*III’ Basic mm if THI RD EDITION with answers Raymond Murphy with William R. Smalzer " ' r'' . ^ Self-study reference and practice for students of North American English THI RD EDITION with answers Raymond Murphy with William R. Smalzer gig C a m b r id g e U N IV E R SIT Y PRESS CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Cambridge University Press 32 Avenue of the Americas, New York. NY 10013-2473, USA www.cambridge.org © Cambridge University Press 2011 First published 1989 Third Edition 2011 Printed in Hong Kong, China, by Golden Cup Printing Company Limited A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library. isb n isb n isb n isb n 978-0-521-13334-0 Student’s Book with answers and CD-ROM 978-0-521-13353-1 Student’s Book with answers 978-0-521-13337-1 Student’s Book with CD-ROM 978-0-521-13330-2 Workbook with answers Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Web sites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such Web sites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Book design and layout: Adventure House, NYC Audio production: Richard LePage & Associates Illustration credits: Carlos Castellanos, Richard Deverell, Travis Foster, Peter Hoey, Randy Jones, Gillian Martin, Sandy Nichols, Roger Penwill, Lisa Smith, Ian West, Simon Williams, and Tracy Wood Contents To the Student To the Teacher viii x Present 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a m /is /a r e a m /is /a r e (questions) I am d o in g (present continuous) are y ou doin g? (present continuous questions) I d o /w o r k /lik e , etc. (simple present) I d o n ’t . . . (simple present negative) D o y ou . . . ? (simple present questions) I am d o in g (present continuous) and I do (simple present) I have . . . and I’ve g o t . . . Past 10 11 12 13 14 15 w a s/w er e w o r k e d /g o t/w e n t, etc. (simple past) I d id n ’t . . . D id you . . . ? (simple past negative and questions) I was d o in g (past continuous) I was d o in g (past continuous) and I d id (simple past) I used to . . . Present perfect 16 17 18 19 20 21 H ave you ever . . . ? H o w lo n g have you . . . ? for sin ce ago I have d on e and I d id (present perfect and simple past 1) ju st, already, and yet (present perfect and simple past 2) I’ve lo st m y key. I lo st m y key last w eek , (present perfect and simple past 3) Passive 22 is d o n e was d on e (passive l) 23 is b ein g d on e has b een d on e (passive 2) Verb forms 24 b e /h a v e /d o in present and past tenses 25 R egular and irregular verbs > Future 26 27 28 29 If W hat are you d o in g tom orrow ? I’m g o in g to . . . w ill 1 w ill 2 you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 263. i Modals, im peratives, etc. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 m ig h t can and co u ld m u st sh o u ld I have to . . . W ou ld you lik e . . . ? Fd lik e . . . Fd rather . . . D o this! D o n ’t do that! L e t’s do this! There and it 38 th ere is th ere are 39 th ere w a s/w e r e there h a s/h a v e b een 40 I t . . . th ere w ill be A uxiliary verbs 41 42 43 44 I am , I d o n ’t, etc. Y ou have? / H ave you? / Y ou are? / A re you?, etc. to o /e ith e r so am I / n eith er do I, etc. isn ’t, h aven ’t, d o n ’t, etc. (negatives) Questions 45 46 47 48 49 50 is i t . . . ? have you . . . ? do th ey . . . ?, etc. (questions 1) W h o saw you? W h o d id you see? (questions 2) W h o is she ta lk in g to? W hat is it like? (questions 3) W h a t . . . ? W h ich . . . ? H o w . . . ? (questions 4) H o w lo n g d oes it take . . . ? D o you k n o w w h ere . . . ? I d o n ’t k n o w w h a t . . . , etc. Reported speech 51 She said t h a t . . . H e to ld m e t h a t . . . -ing and to . . . 52 53 54 55 V w o r k /w o r k in g g o /g o in g d o /d o in g to . . . (I w an t to do) and -in g (I enjoy d oin g) I w a n t you to . . . I to ld you to . . . I w e n t to th e store to . . . Go, get, do, make, and have 56 57 58 59 go to . . . go on . . . get do and m ak e have go for . . . go -in g Pronouns and possessives 60 61 62 63 iv I /m e h e /h im th ey /th em , etc. m y /h is /th e ir , etc. W h o se is this? It’s m in e /y o u r s/h e r s, etc. I /m e /m y /m in e If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 263. 64 m y s e lf/y o u r se lf/th e m se lv e s, etc. 65 -’s (K ate’s camera / m y b ro th er’s car, etc.) A and the 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 a /a n . . . train(s) bus(es) (singular and plural) a b o ttle / som e w ater (countable/uncountable 1) a cake / so m e cake / som e cakes (countable/uncountable 2) a /a n and the th e . . . go to w ork go h o m e go to th e m o v ies I lik e m u sic I hate exam s th e . . . (names of places) Determ iners and pronouns 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 th is /th a t/th e s e /th o s e o n e /o n e s so m e and any n o t + any no n on e n o t + a n y b o d y /a n y o n e/a n y th in g n o b o d y /n o o n e /n o th in g so m e b o d y /a n y th in g /n o w h e r e , etc. every and all a ll m o st som e any n o /n o n e b o th eith er n eith er a lo t m u ch m an y (a) little (a) few Adjectives and adverbs 86 o ld /n ic e /in te r e s tin g , etc. (adjectives) 87 q u ick ly /b a d ly /su d d en ly , etc. (adverbs) 88 o ld /o ld e r exp en sive / m o re exp en sive 89 old er than . . . m ore ex p en siv e th an . . . 90 n o t as . . . as 91 th e o ld est th e m o st exp en sive 92 en o u g h 93 to o Word order 94 95 96 97 He speaks E n g lish very well, (word order 1) a lw a y s/u su a lly /o ften , etc. (word order 2) s till yet already G ive m e that b ook! G ive it to m e! Conjunctions and clauses 98 99 100 101 102 103 and b ut or so b ecau se W h en . . . I f w e go . . . I f you see . . . , etc. I f I had . . . I f w e w e n t . . . , etc. a person w h o . . . a thing th a t/w h ic h . . . (relative clauses l) the people w e m et the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2) If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 263. v __ Prepositions 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 at 8:00 on M onday in A p ril f r o m . . . to u n til sin ce for b efo re after d u rin g w h ile in at on (places 1) in at on (places 2) to in at (places 3) n ex t to, b etw een , under, etc. up, over, th rou gh , etc. on at by w ith about afraid o f . . . , g o o d a t . . . , etc. o f/a t/fo r , etc. (prepositions + -ing) listen to . . . , lo o k a t . . . , etc. (verb + preposition) Phrasal verbs 115 go in, fa ll off, run away, etc. (phrasal verbs 1) 116 p ut on your shoes p ut your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2) A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix A ppendix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Active and passive 235 List of irregular verbs 236 Irregular verbs in groups 237 Short forms (he’s / I’d / d o n ’t, etc.) 238 Spelling 240 Phrasal verbs (take o f f / g iv e up, etc.) 242 Phrasal verbs + object (put ou t a fire / try on clothes, etc.) A dditional Exercises Study Guide 244 263 Answer Key to Exercises 276 Answer Key to A dditional Exercises Answer Key to Study Guide 306 Index vi 243 303 308 If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 263. To the Student This is a gram m ar book for beginning to low -interm ediate students o f English. T here are 116 units in the book, and each unit is about a different point o f English gram m ar. T here is a list of units at the beginning o f the book (Contents). Do not study all the units in order from beginning to end. It is b etter to choose the units that you need to do. For example, if you have a problem w ith the present perfect (I have been, he has done, etc.), study U nits 16-21. Contents To the Student To the Teacher Present 1 a m /is/a re 2 a m /is /a re (questions) 3 I am d o in g (present continuous) 4 are you doing? (present continuous questions) 5 I d o /w o rk /lik e , etc. (simple present) 6 I d o n ’t . . . (simple present negative) 7 D o you . . . ? (simple present questions) 8 I am d oing (present continuous) and I do (simple present) 9 I have — and I ’ve g o t . . . Past 10 w as/w ere 11 w o rk e d /g o t/w e n t, etc. (simple past) 12 I d id n ’t . . . D id you . . . ? (simple past negative and questions) 13 I was d o in g (past continuous) 14 I was d oing (past continuous) and I d id (simple past) Use the Contents or the Index (at the back o f the book) to find the unit (or units) that you need. If you are not sure w hich units you need to study, use the Study Guide at the back o f the book. Study Guide (pages 263-275) V III viii x m Each un it is tw o pages. T he inform ation is on the left-hand page and the exercises are on the right: m Exercises 3.1 Whatarethese peopledoing?Usetheseverfcstt>completethesentences: 1 am doing (present continuous) u n i t j Z He______________ for*(ms- 5. . _____________ hieMm ^^^B B B She'srating Sheisn't reading iB ■■H S ||§ B B | I hT she n (nor) U't raining. Theson shining They’r*numing Theyarea'' walking. i Jw w .jt!r Mm. Me----------------------* J. “You_____________ onmy6m* •OM'imwcy.’ they * Mamk readinga • Sheisn't eating. {*She'snot eating.) « Thf phene1*ringing. « W.-'r*having * Theduhta-naredoingthenhomework. ■ ■ F I A»/iva» +ring■»somethinghhappeningsw I’mworking she'swearing2bat tfwv'ieplayingbaseball « Look,there'sSarah. She'swearingahwwncoat. shei«wearing now) *Wherearethechildrenr “They’replayingmthepark“ ^ B B ■ ■ hotspethng. seeAppends*S. li«- S. I -------- .oose&wMrje. 3.J Lookat the picture. Writesentences about lane. UseShe's ing orShe isn’t -ing. g /f y K S ti m em , ssE S I s. <«b■ *•»«*>-----------------5. (p yAc __________________ 3.4 WhetShappeningnow?Writetruesentences. 1 0/ ■ wash/ myhair) 5. h ft ft 1ft --------------- (it/ram) ---------------------- .---- -------------- —_ (i t «w<*y/ fcnghsh) «. . . (them«/»h«w) __ ___ . , — 0/we«/shoes) ---- — (1/ «Mdf aptmpajwr) Exercises Information Study the left-hand page (information), and do the exercises on the right-hand page. Use the Answer Key to check your answers. T he Answer Key is on pages 2 7 6 -3 0 2 . Study the left-hand page again if necessary. D on’t forget the seven Appendixes at the back o f the book (pages 235-243). These w ill give you inform ation about active and passive forms, irregular verbs, short forms, spelling, and phrasal verbs. APPENDIX 2 APPENDIX 3 List of irregular verbs (see Unit 25) Irregular verbs in groups_______________ ThutimpfipastaWpastpatriiipkmfgemit! There are also Additional Exercises at the back o f the book (pages 2 4 4-262). There is a list o f these exercises on page 244. C D -R O M This book is sold w ith or w ithout a C D -R O M . O n the C D -R O M , there are m ore exercises on all the units, and these are different from the exercises in the book. T here are also m ore than 600 test questions. ix To the Teacher T he m ost im portant features o f this book are: ■ It is a gram m ar book. It does not deal w ith other aspects of the language. ■ It is for beginning to low -interm ediate students of English. It does not cover areas of gram m ar w hich are not norm ally taught at the beginning to low -interm ediate level. ■ It is a reference book w ith exercises. It is not a course book and is not organized progressively. M It is addressed to learners and intended for self-study. O rgan ization o f the b o o k _____________________________________________________ T here are 116 units in the book, each one focusing on a particular area of gram m ar. T he m aterial is organized in gram m atical categories, such as tenses, questions, and articles. U nits are not ordered according to difficulty, and should therefore be selected and used in the order appropriate for the learner(s). T he book should not be w orked th rough from beginning to end. T he units are listed in the Contents, and there is a com prehensive Index at the end of the book. Each un it has the same form at consisting of two facing pages. T he gram m ar point is presented and explained on the left-hand page and the corresponding exercises are on the right. T here are seven Appendixes (pages 235-243) dealing w ith active and passive forms, irregular verbs, short forms (contractions), spelling, and phrasal verbs. It m ight be useful for teachers to draw students’ attention to these. At the back o f the book there is a set o f Additional Exercises (pages 244-262). These exercises provide “m ixed” practice bringing together gram m ar points from a num ber o f different units (especially those concerning verb forms). T here are 35 exercises in this section, and there is a full list on page 244. Also at the back of the book there is a Study Guide to help students decide w hich units to study - see page 263. Finally, there is an Answer Key (pages 276-302) for students to check their answers to all the exercises in the book. An edition w ithout the Study Guide and Answer Key is available for teachers who w ould prefer it for their students. L e v e l________________________________________________________________________ T he book is for beginning learners, i.e., learners w ith very little English, but not for com plete beginners. It is intended m ainly for beginning students who are beyond the early stages of a beginners’ course. It could also be used by low -interm ediate learners whose gram m ar is w eaker than other aspects o f their English or w ho have problem s w ith particular areas o f basic gram m ar. T he explanations are addressed to the beginning learner and are therefore as simple and as short as possible. T he vocabulary used in the examples and exercises has also been restricted so that the book can be used at this level. x U sin g the b o o k _________________________________________________________________ T he book can be used by students w orking alone (see To the Student) or as supplem entary course m aterial. In either case the book can serve as a beginning gram m ar book. W h en used as course m aterial, the book can be used for im m ediate consolidation or for later revision or rem edial work. It m ight be used by the whole class or by individual students needing extra help and practice. In some cases it may be desirable to use the left-hand pages (presentation and explanation) in class, but it should be noted that these have been w ritten for individual study and reference. In m ost cases, it w ould probably be better for teachers to present the gram m ar point in their preferred way w ith the exercises being done for hom ew ork. T he left-hand page is then available for later reference by the student. Some teachers may prefer to keep the book for revision and rem edial work. In this case, individual students or groups of students can be directed to the appropriate units for self-study and practice. C D -R O M ______________________________________________________________________ T he book is sold w ith or w ithout a C D -R O M . T he C D -R O M contains further exercises on all the units in the book, as well as a bank of m ore than 600 test questions from w hich users can select to compile their ow n tests. Basic Grammar in Usef Third Edition This is a new edition of Basic Grammar in Use. The differences between this edition and the second edition are: ■ T he book has been redesigned w ith new color illustrations. ■ T here is reorganization, so some units have different num bers from the previous edition. ■ T here are m any (usually m inor) revisions to the explanations, examples, and exercises. ■ T here are tw o new pages of Additional Exercises (pages 244-262). ■ T here is a new C D -R O M w ith fu rth er exercises to accom pany the book. Basic Gram U N I T am/is/are I'm 22. My name is Lisa. I'm not married. My favorite color is blue. I'm Am erican. I'm from Chicago. My favorite sports are tennis and swim m ing. I'm a student. My father is a doctor, and my mother is a journalist. Negative Positive am (I’m ) he she it is (he’s) (she’s) (it’s) we you they are I I'm interested in art. (we’re) (you’re) (they’re) I am n o t (P m not) he she it is n o t (he’s n o t (she’s n o t (it’s n o t or or or he is n ’t) she is n ’t) it is n ’t) we you they are n o t (we’re n o t (you’re n o t (they’re n o t or or or we a r e n ’t) you a r e n ’t) they a r e n ’t) shortforms shortforms I'm afraid of P m cold. Can you close the window, please? P m 32 years old. My sister is 29. Steve is sick. H e’s in bed. My brother is afraid of dogs. It’s 10:00. You’re late again. Ann and I are good friends. Your keys are on the table. P m tired, but P m n o t hungry. Tom is n ’t interested in politics. H e ’s interested in music. Jane is n ’t a teacher. She’s a student. Those people aren’t Canadian. They’re Australian. It’s sunny today, but it is n ’t warm. th at’s = that is there’s — there is here’s = here is ■ Thank you. T hat’s very nice of you. ■ Look! T here’s Chris. ■ “H ere’s your key.” “Thank you.” 2 am/is/are (questions) —►Unit 2 there is/are —►Unit 38 a/an —►Unit 66 short forms —►Appendix 4 Exercises u n i t | 1.1 Write the short form (she's / we aren't, etc.) 1. she is 2. they a r e 3. it is n o t _____________ 4. that is _____________ she's 5. I am not ______________ 6. you are not ______________ 1.2 Write am, is, or are. 1. 2. 3. 4. The w eather /s nice today. I _______not rich. This b a g heavy. These b a g s_______heavy. 5. 6. 7. 8. Look! T h e r e Carol. My brother and I good tennis players. Amy at home. H er c h ild re n at school. I a taxi driver. My siste r_______ a nurse. 1.3 Complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Steve is sick. He's in bed. I’m not hungry, b u t _______________thirsty. Mr. Thom as is a very old m a n ._______________ 98. These chairs aren’t beautiful, b u t _______________ comfortable. The w eather is nice today. warm and sunny. “_______________late.” “No, I’m not. I’m early!” C atherine isn’t at h o m e ._______________ at work. “_______________your coat.” “Oh, thank you very m uch.” 1.4 Look at Lisa's sentences in 1A.Now 1. 2. 3. 4. write sentences about yourself. (name?) My (from?) I I (age?) I (j° b?) 5. (favorite color or colors?) M y. 6. (interested in . . . ?) I ___________________ 1.5 Write sentences for the pictures. Use: afraid an gry cold 1. She's thirsty. _________ 2. T h e y __________________ h ot h u n g ry t h i rsty 3. H e 4. 5. _________ 6. _ 1.6 Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use is/isn't or are/aren't. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (it / hot today) (it / windy today) (my hands / cold) (Brazil / a very big country) (diamonds / cheap) (Toronto / in the U nited States) It isn 't hot today. OR It's h ot today. I t ______________________________________ My . ___ ___ ___ Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use I'm / I'm not. 7. 8. 9. 10. (tired) I'm_tired.__________ OR I'm n o t tired. (hungry) I _______________________________________ (a good swimmer) ________________________________________ (interested in politics)__________ ________________________________________ — Additional exercise 1 (page 244) 3 U N I T am/is/are (questions) Question Positive I am am he she it is is we you they are are What's your name? I? David. he? she? it? Are you m arried? 4 No, I'm single. we? you? they? How old are you? 25. Are you a student? Yes, I am. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ “A m I late?” “No, y o u ’re on tim e.” “Is your m o th er at hom e?” “No, she’s out.” “Are your parents at hom e?” “N o, th ey ’re out.” “Is it cold in your room ?” “Yes, a little.” Your shoes are nice. Are th ey new? W e say: ■ Is she at home? / Is your m o th er at home? (not Is at hom e your mother?) ■ Are they new? / Are your shoes new? (not Are new your shoes?) W here . . . ? / W h a t. . . ? / W ho . . . ? / H o w . . . ? / W hy . . . ? ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ W here is your m other? Is she at home? “W here are you from?” “Canada.” “W hat co lo r is your car?” “It’s red.” “H o w old is Joe?” “H e’s 24.” “H o w are your parents?” “They’re fine.” These postcards are nice. H o w m u ch are they? This hotel isn’t very good. W hy is it so expensive? w hat’s = w hat is w ho’s = who is how ’s = how is w here’s = where is W h o’s that man? H o w ’s your father? W hat’s your phone num ber? W here’s Lucy? Short answers Yes, I am. I’m he she it is. h e’s she’s it’s we you they are. No, That's my seat. not. or No, w e’re you’re they’re “Are you tired?” “Yes, I a m .” “Are you hungry?” “N o , I’m not, but I’m thirsty.” “Is your friend Japanese?” “Yes, he is.” “Are these your keys?” “Yes, th ey are.” “T hat’s my seat.” “N o , it isn ’t.” 4 am/is/are —►Unit 1 questions —►Unit 45 what/which/how —►Unit 48 he she it isn ’t. we you they aren’t. 2 Exercises 2.1 Find the right answers for the questions. . 1 W h ere’s the camera? 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Is your car blue? Is Linda from London? Am I late? W h ere’s Ann from? W hat color is your bag? Are you hungry? H ow is George? W h o ’s that woman? a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Toronto. No, I’m not. Yes, you are. My sister. Black. N o, it’s black. In your bag. No, she’s American. Fine. . 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2.2 Make questions with these words. 1. (is / at hom e / your m other) /s y o u r m oth er a t hom e (your parents / are / how) H o w a re y o u r p a re n ts (interesting / is / your job) (the stores / are / open today) (from / w here / you / are) (interested in sports / you / are) (is / near here / the post office) _ (at school / are / your children) . (you / are / late / w h y )______ _ 2.3 Complete the questions. Use W hat. .. / Who . . . I Where . . . I How . ----------------------------Ho w a re 1. 2 . your children? _ the bus stop? . your children? . these oranges? ________ your favorite sport? the m an in this photograph? ___________ your new shoes? . 3. 4. 5. They’re fine. At the end of the block. Five, six, and ten. $1.50 a pound. Skiing. That’s my father. Black. 2.4 Write the questions. Paul 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. name?) What's y o u r nam e? Australian?) how old?) _ a teacher?) m arried?) wife a lawyer?) fro m ?)_______ her n am e?)___ how old ?)_____ Paul. No, I’m Canadian. I’m 30. No, I’m a lawyer. Yes, I am. No, she’s a teacher. She’s from Mexico. Ana. She’s 27. 2 5 Write short answers (Yes, / am. / No, he isn't., etc.). 1. 2. 3. Are you married? No, I'm not. Are you th irsty ?______________________ Is it cold to day?______________________ - - - - :ional exercises 1-2 (pages 244-245) 4. Are your hands cold? . 5. Is it dark n o w ? ______ 6. Are you a teach er?__ 5 I am doing (present continuous) The present continuous is: a m /is /a r e + d o in g /e a tin g /ru n n in g /w ritin g , etc. I he she it we you they am (not) ■ Pm w orkin g. Pm n ot w atch in g TV. is (not) ■ M aria is reading a newspaper. H She isn ’t eating, (or She’s n o t eating.) ■ The phone is rin ging. -in g are (not) ■ W e’re h aving dinner. ■ You’re n ot listen in g to me. (or You aren’t listen in g ■ The children are d o in g their hom ework. A m /is /a r e + -in g = som ething is happening now: I5m w o rk in g she’s w earing a hat they’re playin g baseball P m n o t w atch in g television past now ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ future Please be quiet. P m w orkin g. (= Pm working now) Look, there’s Sarah. She’s w earing a brow n coat. (= she is wearing it now) The w eather is nice. It’s n ot raining. “W here are the children?” “T hey’re playin g in the park.” (on the phone) W e’re h aving dinner now. Can I call you later? You can turn off the television. P m n o t w atch in g it. For spelling, see Appendix 5. com e —►com ing w rite —►w ritin g dance —►dancing ru n —►running sit —►sitting sw im —►sw im m ing lie —►lying am/is/are —►Unit 1 are you doing? (questions) —►Unit 4 What are you doing tomorrow? —►Unit 26 I am doing and I do —►Unit 8 Exercises 3.1 What are these people doing? Use these verbs to complete the sentences: eat have lie play sit 1. Sh e's ea tin g an apple. 2. H e ___________ 3. T h e y _______________________ w ait 4. for a bus. soccer. . on the floor. breakfast. on the table. 5. 3.2 Complete the sentences. Use these verbs: b u ild co o k leave stand stay sw im take w o rk . 1. Please be quiet. I 'm w orking “W h ere’s John?” “H e’s in the kitchen. H e _ 3. “Y o u _________________________ on my foot.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” 4. Look! S om ebody__________ in the river. 5. W e’re here on vacation. We __________at a hotel on the beach. 6 . “W h ere’s Sue?” “S h e ____ a shower.” 7. T h e y ____________________ a new hotel downtown. I ____________________________ now. Good-bye. 2 . 3.3 Look at the picture. Write sentences about Jane. Use She's -ing or She isn't -ing. 1. (have dinner) J a n e isn 't having dinner._____ She's w a tch in g television. (sit on the floor) S h e ________________________ (read a b o o k )_______________________________ (play the p ia n o )_____________________________ (lau g h )-------------------------------------------------------(wear a h a t) ________________________________ (write a le tte r)______________________________ 2 . (watch television) 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8. 3 4 What's happening now? Write 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ~ S. 9.. 10. true sentences. (I / wash / my hair) I'nn n o t w ashing m y hair.______________ (it / snow) It's snow ing. OR It isn 't sn o w in g . (I / sit / on a chair)_______ ________________________________________ (I eat)__________________ ________________________________________ (it / rain)_________________________________________________________ (I / study / English)_______ ________________________________________ (I / listen / to music)______________________________________________ (the sun / shine)__________ ________________________________________ (I / wear / shoes)_________ ________________________________________ (I / read / a newspaper) ________________________________________ U N I T are you doing? (present continuous questions) Positive I Question he she it d o in g w o rk in g g o in g staying, etc. is we you they W hat are you doing? am am are I he she it is are we you they doing? w orking? going? staying?, etc. “Are you fe elin g O K ?” “Yes, I’m fine, thanks.” “Is it raining?” “Yes, take an um brella.” W hy are you w earing a coat? It’s not cold. “W h at’s Paul doin g?” “H e’s reading the newspaper.” “W hat are the children d oing?” “They’re w atch in g television.” Look, there’s Emily! W h ere’s she going? W ho are you w a itin g for? Are you w a itin g for Sue? Study the word order: is/are + subject 4- -ing Is he w o rk in g today? Is Paul w o rk in g today? (not Is working Paul today?) W here are they going? W here are those people going? (not W here are going those people?) Short answers I Yes, am. I’m he she it is. h e’s she’s it’s we you they are. No, “Are you leavin g “Is Paul w o rk in g “Is it raining?” “Are your friends 8 I am doing —►Unit 3 not. or w e’re you’re they’re No, he she it isn ’t. we you they aren’t. now?” “Yes, I a m .” today?” “Yes, he is .” “N o , it isn ’t.” staying at a hotel?” “N o , th ey aren’t. They’re staying w ith m e.’! W hat are you doing tom orrow ? —►Unit 26 questions —►Units 45-48 U N Exercises 4.1 Look at the pictures and write the questions. 4.2 Look at the pictures and complete the questions. Use: cry 4.3 eat go lau gh lo o k at read Make questions with these words. Put the words in the right order. 1. 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. is / working / Paul / today) Is Paul w orking to d a y W h a t a re th e children doing w hat / the children / are / doing) you / are / listening / to me) w here / your friends / are / g o in g )______ are / watching / your parents / television) w hat / Jessica / is / co o k in g )____________ why / you / are / looking / at m e ) ______ is / coming / the b u s )__________________ 4.4 Write short answers (Yes, \ am. / No, he isn't., etc.). 1. Are you watching TV? No, I'm not. 2. Are you wearing a w atch ?____________ 3. Are you eating som ething?___________ —►Additional exercise 3 (page 245) 4. Is it raining? . 5. Are you sitting on the floor? . 6. Are you feeling all rig h t? ___ I do/work/like, etc. (simple present) They’re looking at their books. They read a lot. H e’s eating an ice cream cone. He lik es ice cream. They read / he lik es / I w ork, etc. = the simple present: I/w e /y o u /th e y read lik e w ork live w atch do have h e /s h e /it reads likes w orks lives w atches does has Rem em ber: he works / she lives / it rains, etc. ■ I w ork in an office. M y broth er w orks in a bank. (not My brother work) ■ Lucy lives in Houston. H er parents live in Chicago. ■ It rains a lot in the winter. I have -►h e /s h e /it has: ■ Joh n has lunch at hom e every day. For spelling, see Appendix 5. -es after -s / -sh / -ch: pass -►passes -y -+ -ie s: study -►studies also: do -►does finish -►finishes try-► tries go -►goes w atch -►watches We use the simple present for things that are true in general, or for things that happen sometimes or all the time: ■ I lik e big cities. ■ Your English is good. You speak very well. ■ Tim w orks very hard. He starts at 7:30 and fin ish es at 8:00 at night. ■ The earth goes around the sun. ■ We do a lot of different things in our free time. ■ It costs a lot of m oney to build a hospital. A lw a y s/n e v e r /o fte n /u su a lly /so m e tim e s + simple present ■ Sue always gets to work early.(not Sue gets always) ■ I never eat breakfast. (not I eatnever) ■ We often sleep late on weekends. ■ M ark usually plays tennis on Sundays. ■ I so m etim es w alk to work, but not very often. I d o n 't. . . (negative) —►Unit 6 Do you . . . ? (questions) —►Unit 7 I am doing and I do —►Unit 8 always/usually/often, etc. (word order) —►Unit 95 U N I Exercises 5.1 Write these verbs with -s or -es. 1. (read) she 2. (think) h e . 3. (fly) it. 4. (dance) h e . rea d s 5. (have) s h e . 6. (finish) i t 5.2 Complete the sentences about the people in the pictures. Use: eat go liv e play play sleep 1. H e plays the piano. 4. 2. T h e y __________________ in a very big house. 5. 3. __________________ a lot of fruit. 6. . tennis. . to the movies a lot. . seven hours a night. 5.3 Complete the sentences. Use: b o il 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 9. 10. 5.4 clo se cost cost lik e lik e m e et op en M aria speaks four languages. Banks u su ally _______________ at 9:00 in the m orning. The art m u se u m _______________ at 5:00 in the afternoon. Tina is a teacher. S h e _______________ m ath to young children. My jo b is very interesting. I _______________ a lot of people. Peter’s car is always dirty. H e n e v e r_______________ it. a lot of money. Food is expensive. I t _____ a lot o f money. Shoes are expensive. They . W a te r_______________ at 100 degrees Celsius. Julia and I are good friends. I _______________ her, and she speak teach w ash . me. Write sentences from these words. Use the right form of the verb (arrive or arrives, etc.). 1. (always / early / Sue / arrive) S u e a lw a ys a rriv e s early. (to the movies / never / I / g o ) __________________________ 3. (work / M artina / hard / alw ays)___ 4. (like / chocolate / children / usually) 5. (Julia / parties / enjoy / alw ays)____ (often / people’s names / I / forget) _ (television / Tim / watch / never) (usually / dinner / we / have / at 6:30) 9. (Jenny / always / nice clothes / wear) _ 2 . 5.5 Write sentences about yourself. Use always! n ever I often! usually I sometimes. 1. (watch TV in the evening) / usually w a tch T V in the evening.________________ (read in bed) I . (get up before 7 :0 0 )________ (go to w ork/school by b u s )__ (drink coffee in the m orning) I d o n 't . . . (simple present negative) The simple present negative is d o n ’t/d o e s n ’t + verb: Coffee? No, thanks. I don't Negative Positive I we you they w ork lik e do have I we you they he she it w orks likes does has he she it d o n ’t (do not) d oesn ’t (does not) w ork lik e do have I drink coffee, but I d o n ’t d rink tea. Sue drinks tea, but she d oesn ’t d rink coffee. You d o n ’t w ork very hard. We d o n ’t w atch television very often. The w eather is usually nice. It d o esn ’t rain very often. Gary and Nicole d o n ’t k n ow many people. Rem em ber: I/w e /y o u /th e y d o n ’t . . . h e /s h e /it d oesn ’t . I d o n ’t like football. H e d o esn ’t like football. I d o n ’t like Fred, and Fred d o esn ’t like me. (not Fred don’t like) My car d o esn ’t use m uch gas. (not My car don’t use) Sometimes he is late, but it d o esn ’t happen very often. We use d o n ’t/d o e s n ’t + baseform (don’t lik e / doesn’t speak / doesn’t do, etc.): ■ I d o n ’t lik e to wash the car. I d o n ’t do it very often. ■ Sarah speaks Spanish, but she d o esn ’t speak Italian. (not doesn’t speaks) ■ Bill d o esn ’t do his jo b very well, (not Bill doesn’t his job) ■ Paula d o esn ’t usually have breakfast, (not doesn’t . . . has) I do/work/like, etc. (simple present) —►Unit 5 Do you . ? (simple present questions) —►Unit 7 U N I T Exercises 6.1 Write the negative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I play the piano very well. Jane plays the piano very well. They know my phone number. We work very hard. M ike has a car. You do the same thing every day. / don 't p la y the piano v e r y well. Jane _ T hey. 6.2 Study the information and write sentences with like. 1. Do you like . , Bill and Rose Carol 1. classical music? yes no 2. boxing? no yes 3. horror movies? yes no 6.3 Write about yourself. Use: I never . . . or I . . . a lot 6.4 2. Bill and Rose . C a ro l_______ i You 3. • or I d o n 't . . . very often. / n e v e r w a tch TV. OR _ / w a tch T V a lot. / don't w a tch T V v e ry often. 1. (watch TV) 2. 3. 4. 5. 23/// a nd 'Rose like cla ssica l music. C a ro l. classical music. I ____ OR (go to the theater) (ride a bicycle) (eat in restaurants) (travel by train) Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use don't/doesn't + these verbs: cost 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. go know read see use w ear I buy a newspaper every day, but sometimes I don 't r e a d it. Paul has a car, but h e _______________ it very often. Paul and his friends like movies, but th e y _______________ to the movie theater very often. Am anda is m arried, but s h e _______________ a ring. I _______________ m uch about politics. I’m not interested in it. The Regent H otel isn’t expensive. I t m uch to stay there. . him very often. Brian lives near us, but we . 6.5 Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. 1. M argaret speaks four languages - English, Japanese, Arabic, and Spanish, (speak) don / like my job. It’s very boring, (like) 3. “W h ere’s M artin?” “I’m sorry. I _______________________ .” (know) 4. Sue is a very quiet person. S h e _______________________ very m uch, (talk) 5. A n d y _______________________ a lot o f coffee. It’s his favorite drink, (drink) . it! (believe) 6. It’s not true! I ________________ . it a lot. (like) 7. T hat’s a very beautiful picture. I . meat, (eat) M ark is a vegetarian. H e ______ 2. I 13 Do you . . . ? (simple present questions) We use d o /d o e s in simple present questions: Do you play the guitar? Question Positive I we you they w ork lik e do have he she it w orks likes does has do does I we you they work? like? do? have? he she it Study the w ord order: d o /d o e s Do Do D oes do do does does W here H ow often W hat H ow m uch + infinitive subject + w ork live play live? wash mean? cost you your friends Chris your parents you this word it on Sundays? near here? tennis? your hair? to fly to Puerto Rico? Questions w ith alw ays/usu ally/ever: W h at Do D oes do you Chris you always ever usually have call do breakfast? you? on weekends? W hat do you do? = W hat’s your job? ■ “W hat do you do?” “I w ork in a bank.” Rem em ber: do I/w e /y o u /th e y . . . does h e / s h e / i t . . . D o they like music? D oes he like music? Short answers Yes, I/w e /y o u /th e y do. h e /s h e /it does. No, I/w e /y o u /th e y d o n ’t. h e /s h e /it d oesn ’t. “D o you play tennis?” “N o , I d o n ’t.” “D o your parents speak English?” “Yes, they d o .” “D oes Gary w ork hard?” “Yes, he d o es.” “D oes your sister live in Vancouver?” “N o , she d o esn ’t.” I do/work/like, etc. —►Unit 5 I don't (negative) —►Unit 6 questions —►Units 45-48 U N I T Exercises 7.1 Write questions with Do . . . ? and Does . . . ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I like chocolate. H ow about you? D o you like chocola te _____________________ I play tennis. H ow about y o u ? _________y o u __________________________________ You live near here. H ow about L ucy?________ L u c y __________________________ Tom plays tennis. How about his friends?_____________________________________ You speak English. H ow about your b ro th e r? _________________________________ I do yoga every m orning. H ow about y o u ? ____________________________________ Sue often travels on business. H ow about P aul?_______________________________ I w ant to be famous. H ow about y o u ? ________________________________________ You w ork hard. H ow about A n n a ?___________________________________________ 7.2 Make questions from these words + do/does. Put the words in the right order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (where / live / your parents) W h ere do y o u r p a re n ts live ___________________ (you / early / always / get up) D o you a lw a ys p e t up e a rly _________________ (how often / TV / you / w a tc h )_____________________________________________ (you / w ant / w hat / for d in n e r)____________________________________________ (like / you / fo o tb all)_______________________________________________________ (your brother / like / fo o tb all)______________________________________________ (what / you / do / in your free tim e ) ________________________________________ (your sister / w ork / w h e re )________________________________________________ (to the movies / ever / you / g o ) ____________________________________________ (what / m ean / this w o rd )__________________________________________________ (often / snow / it / h e r e )___________________________________________________ (go / usually / to bed / w hat tim e / you) 13. (how m uch / to call Mexico / it / cost) 14. (you / for breakfast / have / usually / what) 7.3 Complete the questions. Use these verbs: -de~ do enjoy get lik e start teach w ork 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. W hat tim e . H ow . And your husband. W h a t. W h a t. W hat do you do _____________ it? . in the morning? . on Saturdays? to work? ? his job? I work in a bookstore. It’s OK. At 9:00. Sometimes. Usually by bus. H e’s a teacher. Science. Yes, he loves it. 7.4 Write short answers (Yes, he does. / No, I don't., etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you watch TV a lot? No, / d o n ’t.__________ OR Yes, / do. Do you live in a big city ?_______________________________________ Do you ever ride a bicycle?______________________________________ Does it rain a lot w here you live? . Do you play the p ia n o ?_________ — Additional exercises 4-7 (pages 245-246) 15 I am doing (present continuous) and I do (simple present) Jack plays the guitar, but he is n o t p layin g the guitar now. Is he p layin g the guitar? D oes he play the guitar? | N o , he isn ’t. Yes, he does. (present continuous) (simple present) Present continuous (I am doing) = now, at the time o f speaking: I’m d o in g past ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ now future Please be quiet. I’m w orking. (not I work) Tom is taking a shower at the m om ent. (not Tom takes) Take an um brella w ith you. It’s raining. You can turn off the television. I’m not w atching it. W hy are you under the table? W hat are you doing? Simple present (I do) = in general, all the time, or sometimes: I do past ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ now future I w ork every day from 9:00 to 5:30. Tom takes a shower every m orning. It rains a lot in the winter. I d o n ’t w atch television very often. W hat do you usually do on weekends? We do not use these verbs in the present continuous (I am -ing): lik e prefer love hate w ant need k n ow m ean understand b elieve rem em ber forget Use only the simple present w ith these verbs (I w ant / do you like?, etc.): ■ I’m tired. I w ant to go hom e. (not I’m wanting) ■ “D o you k n ow that girl?” “Yes, but I d o n ’t rem em b er her nam e.” ■ I d o n ’t understand. W hat do you mean? present continuous —►Units 3-4 simple present —►Units 5-7 present for the future —►Unit 26 depend Exercises u N1 8 8.1 Answer the questions about the pictures. Does he take photographs? Yes, he does. Is he taking a photograph? No, he isn t W hat is he doing? H e s taking a bath.____________________ Is she driving a bus? _ Does she drive a bus? W hat is she doing? We are teachers. Does he wash windows? . Is he washing a window? W hat is he doing? Are they teaching? Do they teach ?__ W hat do they do? 8.2 Complete the sentences with am/is/are or do/don't/does/doesn't. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Excuse me, do you speak English? “W h ere’s Kate?” “I _______________ know.” W h at’s so funny? W h y you laughing? “W h a t_______________ your sister do?” “She’s a dentist.” I t _______________ raining._I _______________ w ant to go out in the rain. “W h e re _______________ you come from?” “Canada.” H ow m u c h _______________it cost to send a letter to Canada? Steve is a good tennis player, but h e ______________ play very often. 8.3 Put the verb in the presentcontinuous (/ am doing) or the simple present (/ do). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Excuse me, do you speak (you / speak) English? “W h ere’s Tom?” He's taking (he / take) a shower.” / don't w a tch (I / not / watch) television very often. Listen! S om ebody______________________________(sin g)* Sandra is tire d . : (she / want) to go hom e now. H ow o fte n _______________________________(you / read) a newspaper? “Excuse me, b u t (you / sit) in my seat.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” I’m so rry,__________________________ (I / not / understand). Can you speak m ore slowly? It’s la te . (I / go) hom e n o w .___________________________ (you / come) w ith me? W hat tim e ____________________________________ (your father / finish)w ork every day? You can turn off the ra d io .______________________________________ (I / not / listen) to it. “W h ere’s Paul?” “In the k itc h e n . (he / cook) som ething.” M a rtin ____________________________________________ (not / usually / drive) to work. He _______________________________(usually / walk). S u e _______________________ (not / like) coffee. (she / prefer) tea. 17 I have . . . and I've g o t . . . You can say I have or I’ve got, he has or h e’s got: I we you they he she it have has or I we you they or he she it have g o t (I’ve got) (we’ve got) (you’ve got) (they’ve got) has go t (he’s got) (she’s got) (it’s got) I've got a headache. shortform I have blue eyes, or I’ve g o t blue eyes. Tim has two sisters, or Tim has go t two sisters. O ur car has four doors, or O ur car has go t four doors. Sarah isn’t feeling well. She has a headache, or She’s go t a headache. They like animals. They have a horse, three dogs, and six cats, or They’ve got a horse I d o n ’t have / I haven’t got, etc. (negative) You can say: I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it ■ ■ ■ ■ d o n ’t d o esn ’t I / w e /y o u /th ey have h e /s h e /it haven’t got hasn’t I have a bike, but I d o n ’t have a car. or I’ve g o t a bike, but I haven’t go t a car. Mr. and Mrs. Harris d o n ’t have any children, or . . . haven’t g o t any children. It’s a nice house, but it d o esn ’t have a garage, or . . . it hasn’t go t a garage. M ariko d oesn ’t have a job. or M ariko hasn’t got a job. D o you have . . . ? / H ave you g o t . . . ?, etc. (questions) You can say: do does ■ ■ ■ ■ I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it have? or have has I /w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it got? D o you have a camera? or H ave you go t a camera? H elen have a car? or Has H elen go t a car? D oes W hat kind o f car does she have? or W hat kind of carhas W hat do you have in your bag? or W hat have you g o t in shegot? your bag? Short answers “D o you have a camera?” “Yes, I d o.” / “N o, I d o n ’t.” or “H ave you got a camera?” “Yes, I have.” / “No, I haven’t.” “D oes Anne have a car?” “Yes, she d oes.” / “No, she d oesn ’t.” “Has Anne got a car?” “Yes, she has.” / “No, she hasn’t.” had / didn't have (past) —►Units 11-12 or have breakfast / have a headache, etc. —►Unit 59 some/any —►Unit 77 U N I T Exercises 9.1 Write the short form with got (we've got / he hasn't got, etc.). 1. we have g o t. w e ve g o t 2. he has g o t _ ___________ 5. it has g o t ____ 6. I have not g o t. 3. they have got _ 4. she has not g o t . 9.2 Read the questions and answers. Then write sentences about Mark. _ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H e hasn t g o t a car. 1. Have you got a car? Have you got a computer? Have you got a dog? Have you got a cell phone? Have you got a watch? Have you got any brothers or sisters? 2 Mark . H e __________________ 3. 4. 5. What about you? Write sentences with I've got or / haven't got. 7. 8. 9. 10. ___________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ (a com puter) (a dog) (a bike) (brothers / sisters) 9.3 Write these sentences with have/has or don't have / doesn't have. The meaning is the same. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9.4 They have got two children. She hasn’t got a key. He has got a new job. They haven’t got m uch money. Have you got an umbrella? We have got a lot of w ork to do. I haven’t got your phone number. Has your father got a car? H ow m uch money have we got? They h ave tw o children. ______________ S h e doesn t have a key. Complete the sentences with do, doesn't, don't, got, has, or have. 1. Sarah hasn’t g o t a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. They like animals. They have three dogs and two cats. Charles isn’t happy. H e ____________________ got a lot of problem s. They don’t read much. T h e y ____________________ have many books. . som ething in my eye.” “W h at’s wrong?” “I’v e _________________ “W h ere’s my pen?” “I don’t know. I don’t . __________________ it.” have a ticket. 7. Julia wants to go to the concert, but she 9.5 Complete the sentences. Use have/has or don't have / doesn't have with: a lo t o f frien d s a b ig yard fou r w h eels m u ch tim e a h ead ach e a key six legs I’m not feeling well. I h ave a headache._________________________________ It’s a nice house, but it doesn't have a big yard. __________________________ M ost c a rs_______________________________________________________________ Everybody likes Tom. He . I can’t open the door. I __ An in se c t______________ Hurry! W e _____________ —• Additional exercises 5-7 (page 246) 19 was/were last night now N ow R obert is at work. At m idnight last night he w asn ’t at work. H e was in bed. H e was asleep. a m /is ■ ■ ■ (present) -►was (past): I am tired, (now) W here is Kate? (now) The w eather is nice today. I was tired last night. W here was Kate yesterday? The w eather was nice last week. are (present) -►w ere (past): ■ You are late, (now) M They aren’t here, (now) Positive I he she it we you they You w ere late yesterday. They w eren ’t here last Sunday. Negative was w ere Question I he she it was n ot (wasn’t) was we you they w ere n ot (w eren’t) w ere I? he? she? it? we? you? they? Last year Rachel was 22, so she is 23 now. W hen I was a child, I was afraid of dogs. We w ere hungry after the trip, but we w eren ’t tired. The hotel was comfortable, but it w asn ’t expensive. Was the w eather nice w hen you w ere on vacation? Your shoes are nice. Were they expensive? W hy w ere you late this m orning? Short answers Yes, I/h e /s h e /it was. w e /y o u /th ey were. No, I /h e /s h e /it w asn ’t. w e /y o u /th ey w eren ’t. “Were you late?” “N o , I w asn ’t.” “Was Ted at w ork yesterday?” “Yes, he w as.” “Were Sue and Steve at the party?” “N o , they w eren ’t .” am/is/are —►Units 1-2 I was doing —►Unit 13 U N I Exercises 10.1 Where were these people at 3:00 yesterday afternoon? 5. 8 L _ ? / /v ( Jj Gary Jack Kate 1. O a r v w a s in bed. 2. Jack and Kate . 3. S u e _________ Sue Mr. and Mrs. Hall Ben 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. And you? I . 10.2 Write am/is/are (present) or was!were (past). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Last year she w a s 22, so she is 23 now. . very cold. Today the w e a th e r_________nice, but yesterday i t . I _________ hungry. Can I have som ething to eat? very tired last night. I feel fine this m orning, but I you at 11:00 last Friday m orning? W h e re _____ D o n ’t buy those shoes. T h e y _________ very expensive. I like your new ja c k e t._________ it expensive? This tim e last year I in Paris. . here a few m inutes ago.” “W h e re ________ the children?” “I don’t know. They . 10.3 Write was!were or wasn't!weren't. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We w eren’t happy w ith the hotel. O ur room w a s very small, and it w a sn t clean. M a rk at w ork last week because h e __________ sick. H e’s better now. Y esterday a holiday, so the b a n k s closed. They’re open today. “ Kate and Bill at the party?” “K a te __________ there, but B ill_________ .” on the table, but they’re “W here are my keys?” “I don’t know. They . not there now.” you? 6. Y o u _________ at hom e last night. W h e re ____ 10.4 Write questions from these words + was/were. Put the words in the right order. _________ Y n_______________________________________ _ 2. (late / you / this morning / why?) W h y w e r e y o u la te this m orning? (difficult / your exam?) 3. (last week / where / Sue and Chris?) 4. (your new camera / how much?) 5. (angry / you / yesterday / why?) 6. (nice / the weather / last week?) 1. The traffic was bad. No, it was easy. They were on vacation. O ne hundred and tw enty dollars. Because you were late. Yes, it was beautiful. worked/got/went, etc. (simple past) They w atch They w atched television every night. (simple present) television last night. (simple past) w atched is the simple past: I/w e /y o u /th e y , ,t h e /s h e /it t t w atched The simple past is often -ed (regular verbs). For example: work —►w ork ed clean —►cleaned start —►started ■ ■ ■ ■ dance —►danced stay —►stayed need —►need ed I brush my teeth every m orning. This m orning I brushed my teeth. Terry w ork ed in a bank from 1996 to 2003. Yesterday it rained all m orning. It stop p ed at lunchtim e. W e enjoyed the party last night. We danced a lot and talked to a lot of people. The party ended at m idnight. For spelling, see Appendix 5. try —►trie d stop —►sto p p ed study —►studied plan —►p lan n ed copy —►copied Some verbs are irregular (= not regular). The simple past is not -ed. H ere are some im portant irregular verbs (see also Appendixes 2-3): begin —►began break broke bring b rou ght build b u ilt buy b ou g h t catch caught cam e come did do drink drank eat ate fall find fly forget get give g° have hear know fell fou n d flew fo rg o t got gave w en t had heard k n ew leave —►left lose lo st make m ade m eet m et paid pay put p ut read read (red)* ring rang say said saw see —►sold sell sit sat sleep slept speak spoke stand stood take to o k told tell think th o u g h t w in w on w rite w rote *pronounced {(redv ■ ■ ■ ■ I usually get up early, but this m orning I g o t up at 9:30. W e did a lot o f w ork yesterday. Caroline w en t to the movies three times last week. Jam es cam e into the room, to o k off his coat, and sat down. was/were —►Unit 10 I didn't / Did you . . . ? (negative and questions) —►Unit 12 ago —►Unit 18 U N I T Exercises 11.1 Complete the sentences. Use a verb from the box. b ru sh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. d ie en d en joy h ap p en o p en rain start stay w ant I b ru s h e d my teeth three times yesterday. It was hot in the room , so I _______________ the window. at 10:00. The movie was very long. I t _______________ at 7:15 and _ W hen I was a child, I _______________ to be a doctor. The accid en t_______________ last Sunday afternoon. all day. It’s a nice day today, but yesterday i t __________ at a very nice place. W e _______________ our vacation last year. W e . . w hen he was 90 years old. Anna’s g ran d father___________ 11.2 Write the simple past of these verbs. 1. get g o t________ ________ 2. see . ________ 3. p la y . 4. p a y _______ 5. v is it_______ 6. b u y _______ 7. go — 8. think . 9. copy _ 10. k n o w . 11. p u t __ 12. sp ea k . 11.3 Read about Lisa's trip to Mexico City. Put the verbs in the correct form. Last Tuesday, Lisa (l) fle w from Los Angeles to Mexico City. She . a cup . up at 6:00 in the morning and (3). (2) -------------------. home and (5) _ _ to of coffee. At 7:15 she (4). the . there, she (7). the airport. W hen she (6) . in. Then she . to the terminal, and (9). car, (8) ________ for . breakfast at an airport cafe and (11). (10). . on time and (13). her flight. The plane (12)___________ ltaxi from in Mexico City four hours later. Finally she (14). the airport to her hotel downtown. fly get, have leave, drive get, park walk, check have, wait depart, arrive take 11.4 Write sentences about the past (yesterday / last w eek, etc.). 1. Jam es always goes to work by car. Yesterday h e w e n t to w o rk b y car. Rachel often loses her keys. She . Kate meets her friends every night. S h e ________________ I usually buy two newspapers every day. Yesterday I _____ We often go to the movies on weekends. Last Sunday we I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I . Tom always takes a shower in the m orning. This m orning he . O u r friends often come to see us. T h e y ___________________ 11.5 Write sentences about what you did yesterday. 1. / w e n t to th e theater._______ 2. ______________________________ 3. ______________________________ : : onal exercise 10 (page 248) 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ . last week. . last night. . last Friday. I didn't. . . Did you . . . ? (simple past negative and questions) We use d id in simple past negatives and questions: Positive I we you they he she it Negative played started w atched had saw did w ent I we you they he she it did n ot (d idn ’t) Question play start watch have see do g° D o /d o e s (present) —►did (past): ■ I d o n ’t watch television very often. I d id n ’t watch television yesterday. ■ D o es she go out often? D id she go out last night? We use d id /d id n ’t + baseform (w a tc h /p la y /g o , etc.): I watched they went he had you did but I didn’t watch did they go? he didn’t have did you do? (not I didn’t watched) (not did they went?) I played tennis yesterday, but I d id n ’t w in. “D id you do your hom ew ork?” “No, I d id n ’t have tim e.” We w en t to the movies, but we d id n ’t enjoy the film. Study the w ord order in questions: did + subject W h at H ow W here D id did did did + base form your sister you the accident your parents call do happen? you? last night? g° for vacation? Short answers Yes, I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it “D id “D id “D id “D id 24 did. No, I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it d id n ’t. you see Joe yesterday?” “N o , I d id n ’t.” it rain on Sunday?” “Yes, it d id .” H elen come to the party?” “N o , she d id n ’t .” your parents have a good trip?” “Yes, th ey d id .” worked/got/went, etc. (simple past) —►Unit 11 did I we you they he she it play? start? watch? have? see? do? go? U N I T | 2 Exercises 12.1 Complete these sentences with the verb in the negative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I saw Barbara, but I didn't s e e Jane. . on Tuesday, They w orked on Monday, but th e y _____________________ to the bank. We w ent to the post office, but w e _____________________ She had a pen, but s h e _________________________ any paper. any work in the house. Jack did some w ork in the yard, but he . 12.2 Write questions with Did .. . ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I I I I I watched TV last night. H ow about you? enjoyed the party. H ow about you? had a nice vacation. H ow about you? finished w ork early. H ow about you? slept well last night. H ow about you? D id you w a tch T V la st night ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 12.3 What did you do yesterday? Write positive or negative sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (watch TV) (get up before 7:00) (take a shower) (buy a magazine) (eat meat) (go to bed before 10:30) / w a tch e d TV. OR / didn 't w a tch TV. ____________________________________________________ 12.4 Write B's questions. Use: cost g et to w ork go go to bed late happen have a n ice tim e -stay"- w in ? 5. A: We came hom e by taxi. B: H ow m uch A: Tw enty dollars. ? 6. A: I’m tired this m orning. B: ? A: No, but I didn’t sleep very well. 3. A: I played tennis this afternoon. B: A: No, I lost. ? 7. A: W e w ent to the beach yesterday. B: ? A: Yes, it was great. 4. A: I had a nice vacation. B: Good. W here A: To the m ountains. ? 8. A: The window is broken. B: H ow A: I don’t know. 1. A: We w ent to Chicago last m onth. B: W here d id vou s ta y A: W ith some friends. 2. A: I was late for the meeting. B: W hat time A: H alf past nine. ? ? 12.5 Put the verb in the correct form - positive, negative, or question. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. We w ent to the movies, but the film wasn’t very good. W e didn 't en joy it. (enjoy) some new clothes yesterday - two shirts, a jacket, and a sweater, (buy) T im . . yesterday?” “N o, it was a nice day.” (rain) _ long at the party, (stay) We were tired, so we . It was very warm in the room , so I . ______________ a window, (open) “Did you call Chris this m orning?” “No, I _______________ tim e.” (have) “I cut my hand this m orning.5 ‘H o w _______________ that?” (do) “W hy w eren’t you at the m eeting yesterday?” “I _______________ about it.” (know) — -sd itio n a l exercises 10-13 (page 248) 25 I was doing (past continuous) It is 6:00 now. Paul is at home. He is w atching television. now (6:00) 4:00 At 4:00 he wasn’t at home. He was at the gym. He was sw im m in g in the pool. He wasn’t w atching television. ► 4:15 3:30 he started swimming he finished swimming he was sw im m in g W as/w ere + -in g is the past continuous: I he she it was we you they w ere ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Question Negative Positive d o in g w atch in g p layin g sw im m in g livin g, etc. I he she it was n ot (w asn’t) we you they w ere n ot (w eren’t) d o in g w atch in g p layin g sw im m in g livin g, etc. was I he she it w ere we you they doing? w atching? playing? sw im m in g? living?, etc. W hat w ere you d o in g at 11:30 yesterday? Were you w orking? “W hat did he say?” “I don’t know. I w asn ’t listen in g .” It was raining, so we didn’t go out. In 2001 we w ere liv in g in Japan. Today she’s wearing a skirt, but yesterday she was w earing pants. I woke up early yesterday. It was a beautiful m orning. The sun was shining, and the birds w ere singing. Spelling (live -►living / run —>►running / lie -►lying, etc.) —►Appendix 5 A m /is /a r e + -in g (present) —>► w a s/w ere + -in g (past): Present M I’m w o rk in g (now). ■ It isn ’t rain in g (now). ■ W hat are you d o in g (now)? was/were —►Unit 10 Past I was w o rk in g at 10:30 last night. It w asn ’t rain in g w hen we w ent out. W hat w ere you d o in g at 3:00? I was doing and I did (past continuous and simple past) —►Unit 14 U N I T | J Exercises 13.1 Look at the pictures. Where were these people at 3:00 yesterday afternoon? And what were they doing? Write two sentences for each picture. 3. i&sjm miIJMd Rachel at hom e watch TV ^ Ti^m Jack Kate at the supermarket in his car drive buy food Tracey at the station wait for a train US Mr. and Mrs. Hall in the park walk 1. ~Rgchel_ w as a t ___ home. She was_ washing.TV._____ 2. Jack and K a te _________________________________. They 3. Tim 4. _______________________________________________ 5. „________ 6. And you? I _________________________________________ 13.2 Sarah did a lot of things yesterday. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 7:10-7:25 7:30-8:10 8:30-9:00 she_ was_ w ashing 1. At 8:45 2 . At 10:45 s h e _______________________ 3. At 8:00 10:15-11:45 12:00-12:45 4. At 12:10. 5. At 7:15. 6. At 9:30. 13.3 Complete the questions. Use was/were -ing. Use what/where/why if necessary. W h e re w e r e you living 1. (von / live') 2. (vou / do) 3. (it / rain) 4. (Sue / drive) 5. (Tim / wear) in 1999? at 2:00? w hen you got up? so fast? a suit yesterday? In Brazil. I was asleep. No, it was sunny. Because she was late. No, a T-shirt and jeans. 13.4 Look at the picture. You saw Joe in the street yesterday afternoon. What w as he doing? Write positive or negative sentences. 1. (wear / a jacket) H e w a sn 't w ea rin g a iacket. 2. (carry / a bag) 3. (fo / to the dentist) 4. (eat / an ice cream cone) 5. (carry / an umbrella) 6. (p-o / home) 7. (wear / a hat) 8. (ride / a bicvcle) .. 27 I was doing (past continuous) and I did (simple past) Jack was reading a book. The phone rang. H e stop p ed reading. He answ ered the phone. W hat happened? The phone rang, (simple past) W hat was Jack d o in g w hen the phone rang? (past continuous) He was reading a book. W hat did he do w hen the phone rang? He stop p ed reading and answ ered the phone. (simple past) Jack began reading before the phone rang. So when the phone rang, he was reading. he began reading the phone rang he stopped reading I__ he answered the phone ________I he was reading Simple past M A: W hat did you do yesterday m orning? B: We played tennis, (from 10:00 to 11:30) Start 10:00 1 1 I Finish 11:30 1 1 J r Past continuous ■ A: W hat w ere you d o in g at 10:30? B: We w ere p layin g tennis. Start 10:00 | ^ w t / / we played completed action we w ere p layin g unfinished action '■ Jack read a book yesterday. (= from beginning to end) ■ D id you w atch the basketball game on television last night? ■ It d id n ’t rain while we were on vacation. ■ Jack was reading a book w hen the phone rang. ■ Were you w atch in g television w hen I called you? ■ It w asn ’t rain in g w hen I got up. ■ ■ ■ ■ I started work at 9:00 and fin ish ed at 4:30. At 2:30 I was w orkin g. It was rain in g w hen we w en t out. (= it started raining before we w ent out) I saw Lucy and Steve this m orning. They w ere w a itin g at the bus stop. Kelly fe ll asleep while she was reading. I did (simple past) —►Units 11-12 I was doing (past continuous) —►Unit 13 while —►Unit 106 U N I Exercises 14.1 Look at the pictures. Put the verbs in the correct form, past continuous or simple past. Lucy. b ro ke I t ___ sh e _ room. S he___ off the ladder. (break) her arm last week. . (happen) when (paint) her _______ (M ) _ (walk) Yesterday S u e__________ . (meet) down the street when she . James. H e . — (go) to the station to catch a train, and he ____________________________ (carry) a bag. T h ey _________________________ (stop) to talk for a few minutes. 3. 14.2 Put the verb into the past continuous or simple past. 1. A: B: 2. A: B: 3. A: B: 4. A: B: 5. A: B: 6. A: B: 7. A: B: 8. A: B: 9. A: B: 10. A: B: A: W hat w e r e yo u doing (you / do) w hen the phone ra n g (ring)? I w a s w a tch in g (watch) television. Was Jane busy w hen you w ent to see her? Yes, s h e ________________________ (study). W hat tim e ____________________________ (the mail / arrive) this m orning? I t ________________________ (come) while I _________________________ (have) breakfast. Was Tracey at w ork today? (not / go) to work. She was sick, No, s h e _________________ (you / drive) w hen the police H ow fa s t________________ (stop) you? (not / drive) very fast. I’m not sure, but I ___________________________(your team / win) the baseball game yesterday? ________________ No, the w eather was very bad, so w e (not / play). _______(you / break) the window? H ow _ (hit) the ball (play) baseball. I _________________ W e __ (break) the window. and i t . _ (you / see) Jenny last night? ______ _________ (wear) a very nice jacket. Yes, she . (you / do) at 2:00 this m orning? W hat I was asleep. (lose) my key last night. I __________ (you / get) into your apartm ent? H ow . (climb) in through a window. I ___ - - : a tional exercises 14-15 (pages 249-250) I used to Dave afew years ago I w ork in a superm arket. I used to work in a factory. work in a factory. Dave Dave used to w ork in a factory. N ow he w orks in a superm arket. Dave used to w ork in a factory. = he w orked in a factory before, but he doesn’t work there now: he works he used to w ork past You can say I used to w ork . . . / she used to have . . . / th ey used to be . . . , etc. I /y o u /w e /th e y h e /s h e /it used to be w ork have play, etc. I used to have very long hair. ■ W hen I was a child, I used to lik e chocolate. ■ I used to read a lot of books, but I don’t read m uch these days. ■ Liz has short hair now, but it used to be very long. ■ They used to live on the same street as us, so we used to see them a lot. B ut we don’t see them very often these days. ■ H elen used to have a piano, but she sold it a few years ago. T he negative is I d id n ’t use to . . . . ■ W hen I was a child, I d id n ’t use to lik e tomatoes. The question is did you use to . . . ? ■ W here did you use to live before you came here? | \ oLo ^ o o 0 V? We use used to . . . only for the past. You cannot say “I use to . . .” for the present: ■ I used to play tennis. These days I play golf. (not I use to play golf) ■ We usually get up early, (not We use to get up early) U N I Exercises 15.1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with used to . I'm a hairdre?sser now. " “ I 1 J r 1 This is me a few years ago. When 1 was y o u n g e r. . . 1. 2. He She used to have " m is " A few years ago 3. baseball. Iona hair. a taxi driver. This is me 20 years ago. 1 never wear glasses now. 1 We live in New York City now. V S .1 ( J1 | rh sbB ^ ^ ■■ n ^ 6. This buildin g 5. 4. r J \ ; AF 7 r rS Jfe A in the country. 15.2 Karen works very hard and has very little free time. A few years ago, things were different. Do you play any sports? ■ ►Yes, I swim every day, and I play volleyball. Do you go out much? ■ ►Yes, three or four nights a week. Do you play a musical ■ ►Yes, the guitar. instrum ent? Do you like to read? ■ ►Yes, I read a lot. Do you travel much? ■ ►Yes, I take two or three trips a year. I w ork very hard at my job. I don't have any free time. Karen now Write sentences about Karen with used to .. She u sed to sw im e v e ry day.________ 1. . volleyball. 2. She. 3. ____ 15.3 Complete these sentences. Use used 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 4. 5. 6 . to orthe simple present(/ p/ay / he lives, etc.). I u sed to p la y tennis. I stopped playing a few years ago. “Do you play any sports?” “Yes, I p lo y basketball.” “Do you have a car?” “No, I ______________________one, but I sold it.” G e o rg e______________________ a waiter. N ow h e’s the m anager o f a hotel. “Do you go to w ork by car?” “Sometimes, but m ost days I ___________________ by train/ . meat, but I eat it now. W hen I was a child, I never . . TV every night. M ary loves to watch TV. She . . near the airport, but we moved dow ntow n a few years ago. W e __________________ . up very early. N orm ally I start w ork at 7:00, so I . w hen you were a child? W hat g am es_________ y o u ______ i U N I T Have you e v e r. . . ? Have you been to Mexico City? Yes# I have. Many times. Have you ever been to Japan? No, I've never been to Japan, ) Have been / have driven / have played, etc. is the present perfect (have + past participle) I we you they he she it have (’ve) have n ot (haven’t) has (’s) has n ot (hasn’t) Regular verbs played lived visited read lo st been flow n has played? lived? visited? read? regular verbs he she it lost? been? flown? irregular verbs The past participle is -ed (the same as the simple past): play —►I have played Irregular verbs have I we you they live —►I have lived visit —►she has visited The past participle is not -ed. Sometimes the past participle is the same as the simple past: buy -►I b ou gh t / I have b ou gh t have -> he had / he has had Sometimes the past participle is different (see Appendixes 2-3). break —►I b rok e / I have broken see —►you saw / you have seen We use the present perfect w hen we talk about a tim e from the past until now, for example, a person’s life. Have you ever been to Japan? ------------------------- timefrom the past until now---------------past now ■ “H ave you been to France?” “No, I haven’t.” ■ W e’ve been to Canada, but we haven’t been to Alaska. ■ JVLary is an interesting person. She has had many different jobs and has lived in many places. ■ I’ve seen that wom an before, but I can’t rem em ber where. ■ H ow many times has Brazil w on the W orld Cup? ■ “H ave you read this book?” “Yes, I’ve read it twice.” (tw ice = two times) Present perfect + ever (in questions) and never: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ “Has Ann ever been to Australia?” “Yes, once.” (once = one time) “H ave you ever played golf?” “Yes, I play a lot.” My sister has never traveled by plane. I’ve never rid den a horse. “W ho is that man?” “I don’t know. I’ve never seen h im before.” present perfect —►Units 17-18 present perfect and simple past —►Units 19-21irregular verbs —►Appendixes 2-3 U N I T Exercises 16.1 You are asking Helen questions beginning with Have you ever . Write the questions. 16 Helen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. (Montreal?) (play / golf?) (South Korea?) (lose / your passport?) (fly / in a helicopter?) (win / a race?) (Peru?) (drive / a bus?) (break / your leg?) H av e you e v e r been to M o n tre a l? H av e you e v e r p la y e d g o lf? _______ Have_______________________________ No, never. Yes, many times. Yes, once. No, never. Yes, a few times. No, never. Yes, twice. No, never. Yes, once. 16.2 Write sentences about Helen. (Look at her answers in Exercise 16.1.) 1. (Peru) She's been to P e ru tw ice._________________________________________________ 2. (South Korea) S h e _________________________________________________________________ 3. (win / a ra c e )_____________________________________________________________________ 4. (fly / in a h elico p ter)______________________________________________________________ Now write about yourself. How often have you done these things? 5. 6. 7. 8. (N ew York) I _____________________________________________________________________ (play / te n n is )______ ______________________________________________________________ (drive / a tru c k ) ____________________________________________________________ (be / late for w ork or sch o o l)_______________________________________________________ 16.3 Mary is 65 years old. She has had an interesting life. What has she done? h ave do travel be w r ite m e et all over the w orld m an y di f f eren t j obs 10 b ook s a lo t o f in tere stin g th in g s a lo t o f in tere stin g p eo p le m arried th ree tim es 1. She has h a d m any d iffe re n t job s.________________________________________________ 2. She ________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________________________________ 6 . ____________________________________________________________ 16.4 Put the verbs in the present perfect. 1. / ve seen (I / see) that w om an before, but I can’t rem em ber her name. 2. “ H a v e you e v e r p la y e d (you / ever / play) golf?” “Yes, I play golf a lot.” 3. “__________________________(you / ever / write) a poem ?” “Yes, in high school.” 4. “Does Em m a know Sam?” “N o ,_________________________(she / never / meet) him .” 5. Ann and Eli have lots of books, a n d __________________________(they / read) all of them . 6. __________________________(I / never / be) to Australia, b u t _________________________ (my brother / be) there twice. 7. Joy’s favorite movie is Howard and Belinda. (she / see) it five times, b u t (I / never / see) it. 8. _________________________ (I / travel) by plane, bus, and train. Someday, I w ant to take a trip by boat. — -zd itio n al exercises 16f 18 (pages 250-251) 33 U N I T How long have you . . . ? Jane is on vacation in Brazil. She is there now. She arrived in Brazil on Monday. Today is Thursday. H ow long has she been in Brazil? She has been in Brazil since M onday. for three days. How long have you been in Brazil? Com pare is and has been: She is in Brazil now. She has been in Brazil Monday since M onday, for three days. is = present has been = present perfect now Thursday Com pare: 34 Simple present Present perfect (have been / have lived / have know n, etc.) Dan and Kate are m arried. They have been m arried for five years. (not They are m arried for five years.) Are you married? H o w lo n g have you been married? (not H ow long are you married?) D o you k n ow Lisa? H o w lo n g have you k n ow n her? (not H ow long do you know her?) I k n o w Lisa. I’ve k n ow n her for a lo n g tim e. (not I know her for . . .) Vera lives in Brasilia. H o w lo n g has she lived in Brasilia? She has lived there all her life. I have a car. H o w lo n g have you had your car? I’ve had it since A pril. Present continuous Present perfect continuous (have been + -ing) I’m stu d yin g Germ an. H o w lo n g have you been stu d yin g German? (not H ow long are you studying German?) I’ve been stu d yin g Germ an for tw o years. David is w atch in g TV. H o w lo n g has he b een w atch in g TV? H e’s been (= He has been) w atch in g TV since 5:00. It’s raining. It’s been (= It has been) rain ing all day. for and since —►Units 18, 105 Exercises UNI T \ J 17.1 Complete these sentences. Jane is in Brazil. She has been I know Lisa. I have know n Sarah and Andy are married. They Brian is sick. He We live on M ain Street. We C atherine works in a bank. She Alan has a headache. He this m orning. 8. I’m studying English. I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. there since Monday. her for a long time. m arried since 1999. sick for the last few days. there for a long time. in a bank for five years, a headache since he got up English for six m onths. 17.2 Make questions with How long . . . ? S’ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jane is on vacation. Scott and Judy are in Brazil. I know Amy. Diana is studying Italian. My brother lives in Seattle. Fm a teacher. It is raining. "............. ....... H o w Iona has she been on v acation How long How lone vou ? ? ? ? J Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with: fo r 10 m in u te s fo r 10 y ea rs 1. a ll day sin ce h e w as 20 They have been m a rrie d fo r 10 yea rs. a ll h er life sin ce Sun d ay ______________________ 2. S h e ____________________________________________________________ 3. T h e y ___________________________________________________________ 4. The s u n ________________________________________________________ 5. S h e ____________________________________________________________ 6. H e _____________________________________________________________ 17.4 Which is right? 1. M ark-hves-/ has lived in Canada since April. (has lived is right) 2. Jane and I are friends. I know / I’ve know n her very well. 3. Jane and I are friends. I know / I’ve know n her for a long time. 4. A: Sorry I’m late. H ow long are you waiting / have you been w aiting? B: N o t long. O nly five minutes. 5. M artin works / has w orked in a hotel now. H e likes his jo b a lot. 6. Ruth is reading the newspaper. She is reading / She has been reading it for two hours. 7. “H ow long do you live / have you lived in this house?” “A bout 10 years.” 8. “Is that a new coat?” “No, I have / I’ve had this coat for a long tim e.” 9. Tom is / has been in Seattle right now. H e is / He has been there for the last three days. — -dditional exercises 16-18 (pages 250-251) _____________________________ 35 for since ago For and since W e use for and since to say how long: ■ Jane is in Brazil. She has been there { ^o r t^iree I since Monday. We use since + the start of the period (Monday / 9:00, etc.): We use for + a period of time (three days / two years, etc.): start of the period for three days M onday M onday Tuesday since M onday W ednesday past past now for three days an hour a week a m onth five years since 10 m inutes two hours four weeks six m onths a long tim e Richard has been in Canada for six m on th s. (not since six months) W e’ve been waiting for tw o hours. (not since two hours) I’ve lived in Chicago for a lo n g tim e. M onday 9:00 July 4th January 1995 W ednesday 12:30 my birthday I was 10 years old we arrived Richard has been in Canada since January. (= from January to now) W e’ve been waiting since 9:00. (= from 9:00 to now) I’ve lived in Chicago since I was 10 years old. A go ago = ■ ■ ■ ■ before now: Susan started her new jo b three w eeks ago. (= three weeks before now) “W hen did Tom leave?” “Ten m in u tes ago.” (= ten m inutes before now) I had dinner an h our ago. Life was very different a hundred years ago. We use ago w ith the past (sta rted /d id /h a d /w a s, etc.). C om pare ago and for: ■ W hen did Jane arrive in Brazil? She arrived in Brazil three days ago. ■ H o w lo n g has she been in Brazil? She has been in Brazil for three days. present perfect + for/since —►Unit 17 from/until/since/for —►Unit 105 for and during - * Unit 106 U N I Exercises 18.1 Write for or since. . 1 Jane has been in Brazil 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8. sin ce Mondav. Jane has been in Brazil three days. 15 years. My aunt has lived in Australia 7:00. Jennifer is in her office. She has been there 1821. Mexico has been an independent country 20 minutes. The bus is late. W e’ve been waiting N obody lives in those houses. Thev have been em ptv manv vears. Michael has been sick a long time. He has been in the hospital October. 18.2 Answer these questions. Use ago. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. W hen W hen W hen W hen W hen was was was was was the the the the the last last last last last tim e tim e tim e tim e tim e you you you you you ate? were w ent were w ent Three hours ago. sick? to the movies? in a car? on vacation? 18.3 Complete the sentences. Use for or ago with these words. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Jane arrived in Brazil th r e e d a ys ago.__________________ Jane has been in Brazil fo r th r e e days._________________ Lynn and M ark have been m a rrie d ______________________ Lynn and M ark got m a rrie d _____________________________ Dan arriv ed ___________________________________________ I bought these sh o es____________________________________ Silvia has been studying E n g lish _________________________ Have you know n L isa__________________________________ ? (three days) (three days) (20 years) (20 years) (an hour) (a few days) (six months) (a long time) 48.4 Complete the sentences with for or since. 1. (Jane is in Brazil - she arrived there three days ago) J a n e has b een in 3 r a z i ! fo r th r e e d a y s ._____________ 2. (Jack is here - he arrived on Tuesday) ____________________________________________ Jack has 3. (It’s raining - it started an hour ago) ___________________________________________ It’s been 4. (I know Sue - I m et her in 2002) I’v e ________________________________________ 5. (Claire and M atthew are m arried - they got m arried six m onths ago) Claire and M atthew h a v e _______ ___________________________________________________ 6. (Liz is studying m edicine at the university - she started three years ago) Liz h a s _________________________________________________ 7. (David plays the piano - he started w hen he was seven years old) David has _ _ _____________________________ _________________________________________ * I 5 Write sentences about yourself. Begin your sentences with: I’ve l i v e d 1. I’ve b e e n I5ve b een stu d yin g — I've liv e d in this to w n fo r th r e e years. 3. - i o c * :~al exercises 16-18 (pages 250-251) I5ve k n o w n — I5ve had — _________________________________________ I have done and I did (present perfect and simple past 1) His car is dirty. H e is washing his car. H e has w ashed his car. (= his car is clean now) They are at home. They are going out. They have gon e out. (= they are not at hom e now) We use the present perfect for an action in the past w ith a result now: ■ I’ve lo st my passport. (= I can’t find my passport now) ■ “W here’s Rebecca?” “She’s g on e to bed.” (= she is in bed now) ■ W e’ve b ou gh t a new car. (= we have a new car now) ■ It’s Rachel’s birthday tom orrow, and I haven’t b o u g h t her a present. (= I don’t have a present for her now) ■ “Bob is away on vacation.” “O h, w here has he gone?” (= w here is he now?) ■ H ave you m e t my brother, or should I introduce you? ■ I was a very slow typist in college, but I’ve gotten faster. Usually you can also use the simple past (he w ashed / I lost, etc.) in these situations. So you can say: ■ “W h ere’s your key?” “I’ve lo st it.” or “I lo st it.” ■ “Is Peter here?” “No, h e’s g on e hom e.” or “H e w en t hom e.” ■ W e’ve b o u g h t a new car. or We b o u g h t a new car. We use only the simple past (not the present perfect) w ith a finished tim e (yesterday, last w eek, etc.). ■ I lo st my key yesterday. (not I have lost) ■ We b ou gh t a new car last w eek. (not we have bought) simple past—►Units 11-12 present perfect —►Units 16-18 present perfect and simple past—►Units 20-21 Exercises u N1 19 19.1 Look at the pictures. What has happened? Use the present perfect. Choose from: go to bed w ash h er car stop ra in in g close th e d oor fa ll d ow n take a show er She has w a sh e d h e r car. He They It He The 19.2 Rewrite the sentences that have underlined verbs. Use the present perfect. 1. 2. 3. 4. Lee M ing isn’t here. He w ent home. H e has g o n e home._________________ I don’t need to call them . I w rote them a le tte r.__________________________ _ Karen’s not coming to the party. She broke her a rm ._______________________ My brother and his wife don’t live here any more. They moved to Seattle. 5. I made a big m istak e. ___________________________________________ 6. I lost my w a lle t._______ _________________________________________________ Did you see it anywhere? _ _ _ ___________________________________________ 7. Did you hear? __________________________________________________________ M ark got married. _ _ _ _ _________________________________________________ Now rewrite these present perfect sentences in the simple past. 8. 9. 10. 11. I’ve done the shopping. / d id the shopping._____________________________ Brian has taken my bike again w ithout asking.____________________________ Have you told your friends the good n ew s?_______________________________ We haven’t paid the electric b ill._________________________________________ 39 just, already, and yet (present perfect and simple past 2) Just = a short time ago We use ju st w ith the present perfect oi ■ A: Are Diane and Paul here? B: Yes, they’ve ju st arrived. Yes, they ju st arrived. ■ A: Are you hungry? B: No, I’ve ju st had dinner. I ju st had dinner. ■ A: Is Tom here? B: No, sorry, he’s ju st left. H e ju st left. y ^ y have just arrjvecj A lready = before you expected / before I expected We use already w ith the present perfect or the simple past. ■ A: W hat time are Diane and Paul coming? B: They’ve already arrived, or They already arrived. ■ It’s only 9:00 and Anna has already gon e to bed. or . . . Anna already w en t to bed. (= before I expected) ■ A: Jon, this is Emma. B: Yes, I know. W e’ve already m et. or W e already m et. Yes, I know. We've already met. Jon, this is Emma. Yet = until now We use yet w ith the present perfect or the simple past. W e use yet in negative sentences and questions. Yet is usually at the end. yet in negative sentences ■ A: Are Diane and Paul here? B: No, they haven’t arrived yet. or . . . they d id n ’t arrive yet. (but B expects Diane and Paul to arrive soon) ■ A: Does Jam es know that you’re going away? B: N o, I haven’t told him yet. or . . . I d id n ’t te ll him yet. (but B is going to tell him soon) ■ Silvia has bought a new dress, but she hasn’t w orn it yet. or . . . she d id n ’t w ear it yet. yet in questions ■ A: H ave Diane and Paul arrived yet? or D id Diane and Paul arrive yet? B: No, not yet. W e’re still waiting for them . ■ A: Has Nicole started her new job yet? or D id Nicole start her new job yet? B: No, she’s starting next week. ■ A: This is my new dress. B: Oh, it’s nice. H ave you w orn it yet? or D id you w ear it yet? present perfect —►Units 16-18 The film hasn't started yet. Oh, it's nice. Have you worn it yet? This is my new dress. present perfect and simple past —►Units 19, 21 still, yet, and already —►Unit 96 U N I Exercises 20.1 Write a sentence with ju s t for each picture. 1. They 've ju s t arrived. 2. He 3. Theyj . 4. The race Complete the sentences. Use already + present perfect. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W hat tim e is Paul arriving? Do your friends w ant to see the movie? D on’t forget to call Tom. W hen is M artin going to work? Do you w ant to read the newspaper? W hen does Sarah start her new job? H e 's a lrea d y a rrived . No, they it. I He I She \_ 20.3 Rewrite these sentences. Use the present perfect. 1. Did Sarah start her new job yet? H as S a ra h s ta rte d h e r n e w jo b yet? 2. Did you tell your father about the accident y e t? ________________________ 3. I ju st ate a big dinner, so I’m not hu n g ry .______________________________ 4. Jenny can watch TV because she already did her h o m ew o rk .____________ 5. You can’t go to bed - you didn’t brush your teeth y e t.__________________ 6. You can’t talk to Pete because he ju st w ent h o m e .______________________ 7. Nicole ju st got out o f the hospital, so she can’t go to w o rk .______________ Now rewrite these sentences in the simple past. 8. Have you given the post office our new address yet? D id you g iv e the p o s t o ffic e o u r n e w ad dress yet? ________________ 9. 10. 11. 12. The mail carrier hasn’t come y e t._____________________________________ I’ve ju st spoken to your sister.________________________________________ Has M ario bought a new com puter y e t? _______________________________ Ted and Alice haven’t told anyone they’re getting m arried yet. 13. W e’ve already done our packing for our tr ip .__________________________ 14. I’ve ju st swum a mile. I feel great!____________________________________ 20.4 Write questions with the present perfect and yet. 1. Your friend has a new job. Perhaps she has started it. You ask her: H a ve you s ta r t e d y o u r n e w jo b y e t? 2. Your friend has some new neighbors. Maybe he has m et them . You ask him: vou 3. Your friend has to pay her phone bill. Perhaps she has paid it. You ask her: ? 7 4. Tom was trying to sell his car. Maybe he has sold it. You ask a friend about Tom. 7 U N I T 21 I've lost my key. I lost my key last week. (present perfect and simple past 3) Sometimes you can use the present perfect (I have lo st / he has gone, etc.) or the simple past (I lo st / he w ent, etc.). ■ “Is Peter here?” “N o, h e’s gon e hom e.” or “No, he w en t hom e.” B ut w ith a finished tim e (yesterday / last w eek, etc.), we use only the simple past (not the present perfect). simple past We arrived + finished time yesterday. last week. at 3:00. in 2002. six m onths ago. yesterday last w eek six m onths ago finished time now past Do not use the present perfect (have arrived / have d on e / have been, etc.) w ith a finished time: ■ I saw Paula yesterday, (not I have seen) ■ W here were you on Sunday afternoon? (not W here have you been) ■ We d id n ’t take a vacation last year. (not We haven’t taken) ■ “W hat did you do last night?” “I stayed at hom e.” ■ W illiam Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616. He was a writer. He w rote many plays and poems. Use the simple past to ask W hen . . . ? or W hat tim e . . . ? ■ W hen did you buy your com puter? (not W hen have you bought?) ■ W hat tim e did Andy go out? (not W hat tim e has Andy gone out?) Com pare: Present perfect or simple past ■ ■ ■ ■ I have lo st my key. or I lo st my key. (= I can’t find it now) Ben has gon e home, or Ben w en t hom e. (= he isn’t here now) H ave you had lunch? or D id you have lunch? The letter hasn’t arrived yet. or The letter d id n ’t arrive yet. Sim ple past only Present perfect only finished time time until now H ave you ever been to Spain? (= in your life, until now) My friend is a writer. He has w ritten m any books. The letter hasn’t arrived yet. W e’ve lived in Boston for six years. (= we live there now) 42 now past past present perfect —►Units 16-18 m D id you go to Spain last year? W illiam Shakespeare (1564-1616) w rote many plays and poems. The letter d id n ’t arrive yesterday. We lived in Chicago for six years, but now we live in Boston. present perfect and simple past —►Units 19-20 U N I Exercises 21.1 Complete the answers to the questions. 1. Have you had lunch? 2. Have you started your new job? 3. Have your friends arrived? 4. Has Sarah gone out? 5. Have you w orn your new suit? Yes, / h a d i t _______________________ an hour ago. Yes, I ________________________________ last week. Yes, th e y _____________________________ on Friday. Y es,_____________________________________at 5:00. Y es,__________________________________ yesterday. 21.2 Are these sentences OK? Correct the verbs that are wrong. (The verbs are underlined.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I’ve lost my key. I can’t find it.________________ O K ____________________________________ Have you seen Kate yesterday? D id you se e ___________________________ I’ve finished my w ork at 2:00. _________________________________________ I’m ready now. I’ve finished my work. _________________________________________ W hat time have you finished your work? _________________________________________ Sue isn’t here. She’s gone out.______________ _________________________________________ Steve’s grandm other has died two years ago. _________________________________________ W here have you been last night?_____________________________________________________ 21.3 Put the verb in the present perfect or past. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. My friend is a writer. He has w r itte n (write) m any books. W e didn f ta ke (not / take) a vacation last year. I _______________________ (play) tennis yesterday afternoon. W hat tim e _______________________ (you / go) to bed last night? _______________________ (you / ever / m eet) a famous person? The w e a th e r________________________(not / be) very good yesterday. Kathy travels a lot. S h e ________________________(visit) many countries. I _______________________ (turn) off the light before leaving this m orning. I live in N ew York now, but I ________________________ (live) in Mexico for many years. “W h at’s Peru like? Is it beautiful?” “I don’t know. I •_______________(not / be) there.’ 21.4 Put the verb in the present perfect or past. 1. A: H ave y o u e v e r been (you / ever / be) to Florida? B: Yes, we w e n t (go) there on vacation two years ago. A: (you / have) a good time? B: Yes, i t (be) great. 2. A: W hat does your friend do? B: She’s a painter. S h e (win) many prizes for her paintings. A: (you / see) any of her paintings? B: Yes, I (see) some o f her work last week. 3. Rose works in a factory, but s h e (have) a lot o f different jobs. Five years ago s h e ________________________ (be) a waitress in a restaurant. After that, she _______________________ (work) on a ranch, but s h e ________________________ (not / enjoy) it very much. 4. A: Do you know M artin’s sister? B: I ________________________ (see) her a few times, but I _______________________ (never / speak) to h e r.________________________ (you / ever / speak) to her? A: Yes. I ________________________ (meet) her at a party last week. She’s very nice. - -dditional exercises 19-23, 29-31 (pages 252-254, 257-259) U N I T 22 is done was done (passive 1) The office is clean ed every day. The office was cleaned yesterday. Com pare active and passive: Somebody cleans the office every day. (active) The office is cleaned every day. (passive) Somebody cleaned the office yesterday, (active) The office was cleaned yesterday. (passive) The passive is: past participle simple present simple past a m /is/a r e w a s/w ere (not) + cleaned invented injured d on e b u ilt taken, etc. T he past participle of regular verbs is -ed (cleaned/dam aged, etc.). For a list o f irregular past participles (d o n e/b u ilt/ta k en , etc.), see Appendixes 2 -3 . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B utter is m ade from milk. Oranges are im p o rted into Canada. H ow often are these rooms cleaned? I am never in vited to parties. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ This house was b u ilt 100 years ago. These houses w ere b u ilt 100 years ago. W hen was the telephone invented? We w eren ’t in vited to the party last week. “Was anybody injured in the accident?” “Yes, two people w ere taken to the hospital.” W as/w ere born ■ I was born in Colom bia in 1989. (not I am born) M “W here w ere you born?” “In Cairo.” Passive + by ■ The telephone was invented by A lexan d er G raham B ell in 1876. (= Alexander Graham Bell invented it) ■ I was bitten by a d o g a few days ago. ■ Do you like these paintings? They were painted by a friend o f m in e. is being done / has been done —►Unit 23 active and passive —►Appendix 1 irregular verbs —►Unit 25, Appendixes 2-3 by —►Unit 112 U N I Exercises 22.1 Write sentences from these words. Some of the sentences are questions. Sentences 1-7 are present. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (the office / clean / every day) The o ffic e is cle a n e d e v e ry day.________ (these rooms / clean / every day?) A r e these room s cle a n e d e v e ry d ay? (glass / make / from sand) G lass________________________________________ (stamps / sell / in a post o ffice)_________________________________________ (this w ord / not / use / very o fte n )_____________________________________ (we / allow / to park h e re ? )____________________________________________ (how / this word / pro n o u n ce?)________________________________________ Sentences 8-15 are past. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. (the office / clean / yesterday) The o ffic e w as cle a n e d yesterday.______ (the house / paint / last m onth) The h o u s e ______________________________ (my phone / steal / a few days a g o )_____________________________________ (three people / injure / in the accid en t) A ___________________________ (when / this bridge / b u ild ?)___________________________________________ (I / not / wake up / by the n o ise )_______________________________________ (how / these windows / break ?)________________________________________ (you / invite / to Jo n ’s party last w e ek ?)_________________________________ 22.2 These sentences are not correct. Correct them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (Th is house built)100 years ago. This house w as built 100 y e a rs ago. Soccer plays in m ost countries o f the w o rld ._________________________ W hy did the letter send to the wrong address?_______________________ A garage is a place w here cars repair.________________________________ W here are you born? . How many languages are speaking in S w itzerland?_ Somebody broke into our house, but nothing sto len .. W hen was invented the bicycle?__________________ 22.3 Complete the sentences. Use the passive (present or past) of these verbs: clean 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. d am age fin d g ive in v ite m ak e m ak e sh ow steal take The room is cle a n e d every day. I saw an accident yesterday. Tw o people w e r e taken to the hospital. P a p e r__________________________ from wood. There was a fire at the hotel last week. Tw o of the ro o m s ________________________ . “W here did you get this picture?” “I t _____________________ to me by a friend of m ine.” Many British p ro g ram s________________________ on Am erican television. “Did Jim and Sue go to the wedding?” “No. T h e y _________________, but they didn’t go.” “H ow old is this movie?” “I t ________________________ in 1965.” day i t ___________________ My c a r ____________________ last week, but the next by the police. 22.4 Where were they born? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (M akoto / Tokyo) (Isabel / Sao Paulo) (her parents / Rio de Janeiro) (you / ???) (your m other / ???) /H akoto w a s h orn in___________ Tokyo._____________________ Isab el__________________________________________________ H e r ___________________________________________________ I ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ U N I T 23 has been done (passive 2) is being done Is/are b ein g . . . (present continuous passive) Somebody is p a in tin g the door . (active) The door is b ein g painted. (passive) ■ My car is at the garage. It is b ein g repaired. (— somebody is repairing it) ■ Some new houses are b ein g b u ilt across from the park. (= somebody is building them ) Com pare the present continuous and simple present: ■ The office is b ein g cleaned right now. (present continuous) The office is cleaned every day. (simple present) ■ In the U nited States, football games are usually played on weekends, but no big games are b ein g played next weekend. For the present continuous and simple present, see Units 8 and 26. H as/h ave been . . . (present perfect passive) now before Somebody has painted the door . (active) TZ T zr The door has been painted. {= U =3 ■ ■ ■ ■ W ll PAINT My key has b een stolen. (= somebody has stolen it) My keys have been stolen. (= som ebody has stolen them ) I’m not going to the party. I h aven’t been invited. (= nobody has invited me) Has this shirt been washed? (= has somebody washed it?) Com pare the present perfect and simple past: ■ The room isn’t dirty any more. It has been cleaned, (present perfect) The room was cleaned yesterday, (simple past) ■ I can’t find my keys. I think they’ve been stolen, (present perfect) My keys w ere stolen last week, (simple past) For the present perfect and simple past, see Units 19-21. is done / was done —►Unit 22 active and passive —►Appendix 1 (passive) U N I Exercises 23.1 What's happening? 1. The car /s being repaired.___________ 2. A b rid g e _____________________________ 23.2 3. The windows 4. The grass___ Look at the pictures. What is happening or what has happened? Use the present continuous (is/are being . . . ) or the present perfect (has/have been . . .). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (the office / clean) The o ffice is being cleaned. __________________ (the shirts / iron) The s h irts have been ironed.__________________ (the window / break) The w in d o w ________________________________ (the ro o f / repair) The ro o f_______________________________________ (the car / dam age)_______________________________________________ (the houses / tear / d o w n )________________________________________ (the trees / cut / d o w n )__________________________________________ (they / invite / to a p a rty )________________________________________ 23.3 Complete the sentences. (Study Unit 22 before you do this exercise.) I can’t use mv office right now. It is heinci p a in te d (paint). We didn’t go to the partv. W e w e r e n 't in v ite d (not / invite). The washinv m achine was broken, hut it’s O K now. It (repair). (repair) yesterday afternoon. The washing machine A factory is a place where things (make). H ow old are these houses? W hen (they / build)? (the com puter / use) at the m om ent? A: B: Yes, Steve is using it. 8. I’ve never seen these flowers before. W hat (thev / call)? 9. My sunglasses (steal) at the beach yesterday. 10. The bridge is closed. It (damage) last week, and it 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (not / repair) yet. - -dditional exercises 24-27 (pages 255-256) U N I T be/have/do in present and past tenses B e (= a m /is/a r e /w a s/w e r e ) + -in g (clea n in g /w o rk in g , etc.) a m /is /a r e + -in g (present continuous) —►Units 3 -4 and 26 ■ Please be quiet. P m w o rk in g . It isn ’t rain in g right now. W hat are you d o in g tonight? w a s/w ere + -in g (past continuous) I was w o rk in g w hen she arrived. It w asn ’t raining, so we didn’t need an umbrella. W hat w ere you d o in g at 3:00? -► U nit 13 B e + past participle (c lea n ed /m a d e/ea ten , etc.) a m /is /a r e + past participle (simple present passive) I’m never in vited to parties. B utter is m ad e from milk. These offices aren’t cleaned every day. -+ U nit 22 w a s/w ere + past participle (simple past passive) The office was cleaned yesterday. These houses w ere b u ilt 100 years ago. H ow was the w indow broken? W here w ere you born? -+ U nit 22 H ave/h as 4- past participle (c le a n e d /lo st/e a te n /b e e n , etc.) have/has + past participle (present perfect) Units 16-17, 19-21 ■ ■ ■ ■ I’ve lived in this house for 10 years. Tom has never rid den a horse. Kate hasn’t been to South America. W here have Paul and Nicole gone? D o /d o e s /d id + baseform (c le a n /lik e /e a t/g o , etc.) d o /d o e s + baseform (simple present negative and questions) —►U nits 6 -7 did + baseform (simple past negative and questions) -► U nit 12 48 irregular verbs —►Unit 25, Appendixes 2-3 ■ I like coffee, but I d o n ’t lik e tea. Chris d o esn ’t go out very often. W hat do you usually do on weekends? D oes Silvia live alone? I d id n ’t w atch TV yesterday. It d id n ’t rain last week. W hat tim e d id Paul and Nicole go out? U N I T Exercises 24.1 Write is/are or do/does. 1. V o . you w ork at night? 2. W here ctne they going? 3. W h y ______ you looking at me? 4. Bill live near you? 5. you like to cook? 6.________ the sun shining? 7. W hat tim e the stores close? 8._______ M aria working today? 9._W h a t______ this word mean? 10._______ you feeling all right? 24.2 Write am not/isn't/aren't or don't/doesn't. All these sentences are negative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tom doesn t w ork at night. I’m very tired. I _______________ w ant to go out tonight. I’m very tired. I _______________ going out tonight. G a ry ______________ working this week. H e’s on vacation. My parents are usually at hom e. T h e y _______________ go out very often. Nicole has traveled a lot, but s h e ___________ * speak any foreign languages. You can tu rn off the television. I _______________watching it. Liz has invited us to her party next week, but w e _______________ going- 24.3 Write was/were/did/have/has. 1. W here w e r e your shoes made?_____________6. W h a t ti m e _________ she go? 7. W h e n _____________ these houses built? 2. _____________ you go out last night? 3. W h a t ____________ you doing at 10:30? 8. Steve arrived yet? 4. W h e r e ____________ your m other born? 9. W h y _____________ you go hom e early? 5.______________ B arbara gone home? 10.______ H ow lo n g ________they been m arried? 24.4 Write is/are/was/were/have/has. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 24.5 Joe h as lost his passport. This b rid g e ________ built 10 years ago. you finished your w ork yet? This tow n is always clean. The stree ts________ cleaned every day. W h e re _________ you born? I _________ju st made some coffee. W ould you like some? G lass made from sand. This is a very old photograph. I t _________taken a long tim e ago. D a v id _________ bought a new car. Complete the sentences. Choose fromthe box and put the verb into the correct form. d am age listen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. rain use enjoy op en “gogo p ron ou n ce u nderstand eat I’m going to take an um brella w ith me. It’s raining . W hy are you so tired? Did you g o to bed late last night? W here are the chocolates? Have y o u _________________ all o f them? H ow is your new job? Are y o u __________________ it? My car was b a d ly in the accident, but I was OK. Chris has a car, but she doesn’t it very often. M ary isn’t at hom e. She h a s away for a few days. I don’t __________________ the problem . Can you explain it again? M artin is in his room . H e’s _________________ to music. I don’t know how to say this word. H ow is i t __________________ ? H ow do y o u this window? Can you show me? U N I T Regular and irregular verbs Regular verbs The simple past and past participle of regular verbs is -ed: clean —►cleaned live —►lived paint —►painted study —►studied Simple past (—►U nit 11) ■ I cleaned my room yesterday. ■ Charlie studied engineering in college. Past participle h ave/has + past participle (present perfect —►Units 16-17, 19-21): ■ I have cleaned my room. ■ Tina has lived in M iami for 10 years. be (is/a re/w e re/h a s been, etc.) + past participle (passive —►Units 22-23): ■ These rooms are cleaned every day. ■ My car has been repaired. Irregular verbs The simple past and past participle o f irregular verbs do not end in -ed: simple past past participle make break ( ut m ad e m ad e broke broken cut cut Sometimes the simple past and past participle are the same. For example: simple past past participle make find buy cut m ade fou n d bought cut ■ I m ad e a cake yesterday, (simple past) ■ I have m ade some coffee, (past participle - present perfect) ■ B utter is m ad e from milk, (past participle - present passive) Sometimes the simple past and past participle are different. For example: simple past past participle break know begin g° broke broken k new k now n began b egu n w ent gon e ■ Somebody broke this w indow last night, (simple past) ■ Somebody has b roken this window, (past participle - present perfect) ■ This w indow was broken last night, (past participle - past passive) irregular verbs —►Appendixes 2-3 spelling (regular verbs) —►Appendix 5 U N I Exercises 25.1 Write the participle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. make cut say bring pay m ade______ cut _____________ _____________ _____________ 6. enjoy 7. buy 8. sit 9. leave 10. happen _________ _________ 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. hear put catch watch understand 25.2 Write Write the the simple past and past participle of these verbs. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. break begin eat drink drive speak w rite b ro ke______ broken 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. come know take g° give throw get 25.3 Put the verb in the right form. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. I w a sh e d my hands because they were dirty, (wash) Somebody has broken this window, (break) I feel good. I _______________very well last night, (sleep) W e _______________ a really good movie yesterday, (see) It a lot while we were on vacation, (rain) I’v e _______________ my bag. (lose) Have y o u _______________ it? (see) Rosa’s bicycle w a s _______________ last week, (steal) I _______________ to bed early because I was tired, (go) Have y o u _______________ your w ork yet? (finish) The shopping mall w a s _______________about 20 years ago. (build) A n n a _______________ to drive w hen she was 16. (learn) I’ve n e v e r_______ a horse, (ride) Julia is a good friend o f mine. I’v e her for a long time, (know) Yesterday I _________ a n d ________________ my leg. (fall / hurt) My b ro th e r_______________in the Boston M arathon last year. Have you ever _______________ in a m arathon? (run / run) 25.4 Complete the sentences. Choose from the box cost speak 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. d rive sw im f ly te ll m ak e th in k and m e et w ak e up put the verb into the correct form. sell w in I have made some coffee. W ould you like some? Have y o u _______________J° h n about your new job? We played basketball on Sunday. We didn’t play very well, but w e _____________ the game. I know Gary, but I’ve n e v e r his wife. We w e re by loud music in the m iddle o f the night. Stephanie ju m p ed into the river a n d to the other side. “Did you like the movie?” “Yes, I ______________ it was very good.” Many different languages a r e _______________ in the Philippines. O ur v acatio n _______________a lot o f m oney because we stayed in an expensive hotel. Have you e v e r a very fast car? All the tickets for the concert w e re _______________very quickly. A b ir d _______________ in through the open window while we were having our dinner. U N I T 26 What are you doing tomorrow? today is Sunday We use a m /is /a r e + -in g (present continuous) for som ething happening now: ■ “W here are Sue and Amanda?” “T hey’re p layin g tennis in the park.” ■ Please be quiet. I’m w orkin g. W e also use a m /is /a r e + -in g for the future (tom orrow / next week, etc.): ■ Andrew is p layin g tennis tomorrow. ■ I’m not w o rk in g next week. I am d o in g so m eth in g to m o rro w = I have arranged to do it, I have a plan to do it: I'm going to a concert tomorrow. ■ Sophie is g o in g to the dentist on Friday. (= she has an appointm ent w ith the dentist) ■ W e’re h aving a party next weekend. ■ Are you m e etin g your friends tonight? ■ W hat are you d o in g tom orrow night? ■ I’m not g o in g out tonight. I’m staying at home. You can also say, “I’m g o in g to do som ething.” (-► U nit 27). Be careful! Do not use the simple present (I stay / do you go, etc.) to say w hat somebody has arranged to do: ■ I’m staying at hom e this evening. (not I stay) ■ Are you g o in g out tonight? (not Do you go) ■ Lisa isn ’t c o m in g to the party next week. (not Lisa doesn’t come) B ut we use the simple present for schedules (buses, movies, classes, etc.): ■ The plane arrives in N ew York at 7:30 tom orrow m orning. ■ W hat tim e does the movie end tonight? Compare: Present continuous (usually for people) I’m g o in g to a concert tomorrow. W hat time are you leaving? 52 present continuous —►Units 3-4 Simple present (for schedules) The concert starts at 7:30. W hat tim e does your plane leave? simple present —►Units 5-7 I'm going to . —►Unit 27 U N I Exercises 26.1 Look at the pictures. What are these people doing next Friday? Richard 1. 2 . Karen Tom and Sue A n d r e w is p layin g tennis on Friday. R ich ard ____________________ to the movies. 3. R ach e l___________________________________ 4. lunch w ith Ken. 5. 26.2 Write questions. All the sentences are future. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (you / go / out / tonight?) (you / w ork / next week?) (what / you / do / tom orrow night?) (what tim e / your friends / come?) (when / Liz / go / on vacation?) A r e you going out tonight? _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ 26.3 Write sentences about yourself. What are you doing in the next few days? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I'm staying a t hom e tonight.__________________________________________ ! m going to the th e a te r on M onday. _________________________________ 6. 26.4 Put the verb in the present continuous (he is leaving, etc.) or simple present (the train leaves, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. (you / go) out tonight?” “No, I’m too tired.” W e're going (we / go) to a concert tonight. It s ta r ts (it / start) at 7:30. Listen to this! (Karen / get) m arried next m onth! A: My p a re n ts__________ _ (go) on vacation next week. B: O h, that’s nice. W here . ____________(they / go) ? Silvia is taking an English course this semester. The course . (end) on Friday. T here’s a party tom orrow night, b u t ____________________ (I / not / go). (I / go) out w ith some friends tonight. W hy don’t you come, too? . (we / m eet) at Jo h n ’s house at 8:00. A: H o w __ (you / get) hom e after the party tom orrow? By taxi? B: No, I can go by bus. The last b u s _______ _____________________________(leave) at m idnight. A: Do you w ant to go to the movies tonight? B: Yes, w hat tim e ________________________ (the movie / begin)? A: W h a t__________________________ (you / do) tom orrow afternoon? B: _______________________________(I / work). A r e you going U N I T I'm going to . . . P m g o in g to do som ething I'm going to watch TV tonight. morning She is g o in g to w atch TV tonight. We use a m /is/a r e g o in g to . . . for the future I am h e /s h e /it is w e /y o u /th ey are (not) g o in g to am I is h e /s h e /it are w e /y o u /th ey g o in g to do . . . drink . . . watch . . . buy . . . ? e a t. . . ? wear . . . ? I am g o in g to do so m eth in g = I have decided to do it, my intention is to do it: I decided to do i t ► P m g o in g to do it |____________________________________________________________________ past ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ now P m g o in g to buy some books tomorrow. Sarah is g o in g to sell her car. Pm n ot g o in g to have breakfast this m orning. I’m not hungry. W hat are you g o in g to wear to the wedding next week? “Your hands are dirty.” “Yes, I know. P m g o in g to wash them .” Are you g o in g to in vite M artin to your party? We also use the present continuous (I am doing) for the future, usually for arrangem ents (—►U nit 26): ■ I am p layin g tennis w ith Julia tomorrow. Something is g o in g to happen Something is g o in g to happen = we can see now that it is sure to happen: ■ Look at the sky! It’s g o in g to rain, (black clouds now —►rain) ■ O h, no! It’s 9:00 and I’m not ready. P m g o in g to be late. (9:00 now and not ready —►late) present for the future —►Unit 26 will —►Units 28-29 future Exercises 27.1 What are these people saying? / m g oing h w a tch TV. 27.2 Complete the sentences. Use going to + these verbs: do 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. eat g ive lie d ow n stay w alk w ash w atch w ear My hands are dirty. I'm g oing to w a sh them . W hat a r e y o u going to w e a r to the party tonight? It’s a nice day. I don’t w ant to take the bus. I ___________________________________ . Steve is going to San Diego next week. H e __________________________ w ith some friends. I’m hungry. I ___________________________________ this sandwich. It’s Sharon’s birthday next week. W e ______________________________ her a present. Sue says she’s feeling____ very tired. S h e ______________________________ for an hour. The president’s speech is on television to n ig h t._______ y o u __________________________ it? W h a t____________________R ach e l___________________________w hen she finishes school? 27.3 Look at the pictures. What is going to happen? <>< 3 0S 3 1. It 's going to rain._______________________________________________ 2. The s h e lf_________________________________________________________ 3. The c a r __________________________________________________________ 4. H e _______________________________________________________________ .4 What are you going to do today or tomorrow? Write three sentences. 1. I’m ______________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________ 3. 55 will 1 Sarah goes to w ork every day. She is always there from 8:30 until 4:30. It is 11:00 now. Sarah is at work. At 11:00 yesterday, she was at work. At 11:00 tom orrow, she w ill be at work. Sarah w ill + baseform (w ill be / w ill w in / w ill com e, etc.): I / w e /y o u /th ey h e /s h e /it w ill (’11) w ill n ot (w on ’t) be w in eat com e, etc. w ill I / w e/y o u /th ey h e /s h e /it be? win? eat? com e?, etc ’11 = w ill: I’ll (I will) / you’ll / she’ll, etc. w o n ’t = w ill not: I w o n ’t (= I will not) / you w o n ’t / she w o n ’t, etc. We use w ill for th e future (tom orrow / next week, etc.): ■ Sue travels a lot. Today she is in Los Angeles. Tom orrow she’ll be in Mexico City. N ext week she’ll be in N ew York. ■ You can call me tonight. I’ll be at home. ■ Leave the old bread in the yard. The birds w ill eat it. ■ W e’ll probably go out tonight. ■ W ill you be at hom e tonight? ■ ■ I w o n ’t be here tomorrow. (= I will not be here) D o n’t drink coffee before you go to bed. You w o n ’t sleep. We often say I th in k . . . w i l l . . . : ■ I th in k Kelly w ill pass her driver’s test. ■ I d o n ’t th in k it w ill rain this afternoon. ■ D o you th in k the test w ill be difficult? We do not use w ill for things we have already arranged or decided to do (—►Units 26-27): ■ W e’re g o in g to the movies on Saturday. Do you w ant to come w ith us? (not We will go) WH I’m not w o rk in g tomorrow, (not I w on’t work) ■ Are you g o in g to take your driver’s test tom orrow? (not W ill you take) What are you doing tomorrow? —►Unit 26 I'm going to . - * Unit 27 will 2 ^ Unit 29 U N I Exercises 28.1 Helen is traveling in South America. Complete the sentences with she was, she's, or she'll be. CARACAS Next week \ 1. Yesterday sh e w a s in Rio de Janeiro. 2. T o m o rro w ______________ in Bogota. 3. Last w e e k in Santiago. 4. N ext w e e k ______________ in Caracas. 5. Right n o w in Lima. 6. Three days a g o ______________ in Buenos Aires. 7. At the end of her t r i p _______________very tired. [ \ BOGOTA Tomorrow LIMA Right now SANTIAGO A Last week 14 I Helen RIO DE JANEIRO Yesterday y BUENOS AIRES Three days ago lr 28.2 Where will you be? Write sentences about yourself. Use: I'll be . . . or I'll probably be . . . or I don't know where I'll be. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (at 10:00 tom orrow) / / / b e a t work. or III p ro b a b ly h e a t th e beach. (one hour from n o w )__________________________________________________________ (at m idnight to n ig h t)__________________________________________________________ (at 3:00 tom orrow afte rn o o n )__________________________________________________ (two years from n o w )_________________________________________________________ 28.3 Put in will ('II) or won't. 1. D on’t drink coffee before you goto bed. You w o n 't sleep. 2. “Are you ready yet?” “N o t yet._I _______________be ready in five m inutes.” 3. I’m going away for a few days. I’m leaving tonight, so I _______________be at hom e tomorrow. 4. I t ______________ rain, so you don’t need to take an umbrella. 5. A: I don’t feel very well tonight. B: Well, go to bed early and y o u _______________feelbetter in the m orning. 6. It’s Bill’s birthday next Monday. H e _______________ be 25. 7. I’m sorry I was late this m orning. I t _______________ happen again. 28.4 Write sentences with I think . . . or / don't think . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (Kelly will pass the driver’s test) / think K elly w ill p a ss th e d river's test. (Kelly w on’t pass the driver’s test) / do n 't think K elly w ill p a ss th e d river's test. (we’ll w in the game) I _____________________________________________ (I w on’t be here tom orrow) ______________________________________________ (Sue will like her present) ______________________________________________ (they w on’t get married) ______________________________________________ (you w on’t like the movie)_______ ______________________________________________ 23.5 Which is right? (Study Unit 26 before you do this exercise.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. W e’ll go- / W e’re going to the theater tonight. W e’ve got tickets. (We’regoing is right) “W hat will you do / are you doing tom orrow night?” “N othing. I’m free.” They’ll leave / T hey’re leaving tom orrow m orning. T heir train is at 8:40. I’m sure your aunt will lend / is lending us some money. She’s very rich. “W hy are you putting on your coat?” “I’ll go / I’m going out.” Do you think Claire will call / is calling us tonight? Steve can’t m eet us on Saturday. H e’ll w ork / H e’s w orking. Let’s fly to M iami instead of driving. It w on’t take / isn’t taking as long. A: W hat are your plans for the weekend? B: Some friends will come / are coming to stay w ith us. will 2 You can use I’l l . . . (I w ill) w hen you offer som ething or decide to do something: ■ “My suitcase is very heavy.” “I’ll carry it for you.” ■ “I’ll call you tomorrow, O K ?” “OK, bye.” We often say I th in k I’l l . . . / I d o n ’t th in k I’l l . . . w hen we decide to do something: ■ I’m tired. I th in k I’ll go to bed early tonight. ■ It’s a nice day. I th ink I’ll sit outside. ■ It’s raining. I d o n ’t th ink I’ll go out. Do not use the simple present (I go / 1 call, etc.) in sentences like these: ■ I’ll call you tomorrow, OK? (not I call you) ■ I think I’ll go to bed early. (not I go to bed) Do not use I’l l . . . for som ething you decided before (—►Units 26-27): ■ I’m w o rk in g tomorrow. (not I’ll work) ■ T here’s a good program on TV tonight. I’m g o in g to w atch it. (not I’ll watch) ■ W hat are you d o in g this weekend? (not W hat will you do) Shall I . . . ? Shall w e . . . ? Shall I answ er the phone? No, that's OK. I'll answ er it. Shall I / Shall w e . . . ? = Do you think this is a good thing to do? Do you think this is a good idea? ■ It’s very warm in this room. Shall I op en the window? ■ “Shall I call you tonight?” “O K .” ■ It’s a nice day. Shall w e go for a walk? ■ W hat shall w e have for dinner? We use sh ould in the same way. ■ “Shou ld I call you tonight?” “O K .” ■ It’s a nice day. S hou ld w e go for a walk? ■ W hat sh ould w e have for dinner? What are you doing tomorrow? —►Unit 26 I'm going to . . . —►Unit 27 will 1 —►Unit 28 should —►Unit 33 U N I T Exercises Complete the sentences. Use I'll (1 will) + these verbs: c-arry 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. do eat send sh ow sit stay XT it for you. you a postcard. it. on the floor, it now. here, you. ^ I'll c a r r y Thank you. Well, I’m hungry. No, it’s OK. O h no, I forgot. No, I don’t think so. Give it to me and My suitcase is very heavy. Tpjoy your vacation. I don’t w ant this banana. Do you w ant a chair? Did you call Jenny? Are you coming w ith me? H ow do you use this camera? Complete the sentences. Use 1 think I ' l l . . . or / don't think I ' l l . . . + these verbs: buy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. buy -go- have play It’s cold todav. / don t think I'll ao I’m hungry. I O J I feel very tired. I like this hat. This camera is too expensive. out. som ething to eat. tennis. it. it. 29.3 Which is right? 1. T-ea-ll-/ I’ll call you tomorrow, OK? (I’ll call is right) 2. I haven’t done the shopping yet. I do / I’ll do it later. 3. I like sports. I watch / I’ll watch a lot o f sports on TV. 4. I need some exercise. I think I go / I’ll go for a walk. 5. Gerry is going to buy / will buy a new car. He told me last week. 6. “This letter is for Rose.” “OK. I give / I’ll give / I’m going to give it to her.” 7. A: Are you doing / W ill you do anything this evening? B: Yes, I’m going / I’ll go out w ith some friends. 8. I can’t go out w ith you tom orrow night. I w ork / I’m working / I’ll w ork. 9. I like this hat. I think I buy / I’ll buy it. 1r 4 What does Anne say to Kathy? Find the right answers. Kathy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. It’s very warm in this room, This TV program isn’t very good. Should we have a party? It’s dark in this room. Should I go to the store? Shall we go out? Shall I wait here? Do we have any bread? Should we get some lottery tickets? — - : : ■-nal exercises 28-31 (pages 256-259) Anne a) If you want. W here should we go? b) Yes, who shall we invite? c) N o, shall I go and get some? d) Shall I open the window? e) Should I turn on the light? f) OK, how many shall we buy? g) Should I turn it off? h) No, come w ith me. i) No, it’s OK. I’ll go. 59 U N I T 10 might Where are you going for your vacation? I'm not sure. I might go to Costa Rica. :, H e m ig h t go to Costa Rica. (= it is possible that he will go to Costa Rica) It m ig h t rain. (= it is possible that it will rain) m ig h t + baseform (m igh t go / m ig h t be / m ig h t rain, etc.): be I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it m ig h t (not) g° play com e, etc. I m ig h t = it is possible that I will: ■ I m ig h t go to the movies tonight, but I’m not sure. (= it is possible that I will go) ■ A: W hen is Rebecca going to call you? B: I don’t know. She m ig h t call this afternoon. I Take an um brella w ith you. It m ig h t rain. ■ Buy a lottery ticket. You m ig h t be lucky. (—perhaps you will be lucky) H “Are you going out tonight?” “I m ig h t.” (= I m ight go out) Study the difference: ■ P m p layin g tennis tom orrow, (sure) I m ig h t play tennis tom orrow, (possible) M Rebecca is g o in g to call later, (sure) Rebecca m ig h t call later, (possible) I m ig h t n o t = it is possible that I will not: ■ I m ig h t n o t go to w ork tom orrow. (= it is possible that I will not go) ■ Sue m ig h t n o t co m e to the party. (= it is possible that she will not come) May You can use m ay in the same way. I m ay = I m ight: ■ I m ay go to the movies tonight. (= I m ight go) ■ Sue m ay n o t co m e to the party. (= Sue m ight not come) May I . . . ? = Is it O K to .. . ? / Can I . . . ?: ■ May I ask a question? (= is it O K to ask / can I ask?) ■ “May I sit here?” “Sure.” will —►Units 28-29 can —►Unit 31 U N I T Exercises 30.1 Write sentences with m ight. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (it’s possible (it’s possible (it’s possible (it’s possible (it’s possible that that that that that I’ll go to the movies) / m ig h t go to th e m ovies._____________________ I’ll see you tom orrow) I ____________________________________________ Sarah will forget to c a ll)____________________________________________ it will snow to d ay )_________________________________________________ I’ll be late to n ig h t)_________________________________________________ Write sentences with might n o t. 6. (it’s possible that M ark will not be here next w e e k )___________________________________ 7. (it’s possible that I w on’t have time to go o u t) ________________________________________ 30.2 Somebody is asking you about your plans. You have some ideas, but you are not sure. Choose from the list and write sentences with I m ight. fish 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Italy M onday a n ew car W here are you going for your vacation? W hat are you doing this weekend? W hen will you see Kate again? W hat are you going to have for dinner? H ow are you going to get hom e tonight? I hear you w on some money. W hat are you going to do w ith it? take a trip take a taxi I’m not sure. / m ig h t go to Italy. I don’t know. I __________________ I’m not su re .____________________ I don’t k n o w .___________________ I’m not su re .____________________ I haven’t decided y e t.____________ 30.3 You ask Bill questions about his plans for tomorrow. Sometimes he is sure, but usually he is not sure. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Are you playing tennis tom orrow? Are you going out tom orrow evening? Are you going to get up early? Are you working tom orrow? W ill you be at hom e tom orrow m orning? Are you going to watch television? Are you going out in the afternoon? Are you going shopping? Yes, in the afternoon. Possibly. Maybe. No, I’m not. Maybe. I might. Yes, I am. Perhaps. I’m not sure. Bill Now write about Bill. Use might where necessary. 1. He's playing tennis to m o rro w afternoon.______________________________________ 2. H e m ight go out to m o rro w evening.___________________________________________ 3. H e ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ________________________________________________________________________________ 7. _____________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________ 33.4 Write three things that you might do tomorrow. 1. 2. ______________________________________ 3. 61 U N I T 31 can and could Could you open the door, please? I can play the piano. ■■■■H i He can play the piano, can + baseform (can do / can play / can com e, etc.): can can’t (cannot) I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it I can ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ do play see com e, etc. can I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it do? play? see? com e?, etc. do som ething = I know how to do it, or it is possible for me to do it: I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano, too. Sarah can speak Italian, but she can’t speak Spanish. “Can you sw im ?” “Yes, but I’m not a very good swimmer.” “Can you change a tw enty-dollar bill?” “I’m sorry, I can’t.” I’m having a party next week, but Paul and Rachel can’t com e. For the past (yesterday / last w eek, etc.), we use c o u ld /c o u ld n ’t: ■ W h en I was young, I cou ld run very fast. ■ Before M aria came to the U nited States, she co u ld n ’t understand m uch English. N ow she can understand everything. ■ I was tired last night, but I co u ld n ’t sleep. ■ I had a party last week, but Paul and Rachel c o u ld n ’t com e. Can you . . . ? C ou ld you . . . ? Can I . . . ? C ou ld I . . . ? We use Can you . . . ? or C ou ld you . . . ? w hen we ask people to do things: ■ Can you open the door, please? or C ou ld you open the door, please? ■ Can you wait a m inute, please? or C ou ld you w a it. . . ? We use Can I have . . . ? or C ou ld I have . . . ? to ask for something: ■ (in a store) Can I have change for a dollar, please? or C ou ld I have . . . ? Can I . . . ? or C ou ld I . . . ? = is it O K to do something?: ■ Tom, can I borrow your umbrella? or Tom, cou ld I borrow your umbrella? ■ (on the phone) Hello, can I speak to Gary, please? or . . . cou ld I speak . . . ? 62 May I . . . ? - > U n it 30 U N I Exercises 31.1 Ask Steve if he can do these things: jf You & 10 kilometers i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Steve _Y \ C an > you sw im ? Can you do these things? Write sentences about yourself. Use / can or / can't. 7. I _________________________________ 10. ________________________________ 11. . 9. 12 31.2 Complete these sentences. Use can or can't + one of these verbs: -eo m e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fin d hear see speak I’m sorry, but we ca n 't com e to your party next Saturday. I like this hotel room. Y o u ____________________ the m ountains from the window. You are speaking very quietly. I ____________________ you. Have you seen my suitcase? I ____ . it. C atherine got the jo b because she five languages. 31.3 Complete these sentences. Use can't or couldn't + one of these verbs: d ecid e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. eat fin d go go sleep I was tired, but I cou/dn t sleep . I wasn’t hungry yesterday. I ____________________ my dinner. Kate doesn’t know w hat to do. S h e ____________________ . I w anted to speak to M artin yesterday, but I ____________________him. J a m e s ____________________ to the concert next Saturday. He has to work. P au la to the m eeting last week. She was sick. 31 4 What do you say in these situations? Use can or could. must She m u st be sick = I am sure she is sick; it is clear that she is sick. m u st + base form (m ust be / m u st know , etc.): I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it m u st (not) be k n ow have live, etc. We use m u st w hen we believe that som ething is true. ■ You w orked 10 hours today. You m u st be tired. ■ My brother has w orked at your company for years. You m u st k n ow him. ■ My friends have the same zip code as you. They m u st live near you. ■ (on the telephone) This isn’t the Smiths’? I’m sorry. I m u st have the w rong number. We use m u st n o t w hen we believe that som ething is not true. ■ The phone rang eight times and Karen didn’t answer. She m u st n ot be at home. ■ Carlos takes the bus everywhere. H e m u st n o t have a car. ■ The Silvas are always hom e on Fridays. They m u st n ot w ork then. B M ust has another meaning. You m u st do som ething = it is necessary to do it. ■ You m u st be careful w ith this knife. It’s very sharp. ■ W orkers m u st wear safety glasses at this machine. ■ In the U nited States, you m u st be 18 to vote. For the past (yesterday, last w eek, etc.), we use had to . . . (not must). ’■ They were in a dangerous situation. They had to be careful. (not They m ust be careful.) ■ We had to wear safety glasses w hen we visited the factory last week. (not We m ust wear) You m u st n ot do som ething = it is necessary not to do it; it is the wrong thing to do. ■ Bicyclists m u st n ot ride on the sidewalk. (= they m ust ride in the street) ■ You m u st n o t be late for school again! 64 I have to . . . —►Unit 34 U N ! T Exercises 32.1 Complete the sentences. Use must be + these verbs: for you 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. good h u n g ry in th e k itch en tired very happy Silvia w orked 10 hours today. She m u st h e tir e d . It’s evening, and you haven’t eaten anything all day. Y o u ____________________ . It’s the m ost popular restaurant in town, so the fo o d ____________________ . “I got the jo b .” “You did? Y o u ____________________.” The p h o n e’s ringing. I know it’s not for me. I t ____________________. My keys aren’t in the living room , so th e y ____________________ . 32.2 Complete the sentences. Use must + these verbs: d rin k have know lik e w ork 1. My brother has w orked at your company for years. You m u s t k n o w him. 2. M arilyn wears som ething blue every day. S h e ____________________ the color blue. 3. The Hills have six children and three dogs. T h e y ____________________a big house. 4. Mrs. Lee bought three gallons of milk at the store. H er c h ild re n ____________________ a lot o f milk. 5. I know Mrs. Rom o has a job, but she’s always hom e during the day. She ____________________ at night. 32.3 Write must or must not. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (on the telephone) This isn’t the Smiths’? I m u s t have the w rong number. Carlos takes the bus everywhere. He m u s t n o t have a car. B randon is very thin. H e eat very much. I never see my neighbor in the m orning. H e _______________ leave for work very early. I always have to repeat things w hen I talk to Kelly. S h e _______________ hear very well. Jim wears the same clothes every day. H e _______________ have m any clothes. You have a cold and a fever? Poor thing! Y o u feel awful. 32 4 Complete the sentences. Use must + these verbs: he- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. be g et know take w ear In m ost o f the U nited States, you m u s t b e at least 16 to get a driver’s license. For this job, y o u _______________both Spanish and German. People in the front seat of a c a r a seat belt. High school students who w ant to go to college good grades. This highway is closed. D riv e rs_______________ another road. A tennis p la y e r_______________very good to play professionally. 12 5 Write must, m ustn't, or had to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. We m u stn 't forget to send Sam a birthday card. We h a d to wear safety glasses w hen we visited the factory. I _______________hurry or I’ll be late. “W hy were you so late?” “I _______________ wait half an hour for the bus.” Keep these papers in a safe place. Y o u _______________lose them . Bicyclists_______________follow the same traffic rules as drivers. W e _______________forget to turn off the lights w hen we leave. I don’t usually w ork on Saturdays, but last Saturday I _______________ work. 65 should You shouldn't watch TV so much. sh ould + base form (should do / sh ould watch, etc.) I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it should sh ou ld n ’t do stop g° watch, etc. You sh ould do som ething = it is a good thing to do; it is the right thing to do: ■ Tom doesn’t study enough. He sh ould study harder. ■ It’s a good movie. You sh ould go and see it. ■ W hen you play tennis, you should always w atch the ball. Shou ld I/w e do something? = is it a good thing to do? ■ S hou ld I in v ite Karen to dinner? ■ S hou ld we m ak e som ething special for dinner? You sh o u ld n ’t do som ething = it is not a good thing to do (sh ou ld n ’t = should not): ■ Tom sh o u ld n ’t go to bed so late. ■ You watch TV all the time. You sh o u ld n ’t w atch TV so much. W e often say I th in k . . . sh ould . . . : ■ I th in k Lisa sh ould buy some new clothes. (— I think it is a good idea.) ■ It’s late. I th in k I sh ould go hom e now. ■ A: Shall I buy this coat? B: Yes, I th in k you should. I d o n ’t th ink . . . sh ould ■ I d o n ’t th in k you sh ould w ork so hard. (= I don’t think it is a good idea.) ■ I d o n ’t th in k we should go yet. It’s too early. D o you th in k . . . sh ould . . . ?: ■ D o you th in k I sh ould buy this hat? ■ W hat time do you th in k we should go home? S hou ld is different from have to. ■ I sh ould study tonight, but I think I’ll go to the movies. ■ I have to study tonight. I can’t go to the movies. A nother way to say sh ould is o u g h t to: ■ I o u g h t to study tonight, but I think I’ll go to the movies. (= I should study) ■ I think Lisa o u g h t to buy some new clothes. (= Lisa should buy) shall/should —►Unit 29 m ust—►Unit 32 have to —►Unit 34 Exercises u N 1T J J 33.1 Complete the sentences. Use you should + these verbs: eat 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. go read v isit watefa- w ear W hen you play tennis y o u sh o u ld w a tc h the ball. It’s late, and you’re very tire d ._________________________ to bed. _________________________ plenty of fruit and vegetables. If you have tim e ,_________________________ the Science M useum . It’s very interesting. W hen you’re d riv in g , a seat belt. It’s a very good b o o k ._________________________ it. 33.2 Write about the people in the pictures. Use He/She s h o u ld n 't. . . so . . . . 1. S h e shouldn t w a tc h T V so much. 2. H e ___________________________________ . 3. hard. 4._______________________________________ 33.3 You are not sure what to do, so you ask a friend. Write questions with Do you think I s h o u ld . . . ? 1. You You 2. You You 3. You You 4. You You are in a store. You are trying on a jacket, (buy?) ask your friend: D o y o u think / sh o u ld b u y this ja c k e t? _________________________ can’t drive, (learn?) ask your friend: Do you th in k ___________________________________________________ don’t like your job. (get another job?) ask your frie n d :________________________________________________________________ are going to have a party, (invite Gary?) ask your frie n d :________________________________________________________________ 33.4 Write sentences with I think . . . sh o u ld . . . and I don't think . .. should . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. We have to get up early tom orrow, (go hom e now) / think w e sh o u ld c/o hom e now. That coat is too big for you. (buy it) / don t think yo u should b u y it.__________________ You don’t need your car. (sell i t ) _____________________________________________________ Karen needs a change, (take a tr ip ) ___________________________________________________ Sally and Dan are too young, (get m a rrie d )___________________________________________ You’re still sick, (go to w o rk )________________________________________________________ James isn’t feeling well today, (go to the d o c to r)_______________________________________ The hotel is too expensive for us. (stay th e re )_________________________________________ 33 5 What do you think? Write sentences with should. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I I I I I think e v e r y b o d y should learn a n o th er language.__________________________________ think everybody__________________________________________________________________ th in k _____________________________________________________________________________ don’t th in k _______________________________________________________________________ think I ___________________________________________________________________________ 67 U N I T 54 I have to This is my medicine. I have to take it three times a day. n I have to do som ething = it is necessary for me to do it; I am obliged to do it. I/w e /y o u /th e y have h e /s h e /it has to to to to do w ork go wear, etc. ■ I’ll be late for w ork tomorrow- I have to go to the dentist. ■ Jane starts work at 7:00, so she has to get up at 6:00. ■ You have to pass a test before you can get a driver’s license. The past (yesterday / last w eek, etc.) is had to . . . : ■ I was late for w ork yesterday. I had to go to the dentist. ■ W e had to w alk hom e last night. There were no buses. In questions and negatives we use d o /d o e s (present) and did (past): Present do does I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it have to . . . ? I /w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it d o n ’t d o esn ’t have to . . . Past did I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it have to . . . ? I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it d id n ’t have to . . . ■ W hat time do you have to go to the dentist tom orrow? ■ D o es Jane have to w ork on Saturdays? ■ W hy did they have to leave the party early? I d o n ’t have to (do something) = it is not necessary to do it: ■ I’m not working tom orrow, so I d o n ’t have to get up early. ■ M ike d oesn ’t have to w ork very hard. H e’s got an easy job. ■ W e didn’t have to w ait very long for the bus - it came in a few minutes. m u st You can also use m u st to say it is necessary to do something. ■ You m u st pass a test before you can get a driver’s license. ■ In many countries, m en m u st do military service. We use have to m ore often than m ust, especially in spoken English. 68 must —►Unit 32 U N I Exercises 34.1 Complete the h it 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 34.2 speak Use have take travel to or has to + these verbs: w ear My eyes are not very good. I h a v e to w e a r glasses. At the end o f the course all the stu d en ts____________________ a test. Sarah is studying literature. S h e ____________________a lot of books. Alberto doesn’t understand m uch English. Y o u very slowly to him. Kate is not at hom e much. S h e ____________________ a lot for her job. In tennis y o u ____________________ the ball over the net. Complete the answ er 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. sentences. read sentences. buy ch an ge Use have to or had to + these verbs: go w ake take w alk We h a d to w alk hom e last night. There were no buses. It’s late. I ____________________now. I’ll see you tomorrow. I w ent to the store after work yesterday. I ____________________ some food. This train doesn’t go all the way downtown. Y o u at First Avenue. We took a test yesterday. W e six questions out of ten. I’m going to bed. I ____________________ up early tomorrow. Amy and her cousin can’t go out w ith us tonight. T h e y care of Amy’s little brother. 34 3 Complete the questions. Some are present and some are past. ____________________________________________ x T 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I have to get up early tomorrow. George had to wait a long time. Liz has to go somewhere. We had to pay a lot of money. I have to do some work. They had to leave early. Paul has to go to Moscow. W hat tim e do y o u h a v e to g e t up_____________ ? P How lo n g _________________________________ W h e re ________________________________________ ? How m u c h ____________________________________ ? W hat exactly ’ ? W h y __________________________________________ ? W h e n _________________________________________? 34 4 Write sentences with don't/doesn't/didn't have to . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W hy W hy W hy W hy W hy W hy are you going out? You don t h a v e to g o ___________________________________ out. is Sue waiting? S h e __________________________________________________________ did you get up early? Y o u ____________________________________________________ is Paul working so hard? H e ___________________ do you w ant to leave now? W e ________________ did they tell me som ething I already know? They . 34 5 Write some things that you (or your friends or family) have to do or had to d o . 1. (every day) / h a v e to d riv e 50 m iles to w o rk e v e r y day.______________________ (every d a y )_________ 3. (yesterday)__________ 4. (to m o rro w )_________ 5. (last w e e k )__________ 6. (when I was younger) 2 Would you like . .. ? I'd like W ould you lik e . . . ? = Do you w a n t. . . ? Would yo a nio ra We use W ould you lik e . . . ? to offer things: ■ A: W ould you lik e some coffee? B: No, thank you. ■ A: W ould you lik e a piece of candy? B: Yes, thanks. ■ A: W hich w ou ld you like, tea or coffee? B: Tea, please. nf We use W ould you lik e to . . . ? to invite somebody: ■ W ould you lik e to go for a walk? ■ A: W ould you lik e to have dinner w ith us on Sunday? B: Yes, F d love to. (= I w ould love to have dinner w ith you) ■ W hat w o u ld you lik e to do tonight? F d lik e . . . is a polite way to say “I w ant.” (Fd like = I w o u ld like) ■ I’m thirsty. Fd lik e a drink. ■ (in a tourist office) Fd lik e some inform ation about hotels, please. ■ I’m feeling tired. F d lik e to stay hom e tonight. W ould you lik e . . . ? and D o you lik e . . . ? W ould you lik e . . . ? / I’d lik e . . . D o you lik e . . . ? / 1 lik e . . . Do you like coffee? Yes, I do. Would you like some now? No, thank you W ould you lik e some coffee? = Do you w ant some coffee? ■ A: W ould you lik e to go to the movies tonight? (= do you w ant to go tonight?) B: Yes, I’d love to. D o you lik e coffee? = Do you think coffee is good? ■ A: D o you lik e to go to the movies? (in general) B: Yes, I go to the movies a lot. M F d lik e an orange, please. ■ I lik e oranges, (in general) (= can I have an orange?) ■ W hat w o u ld you lik e to do next weekend? like to do and like -ing —►Unit 53 I would do something if . ■ W hat do you lik e to do on weekends? — Unit 101 Exercises 35.1 What are the people in the pictures saying? Use Would you like . . . ? : 5.2 What do you say to Sue in these situations? Use Would you like to . . . ? 1. You w ant to go to the movies tonight. Perhaps Sue will go w ith you. (go) You say: W ould y o u like to g o to th e m o vies tonic/ht?______________________________ 2. You w ant to play tennis tom orrow. Perhaps Sue will play, too. (play) You say:___________________________________________________________________________ 3. You have an extra ticket for a concert next week. Perhaps Sue will come, (come) You say:___________________________________________________________________________ 4. It’s raining and Sue is going out. She doesn’t have an umbrella, but you have one. (borrow) You say:___________________________________________________________________________ 35.3 Which is right? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. “Do you like / W ould you like a piece o f candy?” “Yes, thanks.” (Would you like is right) “Do you like / W ould you like bananas?” “Yes, I love them .” “Do you like / W ould you like some ice cream?” “No, thank you.” “W hat do you like / would you like to drink?” “A glass of water, please.” “Do you like / W ould you like to go out for a walk?” “N o t now. Maybe later.” I like / I’d like tomatoes, but I don’t eat them very often. W hat tim e do you like / w ould you like to have dinner tonight? “Do you like / W ould you like som ething to eat?” “N o, thanks. I’m not hungry.” “Do you like / W ould you like your new job?” “Yes, I’m enjoying it.” I’m tired. I like / I’d like to go to bed now. “I like / I’d like a sandwich, please.” “Sure. W hat kind of sandwich?” “W hat kind o f music do you like / would you like?” “All kinds.” U N I T 36 I'd rath er. . . No, thanks. I'd rather sit on the floor. Ann likes to sit on the floor. She doesn’t w ant to sit on a chair. So she says: I’d rather sit on the floor. (= I would prefer to sit on the floor.) Pd rather . . . = I w ou ld rather . . . I w o u ld rather do som ething = I would prefer to do something: Positive Negative I’d rather (I w o u ld rather) do stay have be Pd rather n ot (I w ou ld rather not) Question do stay have be w ou ld you rather I don’t really w ant to go out. Pd rather stay home. (= I’d prefer to stay home) “Should we go now?” “No, not yet. Pd rather w ait until later.” I’d like to go now, but Tom w ou ld rather w ait until later. I don’t like to be late. Pd rather be early. I’m feeling tired. Pd rather n ot go ou t tonight. (= I’d prefer not to go out) Sue is feeling tired. She’d rather n o t go ou t tonight. W e’re not hungry. W e’d rather n o t eat yet. “W ould you like to go out tonight?” “Pd rather n ot.” (= I’d rather not go out) “W ould you rather have milk or juice?” “Juice, please.” W hich w o u ld you rather do - go to the movies or watch a DVD at home? We say “Pd rather do something” (not to do something): ■ Pd rather sit on the floor. (not I’d rather to sit) ■ Sue w ou ld rather not go out. (not w ould rather not to go) B ut we say “Pd prefer to do som ething”: ■ Pd prefer to sit on the floor. ■ Sue w ou ld prefer not to go out. You can say “Pd rather . . . than . . . ”: ■ Pd rather go out than stay home. ■ Pd rather have a dog than a cat. ■ W e’d rather go to the movies than watch a DVD at home. ■ Pd rather be at hom e right now than here. 72 do . . . ? stay . .. ? have . . . ? be . . . ? U N I T Exercises 36.1 Look at the pictures and complete B's sentences. Use 36 ra th e r. . . . A B 1. Would you like to sit here? No, thanks. I d r a th e r s i t on the floor. 2. Don't you want to watch TV? 3. Would you like some tea? 4. Should we go out now? until it stops raining. 35.2 Complete these questions. Use w ould you ra th e r. . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you w ant to go out, or w o u ld y o u r a th e r s ta y home? Should we have dinner now, o r __________________________ later? W ould you like a glass of juice, o r __________________________ water? Do you w ant to go to the movies, o r __________________________ TV? Should we call your brother tonight, or . tom orrow m orning? 3 Complete the sentences with a verb. Sometimes you need to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I’d rather s ta y hom e tonight. I’d prefer not to g o out. Should we walk hom e, or w ould you ra th e r _______________ a taxi? Do you w ant me to come w ith you, or w ould you p re fe r_______________ alone? Mary doesn’t w ant to go to college. She’d rather . a job. “Can I help you w ith your suitcase?” “No, thank you. I’d ra th e r_________ . it myself.” I’d rather n o t _______________him. I’d p re fe r him a letter. .4 Answer these questions about yourself. Use I ' d rather . . . than. 1. W hich w ould you prefer to be - a bus driver or an airplane pilot? I d r a t h e r be a bus d riv e r than an airplane pilot.____________________ 2. W hich w ould you prefer to be - a journalist or a school teacher? 3. W here would you prefer to live - in a big city or a small town? 4. W hich w ould you prefer to have - a small house or a big one? 5. W hich w ould you prefer to study - electronics or philosophy? 6. W hich w ould you prefer to w atch - a soccer game or a movie? 73 U N I T 1 Do this! Don't do that! Let's do this! 7 W e use c o m e /lo o k /g o /w a it /d o /b e , etc. w hen we tell somebody to do something: ■ “C o m e here and lo o k at this.” “W hat is it?” ■ I don’t w ant to talk to you. G o away! ■ I’m not ready yet. Please w ait for me. ■ Please be quiet. I’m working. also ■ Bye! Have a good trip! / H ave a nice time! / H ave a good flight! / H ave fun! (= I hope you have a good trip, etc.) ■ “H ave some candy.” “Oh, thanks.” (= would you like some candy?) We use d o n ’t . . . w hen we tell somebody not to do something: ■ Be careful! D o n ’t fall. ■ Please d o n ’t go. Stay here w ith me. ■ Be here on time. D o n ’t be late. You can say L et’s . . . w hen you w ant people to do things w ith you. (let’s = let us) ■ It’s a nice day. L et’s go out. (= you and I can go out) ■ Com e on! L et’s dance. (= you and I can dance) ■ Are you ready? L et’s go. ■ L et’s have fish for dinner tonight. ■ A: Should we go out tonight? B: No, I’m tired. L et’s stay home. The negative is L et’s n o t . . . : ■ It’s cold. L et’s n ot go out. Let’s stay home. ■ L et’s n ot have fish for dinner tonight. Let’s have chicken. I’m tired o f arguing. L et’s n ot do it any more. Exercises u r 37.1 Look at the pictures. What are the people saying? Some sentences are positive (buy!come, etc.) and some are negative (don't buy / don't come, etc.). Use these verbs: be buy co m e d r in k drop forget have sit sleep sm ile 37.2 Complete the sentences. Use let's with: go for a sw im go to a restaurant take th e bus w a it a little w atch T V S L __________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Would you like to play tennis? Do you want to walk home? Shall I put a CD on? Should we have dinner at home? Would you like to go now? v No, No, No, No, No, let's go fo r a sw im ______________________ 3 7 3 Answer with No, d o n 't . . . or No, let's 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Shall I wait for you? Should we go home now? Shall we go out? Do you want me to close the window? Should I call you tonight? Do you think we should wait for Andy? Do you want me to turn on the light? Should we take a taxi? ___________________________ No, don t w a it fo r me.________ No, l e t s n ot go hom e yet. _____ there is there are T here’s a m an on the roof. T here’s a train at 10:30. There are seven days in a week. Singular there is . . . is there . . . ? there is n o t . . . ,JM L fm m (there’s) (there isn ’t or th ere’s not) T here’s a big tree in the yard. T here’s nothing on TV tonight. A: Do you have any money? B: Yes, th ere’s some in my wallet. A: Excuse me, is there a hotel near here? B: Yes, there is. / No, there isn ’t. We can’t go skiing. There isn ’t any snow. Plural there are . . . are there . . . ? there are n o t . . . (there aren’t) I M llM There are some big trees in the yard. There are a lot o f accidents on this road. A: Are there any restaurants near here? B: Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. This restaurant is very quiet. T here aren’t many people here. H ow many players are there on a soccer team? There are 11 players on a soccer team. There is and it is there is it is T here’s a book on the table. (not It’s a book on the table.) I like this book . It’s interesting, (it = this book) Compare: ■ “W hat’s that noise?” “It’s a train.” (it = that noise) T here’s a train at 10:30. It’s a fast train. (It = the 10:30 train) ■ T here’s a lot o f salt in this soup. I don’t like this soup. It’s too salty, (it = this soup) there was / were / has been, etc. —►Unit 39 it and there —►Unit 40 some and any —►Unit 77 U N I Exercises j 3.1 Springfield is a small town. Look at the information in the box and write sentences about Springfield with There is/are or There isn't/aren't. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a golf course? any restaurants? a hospital? a swim m ing pool? any movie theaters? a university? any big hotels? No Yes (a lot) Yes No Yes (two) No No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. There is n 't a g o lf course. There a re a lo t o f restau ran ts. .2 Write sentences about your town (or a town that you know). Use There is/are or There isn't/aren't. 1. There a re a fe w restau ran ts.___________________________ 2. There s a b ig p ark. 3. 4. 5. 6. 33 3 Write there is / there isn't / is there or there are / there aren't / are there. 1. Springfield isn’t an old town. There a re n t any old buildings. 2. L o o k !____________________ a photograph o f your brother in the newspaper! 3. “Excuse m e ,____________________ a bank near here?” “Yes, at the end o f the block.” . five people in my family: my parents, my two sisters, and me. 4. 5. ‘H ow many students .____________________ in the class?” “Tw enty.” ________________ m uch traffic. 6. The road is usually very q u ie t.. _ a bus from dow ntow n to the airport?” “Yes, every 20 m inutes.” _ any problem s?” “N o, everything is O K .” 9. . now here to sit d o w n .____________________ any chairs. : =4 Write sentences with There are . . . . Choose from the boxes. five seven eigh t tw enty-six th irty fifty letters days players days planets states S eptem ber the U n ited States a basketball team the solar system a w eek the E nglish alphabet 1. There a re s e v e n d a ys in a week._________________________________________________ 2. 3. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 6 . ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 33 5 Write there's / is there or it's / is it. 1. “ There's a flight at 10:30.” “ Is i t a nonstop flight?” too expensive. som ething in my eye.” “W h at’s wrong?” “_________ . yours < . a red car outside your h o u se .. ____________anything good on TV tonight?” “Y es,. “W hat’s that building?” “_____________ a school.” . a restaurant in this hotel?” “No, I’m afraid not.” 2 . I’m not going to buy this sh irt.. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a movie at 8:00.” there was/were there will be there has/have been T here was / there w ere (past) T here is a train every hour. The time now is 11:15. T here was a train at 11:00. Com pare: there w as/w ere (past) ■ T here was a good nature program on TV last night. ■ W e stayed at a very big hotel. T here w ere 1,250 rooms. ■ Were there any phone messages for me yesterday? ■ I was hungry w hen I got home, but there w asn ’t anything to eat. there is/a re (present) ■ T here is a good nature program on TV tonight. ■ We are staying at a very big hotel. T here are 1,250 rooms. ■ Are there any phone messages for me this m orning? ■ I’m hungry, but there isn ’t anything to eat. T here has been / there have been (present perfect) ■ Look! T here’s been an accident. (there’s been = there has been) ■ This road is very dangerous. T here have b een many accidents on it. Com pare there was (past): ■ T here was an accident last night. (not There has been an accident last night.) For simple past and present perfect, see U nit 21. T here w ill be Do you think there w ill be a lot o f people at the party on Saturday? The m anager of the company is leaving, so there w ill be a new m anager soon. I’m going out o f town tom orrow. I’m packing my things today because there w o n ’t be tim e tomorrow. (there w o n ’t be = there w ill n ot be) was/were —►Unit 10 has/have been —►Units 16-17 there and it —►Units 38, 40 some and any —►Unit 77 will Unit 28 there is/are -► Unit 38 U N I Exercises 1 Look at the two pictures. Now the room is empty, but what was in the room last week? Choose from the box and write sentences with There was . . . or There were . . . . an arm ch air som e b ooks a carpet -a-etoek- som e flo w e rs th ree p ictu res a sofa a sm a ll table list week L There w a s a d o c k 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . on the wall near the window. . on the floor. . on the wall near the door. . in the m iddle o f the room. . on the table. . on the shelves. . in the corner near the door. opposite the armchair. Write there was / there wasn't / was there or there were / there w eren't / were there. 1. I was hungry, but th e re w a s n ’t anything to eat. 2. W ere th e re any phone messages for me yesterday? 3. I opened the envelope, but it was em p ty .____________________ nothing in it. 4. “We stayed at a very nice hotel.” “R eally?____________________ a swim m ing pool?” 5. “D id you buy any cherries?” “N o ,____________________ any at the store.” 6. The wallet was em p ty .____________________any m oney in it. 7. “____________________ many people at the m eeting?” “No, very few.” 8. We didn’t visit the m u se u m .____________________ enough time. 9. I’m sorry I’m la te .. . a lot o f traffic. 10. T w enty years ago _ . many tourists here. N ow there are a lot. 3r 3 Write there + is / are / was / were / has been / have been / will be. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. a good program on TV last night. ___________________ 24 hours in a day. ___________________ a party at w ork last Friday, but I didn’t go. W here can I buy a newspaper?” “________________ a drugstore at the end o f the block.” W hy are the police outside the bank?” “____________________ a robbery.” W hen we got to the theater, . a long line outside, somebody at the airport to m eet you. W hen you arrive to m o rro w ,. Ten years a g o ___ 500 children in the school. N ow . m ore than a thousand. Last week I w ent back to the tow n w here I was born. It’s very different now. ____________________ a lot of changes. I think everything will be OK. I don’t th in k ____________________ any problems. There w a s We use it for tim e/day/distance/w eather: time W hat time is it? I t ’s half past 10. m I t ’s late. ■ I t ’s tim e to go home. W hat day is it? It’s Thursday. It’s M arch 16th. It was my birthday yesterday. ■ ■ ■ ■ I t ’s two miles from our house to downtown. H ow far is it from N ew York to Los Angeles? I t ’s a long way from here to the airport. W e can walk hom e. It isn’t far. We use far in questions (is it far?) and negatives (it isn ’t far). In positive sentences, we use a lo n g w ay (it’s a lo n g way). ■ It’s raining. It isn’t raining. Is it snowing? ■ It rains a lot here. It didn’t rain yesterday. Does it snow very often? II I t ’s w a rm /h o t/c o ld /n ic e /c lo u d y /w in d y /su n n y /c le a r/ dry/hum id/foggy/dark, etc. ■ I t ’s a nice day today. C om pare it and there: ■ It rains a lot in the winter. It’s very rainy in the winter. T here is a lo t o f rain in the winter. ■ It was very w in d y yesterday. T here was a strong w in d yesterday. It’s nice to . . . , etc. It’s easy / difficult / impossible / dangerous / safe expensive / interesting / nice / wonderful / terrible, etc. to ■ It’s nice to see you again. ■ It’s impossible to understand her. ■ It wasn’t easy to fin d your house. D o n ’t forget it: ■ I t ’s raining again, (not Is raining again) ■ Is it true that you’re m oving to Dallas? (not Is true t h a t . • ) there is -► Units 38-39 U N I Exercises -0.1 Write about the weather in the pictures. Use It's . Write it is (it's) or is it. 1. W hat tim e /s it ? We have to go now. . very late. 3. true that Bill can fly a helicopter? 4. “W hat d a y . . Wednesday.” today? Tuesday?” “N o ,. 5. __________10 kilom eters from dow ntow n to the airport. 6 . __________O K to call you at the office? 7. “Do you w ant to walk to the hotel?” “I don’t know. H ow far . __________ Lisa’s birthday today. She’s 27. 9. I don’t believe it ! __________ impossible. 2 m3 . Write questions with How far . .. ? 1. 2. 3. 4. (here / the station) (the hotel / the beach) (N ew York / W ashington) (your house / the airport) H o w fa r is it from h e re to the sta tio n ? H ow Write it or there. 1. The w eather isn’t so nice today. i t ’s cloudy. There was a strong w ind yesterday. _______ ’s hot in this room. O pen a window. . was a nice day yesterday. . was warm and sunny. __________was a storm last night. Did you hear it? I was afraid b ecau se__________ was very dark. __________’s often cold here, b u t ___________ isn’t m uch rain. __________’s a long way from here to the nearest gas station. -I 5 Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes. it’s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. easy d ifficu lt im p o ssib le dangerous n ice interestin g to w ork in this office visit d ifferen t places see you again -get up-early go ou t alone m ake friends If you go to bed late, it's difficult to c/et up e a rly in the m orning. Hello, J a n e . . H ow are you? ____________________________________. There is too m uch noise. Everybody is very nice at work. I like traveling.. at night. Some cities are not safe. I am, I don't, etc. She isn’t tired, but he is. (he is = he is tired) He likes tea, but she d o esn ’t. (she d oesn ’t = she doesn’t like tea) In these examples, it is not necessary to repeat some words (“he is tired” “she doesn’t like tea”). You can use these verbs in the same way: a m /is /a r e w a s/w ere have/has d o /d o e s /d id can w ill m ig h t sh ould ■ I haven’t seen the movie, but my sister has. (= my sister has seen the movieji ■ A: Please help me. B: I’m sorry. I can’t. (= I can’t help you) ■ A: Are you tired? B: I was, but I’m n o t now. (— I was tired, but I’m not tired now) ■ A: Do you think Jane will call tonight?' B: She m igh t. (= she m ight call) ■ A: Are you going to study tonight? B: I should, but I probably w o n ’t. (= I should study, but I probably w on’t study) You cannot use ’m / ’s / ’ve, etc. (shortforms) in this way.You m ust use a m /is/h a v e , etc.: ■ She isn’t tired, but he is. (n o t. . . but he’s) But you can use isn ’t / haven’t / w o n ’t, etc. (negative short forms): ■ My sister has seen the movie, but I haven’t. ■ “Are you and Jane working tom orrow ?” “Iam,but Jane isn ’t.” You can use I am / I’m not, etc. after ■ “Are you tired?” “Yes, I am. / ■ “W ill Bill be here tom orrow ?” ■ “Is there a bus to the airport?” Yes and No: No, I’m n ot.” “Yes, he w ill. / No, he w o n ’t.” “Yes, there is. / No, there isn ’t.” We use d o /d o e s for the simple present (see Units 6-7): ■ I don’t like hot weather, but Sue does. (= Sue likes hot weather) ■ Sue works hard, but I d o n ’t. (= I don’t w ork hard) ■ “D o you enjoy your work?” “Yes, I d o.” We use d id for the simple past (see U nit 12): ■ A: Did you and Chris like the movie? ■ B: I did, but Chris d id n ’t. (= I liked it, but Chris didn’t like it) ■ “I had a good tim e.” “I did, too.” (= I had a good time, too) ■ “Did it rain yesterday?” “N o, it d id n ’t.” You have? / Have you?, etc. —►Unit 42 so am I / neither do I, etc. —►Unit 43 U N I Exercises tl 1 Complete these sentences. Use only one verb (is/have/can, etc.) each time. 1. 2. 3. Kate wasn’t hungry, but we w e r e I’m not m arried, but my b ro th e r Bill can’t help you, but I . 4. I haven’t read the book, but Tom . . 5. Karen w on’t be here, but C h ris __ . 6. You w eren’t late, but I __________ 2 Complete these sentences with a negative verb (isn't/haven't/can't, etc.). 1. My sister can play the piano, but I c a n t . 4. M ark has been to China, but I . 2. Sam is working today, but I ________________. 5. I’m ready to go, but Tom . 3. I was working, but my frie n d s . 6. I’ve seen the movie, but Kim . 41 3 Complete these sentences with do/does/did or don't/doesn't/didn't. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I don’t like hot weather, but Sue does . Sue likes hot weather, but I d o n t . My m other wears glasses, but my fa th e r_______________ . You don’t know Paul very well, but I _______________ . I didn’t enjoy the party, but my frie n d s_______________ . I don’t watch TV m uch, but P e te r_______________ . Kate lives in Canada, but her parents _ You had breakfast this m orning, but I 41 4 Complete the sentences. Write about yourself and other people. 1. I didn’t g o o u t la st n ig h t b u t m y frien d s did.________________ 2. I lik e ________________________________, b u t . 3. I don’t ______________________________ , b u t . 4. I’m ______________________________________ 5. I haven’t . 5 Put in a verb, positive or negative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. “Are you tired?” “I w a s earlier, but I’m not now.” Steve is happy today, but h e _______________ yesterday. The stores aren’t open yet, but the post office . I don’t have a telescope, but I know somebody w ho . I w ould like to help you, but I’m sorry I . I don’t usually drive to work, but I _______________ yesterday. A: Have you ever been to Costa Rica? B: No, but S an dra_______________ . She w ent there on vacation last year. “Do you and Luke watch TV a lot?” “I _______________ , but Luke doesn’t.” I’ve been invited to Sam’s wedding, but K a te _______________ . “Do you think Sarah will pass her driving test?” “Yes, I’m sure s h e _________ “Are you going out tonight?” “I _______________ . I don’t know for sure.” -1.6 Answer these questions about yourself. Use Yes, I have. / No, I'm n o t , etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Are you Brazilian? No, I'm not.___________________________ Do you have a car?_______________ ________________________________________ Do you feel OK?_________________ ________________________________________ Is it snowing?____________________ ________________________________________ Are you hungry?_________________ ____________________________________ ___ Do you like classical music?_______ ________________________________________ W ill you be in Boston tom orrow? ________________________________________ Have you ever broken your arm? ________________________________________ Did you buy anything yesterday? ________________________________________ W ere you asleep at 3:00 a.m.? ________________________________________ U N I T 42 You have? Have you? I'm w riting a book. I've bought a new car. Are you?, etc. You are? I don't like George. You are? W hat about? You don't? Why not? You can say you have? / it is? / he can’t?, etc. to show that you are interested or surprised: ■ “Y ou’re late.” “I am? I’m sorry.” ■ “I was sick last w eek.” “You were? I didn’t know that.” ■ “It’s raining again.” “It is? It was sunny 10 m inutes ago.” ■ “T here’s a letter for you.” “T here is? W here is it?” ■ “B ill can’t drive.” “H e can’t? I didn’t know that.” ■ “I’m n o t hungry.” “You aren’t? I am.” M “Sue isn ’t at work today.” “She isn ’t? Is she sick?” Use d o /d o e s for the simple present and d id for the simple past: ■ “I speak four languages.” “You do? W hich ones?” ■ “T im d o esn ’t eat m eat.” “H e d o esn ’t? Does he eat fish?” ■ “N ic o le g o t m arried last w eek.” “She did? Really?” Tag questions You can use have you? / is it? / can’t she?, etc. at the end o f a sentence. It's a nice day, isn't it? :cy> These “mini questions” are tag questions. Positive sentence —►Negative tag question It’s a nice day, Sally lives in Portland, You closed the window, T hose shoes are nice, T om w ill be here soon, _Y \ Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, it’s perfect. that’s right. I think so. very nice. probably. Negative sentence —►Positive tag question That isn ’t your car, You haven’t m et my mother, Sally d oesn ’t go out m uch, You w o n ’t be late, 84 isn ’t it? d o esn ’t she? d id n ’t you? aren’t they? w o n ’t he? I am, I don't, etc. —►Unit 41 is it? have you? does she? w ill you? No, No, No, No, it’s my m other’s. I haven’t. she doesn’t. I’m never late. Yes, it's perfect. U N I T Exercises 1 Answer with You do? / She doesn't? / They did?, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I speak four languages. I work in a bank. I didn’t go to w ork yesterday. Jane doesn’t like me. You look tired. Kate called me last night. You do W hich ones? I w ork in a bank, too. W ere you sick? W hy not? I feel fine. W hat did she say? -2 2 Answer with You have? / You haven't? / She did? / She didn't?, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. You have I’ve bought a new car. Tim doesn’t eat meat. I’ve lost my key. Sue can’t drive. I was born in Italy. I didn’t sleep well last night. T here’s a football game on TV tonight. I’m not happy. I saw Paula last week. M aria works in a factory. I w on’t be here next week. The clock isn’t working. H e doesn t W hat kind is it? Does he eat fish? W hen did you have it last? She should learn. I didn’t know that. Was the bed uncom fortable? Are you going to watch it? W hy not? H ow is she? W hat kind of factory? W here will you be? It was w orking yesterday. X2 3 Complete these sentences with a tag question (isn't it? / haven't you?, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It’s a nice dav. These flowers are nice, Jane was at the party, You’ve been to Chile, You speak Thai, Bill looks tired, You’ll help me, isn t i t P P P P P P P J Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, it’s beautiful. w hat kind are they? but I didn’t speak to her. many times. but not very well. he works very hard. of course I will. M2A Complete these sentences with a tag question, positive (is it? / do you?, etc.) or negative (isn't it? / don't you?, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. You haven’t eaten yet, You aren’t tired, Lisa is a very nice person, You can play the piano, You don’t know M ike’s sister, Sarah w ent to college, The movie wasn’t very good, Anna lives near you, You w on’t tell anybody what I said, have' vou ? p p p p p p p p No, I’m not hungry. No, I feel fine. Yes, everybody likes her. Yes, but I’m not very good. No, I’ve never m et her. Yes, she studied psychology. No, it was terrible. Yes, ju st a few blocks away. No, o f course not. U N I T too/either so am I / neither do lf etc. Too and eith er I'm happy, ■ 11■ j I'm not happy. I'm happy, too. Ifm not happy, either. W e use to o and eith er at the end of a sentence. We use eith er after a negative verb: ■ A: I’m not happy. B: Pm n o t happy, either. (not I’m n o t . . ., too.) m A: I can’t cook. B: I can’t, either, (not I can’t, too) m Bill doesn’t watch TV. He d o esn ’t read newspapers, either. We use to o after a positive verb: ■ A: I’m happy. B: Pm happy, too. ■ A: I liked the movie. B: I lik ed it, too. ■ Jane is a doctor. Her husband is a doctor, too. so am I / n eith er do I, etc. I'm happy. so n eith er So am I. so am 1 = 1 am, too so have 1 = 1 have, too (etc.): ■ A: I’m working. B: So am I. (= I’m working, too) ■ A: I was late for w ork today. B: So was Sam . (= Sam was late, too) ■ A: I w ork in a bank. B: So do I. ■ A: We w en t to the movies last night. B: You did? So d id w e. ■ A: I’d like to go to Australia. B: So w o u ld I. a m /is /a r e w a s/w er e . . . d o /d o e s . . . did . . . h ave/h as . . . can . . . w ill. . . sh ould . . . n eith er n eith er ■ A: B: ■ A: B: ■ A: B: ■ A: B: Neither am I. am I = I’m not, either can 1 = 1 can’t, either (etc.): I haven’t been to China. N eith er have I. (= I haven’t, either) Kate can’t cook. N eith er can T om . (= Tom can’t, either) I w o n ’t (= will not) be here tom orrow. N eith er w ill I. I never go to the movies. N eith er do I. Rem em ber: So am I (not So I am), N either have I (not N either I have). I am, I don't, etc. —►Unit 41 I'm not happy. U N I Exercises -3.1 Write too or either. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I’m happy, too_________ I’m not h u n g ry ,__________ I’m going o u t,___________ It rained on Sunday,______ She can’t ride a bicycle,___ I don’t like to go shopping, H er father is a teach er,___ I’m happy. I’m not hungry. I’m going out. It rained on Saturday. Jenny can’t drive a car. I don’t like to go shopping. Linda’s m other is a teacher. -3 2 Answer with So . . . I (So am I / So do !/ So can /, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I w ent to bed late last night. I’m thirsty. I’ve already read this book. I need a vacation. I’ll be late tomorrow. I was very tired this m orning. Answer with N eith er. . . I. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I can’t go to the party. I didn’t call Alex last night. I haven’t eaten lunch yet. I’m not going out tonight. I don’t know w hat to do. -3 3 You are talking to Maria. Write sentences about yourself. Where possible, use So . . . i or N eith er. . . I. Look at these examples carefully: I'm tired today. You :an answer: So am / OR I'm not. I don't work hard. You :an answer: N e ith e r do i OR / do. Maria 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I’m studying English. I can ride a bicycle. I’m not American. I like to cook. I don’t like cold weather. I slept well last night. I’ve never been to India. I don’t use my phone much. I’m going out tom orrow night. I wasn’t sick last week. I didn’t w atch TV last night. I go to the movies a lot. You U N I T 44 A B isn't, haven't, don't, etc. (negatives) _________________________________________________________ We use n o t (n’t) in negative sentences: Positive Negative am is are was were have has will can could should would m ust am n o t (’m not) is n o t (isn’t or’s not) are n o t (aren’t or ’re not) was n o t (w asn’t) w ere n ot (w eren’t) have n ot (haven’t) has n ot (hasn’t) w ill n o t (w on ’t) can n ot (can’t) cou ld n ot (co u ld n ’t) sh ould n ot (sh ou ld n ’t) w o u ld n ot (w ou ld n ’t) m u st n ot ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ P m n o t tired. It isn ’t (or It’s not) raining. They aren’t (or They’re not) here. Brian w asn ’t hungry. The stores w eren ’t open. I haven’t finished my work. Sue hasn’t been to Mexico. We w o n ’t be here tomorrow. George can’t drive. I c o u ld n ’t sleep last night. You sh o u ld n ’t work so hard. I w o u ld n ’t like to be an actor. They m u st n o t have a car. d o n ’t / d oesn ’t / d id n ’t I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it Simple present negative Simple past negative I/they/he/she, etc. Positive do n o t (d o n ’t) does n o t (d oesn ’t) w o r k /liv e /g o , etc. did not (didn’t) Negative I d o n ’t w an t to go out. They d o n ’t w ork hard. Liz d oesn ’t play the guitar. My father d o esn ’t lik e his job. I d id n ’t get up early this m orning. They d id n ’t w ork hard yesterday. We d id n ’t play tennis. Diane d id n ’t have dinner w ith us. I w ant to go out. They w ork hard. Liz plays the guitar. My father lik es his job. I g o t up early this m orning. They w ork ed hard yesterday. W e played tennis. Diane had dinner w ith us. D o n ’t . . . D o n ’t look ! D o n ’t w ait for me. L ook! W ait for me. Sometimes do is the m ain verb (don ’t do / d oesn ’t do / d id n ’t do): D o something! Sue does a lot on weekends. I did what you said. simple present negative —►Unit 6 Why isn't/don't . . . ? —►Unit 45 — -► D o n ’t do anything! Sue d oesn ’t do m uch on weekends. I d id n ’t do w hat you said. simple past negative —►Unit 12 don't look / don't wait, etc. —►Unit 37 U N I T Exercises 44 Make these sentences negative. 1. H e’s gone out. H e h a sn 't gone out. 2. They’re m arrie d .___________________ 3. I’ve had d in n er.____________________ L2 4. It’s cold today. _ 5. W e’ll be late. _ 6. You should g o .. Make these sentences negative. Use don't!doesn't!didn't. 1. 2. 3. She saw me. S h e didn 'ts e e me. I like ch eese.________________________ They u n d ersto o d ._________ Make these sentences negative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. She can swim. She can > swim . T hey’ve arriv ed .___ I w ent to the bank. _ H e speaks Jap an ese.. We were angry.____ 4. He lives here. _ 5. Go aw ay!______ 6. I did the dishes.. 6. H e’ll be happy.___ 7. Call me to n ig h t.__ 8 . It rained yesterday. 9. I could hear th e m .. 10. I believe y o u .. -T 4 Complete these sentences with a negative verb (isn't!haven't!don't, etc.). 1. They aren’t rich. They have m uch money. “N o, thank you. I _______________hungry.’ I _______________find my glasses. Have you seen them? S tev e_______________ use e-mail much. H e’d rather talk on the phone. W e can walk to the station from here. I t _______________very far. “W h ere’s Jane?” “I _______________ know._I _______________ seen her today.” . fall! Be careful! like the movie very much. W e w ent to the movies last night. I . . been to South Korea. I’ve been to Japan many times, but I ___________ J u lia _______________ be here tomorrow. She’ll be out of town. “W ho broke that w indow?” “N ot me. I _______________ do it. We didn’t see w hat happened. W e _____________ looking at the time. Lisa bought a new coat a few days ago, but s h e __ ___________ w orn it yet. Y o u _______________ drive so fast. It’s dangerous. don t 2 . “W ould you like som ething to eat?” 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . 10 11. 12. 13. 14. -4,5 You ask Gary some questions. He answers "Yes" or "No." Write sentences about Gary, positive or negative. % You Are you married? Do you live in Los Angeles? W ere you born in Los Angeles? Do you like Los Angeles? W ould you like to live someplace else? Can you drive? Have you traveled abroad? Do you read the newspaper? Are you interested in politics? Do you usually watch TV at night? D id you watch TV last night? Did you go out last night? No. Yes. No. No. Yes. Yes. No. No. No. Yes. No. Yes. i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Gary H e isn t m arried. H e liv e s in L o s Angeles. 89 ? is i t . . . ? have you (questions 1) do they . . . ? , etc. You are eating. W hat are you eating? Are you eating? In questions, the first verb (is/are/h ave, etc.) is before the subject: Question Postive verb + subject subject + verb I That seat She David You They Paula am late. is free. was angry. has gone. have been to Japan. w ill be here soon. can swim. —► Am Is W hy was -* W here has H ave -► —► W hen w ill -* Can I late? that seat free? she angry? D avid gone? you been to Japan? th ey be here? Paula swim? Rem em ber: the subject is after the first verb. ■ W here has D avid gone? (not W here has gone David?) ■ Are th ose p eo p le waiting for something? (not Are waiting . . . ?) ■ W h en was the telep h o n e invented? (not W hen was invented . . . ?) do . . . ? / does . . . ? / did . . . ? Simple present questions Simple past questions do does I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it did I/they/he/she, etc. Question Positive They w ork hard. You w atch television. Chris has a car. She gets up early. They w orked hard. You had dinner. She g o t up early. w o r k /liv e /g o , etc. . . . ? D o they w ork hard? -► H ow often do you w atch television? -► D oes Chris have a car? —► W hat time does she get up? D id they w ork hard? —► W hat d id you have for dinner? W hat tim e did she get up? Sometimes do is the main verb (do you do / did he do, etc.): ■ W hat do you usually do on weekends? ■ “W hat does your brother do?” “H e works in a bank.” ■ “I broke my finger last w eek.” “H ow did you do that?” (not H ow did you that?) Why ■ ■ ■ is n ’t . . . ? / W hy d o n ’t . . . ?, etc. (Why + negative): W here’s John? W hy isn ’t he here? (not W hy he isn’t here?) W hy can’t Paula come to the m eeting tom orrow? (not W hy Paula can’t . . . ?) W hy d id n ’t you call me last night? simple present questions —►Unit 7 what/which/how —►Units 48-49 simple past questions —►Unit 12 questions 2-3 —►Units 46-47 U N I Exercises -5 1 Write questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I can swim. I work hard. I was late this m orning. I’ve seen that movie. I’ll be here tomorrow. I’m going out tonight. I like my job. I live near here. I enjoyed the movie. I had a good vacation. C a n you sw im ? (and you?) (and Jack?) (and you?) (and Kate?) (and you?) (and Paul?) (and you?) (and Nicole?) (and you?) (and you?) D o e s J a c k w o rk h a rd ? - 5 2 You are talking to a friend about driving. Write the full questions. £ You 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (have / a car?) D o you have a c a r ? (use / a lo t? )____ .it. (use / yesterday?) (enjoy driving?) (a good driver?) (ever / have / an accident?) Yes, I do. Yes, almost every day. Yes, to go to work. N o t very much. I think I am. N o, never. 3 Make questions with these words. Put the words in the right order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. has / gone / w here / David?) W h ere has D a v id gone? w orking / Rachel / is / today?) Is D a ch e / w orking today? the children / w hat / are / doing?) W h a t. m ade / is / how / cheese?) to the party / coming / is / your sister?) you / the truth / tell / don’t / w h y ? )___ your guests / have / yet / arrived?)____ leave / w hat time / your plane / does?) _ to work / Jenny / why / go / didn’t? ) __ your car / in the accident / was / damaged?) K5L4 Complete the questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I want to go out. Kate and Paul aren’t going to the party. I’m reading. Sue went to bed early. My parents are going on vacation. I saw Tom a few days ago. I can’t come to the party. Tina has moved. I need some money. Angela doesn’t like me. It rains sometimes. I did the shopping. W here do you w a n t to ao? W hv a ren t they qoina? W hat W hat tim e W hen W here W hy W here H ow m uch W hy H ow often W hen V Who saw you? (questions 2) Who did you see? Sylvia saw Paul. W ho saw Paul? Sylvia. (Sylvia saw him.) W ho did Sylvia see? Paul. (She saw Paul.) Sylvia Paul Object Subject Sylvia saw som ebody. Somebody saw Paul. W ho saw Paul? W ho did Sylvia see? Sylvia. (Sylvia saw him.) Paul. (She saw Paul.) w h o is the subject Paul is the object w h o is the object Sylvia is the subject In these questions, w h o /w h a t is the subject: ■ W ho lives in this house? (= somebody lives in it - who?) (not W ho does live?) ■ W hat happened? (= som ething happened - what?) (not W hat did happen?) ■ W hat’s happening? (W hat’s = W hat is) ■ W h o’s g o t my keys? (W ho’s = W ho has) In these questions, w h o /w h a t is the object: ■ W ho did you m eet yesterday? (= you m et somebody - who?) ■ W hat did Paul say? (= Paul said som ething - what?) ■ W ho are you calling? ■ W hat was Sylvia wearing? Com pare: ■ George likes oranges. ■ Jane w on a new car. —► W ho lik es oranges? - George. W hat does George like? - Oranges. —► W ho w o n a new c a r? -Ja n e . W hat did Jane win? - A new car. Use w h o for people (somebody). Use w hat for things, ideas, etc. (something): ■ W ho is your favorite singer? ■ W hat is your favorite song? questions —►Units 45, 47 what/which/how —►Unit 48 Exercises -5.1 uni 44 Make questions with who or what. In these questions, who/what is the subject. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Somebody broke the window. Something fell off the shelf. Somebody wants to see you. Somebody took my umbrella. Something made me sick. Somebody is coming. -5.2 Make questions with who or what (subject or object). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I bought something. Somebody lives in this house. I called somebody. Something happened last night. Somebody knows the answer. Somebody did the dishes. Jane did something. Something woke me up. Somebody saw the accident. I saw somebody. Somebody has my pen. This w ord means something. -6.3 You want the missing information (XXXXX). Write questions with who or what. 1. I lost XXXXX yesterday, but fortunately XXXXX found it and gave it back to me. 2. XXXXX called me last night. She w anted XXXXX. 3. I needed some advice, so I asked XXXXX. He said XXXXX. 4. I hear that XXXXX got m arried last week. XXXXX told me. 5. I m et XXXXX on my way hom e tonight. She told me XXXXX. 6. Steve and I played tennis yesterday. XXXXX won. After the game, we XXXXX. 7. It was my birthday last week and I got some presents. XXXXX gave me a book, and C atherine gave me XXXXX. W hat d id you lo se ? Who found it? W ho _ W h a t. 93 Who is she talking to? What is it like? (questions 3) Julia is talking to somebody. W ho is she talking to? Julia In questions beginning W ho . . . ? ' / W h a t. . . ? / W here . . . ? / W hich . . . ?, prepositions (to /fr o m /w ith , etc.) usually go at the end: ■ “W here are you from ?” “I’m from Thailand.” ■ “Jack was afraid.” “W hat was he afraid of?” ■ “W ho do these books belong to?” “They’re m ine.” ■ “Tom ’s father is in the hospital.” “W hich h osp ital is he in?” ■ “Kate is going on vacation.” “W ho w ith?” / “W ho is she going w ith?” ■ “Can we talk?”“Sure. W hat do you w ant to talk about?” W hat’s it like? / W hat are th ey like?, etc. W hat’s it like? = W hat is it like? W hat’s it like? = tell me som ething about it - is it good or bad, big or small, old or new, etc.? W hen we say “W hat is it like?,” lik e is a preposition. It is not the verb lik e (D o you lik e your new house?). A: T here’s a new restaurant near my house. B: W hat’s it like? Is it good? A: I don’t know. I haven’t eaten there yet. A: W hat’s your new teacher like? B: She’s very good. We learn a lot. A: I m et N icole’s parents yesterday. B: You did? W hat are they like? A: They’re very nice. A: Did you have a good vacation? W hat was the w eather like? B: It was great. It was sunny every day. questions —►Units 45-46 what/which/how —►Unit 48 prepositions —►Units 104-114 U N I T <ercises You want the missing information (XXXXX). Write questions with who or what. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. f 2 Write questions about the people in the pictures. Use these verbs + a preposition: go listen lo o k talk 1. Who is sh e talking to? 2. W h a t___________ 3. W hich restau ran t. talk w ait 4. W h a t____ 5. W h a t____ 6. W hich bus. 3 Write questions with Which 1. 2. 3. 4. Tom ’s father is in the hospital. W e stayed at a hotel. Jack plays for a football team. I w ent to school in this town. 4 You want some information about another country. You ask somebody who has been there. Ask questions with What is/are .. . like? 1. 2. 3. 4. (the (the (the (the roads) W h a t a re th e roads like?_____________________________________________ fo o d )_________________________________________________________________________ people) _ weather) 7.5 Ask questions with What was!were . . . like? 1. Your friend has just come back from a trip. Ask about the weather. W h a t w a s th e w e a th e r like?___________________________________ 2. Your friend has just come back from the movies. Ask about the movie. 3. Your friend has just finished a com puter course. Ask about the classes. 4. Your friend has just come back from a business trip. Ask about the hotel. U N I T 48 A W h a t. . . ? How Which (questions 4) W hat ■ ■ ■ ■ + noun (W hat co lo r . . . ? / W hat k in d . . . ?, etc.) W hat co lo r is your car? ■ W hat co lo r are your eyes? W hat size is this shirt? H W hat n ation ality is she? W hat tim e is it? ■ W hat day is it today? W hat k in d o f job do you want? (or W hat type o f job . . . ? / W hat sort of job . . . ?) W hat w ithout a noun: ■ W hat’s your favorite color? ■ W hat do you w ant to do tonight? B W hich + noun (things or people): ■ W hich train did you catch - the 9:50 or the 10:30? ■ W hich d octor did you see D octor Lopez, D octor Gray, or D octor Hill? We use w h ich w ithout a noun for things, not people: ■ W hich is bigger - Canada or Australia? We use w h o for people (w ithout a noun): ■ W ho is taller - Joe or Gary? (not W hich is taller?) C W hat or which? We use w h ich w hen we are thinking about a small num ber o f possibilities (perhaps 2, 3, or 4): ■ W e can go this way or that way. W hich w ay should we go? or or or m ■ HI ■ ■ There are four umbrellas here. W hich is yours? W H IC H ? W hat is m ore general: ■ W hat’s the capital o f Argentina? (of all the cities in Argentina) ■ W hat k ind of music do you like? (of all kinds o f music) Com pare: ■ W hat co lo r are his eyes? (not W hich color?) W hich co lo r do you prefer, p in k or yellow ? ■ W hat is the longest river in the world? W hich is the longest river - the M ississippi, the A m a zo n , or the N ile? H ow . . . ? ■ “H o w was the party last night?” “It was great.” ■ “H o w do you get to w ork?” “By bus.” You can use h o w + adjective/adverb (how tall / h ow old / h o w often, etc.): “H o w 96 tall are you?” “I’m five feet 10.” (5 feet 10 inches or 1.78 meters) b ig is the house?” “N ot very big.” old is your m other?” “She’s 45.” far is it from here to the airport?” “Ten m iles.” (about 16 kilometers) often do you use your car?” “Every day.” lo n g have they been m arried?” “Ten years.” m u ch was the taxi?” “Ten dollars.” questions —►Units 45-47 How long does it take Unit 49 w hich one(s) —►Unit 76 U N I T Exercises .1 Write questions with What . . . ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. This shirt is nice. I w ant a job. I have a new sweater. I got up early this m orning. I like music. I w ant to buy a car. (size?) (kind?) (color?) (time?) (type?) (kind?) W hat size is it? W hat kin d o f jo b do you w a n t? W h a t. _____ -------_____ get up? : 2 Complete the questions. Use Which . . . ? W hich should we Kendaii Sq. Cambridge Storrow Dr. THEATER 1 THEATER 2 goes downtown? m3 Write What/Which/Who. is that m an’s name? W hich . way should we go? 2. Left or right? 3. You can have tea or coffee. _________ do you prefer? 4. “_________ day is it today?” “Friday.” 5. . is your favorite sport? 1. W hat 6. This is a nice office._________ desk is yours? 7. ________ is m ore expensive, m eat or fish? 8. ________ is older, Liz or Steve? kind of camera do you have? 9. _____ 10. A: I’ve got three cameras. B: _________ camera do you use most? 4 Complete the questions with How + adjective or adverb (ihigh/long, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 13.5 H o w high _ is M ount Everest? is it to the station? _________is Helen? ______ do the buses run? . is the w ater in the pool? have you lived here? O ver 29,000 feet. Almost two miles. She’s 26. Every 10 minutes. Seven feet. Almost three years. Write questions with H o w . . . ? 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Are you five feet nine? Five feet 10? Five feet 11? Is this box one kilogram? Two? Three? Are you 20 years old? 22? 25? Did you spend $20? $30? $50? Do you watch TV every day? O nce a week? Never? -jow tall a re you/ 6. Is it 2,000 miles from N ew York to Los Angeles? 2,500? 3,000? How long does it take . . . ? H o w lo n g does it take to get from , to . . . ? N ew York hour X Washington, D.C ■ ■ ■ ■ w H ow long does it take to get from N ew York to W ashington, D.C., by plane? / / * How long does it take It takes several days to H ow long does it take It takes ten m inutes to It takes an hour. to get from Los Angeles to N ew York by train? get from Los Angeles to N ew York by train. to get from your house to the airport by car? get from my house to the airport by car. H o w lo n g does it take to do something? H ow long does did w ill it take to . . . ? It takes to o k w ill take d o esn ’t d id n ’t w o n ’t a week a long tim e three hours take to . . . long H ow long does it take to cross the Atlantic by ship? “I came by train.” “You did? H ow long d id it take (to get here)?” H ow long w ill it take to get from here to the hotel? It takes a long time to learn a language. It d o esn ’t take long to m ak e an omelet. It w o n ’t take long to fix the computer. H o w lo n g does it take you to do something? H ow long it Day t Day 2 Day 3 does did w ill takes to o k w ill take I started reading the book on Monday. I finished it on W ednesday evening. It to o k m e three days to read it. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H ow long w ill it take m e to learn to drive? It takes T om 20 m inutes to get to work in the m orning. It to o k us an hour to do the shopping. D id it take you a long tim e to fin d a job? It w ill take m e an hour to co o k dinner. it take me Tom them you Tom them a week a long time three hours to . . . ? to . . . Exercises unit 49 -5 1 Look at the pictures and write questions with How long . . . ? . 2 3. 4. - 5 2 How long does it take to do these things? Write full sentences. 1. fly from your city/country to Los Angeles It takes ab out 11 hou rs to fly from S e o u l to L o s Angeles. 2. fly from your city/country to Australia 3. become a doctor in your country 4. walk from your hom e to the nearest superm arket 5. get from your house to the nearest airport -53 Write questions with How long did it take . . . ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Jane found a job.) (I walked to the station.) (Tom painted the bathroom .) (I learned to ski.) (They repaired the computer.) H o w long d id it take h e r to fin d a j o b ? _____________ y o u _________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ X9.4 Read the situations and write sentences with It took . . . . 1. I read a book last week. I started reading it on Monday. I finished it three days later. It took m e th re e days to r e a d the book.__________________________________________ 2. W e walked hom e last night. We left at 10:00, and we got hom e at 10:20. 3. I learned to drive last year. I had my first driving lesson in January. I passed my driving test six m onths later. 4. M ark drove to H ouston yesterday. H e left hom e at 7:00 and got to H ouston at 10:00. 5. Lisa began looking for a jo b a long tim e ago. She got a job last week. 6. Write a sentence about yourself 99 Do you know where . . . ? I don't know w h a t . . ., etc. W here is Paula? W e say: Do you know where Paula is? but D o you k n ow w here Paula is ? (not Do you know where is Paula?) In the same way we say: I know I don’t know i n i is. • where Paula Can you tell me w here Paula is? Compare: W ho are th ose people? H ow old is N icole? W hat tim e is it? W here can I go? H ow m uch is this camera? W hen are you leaving town? W here have th ey gone? W hat was Jenny wearing? but D o you k n ow Can you tell m e I k n ow I d o n ’t k n ow I d o n ’t rem em b er who those peop le are how old N ic o le is w hat time it is w here I can go how m uch this cam era is w hen yo u ’re leaving tow n w here they have gone w hat Jenny was wearing Questions w ith d o /d o e s /d id (simple present and simple past) W here does he live ? but D o you k n ow w here he lives ? (not Do you know w here does he live?) Com pare: H ow do airplanes fly? W hat does Jane want? W hy did she go home? W here d id I pu t the key? but D o you k n ow I d o n ’t k n ow I d o n ’t rem em ber I k n ow how airplanes fly w hat Jane w ants why she w en t hom e where I p u t the key Questions beginning Is . . . ? / D o . . . ? / Can . . . ?, etc. (yes/no questions) Compare: Is Jack at home? H ave they got a car? Can B rian swim? D o th ey live near here? D id anybody see you? but D o you k n ow I d o n ’t k n ow if or w h eth er Jack is at hom e th ey’ve g o t a car Brian can swim they live near here anybody saw you You can use i f or w h eth er in these sentences: Do you know i f they’ve got a car? or Do you know w h eth er they’ve got a car? I don’t know i f anybody saw me. or I don’t know w h eth er anybody saw me. U N I T Exercises 50.1 Answer these questions with . 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . 50 Idon't know w here/w hen/w hy. (where) / do n 't k n o w w h e re th e y 've pone. (where) I don’t know (how old) (when) (whv) (how long) Have your friends gone home? Is Sue in her office? Is the building very old? W ill Paul be here soon? Was he angry because I was late? Has D onna lived here a long time? 50.2 Complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (H ow do airplanes fly?) (W here does Susan work?) (W hat did Peter say?) (W hy did he go hom e early?) (W hat tim e does the m eeting begin?) (H ow did the accident happen?) Do you know . h o w airplanes fly I don’t know _ Do you re m e m b e r. I don’t k n o w _____ Do you know I don’t re m e m b e r. 50.3 Which is right? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Do you know w hat time is it / it is? (it is is right) W hy are you / you are leaving? I don’t know where are they / they are going. Can you tell me w here is the m useum / the m useum is? W here do you w ant / you w ant to go for vacation? Do you know w hat do elephants eat / elephants eat? I don’t know how far is it / it is from the hotel to the station. 50.4 Write questions with Do you know if 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Do they have a car?) (Are they married?) (Does Sue know Bill?) (W ill Gary be here tomorrow?) (Did he pass his exam?)_____________ V o you k n o w i f th e y h a ve a car? Do you know ____________ ____________ ____________ 50.5 Write questions beginning Do you know 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (W hat does Laura want?) (W here is Paula?) (Is she working today?) (W hat tim e does she start work?) (Are the banks open tomorrow?) (W here do Sarah and Tim live?) (Did they go to Jane’s party?) V o y o u k n o w w h a t L a u ra w a n ts? D o ________________________________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 50.6 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. 1. Do you know why th e bus w a s la te__________ Do you know w hat tim e ________ 3. Excuse me, can you tell me w here . 4. I don’t know w h a t______________ 5. Do you know if 6. Do you know how m uch . 2 . 101 She said t h a t . . . He told me t h a t . . Today you m eet Paul. You tell him about the party. You tell Paul w hat your friends said: Last week you w ent to a party. A lot of your friends were there. H ere are some things they said to you: Present Past l fm enjoying my job. My father isn't was are w ere very happy. Diane We're going to buy a house. Sarah am is ■ Sarah and Tim said that they w ere going to buy a house. Tim I have to leave early. My sister has Peter ■ Diane said that she was enjoying her new job. ■ She said that her father w asn ’t very happy. have has had can cou ld ■ Kate said that she c o u ld n ’t find a job. w ill w ou ld ■ Steve said that he w ou ld call me. gone to A ustralia. I can't find a job. ■ Peter said that he had to leave early. ■ He said that his sister had gone to Australia. Kate I'll call you. Steve I don't like my job. My son doesn't Rachel did lo o k feel etc. lo o k e d felt etc. like school. You look tired. I feel fine. Mike do does You ■ Rachel said that she d id n ’t like her job. ■ She said that her son d id n ’t like school. ■ M ike said that I lo o k e d tired. ■ I said that I felt fine. say and tell say (—►said) ■ H e said that he was tired. (not He said me) ■ W hat did she say to you? (not say you) We say he said to m e, I said to Ann, etc. but not “he said m e,” “I said A nn.” tell (—►told) ■ He told m e that he was tired. (not He told that) ■ W hat did she tell you? (not tell to you) W e say he told m e, I to ld Ann, etc. but not “he told to m e,” “I told to A nn.” You can say: ■ H e said that he was tired, or H e said he was tired, (without that) M Kate told me that she couldn’t find a job. or Kate told me she couldn’t find a job. I told you to . . . —►Unit 54 U N I Exercises 51.1 Read what these people say and write sentences with He/She/They said (that) . . . 1. 2 L js . 6. I've lost my w atch. I don't feel very w ell. “ i H e s a id h e h a d lo st his w atch. 7. I'm very busy. 1 3. W e'll be home late. S 1 can't go to the party. 8. 1 have to go out. 9. i jg fp I've just gotten back from vacation. § 4. I'm going to buy a new computer. A & 5. 10. I'm learning Russian. f t We don't have a key. i l 51 2 Use the pictures to complete the sentences. 1. 2. I m enjoying my new job. f ' / / Y m not y y hungry. Emily Diane You can have it. I don't w ant to go. Hannah 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Linda 6. I'll send you a postcard. Mark I w ant to watch TV. W here's Robert? He's gone home. Mike 9. I'm going to the movies. Mary David I m et Diane last week. She said sh e w a s enjoying h e r n e w jo b Emily didn’t w ant anything to eat. She sa id _____________________ I w anted to borrow M ike’s ladder, but he said __________________ H annah was invited to the party, but she said ___________________ Sharon told me she didn’t w ant the picture. She sa id ____________ M ark ju st left on vacation. He sa id ____________________________ I was looking for Robert. Linda sa id ___________________________ “W hy did David stay at hom e?” “H e sa id _____________________ “Has M ary gone out?” “I think so. She sa id ___________________ 51 3 Write say/said or tell/told. He s a id he was tired. W hat did she te ll vou? she didn’t like Peter. Anna me that you were sick. Jack Dan w hat Please don’t happened. she w ould be late? 6. Did Lucy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. she was 7. The w om an a reporter. us she was 8. The wom an a reporter. 9. They asked me a lot o f questions, but I didn’t them anvthing. 10. They asked me a lot o f questions, but I didn’t _____________ anything. U N I T 52 A work/working go/going do/doing W o rk /g o /b e , etc. (baseform) We use the base form w ith w ill/c a n /m u st, etc.: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w ill shall m ig h t m ay can cou ld m u st should w o u ld Anna w ill be here soon. Shall I op en the window? I m ig h t call you later. May I sit here? I can’t m eet you tomorrow. C ou ld you pass the salt, please? It’s late. You m u st be tired. You sh o u ld n ’t w ork so hard. W ould you lik e some coffee? “ ►Units 28 —►U nit 30 -► U nit 31 -► U nit 32 —►U nit 33 —►U nit 35 We use the base form w ith d o /d o e s /d id : B d o /d o e s (simple present) D o you work? They d o n ’t w ork very hard. H elen d o esn ’t k n o w many people. H ow m uch does it cost? —►Units 6 -7 did (simple past) W hat tim e did the train leave? We d id n ’t sleep well. —►U nit 12 to w ork / to go / to be, etc. (infinitive) (I’m) g o in g to . . . U nit 27 ■ I’m g o in g to play tennis tomorrow. ■ W hat are you g o in g to do? (I) have to . . . I have to go now. Everybody has to eat. U nit 34 (I) w ant to . . . Do you w ant to go out? They don’t w ant to co m e w ith us. U nit 53 (I) w o u ld lik e to . I’d lik e to talk to you. W ould you lik e to go out? U nit 35 (I) used to . . . Dave used to w ork in a factory. U nit 15 w o r k in g /g o in g /p la y in g , etc. 104 a m /is /a r e + -in g (present continuous) ■ Please be quiet. I’m w orkin g. ■ Tom isn ’t w o rk in g today. ■ W hat tim e are you g o in g out? —►Units 3-4, 8, 26 w a s/w ere + -in g (past continuous) ■ It was raining, so we didn’t go out. ■ W hat w ere you d o in g w hen the phone rang? —►Units 13-14 verbs + to and -ing (I w an t to do / 1enjoy doing) —►Unit 53 go + -ing —►Unit 56 Exercises u n i t 52 1 Complete the sentences. W rite:.. . call Paul o r . . . to call Paul. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I’ll c a ll Paul I’m going to ca ll Paul Can y o u Shall I I’d lik e . . Paul? ? . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Do you h a v e You s h o u ld ____ I w a n t________ I m ig h t____ C ould you . : Z 2 Complete the sentences with a verb from the box. Sometimes you need the base form (work/go, etc.) and sometimes you need -ing (working/going, etc.). d o /d o in g g o /g o in g w a it/w a itin g 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. e a t/e a tin g lis te n /lis te n in g w a tc h /w a tc h in g f l y /f ly in g s le e p /sle e p in g w e a r /w e a r in g g e t/g e ttin g stay/stayin g w ork /w o r k in g Please be quiet. I’m w orking . I feel tired today. I didn’t sleep very well last night. W hat time do you u su ally _______________ up in the m orning? “W here are y o u ?” “To the bank.” Did y o u _______________television last night? Look at that plane! It’s very low. You can tu rn off the radio. I’m n o t to it. They didn’t _______________ anything because they w eren’t hungry. My friends w e r e _______________ for me w hen I arrived. “Does Susan alw ays_______________ glasses?” “No, only for reading.” “W hat are y o u ________________ tonight?” “I’m _______________hom e.” : 1 3 Put the verb in the correct form. Choose from: the base form (work/go, etc.) the infinitive (to work/to go, etc.) -ing {working I going, etc.) or or 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Should I open the window? (open) It’s late. I have to g o now. (go) Amanda isn’t w orking this week. She’s on vacation, (work) I’m tired. I don’t w a n t_______________ out. (go) It m ig h t_______________ , so take an um brella w ith you. (rain) W hat time do you h a v e _______________tom orrow m orning? (leave) I’m sorry I can’t _______________ you. (help) My brother is a student. H e’s _______________ physics, (study) W ould you lik e _______________ on a trip around the world? (go) W hen you saw Maria, w hat was s h e ______________ ? (wear) W hen you go to London, w here are you g o in g _______________ ? (stay) “W h ere’sGary?” “H e’s ________________a bath.” (take) I u sed a car, but I sold it last year, (have) He spoke very quietly. I couldn’t him. (hear) You don’t look well. I don’t think you sh o u ld _______________ to w ork today, (go) I don’t know w hat he said. I wasn’t to him. (listen) I’m sorry I’m late. I h a d _______________a phone call, (make) I w ant a doctor, (be) Medical students m u s t_______________ courses in biology and chemistry, (take) 19. May I p le a se _______________ your phone? (use) 105 to . . . (I want to do) and -ing (I enjoy doing) verbs + to . . . (I w ant to do) w ant hope need plan exp ect p rom ise d ecid e offer refuse try forget learn + to . (to do / to w ork / to be, etc.) W hat do you w ant to do tonight? It’s not very late. We don’t need to go hom e yet. Tina has d ecid ed to sell her car. You fo rg o t to turn off the light w hen you w ent out. My brother is learn in g to drive. I tried to read my book, but I was too tired. verbs + -in g (I enjoy doing) el^ °d f °^ h suSSest + ~*n & (d o in g /w o r k in g /b e in g , etc.) I enjoy dancing. (not enjoy to dance) I don’t m in d g ettin g up early. Has it stop p ed raining? Sonia su ggested g o in g to the movies. I enjoy dancing. verbs + -in g or to . . . lik e prefer love hate start b egin co n tin u e + -in g (doing, etc.) or to . . . (to do, etc.) Do you lik e g ettin g up early? or Do you lik e to get up early? I prefer traveling by car. or I prefer to travel by car. Anna loves dancing, or Anna loves to dance. I hate b ein g late, or I hate to be late. It started raining, or It started to rain. w o u ld lik e to . . . , etc. w o u ld like w o u ld prefer w ou ld love w ou ld hate + to . . . (to do / to w ork / to be, etc.) Julia w o u ld lik e to m e et you. Pd love to go to Australia. (I’d = I w ould) “W ould you lik e to sit down?” “N o, Pd prefer to stand, thank you.” I like this city very m uch. I w o u ld n ’t lik e to m ove. Pd hate to lo se my cell phone. would like —►Unit 35 I want you to —►Unit 54 go + -ing —►Unit 56 preposition + -ing —►Unit 113 U N I T Exercises : 3 1 Put the verb in the right form, to . . . or -ing. 1. I enjoy dancing _. (dance) 2 . W hat do you w a n t. to do tonight? (do) . you 3. Good-bye! I hope _ again soon, (see) I le a rn e d _________ . w hen I was five years old. (swim) . the Have you fin ish ed ___ kitchen? (clean) her 6. W h ere’s Anna? I need . something, (ask) . other Do you e n jo y ________ countries? (visit) 53 2 Complete the sentences using to .. -go- go h elp lo se rain 1. “Have you ever been to Australia?” 8. 10. 11. . 12 13. 14. 15. The w eather was nice, so I suggested ___________ for a walk by the river, (go) W h ere’s Bill? H e p ro m ised ___________ here on time, (be) I’m not in a hurry. I don’t m ind ___________ . (wait) W hat have you d ec id e d __________ ? (do) Gary was very angry and refused ___________ to me. (speak) I’m tired. I w a n t____________to bed. (go) I was very upset and sta rte d ____________. (cry) I’m try in g ____________. (work) Please s to p ____________. (talk) or -ing. Use these verbs: read see “No, but I’d love send w ait w atch to g o 2 . Jane had a lot to do, so I o ffered __ ____________ her. 3. I’m surprised that you’re here. I didn’t ex p e ct_______________ you. 4. Nicole has a lot o f books. She en jo y s_______________ . 5. This ring was my grandm other’s. I’d h a te _______________ it. 6 D on’t fo rg e t_______________ us a postcard w hen you’re on vacation. 7. I’m not going out until it sto p s_______________ . to the beach? 8 W hat should we do this afternoon? W ould you like 9. W hen I’m tired in the evening, I lik e _____________ . television. 10. “Do you w ant to go now?” “N o, I’d p re fe r______ _______ a few m inutes.” . . 3 Complete the answers to the questions. % 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Do you usually get up early? Do you ever go to museums? W ould you like to go to a m useum now? Do you write e-mails often? Have you ever been to Rome? Do you ever travel by train? Do you w ant to walk hom e or take a taxi? Yes, I like _ to g e t up e a rly Yes, I lo v e ______________ No, I’m hungry. I’d prefer . to a restaurant. No, I don’t lik e _________ No, but I’d lo v e _________ Yes, I en jo y _____________ I don’t m in d ____________ taxi w ould be quicker. one day. . , but a : 3 4 Complete these sentences. Write about yourself. Use to . . . or -ing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I enjov I don’t like If it’s a nice day tom orrow, I’d like W hen I’m on vacation, I like I don’t m ind I w ouldn’t like I - - - : : : onal exercise 32 (page 260) . hut 107 U N I T 54 I told you to . . . I want you to I want you to The w om an w ants to leave. The m an d oesn ’t w an t the w om an to leave. He w ants her to stay. We say: I w ant you som eb od y Sarah to do som ething ■ I w ant you to be happy. (not I w ant that you are happy) ■ They didn’t w ant anybody to k n ow their secret. ■ Do you w ant m e to len d you some money? We use w o u ld lik e in the same way: ■ W ould you lik e m e to len d you some money? We also use this structure (verb + somebody + to . . . ) with: verb i i i i i i ■8 ask tell advise exp ect persuade teach Sue I W hat do you I didn’t We I + asked told advise exp ect persuaded am teach in g somebody + to . . . a friend you me them Gary my brother to to to to to to len d be do? be co m e sw im . her some money. careful. here. w ith us. I to ld you to . . . / I told you n ot to . . . Don't w ait for me. Wait for me. I i ||(| ij Jane Me -Jane told me to w ait for her. Paul Paul told Sue n o t to w ait for him. m ak e and let After ■ ■ ■ m ak e and let, we do not use to: H e’s very funny. He m akes me laugh. (not makes me to laugh) At school our teacher m ad e us w ork very hard. Sue le t me use her com puter because m ine wasn’t working, (not let me to use) You can say L et’s . . . (= Let us) w hen you w ant people to do things w ith you: ■ C om e on! L et’s dance. ■ “Do you w ant to go out tonight?” “N o, I’m tired. L et’s stay hom e.” Let's . i— Unit 37 He told me t h a t . . . —►Unit 51 U N I Exercises 1 Write sentences beginning / want you . . . / I don't want you . . . / Do you want me . . . ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (you have to come w ith me) / w a n t y o u to co m e w ith me.________ (listen carefully) I w a n t. (please don’t be angry) I don’t _ (should I wait for you?) Do you . (don’t call me to n ig h t)________ (you should m eet S arah)______ : - 2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 1. Come on! Let's go to the movies! It's a good movie. 2. W here's the station? 3. Brian Urn . . . er Dan 5. . . . OK. 6. I'm busy now. Come back in 10 minutes. Can I use your phone? 7. 4. I'm sick. you should go to the doctor. Can you help me? Linda Don't call before 8 :0 0 . Do you play the piano? ? Yes, my mother taught me. Of course. Tom Sue Paul 1. Dan persuaded m e to g o to th e m ovies. 2 I w anted to get to the station. A w om an told . 3. Brian was sick. I advised __________________ 4. Linda had a lot o f luggage. She a sk e d __ 5. I was too busy to talk to Tom. I to ld __ 6 I w anted to m ake a phone call. Paul l e t . 7. Sue is going to call me later. I to ld ____ A nn’s m other ta u g h t_________________ . . 54.3 Complete these sentences with the verbs in the list. Sometimes to is necessary (to go / to waitf etc.); sometimes to is not necessary (go/wait, etc.). arrive b o rrow get go leave m ak e repeat te ll th in k w ait 1. Please stay here. I don’t w ant you to lea ve yet. 2 . I didn’t hear w hat she said, so I asked h e r _______________ it. 3. “Should we begin?” “N o, let’s _______________ a few m inutes.” . m uch later. 4. Are they already here? I expected them . married. 5. Kevin’s parents didn’t w ant h im _______ ______ w ith you. 6 . I w ant to stay here. You can’t make m e __________ . it.” 7. “Is that your bicycle?” “No, it’s Jo h n ’s. He let me you. 8. Rachel can’t come to the party. She told me . . some coffee? 9. W ould you like som ething to drink? W ould you like me . that?” 10. “Kate doesn’t like m e.” “W hat makes y o u ___________ U N I T I went to the store to . . . Paula w anted some fruit, so she w ent to the store. W hy did she go to the store? To get some fruit. She w ent to the store to get some fruit. to . . . ■ ■ ■ ■ (to get / to see, etc.) tells us why a person does something: “W hy are you going out?” “To get some bread.” Amy w ent to the station to m eet her friend. Sue turned on the television to w atch the news. I’d like to go to Mexico to learn Spanish. m o n e y /tim e to (do something): ■ We need some m o n ey to buy food. ■ I don’t have tim e to w atch television. to . . . and for . . . to + verb (to get / to see, etc.) ■ I w ent to the store to get some fruit. (not for get) ■ They’re going to Brazil to see their friends. ■ We need some m oney to buy food. for + noun (for fo o d / for a new spaper, etc.) ■ I w ent to the store for som e fruit. ■ They’re going to Brazil for a vacation. ■ W e need some m oney for food. w ait for ■ Please w ait for me. ■ Are you w a itin g for the bus? w ait to (do something): ■ I’m w aitin g to talk to the manager. ■ Are you w a itin g to see the doctor? w ait for (som ebody/som ething) to . . . : ■ I can’t leave yet. I’m w a itin g for Joh n to call. ■ Are you w a itin g for the m ail to com e? 110 go to . . . and go f o r . . . —►Unit 56 enough + to/for. . . —►Unit 92 something to eat / nothing to do, etc. —►Unit 80 too + to/for. . . —►Unit 93 I can't leave yet. I'm waiting for John to call. Exercises : 5 1 Write sentences beginning / w ent to . . . . Choose from the boxes. a c o ffee shop the p o st o ffice" the d ru gstore the su perm arket buy som e fo o d "g^et-som c stam ps get som e m e d ic in e m e et a frien d 1. / w e n t to th e p o s t o ffic e to p e t so m e stam ps.____________________________________ 2. I w e n t _____________________________ 3. _________________ 4. ________________________________________________________________ _________________ E5.2 Complete the sentences. Choose from the box. to get som e fresh air to see w h o it was 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. to op en th is d oor to w ak e h im up to read th e n ew spaper to w atch the-news- I turned on the television to w a tc h th e n e w s ______________________________________ ____ Alice sat down in an arm c h air Do I need a k e y ____ I w ent for a walk by the riv e r______________________________________________________ I knocked on the door o f David’s ro o m ____ The doorbell rang, so I looked out o f the w in d o w ____________________________________ : 5 3 Use your own ideas to finish these sentences.Use to . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I w ent to the store to p e t so m e fr u it_____________________________________________ I’m very busy. I don’t have tim e ____ I called A n n ____________________________ I’m going o u t _____________________ I borrow ed some m o n e y ___ £5.4 Write to or for. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I w ent to the store to get some bread. We w ent to a re sta u ran t_______have dinner. Robert wants to go to co lleg e________ study economics. I’m going to B o sto n ______ an interview next week. I’m going to T o ro n to ________visit some friends o f mine. Do you have tim e ____________ a cup o f coffee? I got up late this m orning. I didn’t have tim e ________ comb my hair. Everybody needs m o n e y _______live. We didn’t have any m o n e y _______ a taxi, so we walked hom e. The office is very small. T here’s only enough r o o m a desk and chair. A: Excuse me, are you w a itin g ________ use the phone? B: No, I’m w a itin g _____________somebody. 55.5 Complete these sentences. Choose from: Joh^- / ea41 1. 2. 3. 4. it / to arrive you / te ll m e th e m o v ie / b eg in I can’t go out yet. I’m waiting fo r Jo h n to call_____________________________________ I sat down in the movie theater and w a ite d __________________________________________ We called an ambulance and w a ite d ____ “Do you know w hat to do?” “No, I’m w a itin g _____________________________________ U N I T go on . . . go to go f o r . . . go -ing go to . . . (go to w ork / go to San Francisco / go to a concert, etc.) ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ W hat tim e do you usually go to work? I’m g o in g to C hina next week. Jean didn’t w ant to go to the concert. W hat tim e did you go to bed last night? I w en t to the d en tist yesterday. go to go to sleep = start to sleep: ■ I was very tired and w en t to sleep quickly, go h o m e (w ithout to) ■ I’m g o in g h o m e now. (not going to home) go on vacation a trip a tour an excursion a cruise strike W e’re g o in g on vacation next week. C hildren often go on sch ool trips. W hen we were in Egypt, we w en t on a tou r of the Pyramids. W orkers at the airport have g on e on strike. (= they are refusing to work) go for . . . go (somewhere) for a walk a run a swim lunch dinner, etc. ■ ■ ■ ■ “W h ere’s Joan?” “She w en t for a w alk .” Do you go for a run every m orning? The w ater looks nice. I’m g o in g for a sw im . Should we go out for dinner? I know a good restaurant go + -in g We use go + -in g for many sports (sw im m in g /sk iin g , etc.) and also shopping. I go he is g o in g we w ent they have gon e she wants to go | I I I '■■ ■ ■ ■ ■M I H rH i iff 1 w&S3m llllMHIM sh op p in g sw im m in g fish in g sailin g sk iin g j ° g g in g running, etc. Are you g o in g sh op p in g this afternoon? It’s a nice day. Let’s go sw im m in g. (or Let’s go for a swim.) Richard has a small boat, and he often goes sailing. I w en t jo g g in g before breakfast this m orning. I'm going skiing U N I : xercises :c 1 Write to/on/for where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. I’m going to C hina next week. Richard often goes sailing, (no preposition) Sue w e n t________ Mexico last year. W ould you like to g o ____the movies tonight? Jack g o e s jogging every m orning. I’m going o u t ________ a walk. Do you w ant to come? I’m tired because I w e n t________bed very late last night. Jim is g o in g ________ at r i p ________ Turkey next week. The w eather was warm and the river was clean, so we w e n t________ a swim. The taxi drivers w e n t_______strike w hen I was in N ew York. I need some stamps, so I’m g o in g ________ the post office. It’s late. I have to g o _______ hom e now. W ould you like to g o _______a tour of the city? Do you w ant to go o u t ________ dinner this evening? My parents are g o in g _______a cruise this summer. 5*5 2 Use the pictures to complete the sentences. Use go/goes/going/went + -ing. 3. every day 6. yesterday 4. next winter \j 5. later fl 11 y r j Peter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sarah Richard has a boat. H e often g o e s sailing . Last Saturday Diane w e n t_______________________________. G a ry ______________________________ every day. Nicole is going to Colorado next winter. She i s ______________________________ . Peter is going out later. He has t o _______________________________. S arah after w ork yesterday. 55.3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. Use to/on/for if necessary. a sw im a w a lk vacation hom e H aw aii r id in g sh o p p in g sk iin g bed c o lle g e 1. The w ater looks nice. Let’s go fo r a sw im . , w here she studied 2. After finishing high school, Tina w e n t___________ psychology. 3. I’m g o in g ___________________ now. I have to buy a few things. early. 4. I was very tired last night. I w e n t___________ early. 5. I wasn’t enjoying the party, so I w e n t_______ almost every weekend. 6. W e live near the m ountains. In w inter we go . lot. 7. Richard has a horse. He g o e s. . in the park? It’s a beautiful day! W ould you like to g o _____ 9. A: Are you g o in g ____________________ soon? . W e’ve never been there before. B: Yes, next m onth. W e’re g o in g ____________ U N I T get 57 get a letter / get a job , etc. (get + noun) = receive/buy/find: you get it you have it you d o n ’t have som ething ■ “D id you get my postcard?” “Yes, I go t it yesterday.” (= receive) ■ I like your sweater. W here did you get it? (= buy) ■ Is it difficult to get a job at the m om ent? (= find) ■ (on the phone) “Hello, can I speak to Lisa, please?” “Sure. I’ll get her.” get h un gry / get co ld / get tired, etc. (get + adjective) = become: you get hun gry you are hungry you’re n o t hungry ■: ■ If you don’t eat, you get hungry. ■ D rink your coffee. It’s g ettin g cold. ■ I’m sorry your m other is sick. I hope she gets b etter soon. ■ It was raining very hard. W e didn’t have an umbrella, so we go t very wet. BMBB I 'XYh.; ~ ■ c , ~f Y :* : also : : I I get m arried get dressed (= put your clothes on) get lo st (= lose your way) ■ Nicole and Frank are gettin g m arried soon, ■ I got up and go t dressed quickly, ■ We didn’t have a map, so we g o t lost. get to a place = arrive: ■ I usually get to w ork before 8:30. (= arrive at work) ■ We left B oston at 10:15 and got to O ttaw a at 11:45. get to get h er e /th e r e (w ithout to ): ■ H ow did you get here? By bus? get h o m e (without to): ■ W hat time did you get h o m e last night? get i n / o u t / o n / o f f ■ get in (a car) get ou t (o f a car) get on get o f f (a bus / a train / a plane) ■ Kate got in the car and drove away. (You can also say: Kate got in to the car and . . .) ■ A car stopped and a man g o t out. (but A m an got out o f the car.) ■ We go t on the bus outside the hotel and g o t o f f at C hurch Street. 114 get to —►Unit 109 in/out/on/off —►Units 111f 115 get up —►Unit 115 U N I E xercises : ~ 1 C o m p lete th e s e se n te n c e s. Use g e t / g e t s an d c h o o se from th e box. an oth er on e a g o o d salary a d o cto r a n ew com p u ter a lo t o f rain a tick et -my- p o stc ard som e m ilk th e jo b you r ja ck et 1. Did you g e t m y p o s tc a rd ? I sent it a week ago. 2. W here did y o u ?It’s very nice. 3. Quick! This m an is sick. W e have t o ______________________________ . 4. I w ant to return this phone. It doesn’t work. Can I ______________________________ , please? 5. Tom has an interview tom orrow. I hope h e ______________________________ . 6 W hen you go out, can y o u _______________________________? 7. “Are you going to the concert?” “Yes, if I c a n ______________________________ .” 8. M argaret has a well-paid job. S h e ______________________________ . 9. The w eather is horrible here in winter. W e ______________________________ . 10. I’m going t o . The one I have is too slow. . : ~ 2 C o m p lete th e s e s e n te n c e s. Use g e t t i n g + th e s e w o rd s: -ee ld1. 2. 3. 4. 5. dark late m arried ready D rink your coffee. It’s g ettin g co ld ______ . Turn on the light. It’s ____________________ . “I’m ____________________next w eek.” “Really? Congratulations!” “W h ere’s Karen?” “She’s to go out.” It’s . It’s time to go home. 57 3 C o m p lete th e s e n te n c e s. Use g e t / g e t s / g o t + th e s e w o rd s: an gry b etter hungry- lo st m arried old w et 1. If you don’t eat, you g e t h ungry . 2. D o n ’t go out in the rain. You’l l ______________________________ . 3. My b ro th e r______________________________ last year. His w ife’s nam e is Sarah. 4. Dan is always very calm. He n e v e r______________________________ . 5. We tried to find the hotel, but w e ______________________________ . 6 . Everybody wants to stay young, but we a l l ______________________________ . 7. Yesterday the w eather wasn’t so good at first, but i t ______________________________ during the day. 57 4 W rite s e n te n c e s w ith I l e f t . . . a n d g o t t o . . . . 1. hom e / 7:30 —►w ork / 8:15 / le ft hom e a t 7:30 a n d g o t to w o rk a t 8:15.____________________________________ 2. Toronto / 10:15 —►N ew York / 12:00 I left Toronto at 10:15 a n d _______________________________________________________ 3. the party / 11:15 -►hom e / m idnight 4. Write a sentence about yourself. I le ft __________________________ : 7 5 W rite g o t in / g o t o u t o f / g o t o n / g o t o f f . 1. Kate g o t in the car and drove away. 2 . I ____________________ the bus and walked to my house from the bus stop. 3. L isa____________________the car, locked the doors, and w ent into a store. 4 . I made a stupid mistake. I ____________________ the wrong train. do and make D o is ■ ■ ■ ■ a general word for actions: W hat are you d o in g tonight? (not W hat are you making?) “Shall I open the window?” “No, it’s OK. I’ll do it.” Linda’s jo b is very boring. She does the same thing every day. I did a lot of things yesterday. W hat do you do? = W hat’s your job?: ■ “W hat do you do?” “I w ork in a bank.” M ake = produce/create. For example: She’s m a k in g coffee. H e has m ad e a cake. They m ak e toys. It was m ad e in China. Com pare do and make: ■ I did a lot yesterday. I cleaned my room , I w rote some letters, and I m ad e a cake. ■ A: W hat do you do in your free time? Read? Play sports? B: I m ake clothes. I m ak e dresses and jackets. I also m ake toys for my children. Expressions w ith do do Have the children d on e th eir h om ew ork? I hate d o in g h ousew ork, especially cleaning. Barbara, could you do m e a favor? I have to do fou r exercises for hom ew ork tonight. I did m y best, but I didn’t win the race. Tim usually does the laundry on Saturdays. I cooked, so you should do the dishes. hom ew ork housework (somebody) a favor an exercise (your) best the laundry the dishes Expressions w ith m ake m ake a mistake an appointm ent a phone call a list (a) noise a bed ■ ■ ■ B B B I’m sorry, I m ade a m istake. I need to m ak e an ap p o in tm en t to see the doctor. Excuse me, I have to m ak e a p h o n e call. Have you m ad e a sh op p in g list? It’s late. D on’t m ake any noise. Sometimes I forget to m ak e m y bed in the morning. We say make a movie but take a picture: ■ W h en was this m o v ie made? but do/does/did (negatives and questions) —►Units 44-45 W hen was this p ictu re taken? make somebody do something —►Unit 54 U N I T J g : xercises : i 1 Write make/making/made or do/doing/did/done. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. “Shall I open the window?” “No, that’s OK. I’ll do it.” W hat did y o u ________________ lastweekend? Did you leave town? Do you know how t o _______________ bread? Paper i s ______________ from wood. Richard didn’t help me. He sat in an armchair a n d _______________ nothing. “W hat do y o u _______________ ?” “I’m a doctor.” I asked you to clean the bathroom . Have y o u ________________ it? “W hat do th e y in that factory?” “Shoes.” I’m _______________some coffee. W ould you like some? W hy are you angry w ith me? I didn’t _______________ anything wrong. “W hat are y o u _______________tom orrow afternoon?” “I’m w orking.” II 2 What are these people doing? 1.He's making a cake.____________________ 2. T h e y _______________________________ 3. H e ________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.__________________________________ : 5,3 Write make or do in the correct form. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I hate doing housework, especially cleaning. W hy do you alw ays_______________ the same mistake? “Can y o u me a favor?” “It depends w hat it is.” “Have y o u _______________ your hom ew ork?” “N o t yet.” I need to see the dentist, but I haven’t _______________ an appointm ent. J o e ______________ his best, but he didn’t pass his driver’s test. I painted the door, but I didn’t ______________ it very well. H ow many phone calls did y o u _______________ yesterday? W h en you’ve finished Exercise 1, you c a n _______________Exercise 2. T here’s som ething w rong w ith the car. The engine i s a strange noise. It was a bad mistake. It was the worst mistake I’ve e v e r_______________ . Let’s ______________ a list o f all the things we have t o ________________ today. 117 U N I T have have and have go t I have (something) or I?ve g o t (something) = it is mine: ■ I have a new car. or I’ve go t a new car. ■ Sue has long hair, or Sue has g o t long hair. ■ D o they have any children? or H ave they g o t any children? ■ Tim d o esn ’t have a job. or Tim hasn’t g o t a job. ■ H ow m uch tim e do you have? or H ow m uch tim e have you got? also I have I’ve g ot a headache / a toothache / a pain (in my leg, etc.) a cold / a cough / a sore throat / a fever / the flu, etc. ■ I have a headache, or I’ve go t a headache. ■ D o you have a cold? or H ave you go t a cold? The past is I had (w ithout got) / I d id n ’t have / D id you have?, etc.: ■ W hen I first m et Sue, she had short hair. ■ He d id n ’t have any m oney because he d id n ’t have a job. ■ D id you have enough tim e to do everything you wanted? have breakfast / have a go o d tim e, etc. In these expressions have = eat or drink. You can’t use “have got.” have breakfast / lunch / dinner a meal / a sandwich / (a) pizza, etc. a cup o f coffee / a glass o f milk, etc. som ething to eat/drink ‘She’s havin g lunch.” ■ W here’s Liz? ■ I d o n ’t usually have breakfast. ■ I had three cups o f coffee this m orning. ■ “H ave a cookie.” “O h, thank you.” We also use have (not have got) in these expressions: have a party / a m eeting a nice tim e / a good trip / fun, etc. a (nice) day / a (nice) w eekend / a (great) vacation a (good) flight / a safe trip a dream / an accident an argum ent / a discussion a baby ■ W e ’ r e havin g a party next week. Please com: ■ Enjoy your vacation. H ave a good trip! ■ I’m havin g a bad day. Everything is going wrong. I hope I have a better day tomorrow. ■ We have a 12-hour flight to Lima tomorrow. ■ M ark had an accident on his first day in Romt,, ■ .Boss, can we have a discussion about my pav: ■ Sandra has ju st had a baby. It’s a boy. Com pare: have g o t or have ■ I’ve got / I have three cups of coffee for this office. I've got three cups of coffee for this office. I'm on bread I'm h avin g i cup of cohrr; have (not have got) I have coffee w ith my breakfast every m orning. (not I’ve g o t coffee every m orning) A: W h ere’s Paul? B: H e’s on break. H e’s havin g a cup o f coffee. (= he’s drinking it now) I have / lfve got —►Unit 9 I've (done) (present perfect) —►Units 16-17, 19-20 I have to . . . Unit 34 U N I T Exercises 59.1 Write the correct form of have or have got. / didn 't h a v e time to do the shopping yesterday. OR H as L is a g o t a car?” “No, she can’t drive.” H e can’t open the d o o r.____________________ a key. a cold last week. H e’s better now. W hat’s wrong? . ______________ a headache? We w anted to go by taxi, but ________________ enough money. Liz is very busy.___________ . m uch free time. . any problem s w hen you were on vacation? (I / not / have) (Lisa / have?) D o e s L is a h a ve 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (he / not / have) (Gary / have) (you / have?) (we / not / have) (she / not / have) (you / have?) 2 What are these people doing? Choose from the list: an a rg u m en t breakfast a cup o f tea 1. They 're h avin g a p a rty . 2. She. 3. He _ d in n er fu n a p arty 4. T h e y . 5. _____ : 9.3 What do you say in these situations? Use have. 1. Barbara is going on vacation. W hat do you say to her before she goes? H ave a n ic e v a ca tio n ! ____________________________________________________________ 2. You m eet Claire at the airport. She has ju st gotten off her plane. Ask her about the flight. D id you h ave a g o od flig h t? ______________________________________________________ 3. Tim is going on a long trip. W hat do you say to him before he leaves? 4. It’s M onday m orning. You are at work. Ask Paula about her weekend. 5. Paul has ju st come back from vacation. Ask him about his vacation. 6. Rachel is going out tonight. W hat do you say to her before she goes? 7. Sue’s little boy will be one year old next week. Is there going to be a birthday party? Ask her. 59.4 Complete the sentences. Use have/had and choose from the list, an a ccid en t a bad d ream 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a glass o f w ater a p arty a baby so m e th in g to eat We h a d a p a r t y a few weeks ago. We invited 50 people. “Should w e ?” “N o, I’m not hungry.” I was thirsty, so I . I ______________ . last night. It woke me up. Tina is a very good driver. She has never . Rachel is going t o ____________________ . It will be her first child. U N I T 60 I/me he/him they/them, etc. People subject )bject subject I we you he she they I me you you we us Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom Tom I know Tom. We know Tom. You know Tom. H e knows Tom. She knows Tom. T hey know Tom. knows knows knows knows knows knows m e. us. you. him . her. them . he h im she her object me us you h im her th em Things They're nice subject object it it I don’t w ant this b ook. You can have it. I don’t w ant these books. You can have them . Diane never drinks m ilk . She doesn’t like it. I never go to parties. I don’t like them . We use m e /h e r /th e m , etc. (object) after a preposition (fo r /to /w ith , etc.): ■ This letter isn’t for m e. It’s for you. ■ W ho is that woman? W hy are you looking at her? ■ W e’re going to the movies. Do you w ant to come w ith us? ■ Sue and Kevin are going to the movies. Do you w ant to go w ith them ? ■ “W here’s the newspaper?” “You’re sitting on it.” give it/th e m to . . . ■ I w ant that book. Please give it to m e. ■ R obert needs these books. Can you give th em to him , please? 120 my/his/their, etc. —►Unit 61 Give me that book / Give it to me —►Unit 97 they th em U N I T £ 0 Exercises *: 1 Complete the sentences with him/her/them. 1. I don’t know those girls. Do you know th em ? 2. I don’t know that man. Do you k n o w _________ ? 3. I don’t know those people. Do you k n o w __________ ? 4. I don’t know David’s wife. Do you k n o w __________ ? 5. I don’t know Mr. Stevens. Do you k n o w __________ ? 6. I don’t know Sarah’s parents. Do you k n o w __________? 7. I don’t know the w om an in the black coat. Do you k n o w _ I 2 Complete the sentences. Use l/me/you/she/her, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I w ant to see h er, but sh e doesn’t w ant to s e e . T h ey w ant to see m e, b u t don’t w ant to s e e __________ . S he wants to see h im , b u t __________doesn’t w ant to s e e __________ . We w ant to see th e m , b u t don’t w ant to s e e __________ . H e wants to see us, b u t don’t w ant to s e e __________ . T h e y w ant to see h er, b u t __________ doesn’t w ant to s e e __________ . I w ant to see th e m , b u t don’t w ant to s e e __________ . You w ant to see h er, b u t __________doesn’t w ant to s e e __________ . 50.3 W rite se n te n c e s b eg in n in g / l ik e . . . , / don't l i k e . . . , o r Do you l ik e . . . ? 1. I don’t eat tomatoes. / don't like th em . 2. George is a very nice man. I lik e _________________________ . 3. This jacket isn’t very nice. I don’t _________________________ . 4. This is my new car. D o _________________________ ? 5. Mrs. Clark is not very friendly. I _________________________ . 6. These are my new sh o es. ? 50 4 C o m p lete th e se n te n c e s. Use l / m e / h e / h i m , etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. W ho is that woman? W hy are you looking at h e r ? “Do you know that man?” “Yes, I w ork w ith __________ .” W here are the tickets? I can’t f in d __________ . I can’t find my keys. W here a r e __________ ? W e’re going out. You can come w i t h __________ . I have a new computer. Do you w ant to s e e __________? M aria likes m u sic.__________ plays the piano. I don’t like dogs. I’m afraid o f __________ . I’m talking to you. Please listen t o . W here is Anna? I w ant to talk t o __________ . You can have these DVDs. I don’t w a n t__________. My brother has a new job, b u t __________ doesn’t lik e ___________ very much. 50.5 C o m p lete th e se n te n c e s. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I need that book. Can you g<ve ^ ___m e __? He wants the key. Can you g iv e ____________________ ? She wants the keys. Can y o u ____________________ ? I w ant that letter. Can y o u ____________________ ? They w ant the money. Can y o u ____________________ ? W e w ant the photos. Can y o u ____________________ ? 121 my/his/their#etc. k our umbrella my umbrella I we you he she they it my our your his her their -► -► -► -► -► —► its I We You He She T hey your umbrella like like like likes likes like my our your his her th eir his umbrella her umbrella house. house. house. house. house. house. Hawaii (= it) is famous for its beaches. W e use m y /y o u r /h is , etc. + noun: m y hands our cloth es his new car you r best friend her parents th eir ro o m h is /h e r /th e ir ''I-- : ■ ■ Andy Mr. and Mrs. Lee his bicycle their son her husband (= Donna’s husband) his sister their daughter her children (= Donna’s children) his parents their children Donna her E its and it’s its it’s (= it is) Hawaii is famous for its beaches. I like Hawaii. It’s a beautiful place. (= It is a beautiful place.) mine/yours, etc. —►Unit 62 l/me/my/mine —►Unit 63 their umbrella U N I xercises Complete the sentences in the same way. 1. I’m going to wash m y hands 2. She’s going to wash _ 3. W e’re going to wash . . hands. 4. H e’s going to w a sh ___ 5. T h ey ’re going to wash _ 6. Are you going to wash . Complete the sentences in the same way. 1. He lives w ith his p a r e n ts 2. T hey live w i t h __________________ parents. 3. W e _____________________________parents. 4. Jane liv es______________________________ . 5. 6. 7. 8. I John. Do you liv e __ M ost children . . parents. Look at the family tree, and complete the sentences with his/her/their. 1. I saw Sarah w ith h e r husband, Philip. 2. I saw Laura and Steve w i t h ________ children. 3. I saw Steve w i t h _______ wife, Laura. 4. I saw Gary w i t h _______ brother, Tim . 5. I saw Laura w i t h ______ brother, Tim . 6. I saw Sarah and Philip w i t h _______ son, Tim . 7.__ I saw Laura w i t h ______ parents. 8. I saw B eth and R obert w i t h _______ parents. Beth Robert 4 4 Write my/our/your/his/her/their/its. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Do you like y o u r job? I know Mr. W atson, but I don’t k n o w _____________ wife. Alice and Tom live in San F rancisco._____________ son lives in Mexico. W e’re going to have a party. W e’re going to invite a ll_____________ friends. Anna is going out w ith _____________ friends tonight. I like tennis. It’s _____________ favorite sport. “Is th a t _____________ car?” “N o, I don’t have a car.” I w ant to call Maria. Do you k n o w _____________ phone num ber? Do you think m ost people are happy w ith ____________jobs? I’m going to w a s h ____________ hair before' I go out. This is a beautiful tre e . leaves are a beautiful color. Jo h n has a brother and a sister. brother is 25, a n d sister is 21. 1.5 Complete the sentences. Use my/his/their, etc. with these words: coat 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. h o m ew o rk h ou se husband jo b key n am e Jim doesn’t like his j o b . It’s not very interesting. I can’t get in. I don’t h a v e ______________________ . Sally is m a rrie d ._______________________ works in a bank. Please take o f f and sit down. “W hat are the children doing?” “They’re d o in g _______________________ .” “Do you know that man?” “Yes, but I don’t k n o w _______________________ .” We live on M ain S treet. is on the corner of M ain and First. Whose is this? It's mine/yours/hers, etc. yours ours mine hers his theirs I 10): wjjsBis- r / / / *§ | p I we you he she they -► -► -► my our your his her their | -► -► -► -► f m in e ours yours his hers theirs i It’s m y It’s our It’s your It’s his It’s her It’s th eir t money. money. money. money. money. money. It’s m in e. It’s ours. It’s yours. It’s his. It’s hers. It’s theirs. We use m y /y o u r, etc. + noun (m y hands / your b ook, etc.): ■ M y hands are cold. ■ Is this your book? ■ H elen gave me her um brella. ■ It’s th eir prob lem , not our p roblem . We use m in e/y o u rs, etc. w ithout a noun: ■ Is this book m in e or yours? (= my book or your book) ■ I didn’t have an umbrella, so H elen gave me hers. (= her umbrella) ■ It’s their problem , not ours. (= not our problem ) ■ W e w ent in our car, and they w ent in theirs. (= their car) You can use his w ith or w ithout a noun: ■ “Is this his cam era or hers?” “It’s h is.” A friend o f m in e / a friend o f his / some friends o f yours, etc. ■ I w ent to the movies w ith a friend o f m in e, (not a friend of me) ■ Tom was in the restaurant w ith a friend o f his. (not a friend o f him) ■ Are those people friends o f yours? (not friends o f you) W hose . . . ? ■ W hose b o o k is this? (= Is it your book? his book? my book?, etc.) Whose book is this? You can use w h ose w ith or w ithout a noun: W hose m o n ey is this? It’s mine. W hose is this? W hose shoes are these? | They’re John’s. W hose are these? i my/his/their, etc. —►Unit 61 l/me/my/mine —►Unit 63 Kate's camera / my brother's car —►Unit 65 ski /'— a a a Exercises i2 1 Complete the sentences with mine/yours, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. It’s your money. It’s y o u rs . 5. It’s their house. It’s ________ It’s my bag. It’s _______________________ . 6. T h ey ’re your books. T h ey ’re It’s our car. It’s _______________________ . 7. T h ey ’re my glasses. T hey’re . T h ey ’re her shoes. T h ey ’r e _____________. 8. It’s his coat. It’s ___________ E2 2 Choose the right word. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. It’s th e ir/ theirs problem , not our /o u rs , (their and ours are right) This is a nice camera. Is it your/yours? T hat’s not m y/m ine umbrella. M y/M ine is black. W hose books are these? Your/Yours or my /m in e ? C atherine is going out w ith h er/h ers friends tonight. M y/M ine room is bigger than h e r/h e rs . They’ve got two children, but I don’t know their/theirs names. Can we use your washing machine? O u r/O u rs isn’t working. E2 3 Complete these sentences. Use friend(s) o f mine /yours, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I w ent to the movies w ith a fr ie n d o f m ine_____________________________ They w ent on vacation w ith some frien d s o f th eirs_____________________ She’s going out w ith a __________________________________________________ We had dinner w ith s o m e ______________________________________________ I played tennis w ith a __________________________________________________ Tom is going to m eet a _________________________________________________ Do you know those people? Are th e y ____________________________________ 11 4 Look at the pictures. What are the people saying? U N I I/me/my/mine I can see him, but he can't see me. You give me your phone number, and I'll give you mine. I, etc. ( - Unit 60) i S l 111111 m e, etc. (-+ U nit 60) my, etc. (-► Unit 61) m in e, etc. (-+ U nit 62) I know Tom. Tom knows m e. It’s m y car. It’s m in e. We know Tom. Tom knows us. It’s our car. It’s ours. You know Tom. Tom knows you. It’s your car. It’s yours. H e knows Tom. Tom knows him . It’s his car. It’s his. She knows Tom. Tom knows her. It’s her car. It’s hers. T hey know Tom. Tom knows them . It’s th eir car. It’s theirs. / f m Study ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ these examples: “D o you know that m an?” “Yes, I know h im , but I can’t rem em ber his n am e.” She was very happy because w e invited her to stay w ith us at our house. A: W here are the children? Have you seen them ? B: Yes, th ey are playing w ith th eir friends in the park. T hat’s m y pen. Can you give it to m e, please? “Is this your hat?” “No, it’s yours.” H e didn’t have an umbrella, so she gave h im hers. (= she gave her um brella to him) I ’m going out w ith a friend of m in e tonight, (not a friend o f me) myself/yourself, etc. —►Unit 64 Give me that book / Give it to me —►Unit 97 Ill <ercises 3 1 Answer the questions in the same way. Yes, / k n o w him, b u t / c a n 't re m e m b e r his n a m e . Yes, I k n o w . mm pmlipr ., but I can’t 53 2 Complete the sentences in the same way. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We invited her to s ta y w ith us a t our house . He invited us to stay w ith at his house. They invited m e to stay w ith _________________________________________house. I invited them to stay _________________________________________house. She invited us to stay _________________________________________house. Did you invite h i m _________________________________________house? 53 3 Complete the sentences in the same way. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I gave him m y address, and h e g a v e m e his . I gave her m y address, and she gave m e _______________________ . H e gave m e his address, and I gave W e gave th e m ________ address, and they gave . She gave h i m address, and he gave :__ You gave u s address, and we g av e____ They gave y o u ________ address, and you gave _ ? 3.4 Write him! h er Iyours, etc. W h ere’s Amanda? Have you seen h e r ? W here are my keys? W here did I p u t _____________ ? This letter is for Bill. Can you give it t o __________ ? We don’t s e e n eighbors much. They’re not at hom e very often. “I can’t find my pen. Can I u s e _____________ ?” “Sure.” W e’re going to the movies. W hy don’t you come w ith _____________ ? D id your sister p a ss_________driver’s test? Some people talk a b o u t____________ jobs all the time. Last night I w ent out for dinner w ith a friend o f _____________ . _ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. myself/yourself/themselves, etc. Help yourself! i H e’s looking at h im self. I he she -► -► -► you we they me h im her you -► -► us th em m y s e lf h im s e lf h e r se lf r y o u r se lf 1 yourselves -► ourselves them selves -► -► ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I looked at m y se lf in the mirror. H e cut h im s e lf w ith a knife. She fell off her bike, but she didn’t hurt h e r se lf Please help y o u r se lf (one person) Please help yourselves, (two or more people) We had a good vacation. We enjoyed ourselves. They had a nice time. T hey enjoyed them selves. Com pare: m e /h im /th e m , etc. She is looking at h im . m y se lf/h im se lf/th e m se lv e s, etc. i H e is looking at h im s e lf . the same person different people You never talk to m e. I didn’t pay for them . I’m sorry. D id I hurt you? Sometimes I talk to m y se lf They paid for them selves. Be careful. D on’t hurt yourself. by m y s e lf / by y o u r se lf etc. = alone: ■ I w ent on vacation by m y s e lf (= I w ent alone) ■ “Was she w ith friends?” “No, she was by h e r s e lf” each oth er ■ Kate and H elen are good friends. They know each oth er well. (= Kate knows H elen / H elen knows Kate) ■ Paul and I live near each other. (= he lives near me / I live near him) Com pare each oth er and -selves: Tim and Sue looked at each other. (= he looked at her, she looked at him) me/him/them, etc. —►Unit 60 Tim and Sue looked at them selves. (= he looked at himself, she looked at herself) UJ u N1T64 <ercises - 1 Complete the sentences with m yself/yourself, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. He looked at h im s e lf in the mirror. I’m not angry w ith you. I’m angry w i t h _________________ Karen had a good tim e in Brazil. She en jo y ed ___________ My friends had a good tim e in Brazil. They en jo y ed _____ I picked up a very hot plate and b u rn e d ________________ He never thinks about other people. H e only thinks about I w ant to know m ore about you. Tell me a b o u t_________ Good-bye! Have a good trip and take care o f ____________ . (one person) ! (two people) ■ a2 Write sentences with b y m yself / b y yourself, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I w ent on vacation alone. W hen I saw him, he was alone. D on’t go out alone. I w ent to the movies alone. My sister lives alone. Many people live alone. / w e n t on vacation b y m y se lf. W hen I saw him. he D on’t I My sister M anv people i- 3 Write sentences with each other. - 4 Complete the sentences. Use: each other or ourselves/yourselves/them selves 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. or us/you/them Paul and I live near each o th e r . W ho are those people? Do you know th em ? You can help Tom, and Tom can help you. So you and Tom can h e lp ________________ T here’s food in the kitchen. If you and Chris are hungry, you can h e lp _______________ We didn’t go to Linda’s party. She didn’t in v ite ____________________ . W hen we go on vacation, we always en jo y ____________________ . M ary and Jane w ent to school together, but they never s e e ____________________ now. Diane and I are very good friends. W e’ve k n o w n for a long time. “Did you see Sam and Laura at the party?” “Yes, but I didn’t speak t o ______________ Many people talk t o w hen they’re alone. 129 -'s (Kate's camera / my brother's car, etc.) My camera MANAGER My brother my brother’s car (his car) K ate’s camera (her camera) the m anager’s office (his or her office) We norm ally use -’s for people: ■ I stayed at m y sister’s house. (not the house o f my sister) ■ Have you m et Mr. B lack ’s wife? (not the wife of Mr. Black) S Are you going to Jam es’s party? ■ Paul is a m a n ’s name. Paula is a w o m a n ’s name. You can use -’s w ithout a noun after it: ■ Sophie’s hair is longer than K ate’s. (= Kate’s hair) ■ “W hose um brella is this?” “It’s m y m o th e r’s.” (= my m other’s umbrella) ■ “W here were you last night?” “I was at P aul’s.” (= Paul’s house) frien d ’s and frien d s’ Our house my frien d ’s house = one friend (= his house or her house) my frien d s’ house = two or morefriends (= th eir house) We w rite ’s after fr ie n d /stu d e n t/m o th e r , etc. (singular): my m other’s car (one mother) my father’s car (onefather) W e w rite ’ after friends/students/parents, etc. (plural): my parents’ car (two parents) We use o f . . . for things, places, etc.: ■ Look at the ro o f o f that b u ild in g . (not that building’s roof) ■ W e didn’t see the beginning o f the m ovie. (not the m ovie’s beginning) M W hat’s the nam e o f this town? ■ Do you know the cause o f the problem ? ■ You can sit in the back o f the car. ■ M adrid is the capital o f Spain. mine/yours, etc. —►Unit 62 whose . . . ? —►Unit 62 -'s (he's / Kate's, etc.) —►Appendix 4.5 u NI •ercises T 65 : 1 Look at the family tree. Complete the sentences about the people in the family. Blanca Pedro Alberto Julia s I Paul fw** Dam Daniel Blanca and Pedro are married. They have a son, Alberto, and a daughter, Julia. Julia is married to Paul. Julia and Paul have a son, Daniel. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Pedro is s husband. m o th er Julia is D aniel’s . Blanca i s ______ . wife. A lberto is Julia’s _ A lberto i s _______ . uncle. Julia i s __________ . wife. Blanca is D aniel’s . Julia is A lberto’s _ Paul i s __________ . husband. Paul is D aniel’s . D aniel i s _____ . nephew. 2 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use one word only. Jane W hose is this? 3. A lic e s 2. \ W hose is this? 4. .3 Are these sentences OK? Change them where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. I stayed at the house of my sister. W hat is the nam e of this village? Do you like the color o f this coat? Do you know the phone num ber of Sim on? The job o f my brother is very interesting. W rite your nam e at the top of the page. For me, m orning is the best part of the day. The favorite color of Paula is blue. W hen is the birthday o f your m o th er? The house o f my parents isn’t very big. The walls o f this house are very thin. The car stopped at the end of the street. Are you going to the party o f Sylvia next week? The m anager o f the hotel is not here right now. m y sister's house OK 131 a/an H e has a camera. a... ■ ■ ■ H She’s waiting for a taxi. It’s a beautiful day. = one thing or person: Rachel works in a bank. (not in bank) Can I ask a question? (not ask question) I don’t have a com pu ter. T here’s a w om an at the bus stop. an (not a) before a / e / i /o / u : ■ Do you w ant an apple or a banana? ■ I’m going to buy a hat and an um brella. ■ There was an interesting program on TV last night. also but an h our (h is not pronounced: anj^our) a u niversity (pronounced yuniversity) a E uropean country (pronounced yuropean) another (= an + other) is one word: ■ Can I have another cup o f coffee? We use a /an . . . w hen we say w hat a thing or a person is. For example: ■ The sun is a star. ■ Football is a gam e. ■ Dallas is a city in Texas. ■ A m ouse is an anim al. It’s a sm all anim al. ■ Joe is a very n ice person. W e use a /an . . . for jobs, etc.: ■ A: W hat do you do? B: I’m a dentist. (not I’m dentist) ■ “W hat does M ark do?” “H e’s an en gin eer.” ■ W ould you like to be a teacher? ■ Beethoven was a com poser. ■ Picasso was a fam ous painter. ■ Are you a student? a car / some money (countable/uncountable) —►Units 68-69 a/an and the —►Unit 70 U N I 5*6.1 Write a or an. 1. &n old book 2. _______ w indow 3. _______ horse 4.________ airport 5.________ new airport 6.________ organization 7. university 8.________ hour 9. econom ic problem :6 2 What are these things? Choose from the box. bird p la n et 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. flo w e r river fru it to o l A duck is a b ir d A carrot is Tennis is A ham m er is Everest is gam e vegetab le m o u n ta in m u sica l in stru m en t . . . . . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Saturn is A banana is T he A m azon is A rose is A tru m p et is 3 What are their jobs? Choose from the box and complete the sentences. a rch itect p h o to g ra p h er d en tist sales clerk elec tric ia n ta x i driver 1. She's a dentist. 2. H e’s __________________________________ 3. S h e___________________________________ 4. ______________________________________ nurse 5. __________________________________ 6.___________________________________ 7.___________________________________ 8. And you? I’m _____________________ 5 5.4 Write sentences. Choose from the two boxes. Use a/an where necessary. 4-w ant to ask you T om never w ears I can ’t rid e My b roth er is 1. 2. R eb ecca w orks in Jane w ants to learn M ik e lives in T o n ig h t I’m g o in g to old h ou se p arty o ffic e hat artist -qu esti o nfo reig n lan gu age b icycle / w a n t to ask you a question.________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ train(s) bus(es) (singular and plural) The plural of a noun is usually -s: singular (= one) a flower a train one week a nice place this student MHT —► plural (= two or more) some flow ers two trains a few w eeks some nice places these students ■ flower some flow ers Spelling (see Appendix 5): -s / -sh / -ch / -x —►-es also y —►-ies but -ay / -ey / -oy —► -ys mhmn I f /" - f e ves bus —►buses dish —►dishes church —►churches box —►boxes potato —►potatoes tom ato —►tom atoes baby —►babies dictionary —►dictionaries p arty —►parties day —►days m onkey —►m onkeys boy —►boys sh elf —►shelves knife —►knives w ife ■ wives ■■■■ ll® ■ I scissors glasses ■ Do you wear glasses? ■ W here are the scissors? I need them . You can also say a pair o f scissors / a pair o f pants / a pair o f pajamas, etc.: M I need a new pair o fjea n s. or I need som e new jeans. (not a new jeans) Some plurals do not end in -s: this m an —►these m en a w o m a n —►some w o m en a ch ild —►many ch ildren one fo o t —►two feet a to o th —►all my teeth a m ou se —►some m ice that sheep —►those sheep a fish —►a lot of fish also a person —►tw o p eo p le / som e p eo p le / a lo t o f p eop le, etc.: ■ She’s a nice person. but ■ They are nice people, (not nice persons) P eop le is plural (= they), so we say p eo p le are / p eo p le have, etc.: ■ A lo t o f p eo p le speak English, (not speaks) ■ I like the p eo p le here. T hey are very friendly. P o lice is plural: ■ T he p o lic e w ant to talk to anybody who saw the accident, (not The police wants) 3 U N I T xercises 7 1 Write the plural. 1. 2. 3. 4. flower boat w om an citv flo w e r s 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. um brella address knife sandwich family foot holiday potato ' 2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 1. T here are a lot o f sh e e p in the field. 2. G ary is brushing h i s __________ . 3. T here are t h r e e __________ at the bus stop. 4. Lucy has t w o _________________. 5. T here are a lot o f in the river. 6. T h e __________ are falling from the tree. ~ 3 Are these sentences OK? Change the sentences where necessary. 1. I’m going to buy some flowers. 2. I need (an ew jeans). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. _______ _________________________ / n e e d a n e w p a ir o f je a n s. OR / n e e d so m e n e w je a n s.______________ It’s a lovely park w ith a lot of beautiful tree. ___________ There was a wom an in the car w ith two mens. ___________ Sheep eat grass.______________________________ ___________ David is m arried and has three childs.__________ ___________ M ost of my friend are student.____________________________ He p ut on his pajama and w ent to bed._________ ___________ We w ent fishing, but we didn’t catch m any fish. ___________ Do you know many persons in this town? ___________ I like your pant. W here did you get it? ___________ M ontreal is usually full of tourist. ___________ I don’t like mice. I’m afraid o f them . ___________ This scissor isn’t very sharp. ___________ 7.4 Which is right? Complete the sentences. 1. It’s a nice place. M any people g o there on vacation. 2. Some p e o p le _______________always late. 3. T he new city hall is not a very beautiful building. M ost p e o p le _______________ like it. 4. A lot o f p e o p le _______________ television every day. 5. T h ree p e o p le injured in the accident. 6. H ow m any p e o p le in that house? 7. _______________ the police know the cause o f the explosion? 8. T he p o lic e _______________looking for the stolen car. 9. I need my glasses, but I can’t f in d _______________ . 10. I’m going to b u y _______________ new jeans today. go or goes? is or are? d o n ’t or d o esn ’t? w atch or watches? was or were? liv e or lives? D o or D oes? is or are? it or them ? a or some? a bottle / some water (countable/uncountable 1) A noun can be countable or uncountable. C ountable nouns For example: (a) car (a) m an (a) b o ttle (a) h ouse (a) key (an) idea (an) accid en t You can use o n e /tw o /th r e e , etc. + countable nouns (you can count them ): three m en two b ottles one b o ttle four houses Countable nouns can be singular (= one) or plural (= two or more): r ft a/ % ft/ - 1 Singular Plural a car cars the car tw o cars m y car, etc. the cars som e cars m any cars, etc. I’ve got a car. N ew cars are very expensive. There aren’t m any cars in the parking lot. You can’t use the singular (ca r/b o ttle/k ey , etc.) alone. You need a/an: 9 W e can’t get into the house w ithout a key. (not w ithout key) U ncountable nouns For example: w ater air rice salt p lastic m o n ey m u sic tennis 't m o n ey m u sic You can’t say o n e /tw o /th r e e , etc. + these things: one w ater-- U ncountable nouns have only one form: m o n ey the m o n ey my m o n ey some m o n ey m uch m on ey, etc. two music ■ I have som e m oney. ■ T here isn’t m u ch m o n ey in the box. ■ M o n ey isn’t everything. You can’t use a/an + uncountable nouns: X m oney X in u sic X w ater B ut you can say a p iece o f . . . / a b o ttle o f . . . , etc. + uncountable noun: a b o ttle o f w ater a p iece o f cheese a b o w l o f rice a/an —►Unit 66 a carton o f milk a b o ttle o f perfum e a cup o f coffee a bar o f soap a p iece o f music a gam e o f tennis countable/uncountable 2 —►Unit 69 n f : zeroises u n i fi: 4 What are these things? Some are countable and some are uncountable. Write a/an if necessary. The names of these things are: b ucket sand It’s eg g sp o o n s a lt en velop e tooth b ru sh It’s. m o n ey tooth p a ste p itch er w a llet s tilt w ater • spoon : 5,2 Some of these sentences are OK, but some need a/an. Write a/an where necessary. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. I don’t have watch, a w a tc h Do you like cheese? . O K I never w ear h a t .___ Are you looking for jo b ? __ Kate doesn’t eat m e a t.____ 6 Kate eats apple every day. _ 7. I’m going to p arty to n ig h t.. M usic is w onderful thing. _ 1. 2 3. 4. 5. . . Jam aica is isla n d ._____ I don’t need k e y ._____ Everybody needs fo o d .. I’ve got good id e a .____ C an you drive car? Do you w ant cup of coffee?____ I don’t like coffee w ithout m ilk. D on’t go out w ithout c o a t._____ 58.3 What are these things? Write a .. . o f ... for each picture. Use the words in the boxes. bar cup lo a f 1. bow l glass p iece bread paper tea c a rto n jar p iece a c a rto n o f m ilk . ________________ 4. 5. 3. _____________________ 6. 2 h on ey soap w ater soup w ood 137 a cake / some cake / some cakes (countable/uncountable 2) a /a n and som e a /a n + singular countable nouns (ca r/a p p le/sh o e, etc.): ■ I need a new car. H W ould you like an apple? an apple so m e + plural countable nouns (cars/ap p les/sh oes, etc.): ■ I need som e new shoes. ■ W ould you like som e apples? som e apples so m e + uncountable nouns (w a te r /m o n e y /m u sic , etc.): ■ I need som e water. ■ W ould you like som e cheese? (or W ould you like a p iece o f cheese?) som e cheese or a p iece o f cheese Com pare a and som e: ■ Nicole bought a hat, som e shoes, and som e perfum e. ■ I read a new spaper, made som e p h o n e calls, and listened to som e m usic. som e cakes som e cake or a p iece o f cake som e chickens som e ch ick en or a p iece o f chick en a cake U a chicken Com pare a paper (= a newspaper) and som e paper: ■ I w ant som ething to read. I’m going to buy a paper. but ■ I w ant to make a shopping list. I need som e paper / a p iece o f paper, (not a paper) Be careful with: advice bread fu rniture hair in fo rm a tio n new s w eather w ork These nouns are usually uncountable. So you can’t say a/an . . . ( a bread, an advice ) and they can’t be plural ( advices? furnitures^ etc.). ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M Can I talk to you? I need som e advice, (not an advice) I’m going to buy som e bread, (not a bread) They’ve got som e very nice fu rn itu re in their house, (notfurnitures) Sylvia has very long hair, (not hairs) I’d like som e in fo rm a tio n about hotels in Mexico City,(notinformations) Listen! I’ve got som e good news, (not a good news) It’s nice w eather today, (not a nice weather) “Do you like your job?” “Yes, but it’s hard w ork.” (notahard work) We say a jo b (but not a work): ffl I’ve got a new job . (not a new work) countable/uncountable 1 —►Unit 68 some and any —►Unit 77 Exercises What did you buy? Use the pictures to write sentences (/ b o u g h t. . .). 1. / bought som e perfum e, a h a t a n d som e shoes.___________________________ 2. I b o u g h t_______________________________________________________ _________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________ _________________ 2 Write sentences with Would you like a . . . ? or Would you like some . . . ? 1. W ould y o u like so m e c h e e se ? 4. ___________________________________ 2. W ould you li k e ______________________ ? 5. ___________________________________ 3. W o u ld ______________________________ ? 6. ___________________________________ : 9.3 Write a/an or som e. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I read a book and listened to so m e music. I n e e d ________ money. I w ant to b u y ________ food. W e m e t ________ interesting people at the party. I’m going to o p e n ________window to g e t ________ fresh air. Rachel didn’t eat m uch for lunch - o n ly apple a n d ________bread. We live i n big house. T here’s nice yard_w ith ________ beautiful trees. I’m going to make a table. First I n e e d ________ wood. Listen to me carefully. I’m going to give y o u ________ advice. I w ant to w rite a letter. I n e e d paper a n d ________ pen. 59.4 Which is right? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I’m going to buy some new shoe / shoes,(shoes is right) M ark has brow n eye / eyes. Paula has short black hair / hairs. The tour guide gave us some inform ation / inform ations about the city. W e’re going to buy some new chair / chairs. W e’re going to buy some new furniture / furnitures. It’s hard to find a w ork / job these days. W e had w onderful w eather / a w onderful w eather w hen we were on vacation. U N I T a/an and the a/an the Can you open the w indow ? Can you open a w indow ? There are three windows here, a window = w indow 1 or 2 or 3 There is only one window here the window. I have a car. (there are m any cars and I have one) Can I ask a question? (there are many questions - can I ask one?) Is there a h o tel near here? (there are many hotels - is there one near here?) Paris is an in terestin g city, (there are many interesting cities and Paris is one) Lisa is a student. (there are many students and Lisa is one) I’m going to wash the car tomorrow. (= my car) Can you repeat the question, please? (= the question that you asked) We enjoyed our vacation. T he h o tel was very nice. (= our hotel) Paris is the capital o f France. (there is only one capital of France) Lisa is the you n gest stu d en t in her class, (there is only one youngest student in her class) Com pare a and the: I bought a jack et and a shirt . T he jack et was cheap, but th e shirt was expensive (= th e jacket and the shirt that I bought) We say the . . . w hen it is clear which thing or person we mean. For example: the d oor / the ce ilin g / the flo o r / the carpet / the light, etc. (of a room) the r o o f / the backyard / the k itch en / the bathroom , etc. (of a house) the airport / the p o lic e station / the bus station / the m ayor’s office, etc. (of a city) “W here’s Tom?” “In the k itch en .” (= the kitchen of this house or apartm ent) Turn off the lig h t and close the door. (= the light and the door o f the room) Do you live far from th e airport? (= the airport of your town) I’d like to speak to the m anager, please. (= the m anager o f this store, etc.) a/an —►Unit 66 the —►Units 71-74 U N ! Exercises '0.1 Write a/an or the. 1. W e enjoyed our trip. The hotel was very nice. 2. “Can I ask a question?” “Sure. W hat do you w ant to know?” 3. You look very tired. You n e e d ________ vacation. 4. “W h ere’s Tom?” “H e’s i n _______ kitchen.” 5. Eve i s interesting person. You should m eet her. 6. A: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get t o post office? B: Yes, go straight and then ta k e _______ next left. 7. A: Let’s go and s e e ________ movie tonight. B: OK, that’s _______ good idea. 8. It’s _______ nice m orning. Let’s go f o r ________ walk. 9. Amanda i s ________ student. W hen she finishes school, she wants to b e _______ journalist. She lives w ith two friends i n _________ apartm ent n e a r ______ college w here she is studying._______ apartm ent is small, but she likes it. 10. Peter and M ary have two ch ild ren , boy a n d _______ g irl.________ boy is seven years old, a n d _______ girl is three. Peter works i n ________ factory. M ary doesn’t have _______ jo b outside the hom e right now. ' 3.2 Complete the sentences. Use a or the + these words: a irp o rt cup d ic tio n a ry M oor flo o r p ictu re 3 These sentences are not correct. Put in a/an or the where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D o n ’t forget to (^urn off ligh^w h en you go out. turn o f f th e lig h t Enjoy your trip, and don’t forget to send me postcard. __________________ W hat is nam e o f this town? __________________ Canada is very big country. __________________ W hat is largest city in Canada? __________________ I like this room , but I don’t like color o f carpet. __________________ “Are you O K ?” “No, I’ve got headache.”________________________________ We live in old house near station. __________________ W hat is nam e o f director o f movie we saw last night? __________________ U N I T 71 the We use the w hen it is clear w hich thing or person we mean: ■ W hat is the nam e of this street? (there is only one name) ■ W ho is the best player on your team? (there is only one best player) ■ Can you tell me the tim e, please? (= the time now) ■ My office is on the first floor. (= the first floor o f the building) D o n ’t forget the: ■ Do you live near the airport? (not near airport) ■ Excuse me, w here is the nearest bank? (not w here is n e a re s t...) the sam e . . . ■ We live on the sam e street, (not on same street) ■ “Are these two books different?” “N o, they’re the sam e.”(not they’re same) We say: the sun / the m o o n / the w orld / the sky / the ocean / the cou n try ■ T he sky is blue and the sun is shining. ■ Do you live in a city or in the country? ' the p o lic e / the fire d ep artm en t / the arm y (of a city, country, etc.) ■ My brother is a soldier. H e’s in the army. ■ W hat do you think of the police? D o they do a good job? the ■ ■ ■ ■ top / the end / the m id d le / the left, etc. W rite your nam e at the top o f the page. My house is at the end o f this block. The table is in the m id d le o f the room. Do you drive on the righ t or on th e left in your country? the top the right the left the bottom (play) the piano / the guitar / the trum pet, etc. (musical instrum ents) ■ Paula is learning to play the piano. the radio ■ I listen to the radio a lot. the Internet ■ Do you use the In ternet much? W e do not use th e with: te le v isio n /T V ■ I watch T V a lot. ■ W h at’s on telev isio n tonight? but Can you turn off the television? (= the TV set) b rea k fa st/lu n ch /d in n er ■ W hat did you have for breakfast? (not the breakfast) ■ D in n er is ready! n e x t/la st + w e e k /m o n th /y e a r /su m m e r /M o n d a y , etc. ■ I’m not working n ext w eek, (not the next week) ■ Did you take a vacation last sum m er? (not the last summer) 142 a/an and the —►Unit 70 the —►Units 72-74 the oldest / the most expensive, etc. —►Unit 91 U N I T E <ercises 1 Put in the where necessary. Write OK if the sentence is already correct. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. W hat is nam e o f this street? th e nam e_______________ W h at’s on television tonight?__________________________ O K ____________________ O u r apartm ent is on second floor.______________________________________________ W ould you like to go to moon?______________________ __________________________ W hat is best hotel in this town?_____________________ __________________________ W hat time is lunch?________________________________ __________________________ H ow far is it to football stadium?____________________ __________________________ W e’re taking a trip at end o f May.____________________ __________________________ W hat are you doing next weekend?__________________ __________________________ I didn’t like her first time I m et her. __________________________ I’m going out after dinner. __________________________ Internet is a good place to get inform ation. __________________________ My sister got m arried last m onth. __________________________ My dictionary is on top shelf on right. __________________________ We live in country about 10 miles from nearest town. __________________________ 2 Complete the sentences. Use the same + these words: ag e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. c o lo r p ro b le m -s tre e t tim e I live on N o rth Street, and you live on N orth Street. We live on th e sa m e s t r e e t I arrived at 8:30, and you arrived at 8:30. We arrived a t _________________________ Jim is 25, and Sue is 25. Jim and Sue a r e __ My shirt is dark blue, and so is my jacket. My shirt and jacket a r e ________________ I have no money, and you have no money. We h a v e _____________________________ Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the if necessary. j U saglack f Paul Roberts Ckm’5 Stone RebeccaW^hon Sarah tent *T7mHoWaid 1. The sun___________________ is shining. 2. She’s p lay in g _________________________ . 3. They’re h av in g _______________________ . 4. H e’s w atch in g __________________________. 5. They’re swimming i n ___________________ . 6. T im ’s name is a t _______________ of the list. ’ # 4 Complete these sentences. Choose from the list. Use the if necessary. cap ital 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. d in n er lu n ch m id d le n am e p o lic e sky telev isio n We had d in n er at a restaurant last night. We stayed at a very nice hotel, but I don’t re m e m b e r_______________________ . ______________________ is very clear tonight. You can see all the stars. Sometimes there are some good programs o n _______________________ late at night. stopped me because I was driving too fast. Tokyo i s ______________________ of Japan. “W hat did you have f o r ________________________ ?” “A salad.” I woke up i n ______________________ o f the night. 143 U N I T 72 go to work go home go to the movies ■ M m She’s at w ork. They’re going to school. H e’s in bed. We say: (go) to w ork, (be) at w ork, start work, finish w ork ■ Bye! I’m g o in g to w ork now. (not to the work) ■ I fin ish w ork at 5:00 every day. (go) to school, (be) at school, start school, finish school, etc. ■ W hat did you learn at sch ool today? (not at the school) ■ Some children don’t like school. (go) to co llege, (be) in co lleg e ■ H elen wants to go to c o lleg e w hen she fin ish es h igh school. ■ W hat did you study in college? (go) to class, (be) in class ■ I can’t talk now. I have to go to class. ■ I’ll be in class until 5:00 today. I’ll call you w hen I get out. (go) to p riso n /ja il, (be) in p riso n /ja il ■ W hy is he in prison? W hat did he do? (go) to church, (be) in /a t church ■ David usually goes to church on Sundays. (go) to bed, (be) in bed ■ I’m tired. I’m g o in g to bed. (not to the bed) ■ “W h ere’s Jane?” “She’s in b ed.” (go) h om e, (be) (at) h om e, etc. ■ I’m tired. I’m g o in g h om e, (not to home) ■ Are you going out tonight, or are you staying hom e? (or staying at hom e) We say: (go to) the m ovies / the theater / the bank / the p ost o ffic e / the the station /th e airport ■ I never go to the theater, but I go to the m ovies a lot. ■ “Are you going to the bank?” “No, to the p ost o ffic e.” ■ The num ber 5 bus goes to the airport; the num ber 8 goes to the train station. (go to) the doctor, the d en tist ■ You’re not well. W hy don’t you go to the doctor? ■ I have to go to the d en tist tomorrow. 144 the —►Units 70-71, 73-74 in/at —►Units 107-108 to/in/at —►Unit 109 (at) home —►Unit 109 U N I Exercises 2.1 Where are these people? Complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the. 1. H e’s in b e d ____________. 3. She’s i n ________________ . 5. They’re at 2. They’re a t _______________. 4. She’s a t ________________ . 6. H e’s i n '2 2 Complete the sentences. Choose from the list. Use the if necessary. bank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. bed efaurefa hom e p ost o ffic e sch o o l station I need to get some money. I have to go to th e bank . David usually goes to church on Sundays. In the U nited States, children s ta rt at the age of five. There were a lot of people a t _______________________ waiting for the train. I called you last night, but you w eren’t a t _______________________ . I’m going t o ______________________ now. Good night! I’m going t o ______________________ to get some stamps. '2 3 Complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. If you If you If you If you If you If you If you w ant to catch a plane, you g o to th e a irp o rt______________________ w ant to see a movie, you go t o ____________________________________ are tired and you w ant to sleep, y o u _______________________________ rob a bank and the police catch you, y o u ___________________________ have a problem w ith your teeth, y o u _______________________________ w ant to study after you finish high school, y o u ______________________ are badly injured in an accident, y o u _______________________________ ' 2 4 Are these sentences OK? Correct the sentences where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. We w ent (fco movies)last night. to th e m o vies I finish w ork at 5:00 every day. O K ____________ Lisa wasn’t feeling well yesterday, so she w ent to doctor. _________________ I wasn’t feeling well this m orning, so I stayed in bed. _________________ W hy is Angela always late for work?____________________ _________________ “W here are your children?” “They’re at school.”_________________________ We have no m oney in bank.____________________________ _________________ W hen I was younger, I w ent to church every Sunday. _________________ W hat time do you usually get hom e from work?_________ _________________ Sorry I couldn’t call you back earlier. I was in class._______ _________________ “W here should we m eet?” “At station.” _________________ Kate takes her children to school every day.______________ _________________ Jim is sick. H e’s in hospital.____________________________ _________________ W ould you like to go to college?_________________________________________ W ould you like to go to theater tonight?________________ _________________ U N I T I like music. I hate exams. I like music I hate exams. Do not use the for general ideas: ■ I like m usic, especially classical m usic. (not the music . . . the classical music) ■ We don’t eat m eat very often, (not the meat) ■ L ife is not possible w ithout water. (not The life . . . the water) ■ I hate exam s, (not the exams) ■ Do you know w here I can buy foreign newspapers? ■ I’m not very good at w riting letters. Do not use the for games and sports: ■ My favorite sports are tennis and skiing, (not the tennis . . . the skiing) Do not use the for languages or school subjects (h isto ry /g eo g r a p h y /p h y sics/b io lo g y , etc.): ■ Do you think E n glish is difficult? (not the English) ■ Tom ’s brother is studying physics and chem istry. flow ers or the flowers? Com pare: 146 ■ Flow ers are beautiful. (= flowers in general) I love your garden. The flow ers are beautiful. (= the flowers in your garden) ■ I don’t like cold weather. (= cold w eather in general) T he w eather isn’t very good today. (= the w eather today) ■ We don’t eat fish very often. (= fish in general) W e had a great meal last night. T he fish was excellent. (= the fish we ate last night) ■ Are you interested in history? (= history in general) Do you know m uch about the h istory of your country? the —►Units 70-72, 74 U N I T E<ercises ' 3 1 What do you think about these things? b ig cities h o u s e w o rk c h o c o la te ja z z c o m p u te r g a m e s m useum s d ogs p a r tie s ex a m s te n n is Choose seven of these thingsand write sentences with: I lik e . . . 1. I d o n ’t lik e . . . / hate exams. OR I lo v e . . . / like exams. OR I h a t e ..................i s /a r e a ll r i g h t Cxam s a re all right, (etc.) ________________ 2. ___________ 3. 4. 5. ______________ __________ __________________ 6. ________ 7. ________________________________________________________________________________ ___ 8 . ___ ’ 3 2 Are you interested in these things? Write sentences with: I ’m (very) in te re ste d in . . . I k n o w a lo t a b o u t . . . I ’m n o t in te re ste d in . . . I k n o w a little a b o u t . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I d o n ’t k n o w m u c h a b o u t . . . I d o n ’t k n o w a n y th in g a b o u t . . (history) I'm v e ry in te re s te d in history. ____________________________________________ (politics) I _______________________ (sp o rts)_____________________________________________________ _______________________ (a rt)_______________________________________________________________________________ (astronom y) ________________ (econom ics) __________ 73.3 Which is right? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. My favorite sport is football / the football. (football is right) I like this hotel. Ro oms- / The rooms are very nice. (The rooms is right) Everybody needs friends / the friends. Jane doesn’t go to parties / the parties very often. I w ent shopping at the mall this m orning. Stores / The stores were very crowded. “W h ere’s milk / the m ilk?” “It’s in the fridge.” I don’t like milk / the m ilk. I never drink it. “D o you play any sports?” “Yes, I play basketball / the basketball.” “W hat does your brother do?” “H e sells com puters / the com puters.” W e w ent for a swim in the river. W ater / The w ater was very cold. I don’t like swimming in cold w ater / the cold w ater. Excuse me, can you pass salt / the salt, please? I like this town. I like people / the people here. Vegetables / The vegetables are good for you. Houses / The houses on this street are all the same. I can’t sing this song. I don’t know words / the w ords. I enjoy taking pictures / the pictures. It’s my hobby. Do you w ant to see pictures / the pictures that I took w hen I was on vacation? English / The English is used a lot in international business / the international business. M oney / The m oney doesn’t always bring happiness / the happiness. the . . . (names of places) Places (continents, countries, states, islands, towns, etc.) In general we do not use the w ith names of places: ■ Q uebec is a province o f Canada. ■ B angk ok is the capital of Thailand. ■ H aw aii is an island in the Pacific. ■ Peru is in South A m erica. But we use the in names w ith rep u b lic /sta tes/k in g d o m : the D om inican R ep u b lic the C zech R ep u b lic the U nited States o f America (the USA) the U nited K in gd om (the UK) the -s (plural names) We use the w ith plural names o f countries/islands/m ountains: the N etherlands the Hawaiian Islands the Philippines the Andes Seas, rivers, etc. We use the w ith names o f oceans/seas/rivers/canals: the Atlantic (Ocean) the Mediterranean (Sea) the Nile (River) the Panama Canal the Amazon the Black (Sea) Places in towns (streets, buildings, etc.) In general we do not use the w ith names o f streets, squares, etc.: ■ Kevin lives on C entral Avenue. ■ W here is M ain Street, please? ■ T im es Square is in N ew York. We do not use the w ith names o f airports, stations, universities, and parks. O ’Hare International Airport Harvard University Pennsylvania Station Yosem ite (National Park) B ut we use the w ith names o f m ost hotels, museums, theaters, and m onum ents: the Regent Hotel the National Theater the Metropolitan (Museum) the Odeon (movie theater) the Taj Mahal the Lincoln Memorial the . . . o f . . . We use the + names w ith . . . o f . . the M useum o f M odern Art the Great Wall o f China the University o f California the Statue o f Liberty We say the n orth / the sou th / the east / the w est ( o f . ^ .): ■ I’ve been to the n orth o f Italy, but not to the south. 148 the -► Units 70-73 [th ercises u N i t 74 1 Answer these geography questions. Choose from the box. Use The if necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. C a iro The A tla n tic is the capital of Egypt. is betw een Africa and America. is a country in n o rth ern Europe. is a river in South America. is the largest continent in the world. is the largest ocean. is a river in Europe. is a country in East Africa. is betw een C anada and Mexico. are m ountains in South America. is the capital o f Thailand. are m ountains in central Europe. is betw een Saudi Arabia and Africa. is an island in the C aribbean. are a group o f islands near Florida. Alps A m azon Andes Asia A tlan tic Bahamas Bangkok U a ir e Jamaica Kenya Pacific Red Sea R hine Sweden United States "4.2 Write the where necessary. If the sentence is already correct, write OK. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Kevin lives on C entral Avenue. O K _____________________ W e w ent to see a playQit National Theate^). a t th e N a tio n a l T h ea ter Have you ever been to China?_____________________ __________________________ Have you ever been to Philippines?________________ __________________________ Have you ever been to south of France?____________ __________________________ Can you tell m e w here W ashington M onum ent is? __________________________ Can you tell m e where H ollywood Boulevard is? __________________________ Can you tell m e w here M useum of A rt is?__________ __________________________ Europe is bigger than Australia.____________________ __________________________ Belgium is smaller than N etherlands. __________________________ W hich river is longer - Mississippi or Nile? __________________________ D id you go to N ational Gallery w hen you were __________________________ in W ashington? W e stayed at Park H otel near C entral Park. __________________________ H ow far is it from Times Square to __________________________ Kennedy Airport? Rocky M ountains are in N orth America. __________________________ Texas is famous for oil and cowboys. __________________________ I hope to go to U nited Kingdom next year._________ __________________________ M ary comes from west o f Ireland. __________________________ Alan is a student at University o f Michigan. __________________________ Panama Canal joins Atlantic O cean and____________ __________________________ Pacific Ocean. — Additional exercises 33-34 (pages 261-262) 149 U N I T this/that/these/those this (singular) these (plural) that (singular) Do you like These flowers Do you like this picture? are for you. that picture? u this picture (= this picture here) these flowers (= these flowers here) those (plural) Who are those people? jy that th ose o A that picture (= that picture there) those people (= those people there) W e use this / that / these / th ose w ith a noun (this p ictu re / th ose girls, etc.) or w ithout a no: ■ ■ ■ ■ This h o tel is expensive, but it’s very nice. “W h o ’s that girl?” “I don’t know.” Do you like these shoes? I bought them last week. T hose apples look nice. Can I have one? with a noun This is a nice hotel, but it’s very expensive. “Excuse me, is this your bag?” “O h yes, thank you.” W h o ’s that? (= W ho is that person?) W hich shoes do you like better - these or those? without a noun that = som ething that has happened: ■ “I’m sorry I forgot to call you.” “T hat’s all right.” ■ That was a really nice meal. Thank you very much. that = ■ ■ ■ w hat somebody has just said: “You’re a teacher, aren’t you?” “Yes, that’s right.” “M ark has a new jo b .” “H e does? I didn’t know that.” “I’m going on vacation next w eek.” “O h, that’s nice.” We use th is is . . . and is th is . . . ? on the telephone: ■ Hi Sarah, this is David. (= the speaker) ■ Is this Sarah? (= the other person) We use this is . . . to introduce people: ■ A: Brian, this is Chris. B: Hello, Chris. Nice to m eet you. C: Hi. Amanda this one / that one —►Unit 76 U N I *ercises : 1 Complete the sentences. Use this/that/these/those + these words: birds d ish es h ou se postcards seat shoes : 2 Write questions: Is this/that r. . . ? or Are these/those y o u r . . . ? u o y 3 3 Complete the sentences with this is or that's or that. 1. :AI’m sorry I’m late. aT hf ll right. s_ 2. :Ican’t com e to the p arty tom orrow . A B: O h , _____________ too bad. W hy not? 3. (onthephone) Sue: Hello, J a n e ._____________ Sue. Jane: O h, hi Sue. H ow are you? 4. :You’re lazy. A : B not true! B: 5. B eth plays the piano very well. B: Does she? I didn’t know . 6. Mark meets Paul’s sister, Helen. Paul: M a rk ,____________ my sister, Helen. Mark: Hi, Helen. 7. A: I’m sorry I was angry yesterday. B: _____________ OK. Forget it! 8. You’re a friend of T im ’s, aren’t you? B: Y es,______________ right. U N I T 76 one/ones on e (= a . . .) These chocolates are good. Would you like one? W ould you like on e ? m ^1 = W ould you like a ch ocolate on e = a /a n . . . (a chocolate / an apple, etc.) I need a pen. Do you have one? (one = a pen) A: Is there a bank near here? B: Yes, there’s on e on the corner, (one = a bank) on e and ones on e (singular) ones (plural) Which one do you w ant? This one. The w hite ones. W hich ones do you w ant? W hich one? = W hich hat? W hich ones? = W hich flowers? on e = h a t/c a r /g ir l, etc. ones = flo w e rs/ca rs/g irls, etc. this on e / that on e ■ W hich car is yours? T his on e or that one? (= this car or that car) th e se /th o se (without ones) ■ W hich flowers do you want? T hese or those? (usually not these ones or those ones) the on e . . . ■ A: W hich h o tel did you stay at? B: T he on e near the airport. ■ I found this key. Is it the on e you lost? the ones . . . ■ A: W hich b ook s are yours? B: T he ones on the table. ■ I found these keys. Are they the ones you lost? the . . . one ■ I don’t like the black coat, but I like the brow n one. ■ D on’t buy that cam era. Buy the oth er one. the . . . ones ■ I don’t like the red shoes, but I like the green ones. ■ D on’t buy those apples. Buy the oth er ones. a /a n . . . one ■ This cup is dirty. Can I have a clean one? ■ That c o o k ie was good. I’m going to have an other one. som e . . . ones ■ These cups are dirty. Can we have som e clean ones? ■ My shoes are very old. I’m going to buy som e n ew ones. w hich . . . ? —►Unit 48 another —►Unit 66 this/that, etc. —►Unit 75 I U N I T <ercises 76 1 A asks B some questions. Use the information in the box to write B's answers. Use one (not a!an . . . ) in the answers. B ju st had a cup o f coffee B is g o in g to get a b ik e B d o esn ’t have an u m brella B d o esn ’t need a car th ere’s a d rugstore on First A venue B d o csn ’t -have a p cix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A: A: A: A: A: A: C an you lend me a pen? W ould you like to have a car? Do you have a bike? C an you lend me an umbrella? W ould you like a cup o f coffee? Is there a drugstore near here? Complete the sentences. Use a/an b etter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. b ig ele-an B: B: B: B: B: B: I’m sorry, _ / don't h a v e one No, I don’t No, b u t __ I’m sorry, but _ No, thank you. Y es,__________ one. Use the words in the list, d ifferen t n ew old This cup is dirty. Can I have a clean one I’m going to sell my car and b u y _____________ T hat’s not a very good picture. This i s . I w ant today’s newspaper. This i s ____ This box is too small. I n e e d ________ W hy do we always go to the same restaurant? Let’s go to . S 3 A is talking to B. Use the information to complete the conversations. Use one/ones. 1. A stayed at a hotel. It was near the airport. A: W e stayed at a hotel. B: W hich one ? A: The one n e a r th e airport. 6. A is looking at a picture. It's on the wall. A T h a t’s an interesting picture. B A 2. A sees some shoes in a store window. They're green. A: I like those shoes. B: W hich A: T he 7. A sees a girl in a group of people. She's tall w\1th long hair. A Do you know that girl? B A 3. A is looking at a house. It has a red door. A: T h a t’s a nice house. B: A: w ith ? ? 4. A is looking at some CDs. They're on the top shelf. A: Are those your CDs? B: ? A: 5. A is looking at a jacket in a store. It's black. A: Do you like that jacket? B: ? A: 8. A is looking at some flowers in the garden. They're yellow. A: Those flowers are beautiful. P B. A. 9. A is looking at a man in a restaurant. He hois a mustache and glasses. A W h o ’s that man? B A 10. A took some pictures at the party last week. A D id I show you my pictures? B A 153 U N I T 77 A some and any som e any I don't have any money. I have some money. Use ■ ■ ■ B so m e in positive sentences: I’m going to buy som e clothes. T here’s som e ice in the fridge. We made som e mistakes. Use ■ ■ ■ any in negative sentences: I’m n ot going to buy any clothes. There isn ’t any m ilk in the fridge. We d id n ’t make any mistakes. any and so m e in questions In m ost questions (but not all) we use any (not som e): ■ Is there any ice in the fridge? ■ Does he have any friends? ■ Do you need any help? We norm ally use som e (not any) w hen we offer things (W ould you lik e . . . ?) : ■ A: W ould you like som e coffee? B: Yes, please. or w hen we ask for things (Can I have . . . ?, etc.): ■ A: Can I have som e soup, please? B: Yes. Help yourself. ■ A: Can you lend me som e money? B: Sure. H ow m uch do you need? C som e and any w ithout a noun ■ ■ ■ ■ M I didn’t take any pictures, but Jane took som e. (= some pictures) You can have some coffee, but I don’t w ant any. (= any coffee) I ju st made some coffee. W ould you like some? (= some coffee) “W h ere’s your luggage?” “I don’t have any.” (= any luggage) “Are there any cookies?” “Yes, there are som e in the kitchen.” (= some cookies) som ething / som ebody (or som eone) ■ She said som eth in g. ■ I saw som eb od y (or som eone). ■ W ould you like so m eth in g to eat? ■ S o m eb od y’s at the door. 154 Would you like some coffee? a and some —►Unit 69 anything / anybody (or anyone) ■ She d id n ’t say anything. ■ I d id n ’t see anybody (or anyone). ■ Are you doing an yth in g tonight? ■ W here’s Sue? Has anybody seen her? somebody/anything, etc. —►Unit 80 U N I *ercises # Write some or any. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I bought so m e cheese, but I didn’t buy a n y bread. I’m going to the post office. I n e e d ________ stamps. There aren’t _______ gas stations in this part o f town. Gary and Alice don’t h a v e ________ children. Do you h a v e brothers or sisters? There a r e _______ beautiful flowers in the garden. Do you k n o w ________ good hotels in Miami? “W ould you lik e tea?” “Yes, please.” W hen we were on vacation, we v isite d ________ very interesting places. D on’t b u y _______ rice. We don’t n e e d ________ . I w ent out to b u y _______ oranges, but they didn’t h a v e _________at the store. I’m thirsty. Can I h a v e ________water, please? 17 2 Complete the sentences. Use some or any + the words in the box. air lan g u a g es b atteries m ilk friend s p ictu res fr u it q u estions help sh a m p o o- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I w ant to wash my hair. Is there a n y sham poo ? The police w ant to talk to you. They w ant to ask y o u _____________________ I don’t have my camera, so I can’t ta k e ______________________________ . Do you sp ea k ______________________________ fo reig n _______________________ Last night I w ent to a restaurant w i t h ______________________________ o f mine. Can I h a v e ______________________________ in my coffee, please? This camera isn’t working. There aren’t ______________________________ in it. It’s hot in this office. I’m going out f o r _______________fre s h _________________ A: W ould you lik e _______________________________? B: No, thank you. I’ve had enough to eat. 10. I can do this jo b alone. I don’t n e e d ______________________________ . 3 Complete the sentences. Use some or any. 1. Jane didn’t take any pictures, but / took so m e . (I / take) 2. “W h ere’s your luggage?” “ / don t h a v e a n y ” (I / not / have) 3. “D o you need any m oney?” “N o, thank you .” (I / have) 4. “Can you lend me some m oney?” “I’m sorry, b u t ____________________ .” (I / not / have) 5. The tom atoes at the store didn’t look very good, s o . (I / not / buy) 6. There were some nice oranges at the store, s o ________________________________. (I / buy) 7. “H ow m any phone calls did you make yesterday?” “ _____________ (I / not / make) "7.4 Write som ething!som ebody or anything/anybody. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A wom an stopped me and said so m eth in g , but I didn’t understand. “W h at’s wrong?” “T here’s _______________in my eye.” Do you k n o w _______________ about politics? I w ent to the store, but I didn’t b u y _______________ . _______________ broke the window. I don’t know who. There isn’t _______________in the bag. It’s empty. I’m looking for my keys. H a s seen them? W ould you lik e _______________ to drink? I didn’t e a t _______________because I wasn’t hungry. This is a secret. Please don’t t e l l_______________ . U N I T 78 not + any no none The parking lot is empty. There aren’t an y cars There are n o cars in the parking lot. How many cars are there in the parking lot? N one. n o t (-n’t) + any ■ T here aren’t any cars in the parking lot. ■ Tracey and Jeff don’t have any children. ■ You can have some coffee, but I, don’t w ant any. no + noun (no cars / no garage, etc.) no . . . ■ ■ ■ = n o t any or n o t a T here are no cars in the parking lot. (= there aren’t any cars) We have no coffee. (= we d o n ’t have any coffee) It’s a nice house, but there’s no garage. (= there isn’t a garage) W e use no . . . especially after have/has and there is/are. negative verb + any = positive verb + no ■ They d o n ’t have any children, or They have no children. (not They don’t have no children) ■ There isn ’t any sugar in your coffee, or T here’s n o sugar in your coffee. N o and n on e Use no + noun (no m o n ey / no children, etc.): ■ We have no m on ey. ■ Everything was OK. There were no problem s. Use n o n e alone (without a noun): ■ “H ow m uch m oney do you have?” “N o n e.” (= no money) ■ “W ere there any problem s?” “N o, n on e.” (= no problems) N o n e and no on e n on e = 0 (zero) no on e = nobody N o n e is an answer for H o w much? / H o w many? (things or people): ■ “H o w m u ch m oney do you have?” “N o n e.” (= no money) ■ “H o w m any people did you m eet?” “N o n e.” (= no people) N o on e is an answer for Who?: ■ “W ho did you m eet?” “N o on e.” negatives —►Unit 44 some and any —►Unit 77 or “N ob od y.” anybody/nobody/nothing, etc. —►Units 79-80 U N I Exercises 78.1 Write these sentences again with no. 1. We don’t have any money. We have no money.____ 2. There aren’t any stores near here.There a r e ___________________ 3. Carla doesn’t have any free time. ____________________________ 4. There isn’t a light in this room. ____________________________ Write these sentences again with any. 5. We have no money. 6. T here’s no m ilk in the fridge. 7. There are no buses today. 8. Tom has no brothers or sisters. We don t h ave a ny money. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ "8.2 Write no or any. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. T here’s no sugar in your coffee. My brother is m arried, but he doesn’t h a v e ________ children. Sue doesn’t sp ea k _______ foreign languages. I’m afraid there’s ________ coffee. W ould you like some tea? “Look at those birds!” “Birds? W here? I can’t s e e ________ birds.” “D o you know where Jessica is?” “N o, I h a v e _______ idea.” Write no, any, or none. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. There aren’t ________pictures on the wall. The w eather was cold, but there w a s ________ wind. I w anted to buy some oranges, but they didn’t have _ Everything was correct. There w e r e ________ mistakes “H ow m uch luggage do you have?” “ _______ “H ow m uch luggage do you have?” “I don’t h a v e __ at the store. 55 73.3 Complete the sentences. Use any or no + the words in the box. air c o n d itio n in g lin e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. answ er m o n ey d ifferen ce p ro b lem s frien d s q uestions fu rn itu re Everything was OK. T here were no p ro b lem s . Jack and Emily would like to take a vacation, but they h a v e ____________________________ . I’m not going to an sw e r____________________________ . H e’s always alone. H e h a s ____________________________ . There i s ________________________betw een these two machines. They’re exactly the same. There wasn’t ____________________________ in the room. It was com pletely empty. I tried to call you yesterday, but there w a s ___________________________ . The house is hot because there isn’t ____________________________ . There w a s ___________________________ outside the movie theater, so we didn’t have to wait to get our tickets. 73.4 Write short answers (one or two words) to these questions. Use none where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H ow H ow H ow H ow H ow many many m uch many many letters did you w rite yesterday? Two. OR T) lot. OR —None.----sisters do you have?____________________________________________________ _ coffee did you drink yesterday? ____________________________________ _ pictures have you taken today? ________________________________________ _ legs does a snake have? . / II I 79 not + anybody/anyone/anything nobody/no one/nothing n o t + an yb od y/an yon e n o b o d y / no on e (for people) There isn ’t There is (a n y b o d y , la n y o n e J n o t + anything n o th in g (for things) room. | ” o b o ‘1y l jn dre room. I no on e J B There isn ’t an yth in g in the bag. ■ There is n o th in g in the bag. ■ A: W ho is in the room? B: N ob od y. / N o one. ■ A: W hat’s in the bag? B: N oth in g. -body and -on e are the same: anybody = anyone nobody = no on e n o t + anybody /a n y o n e ■ I d o n ’t know anybody (or anyone) here. n o t + anything ■ I can’t rem em ber anything. n o b o d y = n o t + anybody no on e = n o t + anyone ■ I’m lonely. I have n ob od y to talk to. (= I don’t have anybody) ■ The house is empty. T here is n o on e in it. (= T here isn’t anyone in it.) n o th in g = n o t + anything ■ She said n oth in g. (= She didn’t say anything.) ■ T here’s n o th in g to eat. (= There isn’t an yth in g to eat.) You can use n ob od y / no on e / n o th in g at the beginning of a sentence or alone (to answer a question): ■ The house is empty. N o b o d y lives there. (not Anybody lives there) ■ “W ho did you speak to?” “N o on e.” Rem em ber: N o th in g happened. (not Anything happened) “W hat did you say?” “N o th in g .’ negative verb + anybody / anyone / an ything positive verb + n ob od y / no on e / n o th in g ■ He doesn’t know anything, (not He doesn’t know nothing) ■ D o n ’t tell anybody, (not D on’t tell nobody) ■ There is n o th in g to do in this town, (not There isn’t nothing) some and any —►Unit 77 any and no —►Unit 78 som ebody/anything/nowhere, etc. —►Unit 80 ercises uni Write these sentences again with nobody / no one or nothing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. There isn’t anything in the bag. There isn’t anybody in the office. I don’t have anything to do. There isn’t anything on TV. There wasn’t anyone at hom e. We didn’t find anything. There's noth ing in the bag. T here’s _____________________ I ___________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ 2 Write these sentences again with anybody/anyone or anything. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. T here’s nothing in the bag. There isn t an y th in g in the bag. There was nobody on the bus. T here wasn’t ____________________ I have nothing to read. _________________________________ I have no one to help me. _________________________________ She heard nothing._______________ _________________________________ W e have nothing for dinner. _________________________________ Answer these questions with nobody / no one or nothing. la. 2a. 3a. 4a. W h a t did you say? Nothing.___________ W h o saw you? Nobody._______________ W h a t do you w a n t? ____________________ W h o did you m e e t? ___________________ 5a.W ho knows the answer? . 6a. W h at did you b u y ? _____ 7a.W h at h ap p en ed ?_______ 8a. W ho was la te ? __________ Now answer the same questions with full sentences. Use nobody / no one / nothing or anybody/anyone/anything: lb. / didn t sa y anything._________________________________________ 2b. N obo dy s a w me._____________________________________________ 3b. I don’t ___ 4b. I ______________________________________________________________ 5b. the answer. 6b. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 7b. 8b. Complete the sentences. Use: nobody / no one / nothing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. or anybody/anyone/anything T hat house is empty. N obody lives there. Jack has a bad memory. H e can’t rem em ber a n yth in g . Be quiet! D o n ’t sa y _______________ . I didn’t know about the m e etin g . told me. “W hat did you have to eat?” “ . I wasn’t hungry.” I didn’t e a t ______________ . I wasn’t hungry. H elen was sitting alone. She wasn’t w ith _______________ . I’m sorry, I can’t help you. T here’s I can do. I don’t k n o w _______________about car engines. The m useum is free. It doesn’t c o s t to go in. I heard a knock at the door, but w hen I opened it, there w a s _______________ there. Antonio spoke very fast. I didn’t u n d ersta n d _______________ . “W hat are you doing tonight?” “ _______________ . W hy?” H elen is out o f to w n ._______________knows w here she is. She didn’t t e l l _________ w here she was going. 159 somebody/anything/nowhere, etc. dD ■0 l— □ 1 □ / -------- ....... \ Id D □ [ S om eb od y (or Som eon e) has broken the window. so m e b o d y /so m e o n e = a person, but we don’t know who She has got so m eth in g in her m outh. so m eth in g = a thing, but we don’t know w hat Tom lives som ew h ere near Chicago. som ew h ere — in /to a place, but we don’t know w here People (-body or -one) so m eb o d y or so m eo n e anybody or anyone n o b o d y or no on e -body and -on e are the same: som eb od y = som eone, n ob od y = no one, etc. I : • I: There is som eb od y (or som eone) at the door. Is there anybody (or anyone) at the door? There isn’t anybody (or anyone) at the door. There is n ob od y (or n o one) at the door. Things (-thing) so m eth in g ; ; - anyth in g n o th in g Lucy said som eth in g, but I didn’t understand w hat she said. Are you doing an yth in g this weekend? I was angry, but I didn’t say anything. “W hat did you say?” “N o th in g .” MM Places (-where) som ew here anyw here n ow h ere R uth’s parents live som ew h ere in Southern California. Did you go anyw here interesting on vacation? I’m staying here. I’m n o t going anywhere. I don’t like this town. There is n ow h ere to go. so m eth in g/an yb od y, etc. + adjective (b ig /ch ea p /in terestin g , etc.) ■ Did you m eet anybody in terestin g at the party? ■ W e always go to the same place. Let’s go som ew h ere different. ■ “W hat’s in that letter?” “It’s n o th in g im p ortan t.” so m eth in g /a n y b o d y , etc. + to . . . ■ I’m hungry. I w ant so m eth in g to eat. (= som ething that I can eat) ■ Tony doesn’t have anybody to talk to. (= anybody that he can talk to) ■ There is n ow h ere to go in this town. (= now here where people can go) some and any —►Unit 77 any and no everything/-body/-where —►Unit 81 ►Unit 78 anybody/nothing, etc. —►Unit 79 U N I T ercises Write som ebody (or someone) / som ething / som ewhere. ^ L 2. 3. 4. 80 ------------- Lucy sa id . so m eth in g I lo s t. Sue and Tom w e n t. I’m going to c a ll. W hat did she say? W hat did you lose? W here did they go? W ho are you going to call? 2 Write nobody (or no one) / nothing / nowhere. la. 2a. 3a. 4a. W hat did you say? W here are you going? W hat do you want? W ho are you looking for? Nothing. Now answer the same questions with full sentences. Use not + anybody/anything/anywhere. lb. / didn t s a y anything._________________ 2b. I’m n o t ________________________________ 3b. _____ 4b. _____ Write somebody/anything/nowhere, etc. 1. It’s dark. I can’t see a n yth in g . s o m e w h e re near San Francisco. Do you k n o w _______________________ about computers? 3. 4. “Listen!” “W hat? I can’t h e a r _______________________ .” 5. “W hat are you doing here?” “I’m waiting f o r ____________________ 6. We need to talk. T here’s __ __________________I w ant to tell you. see the accident?” “N o ,___________ 7. “D i d ____________________ 8 . We w eren’t hungry, so we didn’t e a t _____________ knows.” 9. “W h at’s going to happen?” “I don’t k n o w .______ 10. “Do you k n o w _______________________ in Tokyo?” “Yes, a few people.” . It’s empty.” 11. “W h at’s in that suitcase?” “ ___________________ 12. I’m looking for my glasses. I can’t find them . warm. 13. I don’t like cold weather. I w ant to liv e ____ interesting on television tonight? 14. Is th e r e ___________________ __________famous? 15. Have you ever m e t . 2 . Tom lives 4 Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes. s o m e th in g s o m e th in g so m e w h e re a n y th in g a n yw h ere n o th in g n o w h e re n o w h ere 1. We don’t go out very m uch because there’s do p ark d rin k read eat sit go stay n o w h e re to go 2 . T here isn’t any food in the house. W e don’t h a v e ___________ 3. I’m bored. I h a v e ______________________________ . 4. “W hy are you standing?” “Because there isn’t . ?” “Yes, please - a glass of water.’ 5. “W ould you lik e _______ 6 . If you’re going downtown, take the bus. D on’t drive because there’s 7. I w a n t. 8. I n e e d . .. I’m going to buy a magazine, in Seoul. Can you recom m end a hotel? 161 U N I T 81 every and all Every Every house on the street is the same every house on the street = all the houses on the street We use every + singular noun (every h ou se / every country, etc.): ■ Sarah has been to every cou n try in Europe. ■ Every su m m er we take a vacation at the beach. ■ She looks different every tim e I see her. Use a singular verb after every . . . : ■ Every h ou se on the street is the same. (not are the same) ■ Every cou n try has a national flag. (not have) Com pare every and all: Every stu d en t in the class passed the exam. Every cou n try has a national flag. A ll the students in the class passed the exam. A ll cou n tries have a national flag. Every day and all day every day = on all days: all day = the com plete day: How often? How long? 1 SUN + MON + TUE + WED + THUR + FRI I I I I I + SAT I E V E R Y DAY ■ It rained every day last week. ■ Bill watches TV for about two hours every night. (= on all nights) also every m o r n in g /w e e k /su m m e r , etc. I beginning o f the day «----------------- A L L D A Y ■ It rained all day yesterday. ■ O n Monday, I watched TV all night. (= the whole night) also all m o r n in g /w e e k /su m m e r , etc. E verybody (or everyone) / everyth ing / everyw here everybody or everyone (people) everyth ing (things) everyw here (places) m E verybody (or E veryone) needs friends. (= all people need friends) m Do you have everyth ing you need? (= all the things you need) m I lost my watch. I’ve looked everyw here for it. (= I’ve looked in all places) Use a singular verb after everyb od y/everyon e/everyth in g: ■ E verybody has problem s, (not Everybody have) 162 all —►Unit 82 end of the day E xercises u N 1T Complete the sentences. Use day ro o m stu d ea t 81 every + these words: tim e w ord 1. E v e r y s tu d e n t in the class passed the exam. 2. My jo b is very b o rin g .____________is the same. 3. Kate is a very good chess player. W hen we play, she w in s ___ 4. ________________________ in the hotel has a TV. 5. “D id you understand w hat she said?” “M ost o f it, but not _ i 4 2 Complete the sentences with every day or all day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Yesterday it rained oil d a y . I buy a n ew sp ap er________________________ , but sometimes I don’t read it. I’m not going out tom orrow. I’ll be at h o m e ________________________ . I usually drink about four cups o f co ffee________________________ . Paula was sick yesterday, so she stayed in b e d ________________________ . I’m tired now because I’ve been working h a r d ________________________ . Last year we w ent to the beach for a week, and it ra in e d _______________________ . 11 3 Write every or all. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bill watches TV for about two hours e v e r y night. Julia gets up at 6 :3 0 __________ m orning. The w eather was nice yesterday, so we sat o u tsid e__________ afternoon. I’m leaving tow n on Monday. I’ll be aw ay __________ week. “H ow often do you go skiing?” “__________ year. Usually in M arch.” A: W ere you at hom e at 10 yesterday? B: Yes, I was at h o m e __________m orning. I w ent out after lunch. 7. My sister loves new cars. She buys o n e _________ year. 8. I saw Sam at the party, but he didn’t speak to m e _________ night. 9. We take a vacation for two or three w e e k s__________ summer. 31.4 Write everybody/everything/everywhere. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E verybody needs friends. Chris k n o w s________________________ about com puters. I like the people h e re .________________________is very friendly. This is a nice hotel. It’s comfortable, a n d ________________________ is very clean. Kevin never uses his car. He g o e s________________________ on his motorcycle. Let’s have d in n e r._____________________ is hungry. Sue’s house is full of books. There are b o o k s ________________________. You are rig h t. you say is true. 31.5 Complete the sentences. Use one word only each time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Everybody h a s problems. Are you ready yet? E verybody_______________ waiting for you. The house is empty. E v ery o n e_______________ gone out. Gary is very popular. E verybody______________ him. This tow n is com pletely different now. E verything _______________ changed. I got hom e very late last night. I came in quietly because ev eryone_______________ asleep. E v erybody______________ mistakes! A: ________________ everything clear?_______________ everybody know w hat to do? B: Yes, we all understand. 163 U N I T all most some any no/none Com pare: c h ild r e n /m o n e y /b o o k s, etc. (in general): ■ C h ild ren like to play. (= children in general) ■ M on ey isn’t everything. (= m oney in general) ■ I enjoy reading books. ■ Everybody needs friends. the children / the m oney / these books, etc: ■ W here are th e children? (= our children) ■ I w ant to buy a car, but I don’t have the m on ey. (= the m oney for a car) ■ Have you read these books? ■ I often go out w ith m y friends. M ost / m o st o f . . ., som e / som e o f . . ., etc. all m o st o f/s o m e of, etc. + th e /th is /m y , . . . etc m o st/so m e , etc. + noun all m o st som e any no -e f any som e m ost all cities ch ildren b ook s m o n ey m ost som e any n on e ■ M ost children like to play. (= children in general) ■ I don’t w ant any m on ey. ■ S o m e b ook s are better than others. ■ H e has no friends. ■ A ll cities have the same problem s. (= cities in general) Do not use o f in these sentences: ■ M ost p eo p le drive too fast. (not M ost of people) ■ S om e birds can’t fly. (not Some of birds) (of) of the . . . t h is /t h a t . . . th ese /th o se . . . m y /y o u r . . . , etc. ■ M ost o f th e ch ildren at this sch ool are under 11 years old. ■ I don’t w ant any o f this m on ey. ■ S om e o f these b ook s are very old. ■ N o n e o f m y friends live near me. You can say all the . . . or all o f the . . . (with or w ithout o f ) : ■ A ll the students in our class passed the exam, (or A ll o f the students . . .) ■ Silvia has lived in M iami all her life. (or. . . all o f her life.) A ll o f it / m o st o f th em / n on e o f us, etc. all m o st som e any none of it th em us you You can have som e o f this cake, but not all o f it. I A: Do you know those people? B: M ost o f them , but not all o f them . S om e o f us are going out tonight. W hy don’t you come w ith us? I I’ve got a lot o f books, but I haven’t read any o f them . “H ow many o f these books have you read?” “N o n e o f th em .” the . . . (children / the children, etc.) —►Unit 73 164 all and every —►Unit 81 some and any —►Unit 77 no/none/any —►Unit 78 U N I : *erases Complete the sentences. Use the word in parentheses (some/most, etc.). Sometimes you need o f (some o f / m ost of, etc.). 1. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. /^ lo sf children like to play, (most) Sonne o f this m oney is yours, (some) _______________people never stop talking, (some) _______________the stores dow ntow n close at 6:00. (most) You can change m oney i n _______________banks, (most) . the pictures in the living room, (any) I don’t like . . his money, (all) H e’s lo s t__ my friends are m arried, (none) . the people in this picture? (any) Do you k n o w . birds can fly. (most) _________ the movie, but I didn’t like the ending, (most) I en jo y ed__ _______________ sports are very dangerous, (some) W e can’t find anywhere to stay._______________ the hotels are full. (all) T r y _______________this cheese. It’s delicious, (some) . the time, (most) The weather was bad w hen we were on vacation. It ra in e d ________ 11.2 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use: all I m ost I som e I none + o f them I o f it 'MMM trnm 1. H ow many 2. H ow many 3. H ow many 4. H ow m any 5. H ow many 6. H ow m uch o f the o f the o f the o f the o f the o f the MUM HfHi iMffe people are women? boxes are on the table? m en are wearing hats? windows are open? people are standing? m oney is B en’s? Afo s t o f them. 82.3 Are these sentences OK? Correct the sentences that are wrong. 1. (M ost o f children)like to play. 2. All the students failed the test. 3. Some o f people w ork too hard. 4. Some o f questions on the exam were very easy. 5. I haven’t seen any o f those people before. 6. All of insects have six legs. 7. Have you read all these books? 8. M ost o f students in our class are very nice. 9. M ost o f my friends are going to the party. 10. I’m very tired this m orning - I was awake m ost o f night. A lo s f children OK U N I T both either neither W e use b o th /e ith e r /n e ith e r to talk about two things or people: eith er b oth n eith er (n o t + either) ■ Rebecca has two children. B oth are married, (both = the two children) ■ W ould you like tea or coffee? You can have either, (either — tea or coffee) ■ A: Do you w ant to go to the movies or the theater? B: N either. I w ant to stay home, (neither = not the movies or the theater) Com pare eith er and neither: ■ “W ould you like tea or coffee?” “E ither. It doesn’t m atter.” (= tea or coffee) “I d o n ’t w ant either.” (not I don’t w ant neither) “N eith er.” (= not tea or coffee) B o th /e ith e r /n e ith e r + noun b oth eith er n eith er b oth + plural eith er n eith er + singular w in d o w s/b o o k s/c h ild ren , etc. w in d o w /b o o k /c h ild , etc. ■ Last year I w ent to M iami and Seattle. I liked b oth cities very much. ■ First I w orked in an office and later in a store. N eith er jo b was very interesting. ■ T here are two ways to get to the airport. You can go eith er way. B o th o f . . . / eith er o f . .. / n eith er o f . both (o f) eith er n eith er of the . . . I like both of those pictures th e se /th o se . . . m y /y o u r /P a u l’s . . . , etc. ■ N eith er o f m y parents is Canadian. ■ I haven’t read eith er o f these books. You can say b oth o f th e /th o s e /m y . . . or b oth th e /th o s e /m y . . . (with or w ithout o f ) : ■ I like b oth o f those pictures, or I like b oth those pictures. ■ B o th o f Paul’s sisters are m arried, or B oth Paul’s sisters are m arried but N eith er o f Paul’s sisters is married. (not N either Paul’s sisters) B oth o f th em / n eith er o f us both eith er n eith er of th em us you Paul has got two sisters. B oth o f th em are m arried. Sue and I didn’t eat anything. N eith er o f us was hungry. W ho are those two people? I d o n ’t know eith er o f them . I can't either / neither can I —►Unit 43 U N I ixercises i 3,1 Write both I either I neither. Use o f where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Last year I w ent to Miami and Seattle. I liked both cities very much. T here were two pictures on the wall.I didn’t like e ith e r o f them . It was a good football g am e.___teams played well. It wasn’t a good football g am e._______________ team played well. “Is your friend Canadian or American?” “_______________ . She’s Australian.” W e w ent away for two days, but the w eather was bad. It ra in e d _______________ days. A: I bought two newspapers. W hich one do you want? B: _______________ . It doesn’t m atter w hich one. I invited D onna and M ike to the party, b u t _____________ them came. “Do you go to w ork by car or by bus?” “______________ . I always walk.” “W hich jacket do you prefer, this one or that one?” “I don’t lik e _______________ them .” “Do you w ork or are you a student?” “ . I work, and I’m a student, too.” Paula and I didn’t know the tim e becau se_______________ us had a watch. H elen has two sisters and a b ro th e r._______________sisters are married. H elen has two sisters and a brother. Iknow her brother, but I haven’t m et her sisters. 3 2 Complete the sentences for the pictures. Use Both . . . and N eith er. . . . 1. 2. 3. D o th cups a re empty. are open. wearing a hat. 4. 5. 6. beards. to right. A man and a woman answered some questions. Their answers were the same. Write sentences with Both/Neither o f them . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Are you married? H ow old are you? Are you a student? Do you have a car? W here do you live? Do you like to cook? Can you play the piano? 8. Do you read the newspaper? 9. Are you interested in sports? No 21 Yes No Boston Yes No N o ----- 3- 1. 21 ----- 3►2. Y es----- 3-3 . No 4. Boston 5. Yes 6. No 7. Yes Yes 8. No No 9. N e ith e r o f them is m arried. D o th o f th em a re 21. students. a car. the airport. a lot much a lo t o f m o n ey many n o t m u ch m o n ey We use m u ch + uncountable noun (m uch fo o d / m u ch m on ey, etc.): ■ Did you buy m u ch food? ■ We don’t have m u ch luggage. ■ H ow m u ch m o n ey do you want? ■ A: Do you have any m oney? B: I have some, but n o t m uch. We use a lo t o f + both types of noun: ■ We bought a lo t o f food. ■ Paula doesn’t have a lo t o f free tim e. We say: ■ There is a lot o f fo o d /m o n e y / w ater . . . (singular verb) a lo t o f b ook s n o t m any books We use m any + plural noun (m any b ook s / m any p eop le, etc.): ■ Did you buy m any books? ■ We don’t know m any p eop le. ■ H ow m any p h otos did you take? ■ A: Did you take any photos? B: I took some, but n o t many. ■ W e bought a lo t o f books. ■ Did they ask a lo t o f questions? ■ There are a lot of tr e e s/sh o p s/ p eo p le . . . (plural verb) ■ A lot of p eo p le speak English. (not speaks) We use m u ch in questions and negative sentences: M Do you drink m u ch coffee? ■ I don’t drink m u ch coffee. B ut we do not often use m u ch in positive sentences: ■ I drink a lo t o f coffee, (not I drink m uch coffee) ■ “Do you drink m uch coffee?” “Yes, a lo t.” (not Yes, much) We use m any and a lo t o f in all types o f sentences (positive/negative/question): ■ We have m any friends / a lo t o f friends. ■ We don’t have m any friends / a lo t o f friends. ■ Do you have m any friends / a lo t o f friends? You can use m u ch and a lo t w ithout a noun: ■ D onna spoke to me, but she didn’t say m uch. ■ “Do you watch TV m uch?” “N o, n o t m u ch .” (= not often) ■ W e like movies, so we go to the movies a lot. (not go to the movies much) ■ I don’t like him very m uch. countable/uncountable —►Units 68-69 U N •xercises 54 1 Write much or many. 1. D id you buy m uch food? 2. There aren’t _________ hotels in this town. 3. We don’t h a v e gas.We need to stop and get some. 4. W ere th e r e people on the train? 5. D id _________students fail the exam? 6. Paula doesn’t h a v e _________money. 7. I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t e a t _________ . 8. I don’t know w here Gary lives these days. I haven’t seen him f o r _________ years. Write How much or How many. 9. 10. 11. 12. _________________________people are coming to the party? _________________________milk should I get at the store? _________________________bread did you buy? _________________________players are there on a football team? - 2 Complete the sentences. Use much or many with these words: books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. co u n tries lu g g a g e p eo p le tim e tim es I don’t read very much. I don’t have m any books . H urry up! We don’t h a v e __________________________________ . Do you travel a lot? Have you been t o __________________________________ ? Tina hasn’t lived here very long, so she doesn’t k n o w _________________________ “Do you h a v e ?” “No, only this bag.” I know Tokyo very well. I’ve been th e r e ________________________________ . - 3 Complete the sentences. Use a lot o f + these words: accid en ts -books- fu n in tere stin g th in g s tr a ffic 1. I like reading. I have u lo t o f books 2. W e enjoyed our visit to the m useum . We saw . 3. This road is very dangerous. There a r e ______ 4. W e enjoyed our vacation. We had . 5. It took me a long tim e to drive here. There was . -.4 In some of these sentences much is not natural. Change the sentences or write OK. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Do you drink m uch coffee? OK I drink m uch tea. a !° t o f te a It was a cold winter. W e had m uch snow. _____________ There wasn’t m uch snow last winter. _____________ It costs m uch m oney to travel around the world. _____________ This pen was cheap. It didn’t cost m uch. _____________ Do you know m uch about computers?__________ _____________ “Do you have any luggage?” “Yes, m uch.” _____________ 54.5 Write sentences about these people. Use much and a lot. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jim loves movies, (go to the movies) H e goes to the m ovies a lot. Nicole thinks TV is boring, (watch TV) She doesn 't w a tch T V much. Tina is a good tennis player, (play tennis)________S h e __________________________ M artin doesn’t like to drive, (use his car)________ H e _________________________ _ Paul spends m ost o f the time at hom e, (go out) ______________________________ Sue has been all over the world, (travel) ______________________________ (a) little (a) few (a) little + uncountable noun: (a) few + plural noun (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) little little little little w ater tim e m o n ey soup few few few few b ook s questions p eo p le days '*** U N I T - a little w ater a few = some but not many a little = some but not m uch — ■ She didn’t eat anything, but she drank a little water. ■ I speak a little Spanish. (= some Spanish but not much) ■ A: Can you speak Spanish? B: A little. X lit t le (without a) = almost no or almost nothing ■ There was little fo o d in the fridge. It was almost empty. )a(few (without a) = almost no ■ There were few p eo p le in the theater. It was almost empty. You can say very little: ■ Dan is very thin because he eats very little. (= almost nothing) You can say very few: ■ Your English is very good. You make very few m istakes. little and a little few and a few A little is a positive idea: ■ They have a little money, so they’re not poor. (= they have some money) A few is a positive idea: ■ I have a few friends, so I’m not lonely. (= I have some friends) L ittle (or very little) is a negative idea: ■ They have (very) little money. They are very poor. (= almost no money) Few (or very few) is a negative idea: ■ I’m sad and I’m lonely. I have (very) few friends. (= almost no friends) I have a little money. 170 ■ Excuse me, I have to make a few p h on e calls. ■ W e’re going away for a few days. ■ I speak a few w ords of Spanish. ■ A: Do you have any stamps? B: Yes, a few. Do you w ant one? countable/uncountable —►Units 68-69 I have little money. I have a few friends. I have few friends. U N I ercises Answer the questions with a little or a few. 1. “Do you have any m oney?” “Yes, a little “Do you have any envelopes?” “Y es,. 3. “Do you w ant sugar in your coffee?” “Y es,_______________ , please.” 4. “Did you take any pictures w hen you were on vacation?” “Y es,_____ 5. “Does your friend speak English?” “Y es,_______________.” 6. “Are there any good restaurants in this tow n?” “Y es,_______________ 1: 2 Write a little or a few + these words: chairs days fresh air frien d s m ilk R u ssian tim es years M artin speaks Italian well. H e lived in Italy for a f e w y e a r s . Can I h a v e in my coffee, please? “W hen did Julia leave?” “____________________________ ag°«” “Do you speak any foreign languages?” “I can speak ___________________________ “Are you going out alone?” “No, I’m going w ith ____________________________ .” “Have you ever been to Mexico?” “Y es,____________________________ .” There wasn’t m uch furniture in the room - just a table a n d _______________________ I’m going out for a walk. I n e e d ____________________________ . s 3 3 Complete the sentences. Use very little or very few + these words: co ffee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. h o tels m istak es p eo p le rain tim e w ork Your English is very good. You make v e r y f e w m ista kes . I d rin k . I don’t like it. The w eather here is very dry in summer. There i s . It’s difficult to find a place to stay in this town. There a r e ______________ H urry up. W e’ve g o t______________________________ . The town is very quiet at n ig h t. go out. Some people in the office are very lazy. They d o _____________________ 35.4 Write little / a little or few / a few. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. There was little food in the fridge. It was almost empty. “W hen did Sarah go out?” “_______________m inutes ago.” I can’t decide now. I n e e d _______________ tim e to think about it. T here w a s _______________ traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected. The bus service isn’t very good at night - there a r e _______________buses after 9:00. “W ould you like some soup?” “Y es,_______________ , please.” They sent us a map, so we h a d _______________ trouble finding their house. 35.5 Right or wrong? Change the sentences where necessary. Write OK if the sentence is correct. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. W e’re going away(for few days)next week. Everybody needs little luck. I can’t talk to you now - I’ve got few things to do. I eat very little m eat - I don’t like it very much. Excuse me, can I ask you few questions? There were little people on the bus - it was almost empty. M artin is a very private person. Few people know him well. fo r a f e w d a ys______ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ U N I T old/nice/interesting, etc. (adjectives) Adjective + noun (nice day / b lu e eyes, etc.) adjective + noun It’s a n ice Laura has brow n T here’s a very old Do you like Italian I don’t speak any foreign There are some b eau tifu l y ello w day today, eyes. church in this town. food? languages. flow ers in the garden. The adjective is before the noun: ■ They live in a m od ern house. (not a house m odern) ■ Have you m et any fam ous people? (not people famous) The ending o f an adjective is always the same: a differen t place differen t places (not differents) B e (a m /is/w a s, etc.) + adjective ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ c The w eather is n ice today. These flowers are very beautiful. Are you cold? Should I close the window? Pm hungry. Can I have som ething to eat? The movie w asn ’t very good . It was boring. Please be quiet. I’m reading. L o o k /fe e l/s m e ll/ta s te /s o u n d + adjective It smells good You sound ha ■ You lo o k tired.” “Yes, I feel tired.” ■ Gary told me about his new job. It sounds very interesting. ■ I’m not going to eat this fish. It doesn’t sm ell good. Com pare: He 172 is feels lo o k s tired. They are lo o k sound get + adjective (get hungry/tired, etc.) —►Unit 57 happy. It is sm ells tastes g ood som ething/anybody + adjective —►Unit 80 erases 1 Put the words in the right order. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. (new / live in / house / they / a) (like / jacket / I / that / green) (music / like / do / classical / you?) (had / w onderful / a / I / trip) (went to / restaurant / a / Japanese / we) They live in a n e w house.________________ Do _ ___ ___ The words below are adjectives (dark/foreign, etc.) or nouns (<air/job, etc.). Use an adjective and a noun to complete each sentence. air clou ds 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. dangerou s dark foreignfresh hot jo b k n ife la n gu ages- lo n g sharp vacation w ater Do you speak any foreign languages ? Look at th o s e _________________________________ . It’s going to rain. Sue works very hard, and she’s very tired. She needs a . You n e e d _________________________________ to make tea. Can you open the window? W e need some I need a to cut these onions. Firefighting is a ________________________________ . 3 Write sentences for the pictures. Choose from the boxes. feel(s) look(s) (you look(s) sm ell(s) sound happy sound(s) taste(s) -happyn ew n ice sick surprised terrib le . IJ .4 A and B don't agree. Complete B's sentences. Use feel/look, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You look tired. This is a new coat. I’m American. You look cold. These bags are heavy. T hat soup looks good. I do? I don't fe e l t ir e d It is? It doesn’t You are? You Reallv? I Thev are? They Maybe, but it . (feel) (look) (sound) (feel) (look) (taste) U N I T quickly/badly/suddenly, etc. (adverbs) 87 7:12 7:10 7:15 fe sn kh * : Suddenly, the shelf fell down. He ate his dinner very quickly. Q u ick ly and suddenly are adverbs. adjective + -ly —►adverb: adjective adverb quick quickly bad badly sudden su dd en ly For spelling, see Appendix 5. careful carefully easy —►easily heavy heavily etc. heavy —►heavily Adverbs tell you how som ething happens or how somebody does something: ■ ■ ■ ■ The train stop p ed suddenly. I op en ed the door slow ly. Please listen carefully. I understand you perfectly. It’s rain in g heavily] Com pare: | adjective ■ Sue is very quiet. ■ B e careful! ■ It was a bad gam e. ■ I felt nervous. (= I was nervous) I H ard fast late adverb ■ Sue speaks very quietly, (not speaks very quiet) ■ Listen carefully! (not listen careful) ■ O ur team played badly, (not played bad) ■ I w aited nervously. early These words are adjectives and adverb s: ■ Sue’s jo b is very hard. ■ Ben is a fast runner. M The bus was late/early. | ■ Sue w orks very hard, (not hardly) ■ Ben can run fast. ■ I w en t to bed late/early. G ood (adjective) —►w ell (adverb) ■ Your English is very good. ■ It was a go o d gam e. ■ You speak English very w ell, (not very good) ■ O ur team played w ell. B ut w e ll is also an adjective (= not sick, in good health): ■ “H ow are you?” “I5m very w ell, thank you. And you?” 174 adjectives —►Unit 86 U N I T : erases 87 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with these adverbs: a n g rily b adly d an gerou sly fast h eavily q u ietly 5. I & i 4. She shouted at me 5. She can run very _ 6. H e was d riv in g __ 1. It’s raining h e a v ily 2. He sings v e ry _______ 3. They came i n _______ 2 Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes. co m e ex p la in know listen sleep th in k w in w ork c a re fu lly ca refu lly clearly easily hard q u ick ly w e ll w e ll 1. I’m going to tell you som ething very im portant, so please . listen c a re fu lly 2 . T h e y ______________________________ . At the end of the day they’re always tired. 3. I’m tired this m orning. I didn’t ______________________________ last night. 4. You play chess m uch better than me. W hen we play, you alw ays_________________ 5. ______________________________ before you answer the question. 6. I’ve m et Alice a few times, but I don’t __________________ her v e ry ______________ . W e never 7. O ur teacher doesn’t __________________ things v e ry ___ understand him. 8. Helen! I need your help. ,3 Which is right? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. D o n ’t eat so quick / quickly. It’s not good for you. (quickly is right) W hy are you angry / angrily? I didn’t do anything. Can you speak slow / slowly, please? Com e on, Dave! W hy are you always so slow / slowly? Bill is a very careful / carefully driver. Jane is studying hard / hardly for her exams. “W h ere’s Diane?” “She was here, but she left sudden / suddenly.” Please be quiet / quietly. I’m studying. Some companies pay their workers very bad / badly. Those oranges look nice / nicely. Can I have one? 10. 11. I don’t rem em ber m uch about the accident. Everything happened quick / quickly. 57.4 Write good or well. 1. Your English is very . g o o d . You speak it very w e ll on the quiz today. Jackie did v e ry _____ . I enjoyed it a lot. The party was very _ M artin has a difficult job, but he does i t _______________ . H ow are your parents? Are th e y _______________ ? Did you have a _______________ vacation? Was the w eather . 175 old/older expensive / more expensive I'm 92. I'm 93. old old er heavier heavy ex p en siv e m ore expensive O ld er / heavier / m ore exp en sive are comparative forms. The comparative is -er (older) or m ore . . . (m ore expensive). O ld er/h eavier, etc. Short words (1 syllable) —►-er: old —►old er slow —►slow er late —►later n icer nice For spelling, see Appendix 5. cheap —►cheaper big —►bigger big —►bigger W ords ending in -y —►-ier: easy —►easier heavy —►heavier ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ h o t —►h o tte r thin —►th in n er early —►earlier Rome is old, but Athens is older. (not m ore old) Is it cheaper to go by car or by train? (not m ore cheap) H elen wants a b igger car. This coat is OK, but I think the other one is nicer. D o n’t take the bus. It’s easier to take a taxi. (not m ore easy) Far —►farther: ■ “H ow far is it to the station? A m ile?” “N o, it’s farther. About two miles.” M ore . . . Long words (2 /3 /4 syllables) careful —►m ore careful expensive —►m ore exp en sive m ore . . . : polite —►m ore p o lite interesting —►m ore in terestin g You should be m ore careful. I don’t like my job. I w ant to do som ething m ore interesting. Is it m ore exp en sive to go by car or by train? G o o d /w e ll —►b etter bad —►w orse ■ The w eather wasn’t very go o d yesterday, but it’s better today. ■ “Do you feel b etter today?” “N o, I feel w orse.” ■ W hich is w orse - a headache or a toothache? older than . . . / more expensive than —►Unit 89 the oldest / the most expensive —►Unit 91 E■ ercises k u N 1T 8 8 1 Look at the pictures and write the comparative (older / more interesting, etc.). 3. slow 6. dangerous \ 2 Write the comparative. 1. old 2. strong 3. happy 4. m odern 5. im portant older ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. good large serious pretty crowded : 3.3 Write the opposite. 1. 2. 3. younger older colder _____________________________ cheaper _____________________________ 4. better _ 5. nearer _ 6. easier _ 33.4 Complete the sentences. Use a comparative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. H elen’s car isn’t very big. She wants a big g er one. My jo b isn’t very interesting. I w ant to do som ething m o re in te re stin g You’re not very tall. Your brother i s ___________________________ . David doesn’t w ork very hard. I w o rk 1 . My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is . Your idea isn’t very good. My idea i s . These flowers aren’t very nice. The blue ones are . My suitcase isn’t very heavy. Your suitcase i s . I’m not very interested in art. I’m in history. It isn’t very w arm today. It w a s ___________________________ yesterday. These tom atoes don’t taste very good. The other ones ta ste d ____________ Peru isn’t very big. Brazil i s ___________________________ . Los Angeles isn’t very beautiful. San Francisco i s _______________________ This knife isn’t very sharp. Do you have a ___________________________ one? People today aren’t very polite. In the past they w e r e ______________________ The w eather isn’t too bad today. O ften it is m u c h _________________________ 177 U N I T 89 older than . . . more expensive than . . H* fegasss* _________ -U»l x g j m taller than you. H otel Prices [per room per night] Capitol Hotel $350 Grand Hotel $130 Western Hotel $175 The Capitol H otel is m ore exp en sive than the Grand Hotel. She’s taller than him. We use than after comparatives (older than . . . / m ore exp en sive than . ., etc.): ■ Athens is o ld er than Rome. ■ Are oranges m ore exp en sive than bananas? ■ It’s easier to take a taxi than to take the bus. ■ “H ow are you today?” “N ot bad. B etter than yesterday.” ■ The restaurant is m ore crow ded than usual. We usually say: than m e / than h im / than her / than us / than them . You can say: ■ I can run faster than him . or I can run faster than he can. ■ You are a better singer than m e. or You are a better singer than I am. ■ I got up earlier than her. or I got up earlier than she did. M o re/less than . . . 60 — ■ A: H ow m uch did your shoes cost? Fifty dollars? B: No, m ore than that. (= m ore than $50) ■ The movie was very short - less than an hour. ■ They’ve got m ore m o n ey than they need. ■ You go out m ore than me. M O R E T H A N 50 ■50- 40- LESS TH A N 50 A little old er / m u ch older, etc. Box A is a little b igger than Box B. a little m u ch bigger older better m ore difficult m ore expensive than old —►older, expensive —►more expensive —►Unit 88 Box C is m u ch b igger than Box D. Canada is m u ch b igger than France. Sue is a little old er than Gary - she’s 25 and h e’s 24. The hotel was m u ch m ore exp en sive than I expected. You go out m u ch m ore than me. not as . . . as —►Unit 90 U N I Exercises Write sentences about Liz and Ben. Use than. Ben Liz 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I’m 26. I’m not a very good swimmer. I’m 5 feet 10 inches tall. I start w ork at 8:00. I don’t w ork very hard. I don’t have m uch money. I’m a very good driver. I’m not very patient. I’m not a very good dancer. I’m very intelligent. I speak Spanish very well. I don’t go to the movies very much. Liz is older than Ben Ben is a better swimmer than Liz Liz i s ___ . Ben Liz starts . B e n ____ Ben h a s . V 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. I’m 24. I’m a very good swimmer. I’m 5 feet 8 inches tall. I start w ork at 8:30. I w ork very hard. I have a lot of money. I’m not a very good driver. I’m very patient. I’m a good dancer. I’m not very intelligent. I don’t speak Spanish very well. I go to the movies a lot. 7. Liz is a 8. Ben B en. 10. Liz _ 11. Liz _ 12. Ben . : .2 Complete the sentences. Use than. 1. H e isn’t very tall. You’re taller than him OR taller than he is 2 . She isn’t very old. You’re . I don’t w ork very hard. You w o rk ____ He doesn’t w atch TV very much. You . I’m not a very good cook. Y o u _______ W e don’t know many people. You _ They don’t have m uch money. You . I can’t run very fast. You can . She hasn’t been here very long. You . 10. T hey didn’t get up very early. Y o u _ 11. H e wasn’t very surprised. Y o u _____ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. :9.3 Complete the sentences with a little or much + comparative {older/better, etc.). 1. Em m a is 18 m onths old. Gary is 16 m onths old. Em m a /s a little o ld er than O a ry ____________________________________________ 2 . Jack’s m other is 52. His father is 69. Jack’s m o th e r. 3. My camera cost $100. Yours cost $96. My ca m e ra. 4. Yesterday I felt terrible. Today I feel OK. I fe e l_________________________________ 5. Today the tem perature is 12 degrees Celsius. Yesterday it was 10 degrees Celsius. It’s ______________________ 6. Sarah is an excellent volleyball player. I’m not very good. S arah ______________________________________________ U N I T 90 not as as N o t as . . . as I'm 93. She’s old, but she’s not as old as he is. B B B B Box A isn’t as b ig as Box B. Rome is n o t as old as Athens. (= Athens is older) The Grand H otel isn’t as exp en sive as the W estern. (= the W estern is m ore expensive) I don’t play soccer as often as you. (= you play m ore often) The w eather is better than it was yesterday. It isn’t as cold. (= as cold as it was yesterday) N o t as m u ch as . . . / n o t as m any as . . . fl I don’t have as m u ch m o n ey as you. (= you have m ore m oney) B I don’t know as m any p eo p le as you. (= you know m ore people) B I don’t go out as m u ch as you. (= you go out m ore) C om pare n o t as . . . as and than: B B B Rome is n o t as old as Athens. Athens is old er than Rome. (not older as Rome) Tennis isn’t as p opu lar as soccer. Soccer is m ore p opu lar than tennis. I d o n ’t go out as m u ch as you. You go out m ore than me. W e usually say: as m e / as h im / as her, etc. You can say: B She’s not as old as him . or She’s not as old as he is. B You don’t work as hard as m e. or You don’t work as hard as I do. W e say the sam e as . . . : B The w eather today is the sam e as yesterday. B My hair is the sam e co lo r as yours. B I arrived at the sam e tim e as Tim. 180 much/many —►Unit 84 older than . . . / more expensive than . . . —►Unit 89 U N I E <ercises §C 1 Look at the pictures and write sentences about A, B, and C. 6* I don't w ork very hard. I have : $5 ,0 0 0 . <er than C, but not as 1. A is 2 . A i s ____ 3. C i s ____ 4. A i s ____ 5. B h a s __ 6. C works I have $ 3 ,0 0 0 . i I have $ 4 ,0 0 0 . I work very hard. I w ork hard, but not too hard. ' as 3 _B, but n o t . A, b u t _ , b u t __ Write sentences with as . . . as .. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Athens is older than Rome. My room is bigger than yours. You got up earlier than me. W e played better than them . I’ve been here longer than you. She’s m ore nervous than him. Rom e isn t as old as Athens Your room isn’t . I didn’t _______ T h e y _________ Y o u __________ H e ___________ Write as or than. 1. 2. 3. 4. Athens is older than Rome. I don’t watch TV as m u c h _____ . you. You eat m o re ________me. . I was yesterday. I’m more tired today . 5. 6. 7. 8. Joe isn’t as intelligent. Belgium is sm aller__ Brazil isn’t as b ig ___ I can’t wait more . he thinks. . Switzerland. _ Canada. . an hour. *0.4 Complete the sentences about Julia, Andy, and Laura. Use the same age / the same street, etc. Andy Julia 1. 2. 3. 4. (age) (street) (time) (color) Andy is the same age as Laura Julia liv es_ Julia got up . Andy’s ____ I'm 24. I live on Hill Street. I got up at 7 :4 5 . I have a car. It's dark blue. I'm 24. I live on Baker Street. I got up at 7 :1 5 . My car is dark blue. I'm 22. I live on Hill Street. I got up at 7 :1 5 . I don't have a car. Laura U N I T the oldest the most expensive -K tix MOTEL PRICES IN J A M E S 't o w i £ [Per room per nig ht] Box A is b igger than Box B. Box A is b igger than all the other boxes. Box A is the b ig g est box. Best West Motel $135 Oak Tree Motel $85 Sleep Inn $105 Cozy Cabins $60 Rainbow Motel $95 Lake View Inn $50 The Best W est M otel is m ore exp en sive than the Sleep Inn. The Best W est M otel is m ore exp en sive than ah the other motels in town. The Best W est M otel is the m o st expensive m otel in town. B ig g er / old er / m ore expensive, etc. are comparative forms (—►U nit 88). B ig g est / old est / m o st expensive, etc. are superlative forms. The superlative form is -est (oldest) or m o s t . . . (m ost expensive). Short words (o ld /c h e a p /n ic e , etc.) —►the -est: old —►the old est cheap —►the cheapest but good —►the best bad —►the w orst nice —►the n icest For spelling see Appendix 5. h o t —►the h o ttest big —►the biggest Words ending in -y (easy/heavy, etc.) —►the -iest: easy —►the easiest heavy —►the heaviest pretty —►the p rettiest Long words (ca refu l/ex p en siv e/in terestin g , etc.) - the m o s t . . . : careful —►the m o st careful interesting ►the m o st in terestin g We say the o ld e st. . . / the m ost expensive . . ., etc. (with the): ■ The church is very old. It’s the old est building in the town. (= it is old er than all the other buildings) ■ W hat is the lo n g est river in the world? ■ M oney is im portant, but it isn’t the m o st im p ortan t thing in life. ■ Excuse me, w here is the nearest bank? You can use the old est / the best / the m o st expensive, etc. w ithout a noun: ■ Ken is a good player, but he isn’t the best on the team. (the best = the best player) You can use superlative + I’ve ever . . . / y o u ’ve ever . . ., etc.: ■ The movie was very bad. I think it’s the w orst movie I’ve ever seen. ■ W hat is the m o st unusual thing y o u ’ve ever done? present perfect + ever —►Unit 16 older / more expensive —►Units 88-89 U N I T erases 91 Write sentences with comparatives (older, etc.) and superlatives (the oldest, etc.). 1. C big/sm all (A /D ) A is bigger than V. (A) A is the biggest. (B) 23 is the smallest. 11D A. B . C. D- 3. D I'm 23. I'm 19. long/short (C /A ) C i s . (D) D is . (B) B is _ A. I'm 24. young/old (D /C ) D _ ■ (C) ___ (B) ------ expensive/cheap (D/A) _____ (C) _______ (A) _____ D. RESTAURANT A excellent RESTAURANT B not bad good/bad (A /C ) _ RESTAURANT C good but not wonderfuL (A) _ RESTAURANT D awfuL (D) - Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (the oldest, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. This building is very old. It’s th e o ld est building in town. It was a very happy day. It w a s _____________________________ of my life. It’s a very good movie. It’s . I’ve ever seen. She’s a very popular singer. She’s . in the country. It was a very bad mistake. It was _ I’ve ever made. It’s a very pretty city. It’s _______ I’ve ever seen. It was a very cold day. It w a s ___ of the year. H e’s a very boring person. H e’s _ _______I’ve ever met. 1 3 Write sentences with a superlative (the longest, etc.). Choose from the boxes. Sydr Alaska Everest the N ile B ra zil Jupiter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. h ig h large lo n g -erty - cou n try m ou n tain river state planet A frica South A m erica A u s tr a lia the w orld the U n ited States the solar system Sydney is the largest city in Australia. E v erest_____________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 183 enough I only have two dollars not enough for a taxi. She isn’t going to take a taxi. She doesn’t have en ou gh m on ey. H e can’t reach the shelf. H e isn’t tall enough. E n o u g h + noun (enou gh m o n ey / en ou gh p eop le, etc.) ■ “Is there en ou gh salt in the soup?” “Yes, it’s fine.” ■ We w anted to play football, but we didn’t have en ou gh players. ■ W hy don’t you buy a car? You’ve got en ou gh m on ey. (not m oney enough) E n ou gh w ithout a noun ■ I’ve got some money, but not en ou gh to buy a car. (= I need m ore m oney to buy a car) ■ “W ould you like some m ore to eat?” “N o, thanks. I’vehad en ou gh .” ■ You’re always at home. You don’t go out enough. Adjective + en ou gh (good en ou gh / tall en ough, etc.) ■ “Do you w ant to go swimming?” “No, it isn’t w arm en o u g h .”(not enough warm) M Can you hear the radio? Is it lo u d en ou gh for you? ■ D on’t buy that coat. It’s nice, but it isn’t lo n g en ough. (= it’s too short) Rem em ber: en o u g h + noun but adjective + en ou gh tall en ou gh good en ou gh old en ou gh en o u g h m oney en o u g h time en o u g h people W e say: en o u g h for som ebody/som ething This sweater isn’t b ig en ou gh for m e. I don’t have en ou gh m o n ey for a n ew car. en o u g h to do som ething I don’t have en ou gh m o n ey to buy a new car. (not for buy) Is your English g o o d en ou gh to have a conversation? (not for have) en o u g h for som ebody/som ething to do som ething There aren’t en ou gh chairs for everybody to sit down. to and for —►Unit 55 t o o —►Unit 93 xercises u N ' T 92 : 1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use enough + these words: chairs m o n ey- p ain t w in d 1. She doesn’t have enough money . 2. There aren’t ________________________ . 3. She doesn’t h a v e __________________ 4. There isn’t ________________________ I 2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use these adjectives + enough: b ig lo n g strong ta ll 1. H e _ isn f tall enough 2. The c a r . 3. His legs aren’t . 4. H e __________ Complete the sentences. Use enough with these words: b ig 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. eat len d - old p ractice salt tim e space tired “Is there enough s a lt in the soup?” “Yes, it’s fine.” Can you hear the radio? Is it loud enough for you? He can quit school if he wants - he’s _______________________ W hen I visited N ew York last year, I didn’t h a v e ____________ the things I w anted to see. This house isn’t for a large family. Tina is very thin. She doesn’t _____ My office is very small. T here isn’t . It’s late, but I don’t w ant to go to bed now. I’m n o t ___ Lisa isn’t a very good tennis player because she doesn’t . to see all 2.4 Complete the sentences. Use enough with these words: 1. W e don’t have _ enough m o n e y to b u y 2 . This knife isn’t __ 3. 4. 5. 6. The w ater wasn’t . Do we h a v e _____ W e played well, but n o t . I don’t h a v e ___________ a new car. tom atoes, _ swimming, . sandwiches? . the game, the newspaper, (money / buy) (sharp / cut) (warm / go) (bread / make) (well / win) (time / read) 185 U N I T too There is to o m u ch sugar in it. The shoes are to o b ig for him. Too + adjective / adverb (too b ig / too hard, etc.) ■ Can you turn the radio down? It’s too loud. (= louder than I want) ■ I can’t work. I’m to o tired. ■ I think you work to o hard. It's too loud. Too m u ch / to o m any = m ore than you want, m ore than is good: ■ I don’t like the w eather here. T here is to o m u ch rain. (= m ore rain than is good) ■ Let’s go to another restaurant. There are to o m any p eo p le here. ■ Emily studies all the time. I think she studies to o m uch. ■ Traffic is a problem in this town. There are to o m any cars. Com pare to o and n o t enough: The hat is to o b ig for him. The radio is to o loud. Can you turn it down, please? T here’s to o m u ch sugar in my coffee. (= m ore sugar than I want) I don’t feel very well. I ate to o m uch. The hat isn’t b ig en ou gh for him. (= it’s to o sm all) The radio isn’t lo u d en ou gh. Can you turn it up, please': T here’s n o t en ou gh sugar in my coffee. (= I need m ore sugar) You’re very thin. You don’t eat en ough. n o t b ig en ou gh W e say: 186 to o . . . for som ebody/som ething These shoes are to o b ig for me. It’s a small house - to o sm all for a large fami_rT| to o . . . to do som ething I’m to o tired to go out. (not for go out) It’s to o cold to sit outside. to o . . . for somebody to do som ething She speaks to o fast for m e to understand. to . . . and f o r . . . —►Unit 55 much/many —►Unit 84 enough —►Unit 92 U N erases 1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use too + these words: b ig crow d ed fast 1. The music is . too loud 2. The box i s __ 3. The net i s __ h eavy -loud- lo w 4. She’s d riv in g __ 5. The ball i s ____ 6. The m useum is . Write too / too much / too many or enough. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. You’re always at home. You don’t go out enough rain. I don’t like the w eather here. T here’s . too m uch I can’t wait for them . I don’t h a v e _______________ time. . people. There was nowhere to sit on the beach. T here w e re ____ hard. You’re always tired. I think you w o rk ___________ “Did you h a v e to eat?” “Yes, thank you. You d rin k _______________ coffee. It’s not good for you. ___________vegetables. You should eat m ore o f them . You don’t e a t . I don’t like the w eather here. It’s _______________ cold. O ur team didn’t play well. We m a d e _______________ mistakes. “W ould you like some ice in your tea?” “Yes, but n o t _______________ . 3 Complete the sentences. Use too or enough with these words: I couldn’t work. I was too tired Can you turn the radio up, please? I t . isn t loud enough I don’t w ant to walk home. It’s _____ D o n ’t buy anything in that store. I t _ You can’t put all your things in this bag. I t . 6 . I couldn’t do the exercise. I t _____________ 7. Your w ork needs to be better. I t _________ I can’t talk to you now. I 9. I thought the movie was boring. I t . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Complete the sentences. Use too (+ adjective) + to . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. (I’m not going out / cold) It’s too cold to go out (I’m not going to bed / early) It’s __________________ (they’re not getting m arried / young) They’re . (nobody goes out at night / dangerous) It’s ________________________________________ 5. (don’t call Sue now / late) It’s _____________________ 6. (I didn’t say anything / surprised) I w a s _________________________ (tired) (loud) (far) (expensive) (big) (difficult) (good) (busy) (long) U N I T 94 He speaks English very well, (word order 1) Verb + object HB Sue reads subject verb a new spaper every day. object The verb (reads) and the object (a new spaper) are usually together. We say: ■ Sue reads a new spaper every day. (not Sue reads every day a newspaper) Sue (subject) a newspaper (object) verb + object He speaks I lik e Did you w atch Paul often wears We in vited I op en ed W hy do you always m ake I’m going to b orrow B E n glish very well. (not He speaks very well English) Italian fo o d very m uch. (not I like very m uch . . .) telev isio n all night? (not Did you watch all n ig h t. . .) a black hat. (not Paul wears often . . .) a lo t o f p eo p le to the party. the d oor slowly. the sam e m istake? som e m o n ey from the bank. W here and w hen We w ent to a party where? last n ig h t . when? Place (where?) is usually before tim e (when?). We say: W | ■ We w ent to a party last night. (not We w ent last night to a party) place (where?) Lisa walks W ill you be I usually go We arrived They’ve lived Jo e’s father has been 188 to at to at in in time (when? how long? how often?) w ork hom e bed the airport the sam e h ou se the h ospital w ord order in questions —»►Units 45-47 every day. tonight? early. at 7:00. for 20 years. since June. (not .. . every day to work) (n o t. ., . tonight at home) (not .., . early to bed) always/usually/often, etc. —►Unit 95 U N I : <ercises 34 1 Right or wrong? Correct the sentences that are wrong. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Did you watch (all nighTtelevisior^? Sue reads a newspaper every day. I like very m uch this picture. Tom started last week his new job. I w ant to speak English fluently. Jane bought for her friend a present. I drink every day three cups o f coffee. D o n ’t eat your dinner too quickly! I borrow ed from my brother 50 dollars. V id you watch television all night? OK______________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54.2 Put the words in order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (the door / opened / I / slowly) (a new com puter / I / last week / bought) (finished / Paul / quickly / his work) (Emily / very well / French / doesn’t speak) (a lot o f shopping / did / I / yesterday) (N ew York / do you know / well?) (we / enjoyed / very m uch / the party) (the problem / carefully / I / explained) (we / at the airport / some friends / met) (did you buy / in Canada / that jacket?) (every day / do / the same thing / we) (football / don’t like / very m uch / I) / opened the door slowly. I _____________________ hi .3 Put the words in order. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. (to w ork / every day / walks / Lisa) Lisa walks to work every day. (at the hotel / I / early / arrived) I ______________________________ (goes / every year / to Puerto Rico / Julia) J u lia __________________ (we / since 2002 / here / have lived) W e ________________________ (in Florida / Sue / in 1984 / was born) S u e ___________________________________________________________ (didn’t go / yesterday / Paul / to work) P a u l__________________________________________________________ (to a wedding / last w eekend / w ent / Helen) H e le n ________________________________________________________ (I / in bed / this m orning / my breakfast / had) I _______________________________________ ______________________ (in Septem ber / Barbara / to college / is going) B arb a ra_______________________________________________________ (I / a beautiful bird / this m orning / in the garden / saw) I _____________________________________________________________ (many times / have been / my parents / to Tokyo) M y ______________________________________________________ ____ (my um brella / I / last night / left / in the restaurant) I _____________________________________________________________ (to the movies / tom orrow night / are you going?) Are _______________________________________________________ (the children / I / took / this m orning / to school) I _____________________________________________________________ always/usually/often, etc. (word order 2) These words (always/never, etc.) are with the verb in the middle of a sentence: always often ever rarely also already all usually so m etim es never seld om ju st still b oth ■ My brother never speaks to me. ■ She’s always late. ■ Do you often go to restaurants? ■ I so m etim es eat too m uch, (or S o m etim es I eat too much.) ■ “D o n’t forget to call Laura.” “I’ve already called her.” ■ I’ve got three sisters. T hey’re all married. A lw ays/n ever, etc. are before the verb: verb always o ften never etc. g° play have etc. ■ ■ ■ ■ I always drink coffee in the m orning. (not I drink always coffee) H elen often goes to Chicago on business. (not H elen goes often) You so m etim es lo o k unhappy. They usually have dinner at 7:00. We rarely (or seld om ) w atch television. Richard is a good swimmer. H e also plays tennis and volleyball. (not H e plays also tennis) I’ve got three sisters. They all live in the same city. B ut alw ays/never, etc. are after a m /is/a r e /w a s/w e r e : am 1S are was w ere always often never etc. 1 I am always tired, (not I always am tired) I They are never at hom e during the day. It is usually very cold here in the winter. I W hen I was a child, I was often late for school. I “W here’s Laura?” “She’s still in bed.” I’ve got two brothers. T hey’re b oth doctors. A lw ays/never, etc. are between two verbs (have . . . been / can . . . find, etc.): verb 2 verb 1 w ill can do etc. have has always often never etc. g° find rem em ber etc. gon e been etc. I w ill always rem em b er you. It d o esn ’t often rain here. D o you usually drive to work? I can never fin d my keys. H ave you ever been to Egypt? D id the phone ju st ring? The children have all fin ish ed their hom ework. always/never + simple present —►Unit 5 just/already + present perfect —►Unit 20 190 b o th —►Unit 83 still —►Unit 96 all —►Units 81-82 U N I : <ercises 1 Read Paul's answers to the questions. Write sentences about Paul with often/never, etc. Pau l 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do you ever play tennis? Do you get up early? Are you ever late for work? Do you ever get angry? Do you ever go swimming? Are you at hom e in the evenings? Yes, often. Yes, always. No, never. Sometimes. Rarely. Yes, usually. Paul often plays tennis. H e. He 2 Write these sentences with never/always/usually, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. My brother speaks to me. (never) Susan is polite, (always) I finish work at 5:00. (usually) Sarah has started a new job. (just) I go to bed before m idnight, (rarely) The bus isn’t late, (usually) I don’t eat fish, (often) I will forget w hat you said, (never) Have you lost your passport? (ever) Do you w ork in the same place? (still) They stay at the same hotel, (always) Jane doesn’t w ork on Saturdays, (usually) Is Tina here? (already) W hat do you have for breakfast? (usually) I can rem em ber his name, (never) P\y brother never speaks to me. S usan _________________________ I _____________________________ S arah _________________________ 5 3 Write sentences with also. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you play football? (basketball) Do you speak Italian? (French) Are you tired? (hungry) Have you been to Mexico? (Guatem ala) Did you buy any clothes? (some books) Yes, and I also play basketball. Yes, and I . Yes, and _ Y es,_____ r 3 4 Write sentences with both and all. I'm m arried. I was born in Venezuela. I live in Miami. I live in Lima. I play soccer. I'm a student. I have a car. 1. I live in Lima. I play soccer. I'm a student. I have a car. They both live in Lima. T hey. soccer. students. . cars. 2. T h e y . They. . married. . Venezuela. U N I T 96 A still yet already Still an hour ago now The rain hasn’t stopped An hour ago it was raining. still = ■ ■ IK It is still raining now. som ething is the same as before: I had a lot to eat, but I’m still hungry. (= I was hungry before, and I’m hungry now) “D id you sell your car?” “No, I still have it.” “Do you still live in Los Angeles?” “No, I live in San Francisco now.” B T w enty m inutes ago they were waiting for Bill. They are still waiting for Bill, Bill hasn’t co m e yet. yet = until now We use yet in negative sentences (He hasn’t come yet.) and in questions (Has he come yet?). Yet is usually at the end of a sentence: ■ A: W here’s Emma? B: She isn ’t here yet. (= she will be here, but until now she hasn’t come) ■ A: W hat are you doing tonight? B: I d o n ’t know yet. (= I will know later, but I don’t know now) ■ A: Are you ready to go yet? B: N o t yet. In a m inute. (= I will be ready, but I’m not ready now) ■ A: Have you decided w hat to do yet? B: No, I’m still thinking about it. Com pare yet and still: ■ She hasn’t left yet. — She’s still here, (not she is yet here) ■ I haven’t finished my hom ew ork yet. = I’m still doing it. A lready = earlier than expected: ■ “W hat tim e is Joe coming?” “H e’s already here.” (= earlier than we expected) ■ “I’m going to tell you w hat happened.” “T hat’s not necessary. I already know.” ■ Sarah isn’t coming to the movies w ith us. She has already seen the film. 192 already/yet + present perfect/simple past —►Unit 20 word order (still/already) —►Unit 95 U N I T : <ercises 1 You meet Tina. The last time you saw her was two years ago. You ask her some questions with still. Tina - two years ago 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. I play the piano. 4. I'm studying Japanese. 2 I have an old car. 5. I go to the movies a lot. 3. 6 . I w ant to be a teacher. 6* I'm a student. Do you still play the piano? Do y o u ___________________ A r e _______________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ 2 Write three sentences for each situation. Look at the example carefully. now They w e re w a itin g fo r the bus. They a re s t ill w aiting._________ The bus hastn t com e yet._______ 2. I'm looking for a job. (before) He w a s . (still) H e ____ (yet) ----------- 3. . yet. asleep. (before) She . (still) ____ (yet) ------ 4. (before) They . (still) _____ (yet) -------dinner dinner :6.3 Write questions with yet. 1. You and Sue are going out together. You are waiting for her to get ready. Maybe she is ready now. You ask her: A re you ready yet? 2. You are waiting for H elen to arrive. She wasn’t here 10 m inutes ago. Maybe she is here now. You ask som ebody:____________ H e le n ______________________________________________ 3. Anna had a blood test and is waiting for the results. Maybe she has gotten her results. You ask h e r :____________ y o u _______________________________________________________ 4. A few days ago you spoke to Tom. H e wasn’t sure w here to go for his vacation. Maybe he has decided. You ask h im :____________________________________________________________________ _ 96.4 Complete the sentences. Use already. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W hat tim e is Joe coming? Do you and Joe w ant to see the movie? I have to see Julia before she leaves. Do you need a pen? Should I pay the bill? Should I tell Paul about the m eeting? H e's a lre a d y here. No, we i/g a lre a d y seen it. It’s too late. S h e _______________ . one. No, thanks. I _________________ No, that’s OK. I . . I told him. No, h e ________ U N I T Give me that book! give len d pass send Give it to me! show After these verbs (give/len d , etc.), there are two possible structures: give so m eth in g to som eb od y ■ I gave the keys to Sarah. give som eb od y so m eth in g ■ I gave Sarah the keys. G ive so m eth in g to som eb od y T h at’s my book. T hese are Sue’s keys. C an you C an you I D id you W e’ve seen these pictures. You G ive give give len t send show ed som ething to somebody it them these flowers my car a postcard them to to to to to to me. her? your m other? a friend o f mine, Kate? us yesterday. G ive som eb od y so m eth in g Tom I H ow m uch m oney did you I N icole C an you Give gave len t len d sent show ed pass somebody som ething me his m other Joe him? you us me that book. It’s mine, some flowers, some money. an e-mail. Did you get it? her vacation photos, the salt, please? You can also say “b u y /g e t somebody som ething”: ■ I b ou g h t my m other some flowers. (= I bought some flowers for my mother.) ■ Can you get me a new spaper w hen you go out? (= get a newspaper for me) You can say: ■ I gave the keys to Sarah. and I gave Sarah the keys. (but not I gave to Sarah the keys) ■ T hat’s my book. Can you give it to me? and Can you give m e that book? (but not Can you give to me that book?) We prefer the first structure (give som ething to somebody) w ith it or them : ■ I gave it to her. (not I gave her it) ■ H ere are the keys. Give th em to your father, (not Give your father them ) 194 it/him/them, etc. —►Unit 60 u N I E <ercises 1 Mark had some things that he didn't want. He gave them to different people. Write sentences beginning He gave . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W hat did M ark do w ith the armchair? He gave it to his brother._____________________ W hat did he do w ith the tennis racket? He g av e_____________________________________ W hat happened to the books? H e ____________________________ ______________ W hat about the lamp?-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------W hat did he do w ith the pictures?______ ___________________ __________________________ And the ladder?_______________________ _____________________________ ________________ 2 You gave presents to your friends. You decided to give them the things in the pictures. Write a sentence for each person. 1. / pave Paul a book.______________________ 2. I g av e________________________________ 3. I _____________________________________ 4. 5. 6. 3 Write questions beginning Can you give me .. . ? / Can you pass me . . . ?, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (you (you (you (you (you (you (you w ant the salt) need an umbrella) w ant my address) need 20 dollars) w ant some inform ation) w ant to see the letter) w ant some stamps) (pass) Can you pass me the salt? ________________ (lend) Can y o u __________________________________ (give) C a n _________________ y o u r _______________ (lend) _________________________________________ (send) _________________________________________ (show) _________________________________________ (get)_____________________________________ _________ Which is right? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I gave to -Sarah th e keys---/ I gave Sarah the keys. (Igave Sarah the keys is right) I’ll lend to you some m oney if you want. / I’ll lend you some m oney if you want. D id you send the letter m e? / Did you send the letter to m e? I w ant to buy for you a present. / I w ant to buy you a present. Can you pass to me the sugar, please? / Can you pass me the sugar, please? This is Lisa’s bag. Can you give it to h e r? / Can you give her it? I showed to the police officer my driver’s license. / I showed the police officer my driver’s license. and and but but or or so because b eca u se so We use these words (conjunctions) to jo in two sentences. They make one longer sentence from two shorter sentences: The car stopped. The driver got out. The car stopped, and the driver got out. A n d /b u t/o r sentence A W e stayed at hom e M y sister is m arried H e doesn’t like her, I b ought a newspaper, It’s a nice house, D o you w ant to go out, sentence B and and and but b ut or (we)* w atched television. (she)* lives in Houston. she doesn’t like him. I didn’t read it. it doesn’t have a garage. are you too tired? T t is not necessary to repeat “w e” and “she.” In lists, we use commas (,). We use and before the last two things: ■ I got home, had som ething to eat, sat down in an armchair, and fell asleep. / / / ■ Karen is at work, Sue has gone shopping, and Chris is playing football. So (the result of something) sentence A It was very hot, Joe plays a lot o f sports, T hey do n ’t like to travel, sentence B so so so I opened the window, he’s very fit. they haven’t been to many places. B ecause (the reason for something) sentence B sentence A I opened the w indow Joe can’t com e to the party Lisa is hungry because because because it was very hot. he’s leaving town. she didn’t have breakfast. B ecause is also possible at the beginning. We use a comma. ■ B ecause it was very hot, I opened the window. In these examples there is m ore than one conjunction: ■ It was late and I was tired, so I w ent to bed. ■ I love N ew York, b ut I w ouldn’t like to live there because it’s too big. when/while/before, etc. —►Unit 99 U N I T <ercises : 1 Write sentences. Choose from the boxes and use and/but/or. I stayed at hem e; I bought a n ewspaper. I w ent to the window. I w anted to call you. I ju m p ed into the river. I usually drive to work. Do you w ant me to come w ith you? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I didn’t have your number. Should I wait here? I dicbTt-read it. I took the bus this m orning. I watched television;. I swam to the other side. I looked out. / stayed at home and watched television. / bought a newspaper, but / didn't read it. 2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use and/but/so/because. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. It was vervJ hot.1 ............... .. he opened the window. / Thevj couldn’t rplav tennis Thevj w ent to the m useum .7 Bill wasn’t hunerv. O J 7 "■ ........................ H elen was late Sue said j : 3 Write sentences about what you did yesterday. Use and/but, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (and) (because) (but) (and) (so) (because) L a st night / stayed at home and studied._____________ / went to bed very early because / was tired._________ ________________________________________________ ___ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ 197 When W hen I w en t ou t, it was rain ing. This sentence has two parts: w h en I w en t ou t + > > !& it was rain in g You can say: ■ W hen I w en t out, it was raining, It was rain in g w hen I w ent out. or W e w rite a com m a (,) if W hen . . . is at the beginning: W hen you’re tired, don’t drive. D on’t drive w h en you’re tired. H elen was 25 w h en she got m arried. W hen H elen got m arried, she was 25. We do the same in sentences w ith b e fo r e/w h ile /a fter : Always look both ways b efore you cross the street. B efore you cross the street, always look both ways. W h ile I was waiting for the bus, it began to rain. It began to rain w h ile I was waiting for the bus. H e never played football again after he broke his leg. A fter he broke his leg, he never played football again. W hen I am . . . / W hen I go . . . , etc. N ext week Sarah is going to N ew York. She has a friend, Lisa, who lives in N ew York, but Lisa is also going away - to Mexico. So they w on’t see each other in N ew York. I'll be in Mexico when you're here. Lisa w ill be in Mexico w h en Sarah is in N ew York. The time is future (next w eek) but we say: . . . w h en Sarah is in N ew York. (not w hen Sarah will be) We use the present (I am / I go, etc.) w ith a future meaning after when: ■ W hen I get hom e tonight, I’m going to take a shower, (not W hen I will get home) ■ I can’t talk to you now. I’ll talk to you later w h en I have m ore time. We do the same after b e fo r e /w h ile /a fte r /u n til: ■ Please close the window b efore you go out. (not before you will go) ■ Rachel is going to stay in our apartm ent w h ile we are away, (not while we will be) ■ I’ll wait here u n til you co m e back, (not until you will come back) if and w hen —►Unit 100 until —►Unit 105 before/while/after —►Unit 106 tercises 1 u N Write sentences beginning with when. Choose from the boxes. W hen + 1. I w ent out I’m tired I called her I go on vacation the program ended I got to the hotel + I turned off the TV I always go to the same place there were no rooms h ^ a s-rain-m gthere was no answer 1 like to watch TV When / w ent out it was raining. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. Complete the sentences using the following: somebody broke into the house b efore t-hey crossed th e -street they went to live in France 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. before they came here while they were away when they heard the news they didn’t believe me They looked both ways before they crossed the street.________________________ They were very su rp rised ____________________________________________________ After they got m a rrie d ,. T heir house was damaged in a storm . W here did they liv e _______________ W hile we were asleep,_____________ W hen I told them w hat happened, Which is right? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I stay -/ I’ll stay here until you come / you’ll come- back.(Yll stay and youcome are right) I’m going to bed w hen I finish / I’ll finish my work. We m ust do som ething before it’s / it will be too late. H elen is moving away soon. I’m / I’ll be very sad w hen sheleaves / she’ll leave. D on’t go out yet. W ait until the rain stops / will stop. We come / W e’ll come and visit you w hen w e’re / w e’ll be in Toronto again. W hen I come / I’ll come to see you tom orrow, I bring / I’ll bring your DVDs. I’m going to Q uebec next week. I hope to see some friends of m ine while I’m / I’ll be there. “I need your address.” “OK, I give / I’ll give it to you before I go / I’ll go.” I’m not ready yet. I tell / I’ll tell you w hen I’m / I’ll be ready. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Can you close the window before you go out________________________________________? W hat are you going to do w h e n ____________________________________________________ ? W hen I have enough m oney,_______________________________________________________ . I’ll wait for you w h ile ______________________________________________________________ . W hen I start my new j o b , __________________________________________________________ . W ill you be here w hen ____________________________________________________________ ? If you see . . . , etc. If we go Should we take the bus or a taxi? W e'll get there more quickly « if we take a taxi. I f can be at the beginning of a sentence or in the middle: . ' 1 I f at the beginning ■'I S mm ■ I f we take the bus, I f you don’t hurry, I f you’re hungry, I f the phone rings, it will be cheaper. you’ll miss the train. have som ething to eat. can you answer it, please? i f in the m iddle It will be cheaper You’ll miss the train I’m going to the concert Is it O K if if if if we take the bus. you don’t hurry. I can get a ticket. I use your phone? In conversation, we often use the if-part o f the sentence alone: ■ “Are you going to the concert?” “Yes, i f I can get a tick et.” ■ i I f you see A nn to m o rro w . . . , etc. msmm After if, we use the present (not will). We say i f you see . . . (not if you will see): ■ I f you see Ann tom orrow, can you ask her to call me? ■ I f P m late tonight, don’t wait for me. (not if Iwill be) ■ W hat should we do i f it rains? (not if it will rain) ■ I f I d o n ’t feel well tomorrow, I’ll stay hom e. I f and w h en lllli 111 I I f I go out = it is possible that I will go out, but I’m not sure: ■ A: Are you going out later? B: Maybe. I f I go out, I’ll close the windows. W hen I go out = I’m going out (for sure): ■ A: Are you going out later? B: Yes, I am. W hen I go out, I’ll close the windows. Com pare w h en and if: ■ W hen I get hom e tonight, I’m going to take a shower. m I f I’m late tonight, don’t wait for me. (not W hen I’m late) ■ W e’re going to play basketball i f it doesn’t rain, (not w hen it doesn’t rain) w hen —►Unit 99 if I had / if w e w en t , etc. —►Unit 101 U N I T ercises i 1 Write sentences beginning with if. Choose from the boxes. you don’t-hurry you pass the driving test you fail the driving test you don’t want this magazine you want those pictures you’re busy now you’re hungry you need money + we can have lunch now you can have them I can lend you some you’ll get your license you’ll be late I’ll throw it away we can talk later you can take it again 1. I f you don t hurry, you II be late. 2. If you J Jpass T 3. If 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 0.2 Which is right? 1. If Fm / T i l b e- late tonight, don’t wait for me. (Fm is right) 2. W ill you call me if I give / I’ll give you my phone num ber? 3. If there is / will be a fire, the alarm will ring. 4 . If I don’t see you tom orrow m orning, I call / I’ll call you in the afternoon. 5. I’m / I’ll be surprised if M artin and Jane get / will get married. 6. Do you go / W ill you go to the party if they invite / they’ll invite you? 0.3 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. 1. I’m going to the concert if / can get a ticket._________________________________ 2. If you don’t hurry, you'll miss the train.______________________________________ 3. I don’t w ant to disturb you i f ________________________________________________ 4 . If you go to bed early to n ig h t,______________________________________________ 5. Turn the television off i f _______________ ____________________________________ 6. Tina w on’t pass her driving test i f ___________________________________________ 7. If I have tim e to m o rro w ,___________________________________________________ 8. We can go to the beach tom orrow i f _________________________________________ 9. I’ll be surprised i f __________________________________________________________ 0.4 Write if or when. 1. I f . I’m late tonight, don’t wait for me. 2. I’m going shopping n o w ._______________ I come back, we can have lunch. 3. I’m thinking o f going to see T im ._______________I go, will you come w ith me? 4 . _______________ you don’t w ant to go out tonight, we can stay at home. 5. Is it O K _______________ I close the window? 6. Jo h n is still in high school._______________ he finishes, he wants to go to college. 7. Do you w ant to go on a picnic to m o rro w _______________the w eather is good? 8. W e’re going to Mexico City next week. W e’re going to look for a h o te l_________ we get there. I don’t know w hat w e’ll d o _______________we don’t find a room. If I had . . . If we w e n t .. ., etc. Dan likes fast cars, but he doesn’t have one. He doesn’t have enough money. If I had the mo n e y , . . . I f he had the money, he w o u ld buy a fast car. Usually had is past, but in this sentence had is not past. I f he had the m oney = if he had the m oney now (but he doesn’t have it). If I you it they, etc. h a d /k n e w /liv e d /w e n t (etc.) . . . , d id n ’t have / d id n ’t k n ow (etc.) . . . , w ere . . ., cou ld . . . , I you it they, etc. w o u ld (n ’t) co u ld (n ’t) buy . .. be . . . have . . . go . . . , etc-1 You can say: ■ I f he had the money, he w ould buy a car. or He w ould buy a car i f he had the money. Fd / she’d / th ey’d, etc. = I w o u ld / she w o u ld / they w ou ld, etc.: ■ I don’t know the answer. I f I k n ew the answer, I’d tell you. ■ It’s raining, so w e’re not going out. W e’d get w et i f we w en t out. ■ Jane lives in a city. She likes cities. She w o u ld n ’t be happy i f she lived in the country. ■ I f you d id n ’t have a job, w hat w o u ld you do? (but you have a job) ■ I’m sorry I can’t help you. I’d help you i f I could, (but I can't) ■ i f we had a car, we cou ld travel m ore, (but we don't have a car, so we can't travel much) I f (I) w a s/w ere . . . I w ouldn't ao out if I were You can say i f I/h e /s h e /it was or i f I /h e /s h e /it were: ■ It’s not a very nice place. I w ouldn’t go there i f I w ere you. (or . . . i f I was you) ■ It would be nice i f the w eather was better. (or . . . i f the w eather w ere better) ■ W hat would Tom do i f he w ere here? (or . . . i f he was here) Com pare: i f I have / i f it is, etc. ■ I w ant to go and see Helen. I f I have time, I w ill go today. (= maybe I’ll have time, so maybe I’ll go) ■ I like that jacket. I’ll buy it i f it isn ’t too expensive. (= maybe it will not be too expensive) ■ I’ll help you i f I can. (= maybe I can help) if w e go / if I have / if I can, etc. —►Unit 100 i f I had / i f it was, etc. ■ I w ant to go and see Helen. I f I had time, I w o u ld go today. (= I don’t have tim e today, so I will not go) ■ I like that jacket, but it’s very expensive I’d buy it i f it w asn ’t so expensive. (= it is expensive, so I’m not going to buy it) ■ I’d h elp you i f I cou ld, but I can’t. U N I T xercises 101 ‘ 1 Complete the sentences. I don’t know the answer. If I k n e w the answer, I’d tell you. I have a car. I couldn’t travel very m uch if I didn't h a v e a car. I don’t w ant to go out. If I _________________________ to go out, I’d go. W e don’t have a key. If w e _________________________ a key, we could get into the house. I’m not hungry. I w ould have som ething to eat if I _________________________ hungry. . it. 6 . Sue enjoys her work. She w ouldn’t do it if s h e ____ speak a foreign 7. He can’t speak any foreign languages. If h e _______ language, maybe he would get a better job. . harder, you would have You don’t try hard enough. If y o u _______________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. m ore success. 9. I have a lot to do today. If I _____________________ . so m uch to do, we could go out. .2 Put the verb in the correct form. 1. If h e h a d the money, he w ould buy a fast car. (he / have) 2. Jane likes living in a city. S h e w ouldn t b e happy if she lived in the country, (she / not / be) 3. If I w anted to learn Italian ,______________________ to Italy. (I / go) 4. I haven’t told H elen w hat happened. She’d be angry i f ______________________ (she / know) 5. I f _______________________ a map, I could show you where I live, (we / have) . a lot of money? (you / win) 6. W hat w ould you do i f ___ . there if I were you. (I / not / stay) 7. It’s not a very good h o te l.. closer to Miami, we w ould go there m ore often, (we / live) 8. If_ nice if you had m ore time, (it / be) 9. I’m sorry you have to go n o w .__________________ . better, (the salary / be) 10. I’m not going to take the job. I’d take it i f _____________ . w hat to 11. I don’t know anything about cars. If my car broke d o w n ,. do. (I / not / know) 12. If you could change one thing in the world, w h a t______ (you / change) .3 Complete the sentences. Use the following (with the verb in the correct form): we (have) a bigger house we (buy) a bigger house we (have) some pictures on the wall 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. it (be) a little cheaper every day (be) the same the air (be) cleaner I (watch) it I (be) bored I’d buy that jacket if i t w a s a little c h e a p e r If there was a good movie on TV to n ig h t,. This room w ould be nicer i f __ If there wasn’t so m uch traffic, Life would be boring i f ______ If I had nothing to do, W e could invite all our friends to stay if _ If we had m ore m oney,_______________ 1.4 Complete the sentences. Use your own ideas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I’d be happier if / h a d less w o rk If I could go anywhere in the world, _ I w ouldn’t be very happy i f _________ I’d b u y if _ If I saw an accident in the stre e t,____ The world would be a better place if _ 203 a person who . . . a thing that/which . . . (relative clauses 1) I m et a woman. She can speak six languages. 2 sentences she who 1 sentence • I m et a w om an w h o can speak six languages. Jack was wearing a hat. It was too big for him. 2 sentences it —►that or w h ich 1 sentence • Jack was wearing a hat that was too big for him Jack was wearing a hat w h ich was too big for him. W ho is for people (not things): A thief is a person Do you know anybody T he m an T he p eo p le who who w ho who steals things, can play the piano? called w ork in the office didn’t give his name, are very friendly. T hat is for things or people: An airplane is a m ach in e Em m a lives in a h ouse T he p eo p le that flies. that is 100 years old. that w ork in the office are very friendly. You can use that for people, but w h o is m ore common. W hich is for things (nor people): An airplane is a m achin e Em m a lives in a h ouse w h ich flies. (not a m achine w ho . . .) w h ich is 100 years old. Do not use w h ich for people: ■ Do you rem em ber the w om an w h o played the piano at the party? (not the w om an w hich . . .) 204 w ho and w hich in questions —►Units 46, 48 the people w e met (relative clauses 2) —►Unit 103 U N I T ercises 1 Choose from the boxes and write sentences: A . . . is a person who . . . . Use a dictionary if necessary. a th ief a butcher a musician a patient 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. a dentist a fool a genius a liar doesn’t tell the truth takes care o f your teeth is very intelligent plays a musical instrum ent is sick in the hospital steak-fehmgs does stupid things sells m eat t h ie f is a p e rso n who stea ls things. A butcher is a person . A m usician _________ ____________________ ____________________ _________________ 7. 2 Make one sentence from two. 1. (A m an called. H e didn’t give his name.) The man who ca lle d didn 't g iv e his name. _ 2. (A w om an opened the door. She was wearing a yellow dress.) The w o m a n ___________________________________________________________a yellow dress. 3. (Some students took the test. M ost o f them passed.) M ost o f the stu d en ts______________________________________________________________ _ 4. (A police officer stopped our car. He wasn’t very friendly.) T h e _______________________________________________________________________________ 3 Write who or which. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I m et a w om an w ho can speak six languages. W h at’s the nam e of the m a n ____________ ju st started working in your office? W h at’s the nam e o f the riv e r_____________ flows through the town? W here is the p ic tu re _____________ was hanging on the wall? Do you know anybody____________ wants to buy a car? You always ask q uestions_____________ are difficult to answer. I have a frie n d _____________ is very good at fixing cars. I think everybody w ent to the party really enjoyed it. W hy does he always wear clo th es_____________ are too small for him? 4 Right or wrong? Correct the mistakes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A th ief is(a person which stealj)things. a p e rs o n who stea ls _______________ An airplane is a machine that flies. OK________________________________ A coffee m aker is a machine w ho makes coffee. _____________________________________ Have you seen the m oney that was on the table? _____________________________________ I don’t like people which never stop talking. _____________________________________ I know somebody that can help you. _____________________________________ I know somebody who works in that store._______ _____________________________________ C orrect the sentences who are wrong. _____________________________________ My neighbor bought a car who cost $60,000. _____________________________________ U N I T 103 the people we met the hotel you stayed at (relative clauses 2) A The m an is carrying a bag. It’s very heavy. 2 sentences The bag (that) he is carrying is very heavy 1 sentence — ——————— ^ Kate w on some money. W hat is she going to do w ith it? 2 sentence; W hat is Kate going to do with the m on ey (that) she won? — — -----i sentence ■ — ---------- —---- ' Kate You can say: ■ The bag that he is carrying . . . ■ . . . the m oney that Kate won? or or The bag he is carrying . . . (with or w ithout that) . . . the m oney Kate won? You do not need th a t/w h o /w h ic h w hen it is the object: subject The m an Kate You We verb object was carrying won w anted m et a bag some m oney some books some people —►the —►the —►the —►the bag (that) the m an was carrying m o n ey (that) Kate w on b ook s (that) you w anted p eo p le (who) w e m et ■ Did you find the b ook s you wanted? (or . . . the books that you wanted?) ■ T he p eo p le w e m e t were very friendly, (or The people w h o we m e t . . .) ■ E verythin g I said was true, (or Everything that I said . . .) W e say: ■ The movie w e saw was very good, (not The movie we saw it was . . .) Sometimes there is a preposition (to /in /a t, etc.) after the verb: Eve is talk in g to a man, We stayed at a hotel, I to ld you about some books, Do you know the m an Eve is talk in g to? T he h o tel w e stayed at was near the station. These are the b ook s I told you about. W e say: . . . the books I told you about, (not the books I told you about them ) You can say (a place) w here . . . : ■ T he h o tel w here we stayed was near the station. (= The hotel we stayed a t . . .) C 206 You m ust use w h o /th a t/w h ic h w hen it is the subject (-► U nit 102): ■ I m et a w om an w h o can speak six languages, (w ho is the subject) ■ Jack was wearing a hat that was too big for him. (that is the subject) a person who , a thing that/which (relative clauses 1) —►Unit 102 : <ercises uni t . 1 Make one sentence from two. 1. (H elen took some pictures. Have you seen them?) Have you seen the pictures Helen took?______________________________________________ 2. (You gave me a pen. I’ve lost it.) I’ve lost t h e ________________________________________________________________________ 3. (Sue is wearing a jacket. I like it.) I like t h e _______________________________________________________________ ___________ 4. (I gave you some flowers. W here are they?) W here are t h e __________________________ 5. (He told us a story. I didn’t believe it.) I __________________________________ 6. (You bought some oranges. H ow m uch were they?) H o w __________________________________________ Make one sentence from two. 1. (I was carrying a bag. It was very heavy.) The bag / was carrying was very heavy. 2. (You cooked a meal. It was excellent.) T h e. 3. (I’m wearing shoes. They aren’t very comfortable.) The sh o es_____________________________________ 4. (We invited some people to dinner. They didn’t come.) T h e ______________________________________________ pi 3 3 You ask your friend some questions. Complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Your friend stayed at a hotel. You ask: W h at’s the nam e of the hotel you stayed at? Your friend was talking to some people. You ask: W ho are the people . Your friend was looking for some keys. You ask: D id you find the Your friend is going to a party. You ask: W here is t h e ________________________ Your friend was talking about a movie. You ask: W h at’s the nam e o f _________________________ Your friend is listening to some music. You ask: W h at’s th a t _________________________________ Your friend was waiting for an e-mail. You ask: Did you g e t______________________________ __ 3 4 Complete the questions. Use where. 1. Jo h n stayed at a hotel. You ask him: Did you like the hotel where you stayed 2. Sue had dinner in a restaurant. You ask her: W h at’s the nam e o f the re sta u ran t________ 3. Sarah lives in a town. You ask her: H ow big is the 4. Richard works in a factory. You ask him: W here exactly i s _____________________ U N I T at 8:00 on Monday in April At at 8:00 10:30 m idnight, etc. ■ I start w ork at 8:00 in th e m orn in g. ■ The banks close at 5:00. night the end o f . . . ■ I can’t sleep at night. ■ I’m taking a trip at the end o f O ctober. On (on) You ■ ■ ■ ■ Sunday(s) / Monday(s), etc. April 25 / June 6, etc. M onday m orning / Tuesday afternoon / Friday night, etc. N ew Year’s Day, etc. can say: Bye! See you on Friday, or See you Friday, (with or w ithout on) Do you work on Sundays? or Do you w ork Sundays? The concert is on N ovem b er 20. or The concert is N ovem b er 20. I’m leaving on Friday n ight, or I’m leaving Friday night. We say on the w eek en d / on w eek en ds (always w ith on). ■ They like to eat out on the w eek en d / on w eekends. In APRIL Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa in A pril/June, etc. 2009/1968, etc. the spring/sum m er/fall/w inter the m orning/afternoon/evening I’m taking a trip in O ctober. Amy was born in 1988. The park is beautiful in the fall. Do you often go out in the evening We do not use a t /o n /in before: this . . . (this m o rn in g / this week, etc.) every . . . (every day / every w eek, etc.) l a s t . . . (last A ugust / last w eek, etc.) n e x t . . . (next M onday / n ext week, etc.) W hat are you doing this w eekend? We go on vacation every sum m er. Last su m m er we w ent to Europe. I’m leaving next Monday. (not on next M on: In five m in u tes / in a few days / in six w eeks / in tw o years, etc. now 208 in five m in u tes in/at/on (places) —►Units 107-108 Hurry! The train leaves in five m inutes. (= it leaves five m inutes from now) Bye! I’ll see you in a few days. (= a few days from now) U N : ;ercises 104 Write at or in. 1. Amy was born in 1988. _______ 8:00 this m orning. I got u p _____ I like to get up e a rly __________ the m orning. I like to look at the sta rs__________ night. My brother got m a rrie d __________ May. We often go to the b e a c h the summer. 7:30 tom orrow night. Let’s m e e t. 1989. 8. The company sta rte d __ the end of the m onth. 9. I’ll send you the m oney . the evening. It closes . 10. The cafe is o p e n ______ m idnight. 2 Write at/on/in. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 . on m June 6 the evening half past two W ednesday 1997 Septem ber 7. 8. 9. . 10 11. . 12 . Septem ber 24 . Thursday . 11:45 . Christmas Day . noon . the m orning 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Friday m orning . Saturday night . night . the end of the day . the w eekend . the w inter 3 Which sentence is correct - A, B, or both of them? 1. I’m taking a trip in October. 2 Do you w ork Sundays? 3. I always feel tired at the evening. 4. I’m leaving next Saturday. 5. T im started his new job on May 18. 6 Laura finished high school in 2002. 7. We m eet on every Tuesday. We don’t often go out in night. I can’t m eet you Thursday. 10 Lisa saw Sam M onday night. 11 I’m leaving in the end of this m onth. 12. Tim goes to the gym on Fridays. . . . . B I’m taking a trip on October. Do you w ork on Sundays? I always feel tired in the evening. I’m leaving on next Saturday. Tim started his new jo b May 18. Laura finished high school 2002. W e m eet every Tuesday. W e don’t often go out at night. I can’t m eet you on Thursday. Lisa saw Sam on M onday night. I’m leaving at the end of this m onth. Tim goes to the gym Fridays. A both A Write sentences with in . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. It’s 8:25 now. The train leaves at 8:30. It’s M onday today. I’ll call you on Thursday. Today is June 14. My exam is on June 28. It’s 3:00 now. Tom will be here at 3:30. The tra in lea ve s in fiv e m inutes. I’ll My Tom days. 4.5 Write at/on/in if necessary. Sometimes the sentence is already complete, and no word is necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 7. They like to eat out on weekends. I’m going - next Friday, (already complete) I always feel tir e d __ . the evening. 10 this evening? W ill you be at hom e . 11 We w ent to France _ _ last summer. 12. Laura was b o r n ____ 1994. . . W hat are you d o in g the weekend? I call R o b e rt every Sunday. Should we play te n n is next Sunday? I couldn’t go to the p a rty last weekend. I’m going out. I’ll be b a c k _____ an hour. light. I don’t often go o u t . 209 U N I T from . . . to until since for F rom . . . to . . . ■ We lived in Japan from 1996 to 2005. ■ I w ork from M onday to Friday. You can also say from . . . u n t i l . . . : ■ W e lived in Japan from 1996 u n til 2005. from M onday to Friday Monday Friasf U n t i l . .. u n til Friday D ecem ber 3:00 I come back They’re leaving tow n tomorrow. They’ll be away u n til Friday. I w ent to bed early, but I wasn’t tired. I read a book u n til 3:00 a.m . W ait here u n til I co m e back. u n til Friday Fridc j You can also say till (= u n til): ■ W ait here till I come back. Com pare: ■ “H o w lo n g will you be away?” “U n til Monday.” ■ “W hen are you coming back?” “O n Monday.” Since + a tim e in the past (to now) We use since after the present perfect (have been / have done, etc.): ■ Joe is in the hospital. He has been in the hospital since M onday. since M onday (— from M onday to now) Monday ■ Sue and Dave have been m arried since 2002. (= from 2002 to now) ■ It has been raining since I arrived. Com pare: ■ W e lived in Japan from 1996 to 2005. We lived in Japan u n til 2005. ■ N ow we live in Denver. W e came to Denver in 2005. We have lived in D enver since 2005. (= from 2005 until now) We use for (not since) + a period of time (three days / 10 years, etc.): ■ Joe has been in the hospital for three days. (not since three days) For + a period of time for three days 10 years five m inutes a long time ■ Gary stayed w ith us for three days. ■ I’m going away for a few weeks. for three days Sunday Monday They’ve been m arried for 10 years. 210 present perfect + for/since —►Units 17-18 present perfect (I have lived) and simple past (I lived) —►Unit 21 Tu U N I T ^erases 1 Read the information and complete the sentences. Use Alex I live in Japan now. I lived in Canada before. I came to Japan in 2003. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Jin Sook I live in Australia now. I lived in South Korea before. I came to A ustralia in 2007. (A1ex / Canada / 1995 -+ 2003) (Alex / Canada / —►2003) (Alex / Japan / 2003 —► ) (Jin Sook / South Korea —►2007) (Jin Sook / Australia / 2007 —► ) (Beth / a hotel / 2002-2005) (Beth / a restaurant / 2005 -►) (Adam / a teacher / 1996-2002) (Adam / a journalist / 2002 -►) from . .. 105 to / until / since Beth Adam I work in a restaurant now. I worked in a hotel before. I started w ork in the restaurant in 2005. I'm a journalist now. I w as a teacher before. I started work as a journalist in 2002. Alex lived in C anada fro m 1995 to 2003 Alex lived in C an ad a_ Alex has lived in Japan . Jin Sook lived in . Jin Sook has lived in . . 2002 B eth w o rk e d ______ B eth has w o rk e d ___ Adam was a _______ Adam has b e e n ____ .2003 Now write sentences with for. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. (Alex / Canada) (A le x /Ja p an ) (Jin Sook / Australia) (Beth / a hotel) (Beth / restaurant) (Adam / a teacher) (Adam / a journalist) A le x liv e d in C anada fo r e ig h t y e a r s Alex has lived in Japan . Jin Sook h a s _________ B eth w o rk e d _________ B e th ________________ A d a m _______________ A d a m _______________ 2 Write until/since/for. 1. Sue and Dave have been m arried . sin ce 2002. 1 10:00. 2 I was tired this m orning. I stayed in b e d 3. We waited for S u e _____________ half an hour, but she didn’t come. 4. “Did you ju st get here?” “N o, I’ve been h e r e _____________ 7:30.” 5. “H ow long did you stay at the party last night?” “_____________ m idnight.” 6 . Dan and I are good friends. We have know n each o th e r _____________ 10 years. 7. I’m tired. I’m going to lie d o w n _____________ a few minutes. 8 (in an airplane that's landing) Please stay in your seats_________ the airplane reaches the gate. 9. This is my house. I’ve lived h e r e _____________ I was seven years old. _ Wednesday. 10 Jack is out o f town. H e’ll be away . . three days. 11. N ext week I’m going to Chicago _ 6 :00 . 12 I usually finish w ork at 5:30, but sometimes I work . . we were in high school.” 13. “H ow long have you know n Anna?” _________ 20 minutes. 14. W here have you been? I’ve been waiting for you . . . . 211 before after during while Before, during, and after d u rin g the movie b efore the movie TO':-? after the movie " Everybody feels nervous before a test. I fell asleep d urin g the m ovie. We were tired after our visit to the m useum . B efore, w h ile, and after b efore we played w h ile we were playing after we played D o n’t forget to close the window b efore you go out. I often fall asleep w h ile P m reading. They w atched TV after they d id the dishes. D u rin g, w h ile, and for We use d urin g + noun (during the m ovie). We use w h ile + verb (while P m reading): ■ We didn’t speak d u rin g the m eal. but We didn’t speak w h ile w e w ere eating. (not during we were eating) Use for (not during) + a period of time (three days / tw o hours / a year, etc.): ■ We played basketball for tw o hours, (not during two hours) ■ I lived in Florida for a year, (not during a year) You can use b efo re/a fter + -in g (before g o in g / after eating, etc.): ■ I always have breakfast b efore g o in g to work. (= before I go to work) ■ A fter d o in g the dishes, they w atched TV. (= after they did) Rem em ber: W e say b efore g o in g (not before to go), after d o in g (not after to do), etc.: ■ B efore eatin g the apple, I washed it carefully, (not before to eat) ■ I started w ork after reading the newspaper, (not after to read) past continuous (I was -ing) —►Units 13-14 for —►Unit 105 before/after/while/when —►Unit 99 prepositions + -ing —►Unit 113 U N I T : <ercises In.:, 1 Complete the sentences. Choose from the boxes. r alter before . during ° while + lunch . the concert . the course the end , the testi • i the night they w ent to Mexico , . . you re waiting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Everybody was nervous b e fo re th e te s t I usually w ork four hours in the m orning and another three h o u rs . The movie was really boring. W e l e f t. Anna w ent to night school to learn Germ an. She learned a l o t . My aunt and uncle lived in Chicago . A: Somebody broke a w in d o w ________________________________ . Did you hear anything? B: No, I was asleep all the time. 7. W ould you like to sit down . “Are you going h o m e ?” “Yes, I have to get up early tom orrow .” 6.2 Write during/while/for. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. W e didn’t speak w h ile we were eating. W e didn’t speak during the meal. Gary called _____________ you were out. I stayed in R o m e ____________ five days. Sally didn’t read any new spapers_____________ she was on vacation. The students looked very b o re d the class. I fell out of b e d ____________ I was asleep. Last night I w atched T V _____________ three hours. I don’t usually watch T V the day. Do you ever watch T V _____________you are having dinner? :5.3 Complete the sentences. Use -ing (doing, having, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. After doing the dishes, they w atched TV. I felt sick a fte r_______________too m uch chocolate. I’m going to ask you a question. Think carefully b e fo re _______________ it. I felt awful w hen I got up this m orning. I felt better a fte r a shower. A fte r_______________my work, I left the office and w ent home. B e fo re _______________ to a foreign country, you should try and learn a little of the language. 76.4 Write sentences with before + -ing and after + -ing. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. They did the dishes. Then they w atched TV. After doing th e dishes, th e y w a tc h e d TV.__________________________________________ Jo h n finished high school. T hen he w orked in a bookstore for two years. Jo h n w o rk e d __ I read for a few minutes. Then I w ent to sleep. B e fo re ________________________ W e walked for three hours. We were very tired. A fte r________________________________________________________________ ______________ Let’s have a cup o f coffee. T hen w e’ll go out. Let’s _ U N I T in 107 at on (places 1) In in in in in in in in in a store a room a car the w ater a garden a tow n a park Brazil “W here’s David?” “In the kitchen. / In the garden. / In S eou l.” W hat’s in that b ox / in that bag / in that closet? Rachel works in a store / in a bank / in a factory. I w ent for a swim in the river / in the p o o l / in the ocean. M ilan is in the n orth o f Italy. Naples is in the south. I live in a b ig city, but I’d like to live in the country. At i; at the bus stop at the door at the traffic light ■ T here’s somebody at the bus stop / at th e door. ■ The car is waiting at th e traffic light. ■ Jane is working at her desk. at the top / at the b o tto m / at the end (of. . .): ■ W rite your nam e at the top o f the page. ■ My house is at the end o f the street. at her desk at the top (of the page) at the bottom (of the page On : on on on on on a wall on the ceiling on a door, etc. a shelf a plate a balcony the floor, etc. There There D on’t There are some books on the s h e lf and some pictures on the wall. are a lot of apples on th ose trees. sit on the grass. It’s wet. . is a stamp on the en velope. / S M a p h S tr e e t Aforthport, NY O n a horse / on a b icycle / on a m otorcycle: 11768 ■ W ho is that m an on the m otorcycle? 214 the top / the bottom, etc. —►Unit 71 at/on/in (time) —►Unit 104 in/at/on (places 2) —►Unit 108 envelore xercises U N I T | Q 7 ',1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use in/at/on. 5. (the bus stop) 6. (the field) 7. (the balcony) 8. (the pool) 'hfyr' SI 10. (the ceiling) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. W here W here W here W here W here W here is he? In th e kitchen.______ are the shoes?______________ is the p e n ? _________________ is the clock?________________ is the b u s? __________________ are the h orses?______________ 11. (the table) 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. W here W here W here W here W here W here f /o V - 12. (the table) are they standing? is she swimming? is he standing?__ is the spider?____ is he sitting?____ is she sitting?___ 7 2 Write in/at/on. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. D o n ’t sit on the grass. It’s wet. W hat do you h a v e _____ your bag? Look! T here’s a m a n ___ the roof. W hat’s he doing? There are a lot o f fis h this river. O u r house is num ber 45 - the num ber i s the door. “Is the post office near here?” “Yes, turn l e f t the traffic light.” I have a small vegetable g a rd e n ______ the backyard. My sister liv es_______Prague. T here’s a small p a r k _______ the top of the hill. I think I heard the doorbell. T here’s som ebod y______ the door. M unich is a large c ity _______the south o f Germany. T here’s a gas statio n ______ the end o f the block. It’s difficult to carry a lot of th in g s_a bicycle. I looked at the list of names. My nam e w a s ______ the bottom . There is a m irro r the w a ll the living room. 215 U N I T in at on (places 2) 1 In in in in in in in in in “W h ere’s Kate?” “She’s in b ed.” David’s father is sick. H e’s in the hospital. I like to look at the stars in the sky at night. W hat’s the largest city in th e world? I read about the accident in the new spaper. You look sad in this p hotograph. Did you come here in your car? T here’s a big tree in the m id d le of the yard. bed the hospital the sky the world a newspaper / in a book a photograph / in a picture a car / in a taxi the middle ( o f . . .) At “W here’s Kate?” “She’s at w ork.” Do you w ant me to m eet you at the station' I saw your brother at the p ost o ffic e todav A: W here were you yesterday? B: At m y sister’s. I saw Tom at the d o cto r’s. T here w eren’t many people at the party. at w ork / at school at the station / at the airport at the post office / at the superm arket at Jan e’s (house) / at my sister’s (house) / at the doctor’s / at the hairdresser’s, etc. at a concert / at a party / at a football game, etc. You can say b e/sta y h o m e or b e/sta y at h o m e (with or w ithout at). ■ Is Tom at hom e? or Is Tom hom e? O ften it is possible to use at or in for buildings (hotels, restaurants, etc.): ■ We stayed at a nice hotel, or W e stayed in a nice hotel. You can say at sch ool or in school, but there is a difference. She’s at school = she’s there now ■ “W here’s your sister? Is she hom e?” “No, she’s at sch ool.” She’s in school = she’s a student (in high school / college / medical school, etc.) ■ “Does your sister have a job?” “N o, she’s still in sch ool.” On i A m D on the second floor 6 on a bus / on a train / on a plane / on a ship Did you come here on the bus? on the first floor (or ground floor), on the second floor, etc. The office is on the second floor. (not in the second floor) on the way (to . . .) / on the way hom e I m et Ann on the w ay to w ork / on the way home. on a street My brother lives on a nice street. in/at/on (places 1) —►Unit 107 to/in/at—►Unit 109 on the left/right —►Unit 110 U N I T E ercises f!«: 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. Use in/at/on. 2. (the airport) CHECK- IN 1. (the hospital) A lR P O & T J | p i 7. (the doctor’s) 8. (the second floor) ^ \ r - T ----- 6. (a party) * * 4. (a ship) l 5. (the sky) C 3. (bed) # ^ 1 £nd flOOH? Steve * 9. (work) 10. (a plane) | 11. (a taxi) 12. (a wedding) f 1. W here is she? In th e hospital._______ 2. W here are th e y ?_____________________ 3. W here is h e ? ________________________ 4. W here are th e y ? ________________ 5. W here are the stars?____________ 6. W here are th e y ? ________________ 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. W here W here W here W here W here W here i t is Steve?__________________ is the restaurant?___________ is sh e? ____________________ are_th e y ? __________________ are_th e y ? __________________ are_th e y ? __________________ 5.2 Write in/at/on. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. “W h ere’s your sister? Is she hom e?” “N o, she’s a t school.” There was a big ta b le the m iddle o f the room. W hat is the longest riv e r______ the world? W ere there many p e o p le ______ the concert last night? W ill you b e _______hom e tom orrow afternoon? W ho is the m a n ______ this picture? Do you know him? “Is your son going to get m arried soon?” “No, h e’s s till_______college.” Gary is coming by bus. I’m going to m eet h im ______ the station. Charlie i s _____ the hospital. H e had an operation yesterday. H ow many pages are th e r e ____ this book? “Are you hungry after your trip?” “Yes, there was nothing to e a t _______the plane.” I’m sorry I’m late. My car broke d o w n the way here. “Is Tom here?” “N o, h e’s _______ his brother’s.” D o n ’t believe everything you re a d _______the newspaper! I walked to work, but I came h o m e _____ the bus. A: (on the phone) Can I speak to Anne, please? B: No, sorry. She’ll b e the university until 5:00 today. U N I T 109 to in 3 at (places ) To In /a t (-* Units 106-107) g o /c o m e /r e tu r n /w a lk (etc.) to be / stay / do so m eth in g (etc.) in f Jk ■to New York City W e’re g o in g to N ew York on Sunday. I w ant to go to M exico next year. W e w alk ed from my house to the m all. W hat tim e do you go to bed? S ■ The Statue o f Liberty is in N ew York. ■ My brother lives in M exico. ■ The best stores are in the m all. ■ I like to read in bed. be / stay / do so m eth in g (etc.) a t . . . : S' A I The bus is at the airport. Sarah w asn ’t at w ork yesterday. I m et a lo t o f p eo p le at the party. H elen stayed at her b roth er’s house. T he bus is g o in g to th e airport. Karen didn’t go to w ork yesterday. I w en t to a party last night. W e’d like you to co m e to our house. H om e g o /c o m e /w a lk (etc.) h o m e (without to) ■ I’m tired. I’m g o in g h om e. (not to home) ■ Did you w alk hom e? b e/sta y (at) h o m e (with or w ithout at) ■ I’m staying h o m e tonight. (or I’m staying at hom e.) But: do som ething (work, w atch TV, etc.) at h o m e ■ Dan doesn’t go to an office. He w orks at h om e. A rrive and get jj| arrive in a country or tow n (arrive in M exico / arrive in Tokyo, etc.): ■ They arrived in B razil last week, (not arrived to Brazil) arrive at other places (arrive at the station / arrive at w ork, etc.): ■ W hat time did you arrive at the hotel? (not arrive to the hotel) get to (a place): ■ W hat ■ W hat time did you time did you get to the hotel? get to Tokyo? get h o m e / arrive h o m e (no preposition): I I was tired w hen I g o t h om e, or I was tired w hen I arrived hom e. been to —►Unit 16 get (to Unit 57 in/at —►Units 107-108 U N I T ercises : 1 Write to or in. 1. I like reading in bed. 2. W e’re g o in g ______Italy next m onth. 3. Sue is on v acatio n______ Mexico right now. 4. I have to g o ______ the bank today. 5. 6. 7. 8. I was tired, so I stayed_______bed. W hat tim e do you usually g o ______ bed? Does this bus g o the airport? W ould you like to liv e _______another country? 5 2 Write to or at if necessary. Sometimes no preposition is necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Paula didn’t go to w ork yesterday. I’m tired. I’m going - hom e, (already complete) Tina is sick. She w e n t_______ the doctor. W ould you like to c o m e _______ a party on Saturday? “Is L iz __________hom e?” “No, she w e n t________ w ork.” There were 20,000 p e o p le the football game. W hy did you g o hom e early last night? A boy ju m p ed into the river and sw am _______ the other side. There were a lot of people w a itin g _______ the bus stop. We had d in n e r_______ a restaurant, and then we w ent b a c k ________ the hotel. : 3 Write to, at, or in if necessary. Sometimes no preposition is necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Joe is coming tom orrow. I’m m eeting him a t the airport. W e’re g o in g _______ a concert tom orrow night. I w e n t_______ Chile last year. How long did you stay ________ Chile? N ext year we hope to g o _______ Japan to visit some friends. Do you w ant to g o ________ the movies tonight? Did you park your c a r _______the station? After the accident,three people were ta k e n ________ the hospital. H ow often do you g o _______ the dentist? “Is Sarah here?” “N o, she’s ________ H elen’s.” My house i s _______ the end of the block on the left. I w e n t_______ M aria’s house, but she wasn’t ________ home. There were no taxis, so we had to w a lk _______ home. “W ho did you m e e t the party?” “I didn’t g o ________ the party.” r 4 Write to, at, or in if necessary. Sometimes the sentence is already complete, and no word is necessary. 1. W hat time do you usually get ________ work? 2. W hat time do you usually get ________ home? 3. W hat tim e did you a rriv e_______ the party? 4. W hen did you a rriv e________ Dallas? 5. W hat time does the plane g e t _______ Paris? 6. We arriv ed ________ hom e very late. r,5 Complete these sentences about yourself. Use to/in/at. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. At 3:00 this m orning I was in b e d Yesterday I w e n t. At 11:00 yesterday m orning I w a s . O ne day I’d like to g o __________ I don’t like going . At 9:00 last night I was next to, between, under, etc. N ex t to / b etw een / in front o f / in back o f a Bob -Eric Alice is n ext to Bob. or Alice is b eside Bob. Bob is b etw een Alice and Carla. D on is in front o f Bob. Eric is in back o f Bob. -Carla Alice also Alice is on the left. Carla is on the right. Bob is in the m id d le (of the group). Don Across from / in front o f Bruce Chris Anne is sitting in fron t o f Bruce. Anne is sitting across from Chris. Chris is sitting across from Anne. B y (= next to) W ho is that m an standing by the w indow ? O ur house is by the ocean. (= next to the ocean) If you feel cold, why don’t you sit by th e fire? by the w indow J* ■ The cat is under the table. ■ The girl is standing under a tree. ■ I’m wearing a jacket under m y coa: under a tree under the table A is above the line. (= higher than the line) B B is b elo w the line. (= lower than the line) up/over/through, etc. —* Unit 111 b y —* Unit 112 HI The pictures are above the shelves. The shelves are b elo w the picture m ilit ia ercises u N ' T 110 1 Where are the people in the picture? Complete the sentences. Barbara Donna Kevin Emily Fred 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Kevin is standing in back o f Fred. Emily. Fred is sitting Barbara. Emily is sitting D onna and Fred. Emily is sitting Emily. D onna is sitting Kevin. Fred is sitting Donna. Alan is standing left. Alan is standing middle. Barbara is standing : 2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. The cat is u n d er the table. the house. T here is a big tree the clouds. The plane is flying the piano. She is standing the right. The movie theater is D the phone. She’s sitting The calendar is The cabinet is There are some shoes The plant is Paul is sitting In Japan people drive the clock. the sink. the bed. the piano. Anna. the left. *0.3 Write sentences about the picture. supermarket I theater I s office NOW SHOWING 1. (next to) The bank is n e x t to th e________ bookstore._____________________________ 2. (in front of) T h e _______________ in front of 3. (across from) 4. (next to) 5. (above) 6. (between) bookstore fountain 221 upf over, through, etc. Jane is going to France next week. We walked from the hotel to the station. A lot o f English words come from Latin. to M We ju m p ed in to the water. ■ A m an came ou t o f the house and got in to a car. ■ W hy are you looking ou t o f the window? ■ I took the old batteries ou t o f the radio. I in to (in) on \ p t over ■ 1 i' th rou gh .I ■ from ! We say p u t som ething in . . . (not usually into): ■ I p u t new batteries in the radio. ou t o f D on’t pu t your feet on the table. Please take your feet o f f the table. I’m going to hang some pictures on the wall. Be careful! D on’t fall o f f your bicycle. We got on the bus downtown. We walked up the hill to the house. Be careful! D on’t fall d ow n the stairs. o ff d uow w nu n I \ _____________ ■ The plane flew over the m ountains. ■ I ju m p ed over the wall into the garden. ■ Some people say it is unlucky to walk under a ladder. A bird flew into the room th rou gh a window. T he old highway goes th rou gh the town. The new road goes around the town. The bus stop is ju st around the corner. I walked around the tow n and took some pictures. I was walking alon g the road w ith my dog. Let’s go for a walk alon g the river. The dog swam across the river. They walked past me w ithout speaking. A: Excuse me, how do I get to the hospital? B: Go along this street, past the movie theater, under the bridge, and the hospital is on the left. under around across hospital movie theater y bridge U N I : 1ercises 1 Somebody asks you how to get to a place. You say which way to go. Look at the pictures and write sentences beginning Go . . . . Excuse me, where i s . . . ? Go . 2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The dog swam a cro ss the river. A book f e ll____________ the shelf. A plane fle w ____________ the town. A wom an g o t ____________ the car. A girl r a n _____________ the street. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Suddenly a car c a m e ____________ the corner. They d ro v e _____________ the town. They g o t the train. The m oon travels______________the earth. They g o t________the h o u se ________ a window. .3 Complete the sentences. Use over/from/into, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I lo o k e d ____________ the window and w atched the people in the street. My house is near here. It’s j u s t _________ the corner. “W h ere’s my phone?” “You put i t __________ your bag.” H ow far is i t ____________ h e r e ______________the airport? W e w a lk e d ____________ the m useum for an hour and saw a lot o f interesting things. You can p u t your c o a t_____________ the back of the chair. In tennis, you have to hit the b a ll the net. Silvia took a k e y ____________ her bag and opened the door. U N I T 112 on at by with about On on on on on on on vacation television the radio the p h on e fire tim e (= not late) Jane isn’t at w ork this week. She’s on vacation. We w atched the news on television . W e listened to the news on the radio. I spoke to Rachel on the p h o n e last night. The house is on fire! Call the fire departm ent. “Was the train late?” “N o, it was on tim e.” At at (the age of) 21 / at 50 k ilo m eters an h ou r / at 100 degrees, etc.: ■ Lisa got m arried at 21. (or. . . at the age o f 21.) ■ A car uses m ore gas at 70 m iles an h our than at 55. ■ W ater boils at 100 degrees C elsius. By by car / by bus / by plan e / by bike, etc.: B Do you like traveling by train? ■ Jane usually goes to w ork by bike. but on foot: ■ You can’t get there by car. You have to go on foot. (= you have to walk) a book by . . . / a painting by . . . / a piece o f music by . . . , etc.: ■ Have you read any books by Charles Dickens? ■ W ho is that painting by? Picasso? by after the passive (-+ U nit 22): H I was bitten by a dog. the title by the writer W ith /W ith o u t ■ Did you stay at a hotel or w ith friends? ■ W ait for me. Please don’t go w ith o u t m e. ■ Do you like your coffee w ith or w ith o u t m ilk? ■ I cut the paper w ith a pair o f scissors. a m an w ith a beard / a w om an w ith glasses, etc.: ■ Do you know that m an w ith the beard? ■ I’d like to have a house w ith a b ig yard. a man w ith a beard A b ou t ta lk /sp e a k /th in k /h e a r /k n o w about ■ Some people talk about th eir w ork all the time. ■ I don’t k n ow m uch about cars. a b o o k / a q uestion / a p rogram / in fo rm a tio n (etc.) about ■ There was a program about volcanoes on TV last night. Did you see it? by —►Units 22, 64, 110 at/on Units 104, 107-108 preposition + -ing -► Unit 113 a woman w ith glasses U N I T E <ercises If I 1 Complete the sentences. Use on + these words: the p h o n e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. th e rad io te le v isio n tim e vacation We heard the news on th e radio . Please don’t be late. Try to get h e r e _________________________ . I w on’t be here next week. Pm g o in g _________________________ . “Did you see Linda?” “No, but I talked to h e r _________________________ .” “W h at’s _________________________ tonight?” “N othing that I w ant to watch.” I* 12 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with atlbylwith, etc. 1. I cut the paper w ith a pair o f scissors. 2. Last year they took a trip around the w o rld ________ boat. 3. W ho is the w o m a n _______ short hair? 4. They are talk in g ________ the weather. 5. The car i s ________ fire. 6. She’s listening to some m u sic ________M ozart. 7. The plane is fly in g _______ 600 miles an hour. 8. They’r e ________vacation. 9. Do you know the m a n ________ sunglasses? 10. H e’s reading a b o o k ________ gramm ar Vera P. Bull. 1 3 Complete the sentences. Use atlbylw ith, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. In tennis, you hit the b a ll_______________ a racket. It’s cold today. D on’t go o u t _______________ a coat. Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth are p lay s W illiam Shakespeare. Do you know an y th in g _______________ computers? My grandm other d ie d _______________ the age of 98. H ow long does it take to go from N ew York to Los A ngeles_______________ plane? I didn’t go to the football game, but I watched i t _______________ television. My house is the o n e ______________ the red door on the right. These trains are very fast. They can tra v e l_______________ very high speeds. You can’t get th e r e _______________car. T here’s no road. Can you give me some in fo rm atio n _______________ hotels in this town? I was a rrested _______________ two police officers and taken to the police station. The buses here are very good. They’re almost alw ays__________ time. W hat would you like to d rin k _______________ your meal? W e traveled from Los Angeles to S eattle___________train. The m useum has some p ain tin g s_______________Frida Kahlo. afraid of . . . , good a t . . . , etc. of/at/for, etc. (prepositions + -ing) Afraid o f . . . / good a t . . . , etc. (adjective + preposition) Help! I'm not very good at math I'm fed up with my job. He's afraid of me. afraid o f . . . Are you afraid o f dogs? a n g ry /m ad at somebody W hy are you m ad at me? W hat did I do? a n g ry /m ad about som ething Are you angry about last night? (= som ething that happened last night) d ifferen t from . . . Lisa is very d ifferen t from her sister. fed up w ith . . . I’m fed up w ith my job. I w ant to do som ething different. (= I’ve had enough o f my job) fu ll o f . . . The room was fu ll o f p eop le. good a t . . . Are you g o o d at math? bad a t . . . Tina is very bad at tennis. interested in . . . I’m not interested in sports. m arried to . . . Sue is m arried to a dentist. (= her husband is a dentist) n ic e /k in d o f somebody to . . . ■ It was k in d o f you to help us. Thank you very much. be n ic e /k in d to somebody ■ David is very friendly. H e’s always very n ice to me. sorry about a situation I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m sorry about that. sorry fo r /a b o u t doing something I’m sorry fo r /a b o u t not calling you yesterday. (or I’m sorry I didn’t call you) b e/feel sorry for somebody I feel sorry for them . They are in a very difficult situar O f/a t/fo r (etc.) + -in g After a preposition (o f/a t/fo r , etc.), a verb ends in -ing: I’m not very good at Are you fed up w ith I’m sorry for T hank you for M ark is thinking o f Tom left w ith o u t A fter 226 before/after -ing —►Unit 106 te llin g d o in g not callin g h elp in g b u yin g saying d o in g stories. the same thing every day? you yesterday. me. a new car. good-bye. (= he didn’t say good-bye) the housework, they w ent shopping. think about/of —►Unit 114 U N I T : <ercises W : 1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with of/with/in, etc. 1. H e’s afraid o f dogs. 2. She’s in tere ste d _______ 3. She’s m a rrie d _________ soccer player. science. languages. 4. She’s very good . the weather. 5. H e’s fed up . 6. A: Can I help you? . you. B: Thanks, that’s very kind . Complete the sentences with in/of/with, etc. 1. I’m not interested in sports. I’m not very g o o d __________sports. 3 I like Sarah. She’s always very n ic e __________ me. 4 I’m s o rry __________your broken window. It was an accident. 5 H e’s very brave. He isn’t a fraid __________ anything. 6 It was very n ic e __________ Jane to let us stay in her apartm ent. life 50 years ago. 7 Life today is very d iffe ren t______ 8 Are you in tere ste d __________ politics? 9 I feel sorry __________ her, but I can’t help her. . w hat happened. 10 Chris was a n g ry . . books. 11 These boxes are very heavy. They are f u ll___ W h at’s wrong? Are you m a d __________ me? 12 3 Complete the sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I’m not very g o o d a t telling stories, (good / tell) (interested / go) I w anted to go to the movies, but Paula wasn’t _ up in the m orning, (good / get) Sue isn’t v e ry . (fed up / wait) Let’s go! I’m _ you up in the m iddle of the night, (sorry / wake) I’m _________ __________ . (thank you / wait) Sorry I’m la te !. 4 Complete the sentences. Use w ithout -ing. 1. (Tom left / he didn’t say good-bye) Tom (Sue walked past me / she didn’t speak) Sue w a lk e d __________________________ 3. (don’t do anything / ask m e first) D o n ’t _________________________ 4. (I w ent out / I didn’t lock the door) I 5 Write sentences about yourself. 1. 2. 3. 4. (interested) (afraid) (not very good) (not interested) (fed up) I'm in te re s te d in sports. I’m . I’m n o t . listen to . . . , look at (verb + preposition) etc. ask (somebody) for . . . ■ A m an stopped me and asked me for money. b elo n g to . . . ■ Does this book b elo n g to you? (= Is this your book?) happen to . . . ■ I can’t find my pen. W hat’s h appened to it? listen to . . . ■ L isten to this music. It’s great. lo o k a t . . . ■ H e’s lo o k in g at his watch. ■ L ook at these flowers! They’re beautiful. ■ W hy are you lo o k in g at me like that? lo o k for . . . ■ She’s lost her key. She’s lo o k in g for it. ■ I’m lo o k in g for Sarah. Have you seen her? sp ea k /ta lk to somebody about som ething Did you talk to Paul about the problem ? (on the phone) Can I speak to Chris, please? take care o f . . . W hen Pat is at work, a friend of hers takes care of her children. D on’t lose this book. Take care o f it. thank somebody for . Thank you very m uch for your help. th ink about . . . or th in k o f . . . He never thinks about (or of) other people. M ark is th in k in g o f (or about) buying a new computer. w ait for . . . W ait for me. I’m almost ready. w rite (to) . . . I tried calling the company, but they didn’t answer, so I w rote to them , (or I w rote them ) Call, e-m ail, and text call som ebody, e-m a il som ebody, text som eb od y (no preposition) ■ I have to call my parents tonight, (not call to . . .) ■ A: C ould you use your cell phone w hen you were in Europe? B: No. My friends and family e-m a iled me instead of calling. ■ Let Sam know where to m eet us. E -m a il or text him before he leaves work. D ep en d We say d epend on . . . : ■ A: Do you like eating in restaurants? B: Sometimes. It depends on the restaurant, (not it depends of) You can say it depends w h a t/w h e r e /h o w (etc.) w ith or w ithout on: ■ A: Do you w ant to come out w ith us? B: It d epends w here you’re going, or It d epends on w here you’re going. 228 w ait —►Unit 55 preposition + -ing —►Unit 113 E ercises 1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with to/for/at, etc. 1. She’s looking a t her watch. 2. H e’s listen in g__________ the radio. 3. They’re w a itin g __________ a taxi. 4. Paul is talk in g __________ Jane. 5. They’re lo o k in g a picture. 6. Sue is lo o k in g ___________ Tom. * - 2 Complete the sentences with a preposition (to/for/about, etc.) if necessary. 1. T hank you very m uch fo r your help. 2. This isn’t my umbrella. It b elo n g s__________a friend of mine. 3. W h o ’s going to take c a re __________ your dog while you’re out o f town? 4. (on the phone) Can I sp ea k Steven Davis, please? 5. (on the phone) Thank y o u __________ calling. Good-bye. 6. Excuse me, I’m lo o k in g ___________ Hill Street.Can you tell me w here it is? 7. W e’re th in k in g __________g°in g to Australia next year. 8. We asked the w a ite r__________ tea, but he brought us coffee. 9. “Do you like to read books?” “It d ep e n d s_________ the book.” 10. Jo h n was talking, but nobody was listen in g ________ w hat he was saying. 11. I w ant to take your picture. Please lo o k __________ the camera and smile. 12. We w a ite d Karen until 2:00, but she didn’t come. 13. W hat h a p p e n e d __________ Ella last night? W hy didn’t she come to the party? 14. D o n ’t forget to c a ll__________ your m other tonight. 15._H e’s alone all day. H e never ta lk s__________ anybody. 16.__ “H ow m uch does it cost to stay at this hotel?” “It d ep e n d s_________ the room .” 17. It will be faster if you e -m a il__________ me, but you can also w r ite __________ me at this address. 18. C atherine is th in k in g ___________ changing jobs. 19. I lo o k e d __________ the newspaper, but I didn’t read it carefully. 20. W hen you’re sick, you need somebody to take c a re __________ you. 21. Barry is lo o k in g __________ a job. H e wants to w ork in a hotel. 22. I don’t w ant everyone_to hear my conversation w ith Jane. I’ll t e x t___________her. 14.3 Answer these questions with It depends . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do you w ant to go out w ith us? Do you like to eat in restaurants? Do you enjoy watching TV? Can you do som ething for me? Are you leaving tow n this weekend? Can you lend me some money? It depends w h e r e you 're qoinc/. It depends on th e resta u ra n t. It depends J: It V U N I T 115 go in, fall off, run away, etc. (phrasal verbs 1) A phrasal verb is a verb (g o /lo o k /b e, etc.) + in /o u t/u p /d o w n , etc. out I w ent to the w indow and lo o k e d out. A car stopped, and a wom an g o t out. (= ou t o f the car) ■ Kate opened the door o f the car and g o t in. (= in to the car) ■ I waited outside the store. I didn’t go in. o ff °7 f \ Be careful! D on’t fall off. The bus came, and I g o t on. d ow n up I stand up She stood up and left the room. I usually get up early. (= get out o f bed) We lo o k e d up at the stars in the sky. i The picture fe ll dow n. W ould you like to sit down? Lie d ow n on the floor. back away or o f f run away ■ The th ief ran away, (or . . . ran o ff) ■ Em m a got into the car and drove away. (or. . . drove o ff) b e /g o away (= in /to another place) ■ Tim has gon e away for a few days. be back ■ Tim is away. H e’ll be back on Monday over around move over There was an em pty seat, so he m oved over. I was tired of driving and p u lled over. 230 ■ Go away and don’t co m e back! ■ We w ent out for dinner and then w ent back to our hotel. get —►Unit 57 Johr turn around ■ Somebody shouted my name, so I turned around. ■ We w ent for a long walk. After an hoc: we turned around and w ent back. put on / take off, etc. (phrasal verbs 2) —►Unit 116 more phrasal verbs —►Appendix 6 Ill <ercises uni t || j 5 1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use these verbs + in/out/up, etc. got 1. 2. 3. 4. got l o o k ed - lo o k e d rod e I w ent to the window and lo o ked o u t . The door was open, so w e ______________. He heard a plane, so h e ________________ . She got on her bike a n d ________________ . sat tu rn ed w en t 5. I said hello, and h e _________ 6. The bus stopped, and s h e ___ 7. There was a free seat, so she . 8. A car stopped, and two m en . ’5.2 Complete the sentences. Use out/away/back, etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. “W hat happened to the picture on the wall?” “It fell d o w n ” Please don’t w a lk . I have som ething to tell you. Lisa heard a noise in back of her, so she tu r n e d _____________ to see w hat it was. I’m g o in g _____________ now to do some shopping. I’ll b e _____________ at 5:00. I’m really tired. I’m going to l i e ____________ on the sofa. I can’t see the movie screen. W ould you please m o v e _____________ ? M ark is from U tah. He lives in Boston now, but he wants to g o _____________ to U tah. W e don’t have a key to the house, so we can’t g e t _____________ . I was very tired this m orning. I couldn’t g e t __________ . A: “W hen are you g o in g ____________ ?” B: “O n the fifth. And I’m co m in g _____________ on the tw enty-fourth.” 15.3 Before you do this exercise, study the verbs inAppendix 6 (page242). Complete the sentences. Choose a verb from the box + on/off/up, etc. If necessary, put the verb into the correct form. break fall get glve go f h old slow speak take w ak e w ork t cc , , . + a lo n g /o n /o ll/u p /d o w n /o v e r /o u t 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I w ent to sleep at 10:00 and w o ke up at 8:00 the next m orning. “It’s time to go.” “______________________________ a m inute. I’m not ready yet.” The tr a in ______________________________ and finally stopped. I like flying, but I’m always nervous w hen the plane . Tony doesn’t see his sister much. They don’t ______________________________ very well. It’s difficult to hear you. Can y o u ______________________________ a little? This car isn’t very good. It h a s ______________________________ many times. W h en babies try to walk, they som etim es______________________________ . Ben isn’t in good shape because he doesn’t at the gym anymore. 10. I tried to find a job, but I ______________________________ . It was impossible. 11. The fire a la rm ______________________________ , and everyone had to leave the building. 231 U N I T 116 put on your shoes put your shoes on (phrasal verbs 2) Sometimes a phrasal verb (put on / take ofF etc.) has an object. For example: verb p u t on verb take o f f object your coat You can say: take o f f your shoes or take your shoes o f f You can say: p ut on your coat or p ut your coat on m object your shoes But it/th e m (pronouns) always go before o n / o f f etc.: put it on (not put on it) take th em o f f (not take off them ) I’m going to take o f f my shoes. (or take my shoes o ff) Your shoes are dirty. Take th em o f f ■ It was cold, so I p u t on my coat. (or I p ut my coat on) ■ H ere’s your coat. Put it on. Some m ore phrasal verbs + object: turn on / turn o f f (lights, machines, faucets, etc.): 11 11 Ij ■ i 1 ■ It was dark, so I turned on the light. (or I turned the light on) ■ I don’t w ant to watch this program . You can turn it off. turn off p ick up / p u t down: ■ Those are my keys on the floor. Can you p ick th em up for me? ■ I stopped reading and p ut my book dow n. (or p u t d ow n my book) b rin g back / take back / give back / p ut back: ■ You can take my umbrella, but please b rin g it back. ■ I to o k my new sweater back to the store. It was too small for me. ■ I have Rachel’s keys. I have to give th em back to her. ■ I read the letter and then p u t it back in the envelope. go in / fall off, etc. (phrasal verbs 1) —►Unit 115 more phrasal verbs + object —►Appendix 7 U N I T xercises 116 5.1 Look at the pictures. What did these people do? 1. 1. He tu rn e d on the light 2. S h e ____________________ 3. H e _____________________ 4. She 5. He _ 6. She * 2 You can write these sentences in three different ways. Complete the table. / tu rn e d it on. / tu rn e d the radio on. 1. I turned on the radio. 2. He p ut on his jacket. He 3. She She took her glasses off. 4. I picked up the phone. 5. They gave back the key. He We turned the lights off. 6. 3 Complete the sentences. Use these verbs with it or them. b rin g back p ick up take back turn o f f turn o n 1. I w anted to watch som ething on television, so I tu rn e d it on . 2. My new lamp doesn’t work. I’m going t o _______________________ 3. There were some gloves on the floor, so I _______________________ on the table. 4. W hen I finished working on the computer, I ____________________ 5. Thank you for lending me these books. I w on’t forget to . to the store. _ and put them 4 Before you do this exercise, study the verbs in Appendix 7 (page 243). Complete the sentences using one of the following verbs. Sometimes you will also need to use it/them/me. fill o u t give up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. k n ock over lo o k up p u t ou t show around "tear d ow n th row away try on turn d ow n They to re a lot o f houses dow n w hen they built the new road. T hat music is very loud. Can you turn it dow n ? I _______________________ a glass and broke it. “W hat does this word m ean?” “H ere’s a dictionary. You c a n _____________________ I w ant to keep these magazines. Please don’t ________________________ . I a pair o f shoes at the store, but I didn’t buy them . I visited a school last week. O ne of the teac h ers_________________ . after a m onth.’ “Do you play the piano?” “No, I started to learn, but I _________ Somebody gave me a form and told me t o ______________________ Smoking isn’t allowed here. P lease_______________ your cigarette . 233 IPPENDIX 1 -ctive and passive Present and past Active Simple present Simple past W e m ake butter from milk. Somebody cleans these rooms every day. People never in vite me to parties. H ow do they m ake butter? Somebody stole my car last week. Somebody stole my keys yesterday. They d id n ’t in vite me to the party. W h en did they b u ild these houses? Passive ■ B utter is m ade from milk. ■ These rooms are cleaned every day. ■ I am never in vited to parties. ■ H ow is butter made? My car was stolen last week. My keys w ere stolen yesterday. I w asn ’t in vited to the party. W hen w ere these houses built? Present :3ntinuous They are b u ild in g a new airport at this time. (= it isn’t finished) They are b u ild in g some new houses near the river. A new airport is b ein g b u ilt at this time. Some new houses are b ein g b u ilt near the river. Past :: ntinuous W h en I was here a few years ago, they w ere b u ild in g a new airport. (= it wasn’t finished at that time) W hen I was here a few years ago, a new airport was b ein g built. Present perfect Look! They have painted the door. These shirts are clean. Somebody has w ashed them . Somebody has stolen my car. Past perfect Tina said that somebody had stolen her car. ■ Look! The door has been painted. ■ These shirts are clean. They have been washed. ■ My car has been stolen. Tina said that her car had been stolen. Will / can / must / have to, etc. Active Passive Somebody w ill clean the office tomorrow. Somebody m u st clean the office at night. I think they’ll in v ite you to the party. They can’t repair my watch. You sh ould w ash this sweater by hand. The office w ill be cleaned tomorrow. The office m u st be cleaned at night. I think you’ll be in vited to the party. My watch can’t be repaired. This sweater should be w ashed by hand. They are g o in g to b u ild a new airport. Somebody has to wash these clothes. They had to take the injured man to the hospital. A new airport is g o in g to be built. These clothes have to be washed. The injured m an had to be taken to the hospital. APPENDIX 1 235 APPENDIX 2 List of irregular verbs (see Unit 25) Infinitive Simple past Past participle Infinitive Simple past Past participle be beat b eco m e b egin b ite b lo w break b ring b u ild buy catch ch oose co m e cost cut do draw drink drive eat fall feel fig h t fin d fly forget get give been beaten become begun bitten blown broken brought built bought caught chosen lie lig h t lose m ake m ean m eet pay p ut quit read (reed)* ride rin g rise run say see sell send shine sh oot show shut sing sit sleep speak spend stand steal sw im take teach tear tell th ink throw understand w ake wear w in lay lit lost made m eant (ment)* m et paid put quit read (red)* rode rang rose ran said (sed)* saw sold sent shone shot showed shut sang sat slept spoke spent stood stole swam took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won lain g° grow hang have hear h id e h it h o ld hurt keep k n ow leave len d w as/w ere beat became began bit blew broke brought built bought caught chose came cost cut did drew drank drove ate fell felt fought found flew forgot got gave w ent grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew left lent lit lost made m eant (ment m et paid put quit read (red)* ridden rung risen run said (sed)* seen sold sent shone shot shown shut sung sat slept spoken spent stood stolen swum taken taught torn told thought throw n understood woken w orn won w rite wrote w ritten let let let 236 APPENDIX 2 come cost cut done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen felt fought found flown forgotten gotten given gone grown hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept know n left lent * pronuncu:m PENDIX 3 'regular verbs in groups . simple past and past participle are the same: cost cut hit h u rt —► cost —► cut —► h it —► h urt let put quit shut -► let -► put -* quit shut lend send spend build —► len t —► sent —► spent -► b u ilt lo st lose shoot -► shot lit light sat sit The simple past and past participle are different: 1. 2. keep —► kept sleep —► slept feel leave m eet m ean felt le ft —► m et —► m ea n t (ment)* bring buy fight th in k b ro u g h t bought fo u g h t th o u g h t catch teach cau gh t tau gh t sell tell sold to ld find have hear hold read say fin d had heard (herd)* h eld read (red) said (sed) pay make paid m ad e stand understand *pronunciation 3. 4. break choose speak steal wake broke —► ch ose —► spoke -► stole —► w o k e broken -► ch osen -► spoken -► stolen w ok en drive ride rise w rite drove rod e -► -► rose w ro te —► driven -► rid d en -+ risen w r itten beat bite hide beat —► b it h id eat fall forget get give see take ate -► fe ll -+ fo r g o t got gave -► saw to o k eaten fa llen fo r g o tten -► g o tten -► give -► seen taken blow grow know throw fly b lew —► grew -► k n ew -► th rew -► fle w b lo w n -► grow n -► k n o w n -► th ro w n flo w n draw 5. sto od u n d erstood 6. beaten b itten h id d en d rew draw n sh ow ed sh ow n show - begin drink swim began -► drank -* sw am b eg u n -► d ru n k sw u m ring sing rang sang ru n g sung run ran run come become cam e b eca m e co m e b eco m e APPENDIX 3 237 APPENDIX 4 Short forms (he's / I'd / don't, etc.) 4.1 In spoken English we usually pronounce / am as one word. The short form (I'm) is a way of writing this: I am it is they have —►I’m —►it ’s —►th ey’ve, etc. ■ F m feeling tired this m orning. ■ “Do you like this jacket?” “Yes, it ’snice.” ■ “W here are your friends?” “T hey’ve gone hom e.” W h en we w rite short forms, we use ’ (an apostrophe): I)s(m—►I’m heXs—►h e’s you ja<ve-> you’ve she>^fll —►she’ll 4.2 We use these forms with l/he/she, etc.: am is are have has had will would -► -► -► -► -► -► ’m ’s ’re ’ve ’s ’d ’11 ’d I’m h e’s sh e’s it’s I’ve I’d I’ll I’d h e ’s h e ’d h e’ll h e ’d she’s she’d sh e’ll she’d w e ’re w e’ve y o u ’re y o u ’ve th ey ’re th ey ’ve w e ’d w e ’ll w e ’d y o u ’d y o u ’ll y o u ’d th ey’d th ey ’ll th ey’d it’s ■ I’ve got some new shoes. ■ W e’ll probably go out tonight. ■ It’s 10:00. You’re late again. ’s = is or has: ■ She’s going out tonight, (she’s going = she is going) ■ She’s gone out. (she’s gone = she has gone) ’d = w o u ld or had: ■ A: W h a t w ould you like to eat? B: I’d like a salad, please. (I’d like = I w o u ld like) ■ I told the police that I’d lost my passport. (I’d lost = I had lost) Do not use ’m / ’s / ’d, etc. at the end o f a sentence (see U n it 41): ■ “Are you tired?” “Yes, I am .” (not Yes, I’m.) ■ She isn’t tired, but he is. (not he’s) 4.3 We use short forms with l/you/he/she, etc., but you can use short forms (especially's) with other words, too: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ W h o ’s your favorite singer? (= who is) W h a t’s the time? (= w hat is) T h e re’s a big tree in the yard. (= there is) M y sister’s w orking in London. (= my sister is working) P a u l’s gone out. (= Paul has gone out) W hat c o lo r ’s your car? (= W h a t color is your car?) 238 APPENDIX 4 APPENDIX 4 5hort forms (he's / I'd / don't, etc.) -- Negative short forms (see Unit 44): isn ’t a ren ’t w a sn ’t w e ren ’t h asn ’t h aven ’t h a d n ’t ■ ■ ■ ■ *5 (= (= (= (= (= (= (= is not) are not) was not) w ere not) has not) have not) had not) (= do not) d o n ’t d o e sn ’t (= does not) d id n ’t (= did not) ca n ’t c o u ld n ’t w o n ’t w o u ld n ’t sh o u ld n ’t m u stn ’t (= (= (= (= (= (= cannot) could not) w ill not) w ould not) should not) m ust not) W e w ent to her house, but she w a sn ’t at home. “W h e re’s David?” “I d o n ’t know. I h aven ’t seen him .” You w ork all the tim e. You sh o u ld n ’t w ork so hard. I w o n ’t be here tom orrow . (= I w ill not) 's (apostrophe + s) ’s can m ean different things: (1) ’s = is or has (see section 4.2 of this appendix) (2) l e t ’s = let us (see U nit 37) ■ It’s a beautiful day. L e t’s go outside. (= L et us go outside.) (3) K ate’s camera = her camera my b ro th er’s car = his car the m anager’s office = h is/h e r office, etc. (see U nit 65) Com pare: ■ K ate’s cam era was very expensive. (K ate’s camera = h er camera) ■ K ate’s a very good photographer. (K ate’s = Kate is) ■ K ate’s got a new camera. (K ate’s got = Kate has got) APPENDIX 4 239 APPENDIX 5 Spelling 5.1 Words + -s and -es (birds/watches, etc.) noun + s (plural) (see U nit 67) bird —►birds m istake ■ ►m istakes hotel —►hotels verb + s (h e /sh e /it -s) (see U nit 5) th in k —►thinks live —►lives rem em ber —►rem em bers but + es after -s / -sh / -c h / -x bus —►buses pass —►passes w ash —►washes d ish —►dishes w atch —►w atches teach —►teaches box —►boxes 5.2 also potato —►potatoes do —►does tom ato -+ tom atoes go ►goes - f / -fe —►-ves sh elf —►shelves k n ife knives address —►addresses finish —►finishes sandw ich —►sandwiches but ro o f —►roofs Words ending in -y (baby -► babies / study -► studied, etc.) -y —►-les study —►studies (not studys) story —►stories try —►tries city —►cities m arry —►m arries fam ily —►fam ilies (not fam ily: baby —►babies fly —►flies -y —►-ie d (see U nit 11) study —►stu d ied (not studyed) try -> trie d m arry —►m a rrie d copy —►copied -y —►-ie r / -ie st (see U nits 88, 91) easy —►ea sie r/easie st (not easyer/easyest) happy —►h a p p ie r/h a p p ie st heavy —►h ea v ie r/h ea v ie st lucky —►lu c k ie r/lu c k ie st funny —►fu n n ie r/fu n n ie s t -y —►-ily (see U nit 87) easy —►easily (not easyly) happy -► happily lucky —►luckily heavy -► heavily y does not change to i if the ending is -a y /-e y /-o y /-u y : holiday —►holidays (not holidaies) b u y —►buys enjoy —►enjoys/enjoyed stay —►stay/stayed but say —►said 240 APPENDIX 5 p ay —► p a id (irregular verbs) key —►keys Ln - 3PENDIX 5 selling ■ mg Verbs that end in -e (m ak e/w rite/d riv e, etc.) —►Xing m ake —►m a k in g w rite —►w ritin g com e —►co m in g Verbs th at end in -ie -► -ying: lie -► ly in g die -► d y in g dance —►dan cin g tie —►ty in g stop -► stopped, big -► bigger, etc. Vowels and consonants: Vowel letters: a e Consonant letters: b c i d o f u g k l m n p r s t w y Sometimes a w ord ends in a vowel + a consonant. For example: stop, big, get. Before - i n g /- e d /- e r /- e s t, the consonant ( p /g /t, etc.) becomes p p / g g / t t , etc. For example: stop ru n get swim big hot th in ST R G SW B H TH V+C O P U N E T I M I G O T I N p -► p p n -► n n t tt m —► m m stopping ru n n in g getting sw im m in g bigger h o tte r th in n e r g “ ► gg t -► t t n -► n n stopped V = vowel C = consonant biggest h o ttest th in n est This does not happen: (1) if the w ord ends in two consonant letters (C + C): help work fast (2) C+C HE L P WO R K FA S T helping w o rk in g faster helped w o rk ed fastest if the w ord ends in tw o vowel letters + a consonant letter (V + V + C): v+v+c need w ait cheap N E E D W A I T CH E A P needing w aiting cheaper needed w aited cheapest (3) in longer words (two syllables or more) if the last p art of the w ord is not stressed: happen visit rem em ber stress H A P -p e n V IS -it re-M E M -ber h ap p e n in g /h a p p en ed (not happenned) visiting/visited rem em b erin g /rem em b ered but prefer begin (4) p re-F E R b e-G IN (stress at the end) (stress at the end) preferring/preferred beginning if the w ord ends in -y or -w. (At the end of words, y and w are not consonants.) enjoy —►enjoying/enjoyed snow —►snow ing/snow ed few —►few er/few est APPENDIX 5 241 APPENDIX 6 Phrasal verbs (take off / give up, etc.) This is a list of some im portant phrasal verbs (see U nit 115). ou t lo o k ou t / w atch ou t = be careful ■ L ook out! T here’s a car coming. w ork ou t — exercise (to becom e stronger or m ore fit) ■ Sarah w orks ou t at the gym two or three times a week. on co m e on = be quick / hurry ■ C o m e on! Everybody is waiting for you. go on = continue ■ I’m sorry I interrupted. G o on. (= continue w hat you were saying) ■ H ow long will this hot w eather go on? Hold on . a minute. keep on = continue (talking, etc.) ■ I asked them to be quiet, but they k ep t on talking. h o ld on = wait ■ Can you h o ld on a m inute? (= can you wait?) o ff take o ff take o f f = leave the ground (for planes) ■ The plane to o k o f f 20 m inutes late but arrived on time. go o f f = explode (a bomb, etc.) or ring (an alarm, an alarm clock, etc.) ■ A bom b w en t o f f and caused a lot of damage. ■ A car alarm goes o f f if somebody tries to break into the car. up 'g> fl clean up = make neat or clean ■ After the party, it took two hours to clean up. give up = stop trying ■ I know it’s difficult, but don’t give up. (= don’t stop trying) grow up = become an adult ■ W hat does your son w ant to do w hen he grow s up? hurry up = do something more quickly ■ H urry up! W e don’t have m uch time. speak up = speak more loudly ■ I can’t hear you. Can you speak up, please? w ake up = stop sleeping ■ I often w ake up in the middle of the night. d ow n slo w d ow n = go more slowly ■ You’re driving too fast. S low down! break d ow n = stop working fo r cars, machines, etc.) ■ Sue was very late because her car b rok e down, a lo n g get a lon g = be together w ithout problems ■ Sam doesn’t visit his parents often. He doesn’t get alon g w ith his father. over fall over = lose your balance ■ I fe ll over because my shoes were too big for me. 242 APPENDIX 6 grow up - ’pendix7 Phrasal verbs + object put out a fire / try on clothes, etc.) :s a list o f some im p o rtant phrasal verbs + object (see U nit 116). -: fill ou t aform = complete aform ■ Can you fill ou t this form , please? p ut o u t a fire, a cigarette, etc. ■ The fire departm ent arrived and p ut the fire out. cross ou t a mistake, a word, etc. ■ If you make a mistake, cross it out. put out cross out try on clothes = put on clothes to see if they fit you ■ (in a store) W here can I try these pants on? give up som ething = stop doing/having something ■ Sue gave up her jo b w hen her baby was born. (= she stopped working) ■ Tom ’s doctor told him he had to give up smoking. lo o k up a word in a dictionary, etc. ■ I didn’t know the m eaning of the word, so I lo o k e d it up in a dictionary. turn up the TV, radio, music, heat, etc. = make it louder or warmer ■ Can you turn the radio up? I can’t hear it. w ake up somebody who is sleeping ■ I have to get up early tomorrow. Can you w ake m e up at 6:30? vn tear d ow n a building = demolish it B They are going to tear d ow n the school and build a new one. fear down turn d ow n the TV, radio, music, heat, etc. = make it quieter or less warm ■ The music is too loud. Can you turn it down? kn ock over a cup, a glass, a person, etc. ■ Be careful. D on’t k nock your cup over. knock over I iway th row away garbage, things you don’t w ant B These apples are bad. Should I th row th em away? B D on’t th row away that picture. I w ant it. p u t som ething away = put it in the place where you usually keep it B After they finished playing, the children p u t their toys away. pay somebody back = give back money that you borrowed T hank you for lending me the money. I’ll pay you back next week. ro u n d sh ow somebody around = take somebody on a tour of a place ■ We visited a factory last week. The m anager show ed us around. APPENDIX 7 243 Additional Exercises List o f exercises: 1-2 3 4 5-7 8-9 10-13 14 15 16-18 19-22 23 24-27 28 29 30-31 32 33-34 35 am/is/are Present continuous Simple present Simple present, am/is/are and have (got) Present continuous and simple present was/were and simple past Simple past and past continuous Present and past Present perfect Present perfect and simple past Present, past, and present perfect Passive Future Past, present, and future Past, present, and future -ing and to. . . a and the Prepositions Units 1-2 Units 3-4 Units 5-7 Units 1-2, 5-7, 9 Units 3-8 Units 10-12 Units 11-14 Units 3-14 Units 16-21 Units 19-21 Units 3-21 Units 22-23, Appendix 1 Units 26-29 Units 3-21, 26-29 Units 3-23, 26-29, 53, 55, 99, 106 Units 52-56, 106, 113 Units 66, 70-74 Units 104-109, 112 Units 1-2 amlislare 1 Write sentences for the pictures. Use the words in the boxes + is!isn't!are!aren't. Kate Gary T he w in d ow s Lisa Kate T he children G ary T he books T he h otel T he bus on the table hun gry asleep -openfu ll near the station a doctor happy 244 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The w in d ow s a re open. L is a isn't happy. : nplete the sentences. L 'Are you hungry?” “No, but Tm thirsty.” 1 * H o w a re your parents?” “T h ey ’re fine.” . at w ork.” Ts A nna at hom e?” “N o ,__________________ * my keys?” “O n your desk.” T h ere is Paul fro m ? _______________________ A m erican or Canadian? _______________________very hot today. T he tem perature is 38 degrees Celsius. ‘Are you a teacher?” “N o , a student.” . your um brella?” “G reen.” a * ___ _________________ in the parking lot? W here’s your car? “_______________________tired?” “No, I’m fine.” ML *________________ 'T hese shoes are nice. H o w _______________________ ?” “Seventy-five dollars.” ^resent continuous ( w orking I ire you working?, etc.) . Units 3-4 the words in parentheses to write sentences. A W here are your parents? They 're w atching TV.___________________ B: (they / w atch / TV) A: Paula is going out. B: W h ere 's sh e going? (where / she / go?) L .4; W h ere’s David? B: _________________ - A: _______________ B: No, they ’re asleep. x. .4; B: No, not any more. (he / take / a shower) (the children / play?) (it / rain?) <L A: W here are Sue and Steve? B: " A: B: (they / come / now) (why / you / stand / here?) (I / w ait / for somebody) 5 mple present (/ w ork / she doesn't w ork / Jo you work?, etc.) Units 5-7 lomplete the sentences. Use the simple present. 9L to w ork early. I We don't w a tch T V very often. How often do you w ash your hair? I want to go to the movies, b u t . ------------------------------------- to go. . to go out tonight? near here? a lot of people. ____________________ very much. |L I enjoy traveling, b u t . in the m orning? 1 W hat t i m e _________ My parents are usually at hom e at night. ______________________________very often. ______________________________w ork at 5:00. A: W h at . m a hotel. B: ______ Su e a lw a ys c/ets (Sue / always / get) (we / not / watch) (you / wash) (Sam / not / want) (you / want) (Helen / live) (Sarah / know) (I / not / travel) (you / usually / get up) (they / not / go out) (Tom / always / leave) (Julia / do) (she / work) ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 245 Simple present, amlislare and have (got) 5 Read the questions and Claire's answers. Then write sentences about Claire. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 6 Units 1-2, 5-7, 9 Are you married? Do you live in Houston? Are you a student? Do you have a car? Do you go out a lot? Do you have a lot o f friends? Do you like Houston? Do you like to dance? Are you interested in sports? No. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. No. C laire 1. S h e isn t m arried. £j(>\ r\ \ 2. S h e lives in Houston. 3. 4. 5. % 67. 8. 9. Complete the questions. What's y o u r name . married? W here . any children? H ow . 2. . yourjob? a car? to w ork by car? 3. Brian. Yes, I am. O n State Street. Yes, a daughter. She’s three. I’m 29. I w ork in a superm arket. No, I hate it. Yes, I do. No, I usually go by bus. r-------------------------T h a t’s my brother, Michael. H e’s a travel agent No, in Los Angele Who is this man \ . in N ew York? 7 Write sentences from these words. All the sentences are present. Sarah often / tennis) 2 . my parents / a new car) 1. S a ra h often p la y s tennis. M y p a r e n ts have a n e w car. OR M y p a re n ts have g o t a n e w car. M y sho es a re dirty. _______________ 3. my shoes / dirty) Sonia. 4. Sonia / 32 years old) 5. I / tw o sisters) 6 we often / T V at night) 7. Jane never / a hat) 8 . my car / a flat tire) 9. these flowers / beautiful) 10. M ary / G erm an very well) . 246 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES ; -esent continuous (I'm working) and oiple present (I work) Units 3-8 : nplete the sentences, ^Please be quiet. I'm w orking (I/w ork). f \n o w . Good-bye! (1/leavelN __________________ (it/rain). Can I take this um brella? (l/not/watch) TV very much. yVhich is right? 1 •‘A re yen speaking -/ Do you speak English?” “Yes, a little.” (Do you speak is right) 1 Sometimes w e’re going / we go away on weekends. It’s a nice day today. T he sun is shining / shines. - (You meet Kate in the street.) Hello, Kate. W here are you going / do you go? 5. How often are you taking / do you take a vacation? 6. Em ily is a w riter. She’s w riting / She w rites children’s books. ". I’m never reading / I never read newspapers. 8. “W h ere are M ichael and Jane?” “T h ey ’re w atching / T hev w atch TV in the living room .” 9. H elen is in her office. She’s talking / She talks to somebody. 1). W h a t tim e are you usually having / do you usually have dinner? 11. Joh n isn’t at hom e right now. H e’s visiting / H e visits some friends. 12. “W ould you like some coffee?” “No, thanks. I’m not drinking / I don’t d rin k coffee.” ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 247 was/were and simple past (/ w orked I did you work?, etc.) 10 Units 10-12 Complete the sentences. Use one word only. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. I got up early and took a shower. . Tom was tired last night, so h e __________ 6. 7. 8 . 9. . 10 11 to bed early. I _______________ this pen on the floor. Is it yours? Kate got m arried w hen s h e _______________23. . her first lesson yesterday. H elen is learning to drive. S h e ___________ _______ m e.” “I’ve got a new job.” “Yes, I know. David . “W h ere did you buy that book?” “It was a present. J a n e _______________ it to m e.” W e _______________hungry, so we had som ething to eat. “D id you enjoy the m ovie?” “Yes, I _______________ it was very good.” . him , but he didn’t come.” :‘D id Andy come to your party?” “N o, we . Look at the questions and Kevin's answers. Write sentences about Kevin when he was a child. ^ Kevin W hen you were a child . . . W ere you tall? Did you like school? W ere you good at sports? D id you play basketball? Did you work hard at school? Did you have a lot of friends? D id you have a bicycle? W ere you a quiet child? 12 A No. l H e w asn t tall. Y es. 2. H e liked school. Y es. 3. H e . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Y es. No. Y es. v. No. No. j Complete the questions t . 1. 2 3. 4. 5. . 6 D id you have W h ere d id yo u go . 7. 13 a nice vacation? P _______ there? the Bahamas? P good? _ back? Yes, it was great, thanks. To the Bahamas. Five days. Yes, very much. I have friends there, so I stayed w ith them . Yes, it was w arm and sunny. Yesterday. Put the verb in the right form (positive, negative, or question). 1. It was a good party. / e n jo y e d it. (I / enjoy) the dishes?” (you / do) “N o ,. / didn t have time. (I / have) (I / forget) 3. “D id you call Adam ?” “No, I’m s o rry ,_______ it? (you / get) 4. I like your new watch. W h e r e ________________ to her. (I / speak) 5. I saw Lucy at the party, b u t ________ a nice weekend? (you / have) 6 A: _______________________________ B: Yes, I visited some friends o f m ine. to work, (he / go) 7. Paul w asn’t well yesterday, s o ________ ______________ five m inutes ago.” (she / arrive) 8. “Is M ary here?” “Y es,______________ before he m oved here? (R obert / live) 9. W h e r e _____________________________ _________________ very m uch, (the m eal / cost 10. T he restaurant wasn’t expensive.. . 2 “ D id you do . 248 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES : nple past (I worked) and past continuous Units 11-14 was working) I -nplete the sentences. Use the simple past or past continuous. Good morning. : w a s raining (rain) w hen we w e n t (go) out. (open) the window because it was hot. W h en I arrived at the office, Jane and Paul _____________________ (work) at their desks. (ring) w hen (cook) dinner. T he phone . S u e ______ D. sol. (hear) a noise outside, (look) out o f the T o m ____________________________ (look) out o f the w indow w hen the accident ______________________ (happen). / E r in Richard had a book in his hand, but he ____________________________(not/read) it. H e __________________________ (watch) TV. E rin bought a m agazine, but she (not/read) it. She didn’t have time. Hi, Kate! K ate and. restaurant. _ (finish) lunch, (pay) the bill, (leave) the I. (see) Kate this __________ (walk) m orning. I along the street and she ____________________ (wait) for the bus. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 249 Present and past 15 Units 3-14 Complete the sentences. Use one of these forms: simple present (I w o r k /d riv e, etc.) simple past (I w o rk ed /d ro v e, etc.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. present continuous (I am w o r k in g /d r iv in g , etc.) past continuous (I was w o r k in g /d riv in g , etc.) You can tu rn off the TV. I 'm n o t w a tch in g (not / watch) it. Last night Jenny fe ll (fall) asleep w hile she w a s reading (read). Listen! S om ebody _______________________ (play) the piano. “Do you have my key?” “No, I _______________________ (giye) it back to you.” David is very lazy. H e _______________________ (not / like) to w ork hard. W h e r e ______________________ (your parents / go) on vacation last year? I _______________________ (see) D iane yesterday. S h e _______________________ (drive) her new car. A: ______________________ (you / watch) T V very much? B: No, I don’t have a TV. A: W h a t ______________________ (you / do) at 6:00 last Sunday m orning? B: I was in bed asleep. Andy isn’t at hom e very much. H e _________________________(go)out a lot. I (try) to find a jo b right now. It’s very hard. I’m tired this m orning. I _______________________ (not / sleep) very well last night. Present perfect (/ have done / she has been, etc.) 16 Units 16-21 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the present perfect. I'm looking for Julia. Yes, she was here a few minutes ago. 250 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES More coffee? No, thanks. I _______________________________ e n o u g h y The w eather is terrible today. It ____________________________ all day, lomplete the sentences (1, 2, or 3 words). M ark and Liz are m arried. T hey h a v e b een m arried for five years. 1 David has been w atching T V sin ce 5:00. M artin is at work. H e ______________________________ at w ork since 8:30. . five days.” “Did you ju st arrive in M iam i?” “No, I’ve been h e r e ___________________ we were in high school. I’ve know n H e le n . there?” 'My brother lives in Los Angeles.” “Really? H ow long . . 20 years. George has had the same jo b . here since Monday. Some friends o f ours are staying w ith us. T hey . 1 Complete the sentences. Write about yourself. -. I’ve never ridden a horse. 1. I’ve b een to M o n tr e a l m any times. 3. I’ve ju s t___________________________________ -. I’v e ________________________________________ (once / tw ice / a few tim es / m any times) I haven’t _______________________________ I’ve n e v e r. . since . I’v e _____ . f o r __ I’v e _____ . yet. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 251 Present perfect (/ simple past (I did, etc.) 19 Present perfect or simple past? Complete the sentences (positive or negative). 1. A: B: 2. A: B: 3. A: B: 4. A: B: 5. A: B: 6. A: B: 7. A: B: 8. A: B: 9. A: B: 10. A: B: 11. A: B: 12. A: B: 20 have done, etc.) and Do you like London? I don’t know. I h a v e n 't b ee n there. Have you seen Kate? Yes, I s a w her five m inutes ago. T h a t’s a nice sweater. Is it new? Yes, I ______________________________ it last week. Are you tired this m orning? Yes, I ______________________________ to bed late last night. Is the new French movie good? Yes, really good. I . it three times. Do you like your new job? I _____________________________ . My first day is next Monday. T he w eather isn’t very nice today, is it? No, but i t nice yesterday. W as Helen at the party on Saturday? I don’t th in k so. I ______________________________ her there. Is your son still in school? No, h e ______________________________ college tw o years ago. Is Silvia m arried? Yes, s h e ______________________________ m arried for five years. Have you heard of George W ashington? O f course. H e ______________________________the first president of the U nited States. H ow long does it take to m ake a pizza? I don’t know. I a pizza. Write sentences with the present perfect or simple past. 1. A: B: 2. A: B: 3. A: B: 4. A: B: 5. A: B: 6. A: B: 7. A: B: 8. A: B: 9. A: B: 252 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES (live / there / since last Mav _______ (she / leave / at 4:00) ? (how m any tim es / you / there? (I / tired / all day (it / on the table / last night _ (I / eat / there a few times ? (what tim e / they / get / here? ^ :e n t perfect or simple past? Complete the sentences. .4: H ave y o u b ee n to France? B: Yes, m any times. the last time? .4; W h e n __________________ B: Two years ago. .4: B: A: B: Is this your car? Yes, it is. H ow lo n g _____ It’s new. I _____ Is this your car? _ it? . it yesterday. A: B: A: B: W here do you live? O n Maple Street. H ow lo n g . Five years. Before t h a t . on Mill Road. A: H ow lo n g . Mill Road? B: A bout three years. 4. A: B: A: B: A: B: W hat do you do? I w ork in a store. H ow long N early two years. W hat I there? . on there? before that? a taxi driver. .Vrite sentences about yourself. (yesterday m orning) (last night) (yesterday afternoon) (.. . days ago)________ 5. (last week) 6. (last year) 1. 3. / w a s la te fo r w o rk y e s te r d a y morning. _________________________________________ ________________________________________ _________________________________________ ________________________________________ _ _________________________________________ ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 253 Present, past, and present perfect 23 Units 3-21 Which is right? 1. “ /s Sue_ w ork[ng?_ (O ” “N o, she’s on vacation.” A Does Sue work? B Is working Sue? C Is Sue working? 2. “W h e r e A lives your uncle B does your uncle D Does work Sue? ?” “In Dallas.” live C your uncle lives 3. I speak Italian, b u t ______________________________ French. A I no speak B I’m not speaking C I doesn’t speak D does live your uncle D I don’t speak 4. “W h e re’s Tom ?” “______________________________ a shower at the m om ent.” A H e’s taking B He take C He takes D He has taken 5. W h y ______________________________angry w ith me yesterday? A were you B was you C you were D have you been 6. My favorite movie is Cleo’s Dream.____________________________ it four times. A I’m seeing B I see C I was seeing D I’ve seen 7. I ______________________________ out last night. I was too tired. A don’t go B didn’t went C didn’t go D haven’t gone 8. Liz is from Chicago. S h e _______________________________ there all her life. A is living B has lived C lives D lived 9. My frie n d ______________________________ for me w hen I arrived. A waited B has waited C was waiting D has been waiting 10. “H ow lo n g ________________________ English?” “Six m onths.” A do you learn B are you learning C you are learning D have you been learning 11. Joel is C anadian, A for three years but he lives in Peru. He has been th e r e __________________ . B since three years C three years agoD during three years 12. “W h a t t i m e _______________________ ?” A has Lisa called B Lisa has called “A bout an hour ago.” C did Lisa call D is Lisa calling 13. W h a t ________________________________ w hen you saw her? A did Sue wear B was Sue wearing C has Sue worn 14. “C an you drive?” A I never drive D was wearing Sue “N o ,______________________________ a car, but I w ant to learn.” B I’m never driving C I’ve never driven D I was never driving 15. I saw H elen at the station w hen I was going to w ork this m orning, but she ______________________________ me. A didn’t see B don’t see C hasn’t seen D didn’t saw 254 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES Units 22-23, Appendix 1 : assive ^plete the sentences. now Taese houses w e r e b u ilt (build) 20 years 10. Before th at there was a movie theater :rre, but the b u ild in g _____________________ carnage) in a fire and had to ______________________________ (tear down). (build) in 1955. This bridge . (use) by N ow i t ____ hundreds o f people every day. T he bridge (paint) now. in the past now HNKiilH iiBARBERl This s tre e t____________ 5:reet. It used t o _______ Hill Street, but the nam e change) a few years ago. (call) K ennedy _________ (call) This is a bicycle factory. B icycles__________ i _______________(make) here since 1961. It’s [ the largest bicycle factory in the country. j Thousands o f bicycles____________________ _________________(produce) here every year. Complete the sentences. We w e r e in v ite d (invite) to the party, but we didn’t go. The m useum is very popular. Every year i t ___________________(visit) by thousands of people. M any b u ild in g s_______________________________(damage) in the storm last week. A new road is going t o (build) next year. “W h ere’s your jacket?” “I t ___________________________ (clean). It w ill be ready tom orrow .” She’s famous now, but in a few years her nam e w i l l _______________________________(forget). “Are you happy w ith your w ashing m achine?” “N o t really. I t __________________________ _________________________________________(repair) three tim es since we bought it.” M ilk s h o u ld ______________________________ (keep) in a fridge. __________________________________________(you / ever / bite) by a snake? My b a g _____________________________ (steal) from my car yesterday afternoon. Nrite a new sentence with the same meaning. I. I. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Somebody has stolen my keys. M y k e y s h a v e b een stolen.____________ Somebody stole my car last week. My c a r ________________________________ Somebody wants you on the phone. Y o u ___ Somebody has eaten all the bananas. All t h e ________________________________ Somebody w ill repair the m achine. T h e ___________________________________ Somebody is w atching us. W e ____________________________________ Somebody has to do the housework. T h e ___________________________________ ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 255 27 Active or passive? Complete the sentences. 1. . T hey o re building (build) a new airport now. w e r e w a s h e d (wash). h a v e b een w a s h e d OR (push) m e.” “H ow did you fall?” “S om ebody__________________ (push).” “H ow did you fall?” “I ___________________________ (take) it! I can’t find my bag. Somebody . (repair) at the m om ent. My w atch is broken. I t _______ (invent) the camera? W h o _______________________ _ (the camera / invent)? W hen. (wash). These shirts are clean now. T hey . (wash) them . These shirts are clean now. I ____ (they / send) it to you? T he letter was for me, so w h y ___ (send) to you as soon as possible. T he inform ation w i l l __________ 2 These shirts are clean now. They 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . Future 28 Units 26-29 Which is the best alternative? 1. W e 're having ( 3 ) a party next Sunday. I hope you can come. A W e have B W e’re having C W e’ll have 2. Do you know about K a ren ? _______________________ her job. She told me last week. A She quits B She’s going to quit C She’ll quit 3. T h ere’s a program on T V that I w ant to w a tc h .______________________ in five m inutes. A It starts B It’s starting C It will start 4. T he w eather is nice now, but I t h i n k _______________________ later. A it rains B it’s raining C it will rain 5. “W h a t A do you do next w eekend?” “N othing. I have no plans.” B are you doing C will you do 6. “W h en you see Tina, can you ask her to call m e?” A I ask B I’m going to ask C I’ll ask 7. “W h a t w ould you like to drink, tea or coffee?” A I have B I’m going to have C I’ll have 8. D o n ’t take A I read “O K ,_______________________ her.” “______________________ tea, please.” that new spaper aw ay.______________________it. B I’m going to read C I’ll read 9. Rachel is sick, s o A she doesn’t come B she isn’t coming to the party tom orrow night. C she won’t come 10. I w ant to m eet Sarah at the station. W h a t t i m e ______________________ ? A does her train arrive B is her train going to arrive C is her train arriving 11. “W ill you be at hom e tom orrow night?” “N o ______________________ .” A I go out B I’m going out C I’ll go out 12. “_______________________ you tom orrow ?” “Yes, fine.” A Do I call B Am I going to call C Shall I call 256 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES ast, present, and future Units 3-21, 26-29 : mplete the sentences. 1L -4; B: .4: B: A: B: *4: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: D id y o u g o N o,_ W h a t. ______ ____________ Y es,________ W h at movie . ____________ (you / go) out last night? (I / stay) home, (you / do)? (I / watch) TV. (you / go) out tom orrow night? (I / go) to the movies. (you / see)? (I / not / k n o w ).. Are you visiting here? Yes, we are. H ow lo n g ___________ __________________________ And how lo n g ____________ U ntil the end o f next week. A n d _____________________ Yes, (I / not / decide) yet. Are you visiting here? (you / be) here? (we / arrive) yesterday. __________(you / stay)? (you / like) it here? (we / have) a w onderful tim e. (I / j u s t / rem em ber) - . A: O h , ____________________________ (Karen / call) w hile you were out. B: (she / always / call) w hen I’m not here. (she / leave) a message? A: No, b u t . (she / want) you to call her back as soon as possible. B: O K , ___ (I / call) her now. (you / know) her num ber? A: It’s in my address b o o k .____ _______________________(I / get) it for you. A: ______________________________ (I / go) out w ith C hris and Steve tonight. ______________________________ (you / want) to come w ith us? B: Yes, w h e re _______________________________(you / g°)? A: To the Italian restaurant on N o rth A venue.__________________________ (you / ever / eat) there? B: Y es,______________________ (I / be) there tw o or three times. In fact I (go) there last night, but I’d love to go again! 5. A: B: w hen. A: W ell,. them now, so w here are they? B: ____ A: No, . (I / lose) my glasses again, (you / see) them? (you / wear) them (I / come) in. (I / not / wear) (you / look) in the kitchen? (I / go) and look now. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 257 Past, present, and future 30 Units 3-23, 26-29, 53, 55, 99, 106 Rachel is talking about her best friend, Carolyn. Put the verbs in the correct form. \ S Carolyn is my best friend. I remem ber very well the first time ( l ) ______________________ (we / meet). It was our first day at high school, and (2) (we / sit) next to each other in the first class. (3)_______________________ (we / not / know) any other students in our class, and so (4)______________________ (we / become) friends. W e found that (5). . (we / like) the same things, especially music and sports, and so (6) _______________________ (we / spend) a lot of time together. Rachel 31 (7 ) -----------------------------------(w e / finish) school five years ago, but (8) _______________________ (we / meet) as often as we can. For the last six months Carolyn (9)_______________________ (be) in Mexico - right . (she / work) in a school as a teaching now (10)___ assistant. (11). (she / come) back to the States next m onth, and when (12). . (she / come) back, (13)------------------------------- . (we / have) lots of things to talk about, N ------------------------- (it / be) really nice to see her again. Nick and his friend Jon are from London. They are traveling around the world. Read the e-mails between Nick and his parents, and put the verbs in the correct form. 9 0 8 . . . . . . . r ~ ' Dear M om and Dad, W e’re in Los Angeles, the first stop on our round-the-world trip! (l) t/l/fe a r r iv e d (we / arrive) here yesterday, and now ; (2 )--------------------------------------(we / stay) at a hotel near the airport. The flight was twelve hours, but (3) _________________________ (we / enjoy) it. (4) _________________________ (we / watch) some movies and (5) _________________________ (sleep) for a few hours, which is unusual for me - usually (6)_________________________ (I / not / sleep) well on planes. Today is a rest day for us and (7 )_________________________ (we / not / do) anything special, but tomorrow (8) (we / go) to Hollywood (9) (see) the movie studios. (10) _________________________ (we / not / decide) yet what to do after Los Angeles. Jon (11)_________________________ (want) to drive up the coast to San Francisco, but I’d prefer (12)_________________________ (go) south to San Diego. I hope all is well with you - (13)_______________________ (I / send) you another e-mail next week. Love, Nick 258 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES Nick » San Francisco USA Los Angeles Pacific Ocean i San Diego MEXICO 9 ^ 0 Dear Nick, Thanks for your e-mail. It’s good to hear that (14)___________________________ you / have) a good time. W e’re fine - Ellie and Jo (15)___________________________ study) hard for their exams next month. Dad has been busy at work, and last week (16)____________________________ (he / have) a lot of im portant meetings. H e’s a little nred - I think (17)____________________________ (he / need) a good rest. S Keep in touch! Love, Mom * month later . . . I 9 ^ 0 ______________ 1 Hi M om and Dad, 18)-------------------------19)-------------------------(20)-------------------------(21)_-----------------------beautiful there and (22). before (23)___________ (24) -------------------------(25) _________________ (26) -------------------------- (we / be) in California for a m onth now. (we / get) back to Los Angeles yesterday after . (see) many wonderful places. I think the place . (I / like) most was Yosemite National Park - it’s . (we / go) cycling a lot. The day ______ (we / leave), Jon . (have) an accident on his bike. Luckily . (he / not / injure), but the bike . (damage). (27) -------------message: now (28). not Tuesday). (29). (30) ____________ (31) _____________ . (we / change) our travel plans since my last _____________ (we / leave) for Hawaii on Monday (we / stay) there for a week before . (fly) to N ew Zealand. . (that / be) different, I’m sure! All the best to Ellie and Jo for their exams. Love, Nick 9 0 © r ~ > Hi Nick, Have a good time in Hawaii! Ellie and Jo (32) rheir exams yesterday - (33) (34) (we / get) the results. We’re all OK. Dad and I (35) vacation next month. (36) weeks - (37) (finish) (I / let) you know when (look) forward to our (we / go) to Italy for two (we / send) you an e-mail from there. Take care! Love, Mom ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 259 Units 52-56, 106, 113 -ingandto . . . 32 Which is correct? 1. D on’t forget to turn (D) off the light before you go out. A tu rn B to tu rn C turning 2. It’s late. I s h o u ld ______________________________ now. A go B to go C going 3. I’m sorry, but I don’t have t i m e __________________________ C talking B to talk A for talking to you now. 4. G ary is always in the kitchen. H e enjoys__ A cook B to cook C cooking away for a few days. 5. W e’ve d e c id e d __________________________ A go B to go C going 6. You’re m aking too m uch noise. C an you please stop . C shouting A shout B to shout 7. W ould you li k e ______________________________ to dinner on Sunday? A come B to come C coming . you. 8. T h at bag is too heavy for you. Let m e _________ A help B to help C helping every day. 9. T h ere’s a sw im m ing pool near my house. I g o __ A to swim B to swimming C swimming 10. D id you use a d ic tio n a ry _____________________ C for translate A to translate B for translating 11. I’d lo v e _________________________ C having A have B to have 12. C ould you A help B to help _ a car like yours. me w ith this bag, please? C helping 13. I don’t m in d _____________________ A sit B to sit C sitting 14. Do you w ant _ A that I help . the letter? _ here, but I’d prefer to sit by the window. . you? B me to help C me helping . work. 15. I usually read the new spaper b e fo re ________________ A start B to start C starting . better. 16. I w asn’t feeling very well, but the m edicine m ade me A feel B to feel C feeling 17. Shall I call the re sta u ra n t__________________________ A for reserve B for reserving C to reserve 18. Tom looked at me w ith o u t________________________ A say B saying C to say 260 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES a table? anything. 3 and Units 66, 70-74 the lomplete the sentences. 1- ( Can you pass^ the sugar . please?^) ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 261 34 Write a/an or the if necessary. If a/an/the are not necessary, leave an empty space (-). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. W h o is th e best player on your team? I don’t watch - T V very often. “Is there a bank near here?” “Yes, at the end o f this block.” I can’t r i d e ________ horse. ________ sky is very clear tonight. Do you live here, or are y o u _______ tourist? W h a t did you have f o r ________ lunch? W ho w a s first president o f ________ U nited States? “W h a t tim e is it?” “I don’t know. I don’t h a v e _______ w atch.” I’m sorry, but I’ve forgotten your name. I can never re m e m b e r________ names. W h at tim e i s ________ next train to Boston? Kate never sen d s________ e-mails. She prefers to call people. “W h e re’s Sue?” “She’s i n ________ backyard.” Excuse me, I’m looking f o r _______ M ajestic H otel. Is it near here? Gary was s ic k ________ last week, so he didn’t go t o _______ work. Everest i s ________ highest m ountain i n ________ world. I usually listen t o ________ radio w hile I’m h a v in g ________ breakfast. I l i k e _______ sports. My favorite sport i s ________ basketball. Julia i s _______ doctor. H er husband i s ________ art teacher. My apartm ent is o n ________ second floor. T urn left a t ________top o f stairs, and it’s o n ________ right. 21. A fte r_______ dinner, we w a tc h e d _________TV. 22. I’ve been t o ________ no rth ern M exico but not t o ________ south. Prepositions 35 Units 104-109, 112 Write a preposition {in/for/by, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Helen is studying m ath in college. W h at is the longest riv e r _______ Europe? Is there a n y th in g T V tonight? W e a rriv e d ________ the hotel after m idnight. “W h e re’s M ike?” “H e’s _______ vacation.” Tom hasn’t gotten up yet.H e’s s till________ bed. Lisa is away. She’s been aw ay ________ Monday. T he next m eeting i s April 15. W e traveled across C a n a d a _______ train. T h ere’s too m uch su g a r________ my coffee. Kevin lived in Las V egas_______ six m onths. He didn’t like it very much. W ere there a lot of p e o p le _______ the party? I don’t know any o f the p e o p le ________ this photo. T he train was very slow. It sto p p e d ____ every station. I like this room . I like the p ic tu re s _______ the walls. “Did you paint that picture?” “No, it was given to m e _______ a friend of m ine.” I’m going aw ay _______ a few days. I’ll be b a c k ________ Thursday. Silvia has g o n e Italy. She’s ________ M ilan right now. Em m a quit sch o o l____ sixteen and got a j o b ________ a bookstore. 262 ADDITIONAL EXERCISES Study Guide > guide will help you decide which units you need to study. .. ;;i sentence can be com pleted using one or m ore o f the alternatives (A, B, C, etc.). You re to decide which alternative (A, B, C, etc.) is right. SO M ETIM ES M O R E T H A N O N E _TERNATIVE IS C O RRECT. rou don’t know or if you are not sure which alternatives are correct, study the unit(s) in the * on the right. You will find the correct sentence in the unit. ere is an A nsw er Key to this Study G uide on page 306. F YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) : resent 1.1 A I cold . Can you close the window, please? B I’m cold C I have cold D It has cold 1.2 T o m . A isn’t interested D doesn’t interest 1.3 . in politics. B not interested C doesn’t interested __________________ ?” “No, she’s out.” A Is at home your m other B Does your m other at home C Is your m other at home D Are your m other at home 1.4 These postcards are n ice.____________________ A How m uch are they? B How many are they? C How m uch they are? D How much is they? 1.5 Look, there’s Sarah.________ ___________ a brown coat. A She wearing B She has wearing C She is wearing D She’s wearing 1.6 You can tu rn off the television.____________________ it. A I’m not watch B I’m not watching C I not watchi D I don’t watching 1.7 “____________________today?” “Yes, he is.” A Is working Paul B Is work Paul C Is Paul work D Is Paul working 1.8 Look, there’s Em ily!____________________ B W here she go? A W here she is going? D W here she going? C W here’s she going? 1.9 The e a rth ___________ _________ around the sun. C goes D does go E is go A going B go 1.10 W e ____ ____________ late on weekends. A often sleep B sleep often C often sleeping 1.11 W e ____________________television very often. A not watch B doesn’t watch C don’t watch E watch not D are often sleep D don’t watching STUDY GUIDE 263 IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) 1.12 A Do you work D Do you working 7, 24 on Sundays?” “No, not usually.” B Are you work C Does you work E W ork you 1.13 I don’t understand this sentence. W h a t________ A mean this word B means this word D does this word mean E this word means 7, 24 C does mean this word 1.14 Please be qu iet.____________________ A I working. I work. C I’m working. 8, 24 D I’m work. a shower every morning. C is taking D take 1.15 T o m _______ B taking A takes on weekends? B are you usually doing E you do usually 1.16 W h a t. A do you usually D do you usually do 8 7, 8, 2 C are you usually do 1.17 Sarah isn’t feeling w ell.________ __________________ a headache. A She have B She have got C She has D She’s got 9, 59 1.18 Mr. and Mrs. H a rris__________ A don’t have B doesn’t have E hasn’t got 9, 59 ______ any children. C no have D haven’t got Past 2.1 The weather. ____________________ last week. A is nice B was nice C were nice D nice 2.2 W h y ______ A you was B did you 10 E had nice late this morning? C was you D you were 10 were you in a bank from 2001 to 2008. C works D worked E was work 11 2.3 T e rry _____ A work B working 2.4 C aroline________ A go B went 2.5 television yesterday. I _______________ A didn’t watch B didn’t watched C wasn’t watched D don’t watch E didn’t watching 12, 24 2.6 _________ ?” “I don’t know. I didn’t see it.” “H ow . B did happen the accident A happened the accident D did the accident happen C does the accident happen E the accident happened 12 2.7 W h a t____________________ at 11:30 yesterday? A were you doing B was you doing C you were doing E you was doing D were you do 13 264 STUDY GUIDE ________ to the movies three times last week. C goes D got E was 11 = YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) 2.8 Jack was reading a book when the p h o n e ___________ A ringing B ring C rang D was ringing 14 E was ring at the bus stop. 2.9 I saw Lucy and Steve this morning. T h e y ___________ A waiting B waited C were waiting D was waiting E were waited 2.10 D av e. A working E used to work 14 15 ________ in a factory. Now he works in a supermarket. B works C work D use to work esent perfect 3.1 “W here’s Rebecca?” “___________ A She is gone B She has gone E She’s gone 3.2 “Are Diane and Paul here?” “No, th e y ________ A don’t arrive yet B have already arrived D haven’t arrived yet 20 C haven’t already arrived 16, 24 3.3 My sister____________________ by plane. A has never travel D has never been traveled 19 _______to bed.” C She goes D She have gone B has never traveled E have never traveled C is never traveled 3.4 ____________________ that wom an before, but I can’t remember where. A I see B I seen C I’ve saw D I’ve seen E I’ve seeing 16, 24 3.5 “How lo n g ____________________ married?” “Since 1998.” A you are B you have been C has you been E have you been 17 3.6 “Do you know Lisa?” A I knew “Yes, B I’ve known D are you _________________ her for a long time.” C I know 3.7 Richard has been in Canada _ B since six months A for six months D in six months 3.8 “W hen did Tom leave?” B Since ten minutes A For ten minutes D In ten minutes 17 D I am knowing 18, 105 C six months ago 18 C Ten minutes ago _________________ a vacation last year. 3.9 W e _____________ A don’t take B haven’t taken C hasn’t taken E didn’t took 21 D didn’t take _________________ on Sunday afternoon? I couldn’t find you. 3.10 W here A you were B you have been C was you D have you been E were you 21 STUDY GUIDE 265 IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) Passive 4.1 This h ouse 22, 24 100 years ago. A is built B is building C was building D was built E built 4.2 W e __________________ to the party last week. A didn’t invite B didn’t invited C weren’t invited D wasn’t invited E haven’t been invited 22, 24 4.3 “W h e re A you are 22 4.4 E were you 23 My car is at the garage.I t ____________________ . A D 4.5 born?” “In Cairo.” C was you D are you B you were is being repaired repaired B is repairing E repairs C have been repaired I can’t find my keys. I th in k ____________________ . A they’ve been stolen B they are stolen Cthey’ve stolen D they’re being stolen 23 Verb form s 5.2 24 , so we didn’t need an umbrella. B wasn’t rain C didn’t raining 5.1 I t __ A wasn’t rained Som ebody A has broke B has broken A n d rew . A is playing B play this window. C has breaked D wasn’t raining 25 D has break Future 6.1 26 . tennis tomorrow. C plays D is play 26 6.2 ____________________ out tonight? A Are you going E Do you going 6.3 B Are you go C Do you go D Go you “W hat time is the concert tonight?” “I t ____________________ at 7:30.” A is start B is starting C starts D start E starting 6.4 W h a t____________________ to the wedding next week? A are you wearing B are you going to wear D you are going to wear 6.5 I think K elly________________ A passes B will pass 27 C do you wear 28 . her driver’s test. C will be pass D will passing to the movies on Saturday. Do you want to come 6.6 with us? A W e go 6.7 “ A I call B W e’ll go C W e’re going 26 26, 28 D W e will going you tomorrow, OK?” “OK, bye.” B I calling C I’m calling D I’ll call 29 6.8 There’s a good program on TV to night.____________________ it. A I watch B I’ll watch C I’m going to watch D I’ll watching 27, 29 6.9 29 It’s a nice day.____________________ for a walk? A Do we go B Shall we go C Should we go E Go we 266 STUDY GUIDE D W e go F YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) lodals , im perative, etc. 7.1 to the movies tonight, but I’m not sure. B I’m going C I may go D I might go A I’ll go here?” “Sure.” B Do I sit C May I sit 7.2 A Can I sit 3 0 , 31 D Can I to sit 31 7.3 I’m having a partv next week, but Paul and Rachel A can’t come B can’t to come C can’t coming 7.4 Before Maria came to the United States, she much English. A can B can’t C not D couldn’t 7.5 W e A have to B had to 7.7 It’s a good movie. You A should to B ought to understand C ought 32, 34 32 tired. E must to be ?o and see it. D should E have 33 q-o to the dentist tomorrow? C have you to D do you have to some coffee?” “No, thank you.” B You like C W ould you like A Are you liking I don’t reallv want to eo out. A I rather stay B I’d rather stay D I’d prefer to stay 7.12 Please A don’t go B you no go 7.13 It’s a nice dav. A Let’s to go 34 wait very long for the bus - it came in a few minutes. B hadn’t to C didn’t have to D didn’t had to 7.10 B Let’s go 31 E doesn’t D can be B you have to 7.9 W e A don’t have to E m ustn’t 7.11 D couldn’t come walk home last ni^ht. There were no buses. C must D must to E must have 7.6 You worked 10 hours todav. You A must B can C must be 7.8 W hat time A you must 30 35 D Do you like home. C I’d rather to stay . Stav here with me. C go not D you don’t go out. C Let’s going 34 36 37 37 D W e go There and it 8.1 Excuse me. A has there B is there 8.2 A Have 8.3 B It has a hotel near here? C there is D is it a lot of accidents on this road. It’s very dangerous. C There have D They are E There are I was hungrv when I e-ot home, but A there wasn’t B there weren’t 8.4 A It’s B It has 8.5 A Is there B Is it 38 C it wasn’t anvthin? to eat. D there hasn’t been 38 39 two miles from our house to downtown. C There is D There are 40 true that you’re moving to Dallas? C Is D Are you 40 STUDY GUIDE 267 IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) A uxiliary verbs 9.1 I haven’t seen the movie, but my sister. D has A does B is C has seen E hasn’t 9.2 I don’t like hot weather, but S u e______________ A does B doesn’t C do D does like likes 9.3 “Nicole got m arried last week.” “____________ _ ? Really?’5 A Got she B She got C She did D She has 9.4 You haven’t m et my m other,_______________ A haven’t you B have you C did you E you haven’t D you have 9.5 Bill doesn’t watch TV. He doesn’t read newspapers, A too B either C neither D never 9.6 “I’d like to go to Australia.” “_________________ A So do I B So am I C So would I E So I would D Neither do I 9.7 S u e____________________much on weekends. A don’t B doesn’t C don’t do D doesn’t do Q uestions 10.1 “W h e n ___________________ ?” “I’m not sure. More than 100 years ago.” A did the telephone invent B has the telephone invented C was invented the telephone D was the telephone invented E the telephone was invented 10.2 “I broke my finger last week.” A did you B you did “H o w ____________________ that?” C you did do D did you do 10.3 W h y ____________________ me last night? I was waiting for you to call. A didn’t you call B you not call C you don’t call D you didn’t call 10.4 “W ho _ A lives 10.5 W h a t_____ A said Paul B does live _ in this house?” “I don’t know.” C does lives D living _ when you told him the story? B did Paul say C Paul said D did Paul said 10.6 “Tom’s father is in the hospital.” “____________________” A In which hospital he is? B In which hospital he is in? C W hich hospital he is in? D W hich hospital is he in? 10.7 Did you have a good vacation?____________________ A How was the weather like? B W hat was the weather like? C W hat the weather was like? D Was the weather like? 10.8 ____________________ taller - Joe or Gary? A W ho is B W hat is C W hich is D W ho has 10.9 There are four umbrellas h ere.____________________ is yours? A W hat B W ho C W hich D How E W hich one 268 STUDY GUIDE 48, 76 F YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) 10.10 10.11 How lo n g ___________________ to cross the Atlantic by ship? A is it B does it need C does it take D does it want I don’t remember w h a t. __________________ at the party. B was wearing Jenny C was Jenny wearing A Jenny was wearing ________________ ?” 10.12 “Do you k n o w _______ A if Jack is at home D that Jack is at home “Yes, I think so.” B isja c k a th o m e C whether Jack is at home sorted speech . me, but he didn’t. D he’s going to call l l .l i saw Steve a week ago. He said th a t. A he call B he calls C he’ll call E he would call 11.2 “W hy did T im go to bed so early?” “H e ____________________ .” A said he was tired B said that he was tired C said me he was tired D told me he was tired E told that he was tired -g and to . . . 12.1 You shouldn’t . ___________________ so hard. B work C to work D worked A working 12.2 It’s late. I ____ A must to go B have go . now. C have to going D have to go 12.3 _______ her car. Tina has decided_________________ A sell B to sell C selling D to selling 12.4 I don’t m in d ____________________ early. A get up B to get up C getting up D to getting up Do you lik e ____________________ early? A get up B to get up C getting up D to getting up 12.5 12.6 Do you w a n t A me lend B me lending you some money? C me to lend D that I lend 12.7 H e’s very funny. He m akes____________________ . A me laugh B me laughing C me to laugh D that I laugh 12.8 Paula went to the store____________________ some fruit. C for getting D to get B for to get A for get E get So, get, do, make, and have 13.1 The water looks nice. I’m going A for a swim B on a swim C to swimming 13.2 I’m sorry your m other is sick. I hope sh e _______________ A has B makes C gets D goes 13.3 13.4 K a te ________ the car and drove away. A went into B went in C got in D swimming better soon. D got into “Shall Iopen the window?” “No, it’s OK. I’l l _________ A do B make C get D open . it.” STUDY GUIDE 269 IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) 13.5 Fm sorry, I _______ A did B made 13.6 A Have you 58 . a mistake. D had C got enough time to do everything you wanted? B Had you C Do you have D Did you have 59 Pronouns and possessives 14.1 I don’t want this book. You can h av e___ A it B them C her D him 60, 63 14.2 Sue and Kevin are going to the movies. Do you want to go with ? 60, 63 A her B they C them D him 61, 63 ________________husband. 14.3 I know Donna, but I don’t k n o w . C she D her A their B his 14.4 Hawaii is famous f o r ____ A his B its C it’s 61 . beaches. D their 14.5 I didn’t have an umbrella, so Helen gave m e _______________ A her B hers C her umbrella D she’s 62. 63 14.6 I went to the movies with a friend o f ____________________ . A mine B my C me D I E myself 62, 63 14.7 W e had a good vacation. W e enjoyed____________________ . A us B our C ours D ourself E ourselves 64 14.8 Kate and Helen are good friends. They k n o w . A each other B them C themselves . well. 14.9 Have you m e t____________________ ? B Mr. Black wife A the wife of Mr. Black E the Mr. Black’s wife D Mr. Black’s wife 14.10 Have you seen _________ A the car of my parents D my parents car 64 D theirselves 65 C the wife Mr. Black ? B my parent’s car 65 C my parents’ car A and the 15.1 I’m going to b u y _______ A hat and umbrella C a hat and an umbrella 66, 68 B a hat and a umbrella D an hat and an umbrella 15.2 “W hat do you do?” “____________________ .” A I dentist B I’m a dentist C I’m dentist 270 66 D I do dentist 15.3 I’m going shopping. I n e e d ____________________ . A some new jeans B a new jeans C a new pair of jeans D a new pair jeans 67 15.4 I like the people h ere.____________________ very friendly. A She is B They are C They is D It is E He is 67 15.5 W e can’t get into the house w ith o u t____________________ . A some key B a key C key 68 STUDY GUIDE YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) 15.7 W e enjoyed our vacation.. C An hotel A Hotel B A hotel . was very nice. D The hotel B middle of the room D the middle of room 71 15.9 W hat did you have fo r________________ A the breakfast B breakfast C a breakfast B work 72 . at 5:00 every day. C a work 15.11 Pm tired. I’m go ing_______ A in bed B in the bed 15.12 W e don’t eat. A the meat 71 71 15.8 The table is i n __________ A middle of room C the middle of the room 5.10 I fin ish . A the work 69 *O 15.6 I’d lik e ____________________about hotels in Mexico City. A some information B some informations C an information 72 C to a bed D to the bed E to bed 73 . very often. D meat C a meat B some meat is in N ew York. 15.13 ____________ B Times Square A The Times Square 74 15.14 My friends are staying at B Regent Hotel A the Regent Hotel 74 I terminers and pronouns 16.1 “I’m going on vacation next week.” A it’s B this is C that’s “O h ,. 16.2 “Is there a bank near here?” “Yes, there’s _ the corner.” D a one A some B it C one 16.3 This cup is dirty. Can I h av e_______________ A clean one B a clean one C clean . nice. 75 . on 76 76 D a clean 16.4 I’m going shopping. I’m going to b u y _________________ A any B some . clothes. 77 16.5 “W here’s your luggage?” “I don’t have______________ A one B some C any 77 16.6 Tracey and J e ff____________________ . A have no children B don’t have no children C don’t have any children D have any children 78, 79 16.7 “How much money do you have?” A No B No one CAny 78 “________________ D None 16.8 There i s ____________________ in the room. It’s empty. C anyone D no one A anybody B nobody 79, 80 16.9 “W hat did you say?” “____ A N othing B Nobody 79, 80 C Anything D Anybody STUDY GUIDE 271 IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) 16.10 I’m hungry. I w a n t__ A something for eat C something for eating B something to eat 16.11 It rain ed ___________ _______ last week. B all days C every days A all day 16.12 D every day ________ friends. B Everybody needs A Everybody need D Everyone needs C Everyone need 16.13 ____________________ children like to play. A Most B The most C Most of 16.14 D The most of ________________ those pictures. Hike A both B both of C either D either of 16.15 I haven’t re a d A neither B neither of these books. C either D either of 16.16 Do you h av e____________________ friends? A a lot of B much C many D much of E many of 16.17 W e like movies, so we go to the m ovies____________________. A a lot of B much C many D a lot 16.18 There w e re A a little B few 16.19 They have. B a few A a little C little people in the theater. It was almost empty. D a few of _______ money, so they’re not poor. C few D little E little of A djectives and adverbs 17.1 I don’t speak a n y _____ A foreign languages B languages foreign C languages foreigns 17.2 He ate his dinner v e ry ____________________ . A quick B quicker C quickly 17.3 You speak English v e ry _________ A good B fluent C well D slow 17.4 Helen w an ts___________________ A a more big car B a car more big C a car bigger D a bigger car 17.5 “Do you feel better today?” “No, I fe el____________________ .” A good B worse C more bad D more worse 17.6 Athens is o ld er____________________ Rome. A as B than C that D of 17.7 I can run faster____________________. A than him B that he can C than he can ____________soccer. 17.8 Tennis isn’t ________________ B popular than A popular as E as popular as D so popular that 272 STUDY GUIDE D as he can C as popular than E as he F YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) 17.9 The weather today is the sam e_________ A as B that C than D like . yesterday. . m town. 17.10 The Best W est Motel i s _______________ A the more expensive motel B the most expensive motel C the motel most expensive D the motel the more expensive E the motel more expensive 17.11 The movie was very bad. I think it’s the _ ever seen. A worse B baddest C most bad . movie I’ve D worst E more worse 17.12 W hy don’t you buy a car? You’ve g o t____________________ . A enough money B money enough C enough of money 17.13 Is your E nglish____________________ a conversation? A enough good to have B good enough for have D good enough to have C enough good for 17.14 I’m __________________ . out. A too tired for go B too much tired for going D too much tired to go C too tired to go fiord order 18.1 Sue is interested in the news. She . A reads every day a newspaper B reads a newspaper every day C every day reads a newspaper 18.2 ____________________coffee in the morning. A I drink always B Always I drink C I always drink 18.3 ____________________during the day. A They are at home never B They are never at home C They never are at home D Never they are at home 18.4 “W here’s Emma?” “S h e____________________.” A isn’t here yet B isn’t here already C isn’t here still 18.5 I locked the door, and I gave____________________. A Sarah the keys B to Sarah the keys C the keys Sarah D the keys to Sarah Conjunctions and clauses 19.1 I can’t talk to you now. I’ll talk to you later w h e n ________________ more time. A I’ll have B I had C I have D I’m going to have 19.2 A If I’m _______ late tonight, don’t wait for me. B If I’ll be C W hen I’m D W hen I’ll be 19.3 I don’t know the answer. If I ____________ A know B would know C have known 19.4 I like that jack et._____ A I buy B I’ll buy the answer, I’d tell you. D knew ___________ it if it wasn’t so expensive. C I bought D I’d bought E I’d buy STUDY GUIDE 273 IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) ________is 100 years old. D it E what 19.5 Em m a lives in a h o u se__________ A who B that C which 19.6 The people____________________ work in the office are very friendly. A who B that C they D which E what 19.7 Did you find the books____________________ ? A who you wanted B that you wanted C what you wanted D you wanted E you wanted it 19.8 I m e t____________________ can speak six languages. A a wom an who B a wom an which C a woman D a wom an she Prepositions 20.1 Bye! See y o u ____________________ . A Friday B at Friday C in Friday D on Friday 20.2 Hurry! The train leaves____________________ five minutes. A at B on C from D after E in 20.3 “How long will you be away?” A On B To C Until “____________________ Monday.” D Till E Since . two hours. 20.4 W e played basketball yesterday. W e played _ A in B for C since D during 20.5 I always have breakfast before . A I go B go C to go . to work. D going 20.6 W rite your n a m e ____________________ the top of the page. A at B on C in D to 20.7 There are a lot of apples____________________ those trees. A at B on C in D to . the world? 20.8 W h at’s the largest c ity __ A at B on C in D of . the second floor. 20.9 The office i s ___________ C in A at B on D to . the party. 20.10 I m et a lot of people_____ A on B to C in 20.11 D at . Mexico next year. I want to g o ____________ C in A at B on D to 20.12 W hat time did you arrive . A at B on C in 20.13 . the hotel? D to “W here is Don in this picture?” “Don i s __________ A at front of B in the front of C in front of 20.14 I jum ped. A on B through . Bob.” D in front from . the wall into the garden. C across D over E above 20.15 Jane isn’t at work this week. She’s ____________________ vacation. A on B in C for D to E at 274 STUDY GUIDE ; YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) 10.16 Do you like traveling____________________ ? A with train B with the train C in train E by train D on train 1 0.17 Fm not very g o o d ____________________ telling stories. A on B with C at D in E for 20.18 Tom left w ith o u t____________________good-bye. A say B saying C to say D that he said 20.19 I have to ca ll____________________ tonight. A w ith my parents B to my parents C at my parents 10.20 D my parents “Do you like eating in restaurants?”“Sometimes.It depends _______________ the restaurant.” E over A in B at C of D on Phrasal verbs 21.1 A car stopped and a woman g o t. A off B down C out 21.2 21.3 D out of It was cold, so I ______________ B put my coat on A put on my coat D put me the coat on I have Rachel’s keys. I have t o _____ A give back B give them back C put the coat on me . to her. C give back them D give it back STUDY GUIDE 275 Answer Key to Exercises UNIT 1________________________ 1.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1.2 2. 3. 4. 5. they’re it isn’t / it’s not that’s I’m not you aren’t / you’re not ’m /am is are ’s/is 6. are 7. is . . . are 8. ’m /am . . . is 2. 3. 4. 5. f h c a 6. 7. 8. 9. e b i d 2.2 I’m / I am He’s / He is they’re / they are It’s / It is You’re / You are She’s / She is Here’s / Here is 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Is your job interesting? Are the stores open today? Where are you from? Are you interested in sports? Is the post office near here? Are your children at school? Why are you late? 2.3 1.4 Example answers: 1. My name is Robert. 2. I’m from Brazil. 3. I’m 25. 4. I’m a cook. 5. My favorite colors are black and white. 6. I’m interested in plants. 1.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. UNIT 2 2.1 1.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I’m /I am a good swimmer. or I’m not / I am not a good swimmer. 10. I’m / I am interested in politics, or I’m not / I am not interested in politics. They’re / They are cold. He’s / He is hot. He’s / He is afraid. They’re / They are hungry. She’s / She is angry. 1.6 2. It’s/ It is windy today. or It isn’t / i t ’s not windy today. 3. My hands are cold, or My hands aren’t / are not cold. 4. Brazil is a very big country. 5. Diamonds aren’t / are not cheap. 6. Toronto isn’t / is not in the United States. 8. I’m /I am hungry, or I’m not / I am not hungry. 276 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. W here’s / Where is How old are How much are W hat’s / W hat is W ho’s / Who is W hat color are 2.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Are you Australian? How old are you? Are you a teacher? Are you married? Is your wife a lawyer? W here’s/W here is she from? W hat’s/W hat is her name? How old is she? 2.5 2. Yes, I am. or No, I’m not. 3. Yes, it is. or No, it isn’t. / No, it’s not. 4. Yes, they are. or No, they aren’t. / No, they’re not. 5. Yes, it is. or No, it isn’t. / No, it’s not. 6. Yes, I am. or No, I’m not. UNIT 3 3.1 2. ’s/is waiting 3. ’re/are playing 4. He’s/H e is lying 5. They’re/They are having 6. She’s/She is sitting 3.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ’s/is cooking ’re/are standing ’s/is swimming ’re/are staying ’s/is taking ’re/are building ’m /am leaving 3.3 3. She’s/She is sitting on the floor. 4. She isn’t/She’s not reading a book. 5. She isn’t/She’s not playing the piano. 6. She’s/She is laughing. 7. She’s/She is wearing a hat. 8. She isn’t/She’s not writing a letter. 3.4 3. I’m sitting on a chair, or I’m not sitting on a chair. 4. I’m eating, or I’m not eating. 5. It’s raining, or It isn’t raining. / It’s not raining. 6. I’m studying English. 7. I’m listening to music, or I’m not listening to nyisic. 8. The sun is shining, or The sun isn’t shining. 9. I’m wearing shoes, or I’m not wearing shoes. 10. I’m not reading a newspap; UNIT 4_______________________ 4.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Are you leaving now? Is it raining? Are you enjoying the movi: Is that clock working? Are you waiting for a bus? 4.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Where is she going? W hat are you eating? Why are you crying? W hat are they looking at: Why is he laughing? UNIT 6 ! 3 Are you listening to me? - Where are your friends going? Are your parents watching Television? il What is Jessica cooking? Why are you looking at me? & Is the bus coming? •4 . Yes, Iam. or I. Yes, Iam. or - Yes, it is. or No, it’s not. Yes, I am. or il Yes, I am. or No, I’m not. No, I’m not. No, it isn’t. / No, I’m not. No, I’m not. JNIT 5 I thinks r flies 4. dances 52 1 live She eats - He plays 53 1 open : closes teaches : meet • washes 5. has 6. finishes 5. They go 6. He sleeps 7. 8. 9. 10. costs cost boils like . 5.4 I I never go to the movies. ; Martina always works hard. 4. Children usually like chocolate. 5. Julia always enjoys parties. I often forget people’s names. ~ Tim never watches television. ■ We usually have dinner at 6:30. A Jenny always wears nice clothes. _________ ___ 6.1 2. Jane doesn’t play the piano very well. 3. They don’t know my phone number. 4. We don’t work very hard. 5. Mike doesn’t have a car. 6. You don’t do the same thing every day. 6.2 1. Carol doesn’t like classical music. I like (or I don’t like) classical music. 2. Bill and Rose don’t like boxing. Carol likes boxing. I like (or I don’t like) boxing. 3. Bill and Rose like horror movies. Carol doesn’t like horror movies. I like (or I don’t like) horror movies. 6.3 6.4 2. doesn’t use 3. don’t go 4. doesn’t wear 5. don’t know 6. doesn’t cost 7. don’t see 6.5 don’t know doesn’t talk drinks don’t believe like doesn’t eat UNIT 7 5.5 Ixample answers: 2. I sometimes read in bed. 3. I often get up before 7:00. 4. I never go to work by bus. 5. I always drink coffee in the morning. 7.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Example answers: 2. I never go to the theater. 3. I don’t ride a bicycle very often. 4. I never eat in restaurants. 5. I travel by train a lot. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 5. Does your brother speak English? / Does he speak English? 6. Do you do yoga every morning? 7. Does Paul often travel on business? / Does he often travel on business? 8. Do you want to be famous? 9. Does Anna work hard? / Does she work hard? 7.1 2. Do you play tennis? 3. Does Lucy live near here? 4. Do Tom’s friends play tennis? / Do they play tennis? 14. How often do you watch TV? W hat do you want for dinner? Do you like football? Does your brother like football? W hat do you do in your free time? Where does your sister work? Do you ever go to the movies? W hat does this word mean? Does it often snow here? W hat time do you usually go to bed? How much does it cost to call Mexico? W hat do you usually have for breakfast? 7.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Do you enjoy / Do you like do you start Do you work do you get does he do does he teach Does he enjoy / Does he like 7.4 2. Yes, I do. or No, I don’t. 3. Yes, I do. or No, I don’t. 4. Yes, it does, or No, it doesn’t. 5. Yes, I do. or No, I don’t. UNIT 8 8.1 2. No, she isn’t. Yes, she does. She’s playing the piano. 3. Yes, he does. Yes, he is. He’s washing a window. 4. No, they aren’t. Yes, they do. They teach. ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 277 8.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 8.3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. don’t are does ’s / i s . . . don’t 6. do 7. does 8. doesn’t ’s / is singing She wants do you read you’re / you are sitting I don’t / I do not understand I’m / I am going . . . Are you coming does your father finish I’m not / I am not listening He’s / He is cooking doesn’t usually drive . . . usually walks doesn’t like . . . She prefers UNIT 9 9.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. he’s got they’ve got she hasn’t got it’s got I haven’t got 9.2 2. He’s got a computer, or He has a computer. 3. He hasn’t got a dog. or He doesn’t have a dog. 4. He hasn’t got a cell phone, or He doesn’t have a cell phone. 5. He’s got a watch, or He has a watch. 6. He’s got two brothers and a sister, or He has two brothers and a sister. 7. I’ve got a computer. / I have a computer, or I haven’t got a computer. / I don’t have a computer. 8. I’ve got a dog. / I have a dog. or I haven’t got a dog. / I don’t have a dog. 9. I’ve got a bike. / I have a bike. or I haven’t got a bike. / I don’t have a bike. 10. (Example answer) I’ve got a brother and a sister. 9.3 3. He has a new job. 4. They don’t have much money. 5. Do you have an umbrella? 278 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 6. We have a lot of work to do. 7. I don’t have your phone number. 8. Does your father have a car? 9. How much money do we have? 9.4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. has don’t got have doesn’t 9.5 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. have four wheels. has a lot of friends. don’t have a key. has six legs. don’t have much time. UNIT 10_________________ ___ 10.1 2. Jack and Kate were at the movies. 3. Sue was at the station. 4 . Mr. and Mrs. Hall were in/at a restaurant. 5. Ben was at the beach. 6. (Example answer) I was at work. 10.2 2. is . . . was 3. ’m /am 4 . was 5. were 6. 7. 8. 9. ’re/are Was was are . . . were 10.3 2. wasn’t . . . was 3. w a s. . . were 4 . “W ere Kate and Bill at the party?” “Kate was there, but Bill wasn’t.” or “Kate wasn’t there, but Bill was.” 5. were 6. weren’t . . . were 10.4 2. Was your exam difficult? 3. Where were Sue and Chris last week? 4. How much was your new camera? 5. Why were you angry yesterday? 6. Was the weather nice last week? UNIT 1 1 ___________ 11.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. opened started . . . ended wanted happened rained enjoyed . . . stayed died 11.2 2. saw 3. played 4. paid 5. visited 6. bought 7. went 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. thought copied knew put spoke 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. checked had waited departed arrived took 11.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. got had left drove got parked walked 11.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. lost her keys met her friends bought two newspapers. went to the movies. ate an orange. took a shower. came (to see us) 11.5 Example answers: 2. I got up late yesterday. 3. I met some friends at lunchtime. 4. I went to the supermarket. 5. I called a lot of people. 6. I lost my keys. UNIT 12_______________ _______ 12.1 2. didn’t work 3. didn’t go 12.2 2. Did 3. Did 4. Did 5. Did you you you you 4. didn’t 5. didn’t d: enjoy the party? have a nice vacat::: finish work early? sleep well last nig - *' *13 . I got up before 7:00. or I didn’t get up before 7:00. I took a shower, or I didn’t take a shower. 4. I bought a magazine, or I didn’t buy a magazine. I ate meat, or I didn’t eat meat. I went to bed before 10:30. or I didn’t go to bed before 10:30. -2.4 1 did you get to work Did you win - did you go : did it cost Did you go to bed late Did you have a nice time did it happen / did that happen *2.5 I bought Did it rain 4 didn’t stay : opened 6. didn’t have 7. did you do 8. didn’t know .NIT 13 *3.1 1 Jack and Kate were at the supermarket. They were buying food. Tim was in his car. He was driving. - Tracey was at the station. She was waiting for a train. : Mr. and Mrs. Hall were in the park. They were walking. (Example answer) I was at a cafe. I was having coffee with some friends. *3.2 1 she was playing tennis she was reading a/the newspaper - she was cooking (lunch) : she was having/eating breakfast she was cleaning the kitchen *3.3 2. W hat were you doing Was it raining - Why was Sue driving : Was Tim wearing *3.4 2. He was carrying a bag. ? He wasn’t going to the dentist. 4. He was eating an ice cream cone. 5. He wasn’t carrying an umbrella. 6. He wasn’t going home. 7. He was wearing a hat. 8. He wasn’t riding a bicycle. UNIT 14 15.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. used to have used to be go/commute used to eat watches used to live get did you use to play 14.1 1. happened . . . was painting . . . fell 2. arrived . . . g o t. . . were waiting 3. was walking . . . m e t. . . was going . . . was carrying . . . stopped 14.2 2. was studying 3. did the mail arrive . . . came . . . was having 4. didn’t go 5. were you driving . . . stopped . . . wasn’t driving 6. Did your team win . . . didn’t play 7. did you break . . . were playing . . . h i t . . . broke 8. Did you see . . . was wearing 9. were you doing 10. lo st.. . did you g e t. .. climbed UNIT 15 15.1 2. He used to play baseball. 3. She used to be a taxi driver. 4. They used to live in the country. 5. He used to wear glasses. 6. This building used to be a hotel. 15.2 2. She used to play volleyball. 3.-6. She used to go out three or four nights a week. / She used to go out a lot. She used to play a musical instrument. / She used to play the guitar. She used to read a lot. / She used to like to read. She used to take two or three trips a year. / She used to travel a lot. UNIT 16 16.1 3. Have you ever been to South Korea? 4. Have you ever lost your passport? 5. Have you ever flown in a helicopter? 6. Have you ever won a race? 7. Have you ever been to Peru? 8. Have you ever driven a bus? 9. Have you ever broken your leg? 16.2 Helen: 2. She’s/She has been to South Korea once. 3. She’s/She has never won a race. 4. She’s/She has flown in a helicopter a few times. You (example answers): 5. I’ve/I have never been to New York. 6. I’ve/I have played tennis many times. 7. I’ve/I have never driven a truck. 8. I’ve/I have been late for work a few times. 16.3 2-6. She’s/She has done a lot of interesting things. She’s/She has traveled all over the world, or She’s/ She has been all over the world. She’s/She has been married three times. She’s/She has written 10 books. She’s/She has met a lot of interesting people. ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 279 16.4 3. 4. 5. 6. Have you ever written She’s/She has never met they’ve/they have read I’ve/I have never been . . . my brother has been 7. She’s/She has seen . . . I’ve / I have never seen 8. I’ve/I have traveled UNIT 17_______________________ 17.1 3. 4. 5. 6. have been has been have lived / have been living has worked / has been working 7. has had 8. have been studying 17.2 18.1 3. for 4. since 5. since 2. 3. 4. 5. A year ago. A few weeks ago. Two hours ago. Six months ago. 18.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. for 20 years. 20 years ago. an hour ago. a few days ago. for six months. for a long time 17.3 18.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I know I’ve known have you been waiting works She has been reading have you lived I’ve had is . . . He has been 280 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 18.2 18.4 17.4 6. for 7. for 8. for . . . since Example answers: 2. How long have they been there? or . . . been in Brazil? 3. How long have you known her? or . . . known Amy? 4. How long has she been studying Italian? 5. How long has he lived in Seattle? / How long has he been living . . . ? 6. How long have you been a teacher? 7. How long has it been raining? 2. She has lived in South Korea all her life. 3. They have been on vacation since Sunday. 4. The sun has been shining all day. 5. She has been waiting for 10 minutes. 6. He has had a beard since he was 20. 19.2 UNIT 18 2. Jack has been here since Tuesday. 3. It’s been raining for an hour. 4. I’ve known Sue since 2002. 5. Claire and Matthew have been married for six months. 6. Liz has been studying medicine (at the university) for three years. 7. David has played / David has been playing the piano since he was seven years old. Example answers: 1. I’ve lived in . . . all my life. 2. I’ve been to New York three times. 3. I’ve been studying English for six months. 4. I’ve known Chris for a long time. 5. I’ve had a headache since I got up this morning. UNIT 19__________________ ___ 19.1 2. He has/H e’s closed the door. 3. They have/They’ve gone to bed. 4. It h a s/it’s stopped raining. 5. He has/H e’s taken a shower. 6. The picture has fallen down. 7. 9. 10. 11. I’ve written them a letter. She’s broken her arm. They’ve moved to Seattle. I’ve made a big mistake. I’ve lost my wallet. . . . Have you seen it anywhere? Have you heard? Mark has gotten married. Brian took my bike again without asking. Did you tell your friends the good news? We didn’t pay the electric b: UNIT 20 20.1 2. He’s/H e has just gotten up. 3. They’ve/They have just bought a car. 4. The race has just started. 20.2 2. No, they’ve / they have already seen it. 3. I’ve / I have already called him. 4. He’s / He has already left gone to work. 5. I’ve / I have already read it 6. She’s / She has already started (it). 20.3 2. Have you told your father about the accident yet? 3. I’ve / I have just eaten a biz dinner, so I’m not hungry. 4. Jenny can watch TV becau> : she’s / she has already done her homework. 5. You can’t go to bed - you haven’t brushed your teeth 6. You can’t talk to Pete beca;: he’s / he has just gone hom: 7. Nicole has just gotten out :: the hospital, so she can’t gc to work. 9. The mail carrier didn’t come yet. 10. I just spoke to your sister. 11. Did Mario buy a new computer yet? 12. Ted and Alice didn’t tell anyone they’re getting married yet. 13. We already did our packin' for our trip. 14. I just swam a mile. 21.4 . Have you met your new neighbors yet? Have you paid your phone bill yet? - Has Tom /he sold his car yet? .SIT 21 _____ _ 11.1 I I started (it) they arrived 4L she went out : I wore it 21.2 I finished 4. OK : did you finish - OK (Steve’s grandmother) died Where were you / W here did you go 21.3 played 1 did you go : Have you ever met * wasn’t ’s/has visited ?. turned - lived . haven’t been 21.4 - Did you have was 2 has won Have you seen saw 3 has had . . . w as. . . worked .. . didn’t enjoy ’ve/have seen . . . ’ve/have never spoken . . . Have you ever spoken met UNIT 22 22.1 3. Glass is made from sand. 4. Stamps are sold in a post office. 5. This word isn’t used very often. 6. Are we allowed to park here? 7. How is this word pronounced? 9. The house was painted last month. 10. My phone was stolen a few days ago. 11. Three people were injured in the accident. 12. W hen was this bridge built? 13. I wasn’t woken up by the noise. 14. How were these windows broken? 15. Were you invited to Jon’s party last week? 22.2 2. Soccer is played in m o st. . . 3. Why was the letter sent to . . . ? 4. . . . where cars are repaired. 5. Where were you born? 6. How many languages are spoken . . . ? 7. . . . but nothing was stolen. 8. W hen was the bicycle invented? 22.3 3. is made 4. were damaged 5. was given 6. are shown 7. were invited 8. was made 9. was stolen . . . was found 22.4 2. Isabel was born in Sao Paulo. 3. Her parents were born in Rio de Janeiro. 4. I was born in . .. 5. My mother was born in . . . UNIT 23 23.1 2. A bridge is being built. 3. The windows are being cleaned/washed. 4. The grass is being cut. 23.2 3. The window has been broken. 4. The roof is being repaired. 5. The car has been damaged. 6. The houses are being torn down. 7. The trees have been cut down. 8. They have been invited to a party. 23.3 3. has been repaired / was repaired 4. was repaired 5. are made 6. were they built 7. Is the computer being used (or Is anybody using the computer) 8. are they called 9. were stolen 10. was damaged . . . hasn’t been repaired UNIT 24 24.1 3. are 4. Does 5. Do 6. Is 7. 8. 9. 10. do Is does Are 24.2 2. don’t 3. ’m /am not 4. isn’t 5. don’t 6. doesn’t 7. ’m /am not 8. aren’t / ’re not 24.3 2. Did 3. were 4. was 5. Has 6. did 24.4 2. was 3. Have 4. are 5. were 24.5 3. eaten 4. enjoying 5. damaged 6. use 7. gone 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. 7. 8. 9. were Has did have ’ve/have is was has 8. 9. 10. 11. understand listening pronounced open UNIT 25 25.1 3. said 4. brought 5. paid 6. enjoyed 7. bought 8. sat 9. left 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. happened heard put caught watched understood ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 281 25.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. began ate drank drove spoke wrote came knew took went gave threw got 26.4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. begun eaten drunk driven spoken written come known taken gone given thrown gotten slept saw rained lo st. . . seen stolen went finished 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 27.1 2. I’m going to take a bath. 3. I’m going to buy a car. 4. W e’re going to play soccer. built learned ridden known fell . . . hurt ran . . . run 25.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. told won met woken up swam thought 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 3. I think we’ll win the game. 4. I don’t think I’ll be here tomorrow. 5. I think Sue will like her present. 6. I don’t think they’ll get married. 7. I don’t think you’ll like the movie. 28.5 UNIT 27 25.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 28.4 Karen is getting are going . . . are they going ends I’m not going I’m going . . . W e’re meeting are you getting . . . leaves does the movie begin are you doing . . . I’m working spoken cost driven sold flew 27.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ’m /am going to walk ’s/is going to stay ’m /am going to eat ’re/are going to give ’s/is going to lie down Are . . . going to watch i s . . . going to do 27.3 2. The shelf is going to fall (down). 3. The car is going to turn (left). 4. He’s / He is going to kick the ball. 26.1 2. Richard is going to the movies. 3. Rachel is meeting Dave. 4. Karen is having lunch with Ken. 5. Tom and Sue are going to a party. 26.2 2. Are you working next week? 3. W hat are you doing tomorrow night? 4. W hat time are your friends coming? 5. When is Liz going on vacation? 26.3 Example answers: 3. I’m going away this weekend. 4. I’m playing basketball tomorrow. 5. I’m meeting a friend tonight. 6. I’m going to the movies on Thursday night. 282 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES Example answers: 1. I’m going to call Maria tonight. 2. I’m going to get up early tomorrow. 3. I’m going to buy some shoes tomorrow. UNIT 28 28.1 2. she’ll be 3. she was 4. she’ll be are you doing They’re leaving will lend I’m going will call He’s working won’t take are coming UNIT 29 29.1 2. I’ll send 3. I’ll eat 4. I’ll sit 5. I’ll do 6. I’ll stay 7. I’ll show 29.2 2. 3. 4. 5. I think I’ll have I don’t think I’ll play I think I’ll buy I don’t think I’ll buy 29.3 27.4 UNIT 26 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5. she’s 6. she was 7. she’ll be 28.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I’ll do I watch I’ll go is going to buy I’ll give Are you doing . . . I’m going I’m working 9. I’ll buy 29.4 2. 3. 4. 5 g b e i 6. 7. 8. 9. a h c f Example answers: 2. 3. 4. 5. I’ll be at home. I’ll probably be in bed. I’ll be at work. I don’t know where I’ll be 28.3 2. ’ll/w ill 3. won’t 4. won’t 5. ’ll/w ill 6. ’ll/w ill 7. won’t UNIT 30 30.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I might see you tomorrow. Sarah might forget to call. It might snow today. I might be late tonight. Mark might not be here next week. 7. I might not have time to go :. 312 - I might take a trip. : I might see her on Monday. - I might have fish. I might take a taxi. I might buy/get a new car. 313 : He might get up early. - He isn’t/H e ’s not working tomorrow. : He might be at home tomorrow morning. He might watch television. He’s going out in the afternoon. He might go shopping. ::.4 £ :mple answers: I might read a newspaper. . I might go out with some friends at night. I might have an egg for breakfast. „NIT 31 _________ ___ 31.1 £ Can you ski? Can you play chess? 4. Can you run 10 kilometers? : Can you drive (a car)? Can you ride (a horse)? Esample answers: I can/can’t swim. * I can/can’t ski. - I can/can’t play chess. I can/can’t run 10 kilometers. 1. I can/can’t drive (a car). 1. I can/can’t ride (a horse). 31.2 2. can see :. can’t hear 4 . can’t find 5. can speak 31.3 2. couldn’t eat 3. can’t decide couldn’t find 5. can’t go 5. couldn’t go 31.4 2. Can/C ould you pass the salt (please)? 3. Can/Could you turn down the radio (please)? 4. Can/Could I have your phone number (please)? 5. Can/Could I look at your newspaper (please)? or Can/C ould I have a look at your newspaper (please)? 6. C an/C ould I use your pen (please)? UNIT 32 32.1 2. must 3. must 4. must 5. must 6. must be be be be be 32.2 2. must 3. must 4. must 5. must like have drink work hungry good very happy for you in the kitchen 33.4 3. I think you should sell it. 4. I think she should take a trip. 5. I don’t think they should get married. 6. I don’t think you should go to work. 7. I think he should go to the doctor. 8. I don’t think we should stay there. 33.5 UNIT 34 know wear get take be 34.1 2. have to take 3. has to read 4. have to speak 5. has to travel 6. have to hit 32.5 3. must 4. had to 5. mustn’t 6. must 7. mustn’t 8. had to UNIT 33 2. Do you think I should learn (to drive)? 3. Do you think I should get another job? 4. Do you think I should invite Gary (to the party)? Example answers: 2. I think everybody should have enough food. 3. I think people should drive more carefully. 4. I don’t think the police should carry guns. 5. I think I should get more exercise. 32.3 3. must not 4. must 5. must not 6. must not 7. must 32.4 2. must 3. must 4. must 5. must 6. must 33.3 ________ 33.1 2. You should go 3. You should eat 4. you should visit 5. you should wear 6. You should read 33.2 2. He shouldn’t eat so much. 3. She shouldn’t work so hard. 4. He shouldn’t drive so fast. 34.2 2. have to go 3. had to buy 4. have to change 5. had to answer 6. have to wake 7. have to take 34.3 2. did he have to wait 3. does she have to go 4. did you have to pay 5. do you have to do 6. did they have to leave early 7. does he have to go to Moscow 34.4 2. doesn’t have to wait. 3. didn’t have to get up early. 4. doesn’t have to work (so) hard. ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 283 5. don’t have to leave now. 6. didn’t have to tell me something I already know 34.5 Example answers: 2 . I have to go to work every day. 3. I had to go to the dentist yesterday. 4. I have to go shopping tomorrow. 5. I had to take the bus to work last week. 6. I had to go to bed at 9:00 when I was younger. 38.2 36.2 2. would you dinner 3. would you 4. would you 5. would you rather have/eat rather have rather watch rather call him 35.1 2. Would you like an apple? 3. Would you like some coffee? / . . . a cup of coffee? 4. Would you like some cheese? / . .. a piece of cheese? 5. Would you like a sandwich? 6. Would you like some cake? / . . . a piece of cake? 35.2 2. Would you like to play tennis tomorrow? 3. Would you like to come to a concert next week? 4. Would you like to borrow my umbrella? 35.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Do you like Would you like would you like Would you like I like would you like Would you like Do you like I’d like I’d like do you like UNIT 36 36.1 2. ’d rather read (would rather read) 3. I’d rather have (I would rather have) 4. I’d rather wait (I would rather wait) 284 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 3. 4. 5. 6. There There There There 36.3 38.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. take to go get/have/find carry/do see / call / talk to / speak to . . . to send / to write 36.4 UNIT 35 Example answers: 2. I’d /I would rather be a journalist / a school teacher. 3. I’d/1 would rather live in a big city / in a small town. 4. I’d /I would rather have a small house / a big house. 5. I’d /I would rather study electronics/philosophy. 6. I’d /I would rather watch a soccer game / a movie. UNIT 37 37.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Don’t buy Smile Don’t sit Have Don’t forget Sleep Be . . . Don’t drop 37.2 2. 3. 4. 5. let’s take the bus let’s watch TV let’s go to a restaurant let’s wait a little 37.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. No, No, No, No, No, No, let’s not go out. don’t close the window. don’t call me (tonight). let’s not wait for Andy. don’t turn on the light. let’s not take a taxi. UNIT 38 38.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. There’s / There is a hospital. There isn’t a swimming pool. There are two movie theaters. There isn’t a university. There aren’t any big hotels. is a university in . . . are a lot of big shops. isn’t an airport. aren’t many factories. There’s/There is is there There are are there There isn’t Is there Are there There’s / There is . ,. . There aren’t 38.4 2.-6. There are eight planets in th; solar system. There are five players on a basketball team. There are twenty-six letters in the English alphabet. There are thirty days in September. There are fifty states in the United States. 38.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It’s There’s There’s . . . Is it Is there . . . there’s It’s Is there UNIT 39 39.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. There There There There There There There was a carpet were three pictures was a small table were some flowers were some books was an armchair was a sofa 39.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. There was Was there there weren’t There wasn’t Were there There wasn’t There was there weren’t 1 There are There was - There’s/There is : There’s been/T here has been or There was there was there will be • there were . . . there are - There have been there will be or there are ^NIT 4 0 _________ 10.1 1 It’s cold. It’s windy. - It’s sunny/clear, It’s a nice day. It’s snowing. ^ It’s cloudy. __ or 10.2 1 It’s / It is 3. Is it i. is i t . . . it’s / it is : It’s / It is 6. Is it is it ■ It’s / It is - It’s / It is 40.3 2. ’m not 3. weren’t 4. haven’t 3. doesn’t 4. do 5. did 6. does 7. don’t 8. didn’t UNIT 43 Example answers: 2. I like sports, but my sister doesn’t. 3. I don’t eat meat, but Jenny does. 4. I’m American, but my husband isn’t. 5. I haven’t been to Japan, but Jenny has. 41.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. wasn’t is does can’t did 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. has do hasn’t will might 41.6 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Yes, I do. or No, I don’t. Yes, I do. or No, I don’t. Yes, it is. or No, it isn’t. Yes, I am. or No, I’m not. Yes, I do. or No, I don’t. Yes, I will, or No, I won’t. Yes, I have, or No, I haven’t. Yes, I did. or No, I didn’t. Yes, I was. or No, I wasn’t. 40.4 42.1 2. You do? 3. You didn’t? 4. She doesn’t? 5. I do? 6. She did? 42.2 40.5 2. It’s nice to see you again 3. It’s impossible to work in this office 4. It’s easy to make friends 5. It’s interesting to visit different places 6. It’s dangerous to go out alone UNIT 41 41.1 2. is 3. can 4. has 2. 3. 4. 5. 41.4 UNIT 42 6. it 7. I t . . . there 8. It 5. isn’t 6. hasn’t 41.3 2. How far is it from the hotel to the beach? 3 How far is it from New York to Washington? How far is it from your house to the airport? 3. It 4. I t . . . It 5. There 42.4 41.2 33.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. You have? She can’t? You were? You didn’t? There is? 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. You aren’t? You did? She does? You won’t? It isn’t? 42.3 2. aren’t they 3. wasn’t she 4. haven’t you 5. don’t you 6. doesn’t he 7. won’t you are you isn’t she can’t you do you 6. 7. 8. 9. didn’t she was it doesn’t she will you 43.1 2. either 3. too 4. too 5. either 6. either 7. too 43.2 2. So am I. 3. So have I. 4. So do I. 5. So will I. 6. So was I. 7. Neither can I. 8. Neither did I. 9. Neither have I. 10. Neither am I. 11. Neither do I. 43.3 1. So am I. 2. So can I. or I can’t. 3. Neither am I. or I am. 4. So do I. or I don’t. 5. Neither do I. or I do. 6. So did I. or I didn’t. 7. Neither have I. or I have. 8. Neither do I. or I do. 9. So am I. or I’m not. 10. Neither was I. or I was. 11. Neither did I. or I did. 12. So do I. or I don’t. UNIT 44 __________________ 44.1 2. They aren’t / They’re not married. 3. I haven’t had dinner. 4. It isn’t cold today. 5. We won’t be late. 6. You shouldn’t go. 44.2 2. I don’t like cheese. 3. They didn’t understand. 4. He doesn’t live here. 5. Don’t go away! 6. I didn’t do the dishes. 5. will 6. was ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 285 44.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. They haven’t arrived. I didn’t go to the bank. He doesn’t speak Japanese. We weren’t angry. He won’t be happy. Don’t call me tonight. It didn’t rain yesterday. I couldn’t hear them. I don’t believe you. 44.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ’m not / am not can’t doesn’t isn’t / ’s not don’t . . . haven’t Don’t didn’t haven’t won’t didn’t weren’t hasn’t shouldn’t 44.5 He wasn’t born in Los Angeles. He doesn’t like Los Angeles. He’d like to live someplace else. He can drive. He hasn’t traveled abroad. He doesn’t read the newspaper. He isn’t interested in politics. He usually watches TV at night. 11. He didn’t watch TV last night. 12. He went out last night. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. UNIT 45 45. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Were you late this morning? Has Kate seen that movie? W ill you be here tomorrow? Is Paul going out tonight? Do you like your job? Does Nicole live near here? Did you enjoy the movie? Did you have a good vacation? 45.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Do you use it a lot? Did you use it yesterday? Do you enjoy driving? Are you a good driver? Have you ever had an accident? 286 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 45.3 3. W hat are the children doing? 4. How is cheese made? 5. Is your sister coming to the party? 6. Why don’t you tell the truth? 7. Have your guests arrived yet? 8. W hat time does your plane leave? 9. Why didn’t Jenny go to work? 10. Was your car damaged in the accident? 45.4 3. W hat are you reading? 4. W hat time did she go to bed? 5. W hen are they going (on vacation)? 6. Where did you see him? 7. Why can’t you come (to the party)? 8. W here has she moved? 9. How much (money) do you need? 10. Why doesn’t she like you? 11. How often does it rain? 12. W hen did you do it? / . . . the shopping? UNIT 46 46.1 2. W hat fell off the shelf? 3. Who wants to see me? 4. Who took your umbrella? / Who took it? 5. W hat made you sick? 6. Who is / W ho’s coming? 46.2 3. Who did you call? 4. W hat happened last night? 5. Who knows the answer? 6. Who did the dishes? 7. W hat did Jane d o ? /W h a t did she do? 8. W hat woke you up? 9. Who saw the accident? 10. Who did you see? 11. Who has your pen? / Who has it? 12. W hat does this word mean? / W hat does it mean? 46.3 2. W ho called you? W hat did she want? 3. W ho did you ask? W hat did he say? 4. Who got married? Who told you? 5. Who did you meet? W hat did she tell you? 6. Who won? W hat did you do (after the game)? 7. Who gave you a/the book? W hat did Catherine give you: UNIT 47 47.1 2. W hat are you looking for? 3. W ho did you go to the movie with? 4. W hat/W ho was the movie about? 5. Who did you give the money to? 6. Who was the book written by? 47.2 2. W hat are they looking at? 3. Which restaurant is he going to? 4. W hat are they talking about? 5. W hat is she listening to? 6. W hich bus are they waiting for? 47.3 2. Which hotel did you stay at? 3. W hich team does he belong to / play for? 4. Which school did you go to? 47.4 2. W hat is the food like? 3. W hat are the people like? 4. W hat is the weather like? 47.5 2. W hat was the movie like? 3. W hat were the classes like? 4. W hat was the hotel like? UNIT 48_______________________ 48.1 3. W hat color is it? 4. W hat time did you get up? 5. W hat type of music do you like? 6. W hat kind of car do you wan (to buy)? 48.2 2. W hich coat 3. Which movie/film 4. Which bus ±3.3 Which - What 5 What Which 13.4 1 How How - How : How How 7. 8. 9. 10. Which Who W hat Which far old often deep long 13.5 2 How heavy is this box? How old are you? - How much did you spend? : How often do you watch TV? How far is it from New York to Los Angeles? -NIT 49________________________ ±9.1 1 How long does it take to get Irom Houston to Mexico City by car? How long does it take to get from Tokyo to Kyoto by train? - How long does it take to get from Kennedy Airport to Manhattan by bus? 19.2 Example answers: 2 It takes ... hours to fly from ... to Australia. :. It takes . . . years to become a doctor in . . . . -. It takes . . . to walk from my home to the nearest supermarket. 5. It takes . . . to get from my house to the nearest airport. 19.3 2. How long did it take you to walk to the station? How long did it take him to paint the bathroom? 1. How long did it take you to learn to ski? r . How long did it take them to repair the computer? 19.4 2. It took us 20 minutes to walk home. / . . . to get home. 3. It took me six months to learn to drive. 4. It took M ark/him three hours to drive to Houston. / . . . to get to Houston. 5. It took Lisa/her a long time to find a job. / . . . to get a job. 6. It took me . . . to . . . UNIT 50 ___________ __ 50.1 2. I don’t know 3. I don’t know 4. I don’t know here. 5. I don’t know angry. 6. I don’t know lived here. where she is. how old it is. when he’ll be why he was 2. Do you know what time the bus leaves? 3. Excuse me, can you tell me where the station is? 4. I don’t know what I’m going to do tonight. 5. Do you know if there’s a restaurant near here? 6. Do you know how much it costs to rent a car? UNIT 51 51.1 how long she has 50.2 2. 3. 4. 5. where Susan works what Peter said why he went home early what time the meeting begins 6. how the accident happened 50.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 50.6 Example answers: are you they are the museum is do you want elephants eat it is 50.4 2. Do you know if/whether they are married? 3. Do you know if/whether Sue knows Bill? 4. Do you know if/whether Gary will be here tomorrow? 5. Do you know if/whether he passed his exam? 50.5 2. Do you know where Paula is? 3. Do you know if/whether she is working today? / . . . she’s working today? 4. Do you know what time she starts work? 5. Do you know if/whether the banks are open tomorrow? 6. Do you know where Sarah and Tim live? 7. Do you know if/whether they went to Jane’s party? 2. She said (that) she was very busy. 3. She said (that) she couldn’t go to the party. 4. He said (that) he had to go out. 5. He said (that) he was learning Russian. 6. She said (that) she didn’t feel very well. 7. They said (that) they would be home late. / . . . they’d be . . . 8. She said (that) she had just gotten back from vacation. / . . . she’d just gotten back . . . 9. She said (that) she was going to buy a new computer. 10. They said (that) they didn’t have a key. 51.2 2. She said (that) she wasn’t hungry. 3. He said (that) he needed it. 4. She said (that) she didn’t want to go. 5. She said (that) I could have it. 6. He said (that) he would send me a postcard. / . . . he’d send . . . 7. Linda said (that) he had gone home. / . . . he’d gone home. 8. He said (that) he wanted to watch TV. 9. She said (that) she was going to the movies. 51.3 3. 4. 5. 6. said told tell say 7. 8. 9. 10. said told tell say ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 287 UNIT 52 52.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. call call Paul to call Paul to call Paul call Paul to call Paul call Paul call Paul 2.-4. I went to a coffee shop to meet a friend. I went to the drugstore to get some medicine. I went to the supermarket to buy some food. going / to go to museums to go writing / to write e-mails to go (there) traveling by train walking Example answers: 1. I enjoy cooking. 2. I don’t like driving / to drive. 3. If it’s a nice day tomorrow, I’d like to have a picnic by the lake. 4. W hen I’m on vacation, I like to do very little. 5. I don’t mind traveling alone, but I prefer to travel with somebody. 6. I wouldn’t like to live in a big city. get going watch flying listening eat waiting wear doing . . . staying to go rain to leave help studying to go wearing to stay 53.3 53.4 52.3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. UNIT 55_______________________ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 52.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 9. watching / to watch 10. to wait 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. taking to have hear go listening to make to be . .. take use __________ ___ 54.1 UNIT 53 53.1 54.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 2. A woman told me to turn left after the bridge. 3. I advised him to go to the doctor. 4. She asked me to help her. 5. I told him to come back in 10 minutes. 6. Paul let me use his phone. 7. I told her not to call before 8:00. 8. Ann’s mother taught her to play the piano. 53.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. to help to see reading to lose to send raining to go 288 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 55.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. to to to to to read the newspaper open this door get some fresh air wake him up see who it was 55.3 Example answers: 2. to talk to you now 3. to tell her about the party 4. to do some shopping 5. to buy a car 55.4 UNIT 54 2. I want you to listen carefully. 3. I don’t want you to be angry. 4. Do you want me to wait for you? 5. I don’t want you to call me tonight. 6. I want you to meet Sarah. to see to swim cleaning to ask visiting going to be waiting to do to speak to go crying / to cry to work . . . talking 55.1 54.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. to repeat wait to arrive to get go borrow to tell to make (or to get) think 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. to to for to for 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. to to for for to . . . for 55.5 2. for the movie to begin 3. for it to arrive 4. for you to tell me UNIT 56 56.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. to to - (no preposition) for to on . . . to for on to - (no preposition) on for on 56.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. went fishing goes swimming going skiing go shopping went jogging/running 56.3 I to college 3. shopping to bed 5. home j. skiing 7. riding '. for a walk 9. on vacation . . . to Hawaii JNIT 57________________________ 57.1 2. get your jacket 3. get a doctor - get another one 5. gets the job 5. get some milk 7. get a ticket 3. gets a good salary 9. get a lot of rain : ). get a#mew computer 57.2 2. getting dark 3. getting married getting ready 5. getting late 2. They’re/They are doing (their) homework. 3. He’s/H e is doing the shopping or He is shopping. 4. They’re/They are doing (their) laundry. 5. She’s/She is making a phone call. 6. He’s/H e is making the/his bed. 7. She’s/She is doing/washing the dishes. 8. He’s/H e is making a (shopping) list. 9. They’re/They are making a movie. 10. He’s/H e is taking a picture/ photograph. 58.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. make do done made did do 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. make do making made make . . . do UNIT 59 57.3 2. get wet 3. got married 4. gets angry 5. got lost 5. get old 7. got better 59.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 57.4 2. got to New York at 12:00. 3. I left the party at 11:15 and got home at midnight. 4. (Example answer) I left home at 8:30 and got to the airport at 10:00 . 57.5 2. got off 3. got out of 4. got on He doesn’t have / He hasn’t got Gary had Do you have / Have you got we didn’t have She doesn’t have / She hasn’t got 8. Did you have 59.2 2. She’s/She is having a cup of tea. 3. He’s/H e is having breakfast. 4. They’re/They are having fun. 5. They’re/They are having dinner. 6. They’re having an argument. 59.3 UNIT 58 58.1 2. do 3. make 4. made 5. did 6. do 58.2 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. done make making do doing 3. Have a good/great trip! 4. Did you have a nice/good weekend? 5. Did you have a nice/good vacation? 6. Have a great/good time! or Have fun! 7. Are you going to have a (birthday) party? 59.4 2. have something to eat 3. had a glass of water 4. had a bad dream 5. had an accident 6. have a baby ___________ UNIT 60 60.1 2. him 3. them 4. her 5. him 6. them 7. her 60.2 2. I . .. them 3. he . . . her 4. they . . . us 5. we . . . him 6. she . . . them 7. they . . . me 8. she . .. you 60.3 2. him 3. like it 4. you like it 5. don’t like her 6. Do you like them? 60.4 2. him 3. them 4. they 5. us 6. it 7. She 60.5 2. Can 3. Can 4. Can 5. Can 6. Can you you you you you 8. them 9. me 10. her 11. them 12. he . . . it give give give give give it to him? them to her? it to me? it to them? them to us? UNIT 61__________________________ 61.1 2. her 3. our hands 4. his hands 5. their hands 6. your hands 61.2 2. They live with their parents. 3. We live with our parents. 4. Jane lives with her parents. 5. I live with my parents. 6. John lives with his parents. 7. Do you live with your parents? 8. Most children live with their parents. ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 289 61.3 2. 3. 4. 5. their his his her UNIT 63 6. their 7. her 8. their 61.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. his Their our her my your 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. her their my Its His . . . his 61.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. my key Her husband your coat their homework his name Our house UNIT 62 62.1 2. 3. 4. 5. mine ours hers theirs 6. yours 7. mine 8. his 62.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. yours my . . . Mine Yours . . . mine her My . . . hers their Ours 62.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. friend of hers friends of ours friend of mine friend of his friends of yours 62.4 2. Whose camera is this? It’s hers. 3. Whose gloves are these? They’re mine. 4. Whose hat is this? It’s his. 5. Whose money is this? It’s yours. 6. Whose books are these? They’re ours. 290 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 63.1 2. Yes, I know her, but I can’t remember her name. 3. Yes, I know them, but I can’t remember their names. 4 . Yes, I know you, but I can’t remem ber your name. 63.2 2. He invited us to stay with him at his house. 3. They invited me to stay with them at their house. 4. I invited them to stay with me at my house. 5. She invited us to stay w ith her at her house. 6. Did you invite him to stay w ith you at your house? 63.3 2. I gave her my address, and she gave me hers. 3. He gave me his address, and I gave him mine. 4 . We gave them our address, and they gave us theirs. 5. She gave him her address, and he gave her his. 6. You gave us your address, and we gave you ours. 7. They gave you their address, and you gave them yours. 2. 3. 4. 5. They can’t see each other. They call each other a lot. They don’t know each other. They’re / They are sitting next to each other. 6. They gave each other presents a present. 64.4 3. 4. 5. 6. each other yourselves us ourselves 7. 8. 9. 10. each other each other them themselves UNIT 65 65.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Blanca is Pedro’s wife. Alberto is Julia’s brother. Alberto is D an iel’s uncle. Julia is Paul’s wife. Blanca is Daniel’s grandmother. Julia is Alberto’s sister. Paul is Julia’s husband. Paul is Daniel’s father. Daniel is A lberto’s nephev 65.2 5. Diane’s 6. Alice’s 65.3 UNIT 6 4 64.1 myself herself themselves myself 64.3 2. Andy’s 3. Dave’s 4. Jane’s 63.4 2. them 3. him 4 . our 5. yours 6. us 7. her 8. their 9. mine 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. My sister lives by herself. 6. Many people live by themselves. 6. himself 7. yourself 8. yourselves 64.2 2. W hen I saw him, he was by him self. 3. Don’t go out by yourself. 4. I went to the m ovies by myself. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. OK Simon’s phone number My brother’s job OK OK Paula’s favorite color your m other’s birthday My parents’ house OK OK Sylvia’s party OK UNIT 66 66.1 2. a 3. a 4. an 5. a 6. an 7. a 8. an 9. an 56.2 a vegetable a game a tool a mountain a planet a fruit a river a flower 10. a musical instrument 66.3 2. He’s a sales clerk. 3. She’s an architect. 4. He’s a taxi driver. 5. He’s an electrician. 6. She’s a photographer. 7. She’s a nurse. 8. I’m a/an . . . 66.4 2.-8. * Tom never wears a hat. I can’t ride a bicycle. My brother is an artist. Rebecca works in an office. Jane wants to learn a foreign language. Mike lives in an old house. Tonight I’m going to a party. UNIT 67 67.1 2. boats 3. women 4. cities 5. umbrellas 6. addresses 7. knives 8. sandwiches 9. families 10. feet 11. holidays 12. potatoes 67.2 2. teeth 3. people 4. children 5. fish 6. leaves 67.3 3. ... with a lot of beautiful trees. 4. . . . with two men. 5. OK 6. . . . three children. 7. Most of my friends are students. 8. He put on his pajamas . .. 9. OK 10. Do you know many people ... 11. I like your pants. W here did you get them? 12. . . . full of tourists. 13. OK 14. These scissors aren’t . . . 67.4 2. are 3. don’t 4. watch 5. were 6. live 7. 8. 9. 10. Do are them some UNIT 68 68.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. a pitcher water toothpaste a toothbrush an egg money a wallet sand a bucket an envelope 68.2 3. . . . a hat. 4. . . . ajob? 5. OK 6. . . . an apple . . . 7. . . . a party . . . 8. . . . a wonderful thing. 9. . . . an island. 10. . . . a key. 11. OK 12. . . . a good idea. 13. . . . a car? 14. . . . a cup of coffee? 15. OK 16. . . . a coat. 68.3 2. a piece of wood 3. a glass of water 4. a bar of soap 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. a cup of tea a piece of paper a bowl of soup a loaf of bread ajar of honey UNIT 69 69.1 2. I bought a newspaper (or a paper), some flowers (or a bunch of flowers), and a pen. 3. I bought some stamps, some postcards, and some bread (or a loaf of bread). 4. I bought some toothpaste, some soap (or a bar of soap), and a comb. 69.2 2. Would you like some coffee? (or . . . a cup of coffee?) 3. Would you like some cookies? (or. . . a cookie?) 4. Would you like some bread? (or. . . a piece of bread? / a slice of bread?) 5. Would you like a sandwich? 6. Would you like some cake? (or . . . a piece of cake? / a slice of cake?) 69.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. some . . . some some a . . . some an . . . some a . . . a . . . some some some some . . . a 69.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. eyes hair information chairs furniture job wonderful weather UNIT 70______________________ 70.1 3. a 4. the 5. an 6. the . . . the 7. a . . . a 8. a . . . a ANSWER KEY TO EXERCISES 291 9. . . . a student. . . a journalist . . . an apartment near the college . . . The apartment is . . . 10. . . . two children, a boy and a girl. The boy is seven years old, and the girl is three . . . in a factory . . . doesn’t have a job . . . 70.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. the airport a cup a nice picture the dictionary the floor 70.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. . . . send me a postcard. W hat is the name o f . . . . . . a very big country. W hat is the largest. . . . . . the color of the carpet. . . . a headache. . . . an old house near the station. 9. . . . the name of the director of the movie . . . 5. the ocean 6. the bottom 71.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. the name The sky television The police the capital lunch the middle UNIT 72_______________________ 72.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. the movies the hospital the airport home jail/prison 72.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. school the station home bed the post office 72.3 UNIT 71_______________________ 71.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. . . . the second floor. . . . the moon? . . . the best hotel in this town? OK . . . the football stadium. . . . the end of May. OK . . . the first time I met her. OK The Internet is a good place to get information. 13. OK 14. . . . on the top shelf on the right. 15. . . . in the country about 10 miles from the nearest town. 71.2 2. the same time 3. the same age 4. the same color 5. the same problem 71.3 2. th e guitar 3. breakfast 4. television/TV 292 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. the movies go to bed go to jail/prison go to the dentist go to college go to the hospital / are taken to the hospital 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I love big cities. Tennis is all right. I love chocolate. I don’t like computer games. I hate parties. 73.2 Example answers: 2. 3. 4. 5. I’m not interested in politics. I know a lot about sports. I don’t know much about art. I don’t know anything about astronomy. 6. I know a little about economics 73.3 3. friends 4. parties 5. The stores 6. the milk 7. milk 8. basketball 9. computers 10. The water 11. cold water 12. the salt 13. the people 14. Vegetables 15. The houses 16. the words 17. pictures 18. the pictures 19. English . . . international business 20. Money . . . happiness 72.4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. the doctor OK OK OK the bank OK OK OK the station OK the hospital OK the theater UNIT 73____________ 73.1 Example answers: 2. I don’t like dogs. 3. I hate museums. UNIT 74 ______________ 74.1 3. Sweden 4. The Amazon 5. Asia 6. The Pacific 7. The Rhine 8. Kenya 9. The United States 10. The Andes 11. Bangkok 12. The Alps 13. The Red Sea 14. Jamaica 15. The Bahamas 74.2 3. OK 4. the Philippines 5. the south of France 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. the Washington Monument OK the Museum of Art OK Belgium is smaller than the Netherlands. the Mississippi. . . the Nile the National Gallery the Park Hotel near Central Park OK The Rocky Mountains are in North America. OK the United Kingdom the west of Ireland the University of Michigan The Panama Canal joins the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. UNIT 75 75.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. that house these postcards those birds this seat These plates 75.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Is that your umbrella? Is this your book? Are those your books? Is that your bicycle/bike? Are these your keys? Are those your keys? Is this your watch? Are those your glasses? Are these your gloves? 75.3 2. 3. 4. 5. that’s This is T hat’s that UNIT 76 6. this is 7. T hat’s 8. that’s ____________ _________ 76.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I don’t need one I’m going to get one I don’t have one Iju sth a d o n e there’s one on First Avenue 76.2 2. a new one 3. a better one 4. an old one 5. a big one 6. a different one 76.3 2. W hich ones? The green ones. 3. W hich one? The one with a/the red door. 4. W hich ones? The ones on the top shelf. 5. W hich one? The black one. 6. W hich one? The one on the wall. 7. W hich one? The tall one with long hair. 8. W hich ones? The yellow ones. 9. W hich one? The one with a/the mustache and glasses. 10. W hich ones? The ones I took at the party last week. UNIT 77________________________ 77.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. some any any any some any some some any . . . any some . . . any some 77.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. some questions any pictures, any foreign languages some friends some milk any batteries some fresh air some fruit any help 77.3 3. I’ve got some / I have some 4. I don’t have any 5. I didn’t buy any 6. I bought some 7. I didn’t make any 77.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. something anything anything Somebody/Someone anything anybody/anyone something anything anybody/anyone UNIT 78 78.1 2. 3. 4. 6. There are no stores near here. Carla has no free time. There is no light in this room. There isn’t any milk in the fridge. 7. There aren’t any buses today. 8. Tom doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. 78.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. any any no any no any 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. no any no None any 78.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. no money any questions no friends no difference any furniture no answer any air conditioning no line 78.4 Example answers: 2. 3. 4. 5. Three. Two cups. None. None. UNIT 79________________________ 79.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. There’s nobody in the office. I have nothing to do. There’s nothing on TV. There was no one at home. We found nothing. ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 293 79.2 2. There wasn’t anybody on the bus. 3. I don’t have anything to read. 4. I don’t have anyone to help me. 5. She didn’t hear anything. 6. We don’t have anything for dinner. 79.3 3a. 4a. 5a. 6a. 7a. 8a. 3b. 4b. 5b. 6b. 7b. 8b. Nothing. Nobody./No one. Nobody./No one. Nothing. Nothing. Nobody./No one. I don’t want anything. I didn’t meet anybody/ anyone. Nobody/No one knows the answer. I didn’t buy anything. Nothing happened. Nobody/No one was late. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. anything anything somebody/someone something anybody/anyone . .. nobody/ no one anything Nobody/No one anybody/anyone Nothing anywhere somewhere anything anybody/anyone 80.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. anything to eat nothing to do anywhere to sit something to drink nowhere to park something to read somewhere to stay 79.4 UNIT 81 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 81.1 anything Nobody/No one Nothing anything anybody/anyone nothing anything anything nobody / no one anything Nothing Nobody/No one . . . anybody/ anyone UNIT 80__________________________ 80.1 2. something 3. somewhere 4. somebody/someone 80.2 2a. 3a. 4a. 2b. 3b. 4b. Nowhere. Nothing. Nobody./No one. I’m not going anywhere. I don’t want anything. I’m not looking for anybody/ anyone. 82.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Some Most of most any of all or all of None of any of 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All of them. Some of them. None of them. Most of them. None of it. 82.3 3. Some people . . . 4. Some of the questions . . . or Some questions . . . 5. OK 6. All insects . . . 7. OK (or . . . all o f these books) 8. Most of the students . . . or Most students. . . 9. 3. e v e ry tim e 10. Most 11. most of 12. Some 13. All or All of 14- some of 15- most of 82.2 OK 10. . . . m o s t o f 2. E v e ry day the n ig h t UNIT 83 4. E v e ry ro o m 83.1 5. e v e ry w o rd 3. B o th 81.2 9. N e ith e r 4. N e ith e r 10. e ith e r o f 2. e v e ry day 5. all day 5. N e ith e r 11. B o th 3. all day 6. all day 6. b o th 12. n e ith e r o f 4. e v e ry day 7. e v ery day 7. E ith e r 13. B o th 8. n e ith e r o f 14. e ith e r o f 81.3 2. e v e ry 6. all 3. all 7. ev e ry 2. B o th w in d o w s are o p e n . 4. all 8. all 5. E v e ry 9. ev e ry 3. N e ith e r m a n is w e a rin g a h a t. or N e ith e r o f th e m is w e a rin g 83.2 B 1.4 z. 4. B o th m e n h av e (got) b eard s. or B o th o f th e m have . . . e v e ry th in g 3. E v e ry b o d y /E v e ry o n e 4. e v e ry th in g 5. e v e ry w h e re 6. E v e ry b o d y /E v e ry o n e 5. B o th b u ses go to th e a irp o rt. or . . . are g o in g to th e a ir p o rt. 6. N e ith e r a n sw e r is rig h t. 7. e v e ry w h e re 8. E v e ry th in g 3. B o th o f th e m are stu d e n ts. 4. N e ith e r o f th e m has a car. 81 .5 2. is 6. w as 3. has 7. m a k e s 5. B o th o f th e m live in B o sto n . 4. lik es 8. Is . . . D o e s 6. B o th o f th e m lik e to co o k . 5. has 294 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES UNIT 82 80.3 or is 7. Neither of them can play the piano. 8. Both of them read the newspaper. 9. Neither of them is interested in sports. UNIT 84 84.1 2. many 3. much 4. many 5. many 6. much 7. much 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. many How many How much How much How many 84.2 2. much time 3. many countries 4. many people 5. much luggage 6. many times 84.3 2. a lot 3. a lot 4. a lot 5. a lot of interesting things of accidents of fun of traffic 84.4 3. a lot of snow 4. OK 5. a lot of money 6. OK 7. OK 8. a lot 84.5 3. She plays tennis a lot. 4. He doesn’t use his car much. (or. . . a lot.) 5. He doesn’t go out much. (or. . . a lot.) 6. She travels a lot. UNIT 85 85.1 2. a few 3. a little 4. a few 5. a little 6. a few 85.2 2. a little milk 3. A few days 4. a little Russian 5. 6. 7. 8. a few friends a few times a few chairs a little fresh air 85.3 2. very little coffee 3. very little rain 4. very few hotels 5. very little time 6. Very few people 7. very little work 85.4 2. A few 3. a little 4. little 5. few 6. a little 7. little 85.5 2. . . . a little luck 3. . . . a few things 4. OK 5. . . . a few questions 6. . . . few people 7. OK UNIT 86__________________ UNIT 87_________ __ 87.1 2. badly 3. quietly 4. angrily 5. fast 6. dangerously 87.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. work hard sleep well win easily Think carefully know her very well explain things clearly/well Come quickly 87.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. angry slowly slow careful hard suddenly 8. quiet 9. badly 10. nice (See Unit 86C.) 11. quickly 87.4 2. well 3. good 4. well 5. well 6. good . . . good 86.1 2. 3. 4. 5. I like that green jacket. Do you like classical music? I had a wonderful trip. We went to a Japanese restaurant. 86.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. dark clouds long vacation hot water fresh air sharp knife dangerous job 86.3 2. It looks new. 3. I feel sick. 4. You look surprised. 5. They smell nice. 6. It tastes terrible. 86.4 2. It doesn’t look new. 3. You don’t sound American. 4. I don’t feel cold. 5. They don’t look heavy. 6. Maybe, but it doesn’t taste good. UNIT 88 88.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. bigger slower more expensive higher more dangerous 88.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. stronger happier more modern more important better larger more serious prettier more crowded 88.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. hotter/warm er more expensive worse farther more difficult or harder ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 295 88.4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. taller harder more comfortable better nicer heavier more interested warmer better bigger more beautiful sharper more polite worse UNIT 8 9 _____________ 89.1 3. Liz is taller than Ben. 4. Liz starts work earlier than Ben. 5. Ben works harder than Liz. 6. Ben has more money than Liz. 7. Liz is a better driver than Ben. 8. Ben is more patient than Liz. 9. Ben is a better dancer than Liz. / Ben dances better than Liz. 10. Liz is more intelligent than Ben. 11. Liz speaks Spanish better than Ben. / Liz speaks better Spanish than Ben. / Liz’s Spanish is better than Ben’s. 12. Ben goes to the movies more than Liz. / .. . more often than Liz. 89.2 2. You’re older than her. / . . . than she is. 3. You work harder than me. / . . . than I do. 4. You watch TV more than him. / . . . than he does. 5. You’re a better cook than me. / . . . than I am. or You cook better than me. / . . . than I do. 6. You know more people than us. / . . . than we do. 7. You have more money than them. / . . . than they do. 8. You can run faster than me. / . . . than I can. 296 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 9. You’ve been here longer than her. / . . . than she has. 10. You got up earlier than them. / . . . than they did. 11. You were more surprised than him. / . . . than he was. 89.3 2. Jack’s mother is much younger than his father. 3. My camera cost a little more than yours. / . . . than your camera, or My camera was a little more expensive than . .. 4. I feel much better today than yesterday. / . . . than I did yesterday. / . . . than I felt yesterday. 5. It’s a little warmer today than yesterday. / . .. than it was yesterday. 6. Sarah is a much better volleyball player than me / . . . than I am. or Sarah is much better at volleyball than me / . . . than I am. or Sarah plays volleyball much better than me / . . . than I do. UNIT 90 90.1 2. A is longer than B, but not as long as C. 3. C is heavier than A, but not as heavy as B. 4. A is older than C, but not as old as B. 5. B has more money than C, but not as much as A. or . .. but less (money) than A. 6. C works harder than A, but not as hard as B. 90.2 2. Your room isn’t as big as mine. / . . . as my room. 3. I didn’t get up as early as you. / . . . as you did. 4. They didn’t play as well as us. / . . . as we did. 5. You haven’t been here as long as me. / . . . as I have. 6. He isn’t as nervous as her. / . . . as she is. 90.3 2. 3. 4. 5. as than than as 6. than 7. as 8. than 90.4 2. Julia lives on the same street as Laura. 3. Julia got up at the same time as Andy. 4. Andy’s car is the same color as Laura’s. UNIT 91________________ ______ 91.1 2. C is longer than A. D is the longest. B is the shortest. 3. D is younger than C. C is the oldest. B is the youngest. 4. D is more expensive than A. C is the most expensive. A is the cheapest. 5. A is better than C. A is the best. D is the worst. 91.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. the the the the the the the happiest day best movie most popular singer worst mistake prettiest city coldest day most boring person 91.3 2. Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 3.-6. Brazil is the largest country in South America. Alaska is the largest state in the United States. The Nile is the longest river in Africa. / . . . in the world. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. UNIT 92________________________ 92.1 2. enough chairs 3. enough paint 4. enough wind 92.2 2. The car isn’t big enough. 3. His legs aren’t long enough. 4. He isn’t strong enough. UNIT 94 92.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. old enough enough time big enough eat enough enough space tired enough practice enough 92.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. sharp enough to cut warm enough to go enough bread to make well enough to win enough time to read UNIT 93 93.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. too too too too too heavy low fast big crowded 93.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. enough too many too enough too much enough too too many too much 93.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. It’s too far. It’s too expensive. It isn’t / i t ’s not big enough. It was too difficult. It isn’t / i t ’s not good enough. I’m too busy. It was too long. 93.4 2. It’s too early to go to bed. 3. They’re too young to get married. 4. It’s too dangerous to go out at night. 5. It’s too late to call Sue (now). 6. I was too surprised to say anything. 94.1 3. I like this picture very much. 4. Tom started his new job last week. 5. OK 6. Jane bought a present for her friend, or Jane bought her friend a present. 7. I drink three cups of coffee every day. 8. OK 9. I borrowed 50 dollars from my brother. 12. I left my umbrella in the restaurant last night. 13. Are you going to the movies tomorrow night? 14. I took the children to school this morning. UNIT 95________________________ 95.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 94.2 2. I bought a new computer last week. 3. Paul finished his work quickly. Emily doesn’t speak French 4. very well. 5. I did a lot of shopping yesterday. 6. Do you know New York well? 7. We enjoyed the party very much. 8. I explained the problem carefully. 9. We met some friends at the airport. 10. Did you buy that jacket in Canada? 11. We do the same thing every day. 12. I don’t like football very much. 94.3 2. I arrived at the hotel early. 3. Julia goes to Puerto Rico every year. 4. We have lived here since 2002. 5. Sue was born in Florida in 1984. 6. Paul didn’t go to work yesterday. 7. Helen went to a wedding last weekend. 8. I had my breakfast in bed this morning. 9. Barbara is going to college in September. 10. I saw a beautiful bird in the garden this morning. 11. My parents have been to Tokyo many times. He always gets up early. He’s/H e is never late for work. He sometimes gets angry. He rarely goes swimming. He’s/H e is usually at home in the evenings. 95.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Susan is always polite. I usually finish work at 5:00. Sarah has just started a new job. I rarely go to bed before midnight. The bus isn’t usually late. I don’t often eat fish. I will never forget what you said. Have you ever lost your passport? Do you still work in the same place? They always stay at the same hotel. Jane doesn’t usually work on Saturdays. Is Tina already here? W hat do you usually have for breakfast? I can never remember his name. 95.3 2. Yes, and I also speak French. 3. Yes, and I’m also hungry. 4. Yes, and I’ve also been to Guatemala. 5. Yes, and I also bought some books. 95.4 1. They both play soccer. They’re / They are both students. They’ve both got cars. / They both have cars. 2. They’re / They are all married. They were all born in Venezuela. They all live in Miami. ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 297 U N IT 96 __________ 96.1 2. Do you still have an old car? 3. Are you still a student? 4. Are you still studying Japanese? 5. Do you still go to the movies a lot? 6. Do you still want to be a teacher? 96.2 2. He was looking for a job. He’s/H e is still looking (for a job). He hasn’t found a job yet. 3. She was asleep. She’s / She is still asleep. She hasn’t woken up yet. / She isn’t awake yet. or She hasn’t gotten up yet. / She isn’t up yet. 4. They were having dinner. / They were eating (dinner). They’re / They are still having dinner. / . .. still eating (dinner). They haven’t finished (dinner) yet. / They haven’t finished eating (dinner) yet. 96.3 2. Is Helen here yet? or Has Helen arrived/come yet? 3. Have you gotten the results of your blood test yet? / Have you received the . . . / Do you have the . . . 4. Have you decided where to go (for vacation) yet? / Do you know where you’re going (for vacation) yet? 96.4 3. She’s/She has already gone/ left. 4. I already have one. / I’ve already got one. 5. I’ve/I have already paid it. or I already paid it. 6. No, he already knows. UNIT 97 97.1 2. He 3. He 4. He 5. He 6. He gave gave gave gave gave __________ __ it to Gary. them to Sarah. it to his sister. them to Robert. it to a neighbor. 298 ANSWER KEY TO EXERCISES 97.2 2. I gave Joanna a plant. 3. I gave Richard a tie. 4. I gave Emma some chocolates / a box of chocolates. 5. I gave Rachel some flowers / a bouquet of flowers. 6. I gave Kevin a pen. 97.3 2. Can you lend me an umbrella? 3. Can you give me your address? 4. Can you lend me 20 dollars? 5. Can you send me some information? 6. Can you show me the letter? 7. Can you get me some stamps? 97.4 2. lend you some money 3. send the letter to me 4. buy you a present 5. pass me the sugar 6. give it to her 7. showed the police officer my driver’s license UNIT 98 98.1 3.-7. I went to the window and (I) looked out. I wanted to call you, but I didn’t have your number. I jumped into the river and (I) swam to the other side. I usually drive to work, but I went by bus this morning. Do you want me to come with you, or should I wait here? 98.2 Example answers: 2. because it was raining. / because the weather was bad. 3. but it was closed. 4. so he didn’t eat anything. / so he didn’t want anything to eat. 5. because there was a lot of traffic. / because the traffic was bad. 6. good-bye, got into her car, and drove off/away. 98.3 Example answers: 3. I went to the movies, b u t the movie wasn’t very good. 4. I went to a coffee shop and met some friends of mine. 5. There was a movie on television, so I watched it. 6. I got up in the middle of the night because I couldn’t sleep. UNIT 99 99.1 2. W hen I’m tired, I like to watch TV. 3. W hen I called her, there was no answer. 4. W hen I go on vacation, I always go to the same place. 5. W hen the program ended, I turned off the TV. 6. W hen I got to the hotel, there were no rooms. 99.2 2. when they heard the news. 3. they went to live in France. 4. while they were away. 5. before they came here 6. somebody broke into the house 7. they didn’t believe me. 99.3 2. I finish 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. it’s I’ll be . . . she leaves stops W e’ll come . . . we’re I come . . . I’ll bring I’m I’ll give . . . I go I’ll tell ., . . I’m 99.4 Example answers: 2. you finish your work 3. I’m going to buy a motorcycle 4. you get ready 5. I won’t have much free time 6. I come back UNIT 100 100.1 2. If you pass the driving test, you’ll get your license. 3. If you fail the driving test, you can take it again. 4. If you don’t want this magazine, I’ll throw it away. 5. If you want those pictures, you can have them. 6. If you’re busy now, we can talk later. 7. If you’re hungry, we can have lunch now. 8. If you need money, I can lend you some. 100.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I give is I’ll call I’ll be . . . get W ill you go . . . they invite 100.3 Example answers: 3. . . . you’re busy. 4. . .. you’ll feel better in the morning. 5. . . . you’re not watching it. 6. . . . she doesn’t practice. 7. . . . I’ll go and see Chris. 8. . . . the weather is good. 9. . . . it rains today. 100.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. W hen If If if W hen if when . . . if UNIT 101________________________ 101.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. wanted had were/was didn’t enjoy could tried didn’t have 101.2 3. I’d go / I would go 4. she knew 5. we had 6. you won 7. I wouldn’t stay 8. we lived 9. It would be 10. the salary was/were 11. I wouldn’t know 12. would you change 101.3 2. I’d watch it / I would watch it 3. we had some pictures on the wall 4. the air would be cleaner 5. every day was/were the same 6. I’d be bored / I would be bored 7. we had a bigger house / we bought a bigger house 8. we would/could buy a bigger house 101.4 Example answers: 2. I’d go to Antarctica 3. I didn’t have any friends 4. I’d buy a house if I had enough money. 5. I’d try and help 6. there were no guns UNIT 102_______________________ 102.1 2. A butcher is a person who sells meat. 3. A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument. 4. A patient is a person who is sick in the hospital. 5. A dentist is a person who takes care of your teeth. 6. A fool is a person who does stupid things. 7. A genius is a person who is very intelligent. 8. A liar is a person who doesn’t tell the truth. 102.2 2. The woman who opened the door was wearing a yellow dress. 3. Most of the students who took the test passed (it). 4. The police officer who stopped our car wasn’t very friendly. 102.3 6. which 2. who 7. who 3. which 8. who 4. which 9. which 5. who T h at is also correct in all these sentences. 102.4 3. . . . a machine th a t/w h ic h makes coffee. 4. OK (which is also correct) 5. . . . people w h o /th a t never stop talking. 6. OK (who is also correct) 7. OK (that is also correct) 8. . . . the sentences th a t/w h ic h are wrong. 9. . . . a car th a t/w h ic h cost $60,000. UNIT 103_______________________ 103.1 2. I’ve lost the pen you gave me. 3. I like the jacket Sue is wearing. 4. Where are the flowers I gave you? 5. I didn’t believe the story he told us. 6. How much were the oranges you bought? 103.2 2. The meal you cooked was excellent. 3. The shoes I’m wearing aren’t very comfortable. 4. The people we invited to dinner didn’t come. 103.3 2. Who are the people you were talking to? 3. Did you find the keys you were looking for? 4. Where is the party you’re going to? 5. W hat’s the name of the movie you were talking about? 6. W hat’s that music you’re listening to? 7. Did you get the e-mail you were waiting for? 103.4 2. W hat’s the name of the restaurant where you had dinner? 3. How big is the town where you live? 4. W here exactly is the factory where you work? ANSWER KEY TO EXERCISES 299 UNIT 104 104.1 2. at 3. in 4. at 5. in 6. in 104.2 3. at 4. on 5. in 6. in 7. on 8. on 9. at 10. on 104.3 3. B 4. A 5. both 6. A 7. B 7. 8. 9. 10. at in at in . . . at 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. at in on on at at on in 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. B both both B both 104.4 2. I’ll call you in three days. 3. My exam is in two weeks. / . . . in 14 days. 4. Tom will be here in half an hour. / . . . in 30 minutes. 104.5 3. in 4. - (already complete) 5. - (already complete) 6. in 7. on 8. - (already complete) 9. - (already complete) 10. - (already complete) 11. in 12. at UNIT 10 5 _______ __ 105.1 2. Alex lived in Canada until 2003. 3. Alex has lived in Japan since 2003. 4. Jin Sook lived in South Korea until 2007. 5. Jin Sook has lived in Australia since 2007. 6. Beth worked in a hotel from 2002 to 2005. 300 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 7. Beth has worked in a restaurant since 2005. 8. Adam was a teacher fro m 1996 to 2002. 9. Adam has been a journalist since 2002. 11. Alex has lived in Japan for years. 12. Jin Sook has lived in Australia fo r years. 13. Beth worked in a hotel for three years. 14. Beth has worked in a restaurant fo r years. 15. Adam was a teacher for six years. 16. Adam has been a journalist fo r years. 105.2 2. until 3. for 4. since 5. Until 6. for 7. for 8. until 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. since until for until Since for UNIT 106_____________ 106.1 2. after lunch 3. before the end 4. during the course 5. before they went to Mexico 6. during the night 7. while you’re waiting 8. after the concert 106.2 3. while 4. for 5. while 6. during 7. while 8. for 9. during 10. while 106.3 2. eating 3. answering 4. taking 5. finishing/doing 6. going/traveling 106.4 2. John worked in a bookstore for two years after finishing high school. 3. Before going to sleep, I read for a few minutes. 4. After walking for three hours, we were very tired. 5. Let’s have a cup of coffee before going out. UNIT 107 _________________ 107.1 2. In the box. 3. O n the box. 4. O n the wall. 5. At the bus stop. 6. In the field. 7. O n the balcony. 8. In the pool. 9. At the window. 10. O n the ceiling. 11. O n the table. 12. At the table. 107.2 2. in 3. on 4. in 5. on 6. at 7. in 8. in 9. at 10. at 11. in 12. at 13. on 14. at 15. on the wall in the living room UNIT 1 0 8 108.1 2. At the airport. 3. In bed. 4. O n a ship. 5. In the sky. 6. At a party. 7. At the doctor’s. 8. O n the second floor. 9. At work. 10. O n a plane. 11. In a taxi. 12. At a wedding. 108.2 2. in 3. in 4. at 5. at 6. in 7. in 8. at 9. in 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. in on on at in on at UNIT 109 109.1 2. to 3. in 4. to 5. in 6. to 7. to 8. in 5. to parties 6. at a friend’s house UNIT 110 110.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 110.2 2. 3. 4. 109.2 5. 3. to 6. 4. to 7. 5. (at) home . . . to work 8. 6. at 9. 7. - (already complete) 10. 8. to 11. 9. at 10. at a restaurant. . . to the hotel 12. 109.3 2. to 3. to 4. in 5. to 6. to 7. at 8. to 9. to 10. at 11. at 12. to Maria’s house . . . (at) home 13. - (already complete) 14. meet at the party . . . go to the party 109.4 1. to 2. - (already complete) 3. at 4. in 5. to 6. - (already complete) 109.5 Example answers: 2. to work 3. at work 4. to Alaska next to / by in front of between next to / by in front of behind on the in the behind above in front of on by / next to below / under above under by / next to across from on 110.3 2. The fountain is in front of the theater. 3. The bank/bookstore is across from the theater, or Paul’s office is across from the theater, or The theater is across from . . . 4. The bank/supermarket is next to the bookstore, or The bookstore is next to the . . . 5. Paul’s office is above the bookstore. 6. The bookstore is between the bank and the supermarket. UNIT 111 111.1 2. Go under the bridge. 3. Go up the hill. 4. Go down the steps. 5. Go along this street. 6. Go into the hotel. 7. Go past the hotel. 8. Go out of the hotel. 9. Go over the bridge. 10. Go through the park. 111.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. off over out of across around through on around into the house through a window 111.3 1. out of around from here to the airport around 6. on/over 7. over 8. out of UNIT 112 112.1 2. on 3. on 4. on 5. on time vacation the phone television 112.2 2. by 3. with 4. about 5. on 6. by 7. at 8. on 9. with 10. about grammar by Vera P. Bull 112.3 1. with 2. without 3. by 4. about 5. at 6. by 7. on 8. with 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. at by about by on with by by UNIT 113 113.1 2. in 3. to ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 301 4. at 5. with 6. of 113.2 2. at 3. to 4. about 5. of 6. of 7. from 8. in 9. for 10. about 11. of 12. at 113.3 2. interested in going 3. good at getting 4. fed up with waiting 5. sorry for/about waking 6. Thank you for waiting. 113.4 2. Sue walked past me without speaking. 3. Don’t do anything without asking me first. 4. I went out without locking the door. 113.5 Example answers: 2. 3. 4. 5. I’m I’m I’m I’m afraid of the dark. not very good at drawing. not interested in cars. fed up with living here. UNIT 114 114.1 2. to 3. for 4. to 5. at 6. for 114.2 2. to 3. of 4. to 5. for 6. for 302 ANSWER K EY TO EXERCISES 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. of/about for on to at for to - (already complete) to on - (already complete) . . . (to) of/about at of for - (already complete) 114.3 Example answers: 3. It depends on the program. 4. It depends (on) what it is. 5. It depends on the weather. 6. It depends (on) how much you want. UNIT 115 115.1 2. went in 3. looked up 4. rode off/away 5. turned around 6. got off 7. sat down 8. got out 115.2 2. away 3. around 4. going o u t . . . be back 5. down 6. over 7. back 8. in 9. up 10. going away . . . coming back 115.3 2. Hold on 3. slowed down 4. takes off 5. get along 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. speak up broken down fall over / fall down work out gave up went off UNIT 116 __________ 116.1 2. She took off her hat. or She took her hat off. 3. He put down his bag. or He put his bag down. 4. She picked up the magazine. or She picked the magazine up. 5. He put on his sunglasses, or He put his sunglasses on. 6. She turned off the faucet, or She turned the faucet off. 116.2 2. He put his jacket on. He put it on. 3. She took off her glasses. She took them off. 4. I picked the phone up. I picked it up. 5. They gave the key back. They gave it back. 6. We turned off the lights. We turned them off. 116.3 2. take it back 3. picked them up 4. turned it off 5. bring them back 116.4 3. knocked over 4. look it up 5. throw them away 6. tried on 7. showed me around 8. gave up 9. fill it out 10. put your cigarette out Answer Key to Additional Exercises (see page 244) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Kate is a doctor. The children are asleep. Gary isn’t hungry. The books aren’t on the table. The hotel is near the station. The bus isn’t full. 2____________________________ 3. she’s / she is 4. W here are 5. Is he 6. It’s / It is 7. I’m / I am or No, I’m not. I’m a student. 8. W hat color is 9. Is it 10. Are you 11. How much are they? 3____________________________ 3. He’s / He is taking a shower. 4. Are the children playing? 5. Is it raining? 6. They’re / They are coming now. 7. Why are you standing here? I’m / I am waiting for somebody. 4 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Sam doesn’t want Do you want Does Helen live Sarah knows I don’t travel do you usually get up They don’t go out Tom always leaves does Julia do . . . She works 5_____________________ __________ 3. 4. 5. 6. She’s / She is a student. She doesn’t have a car. She goes out a lot. She has / She’s got a lot of friends. 7. She doesn’t like Houston. 8. She likes to dance. 9. She isn’t / She’s not interested in sports. 6 __ 1. Are you married? Where do you live? Do you have any children? How old is she? 2. How old are you? W hat do you do? / Where do you work? / W hat’s your job? Do you like/enjoy your job? Do you have a car? Do you (usually) go to work by car? 3. W hat’s his name? W hat does he do? / W hat’s his job? Does he live/work in New York? 10 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. went found was had/took told gave were thought invited/asked 11 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. He He He He He He 7_________________________ __ 4. Sonia is 32 years old. 12 5. I have / I’ve got two sisters. 3. 6. We often watch TV atnight. 7. Jane never wears a hat. 4. 8. My car has a flat tire, or My car’s got / has got a flat 5. tire. 6. 9. These flowers are beautiful. 7. 10. Mary speaks German very well. 8 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. __ are you cooking plays I’m leaving It’s raining I don’t watch we’re looking do you pronounce 9___________________________ 2. we go 3. shining 4. are you going 5. do you take 6. She writes 7. I never read 8. They’re watching 9. She’s talking 10. do you usually have 11. He’s visiting 12. I don’t drink 13 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. was good at sports. played basketball. didn’t work hard at school. had a lot of friends. didn’t have a bicycle. wasn’t a quiet child. How long were you there? / How long did you stay there? Did you like/enjoy the Bahamas? Where did you stay? Was the weather good? W hen did you get/come back? I forgot did you get I didn’t speak Did you have he didn’t go she arrived did Robert live The meal didn’t cost 14 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. were working opened rang . . . was cooking heard . . . looked was looking . . . happened wasn’t reading . . . was watching 8. didn’t read 9. finished . . . paid . . . left 10. saw . . . was walking . . . was waiting ANSWER K EY TO ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 303 1 5_________________________________ 3. is playing 4. gave 5. doesn’t like 6. did your parents go 7. saw . . . was driving 8. Do you watch 9. were you doing 10. goes 11. ’m /am trying 12. didn’t sleep 1 6___________________________ 2. I haven’t read it. 3. Have you seen her? 4. I’ve / I have had enough. 5. Have you (ever) been to Chile? 6. How long have you lived here? or . . . have you been living here? 7. we’ve / we have known each other for years. 8. It’s / It has been raining all day. or It has rained all day. or It has been horrible/bad all day. 1 7_________________________________ 3. ’s/has been 4. for 5. since 6. has he lived / has he been 7. for 8. ’ve/have been 1 8___________________________ Example answers: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I’ve just started this exercise. I’ve met Julia a few times. I haven’t had dinner yet. I’ve never been to Australia. I’ve lived here since I was born. 8. I’ve lived here for three years. 19 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. __________________ bought/got went ’ve/have seen or saw i t . . . haven’t started (it) was didn’t see finished or graduated from ’s/has been 11. was 12. ’ve/have never made 20__________________________ 3. He’s/H e has lived there since last May. or He’s been living . . . 4. she left at 4:00. 5. How many times have you been there? 6. I’ve / have been tired all day. 7. It was on the table last night. 8. I’ve eaten there a few times. 9. W hat time did they get here? 21__________________________ 1. W hen was the last time? or W hen did you go the last time? or W hen were you there the last time? 2. How long have you had it? I bought/got it yesterday. 3. How long have you lived there / have you been there / have you been living there? Before that we lived on Mill Road. How long did you live on Mill Road? 4. How long have you worked there / have you been working there? W hat did you do before that? I was a taxi driver, or I worked as a taxi driver. 22__________________________ Example answers: 2. I didn’t go out last night. 3. I was at work yesterday afternoon. 4. I went to a party a few days ago. 5. It was my birthday last week. 6. I went to South America last year. 23 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B D A A D C B 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. C D A C B C A 304 ANSWER K EY TO ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 2 4________________________________ 1. was damaged . . . be torn down 2. was b u ilt. . . is used . . . is being painted 3. is called . . . be called . . . was changed 4. have been made . . . are produced 2 5________________________________ 2. is visited 3. were damaged 4. be built 5. is being cleaned 6. be forgotten 7. has been repaired 8. be kept 9. Have you ever been bitten 10. was stolen 2 6__________________________ 2. My car was stolen last week. 3. You’re / You are wanted on the phone. 4. All the bananas have been eaten. 5. The machine will be repaired. 6. W e’re / We are being watched. 7. The housework has to be done. 2 7________________________________ 3. pushed 4. was pushed 5. has taken or took 6. is being repaired 7. invented 8. was the camera invented 9. have been washed or were washed 10. I’ve / I have washed them. or I washed them. 11. did they send 12. be sent 28 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ____________________________ B A C B C C 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. C 2 9_______________________________ 1. B: A: B: A: B: A: B: 2. A: B: A: A: B: 3. A: B: A: B: A: 4. A: B: A: B: 5. A: B: A: B: A: I stayed did you do I watched Are you going I’m going are you going to see I don’t know. I haven’t decided have you been We arrived are you staying / are you going to stay do you like we’re having I’ve just remembered / I just remembered - Karen called She always calls or She’s always calling . . . Did she leave she wants I’ll c a ll. . . Do you know I’ll get I’m going . . . Do you want are you going Have you ever eaten I’ve been . . . I went I’ve lost / I lo st. . . Have you seen You were wearing . . . I came I’m not wearing Have you looked / Did you look I’ll go 30_______________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. we met we sat / we were sitting We didn’t know we became we liked we spent We finished we meet has been she’s working She’s coming she comes we’ll have / we’re going to have 14. It will be 31 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. we’re staying we enjoyed We watched slept I don’t sleep we’re not doing / we’re not going to do we’re going to see We haven’t decided wants to go I’ll send you’re having are studying / have been studying he had he needs W e’ve been We got seeing I liked we went we left had he wasn’t injured was damaged W e’ve changed / We changed we’re leaving W e’re staying / W e’re going to stay / W e’ll stay flying That will be / That’s going to be finished I’ll let we get are looking W e’re going we’ll send 32 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 A B C B C B A C A 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. B A C B C A C B 3 3______________ 2. a car 3. the fridge 4. a teacher 5. school 6. the movies 7. a taxi 8. the piano 9. computers 10. the same 34 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ___________ a horse The sky a tourist for lunch (-) the first president of the United States a watch remember names (-) the next train sends e-mails (-) the backyard the Majestic Hotel sick last week ( - ) . . . to work (-) the highest mountain in the world to the radio . . . having breakfast (-) like sports ( - ) . . . is basketball (-) a doctor . . . an art teacher the second floor . . . the top of the stairs . . . on the right After dinner ( - ) . . . watched TV (-) northern Mexico ( - ) . . . the south in on at on in since on by in 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. for at in at on by for. . . on to . . . in a t . . . in ANSWER K EY TO ADDITIONAL EXERCISES 305 Answer Key to Study Guide (see page 263) Present__________ 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 B A C A C, D B D C C A C A D C A D C, D A, D Past 2.1 B 2.2 E 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 D B A D A C C E Present perfect 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 B, E D B D E B A C D E Passive 4.1 D 4.2 C 4.3 E 4.4 A 4.5 A Verb forms 5.1 D 5.2 B Future _____________ _ 6.1 A 6.2 A 6.3 C 6.4 A , B 6.5 B 6.6 C 6.7 D 6.8 C . 6.9 B, C 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 A D B C B, D A B __ B E A A B 9.1 D 9.2 A 9.3 C 9.4 B 9.5 B 9.6 C 9.7 D Questions__________________ 306 ANSWER K EY TO STUDY GUIDE A 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 B, D A C, E C A A, C __________ B D B C B, C C A D Go, get, do, make, and have D C C D D A ________________ -ing and to . ■■ Auxiliary verbs___________ 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 D B 11.1 E 11.2 A , B, D C, D A, C There and it B Reported speech Modals, imperative, etc. 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 A, D C C, D A, D B D Pronouns and possessives 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 14.10 A C D B B, C A E A D C A and the 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 C B A, C B B A D C _______ 15.9 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 B B E D B A Determiners and pronouns 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16 16.17 16.18 16.19 C C B B C A, C D B, D A B D B, D A A, B D A, C D B A Adjectives and adverbs 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 A C C D 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.9 17.10 17.11 17.12 17.13 17.14 B B A, C E A B D A D C Word order 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 B C B A A, D Conjunctions and clauses 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 20.6 A 20.7 B 20.8 C 20.9 B 20.10 D 20.11 D 20.12 A 20.13 C 20.14 D 20.15 A 20.16 E 20.17 C 20.18 B 20.19 D 20.20 D Phrasal verbs 21.1 C 21.2 A, B 21.3 B C A D E B, C A, B B, D A Prepositions 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 A, D E C, D B A, D ANSWER K EY TO STUDY GUIDE 307 Index The numbers are unit numbers (not page numbers). a /a n 66 a and some 68-69 a/an and the 70 a n y b o d y/an yon e/an yth in g 77D, 79-80 best anywhere about 112E b etw een above 110E apostrophe (Fm, it's, etc.) Appendix 4 across 111 apostrophe 5s (my brother's car) acrossfrom 11OB active and passive Appendix 1 adjectives 86 get + adjective (get tired, etc.) 57B possessive adjectives (my/your/her, etc.) 61, 63 something/anybody, etc. + adjective 80C adjectives and adverbs (quick/quickly) 87 comparatives (older/ more expensive) 88-90 superlatives (the oldest / the most expensive) 91 adjectives + preposition (afraid of, etc.) 113A adverbs 87 word order (always/usually/often, etc.) 95 advise (advise somebody to ...) afraid (o f) after ago 54B 113A 80 born 65 aound by 112C 111 turn around / show around (phrasal verbs) arrive 115-116, Appendix 7 109C articles (a/an/the) a/an 66, 68-69 a/an and the 70 the 71-74 as (not as . . . as) 66-74 call 90 ask somebody to . . . 54B ask somebody f o r . . . 114A auxiliary verbs word order 107-108 along 2 4 ,4 1 -4 3 115-116, Appendix 7 in back o f 110A base form 96C past 2 OB word order 95 also (word order) 95 always always + simple present word order 95 a m /is /a r e 5C 1-2 am/is/are -ing (present continuous) 3-4, 24A, 26, 52C there is / there are 38 an see a and have/has been (present angry (a t/w ith /a b o u t) 66B any any and some 77 not + any 78 any and no 78 any (of) 82 308 INDEX 98 113A perfect) 16-17 been and gone 21A there has/have been 39B before b elo n g (to) b elo w 110E 114A 114C did didn't in negatives 44B, 52A did in questions 45B, 52A different (from ) 12, 24D, 41C, 12, 24D, 41C, 113A direct speech and reported speech 51 do and m ake 58 don't/doesn't in negatives 6, 24D, 41C, 44B, 52A do/does in questions 7, 24D, 41C, 45B, 52A don't go / don't fall, etc. (imperative) 34B dow n 111 sit down / p u t down, etc. (phrasal 99, 106 b egin (begin to . . . or begin -ing) 31C -D countable and uncountable nouns 68-69 depend (on) been 98 another 52 be (base form o f am/is/are) am/is/are 1-2 am/is/are + -ing (present continuous) 3 -4, 24A, 26, 52C was/were 10 was/were + -ing (past continuous) 13, 24A, 52C have/has been (present perfect) 16-17 passive 22-23, Appendix 1 will be 28 because 99 con tin u e (continue to . . . or continue -ing) 53 C c o u ld /c o u ld n ’t verbs) already + present perfect or simple 98-101 contractions (short forms - Fm, it's, you've, etc.) Appendix 4 115-116, Appendix 7 come back /g iv e back, etc. (phrasal 111 already conjunctions and/but/or/so/because 98 when/before/while/after/until i f 100-101 back 95 31 con d ition al ( i f . ..) if I d o . . . 100 i f I did . . . 101 at 8 :0 0 / at nig1\, etc. 104 the bus stop / at work, etc. and to 109 the age o f . . . 112B 114B com parative (older / more expensive, etc.) 88-90 ask at at at at 95 by after the passive (I was bitten by a dog.) 22 D by myself / by yourself, etc. 64C by (= next to) 110C c a n /c a n ’t all 81 b oth 83 word order 98 verbs) all and every, etc. all (of) 82 110A 22C but run away / throw away, etc. (phrasal 99, 106 88D are see a m /is/a r e away 18B 91B better verbs) 53 C during 115-116, Appendix 6 -7 106 each other 64D give give something to somebody / give somebody something 97 give up /g iv e back, etc. (phrasal verbs) either either and too 43A either (of) 83 em bedded questions (Do you know w h a t ... ?, etc.) 50 e-m ail 114B end (at the end of) 104B, 107B enjoy enjoy -ing 53B enjoy myself/yourself etc. enough 92 enough and too ever Have you ever ... ? 16 superlative + ever 91E word order every 95 81 ev eryb o d y /ev ery o n e/ev ery th in g / everywhere 81C expect 53A, 54B How far is it? 40A, 48D far farther 88B fed up (w ith) few / a few 113A 85 53B for for 10 minutes / for three years, etc. 18, 105D for and to . .. 55B go for a walk, etc. 56C for and during 106C from 105A, 111 front (in front of ) fu ll (o f ) 110A-B 113A farther 88B future 26-29 The concert starts at 7:3 A (simple present) got past of get 26C (Fm) going to (do something) 27 will 28-29 shall 29C future after when/before/while, etc. 99B future after if 100B gerund see -in g get 57 get to (a place) 57C, 109C get on / get up, etc. (phrasal verbs) 107-108 in and to 109 in back of 110A in front of 110A-B put something in 111 go in / fill in, etc. (phrasal verbs) 11C, 57 He said he had (done something) 51, Appendix 1.1 hard 114A 87C hate 53C -D have 9, 59 don't have / haven't got 9B have and short answers 9D have got / has got 9, 59 A have done / have been, etc. (present perfect) 16 -1 9 ,24C have to 34 have a nice time / have fun, etc. 34A there has/have been 39B have breakfast / have a good time, etc. hers 115-116, Appendix 7 in fin itive adjective + infinitive (it's easy to ...) 40B infinitive (do/see, etc.) 52 infinitive and -ing (do/doing, etc.) 52-53 I want to go, etc. 52B, 53 I went to the store to buy . . . 55 infinitive and f o r . . . 55B something to eat / nowhere to go, etc. 80D -in g (doing/playing/going, etc.) am/is/are + -ing (present continuous) 3-4, 24A, 26, 52C was/were + -ing (past continuous) 13, 24A, 52C -ing and infinitive (do/doing, etc.) 52-53 verbs + -ing (enjoy -ing, etc.) 53B-C go -ing (go swimming, etc.) 56D prepositions + -ing 106D, 113B interested (in) 60-61, 63 62-63 in to 113A 111 h erself 64 irregular verbs 11C, 2 5B, Appendix 2 -3 h im is see a m /is/a r e 60, 63 it h im se lf 64 his 56A, 72A, 109B 57C, 109C get home how 40, 60B it is and there is 38B, 40A it's and its 61C 61-63 h om e its 61 48 How long have you ... ? (present perfect) geographical nam es with and without the 74 in April / in the summer; etc. 104 in a room / in the hospital, etc. have/has got 9, 59 A don't have/haven't got 9B 59B 26 104E 21A good and well 87D good at 113A her Fm working tomomw. (present continuous) in five minutes / in three years, etc. has see have finish (finish -ing) in good happen (to) 87C im perative (do this / don't do that, etc.) 34 2/1 had past of have 11C had to 34B far fast go in g to (Fm going to do something) 100-101 i f we go / i f you see, etc. 100 if and when 100C i f I had / i f we went 101 Do you know i f . .. ? 50C 56 go -ing (go swimming, etc.) 56D go home /g o to work /g o to the movies 72 go in /g o back, etc. (phrasal verbs) gone and been 93D if 116, Appendix 6-7 go 115 64A I /y o u /h e /s h e , etc. (personal pronouns) 60, 63 17 how big? / how old? / how far?, etc. 48D How long does it take? 49 how much? / how many? 84A just just + present perfect or simple past 20A word order 95 kind (kind to somebody / kind o f somebody) 113 A k now (Do you know where. . . ?) 50 115, Appendix 6 The numbers are unit numbers (not page numbers). INDEX 309 learn (learn to . . .) left (on the left) 53A need lend (lend something to somebody) less let 97 89C 54D let’s (let's go / let's dance, etc.) 37C, 54D like (What is it like?) 35C next to 89D look + adjective (look tired, etc.) look at/for/after 114A lo t (a lo t o f . . .) 95 110A nice (nice to somebody / nice of somebody) 113 A 85 look 86C 84 no (no money / no friends, etc.) 78A-B, 82A n o b o d y /n o o n e /n o th in g no one and none 78C none 53C -D 79-80 78B-C, 82B-C nouns (countable and uncountable) 68-69 58 make somebody do something make and do 58 54D m any now here 84 90B offer (to do something) 108A, 110A 30 m ind (I don't mind -ing) 53B m in e/y o u rs/h ers, etc. (possessive pronouns) 62-63 m odal verbs (will/can/might, etc.) 28-35, 52A often + simple present word order 115-116, Appendix 6-7 much and many 84 much bigger / much more expensive 89D 90B ou gh t to our 33F 61, 63 62-63 ourselves 64 m y se lf/y o u r se lf etc. (reflexive pronouns) 64 past perfect 51 Appendix 1.1 peop le 67C -D personal pronouns (I/m e/you, etc.) 60, 63 persuade (persuade somebody to ...) 54B phrasal verbs (get up / p u t on, etc.) 115-116, Appendix 6-7 plural (cup cups / man men, etc.) p o lice (plural) 67 67D possessive adjectives (my/your/his, etc.) 61, 63 possessive pronouns (mine/yours/his, etc.) 62-63 prefer 36B, 53C -D p repositions 104-114 at/on/in (time) 104 for/since 18, 105 until 105A-B before/after/during/while 106 in/at/on (places) 107-108 to/in/at (places) 109 on 104, 107-108, 110A, 112A at 104, 107-109, 112B under/between/next to, etc. (position) 110 out of 111 go out / p u t out, etc. (phrasal verbs) over m y /y o u r /h is, etc. (possessive adjectives) 61, 63 past participle (cleaned/done/seen, etc.) 25A present perfect (I I ave played) 16, 19, 24C passive (the room was cleaned) 22-23, 24B, Appendix 1 regular (cleaned) and irregular (seen) 25B, Appendix 2 -3 out 115-116, Appendix 6 -7 32 310 INDEX 76 98B ours m uch 95 on Monday / on April 25, etc. 104 on the table / on the wall 107-108 on the left/right 110A on vacation / on television, etc. 112A go on (vacation/ a trip, etc.) 56B get on / p u t on, etc. (phrasal verbs) or most (of) 82 the most expensive / the most difficult, etc. 91 5C on o n e /o n e s 88C, 89 m ost not as much (as) too much 93C 53 A often m id d le (in the middle of) m ore 111 115-116, Appendix 6 m e /y o u /h im , etc. (personal pronouns) 60, 63 m igh t 65C get off / turn off, etc. (phrasal verbs) 30D I ll past sim ple see sim ple past o ff married to 113 A get married 57B past (Go past the movie theater...) past con tin u ou s (was/were + -ing) 13-14, 24A, 52C past continuous (I was doing) and simple past (I did) 14 past continuous passive, Appendix 1.1 active and passive the roof o f the building, etc. the . . . o f. . . 74E married 67B passive 22-23, 24B, Appendix 1 simple present (is done) and simple past (was done) 22 present continuous (is being done) and present perfect (has been done) 23 will/can/must (etc.) be done Appendix 1.2 He said he had (done something) 80 of many and much not as many (as) too many 93C m ust 43B never + simple present 5C never + present perfect 16 word order 114A (a little older/bigger, etc.) m ay 45C never little / a little m ake negatives 44 negative questions no and none 78 not + any 78-79 Neither am I / Neither do I, etc. neither (of) 83 47B would like 35, 53D, 54A do you like? and would you like? like to . . . or like -ing 53 C love 53A neither like (verb) listen (to) pair (a pair o f . ..) need to . . . 110A 111 climb over / knock over (phrasal verbs) 115-116, Appendix 6-7 up/over/through, etc. (movement) 111 by 110C, 112C with/without 112D, 113B about 112E prepositions + -ing (in -ing / without -ing, etc.) 106D, 113B adjective + prepositions (afraid of The numbers are unit numbers (not page numbers). etc.) 113 A verb + preposition (listen to / wait for, etc.) 114 prepositions at the end (Who is she talking to?) 47 prepositions in relative clauses (the man she is talking to) 103B present continuous (am/is/are + -ing) 3-4, 24A, 52C negative (I'm not -ing) 3 questions (are you-ing?) 4 present continuous (I am doing) and simple present (I do) 8 present continuous passive 23A, Appendix 1.1 present continuous for the future (What are you doing tomorrow?) 26 present perfect 19-21, 24C present perfect present perfect present perfect (I have done) 16-17, + just 20A + already 20B + yet 20C, 96B Have you ever. . . ? 16 gone and been 21A How long have you . . . ? 17 present perfect + for/since 17-18 present perfect continuous (I have been -ing) 17B present perfect (I have done) and simple past (I did) 19 same some and a/an 68-69 some and any 77 some (of) 82 so m e b o d y /so m e o n e /so m e th in g / som ew here 77, 80 som etim es sometimes + simple present word order 95 54C 110A 65, Appendix 4.5 71B, 90E He said th a t.. . (reported speech) say and tell 51B shall 45-48 spelling 113A 114A Appendix 5 start (start to . . . and start -ing) 51 29C short answers (do/don't have/ haven't, does/doesn't, etc.) 9D am/is/are . . . ? 2 do/does . . . ? (simple present) 7, 45B d id . . . ? (simple past) 12, 45B Why don't. . . ? / Why isn't...? , etc. 5C sorry (sorry about and sorry for) say/said 116, Appendix 7 50 som e reply questions (Have you? / Are you?) 42A ’s (apostrophe 5s) put something in . . . I l l put on / p u t out, etc {phrasal questions) 102-103 speak (to) put 45C so am I / so do I, etc. 43B I was tired, so I went to bed. 98 relative pronouns (who/which/that) 102-103 right (on the right) 53A Who saw you? / Who did you see? 45 preposition at the end (Who is she talking to?) 47 What / Which / How . . . ? 48 How long does it take? 49 Do you know where . . . ? (embedded so regular and irregular verbs 11, 25, Appendix 2 -3 He told me to . . . 18A, 105C flowers) singular and plural (flower - ► 67 reflexive pronouns (myself/yourself etc.) 64 relative clauses simple present passive (the room is cleaned) 22, 24B, Appendix 1.1 simple present for the future (The concert starts at 7:30.) 26C simple present after when/while, etc. 98B simple present after i f 99B since 51 pronouns personal pronouns (I/m e/you, etc.) 60, 63 possessive pronouns (mine/yours, etc.) 62-63 reflexive pronouns (myself/yourself etc.) 64 one/ones 76 relative pronouns (who/which/that) 102-103 questions I'd rather/Would you rather? 36 I'd rather go out than ..., etc. 36C He said th a t. . . / He told me th a t. .. present sim ple see sim p le present verbs) rather reported speech present perfect passive 23B, Appendix 1.1 regular and irregular verbs 16, 25, Appendix 2-3 prom ise (promise to ...) reply questions (Have you? / Are you?, etc.) 42A tag questions ( . . . do you? / . . . isn't it?, etc.) 42B still 96 word order 53C 95 stop (stop -ing) 53B suggest (suggest -ing) 53B superlative (the biggest expensive, etc.) 91 short form s (I'm / it's /you've, etc.) Appendix 4 should 33 sim ple past (did/cleaned/saw, etc.) 11-12 negative (didn't...) 12, 44B questions (did. . . ?) 12, 45B was/were 10 regular (cleaned) and irregular verbs (saw) 11C, Appendix 2 -3 simple past + ago 18B simple past + already 2 0B simple past (I did) and present perfect (I have done) 19 simple past (I did) and past continuous (I was doing) 14 simple past + just 20A simple past passive (the room was cleaned) 22, 24B, Appendix 1.1 simple past + yet 20C *i f + simple past (if I had / i f we went) 101 sim ple present (I work / she works, etc.) 5 -7 ,24D negative (don't/doesn't) 6, 43B questions (do/does. . . ?) 7, 44B simple present + always/usually/never, etc. 5C simple present (I do) and present continuous (I am doing) 8 tag questions 42B take (How long does it take?) talk (to) 49 114A te ll/to ld He told me th a t .. . 51 tell and say 51B Can you tell me where .. . ? 50A He told me to . . . 54B tenses active and passive Appendix 1.1 present continuous (I am doing) 3-4, 24A, 26, 52C simple present (I do) 5-7, 24D, 26C simple past (I did) 11-12, 14, 19-21, 24D past continuous (I was doing) 13-14, 24A, 52C present perfect (I have done) 16-21, 24C be/have/do in present and past tenses 24 text 114B than 89-90 The numbers are unit numbers (not page numbers). INDEX 311 that 75 used (I used to ...) He said th a t. . . (reported speech) 51C that and this 75 a thing th a t . .. (relative clauses) 70-74 the and a/an 70 the same 71B the sun / the sky, etc. 15 w ho usually 102 usually + simple present word order 95 5C w hose (Whose is this?) the 71C the movies / the theater / the bank, etc. 72B flowers / the flowers 73 the in names of places 74 the biggest / the most expensive, etc. their 91 61, 63 theirs 62, 63 them 60, 63 them selves 64 there there is/are 38 there was/were 39A there has/have been 39B there will be 39C there is and it is 38B these verbs present tenses 1-9, 24, 26 past tenses 10-15, 19, 24 present perfect 16-21, 24 passive 22-23, Appendix 1 regular and irregular verbs 25, Appendix 2 -3 future 26-29 modal verbs (will/can/should, etc.) 28-35, 52A negatives 44 questions 45-48 reported speech 51 verbs + -ing 53 verbs + to' . .. 52-54 verbs + preposition (look at / speak to, etc.) 114 phrasal verbs (get up / p u t on, etc.) 115-116, Appendix 6 -7 75 think (think about / think of) this 114A w ait (for) 55C, 114A w ant 75 those through 111 till (= until) w as/w ere 54A 10 was/were + -ing (past continuous) 105B 28-29 will and shall 2 9 C won't 28A there will be 39C w ith /w ith o u t 112D with/without + -ing 113B w o n ’t (= will not) time 105A places 109, 111 go to . . . 56A, 109A get to ... 57C, 109C infinitive (to go / to be, etc.) verb + to 53A, 53C too was/were done (passive) there was/were 39A i f I was/were . . . 101B w ell 52 93 too and either 43A turn (turn around / turn on, etc.) (phrasal verbs) 115-116, Appendix 7 w orse 88D w orst 91B I'd like / would you like? 35 I'd rather/would you rather? 36 would like/love, etc. 53D He would buy a car i f he had the money. 101 22, 24B w rite (to) yet 87D w ere see was W h a t... ?and W h o ... ? 45C W h a t... like? 47B W h a t. . . ? 48 W h a t. . . ? and Which . . . ? 48C under 110D, 111 until 99B, 105A-B up 68-69 111 get up /p ic k up, etc. (phrasal verbs) 115-116, Appendix 6 -7 us 60, 63 312 INDEX w hether you your yours 60, 63 61, 63 62-63 you rself/you rselves 100C 50C w hich W hich. . . ? 48 W h ic h ...? and W h a t...? 48C Which one/ones? 76B a thing which . . . (relative clauses) 102 w h ile 96 20C what 99 when and i f 114A yet + present perfect or simple past w hen uncountable nouns (salt/water/music, etc.) 28A w ord order questions 45-47 prese. \t continuous questions 4B simple present questions 7B simple past questions 12D passive 22-23 Do you know where . . . ? (embedded questions) 50 verb + object 94 A place and time 94B always/usually/often, etc. 95 after give/lend/send, etc. 97 13, 24A, 52C to 62D w ill w ould want to . . . 53A want somebody to . . . 75 W h o ... ? 45 a person who . . . (relative clauses) 102 99, 106 The numbers are unit numbers (not page numbers). 64 Also in the series Well known for its simple, clear explanations and two-page format, Basic Grammar in Use is a unique combination of grammar reference and practice for students of North American English. It is an excellent resource for use as a classroom text or for students who are studying on their own. 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