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Ph.D. Application Guide Italy 39th Cycle

Ph.D. hunting Process (for 39th cycle) Italy (38
is closed now so apply for
39 cycle Ph.D)
1) Search 39th cycle Ph.D. admission (You will find links of universities currently
offering Ph.D. scholarship)
2) Go to the Website and download 39th cycle call Pdf file , where you will find
details of requirements and about the currently open projects as well
3) Choose projects related to your field (you can apply for more than one project)
4) Mostly in Italy they need Research Proposal, Motivational letter, cover letter,
Master Thesis summary, passport and CV (Europass format
5) There are 2 round of selection
1. After reviewing your documents they give marking
according to your documents i.e. they select student obtain
20 marks out of 30 or 50.
2. After passing the first round there will be a short 5 to 10
min interview on Teams or zoom, where you have to
present your proposal (aims and objectives). Then within
week or two they publish the ranking of all candidates. You
have to check the ranking website page for marks updated.
Step 1
Google Searching
You will find all links related to 39th cycle Ph.D scholarship
Open link you will find some thing like this
Check projects
related to your field
When you open the
You will find projets
like this
Choose project, Prepare documents required
You will find
Details of required
Here will you find the detials of Exam, dates ,time
and evaluation process
After first round and interview here you can find the ranking
list like this
Shabab Hussain
Ph.D Applied Biology and Experimental medicine
University degli studi di Messina Italy