What is a computer system 1. Introduction Computers today are all around us in one form or another. You are probably sitting in your classroom reading this text. Just have a think about all of the different computers that are nearby: Mobile phone Calculator Watch Interactive white board Projector Printer Desktop computer Laptop As you can see, computers come in all shapes and sizes and are often built into other devices. However, all computers share some common features which we will cover in the next few pages. What is a computer system 2. A computer system A computer system takes a set of digital inputs, processes them and creates a set of outputs. This is done by a combination of hardware and software. In other words, you put some data into a computer (input), something happens to that data (processing) and then the computer puts out a result (output). In order to do this, the computer needs instructions to tell it what to do. The instructions are provided by a program The diagram below shows you the idea of a computer system in its most basic form A laptop or desktop computer are examples of computer systems. Smart phones would also be another example as they have input, output and secondary storage devices. What is a computer system 3. Computer input As mentioned on the previous page, a computer system needs an input, in the form of data. Somehow the data has to get into the computer and this is done by using an 'input device.' For example, if you want to create an email, you might use a keyboard to type your message. As you press the key you will see the text appear on the screen. The keyboard is an 'input device' as it enables you to put data into the computer system. KEY TERM: An input device is an example of hardware. Hardware is the word used to describe the physical parts of a computer system. Examples of input devices Input device Task Make a new Keyboard paragraph in your document The input data You press the 'return' key, then the keyboard sends the 'return' digital code as input to the CPU. After processing, a paragraph break is added to the document. You click on the save icon using your mouse. The Mouse Save a document input data from the mouse is sent to the microprocessor which causes the document to be saved. Touch Open an app on screen your phone. The touch screen picks up your finger movements on the screen and produces input data for the computer system to act upon. The microphone system picks up sound and Microphone Record your voice converts it into digital input data (via the sound card or chip). Keeps the house at Heat sensor a stable temperature. The heat sensor detects the surrounding temperature and produces an input into the computer system. Process When something changes from one thing to another, then it undergoes a 'process'. In terms of ICT it normally means that input data is 'processed' in some way in order to make the output meaningful. Typical data flow is INPUT -> PROCESS -> OUTPUT (and sometimes FEEDBACK). For example, a data logger supplies a number of measurements. This 'data set' is fed into a computer program that carries out a 'process' to produce graphs, charts and summary data. https://www.britannica.com/video/160151/devices-arms-monkeys-interfaces-minds-lifequality Clicking (single-clicking) To click an item, point to the item on the screen, and then press and release the primary button (usually the left button). Clicking is most often used to select (mark) an item or open a menu. This is sometimes called single-clicking or left-clicking. Double-clicking To double-click an item, point to the item on the screen, and then click twice quickly. If the two clicks are spaced too far apart, they might be interpreted as two individual clicks rather than as one double-click. Double-clicking is most often used to open items on your desktop. For example, you can start a program or open a folder by double-clicking its icon on the desktop. Right-clicking To right-click an item, point to the item on the screen, and then press and release the secondary button (usually the right button). Right-clicking an item usually displays a list of things you can do with the item. For example, when you right-click the Recycle Bin on your desktop, Windows displays a menu allowing you to open it, empty it, delete it, or see its properties. If you are unsure of what to do with something, right-click it. FUNCTIONS OF CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT - Process data - Control sequence of operaions within the computers - It gives command to all parts of a computer - It control the use of the main memory in storing of data and instructions - it provides temporary storage (RAM) and permanent storage(ROM) of data A computer system consists of hardware components that have been carefully chosen so that they work well together and software components or programs that run in the computer. The main software component is itself an operating system that manages and provides services to other programs that can be run in the computer. A filing system is a group of files organized with a plan (for example, alphabetical by customer). All of nature and the universe can be said to be a system. We've coined a word, ecosystem, for the systems on Earth that affect life systems. The term can be very useful because so many things can be described as systems. It can also be very unuseful when a more specific term is needed. What makes a computer, a computer? https://youtu.be/xfKn5OjHLqQ CPU, memory, input & output https://youtu.be/MMzdKTtUIFM Hardware and Software https://youtu.be/VzVSt6jxiqw HTTP and HTML https://youtu.be/1K64fWX5z4U https://ed.ted.com/search?qs=computer Is Google memory https://ed.ted.com/best_of_web/7S4PHeYg AI https://ed.ted.com/lessons/how-does-artificial-intelligence-learn-briana-brownell https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/subjects/tech/ https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/subjects/tech/ https://edu.gcfglobal.org/en/gcfteacherguides/tutorial-descriptions/1/ https://www.webwise.ie/teachers/digital_literacy/ https://www.digitallearn.org/courses/why-use-a-computer HOW TO TRUST A WEBSITE WHEN BUYING ONLINE https://www.buyagift.co.uk/Content/design/infographics/howtotrustawebsite/how-totrust-a-website.html?cm_mmc=Affiliates-_-111l748-_-adgoal_eu-_1&utm_source=Partnerize&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=adgoal_eu&utm_co ntent=111l748&clickref=1011lwfm5Vrr False information https://www.webwise.ie/teachers/what-is-fake-news/ https://www.youtube.com/embed/AmUC4m6w1wo https://www.pdsttechnologyineducation.ie/videos/ https://www.webwise.ie/teachers/advice-teachers/digital-literacy-skills-findinginformation/ bits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4P0LOofEFs