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3 Reasons to Play Chess: Sharpen Your Mind & Strategy

3 Reasons To Play Chess
Jeffry plays video games all day with his group of discord mods
Jeffrey: I WON( says Jeffrey with a face thats half asleep after the 10 hour
gaming sesion); The rest of his group cheers him up and all of them starst to
trash talk the other teame.
Adonissss The real men play classical chess with pleasure and respect, even
when they lose real men are GRATEFULL for their opponent that made them
learn from the mistakes made in the game.
Chess is THE MOST POPULAR game of strategy in the world. It was
developed for hundreds of years trou the chineze, russians, egyptians and got to
the one whe know today.
1)A mind like a blade:
The first and probably the most important thing you get from chess ist hat it
SHARPENS YOUR MIND. You need to think that your mind is a blade made
of THE BEST iron you could get, but only IRON molds IRON, you need to
sharp it with strong iron not some crusty rusty bar of metal that you found on the
street. By playing chess you train your attention and thinking in the near future,
by looking at- next title
2)The big picture
In chess you can’t just focus on half of the board, or else you will be
CRUSHED because of a mistake that you made. Also, if you want to give a
checkmate, thinking your oponents posible moves is CRUCIAL. You need to
observe the entire board and the piece placement before every move. The same
is in life, before you make a move you need to know the placement of the people
that can ruin it.That can be prevented with- next title
3)Good planing
Openings can decide from the START who is going to loose later on. If you got
a good opening it doesn’t mean that you will always win, you also need to
master it and be prepared for moves that can destroy your plans. Life won’t let
you live how you plan to, only the strong ones get that benefit. The strong ones
have plans that they put in PRACTICE and goals to achieve, but about that we
will talk in the upcoming videos.
So, take a moment to meditate and do the hard work before we meet again!