目錄 © 職業安全健康大使計劃的宗旨 2 職業安全健康大使的責任 2 如何成為職業安全健康大使 3 職業安全健康大使的基本訓練課程 3 職業安全健康大使的實習 3 職業安全健康大使的活動 4 職業安全健康大使計劃的組成 4 職業安全健康大使的發展 4 附錄一:職業安全健康大使計劃的章程 6 附錄二:參加表格 15 Contents Objectives of the OSH Ambassador Program 8 Responsibilities of the OSH Ambassadors 8 How to become an OSH Ambassador 9 Basic training for the OSH Ambassadors 9 Field work for the OSH Ambassadors 10 Activities for the OSH Ambassadors 10 Organization of the OSH Ambassadors Program 11 Recognition and development of the OSH Ambassadors 11 Appendix 1 - Regulations of the OSH Ambassador Program 13 Appendix 2 - Application Forms 15 職業安全健康局(簡稱“職安局”)為法定機構,獲法例授權致力提 高香港的職業安全健康標準。一直以來,職安局積極推動職業安全 健康活動,並在社區發展及建立安全文化;為使公眾能夠全面參與, 職安局誠意向大家推薦「職業安全健康大使計劃」。 職業安全健康大使計劃的宗旨 「職業安全健康大使計劃」之目的,是招募一批熱心推動職業安全健 康活動的人士,成為職業安全健康大使(簡稱“職安健大使”),並為 他們提供基本的職業安全健康訓練。透過參加訓練,使他們身體力 行地培養及深化職安健意識,在朋輩中樹立良好的榜樣。而職安健 大使通過籌劃及參與職安健的活動,協助社區及機構改善職安健水 平,並把安全訊息傳遞給市民大眾,提高公眾的安全意識。 職業安全健康大使的責任 職安健大使必須履行責任,遵守計劃章程(附錄一),協助職安局推 廣職安健文化。包括: 1. 積極參與職安健的推廣服務工作; 2. 樹立良好榜樣,實踐良好職安健行為; 3. 向大眾傳遞職業安全健康的訊息,於社區中建立安 全健康文化; 4. 協助改善社區及機構內的職安健狀況; 5. 參與職安健的講座和課程,以增進職安健的知識。 2 如何成為職業安全健康大使 要成為職安健大使,參加者必須年滿十五歲,富責任感,熱心推動 職業安全及健康,願意為社會作出貢獻;而所有參加者均須要完成 職安健大使之基本訓練課程,方可獲得職安局的委任。 職業安全健康大使的基本訓練課程 職安局將會安排職安健大使,接受基本訓練課程,課程內容如下: 1. 簡介職安健大使計劃及作為職安健大使的責任及義務; 2. 介紹職安局的服務及其有關的支援; 3. 認識職業安全及健康條例及其附屬規列; 4. 學習職業安全及健康的知識,認識工作中的潛在 危險; 5. 義務工作的須知。 職業安全健康大使的實習 除了接受基本訓練課程外,職安健大使亦可透過參與實習活動,學 習向公眾推廣職業安全及健康意識的技巧和方法。 實習活動內容包括: 1. 協助進行問卷調查,直接了解市民對職業安全及健康的 意見和需要。藉調查結果,反映市民的訴求,讓有關當 局得以參考,於制訂政策及進行跟進工作時,有所依歸。 2. 協助籌辦展覽,宣揚職安健訊息。 3. 籌辦招募新成員活動,吸引更多人士參與職安健大使行列。 3 職業安全健康大使的活動 職安健大使可參與多姿多采的各項活動,包括: 1. 製作期刊,報導有關計劃的發展及活動,介紹最新的職安健資訊。 2. 組織職安健標準借鑑,探訪及參觀活動。 3. 舉辦傑出職安健大使大獎/獎勵計劃,以嘉許機構/團體和個人 的卓越表現。 4. 進修職安健課程。 職業安全健康大使計劃的組成 為更有效地推動不同範疇的安全意識,職安健大使將會分為兩大類, 分別是企業 / 機構組及公眾人士組。 企業/機構組: 任何企業或機構均可組織其員工成立職業安全健康大使團,每團由 一名團長及副團長帶領。團長及副團長負責與職安局聯絡,統籌該 企業或機構的職安健大使之招募及組織相關活動,並每年向職安局 提交活動報告。 公眾人士組: 個別有興趣人士,可直接向職安局報名。職安局將會集合參加者, 組成不同團隊,並從中選出團長及副團長,負責所屬團隊內的聯絡 及統籌工作。 4 職業安全健康大使的發展 為獎勵職安健大使對職安健的貢獻,職安健大使將會分金、銀、銅 章三個等級。獎章的頒發,將根據大使參與職安健推廣工作的服務 時間,作為準則。 銅章: 成功完成職安健大使之基本訓練,便可獲頒發銅章。 銀章: 履行三十小時之服務時間,便可獲頒發銀章。 金章: 履行五十小時之服務時間,便可獲頒發金章。 企業 / 機構組或公眾人士組,均需由團長及副團長帶領。為表揚團 長及副團長對職安健的貢獻,團長及副團長將獲頒榮譽獎章。此外, 可享有其他優惠,包括: 1. 報讀職安局舉辦的課程可獲折扣優惠。 2. 優先享用職安局圖書館的設施。 3. 免費參與職安局舉辦的職業健康日、建造業安全 日、職安健大獎、工場整理日、物業管理大獎的講 座或分享會。 查詢 香港北角馬寶道二十八號華匯中心十九樓職業安全健康局 電話:2739 9377 傳真:2739 9779 電子郵件:oshc@oshc.org.hk 5 附 錄 一 職業安全健康大使計劃的章程 一般細則 ( 適用於下述企業/機構組和公眾人士組別 ): ˙ 積極履行「職業安全健康大使」( 簡稱職安健大使 ) 之使命。 ˙ 處事負責任和樂於助人。 ˙ 以禮待人、職安健大使彼此間和衷共濟。 ˙ 職安健大使委任證不得轉借或轉讓他人。如遺失該證,須向職安局 申請補發。 ˙ 每當參與活動時,須攜帶職安健大使委任證及衣履整潔。 ˙ 每當參與活動時,必須保持場地清潔,並要愛惜公物。 ˙ 每當參與活動時,禁止喧嘩、粗言穢語、吸煙及賭博。 ˙ 每當參與活動時,要小心看管私人物件。 ˙ 必須遵守活動場地的規則及遵守工作人員的指示。任何職安健大使 若違反活動場地的規則,工作人員有權要求他離開,並終止其職安 健大使資格。 ˙ 不得利用其職安健大使身份進行任何商業或令職安局聲譽受損的活動。 如經發現,職安局將終止其職安健大使資格,並不接受重新申請。 ˙ 除獲得職安局事先書面批准或有關活動、訓練或計劃為職安局正式 舉辦或認可外,職安健大使不得顯示自己是以職安健大使身份行事 或以任何方式代表職安局。職安局明確拒絕承擔任何或所有與職安 健大使未經批准的行為有關的責任。 ˙ 職安健大使同意及承諾不會以職安健大使身份達致任何除獲職安局 批准外的目標,並同意不會在未徵得職安局事先書面同意下使用或 複製任何職安局或職業安全健康大使計劃的徽號或標誌。 ˙ 如職安健大使欲取得職安局給予有關任何活動、訓練或計劃及/或 使用任何職安局或職業安全健康大使計劃的徽號或標誌的正式批准 或認可,職安健大使應向職安局提交書面申請以獲取該等批准。除 獲得職安局書面確認外,該等申請不可被當作已獲批准。 ˙ 職安健大使承諾將對職安局作出所有因與職安健大使以職安健大使 身份從事的任何活動、訓練、計劃或其他事宜直接或間接有關而對 職安局提出的任何索求、投訴或任何行動(不論是否正確地提出)所 6 引致的法律費用及蒙受的損害賠償作完全彌償,除非該等行為完全 依照職安局的指示作出。 企業/機構組 : ˙ 要建立良好企業形象,積極促進香港的職安健水平,致力改善機構 內的工作環境,提昇員工安全與健康的保障,及參與推動社區職安 健的工作。 ˙ 要鼓勵員工熱心參與職安健推廣活動,並支持他們履行職安健大使 之使命。 ˙ 每當籌辦職安健推廣活動時,應優先考慮參與者和公眾人士的安全 與健康事宜。 ˙ 申請機構須提供表格內所需的資料。若資料有所改變,應盡快於一 個月內通知職安局以作更新。 ˙ 參與機構的有關資料,只用於職安局所籌辦的活動上。 ˙ 職安局保留接受或拒絕任何機構申請加入「職業安全健康大使」計劃 的權利。 ˙ 職安局保留修改計劃各項細則的權利。 公眾人士組 : ˙ 要積極參與促進香港職安健水平的工作。 ˙ 要樹立良好榜樣,在日常生活或工作間實踐良好職安健行為。 ˙ 要協助所接觸的各種人士增加職安健的認識,宣揚安全及健康的重要。 ˙ 如有投訴或任何建議,可經所屬團長 / 副團長向職安局提出。 ˙ 每當參與活動時,應顧及個人及其他人士的安全與健康為要。 ˙ 申請人須提供表格內所需的資料。當資料有所改變,請盡快於一個 月內通知職安局以作更新。 ˙ 有關參與人士所提供的資料,只用於職安局所籌辦的活動上。 ˙ 職安局保留接受或拒絕任何人士申請加入「職業安全健康大使」計劃 的權利。 ˙ 職安局保留修改計劃各項細則的權利。 註: 所有報名參加職業安全健康大使計劃之人士,不論是企業/機構組或公 眾人士組均須填寫表格 (A) 7 The Occupational Safety and Health Council ("the Council") is a statutory body charged with the mission to promote occupational safety & health standards in Hong Kong. To encourage community participation in promoting safety & health, the Council is pleased to announce the "Occupational Safety & Health ("OSH") Ambassador Program". Objectives of the OSH Ambassador Program The OSH Ambassador Program aims to recruit people who are interested in promoting good safety & health practices at workplace and a strong safety culture in the community. The Council will provide the OSH Ambassadors basic occupational safety and health training. Through such training, the OSH Ambassadors could develop and strengthen their safety awareness setting a role model for good safety behaviour and concern for others. The OSH Ambassadors would actively participate in organizing promotions and educational activities for different segments of the community to spread the safety and health messages. They would have the opportunities to work with organizations and members of the community to improve public awareness on safety & health at workplaces and in general. Responsibilities of the OSH Ambassadors Recognition of the OSH Ambassador is an honour earned by individuals who actively promote safety & health. The OSH Ambassadors are required to observe the regulations listed in 8 Appendix 1 and to assist the Council in promoting safety & health culture. This includes: 1. Actively participate in safety & health promotional activities; 2. Practice good safety behaviour being a model for others; 3. Promote safety culture in the community through disseminating safety & health messages; 4. Assist the organizations or the community to improving safety & health standard; 5. Enhance the safety & health knowledge through active involvement in safety & health seminars and trainings. How to become an OSH Ambassador Interested persons aged 15 or above are welcome to enroll in this program. The individual should possess a strong sense of responsibility and the commitment to serve the community in improving safety and health standard. Participants must successfully complete the basic safety training provided by the Council for recognition as the OSH Ambassadors. Basic training for the OSH Ambassadors The Council would provide basic safety trainings for the participants covering the following topics: 1. Introduction to the OSH Ambassador Program and the responsibilities and obligations of the OSH Ambassador; 2. Overview of the Council's services and support; 9 3. Understanding the Occupational Safety & Health Ordinance and the subsidiary regulations; 4. Basic knowledge on occupational safety & health to identify potential hazards in workplaces; 5. Key points on volunteer services. Field work for the OSH Ambassadors Apart from the basic safety training, the OSH Ambassadors will have the opportunity to promote safety awareness through promotional activities campaigns including the followings: 1. Conduct survey to obtain public opinion on specific safety and health issues. The opinions collected and compiled would serve as useful database for the Council and the authority on policy formulation. 2. Organize exhibitions to promote safety & health messages; 3. Arrange activities to recruit more members to participate in the OSH Ambassador Program. Activities for the OSH Ambassadors The OSH Ambassadors would participate in a variety of programs and activities including: 1. OSH Ambassador Bulletin introducing latest news and development on the OSH Ambassador Program; 2. Benchmarking visits to organizations for information and experience sharing; 10 3. OSH Ambassador Award to recognizing the outstanding ambassadors as individuals or the team; 4. Enhancement training on occupational safety & health. Organization of the OSH Ambassador Program To facilitate a wider participation, the OSH Ambassador Program is structured in two units: Enterprise/Organization and Public. Enterprise/Organization: Enterprise or organization, which is keen to improve safety and health, is encouraged to support their employees to form a OSH Ambassador Team with a team leader and a deputy. The team leader or the deputy team leader would be the contact link between the Council and the enterprise/ organization in organizing and coordinating the OSH Ambassador activities. They also have to submit to the Council a report on their activities on yearly basis. Public: Interested persons could enroll directly through the Council. They will be grouped into different teams with team leaders and deputy team leaders elected from the team. The leaders and deputy leaders are having the same responsibilities as the Enterprise/Organization unit. Recognition and development of the OSH Ambassadors To recognize their services in promoting occupational safety and health to the community, the OSH Ambassadors will be awarded with the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. Medals will be awarded according to the hours of service in programs and activities: 11 Bronze Medal: successfully completed the basic safety training for OSH Ambassador. Silver Medal: minimum of 30 servicing hours in programs and activities. Gold Medal: minimum of 50 servicing hours in programs and activities. Team Leaders and Deputy Team Leaders, under the Enterprise/Organizations and Public Units, are the key persons to ensure the team development is in line with the objectives of the OSH Ambassador Program. They would be recognized with a special badge and certificate together with these privileges, as follows: 1. Special fee discount in enrolling the safety & health training courses of the Council; 2. Priority usage of the Council's library services; 3. Invitations to participate in the seminars and forums organized by the Council for "Occupational Health Day", "Construction Safety Day", "Occupational Safety & Health Award", "Good Housekeeping Day", "Best Property Safety Management Award". Enquiries Occupational Safety & Health Council, 19/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong Tel: 2739 9377 12 Fax: 2739 9779 Email: oshc@oshc.org.hk General (Apply both Enterprise / Organisation Unit and Public Unit) : ˙ Commitment to fulfill the responsibility of OSH Ambassador; ˙ Accept the responsibility and provide assistance to others; ˙ Be courteous and possess team spirit for other OSH Ambassadors; ˙ The OSH Ambassador appointment certificate is not transferable and must report loss to the Council immediately. ˙ The OSH Ambassador appointment certificate must be carried when participating in program activities. ˙ Respect public properties and maintain cleanliness when participating in program activities. ˙ Disturbance of public order, use of profane language, smoking and gambling are strictly prohibited when participating in program activities. ˙ Take good custody of personal belongings when participating in program activities, ˙ Observe the regulations and instructions of the organizers. Should the regulations imposed by the venue be violated, the organizers have the right to request immediate departure and withdraw the qualification as OSH Ambassador. ˙ Strict prohibition in commercial activities in the capacity of OSH Ambassador and/or any dealings that will damage the Council and the OSH Ambassador Program. Discovery of this behaviour would lead to immediate disqualification with no possibility of renewal. ˙ Unless with the Council’s prior written approval or the relevant activity, training or program is officially organized or endorsed by the Council, Ambassador cannot hold himself/itself out to be acting in the capacity of OSH Ambassador or in anyway representing the Council. The Council expressly declines all liability relating to any or all such unapproved acts carried out by Ambassador. ˙ Ambassador agrees and undertakes not to use its/his/her capacity as OSH Ambassador in pursuing any objective other than those approved by the Council and agrees not to use or repoduce any logos or icons of the Council or the OSH Ambassador Program unless with prior written approval from the Council. ˙ In the event that Ambassador wishes to obtain official approval or endorsement from the Council in relation to any activity, training or program and/or the use of any logos or icons of the Council or the OSH Ambassador Program, Ambassador is invited to submit a written application to the Council for such approval to be obtained. Approval is not deemed to be given unless written confirmation from the Council is received. ˙ Ambassador undertakes to fully indemnify the Council against all costs incurred and damages suffered as a result of any demands, complaints or whatever 13 Appendix 1 Regulations of the OSH Ambassador Program actions taken against the Council (whether or not such is rightfully brought) which relate whether directly or indirectly to any activities, training, programs or otherwise carried out by Ambassador in the capacity of OSH Ambassador unless such were conducted under strict instructions of the Council. Enterprise/Organization Unit: ˙ Establish a social responsible corporate image by actively promoting occupational safety & health standards, improving the safety conditions at the workplace, and getting involved in community based safety promotions. ˙ Encourage the employees to participate in safety promotional activities and support their discharge of duties as the OSH Ambassadors. ˙ Consider public safety when organizing promotional activities. ˙ Provide corporate information as required in the application forms and to inform the Council within one month should changes occur. ˙ Information provided by the enterprise/organization would be used only for the administration of this Program. ˙ The Council reserves the right to accept or reject any applications submitted under this Program. ˙ The Council reserves the right to revise the regulations of the Program. Public Unit: ˙ Committed to improve the occupational safety & health standards in Hong Kong. ˙ Accept the responsibility to practice good safety behaviour and concern for others. ˙ Assist the persons or organizations in better understanding safety awareness. ˙ Channel the suggestions to the Council through the Team Leader or Deputy Team Leader. ˙ Always consider others’ safety and welfare when participating in promotional activities. ˙ Provide personal information as required in the application forms and to inform the Council within one month should changes occur. ˙ Information provided by the individual would be used only for the administration of this Program. ˙ The Council reserves the right to accept or reject any applications submitted under this Program. ˙ The Council reserves the right to revise the regulations of the Program. Note: applicants for the Enterprise/Organization Unit or the Public Unit are required to complete application form (A). 14 ΏʡଭΧቜౢĶᕛЊϒશ˃պുķĈ! I would like to enroll "Occupational Safety and Health Ambassador" Course : ുሡ༴! Course Code ʰ̠ೈ Course Date 《收集個人資料聲明 Personal Data Collection Statement》 1. 你向職業安全健康局(「本局」)所提供的資料,包括《個人資料(私隱)條例》所指的個人資料,只會用於相關活動。 The information you provide to the Occupational Safety & Health Council (the Council), including any personal data as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the Ordinance), will be used solely for purposes related to the activities of the Council. 2. 為讓你得知最新的本局活動,本局將使用你的個人資料,包括你的姓名、電話號碼、郵寄和電郵地址,將有關職業安全健康訓練課程、活動、服務及資訊提供給你。你的 個人資料亦可能被用作本局之研究及統計用途。 To keep you informed of Council’s activities, the Council would like to use your personal data, including your name, telephone number and correspondence and email addresses, to update you in relation to our training courses, events and other OSH related information. Your personal data may also be used for our research and statistical purposes. 3. 你可選擇是否同意接收上述資訊。若不同意的話,請於下列拒收資訊一欄之空格內加上「3」號。 You are free to decide whether you wish to receive such information. If you choose not to do so, please put a tick in the box below *. 4. 你有權要求查閱及修正你的個人資料。有關申請須以書面向本局提出,地址為香港北角馬寶道28號華匯中心19樓。 You are also entitled to request access to and correction of any errors in your personal data. If you wish to do so, please write to the Council at 19/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong. * □ 本人不同意日後接收由職業安全健康局發出其活動和相關的資訊。I do not wish to receive any information from the Council in relation to its activities. 15 簽署 Signature : 日期 Date : 此表格只適用於一位申請者,如要作出額外的報名,請複印副本。This form is valid for one applicant only. Please make extra copies for additional applications. Form: PUB (4001) 《收集個人資料聲明 Personal Data Collection Statement》 1. 你向職業安全健康局(「本局」)所提供的資料,包括《個人資料(私隱)條例》所指的個人資料,只會用於相關活動。 The information you provide to the Occupational Safety & Health Council (the Council), including any personal data as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the Ordinance), will be used solely for purposes related to the activities of the Council. 2. 為讓你得知最新的本局活動,本局將使用你的個人資料,包括你的姓名、電話號碼、郵寄和電郵地址,將有關職業安全健康訓練課程、活動、服務及資訊提供給你。你的 個人資料亦可能被用作本局之研究及統計用途。 To keep you informed of Council’s activities, the Council would like to use your personal data, including your name, telephone number and correspondence and email addresses, to update you in relation to our training courses, events and other OSH related information. Your personal data may also be used for our research and statistical purposes. 3. 你可選擇是否同意接收上述資訊。若不同意的話,請於下列拒收資訊一欄之空格內加上「3」號。 You are free to decide whether you wish to receive such information. If you choose not to do so, please put a tick in the box below *. 4. 你有權要求查閱及修正你的個人資料。有關申請須以書面向本局提出,地址為香港北角馬寶道28號華匯中心19樓。 You are also entitled to request access to and correction of any errors in your personal data. If you wish to do so, please write to the Council at 19/F, China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, Hong Kong. * □ 本人不同意日後接收由職業安全健康局發出其活動和相關的資訊。I do not wish to receive any information from the Council in relation to its activities. 簽署 Signature : 日期 Date : 此表格只適用於一位申請者,如要作出額外的報名,請複印副本。This form is valid for one applicant only. Please make extra copies for additional applications. Form: PUB (4002)