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Manager Interview Essay: Management Principles & Leadership

Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Principle of Management (Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)
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Student name:
Đoàn Vũ Hào
Student ID number: 31201028653
Student name:
Huỳnh Công Nghĩa
Student ID number: 31201028718
Student name:
Trần Thùy Trang
Student ID number: 31201029196
Student name:
Nguyễn Thị Thanh Bình
Student ID number: 31201028982
Student name:
Phạm Minh Tâm
Student ID number: 31201029173
Unit name:
Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Tutorial/Lecture: Principle of Management
Lecturer or Tutor name:
Unit number: Assessment 5
Class day and time: Monday afternoon
Mr. Douglas Foster
Group 5 BBUS 11.1 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
3739 words
Due date:
16th May, 2021
Date submitted:
16th May, 2021
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Huỳnh Công Nghĩa
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Assessment 5: Interview with a Manager Project - Written Essay
Doan V. Hao (31201028653), Huynh C. Nghia (31201028718), Tran T. Trang (31201029196),
Nguyen T. T. Binh (31201028982), and Pham M. Tam (31201029173)
International School of Business (ISB) - University of Economics in HCM City (UEH)
MAN101: Principle of Management - Class: PM-DH46ISB-01
May 16th, 2021
Professor Douglas Foster
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Interview with a manager and Research method
In the Principle of Management classes, the Manager Interview Project sensed a valuable
opportunity for the research group to broaden knowledge and information of management in a
business organization. In the process where every employee collaborates on work activities, the
manager must be concerned as a pioneer to interact with a variety of personalities and help them
perform at the most productive levels. In general, it is suggested that the business practices work
well in collaborative, friendly working environments that increase employees' effort to the best
of their ability.
The research purposes are to give detailed information about the interview of the
manager project, review the process of creating a unique and structural working environment
through strategic approaches, which are essential tools for success. These purposes emphasized
the flexibility in dealing with current management issues, resulting in greater efficiency,
productivity, and motivation towards attaining organizational goals. The research method
identified the qualitative research approach with an in-depth interview of a manager role in a
professional organization, along with a case study about the Customer Service Department in
Vietcombank. The manager's in-depth interview lasted for approximately two hours.
The outline of this report is firstly identifying four main functions as the manager's duty:
planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, secondly analyzing the most substantial problems
that company is facing in recent times and finally appropriate solutions will be given to address
problems mentioned above.
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Manager Profile
According to the project’s requirement, researchers have a great opportunity to have an
interview with Mr. Tran Quang Tri - a manager in Vietcombank with about 19 years of
experience working in the Customer Service Department. Mr. Tri had been a vice manager for
Vietcombank for six years and has officially become a manager from the year 2011 until now.
He had graduated from the University of Economics in Ho Chi Minh city with flying colors
before had got a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Western Sydney University.
He showed himself as a person who adapts well to new working environments through many
times of changing workplace because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a manager and also as an
interviewee, he has shared lots of helpful information in order to support the project and help the
group to understand more about the manager position in Vietcombank. He has shared his
experiences, exciting stories happening in his working time, and some advice to improve.
Manager’s leadership styles.
Leadership is not simply leading a group of people; moreover, it is the art of influencing,
motivating, and encouraging others to develop their organization (Everett, 2021). Based on the
workplace, the workforce, and each cultural pattern, a leader needs to prepare the best leadership
style to show their positive impacts on followers. From the interview, Mr. Tri has mentioned a
few aspects of his leadership style and shown how they can apply to the practice.
The manager stated that he had used several leadership styles to manage a good team;
however, in each situation, he always emphasized the core criterion of ‘friendliness.’ Based on
his ideas, his style can be defined as relationship-oriented, according to Fiedler’s contingency
model (Miller, Butler, and Cosentino, 2004). As a manager, Mr. Tri wants his subordinates to
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
work comfortably and share their ideas completely in the office. By creating a friendly
atmosphere, he can get more respect from them, and mutual trust can be built strongly.
According to the interview, Mr. Tri did not behave so strictly to the workers; in most cases, he
was willing to listen to their ideas, try to understand thoroughly before giving them feedback. He
always appreciated the workers’ openness regardless of the good or bad ideas. Furthermore, he
shared a funny story in his company about his subordinates and confirmed this situation as a
positive organization’s culture. He passed the rules inside his department that anyone who is late
for the team’s meeting has to invite everyone else to have lunch. It was one time his workers
decided to trick him. The meeting was at nine, but about ten minutes before, his workers had
given him several contracts which he needed to check. Until the work was finished, it was late
for the meeting. His workers started to laugh when he came to the meeting room. However, he
was not mad at all. He was willing to pay the lunch bills for the whole team.
By this simple story, Mr. Tri can create a good personal relationship with his employees
and build mutual trust among them, and maintain their loyalty to the company. By that, we can
confirm his emphasis on ‘friendliness’ in his leadership style.
Organization Profile
Founded in 1963, Vietcombank is currently the biggest and most well-known bank in
Vietnam. Furthermore, the bank is also one of the 100 largest banks in Asia and 300 largest
banking groups globally (Vietcombank: Brief Information, n.d.). With the brand’s core values
including “Innovative, Continuous, Caring, Connected, Individual, and Secure,” Vietcombank
considers being the most reliable bank in Vietnam’s market helping customers to reach the
financial demands (Vietcombank: Core Values, n.d.). To follow the ancient Vietnamese culture,
its cultural identity aims to five aspects, such as Reliability, Standardization, Innovation,
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Sustainability, and Humanity (Vietcombank: Cultural Identity, n.d.). Vietcombank targets to be
an active participant in programs supporting the poor and implement their social schemes to
contribute to the country’s development.
Four functions of Management - Theories and Real Cases
Besides responsibility and knowledge in business, managers also have to master the four
basic functions, which are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in order to manage the
organization to be successful.
Planning is a primary function of management. Setting goals and deciding a course of
action for meeting those objectives are all part of the planning function of management (UOM,
2015). It also requires organizing human resources and delegating duties, along with establishing
practical timelines and completion requirements (AIU, 2016). Additionally, there are four main
types of planning such as breadth (strategic versus operational), time frame (short term versus
long term), specificity (directional versus specific), frequency of use (single us versus standing).
Planning is a stepping stone. The first function is also the important one that a manager
must master to guide the company in the right direction. A manager’s primary responsibility is to
set up a plan to achieve the company’s aims and objectives (AIU, 2016). A clear plan can help
the managers to follow the team process and point out the problem easier to make small changes
in some steps but still maintain a clear picture of the company’s goals.
Managers set the plan based on the S.M.A.R.T approach. The S.M.A.R.T approach
(refer to Figure 1) is a tool for managers to create a plan that meets the company goals.
Accordingly, the manager has to set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
time-trackable (UOM, 2017). Using this approach allows managers to build up plans that are not
just daydreams or impossible to achieve.
Figure 1: S.M.A.R.T Approach
Source: Howze (2019)
Mr. Tri, who is the research group’s interviewee and also a manager, applied the
S.M.A.R.T approach to set goals for his team. He requires his subordinates to set the plan at the
beginning of the year to have preparation for a good performance in the last step of the process.
Moreover, he allows his members to share their ideas and discuss what is most suitable for his
company project. As a manager, he would take a look at those ideas to choose the best. The plan
needs to be clear, specific, and achievable to reach the organization’s objectives. According to
Mr. Tri, planning is an integral part of his work process.
Goals can be a motivation for all team members. Goals give his employees guidance in
their work and help them stay motivated. Goals give them the path they need to get to their
destination as well as the inspiration to keep them going on their journey and a way to track their
success (Cuesta College, n.d). Having a goal can help the subordinates not to lose the direction to
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
achieve their destination when they may be interrupted by many things while working or doing
their task. A specific goal can serve as pathways along the road to success. Goals match a series
of activities, so they both build and demonstrate the chosen plan. Goals provide a sense of
direction and a basis for the destination, allowing the workers to place a clear stepping stone
(Vishwanathan, 2018).
Organizing is described as the distribution of various tasks among different people or
groups with the mutual coordination of their efforts and authority recognition for work to others
(Terry, 1968). Organizing is an essential task of managers. To be an effective manager,
organizing clear structures of work activities play a role in creating detailed and systematic
operation's purposes, especially ensuring what work tasks need to be accomplished, results in the
best performance.
A KPI is a major, quantifiable source of measure a company utilizes to determine how
effective and strategic the company meets the organizational goals (Twin, 2019). For the
workplace of our manager - Vietcombank, Mr. Tri has applied KPI for different departments
such as the sales team and customer service team with distinct ways of evaluation to conduct on
the project and work towards the goals. As the manager shared in the video, there are some
criteria of organizing aspects that are put into consideration to assess the effectiveness of work
performance, for example:
The way of encouraging and guiding his teams is highly emphasized. This organizing
approach is related to the leader’s responsibility to reduce barriers to development (Robbins &
Coulter, 2016). Mr. Tri wants to become a pioneer to help each team member work together and
boost the team to continue to work toward improvement. Additionally, Coutou & Hackman
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
(2009) demonstrated that the most crucial feature that team members should perform in an
effective team environment where work is done collectively is responsibility or accountability to
the team.
Supportive behavior in the work team should be shaped in terms of performing
appropriate leadership. A work team is a community of people who use constructive
teamwork, shared responsibility, and complementary skills to focus on a specific, common goal
(Alpern, 2010). In Vietcombank, the department of Mr. Tri managed each team with formulated
specific tasks the same as the Work Team. This method made all members motivated to
complete the work effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, this collaborative style of organizing
allows team members to participate enthusiastically in identifying and deciding the proper
solutions so that the team’s functioning can be enhanced. According to the Situational
Leadership Theory, Mr. Tri’s leading style in organizing work should be identified as Selling
Leadership Style, which demonstrates directive and supportive behavior in motivating
employees and boosting the group's productivity (Hersey & Blanchard, 2001).
The manager prioritizes a work of accomplishment towards development-oriented.
According to the Path-Goal Model, the manager's style of management may be an Achievementoriented leader who sets challenging goals and expects followers to perform at the highest level
(House, 1971) because he suggested a prize for the team if the target is reached in the required
time. This organizing approach carried out effective outcomes as he said: “Competition made
development” where teams are competitive with other teams, and finally get the work done
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Leading is the following function in the managerial career (AIU, 2016). Leading is a
process of influencing, motivating, and encouraging people to accomplish tasks and objectives
(Shultad & Mael, 2010); therefore, in ideal situations, all managers will be leaders. In 2020, Mr.
Tri had changed his workplace many times, leading to a significant shift in his team due to the
COVID-19 pandemic. However, he stated that there are a few criteria that are crucial to him to
manage any good teams, for example.
The manager needs to be a pioneer. Managers need to be able to explain, predict, and
especially influence how their employees behave (Robbins & Coulter, 2018). Consequently, if
they can receive great advice from the manager, they would be happier, which has been proved
to have a strong relationship with employee productivity (Judge et al., 2001). Furthermore, some
researches also state that happy and productive workers can improve job satisfaction and
customer satisfaction (Bitner, Blooms & Mohr, 1994).
Creating a friendly working environment is a key element. A friendly working
environment can help the subordinates to work comfortably by following Maslow's hierarchy of
needs (Cheesebro et al., 2010). By serving the most basic needs in the hierarchy, such as
physiological and safety needs, the worker can feel safe to work effectively and efficiently
(Ambrose & Kulik, 1999). Moreover, a suitable office space can help the employees to gain
respect, get motivation, and even receive everyone’s recognition which can consider higherorder needs like esteem needs and self-actualization needs (Stewart, Nodoushani, & Stumpf,
Sharing opportunities for subordinates to contribute to the organization’s work is
crucial. According to the University of Iowa study, his style of management may be the
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Democratic style which describes a leader who wants his or her workers to contribute their ideas
to the decision-making process to reach the best goal (Lippitt, 1940). Furthermore, Mr. Tri’s
leadership style should be employee-orientated, which emphasizes interpersonal relationships, as
the University of Michigan study identified (Fiaz, Su & Saqib, 2017). As he shared in the
interview, he wants to be the first person to attend any organization’s work and try to help his
workers to show their efforts. Consequently, his contemporary views of leadership should be the
Transformational Leaders, which can be described as a leader inspiring his subordinates to
achieve the best results (Seltzer & Bass, 1990). However, in many further questions, he showed
this style of Charismatic Leaders in which the manager always wants to influence his
professional workstyle to his followers (Kwadade-Cudjoe, 2020). Consequently, his views of
leadership should be a combination of the two styles above.
Controlling is the primary function of management. It is the process of comparing,
monitoring, and correcting to guarantee that activities are done, and the resources of the
company are used effectively and efficiently, as a result, lead to the accomplishment of
predetermined goals (Henri, 2006). Managers at various levels from Top, Middle, to Lower
ought to perform controlling functions in order to keep control over activities in their area. This
function helps to find out how the actual performance differs from the standard in advance and
also find the reasons for the mistakes, which are essential to take actions to correct based on the
Why is controlling playing an important role in management? Firstly, achieving
organizational goals, controlling function is an accomplishment of measures that further gains
ground towards the authoritative objectives and exposes the deviations, and demonstrates
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
remedial activity. As a result, it helps in managing the authoritative objectives, which can be
accomplished by playing out a controlling capacity (Armstrong, 2011). Secondly, to ensure
efficient resource usage in a company, every action is acted in such a way as predetermined
principles and standards. Therefore, the assets are utilized in the most effective way for the
further accessibility of resources and help to save budget for the company (Bromley, 1992).
Thirdly, by empowering employees and maintaining heavy-handed acts, the manager has created
a disciplinary environment limiting any unethical behaviors from the employees. Accordingly,
they will acknowledge that the company can keep track and discover their work by using several
methods, like PC software as a part of the company’s control framework (Cascio, 2003). Finally,
it can help the company with improving employees’ motivation through a control system in
which their expectations are understood, and they clearly know about the standards of each
performance. Therefore, they can do their best and feel motivated by the company (Aguinis,
How to minimize and control workplace conflicts related to the manager. As the
manager said in the video before about how to control the conflicts between employees, conflicts
are unavoidable in the company, but if we do not encounter them directly, it will keep the
problem worse. If the conflicts from personal reasons, they should not let it affect the whole
strategy; otherwise, if the cause is from work, the manager should consider the serious problem
and talk face to face to them in order to deal with conflicts (Argyris, 1991). Consequently, it may
create a productive environment in a company or aim at finishing the final goal of a team
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Organization’s Problem and Solutions
Problem Overview
The COVID-19 pandemic has set the alarm to not only human health but also the economy
all over the world compared to the 1991 and 2009 recession (The Global Economic Outlook
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2021). See Appendix A, page 21-22 for detailed analysis.
Consequently, Mr. Tri, who is an experienced manager in the Customer Service
Department in Vietcombank, had to encounter several issues during the year 2020. As he shared,
the pandemic left his organization with various difficulties in both short-term and long-term
periods. Firstly, the fundamental problems are cutting down on functional workers and their
salaries. Furthermore, COVID-19 left a massive question about employee’s healthcare and the
infected workplace (Than, et al, 2020). Not only did it impact the term of internal factors, but it
damaged the whole system of the bank (MENA Report, 2020). In the crisis, people consumed
more diminutive than they used to, leading to the issue of where to find the income source.
Moreover, if there was no cash from customers, it is nearly impossible for the bank to lend to
other businesses, which may quickly encounter bankruptcy.
In the further future, when the pandemic and the economic depression pass, Vietcombank
will need to have great recruitment to fill new people to the open positions left after the
pandemic, which can cost them a lot of money. Moreover, the demand for money from citizens
and businesses must increase significantly, which either overloads the bank supply or increases
the risk of bad debts. However, he discussed that there were still a few positive aspects during
the crisis, but he cannot share an organization’s secret.
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Research Group’s Solutions
In the COVID-19 pandemic, banks are encountering customer problems; while almost all
business activities are slowed down, customers are afraid of doing business directly, therefore, in
order to cope with that problem of Vietcombank, there are a few recommendations from the
research group helping the company overcome this problem.
Firstly, encouraging online banking, in contemporary life, people are able to convert
some fundamental things into online activities such as shopping; therefore, it is a good time for
banks to promote their digital transactions (McLeay, 2019). At present, customers are
accustomed to virtual business through internet platforms, banking apps, or conducting business
from home because of the conveniences and safety during the pandemic (Le, 2019). Banks
should promote them on the web and mobile apps that are viable, simple to utilize, and
reasonable price. While it is a good opportunity to advance cashless transactions, such as cards
and versatile applications, there are alternate approaches to work together while ensuring clients.
Secondly, stimulating employees working online, in the time of crisis, they worried about
the return to their office. Although the company has some solutions for separating the space of
the workplace; however, there is still a high risk of the outbreak of COVID-19 (Dhawan, 2020).
Therefore, banks should consider letting their employees work from home if it is possible.
Furthermore, when safety needs are satisfied, the worker's productivity may increase
significantly. As a result, the bank should allow the employees to work remotely during the
Thirdly, building and strengthening the brand in pandemic time, customers have a
tendency to come back to brands that are popular and respectful (Malone, 2013). Consequently,
it is essential to build up a good image in the market as they can appeal to more customers in a
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
rough time. For example, Vietcombank can donate money to the Government in order to deal
with pandemic time, or they can give medical devices to the areas that are suffering from the
disease. As it is a good way to market the Vietcombank brand in that time, it will appeal to more
and more customers coming and doing transactions; therefore, the bank can solve the customers’
Solutions provided by the manager
Although Mr. Tran Quang Tri, as a leader of the Customer Service department, was
struggling terribly to solve employees’ mental breakdown while stabilizing his team’s works. By
constantly encouraging all the employees, the KPI - Key Performance Indicator became better.
Whenever the team members felt hopeless with their failed approaches, Mr. Tri is the one who
boosted their emotions and motivated them to try harder by using many different methods. Some
effective methods are telemarketing or mobilizing family members or relationships based on
some data that have been collected before. Those data are from customers whose information has
been jotted down when subscribing to the new card in Vietcombank or from other sources that
are available to use. Mr. Tri and all of his members strived intensively and constantly to utilize
those phone numbers and more. Moreover, KPI at that time is counted as strictly as one day or
one week, no longer in months as usual. If the team did not reach the KPI one day, the team
needed to try harder to be stable again the income sources for that day and the day before.
Finally, however, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought people a variety of challenges while Mr.
Tri and his team encountered plenty of financial issues with the biggest question: “Where to find
the income sources?” His team has done it successfully besides some rough times.
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
In conclusion, management is never an easy job, but it can help us to gain great
experiences. The interview with Mr. Tran Quang Tri from Vietcombank’s Customer Service
Department has brought meaningful and practical knowledge which are relatively linked to
theories. The research group members are now having a more profound view at the practical
level from the workplace. The research group can partially understand how four primary
functions can apply to the practice and get to know what the biggest problem in his bank was and
how he solved it. By analyzing his speech during the interview, the research group knows how
he appropriately used his knowledge in the workplace, furthermore, to real-life problems to gain
valuable experiences.
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Appendix A: Deep analysis about COVID-19 pandemic
Figure 2: COVID-19’s Global Economic Effects
(Source: World Bank)
In June 2020, according to the ‘Global Economic Prospects,’ this pandemic has created the
largest global recessions in decades by diminishing 5.2 percent in the world GPD, measuring in
market exchange rate weights (Global Economic Prospects, 2021). Vietnam mobilized various
tools to avoid the spread of the coronavirus in the first COVID-19 event. Vietnam's mortality
rate is one of the lowest in the country, thanks to rapid disease isolation (Vietnam's COVID-19
control fuels economic growth, 2020). Vietnam's GDP growth fell to 3.82 percent in Q1 (from
January to due to the novel coronavirus effect, the lowest since 2010. That was better than the
Ministry of Planning and Investment's worst-case scenario estimate of 5.96 percent for the whole
year. Manufacturing and construction rose at the fastest rate of any industry in Q1, at 7.12
percent. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing increased by 0.08 percent, while services grew by 3.27
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
percent. In the first quarter of this year, 18,600 businesses briefly ceased operations, up 26% year
on year. The number of tourists arriving in the country dropped 18% year on year to 3.7 million.
(VnExpress International., 2021)
Figure 3: Vietnam’s GDP Growth in the first quarter each year.
(Source: VnExpress International)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, each area is subject to significant growth slowdowns.
East Asia and the Pacific will only rise by 0.5 percent this year. South Asia will shrink by 2.7
percent, Sub-Saharan Africa will shrink by 2.8 percent, the Middle East and North Africa will
shrink by 4.2 percent, Europe and Central Asia will shrink by 4.7 percent, and Latin America
will shrink by 7.2 percent.
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
The research group had contacted Mr. Tran Quang Tri about two weeks before interviewing
him. As he required, all emails would be written in Vietnamese, the same as the interview.
Figure 4: Invitation Letter sent by the group.
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
Figure 5: Accepting Mail from the manager
Figure 6: Confirmation Letter
Figure 7: Thank you Letter
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Assessment 5 - Interview with a manager - Written Essay
As a manager and also an interviewee of our group for this assignment, Mr. Tri has
expressed his feelings about this project of ISB. Having studied at Western Sydney University
for a long time for a Master’s degree, Mr. Tri really supports us for this project. He was willing
to share his stories and create conditions for us to have more understanding about the manager
role in an organization. He hopes that when the next generation will be successful in the future,
they can come back to school and help the next generation to develop themselves like he was
doing to us at that time. Looking at us doing the project, it makes him feel that there are so many
changes happening that are different from the time he was studying at university.
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