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Endangered Philippine Wildlife: A Critical Review

This paper critiques Ceferino P. Maala's study titled "Endangered Philippine Wildlife Species
with Special Reference to the Philippine Eagle (Pithecophaga Jefferyi) and Tamaraw
(Bubalus Mindorensis)". According to the study's introduction, over half of the nation has lost
most of its greenery and has more severely endangered bird and mammalian species than any
other country, because of the necessity for agricultural growth and urbanization, it is unavoidable
to believe that this is true. The purpose of this review is to assess and critique all of the material
supplied in the research that lists the various endemic species in the Philippines.
The Philippines is rich in marine and land resources from which 112,589,579 people benefit.
The Philippines is high on the list of priority countries for wildlife conservation around the
world, because of its excessive number of endemic animal and plant species and high rate of
deforestation. There are 180 species of mammals in the Philippines and 115 (67%) of them are
classified now as endemic. Tacio states that the Philippines has already lost 97% of its native
vegetation and will lose considerably more in the future. The Panay Bushy Tailed Cloud Rat,
Ilin-Tailed Cloud Rat, Negros Naked-Backed Fruit Bat, Philippine Tube-Nosed Fruit Bat, The
Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, Visayan Warty Pig, Calamian Hog-Deer, Visayan Spotted Deer,
and Tamaraw have all been classified as "endangered" by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The Philippine eagle is one of the report's highly endangered
bird species. “Endangered species'' are plants and animals that are facing a high risk of extinction
due to excessive hunting and large-scale destruction of their habitat. Among the 9 endemic
species, we will only discuss the most highlighted in this paper, the Tamaraw and Philippine
eagle. The Philippine eagle is the country's largest and the world's second rarest bird of prey
(Molinyawe et al., 1999). In 1995, it was recognized as the Philippine national bird. Agila,
manaol, tipule, mamboogook, malamboogook, and garuda are some of the native names for it.
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Grossman and Hamlet both described the eagle that has large black claws, partly feathered legs,
and scaled lower legs. It has blue-gray eyes and a crest of long pale feathers around its head. It
stands about one meter tall, weighs around four kilograms, and has a wingspan of 6.5 feet. John
Whitehead discovered the first Philippine eagle on Samar Island in 1896. The eagle is only found
in Luzon, Samar, Leyte, and Mindanao, according to Kennedy and Rabor. Because the Philippine
eagle is classified as critically endangered by the IUCN, hunting, and exploitation of this bird is
strictly prohibited. The Philippine eagle population has dropped to critically low levels in recent
years. As of 2022, there are an estimated number of 400 pairs left in the wild as listed by the
International Union for Conservation Nature (IUCN). The tamaraw can only be found on
Mindoro Island, south of the Philippines. Tamaraws are ferocious, nocturnal, and cautious
animals. The tamaraw is similar to the Philippine swamp buffalo or carabao (Bubalus bubalis),
except that it is physically smaller. The tamaraw, like the carabao, requires an appropriate
volume of water for drinking because they have been observed traveling to lower locations in
search of water during the summer. The tamaraw is included in Appendix I of the CITES
Convention on International Trafficking in Endangered Species, which signifies that the
population of this animal has declined to an alarmingly low level, making poaching and trade of
tamaraws illegal. Hunting is unquestionably a severe danger to the remaining wild tamaraw.
According to Harrisson, the population of Tamaraw decreased from 10,000 in 1900 to about 100
in 1969. Lustria and Callo, on the other hand, claimed that there are still 133 tamaraws in the
wild. The Tamaraw Conservation Program was founded in 1979 to save the tamaraw from
extinction by addressing the multiple threats to its population and habitat.
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The endangered wildlife species in the Philippines are catastrophic for many Filipinos. Every
day passes there is another animal or plant that is placed on an endangered list and happening at
an alarming rate. Due to the desire of people to conquer their surroundings, there are endangered
animals and plants that our future generations will not be able to enjoy, because of the actions of
individuals to pollute and destroy the environment. Many plants and animals might disappear
forever and maybe it can only be seen in the picture or painting if it happens. But some are
wondering, what can this do to us and our environment? Why is it important to keep these
species from being extinct? And what do we need to do to prevent their extinction? This is a
necessary topic that must be taken seriously in public for everyone to know how this could
impact and harm us in the coming years. The Philippine eagle is one of the species belonging to
the list of critically endangered. by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
and only 400 pairs of it are left in the wild. Apart from losing what signifies the bravery and
strength of the Filipino people? What else can it do to us, when it is solely lost? What is the
favorable thing that the Philippine eagle does to our community and the world? Why is it so
fundamental for it to be protected? not only the Philippine Eagle but also the tamaraws, that
according to the website of future learn locally. Tamaraw is in their second list of being the most
endangered species in the Philippines and only 480 individuals remain in the wild. In being able
to protect this species, local knowledge is substantial to help everyone better comprehend the
value of local wildlife and their habitats. If our wildlife continues to be lost. Our well-being
depends on the wellbeing of nature, and nature needs us to protect it. (Protect our native wildlife.
(2018)) This simply means that the existence of every species is vital to keep our nature
remaining in its formal process. The Philippine eagle, as a species at the top of the food chain,
plays a substantial role in conserving a calm balance of ecosystems. It naturally helps regulate
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species populations and nourishes a protective screen for all other life forms within its territory.
The great population of Philippine eagles indicates a prosperous forest. This rare and majestic
bird species cannot be found anywhere other than the Philippines. The extinction of species also
implies that the world is forfeiting its precious biological inheritance. Keeping Filipino eagle
populations safe in mountainous areas can provide additional revenue to underserved
communities living in eagle forests through our biodiversity conservation initiatives.
Conservation efforts are also having positive cultural significance for many indigenous
communities in the highlands. Filipino eagles have been included in the oral histories and other
cultural artifacts of several indigenous peoples. This indicates that humans play an important role
in producing unique crops. (The Philippine Eagle. (2019)) Tamaraw plays a critical role in
helping to maintain balance in the forest and grassland ecosystems of which they are part. They
are one of 11 remaining wild cattle species. Despite their short stature, they are known for their
big personalities. (Tamaraw Tales. (2021)) Conserving endangered species and restoring the
balance of the world's ecosystems is very important to humans. A balanced ecosystem keeps the
environment healthy. This ensures people have access to clean air, water, and fertile land for
agriculture. Clean air and water improve quality of life, and fertile land for agriculture ensures
that we produce enough food for consumption. A balanced ecosystem also provides us with
medicinal plants. Therefore, if ecosystems are not maintained, our health can also be affected.
That is why, by contributing to the conservation of endangered species, we are also contributing
to the well-being of mankind. (Collins, A. (2021, August 27)) Although there are many
endangered species in the world, much effort is being made to protect them. Governments,
non-profit organizations, international organizations, communities, and individuals are working
together to improve the population of endangered species. They also operate awareness
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campaigns to get spare people involved in the conservation of important places. As an individual,
you can make an impact by researching and raising awareness of endangered species in your area
and around the world.
In the Philippines, as in other countries, animal and plant species are vanishing. However,
our environmentalists, Wildlife advocates, and specialists are working hard to protect the few
remaining endemic species in our country. With the support of groups like the Philippine Eagle
Foundation and the Tamaraw Conservation Program, endemic species in the country have a
chance to thrive for many more years.
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Countrymeters (2019) Quick facts about the population of the Philippines.
Philippine Eagle Foundation (2019) The Philippine Eagle, Retrieved from.
Conde M. (2020) Rangers protecting Philippine tamaraws go hungry as pandemic bites, from.
Eco Explorations (2018) Support-A-Ranger (Tamaraw Conservation Program) Retrieved from.
Protect our native wildlife. (2018). Forest and Bird. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from
https://www.rewild.org/news/tamaraw-tales-introduction Collins, A. (2021, August 27). Why
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