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Hydraulic Arm Project Report: Design, Construction & Applications

A PROJECT ON Hydraulic Arm
Rashi Bista
Group: Q
• Pratik Shrestha
Department of physics
Moonlight Secondary School
Kumaripati, Lalitpur
• Rahul Patel
• Rahul Chaudhary
• Rashi Bista
Class :12
Batch- '2079'
We feel immense pleasure in acknowledging our
ineptness and heartfelt sense of gratitude to our
respected supervisor Lok Nath Sharma, Department
of Chemistry, Moonlight Secondary School for his
sustained encouragement, regular guidance,
inspiration, valuable suggestion and great support
throughout our period.
Our special thanks goes to the Head of
Department, Lok Nath Sharma, Moonlight Secondary
School for providing us necessary requirements and
suggestions. We would like to thank and express our
sincere appreciation to family members.
Thank you all.
Group: Q
Date : 2023 -03-5
Hydraulic Robotic Arm is a system which coupled by machines and hydraulic. It is
widely applicable in all kinds of large engineering equipment's. Such as arm frame
of crane. The arm system of the redundant freedom, strong, nonlinear, coupled
with rigid and flexible characters. In hydraulic robotic arm the dynamic
differential equation is built with the driving force of the hydraulic cylinder as the
main force.Hydraulic systems use a liquid, usually oil, to transmit force. This
system works on the same principles as other mechanical systems and trades
force for distance. Hydraulic systems are used on construction sites and in
elevators. They help users perform tasks that they would not have the strength to
do without the help of hydraulic machinery. They are able to perform tasks that
involve large amounts of weight with seemingly little effort.
By using the PD controlled theory without de coupling and rank decreasing only
with feedback from control of the arm and position pose and movement the
relationship between the hydraulic system and the end positions & pose is
studied. The simultaneous result prove the movement equation built by this way
can clearly describe each dynamic character of the mechanical arms.
Pascal’s law the basis of hydraulic drive systems. As the pressure in the system is
the same, the force that the fluid gives to the surroundings is therefore equal to
pressure area. In such a way, a small piston feels a small force and a large piston
feels a large force.
A change in pressure at any point in an enclosed fluid at rest is transmitted
undiminished to all points in the fluid
AP = pg
Appratus Required
> Card board
>plastic syringes
>plastic tubing
> Connector strips
Making the Blueprint
Fig:Blueprint for the hydrualic arm
Steps Involved
We designed all the parts so that you don't have to measure and draw. Simply
print out the two files, with the same scale, all parts are in their right dimensions.
Follow the templates and carefully cut out both the Arm Support and Forearm.
Note that we had started it out with a single corrugated cardboard but then we
had to strengthen it by adding a second layer.
Once you have cut out the gripper you can proceed to making the holes.
All the points on the templates are where the holes should be. These holes are
the size of your toothpicks so find the appropriate bit. Start by poking the tip of
your knife to form a small dent, a guide for the bit. Then carefully drill out all the
holes and you are ready to start assembling the ARM.
TIP : You will notice that just by the weight of the drill the hole gets poked. though
the small spacers tend to fold and get ruined. To avoid that from happening you
can push through a screwdriver instead.
Step 4: Dry Fit
We would advise you to start by assembling a dry fit to make sure you know
which piece goes where. This will avoid any mistakes or confusions later on. The
plans are well explained and I don't think you will have any problems in following
them : )
Step 5: Masking Tape to the Rescue
You will notice that the ends of the pieces with extensive use weakens and starts
separating. We found an easy way to fix that by covering all the edges of the
pieces with strips of masking tape! This not only strengthens the whole structure
significantly but also adds a nice look to our model!
Step 6: Preparing the Syringes
Take four syringes, these will be the ones attached to the Arm. To attach it in a
way that the joint can still pivot you need to adjust the syringes like so.
Clip the extra plastic piece on top as it can cause unnecessary width
Drill a hole around half a cm from the top of dia the size of the toothpick. One out
of the four syringes will have two holes at the top, this being the gripper's syringe.
Get two zip ties and close them in this ''figure of eight'' shape. Tighten one loop
around the syringe then slip in a toothpick on the other one and tighten it till it
bits tightly, finally clip the extra bit of the zip tie.
Step 7: Rotating Platform
To make the rotating platform, find an old pen cap, you will use that as the axis on
which the arm rotates on. Cut a piece of cardboard with length and width little
bigger than the Support pieces.
Make a hole in the center with dia a bit bigger than the pen cap's, to permit easy
movement. Stick the piece with superglue to the support pieces. Then grab a
much bigger rectangular cardboard piece to form your base. Like before drill a
hole in the center this time so that the cap fits snugly. Push the cap in and put
dabs of glue for strength. Then slip in the main body.
Step 8: Rotating Platform Mechanism
Now that we have the mechanism ready it's time to add the syringe. Cut the
pieces and stick them together like in the pictures. Then attach one end of the
syringe to the newly made piece. Stick the piece with superglue onto the main
body, all that's left is to compress the syringe and simply insert a toothpick into
the base. this will automatically fix your syringe and convert the movement into a
rotation of the arm.
Step 9: The Gripper!
Insert the semi stiff copper wires in the inner holes and bend them outwards so
that they cant come out. Then twist each one into their respective holes in the
syringe. I bent two small pieces of cardboard around a ruler to give me my end of
the gripper. To add grip we cut out two tiny rectangles from an old ''Yoga Mat''
and stuck them at both ends. Fix the syringe and stick the triangular part of the
gripper to the arm.
Step 10: Snip the Ends
You are almost done, just clip the ends of the protruding toothpicks.
fill the ''controllers'' (remaining syringes). Then cut your tubing into four equal
parts. Attach the end to the controller and squeeze the syringe till water starts
coming out at the other end. This is to make sure you don't loose any pressure.
now attach the other syringe ( the one in the arm) making sure it's fully
Press and pull to see the magic!
Applications of hydraulic arm
Hydraulic systems are used in countless applications: brakes and steering on cars;
hydraulic lifts and jacks for servicing cars; airplane wing flaps, stabilizer controls,
and landing gear; mechanical arms on garbage trucks; blades on bulldozers; and
so on.Some of the applications of hydraulic arm are given below:1.This system works on the same principles as other mechanical systems and
trades forces for distance. Hydraulic systems are used on construction sites and in
elevators. They help users perform tasks that they would not have the strength to
do without the help of hydraulic machinery.
2.These arms are used in assembly lines of mega factories to assemble various
parts of a product and also to paint some vehicles.
3.They are also used in earth movers to pick up heavy weights and keep up where
they are repuired.
4.Same principle is being used in JCB's and other automobiles as well as some
other heavy lifters.
Our design uses extremely simple ideas and mechanisms to achieve a complex set
of actions and is intended to imitate the actions of the operators. However, these
hydraulic arms are expensive for small scale industries. If the major problem of
high initial cost is addressed, a robotic hydraulic arm can be introduced in any
industry to bring in automation. The mechanical links and parts that have been
fabricated are extremely simple.