surface for removal.
 This involves a mass transport system. It is this mass transport system that maintains
the diffusion gradients that bring materials to and from the cell-surface membranes.
 The size and metabolic rate of an organism will affect the amount of each material that
is exchanged.
 For example, organisms with a high metabolic rate exchange more materials and so
require a larger surface area ro volume ratio.
 In turn this is reflected in the type of exchange surface and transport system that
evolved to meet the requirements of each organism. In this chapter we will investigate
the adaptations of exchange surfaces and transport systems in a variety of organisms.
 Examples of things that need to be interchanged between an organism and its
environment include: respiratory gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide); nutrients
(glucose, fatty acids. amino acids. vitamins, minerals); excretory products (urea and
carbon dioxide); and heat.
 Except for heat, these exchanges can Lake place in two ways:
 passively (no metabolic energy is required), by diffusion and osmosis
 Actively (metabolic energy is required), by active transport.
Surf ace area to volume ratio
Exchange takes place at the surface of an organism, but the materials absorbed are used by the
cells that mostly make up its volume. For exchange to be effective, the exchange surface(s) of
the organism must be large compared with its volume.
 Small organisms have a surface area that is large enough, compared with their volume, to
allow efficient exchange across their body surface.
 However, as organisms become larger, their volume increases at a faster rate than their
surface area (Table 1). Because of this, simple diffusion of substances across the outer
surface can only meet the needs of relatively inactive organisms.
 Even if the outer surface could supply enough of a substance, it would still take too long
for it LO reach the middle of the organism if diffusion alone was the method of transport.
 Organisms have evolved one or more of the following features:
 a flattened shape so that no cell is ever far from the surface (e.g. a flatworn1 or a
 specialised exchange surfaces with large areas to increase the surface area to
volume ratio (e.g., lungs in mammals, gills in fish).
You may be asked to calculate the surface area to volume ratio of cells with different shapes. To
make these calculations reasonably straightforward, cells or organisms may have to be assumed
to have a uniform shape although in practice they almost never do.
Calculating the surface area to volume ratio of cells with different shapes
 For example, let us assume a cell has the shape of a sphere that is l0μm in diameter.
 The surface area of a sphere is calculated using the formula: 4𝜋𝑟 2.
 In our example: r = 5 μm (radius= half the diameter) and we will use the value of n as
 Therefore the surface area of the cell= 4 x 3.14 x (5 x 5) = 314μm
 The volume of a sphere is calculated using the formula: 3 𝜋𝑟 3
 Therefore the volume of the cell=~x 3.14 x (5 x 5 x 5) = 523.33μm
 The surface area to volume ratio is therefore 314÷523.33 = 0.6: l
Features of specialised exchange surfaces
To allow effective transfer of materials across specialised exchange surfaces by diffusion or
active transport, exchange surfaces show the following characteristics:
 a large surface area relative to the volume of the organism which increases the rate of
 very thin so that the diffusion distance is short and therefore materials cross the exchange
surface rapidly
 selectively permeable to allow selected materials to cross
 movement of the environmental medium, for example, air, to maintain a diffusion
 A transport system to ensure the movement of the internal medium, for example blood, in
order to maintain a diffusion gradient
We saw in Topic 4.2 that the relationship between certain of these factors can be expressed as:
𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑥 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑎𝑡ℎ
 Being thin, specialised exchange surfaces are easily damaged and dehydrated.
 They are therefore often located inside an organism.
 Where an exchange surface is located inside the body, the organism needs to have a
means of moving the external medium over the surface, e.g. a means of ventilating
the lungs in a mammal.
Summary questions
Name four general things that need to be exchanged between organisms and their
Calculate the surface area to volume ratio of a cube that has sides 10 mm long.
Name three factors that affect the rate of diffusion of substances into cells.
6.2 Gas exchange in single-celled organisms and insects
Learning objectives
Describe how single-celled organisms exchange gases.
Explain how terrestrial insects balance the need
to exchange gases with the need to conserve water
Explain how insects exchange gases.
Gas exchange in single-celled organisms
 Single-celled organisms are small and therefore have a large surface area to volume
 Oxygen is absorbed by diffusion across their body surface, which is covered only by a
cell-surface membrane.
 In the same way, carbon dioxide from respiration diffuses out across their body surface.
 Where a living cell is surrounded by a cell wall, this is no additional barrier to the
diffusion of gases.
Gas exchange in insects
 As with all terrestrial organisms, insects have evolved mechanisms to conserve water.
 The increase in surface area required for gas exchange conflicts with conserving water
because water will evaporate from it.
 How insects overcome water loss is discussed in Topic 6.5.
 For gas exchange, insects have evolved an internal network of tubes called tracheae.
 The tracheae arc supported by strengthened rings to prevent them from collapsing.
 The tracheae divide into smaller dead-end tubes called tracheoles.
 The tracheoles extend throughout all the body tissues o[ the insect. In this way
atmospheric air, with the oxygen it contains, is brought directly to the respiring tissues, as
there is a short diffusion pathway from a tracheole to any body cell.
Respiratory gases move in and out of the tracheal system in three ways.
1. Along a diffusion gradient.
 When cells are respiring, oxygen is used up and so its concentration towards the ends
of the tracheoles falls.
 This creates a diffusion gradient that causes gaseous oxygen to diffuse from the
atmosphere along the tracheae and tracheoles to the cells.
 Carbon dioxide is produced by cells during respiration.
 This creates a diffusion gradient in the opposite direction.
 This causes gaseous carbon dioxide to diffuse along the tracheoles and tracheae from
the cells to the atmosphere.
 As diffusion in air is much more rapid than in water, respiratory gases are exchanged
quickly by this method.
2. Mass transport.
 The contraction of muscles in insects can squeeze the trachea enabling mass
movements of air in and out.
 This further speeds up the exchange of respiratory gases.
3. The ends of the tracheoles are filled with water.
 During periods of major activity, the muscle cells around the tracheoles respire
carrying out some anaerobic respiration.
 This produces lactate, which is soluble and lowers the water potential of the
muscle cells.
 Water therefore moves into the cells from the tracheoles by osmosis.
 The water in the ends of the tracheoles decreases in volume and in doing so
draws air further into them.
 This means the final diffusion pathway is in a gas rather than a liquid phase,
and therefore diffusion is more rapid.
 This increases the rare at which air is moved in the tracheoles but leads ro
greater water evaporation.
Gases enter and leave tracheae through tiny pores, called spiracles, on the body surface.
The spiracles may be opened and closed by a valve.
When the spiracles arc open, water vapour can evaporate from the insect.
For much of the time insects keep their spiracles closed to prevent this water loss.
Periodically they open the spiracles to allow gas exchange.
Part of an insect tracheal system is illustrated in Figure I.
The tracheal system is an efficient method or gas exchange.
It does, however, have some limitations.
It relies mostly on diffusion to exchange gases between the environment and the cells.
For diffusion to be effective, the diffusion pathway needs to be short which is why insects
are of a small size.
 As a result the length of the diffusion pathway limits the size that insects can attain. Not
that being small has hindered insects. They are one of the most successful groups of
organisms on Earth.
Summary questions
Name the process by which carbon dioxide is removed from a single-celled organism.
Explain why there is a conflict in terrestrial insects between gas exchange and conserving
Explain how the tracheal system limits the size of insects.
Learning objectives
Describe the structure of fish gills.
Describe how water is passed along fish gills.
Explain the difference between parallel flow and countercurrent flow.
Explain how countercurrent flow increases the rate of gas exchange.
 Fish have a waterproof, and therefore a gas-tight, outer covering.
 Being relatively large they also have a small surface area to volume ratio.
 Their body surface is therefore not adequate to supply and remove their respiratory
gases and so, like insects and humans, they have evolved a specialised internal gas
exchange surface: the gills.
Structure of the gills
 The gills are located within the body of the fish, behind the head.
 They are made up of gill filaments.
 The gill filaments are stacked up in a pile, rather like the pages in a book.
 At right angles to the filaments are gill lamellae, which increase the surface area of the
 Water is taken in through the mouth and forced over the gills and out through an opening
on each side of the body.
 The position and arrangement of the gill filaments and gill lamellae are shown in Figure
1. From this figure you will notice that the flow of water over the gill lamellae and the
flow of blood within them are in opposite directions.
 This is known as a countercurrent flow.
 It is important for ensuring that the maximum possible gas exchange is achieved.
 If the water and blood flowed in the same direction, far less gas exchange would take
The countercurrent exchange principle
 The essential feature of the countercurrent exchange system is that the blood and the
water that flow over the gill lamellae do so in opposite directions. This arrangement
means that:
 Blood that is already well loaded with oxygen meets water, which has its
maximum concentration of oxygen. Therefore diffusion of oxygen from the
water to the blood takes place.
 Blood with little oxygen in it meets water which has had most, but not all, of its
oxygen removed. Again, diffusion of oxygen from the water to blood takes
 As a result, a diffusion gradient for oxygen uptake is maintained across the entire width
of the gill lamellae.
 In this way, about 80% of the oxygen available in the water is absorbed into the blood of
the fish.
 If the flow of water and blood had been in the same direction (parallel flow), the
diffusion gradient would only be maintained across part of the length of the gill lamellae
and only 50% of the available oxygen would be absorbed by the blood.
Summary questions
1. In relation to fish gills, describe what is meant by countercurrent flow.
2. Outline why countercurrent flow is an efficient means of exchanging gases across the
gills of fish.
3. Mackerel are active, fast swimming fish while plaice spend most of their lives moving
slowly on the sea bed. There are differences in the gills of these two types of fish.
Suggest what these differences might be
4. Water flow over fish gills is one-way whereas the flow of air in and out of the lungs is
two-way. Suggest why one way flow is an advantage to fish.
Learning objectives
 Describe how plants exchange gases.
 Describe the structure of a dicotyledonous plant leaf.
 Explain the adaptations of leaves for efficient gas exchange.
 Like animal cells, all plant cells require oxygen and produce carbon dioxide during
 When it comes to gas exchange, however, plants show one important difference from
 Some plant cells carry out photosynthesis.
 During photosynthesis, plant cells take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.
 AL Limes the gases produced in one process can be used for the other.
 This reduces gas exchange with the external air.
 Overall, this means that the volumes and types of gases that arc being exchanged by a plant
leaf change.
 This depends on the balance between the rates of photosynthesis and respiration.
 When photosynthesis is taking place, although some carbon dioxide comes from
respiration of cells, most of it is obtained from the external air. In the same way, some
oxygen from photosynthesis is used in respiration but most of it diffuses out of the plant.
 When photosynthesis is not occurring, for example, in the dark, oxygen diffuses into the
leaf because it is constantly being used by cells during respiration. In the same way,
carbon dioxide produced during respiration diffuses out.
Structure of a plant leaf and gas exchange
In some ways, gas exchange in plants is similar to that of insects (see Topic 6.2).
 No living cell is far from the external air, and therefore a source of oxygen and carbon
 Diffusion takes place in the gas phase (air), which makes it more rapid than if it were in
 Overall, therefore, there is a short, fast diffusion pathway.
 In addition, the air spaces inside a leaf have a very large surface area compared with the
volume of living tissue.
 There is no specific transport system for gases, which simply move in and through the
plant by diffusion.
 Most gaseous exchange occurs in the leaves, which show the following adaptations for
rapid diffusion:
 many small pores, called stomata, and so no cell is Car from a stoma and
therefore the diffusion pathway is short (Figure l)
 numerous interconnecting air-spaces that occur throughout the mesophyll so that
gases can readily come in contact with mesophyll cells
 large surface area of mesophyll cells for rapid diffusion. The structure of a leaf is
shown in Figure 2.
 Stomata are minute pores chat occur mainly, but not exclusively, on the leaves, especially
the underside.
 Each stoma (singular) is surrounded by a pair of special cells (guard cells).
 These cells can open and close the stomata pore (Figure 3).
 In this way they can control the rate of gaseous exchange.
 This is important because terrestrial organisms lose water by evaporation.
 Plants have evolved co balance the conflicting needs of gas exchange and control of
water loss.
 They do this by closing stomata at times when water loss would be excessive.
Summary questions
1. State two similarities between gas exchange in a plant leaf and gas exchange in a
terrestrial insect.
2. State two differences between gas exchange in a plant leaf and gas exchange in a
terrestrial insect.
3. Explain the advantage to a plant of being able to control the opening and closing of
Learning objectives
 Explain how terrestrial plants and insects balance the need for gas-exchange and the need
to conserve water.
 In terrestrial organisms like insects and plants problems arise from the opposing needs or an
efficient gas-exchange system and the requirement to conserve water.
 The features that make a good gas-exchange system are the same features that increase water
 In order to survive, terrestrial organisms must limit their water loss without compromising the
efficiency of their gas-exchange systems. The gas exd1ange surfaces or terrestrial organisms
are inside the body. The air at the exchange surface is more or less 100% saturated with water
vapour. This means there is less evaporation of water from the exchange surface.
Limiting water loss in insects
 Most insects arc terrestrial (live on land).
 The problem for all terrestrial organisms is that water easily evaporates from the surface
of their bodies and they can become dehydrated.
 They have evolved adaptations to conserve water.
 However, efficient gas exchange requires a thin, permeable surface with a large area.
 These features conflict with the need to conserve water.
 Overall, as a terrestrial organism, the insect has to balance the opposing needs of exchanging
respiratory gases with limiting water loss.
Adaptations of insects to reduce water loss
 Small surface area to volume ratio to minimise the area over which water is lost.
 Waterproof coverings over their body surfaces. In the case of insects this covering is a
rigid outer skeleton of chitin that is covered with a waterproof cuticle.
 Spiracles are the openings of the tracheae at the body surface and these can be closed to
reduce water loss. This conflicts with the need for oxygen and so occurs largely when the
insect is at rest.
These features mean that insects cannot use their body surface to diffuse respiratory gases in the
way a single-celled organism does. Instead they have an internal network of tubes called tracheae
that carry air containing oxygen directly to the tissues.
Limiting water loss in plants
 While plants also have waterproof coverings, they cannot have a small surface area to
volume ratio.
 This is because they photosynthesise, and photosynthesis requires a large leaf surface
area for the capture of light and for the exchange or gases. So how do plants limit water loss?
 To reduce water loss, terrestrial plants have a waterproof covering over parts of the
leaves and the ability to close stomata when necessary.
 Certain plants with a restricted supply of water, have also evolved a range of other
adaptations to limit water loss through transpiration. These plants are called xerophytes.
 Xerophytes are plants that are adapted to living in areas where water is in short supply.
 Without these adaptations these plants would become desiccated and die.
The main way of surviving in habitats where there is a high rate of water loss and a limited water
supply is to reduce the rate at which water can be lost through evaporation. As the vast majority
of water loss occurs through the leaves, it is these organs that usually show most modifications.
Examples of these modifications include:
 a thick cuticle.
 Although the waxy cuticle on leaves forms a waterproof barrier, up to I0% of
water loss can still occur by this route.
 The thicker the cuticle, the less water can escape by this means, for example
 rolling up of leaves.
 Most leaves have their stomata largely, or entirely, confined to the lower
 The rolling of leaves in a way that protects the lower epidermis from the outside
helps to trap a region of still air within the rolled leaf.
 This region becomes saturated with water vapour and so has a very high water
 There is no water potential gradient between the inside and outside of the leaf and
therefore no water loss. Marram grass rolls its leaves.
 hairy leaves.
 A thick layer of hairs on leaves, especially on the lower epidermis, traps still,
moist air next to the leaf surface.
 The water potential gradient between the inside and the outside of the leaves is
reduced and therefore less water is lost by evaporation.
 One type of heather plant has this modification.
 stomata in pits or grooves.
 These again trap still, moist air next to the leaf and reduce the water potential
 Examples of plants using this mechanism include pine trees.
 a reduced surface area to volume ratio of the leaves.
 We saw in Topic 6.1 that the smaller the surface area to volume ratio, the slower
the rate of diffusion.
 By having leaves that are small and roughly circular in cross-section, as in pine
needles, rather than leaves that are broad and flat, the rate of water loss can be
considerably reduced.
 This reduction in surface area is balanced against the need for a sufficient area for
photosynthesis to meet the requirements of the plant.
Summary questions
1. Insects and plants face the same problems when it comes to living on land. What is the
main problem they share?
2. State one modification to reduce water loss that is shared by plants and insects.
3. Insects limit water loss by having a small surface area to volume ratio. Why is this not a
feasible way of limiting water loss in plants?
4. Plants such as marram grass roll up their leaves, with the lower epidermis on the inside,
to reduce water loss.
a. Explain how rolling up their leaves helps to reduce water loss.
b. Why would rolling the leaf the other way (with the upper epidermis on the inside) not
be effective in reducing water loss?
Learning objectives
 Describe how the human gas-exchange system is arranged.
 Explain the functions of the human gas-exchange system.
 All aerobic organisms require a constant supply of oxygen to release energy in the form
of ATP during respiration.
 The carbon dioxide produced in the process needs to be removed as its build-up could be
harmful to the body.
 The volume of oxygen that has to be absorbed and the volume of carbon dioxide that
must be removed are large in mammals because:
 they are relatively large organisms with a large volume of Jiving cells
 they maintain a high body temperature which is related to them having high
metabolic and respiratory rates.
 As a result mammals have evolved specialised surfaces, called lungs, to ensure efficient
gas exchange between the air and their blood.