3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Terms in this set (790) Remote Sensing ATI collection and interpretation of information about an object without being in physical contact with the object Apparent thermal inertia AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer AVIRIS Airborne visible and infrared imaging spectrometer CALIPSO Cloud-Aerosol Lider and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations CCD Charge-coupled detector CCT Computer-compatible tape COSMIC CRT Computer Software Management and Information Center Cathode ray tube CZCS Coastal Zone color scanner EDC EROS Data Center EOSAT The commercial company that took over operations of the Landsat system in 1985 ERBSS Earth Radiation Budget Sensor System EREP Earth Resources Experiment Package EROS Earth Resources Observation System ERTS Earth Resource Technology Satellite Print Combine Embed Report Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 1/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet ESA European Space Agency ETC Earth-terrain camera GCP Ground-control point GMT Greenwich mean time GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite GRACE GSFC HCMM Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Goddard Space Flight Center Heat Capacity Mapping Mission HIRIS High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer HIRS High Resolution Infrared Spectrometer HRPT High Resolution Picture Transmission IFOV Instantaneous field of view IHS IR ISO Index JPL LACIE LFC Intensity, hue and saturation system of colors Infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum that includes wavelengths from 0.7m to 1mm. Index of the International Standards Organization Jet Propulsion Laboratory Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment Large-format camera MODIS Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer MOMS Modular optoelectric multispectal scanner Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 2/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet MOS-1 MSS NASA NHAP Marine Observation Satellite Multispectral scanner system of Landsat that acquires images of four wavelengths bands in the visible and reflected IR regions National Aeronautical and Space Administration National High Altitude Photography program of the U.S. Geological Survey NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSSDC National Space Science Data Center OMS Orbital maneuvering system RBV Return-beam vidicon SAMII Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement experiment, carried by Nimbis-7 SAMS Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder, carried by Nimbus-7 SBUV Solar Back-scatter Ultraviolet Instrument carried by NOAA satellites SEAWifs SIR Sea-viewing Wide Field of View Sensor Shuttle Imaging Radar SLAR Side-looking airborne radar SMIRR Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer SMMR Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer SPOT Systeme Probatoire d'Observation del la Terre SSU Stratosphere Sounding Unit TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite THIR Temperature-Humidity Infrared Radiometer Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 3/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet TIMS TM Thermal IR Multispectral scanner Thematic mapper TOMS Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer TOVS TIROS- Operational Vertical Sounder TRMM Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission UHF Ultra High Frequency UTC Universal Time Coordinated UV VAS VISSR VISSR bilinear interpolation cubic convolution destriping DOS GCPs Ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging in wavelengths from 0.01 to 0.4m Atmospheric Sounder, carried by GEOS satellites Visible Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometer carried by the GEOS satellites calculates value for each output pixel based on a weighted average of the four nearest input pixels most widely used; uses weighted average of values within a neighborhood of 16 pixels application of algorithms to adjust incorrect brightness values to values thought to be near the correct value direct method for adjusting digital values for atmospheric degradation; corrects additive effects of atmospheric scattering places on the input image that can be located with precision on the ground and on planimetrically correct maps resampling of an image requires matching the reference image and georeferencing the reference points corresponding to specific location on ground; coordinate system HMM adjusts digital values for atmospheric degradation; applied to entire scene Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 4/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet nearest neighbor reference data RMSE striping AMOEBA ancillary data simplest strategy; assign each corrected pixel the value from the nearest uncorrected pixel information assumed to be correct root mean square error; standard deviation of the difference between actual positions of GCPs and their calculated positions dropped scan lines, horizontal banding caused by small differences in the sensitives of detectors within the sensor basic strategy for unsupervised classification; considers the locations of values as spectral classes are formed data acquired by means other than remote sensing that are used to assist in the classification or analysis computer programs that are designed to stimulate human learning ANN processes through establishment and reinforcement of linkages between input and output data CART frequency histogram fuzzy classification method for incorporating ancillary data into image classification; applies recursive division of data seeks unimodal; mean is used as measure of central tendency; a single peak no distinction is possible between pixels that are central to class definition, and those that are peripheral hybrid classification characteristics of both unsupervised and supervised classification informational classes categories of interest to the users of the data ISODATA classifier that is a variation of min distance; produces results that are superior and have both unsup and sup classification simple and efficient application of distance based classification KNN examines each pixel to be classified, then identifies the k nearest training samples as measured in multispectral data space Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 5/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet uses training data as a means of estimating means and variances of max likelihood classification classes, which are then used to estimate probabilities of unknown pixels uses central values of the spectral data that for the training data as a min distance classification means of assigning pixels to info classes; each pixel is assigned to closest group multispectral data space normalized difference image data at specific frequencies across the EM spectrum measure of distinctiveness; divided difference in class means by the sum of their standard deviation through segmentation process, pixel can be organized to form object oriented classification objects that correspond to features of interest in the image; then treated as entities to be classified parallelepiped classification seed pixel box decision rule; unclassified pixels are projected into data space and known are defined by training data and assigned selection of pixel of interest and grows a region of similar contiguous pixels signature alarm identifies all pixels within the image that match a selected signature spectral classes groups of pixels that are uniform with respect to the brightnesses supervised classification training field unsupervised classification field data locational data considerable analyst interaction; guides classification by identifying areas on the image that are known to belong to each category areas of known identity delineated on the digital image, usually specifying the corner points of a square or rectangle etc minimal interaction with analyst in a search for natural groups of pixels present within image observations collected at or near ground level in support of remote sensing analysis permit attributes or measurements gathered in field to be matched to imagery of same region Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 6/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet nominal classes spatial autocorrelation UAVs accuracy consumer's accuracy error matrix error of commission error of omission khat non-site specific accuracy percent correct precision qualitative designations applied to regions delineated into imagery that convey basic difference with adjacent regions tendency of measurements at one location to resemble those at nearby locations unmanned airborne vehicles; remotely piloted light aircraft that can carry camera or other remote sensing application correctness; measure of agreement between a standard assumed to be correct and a classified image of unknown quality errors of commission, divide correctly classified by total in category identifies errors for each category and misclassification assigning a region to a wrong category a real area on the map has been removed and replaced with a different category equation to adjust overall accuracy using an estimate of change agreement reports percentage correct for entire image without concern for location reports correctly assigned pixels to the total number of pixels available to be classified measure of the sharpness (certainty) of a measurement computes errors of omission by dividing correctly classified pixels by producer's accuracy the total of those on the reference image; informs analyst who prepared classification what percent was correct site-specific accuracy spectral mixing analysis accuracy based on detailed assessment of agreement between map and reference data at specific locations extraction of pure spectra from the complex composites of spectra that form each image Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 7/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet convex geometry endmembers image cube linear mixing mixed pixels (composite signature) non-linear mixing examines multidimensional data envisioned in n dimensions identify extreme limits of the swarm, assumed to represent pure pixels representation of hyperspectral data as 3D figure additive combinations of several diverse materials that occur in patterns too fine to be resolved at the resolution of the sensors occur at the edges of large parcels, average value does not differ greatly from the values that contribute to the average occurs when radiation from several surfaces combines before it reaches the sensor; arises in highly dispersed patterns spectral angle mapping; compare each pixel in the image with each SAM spectral class, then assign a value between 0 (low resemblance) and 1 (high) to each pair spectral library spectral matching change vector analysis image differencing databases that assemble spectra that have been acquired at test sites; representative of varied terrain and climate zones or observed in field sequence of analysis for hyperspectral data vector difference between brightness value vectors of the pixel on two different dates one of them most effective spectral change detection techniques, bands from coregistered images subtracted, pixel by pixel image ratio take a ratio between bands from coregistered images; pixel by pixel postclassification change detection comparing images after classification; error accumulation, "from-to" spectral change detection time series analysis preferred analysis of tradition optical imagery; analysis of spectral changes between two or more dates sequence of data points evenly sampled through time; image chronosequence AVHRR (advanced very high resolution multispectral radiometer carried by meteorological satellites in sun radiometer) synchronous orbits Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 8/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet brown wave chloroplasts crop calendar cuticle epidermis floristics green wave land surface phenology seasonal pattern when plant tissues mature, dry and are harvested in fall cells composed of chlorophyll cycle of crops grown during the year in harmony with the regional climate, local practices, and economic incentives translucent waxy layer that prevents moisture loss in leaf interior specialized cells that fit closely together without openings or gaps between them botanical classification of plants, usually based on character of reproductive organs phenomenon when sensors record the widespread growth of spring as it rolls across the continent study of the assessment of seasonal changes over a broad scale NDVI (normalized difference vegetation most frequent and well used index, provides coarse estimate of index) vegetation health and allows monitoring over time perpendicular vegetation index phenology precision agriculture red shift soil brightness line spongy mesophyll tissue stomata a measure of the distance of a pixel from the soil brightness line study of the relationship between vegetative growth and environment based on the premise that farmers can control agricultural practices at varying rates within fields to optimize production as crops approach maturity, the position of chlorophyll absorption edge shifts toward longer wavelengths dry soils appear bright and appear at high end of the line, while wet soils are dark and positioned at low end spongy, irregularly shaped cells separated by interconnected openings; strongly scatters radiation passing through leaf permits movement of air into interior of leaf Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 9/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet tassled cap vegetation index blue shift geobotany linear transformation of Landsat MSS that projects soil and veg info into a single plane in multispectral data space measure biomass or vegetation vigor geochemical stress occurs, position of spectral signature shifts towards shorter wavelength study of the relationship between plants and the underlying geologic substratum concept that the varied and complex assemblages of soil, terrain, integrated terrain units vegetation, and so on form distinctive spectral response that can be recognized and mapped subdivides a region into sets of recurring landscape elements based land system mapping on examination of distribution of soils, vegetation, hydrology, physiography lineaments photoclinometry photogeology chromaticity name given to lines or edges of geologic origin visible on remotely sensed images understanding of the relationship between image brightness and the orientation of the surface that generated the brightness derivation of geological information from the interpretation of aerial photos a measure of the health of a body of water; range form turbid to clear CIE (Commission Internationale de committee that designed the CIE chromacity diagram and how to L'Eclairage) measure chromacity Landsat chromacity diagram multispectral bathymetry turbidity CIE diagram except that it defines a color space using MSS bands 4, 5, 6 instead of RGB depth of penetration varying by wavelength how unclear the water is light that is scattered and reflected within a water body and reflected underlight back towards the surface and through the atmosphere; responsible Remote Sensing Science Olympiadfor water's color https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 10/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet volume reflection land cover land use land use classification biogeochemical cycle DAACs (distributed active archive centers) global land information system LTER (long term environmental research energy that is scattered and reflected withing the water body physical characteristics of a parcel of land economic function of a parcel of land division of land parcel into discrete areas by a nominal classification cycles that govern the movement of various natural chemicals; carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur places established to process and distribute data online USGS service that provides land info established to record long term ecological research sites) absolute temperature absorptance absorption band absorptivity Temperature measured on the Kelvin scale, whose base is absolute zero, i.e. -273¡C; 0¡C is expressed as 273K. A measure of the ability of a material to absorb EM energy at a specific wavelength. Wavelength interval within which electromagnetic radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere or by other substances. Capacity of a material to absorb incident radiant energy The perception by the human eye of changes in brightness, often achromatic vision used to describe the perception of monochrome or black and white scenes. Remote sensing methods that provide their own source of active remote sensing electromagnetic radiation to illuminate the terrain. Radar is one example. A measure of human ability to perceive spatial variations in a scene. It acuity varies with the spatial frequency, shape, and contrast of the variations, and depends on whether the scene is coloured or monochrome. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 11/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet additive primary colors adiabatic cooling advanced very high resolution radiometer (AVHRR) Blue, green, and red. Filters of these colors transmit the primary color of the filter and absorb the other two colors. Refers to decrease in temperature with increasing altitude. Crosstrack multispectral scanner on a NOAA polar-orbiting satellite that acquires five spectral bands of data (0.55 to 12.50m) with a ground resolution cell of 1.1 by 1.1 km. aerial magnetic survey air base airborne imaging spectrometer (AIS) airborne visible and infrared imaging spectrometer (AVIRIS) AIS albedo (A) Survey that records variations in the earth's magnetic field. Ground distance between optical centers of successive overlapping aerial photographs Along-track multispectral scanner with spectral bandwidth of 0.01 m. Experimental airborne along-track multispectral scanner under development at JPL to acquire 224 images in the spectral region from 0.4 to 2.4m. Airborne imaging spectrometer. Ratio of the amount of electromagnetic energy reflected by a surface to the amount of energy incident upon it. track scanner-Scanner with a linear array of detectors oriented normal along to flight path. The IFOV of each detector sweeps a path parallel with the flight direction. Changes in color and mineralogy of rocks surrounding a mineral alteration deposit that are caused by the solutions that formed the deposit. Suites of alteration minerals commonly occur in zones. amplitude For waves, the vertical distance from crest to trough A form of data display in which values are shown in graphic form, such Analog display as curves. Differs from digital displays in which values are shown as arrays of numbers. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 12/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet An image where the continuous variation in the property being sensed is represented by a continuos variation in image tone. In a analogue image photograph this is achieved directly by the grains of photosensitive chemicals in the film; in an electronic scanner, the response in, say, millivolts is transformed to a display on a cathode-ray tube where it may be photographed. angular beam width angular field of view angular resolving power In radar, the angle subtended in the horizontal plane by the radar beam. Angle subtended by lines from a remote sensing system to the outer margins of the strip of terrain that is viewed by the system. Minimum separation between two resolvable targets, expressed as angular separation. An area on an image that differs from the surrounding, normal area. anomaly For example, a concentration of vegetation within a desert scene constitutes an anomaly antenna aperture Apollo Device that transmits and receives microwave and radio energy in radar systems. Opening in a remote sensing system that admits electromagnetic radiation to the film in radar systems U.S. lunar exploration program of satellites with crews of three astronauts. An approximation of thermal inertia calculated as one minus albedo apparent thermal inertia (ATI) divided by the difference between daytime and nighttime radiant temperatures. A feature on an image which is produced by the optics of the system artefact or by digital image processing, and sometimes masquerades as a real feature. Index of the American Standards Association designating film speed, ASA index or sensitivity to light. Higher values indicate higher sensitivity. The ASA index has been replaced by the ISO index. ATI Apparent thermal inertia Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 13/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet atmosphere atmospheric correction Layer of gases that surrounds some planets Image-processing procedure that compensates for effects of selectivity scattered light in multispectral images. An effect produced by the movement of masses of air with different atmospheric shimmer refractive indices, which is most easily seen in the twinkling of stars. Shimmer results in blurring on remotely sensed images, and is the ultimate control over the resolution of any system. atmospheric window attitude AVHRR AVIRIS azimuth azimuth direction azimuth resolution background backscatter backscatter coefficient Wavelength interval within which the atmosphere readily transmits electromagnetic radiation Angular orientation of remote sensing system with respect to a geographic reference system. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer, a multispectral imaging system carried by the TIROS-NOAA series of meteorological satellites Airborne visible and infrared imaging spectrometer Geographic orientation of a line given as an angle measured in degrees clockwise from north. In radar images, the direction in which the aircraft is heading. Also called flight direction. In radar images, the spatial resolution in the azimuth direction Area on an image or the terrain that surrounds an area of interest, or target In radar, the portion of the microwave energy scattered by the terrain surface directly back toward the antenna A quantitative measure of the intensity of energy returned to a radar antenna from the terrain. A wavelength interval in the electromagnetic spectrum. For example, band in Landsat images the bands designate specific wavelength intervals at which images are acquired. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 14/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet base height ratio-Air base divided by aircraft height. This ratio determines vertical exaggeration on stereo models. Method of data processing in which data and programs are entered batch processing into a computer that carries out the entire processing operation with no further instructions bathymetry beam bin binary bit Configuration of the seafloor A focused pulse of energy One of a series of equal intervals in a range of data, most commonly employed to describe the divisions in a histogram. Numerical system using the base 2 Contraction of binary digit, which in digital computing represents an exponent of the base 2. An ideal substance that absorbs all the radiant energy incident on it and emits radiant energy at the maximum possible rate per unit area at blackbody each wavelength for any given temperature. No actual substance is a true blackbody, although some substances, such as lampblack, approach its properties. blind spot brightness The point of the optic nerve to the retina where no radiation is detected by the eye. Magnitude of the response produced in the eye by light. brute force radar-See real-aperture radar byte A group of eight bits of digital data calibration calorie camouflage detection photographs Process of comparing an instrument's measurements with a standard Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1¡C. Another term for IR color photograph Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 15/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet cardinal point effect cathode ray tube (CRT) In radar, very bright signatures caused by optimally oriented corner reflectors, such as buildings. A vacuum tube with a phosphorescent screen on which images are displayed by an electron beam CCD Charge-coupled detector CCT Computer-compatible tape. The linked receptors, retinal neurons, and neural cells in the visual cell assemblies cortex of the brain which enable interaction between perception and past experience centerpoint The optical center of a photograph detection images-A difference image prepared by digitally comparing change images acquired at different times. The gray tones or colors of each pixel record the amount of difference between the corresponding pixels of the original images charge coupled detector (CCD)-A device in which electron are stored at the surface of a semiconductor. Yellowing of plant leaves resulting from an imbalance in the iron chlorosis metabolism caused by excess concentrations of copper, zinc, manganese, or other elements in the plant chromatic vision The perception by the human eye of changes in hue. Scanner in which a faceted mirror rotates about a vertical axis to circular scanner sweep the detector IFOV in a series of circular scan lines on the terrain. classification coastal zone color scanner (CZCS)- Process of assigning individual pixels of an image to categories, generally on the basis of spectral reflectance characteristics A satellite-carried multi-spectral scanner designed to measure chlorophyll concentrations in the oceans. Electromagnetic radiation whose waves are equal in length and are in coherent radiation phase, so that waves at different points in space act in unison, as in Remote Sensing Science Olympiadlaser and synthetic aperture radar https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 16/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Color image prepared by projecting individual black-and-white color composite image multispectral images, each through a different color filter. When the projected images are superposed, a color composite image results color ratio composite image Color composite image prepared by combining individual ratio images for a scene using a different color for each ratio image. Two primary colors of light (one additive and the other subtractive) complementary colors- that produce white light when added together. Red and cyan are complimentary colors. computer conduction cones contact print context contrast compatible tape (CCT)-The magnetic tape on which the digital data for Landsat MSS and TM images are distributed Transfer of electromagnetic energy through a solid material by molecular interaction. Receptors in the retina which are sensitive to colour. There are cones sensitive to the red, green, and blue components of light. A reproduction from a photographic negative in direct contact with photosensitive paper. The known environment of a particular feature on an image The ratio between the energy emitted or reflected by an object and its immediate surroundings. Image-processing procedure that improves the contrast ratio of contrast enhancement images. The original narrow range of digital values is expanded to utilize the full range of available digital values. contrast ratio On an image, the ratio of reflectances between the brightest and darkest parts of an image. Expanding a measured range of digital numbers in an image to a contrast stretching larger range, to improve the contrast of the image and its component parts convection Transfer of heat through the physical movement of heated matter. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 17/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Cavity formed by two or three smooth planar surfaces intersecting at corner reflector right angles. Electromagnetic waves entering a corner reflector are reflected directly back toward the source. Computer Software Management and Information Center, University COSMIC of Georgia. This facility distributes computer programs developed by U.S. government-funded projects. Describes a radar pulse in which the polarization direction of the cross-polarized return is normal to the polarization direction of the transmission. Cross-polarized images may be HV (horizontal transmit, vertical return) or VH (vertical transmit, horizontal return). Scanner in which a faceted mirror rotates about a horizontal axis to cross-track scanner sweep the detector IFOV in a series of parallel scan lines oriented normal to the flight direction. CRT Cathode ray tube The digital number in the histogram of a digital image which is set to cut off- zero during contrast stretching. Usually this is a value below which atmospheric scattering makes a major contribution. cycle One complete oscillation of a wave CZCS Coastal Zone color scanner )-On Landsats 1 and 2, the system that acquired information from data collection system (DCS)- seismometers, flood gauges, and other measuring devices. These data were relayed to ground receiving stations. densitometer density, of images density, of materials (r)- Optical device for measuring the density of photographic transparencies Measure of the opacity, or darkness, of a negative or positive transparency. Ratio of mass to volume of a material, typically expressed as grams per cubic centimeter. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 18/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Process of converting the continuous gray tones of an image into a density slicing series of density intervals, or slices, each corresponding to a specific digital range. The density slices are then displayed either as uniform gray tones or as colors. depolarized -Refers to a change in polarization of a transmitted radar pulse as a result of various interactions with the terrain surface In radar, the angle between the imaginary horizontal plane passing depression angle (y)- through the antenna and the line connecting the antenna and the target. detectability detector developing dielectric constant Measure of the smallest object that can be discerned on an image Component of a remote sensing system that converts electromagnetic radiation into a recorded signal Chemical processing of an exposed photographic emulsion to produce an image. -Electrical property of matter that influences radar returns. Also referred to as complex dielectric constant Image prepared by subtracting the digital values of pixels in one difference image image from those in a secon image to produce a third set of pixels. This third set is used to form the difference image. diffuse reflector Surface that reflects incident radiation nearly equally in all directions digital display A form of data display in which values are shown as arrays of numbers An image where the property being measured has been converted digital image from a continuous range of analogue values to a range expressed by a finite number of integers, usually recorded as binary codes from 0 to 255, or as one byte. digital image processing digital number (DN) digitization Computer manipulation of the digital-number values of an image Value assigned to a pixel in a digital image Process of converting an analog display into a digital display. digitizerScience Olympiad Device for scanning an image and converting it into numerical format. Remote Sensing https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 19/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet directional filter distortion diurnal Mathematical filter designed to enhance on an image those linear features oriented in a particular direction. On an image, changes in shape and position of objects with respect to their true shape and position. Daily Describes the change in observed frequency that electromagnetic or Doppler principle other waves undergo as a result of the movement of the source of waves relative to the observer A change in the observed frequency of EM or other waves caused by Doppler shift the relative motion between source and detector. Used principally in the generation of synthetic-aperture radar images. dwell time Time required for a detector IFOV to sweep across a ground resolution cell EDC -EROS Data Center. edge A boundary in an image between areas with different tones edge enhancement Ektachrome Image-processing technique that emphasizes the appearance of edges and lines. A Kodak color positive film. -Energy propagated in the form of and advancing interaction electromagnetic radiation between electric and magnetic fields. All electromagnetic radiation moves at the speed of light electromagnetic spectrum emission emissivity (e )- emittance Continuous sequence of electromagnetic energy arranged according to wavelength or frequency. Process by which a body radiates electromagnetic energy. Emission is determined by kinetic temperature and emissivity. Ratio of radiant flux from a body to that from a blackbody at the same kinetic temperature and emissivity -A term for the radiant flux of energy per unit area emitted by a body. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad(Now obsolete). https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 20/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet emulsion energy flux enhancement EOSAT ERBSS EREP EROS EROS Data Center (EDC)- ERTS -Suspension of photosensitive silver halide grains in gelatin that constitutes the image-forming layer on photographic film Radiant flux. Process of altering the appearance of an image so that the interpreter can extract more information. The commercial company that took over operations of the Landsat system in 1985 Earth Radiation Budget Sensor System, carried by NOAA satellites -Earth Resources Experiment Package, carried on Skylab and consisting of cameras and multispectral scanner. Earth Resources Observation System Facility of the U.S. Geological Survey at Sioux Falls, South Dakota, that archives, processes, and distributes images. -Earth Resource Technology Satellite, now called Landsat European Space Agency, based in Paris. A consortium between ESA several European states for the development of space science, including the launch of remote-sensing satellites. ETC Evaporative cooling -Earth-terrain camera. Temperature drop caused by evaporation of water from a moist surface A colour image where parts of the non-visible EM spectrum are expressed as one or more of the red, green, and blue components, so false colour image that the colours produced by the Earth's surface do not correspond to normal visual experience. Also called a false-colour composite (FCC). The most commonly seen false-colour images display the verynear infrared as red, red as green, and green as blue. false color photograph far range Another term for IR color photograph The portion of a radar image farthest from the aircraft or spacecraft Remote Sensing Science Olympiadflight path https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 21/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet film film speed- filter, digital filter, optical flight path fluorescence Light-sensitive photographic emulsion and its base Measure of the sensitivity of photographic film to light. Larger numbers indicate higher sensitivity Mathematical procedure for modifying values of numerical data A material that, by absorption or reflection, selectivity modifies the radiation transmitted through an optical system. Line on the ground directly beneath a remote sensing aircraft or space craft. Also called flight line Emission of light from a substance following exposure to radiation from an external source. -Representation of the speed of a lens determined by the focal length f-number divided by diameter of the lens. Smaller numbers indicate faster lenses focal length -In cameras, the distance from the optical center of the lens to the plane at which the image of a very distant object is brought into focus A distortion in radar images causing the lengths of slopes facing the foreshortening antenna to appear shorter on the image than on the ground. It is produced when radar wavefronts are steeper than the topographic slope. format forward overlap Size of an image. The percent of duplication by successive photographs along a flight line. The region around that point on the retina intersected by the eye's fovea optic axis, where receptors are most densely packed. It is the most sensitive part of the retina. frequency (v )- The number of wave oscillations per unit time or the number of wavelengths that pass a point per unit time Focal length of a lens divided by the diameter of the len's adjustable f-stop diaphragm. Smaller numbers indicate larger openings, which admit Remote Sensing Science Olympiadmore light to the film. https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 22/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet GCP Gemini Ground-control point -U.S. program of two-man earth-orbiting spacecraft in 1965 and 1966. A data-handling and analysis system based on sets of data distributed spatially in two dimensions. The data sets may be map oriented, when they comprise qualitative attributes of an area recorded as lines, geographic information system (GIS) points, and areas often in vector format, or image oriented, when the data are quantitative attributes referring to cells in a rectangular grid usually in raster format. It is also known as a geobased or geocoded information system. geometric correction Image-processing procedure that corrects spatial distortions in an image. Refers to satellites traveling at the angular velocity at which the earth geostationary rotates; as a result, they remain above the same point on earth at all times. Geostationary Operational Environmental a NOAA satellite that acquires visible and thermal IR images for Satellite- meteorologic purposes. An orbit at 41 000 km in the direction of the Earth's rotation, which geostationary orbit matches speed so that a satellite remains over a fixed point on the Earth's surface. geothermal Goddard Space Flight Center GMT GOES gossan granularity -Refers to heat from sources within the earth. -The NASA facility at Greenbelt, Maryland, that is also a Landsat ground receiving station. Greenwich mean time. This international 24-h system is used to designate the time at which Landsat images are acquired. Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite -Surface occurrence of iron oxide formed by the weathering of metallic sulfide ore minerals. Graininess of developed photographic film that is determined by the texture of the silver grains. gray scale Remote Sensing Science OlympiadA sequence of gray tones ranging from black to white. https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 23/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet The result of interpolation from values of a variable measured at irregularly distributed points, or along survey lines, to values referring grid format to square cells in a rectangular array. It forms a step in the process of contouring data, but can also be used as the basis for a raster format to be displayed and analyzed digitally after the values have been rescaled to the 0-255 range. control point-A geographic feature of known location that is ground recognizable on images and can be used to determine geometric corrections. ground range On radar images, the distance from the ground track to an object ground-range image- Radar image in which the scale in the range direction is constant ground receiving station ground resolution cell ground swath GSFC harmonic Facility that records data transmitted by a satellite, such as Landsat Area on the terrain that is covered by the IFOV of a detector Width of the strip of terrain that is imaged by a scanner system Goddard Space Flight Center Refers to waves in which the component frequencies are wholenumber multiples of the fundamental frequency. -Heat Capacity Mapping Mission, the NASA satellite launched in 1978 HCMM to observe thermal properties of rocks and soils. It remained in orbit for only a few months. Ratio of heat absorbed or released by a material to the heat capacity-(c ) corresponding temperature rise or fall. Expressed in calories per gram per degree centigrade. Also called thermal capacity. Heat Capacity Mapping Mission (HCMM)- highlights NASA satellite orbited in 1978 to record daytime and nighttime visible and thermal IR images of large areas. Areas of bright tone on an image -A spatial filter which selectively enhances contrast variations with high-pass filter high spatial frequencies in an image. It improves the sharpness of images and is a method of edge enhancement. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 24/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet HIRIS HIRS High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer, possibly to be carried by the Space Shuttle. High Resolution Infrared Spectrometer, carried by NOAA satellites. A means of expressing the frequency of occurrence of values in a data set within a series of equal ranges or bins, the height of each bin representing the frequency at which values in the data set fall within histogram- the chosen range. A cumulative histogram expresses the frequency of all values falling within a bin and lower in the range. A smooth curve derived mathematically from a histogram is termed the probability density function (PDF). hue IFOV IHS In the IHS system, represents the dominant wavelength of a color -Instantaneous field of view. -Intensity, hue, and saturation system of colors -pictorial representation of a scene recorded by a remote sensing image system. Although image is a general term, it is commonly restricted to representations acquired by non-photographic methods. The breaking down of a continuous scene into discrete spatial image dissection elements, either by the receptors on the retina, or in the process of capturing the image artificially. A defect produced in line scanner and pushbroom imaging devices produced by the non-uniform response of a single detector, or image striping amongst a bank of detectors. In a line-scan image the stripes are perpendicular to flight direction, but parallel to it in a pushbroom image. image swath- incidence angle incident energy index of refraction (n) - See ground swath -In radar, the angle formed between an imaginary line normal to the surface and another connecting the antenna and the target. Electromagnetic radiation impinging on a surface. Ratio of the wavelength or velocity of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum to that in a substance. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 25/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Solid angle through which a detector is sensitive to radiation. In a instantaneous field of view (IV) scanning system, the solid angle subtended by the detector when the scanning motion is stopped. intensity In the IHS system, brightness ranging from black to white Method of image processing in which the operator views preliminary interactive processing results and can alter the instructions to the computer to achieve desired results. interpretation- interpretation key- IR The process in which a person extracts information from an image Characteristic or combination of characteristics that enable an interpreter to identify an object on an image. Infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum that includes wavelengths from 0.7m to 1 mm. -Color photograph in which the red-imaging layer is sensitive to photographic IR wavelengths, the green-imaging layer is sensitive to IR color photograph red light, and the blue-imaging layer is sensitive to green light. Also known as camouflage detection photographs and false-color photographs. ISO index isotherm Johnson Space Flight Center JPL Ka band kernel kinetic energy Index of the International Standards Organization, designating film speed in photography. Higher values indicate higher sensitivity Contour line connecting points of equal temperature. Isotherm maps are used to portray surface-temperature patterns of water bodies A NASA facility in Houston, Texas Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a NASA facility at Pasadena, California, operated under contract by the California Institute of Technology Radar wavelength region from 0.8 to 1.1 cm Two-dimensional array of digital numbers used in digital filtering -The ability of a moving body to do work by virtue of its motion. The molecular motion of matter is a form of kinetic energy Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 26/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet kinetic temperature Kodachrome LACIE Landsat Laplacian filter- large laser Internal temperature of an object determined by random molecular motion. Kinetic temperature is measured with a contact thermometer. A Kodak color positive film. -Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment A series of unnamed earth-orbiting NASA satellites that acquire multispectral images in various visible and IR bands. A form of nondirectional digital filter format camera (LFC)-An experiment first carried on the Space Shuttle in October 1984. Light artificially stimulated electromagnetic radiation: a beam of coherent radiation with a single wavelength. - Invisible image produced by the photochemical effect of light on latent image silver halide grains in the emulsion of film. The latent image is not visible until after photographic development. layover L band lens LFC In radar images, the geometric displacement of the top of objects toward the near range relative to their base. Radar wavelength region from 15 to 30 cm -One or more pieces of glass or other transparent material shaped to form an image by refraction of light -Large-format camera -Light intensity detection and ranging, which uses lasers to stimulate lidar fluorescence in various compounds and to measure distances to reflecting surfaces. light light meter Electromagnetic radiation ranging from 0.4 to 0.7mm in wavelength that is detectable by the human eye Device for measuring the intensity of visible radiation and determining the appropriate exposure of photographic film in a camera Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 27/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Linear topographic or tonal feature on the terrain and on images, lineament maps, and photographs that may represent a zone of structural weakness. linear lineation line drop out- Adjective that describes the straight line-like nature of features on the terrain or on images and photographs. -The one-dimensional alignment of internal components of a rock that cannot be depicted as an individual feature on a map. The loss of data from a scan line caused by malfunction of one of the detectors in a line scanner. -Pair of light and dark bars of equal widths. The number of such line- line-pair pairs aligned side by side that can be distinguished per unit distance expresses the resolving power of an imaging system. An imaging device which uses a mirror to sweep the ground surface line scanner normal to the flight path of the platform. An image is built up as a strip comprising lines of data. The angle between the vertical plane containing a radar antenna and look angle the direction of radar propagation. Complementary to the depression angle. -Direction in which pulses of microwave energy are transmitted by a look direction radar system. The look direction is normal to the azimuth direction. Also called range direction look-up table (LUT)- low-sun-angle photograph luminance- A mathematical formula used to convert one distribution of data to another, most conveniently remembered as a conversion graph. -Aerial photograph acquired in the morning, evening, or winter when the sun is at a low elevation above the horizon Quantitative measure of the intensity of light from a source. An optical illusion of dark and light fringes within adjacent areas of Mach band contrasted tone. It is a psychophysiological phenomenon which aids human detection of boundaries or edges. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 28/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet -A spatial filter, which substitutes the median value of DN from median filter surrounding pixels for that recorded at an individual pixel. It is useful for removing random noise. Mercury microwave -U.S. program of one-man, earth-orbiting spacecraft in 1962 and 1963. Region of the elctromagnetic spectrum in the wavelength range of 0.1 to 30 cm. The range of EM wavelengths from 8 to 14 micrometres dominated by mid-infrared (MIR)- emission of thermally generated radiation from materials; also known as thermal infrared. Mie scattering minimum ground separation minus-blue photographs The scattering of EM energy by particles in the atmosphere with comparable dimensions to the wavelength involved. Minimum distance on the ground between two targets at which they can be resolved on an image Black-and-white photographs acquired using a filter that removes blue wavelengths to produce higher spatial resolution. A pixel whose DN represents the average energy reflected or emitted mixed pixel by several types of surface present within the area that it represents on the ground; sometimes called a mixel. modular optoelectric multispectral scanner An along-track scanner carried on the Space Shuttle that recorded (MOMS)- two bands of data. modulate modulation transfer function (MTF)- To vary the frequency, phase, or amplitude of electromagnetic waves A method of describing spatial resolution MOMS Modular optoelectric multispectral scanner MOS-1- Marine Observation Satellite, launched by Japan in 1987. mosaic MSS -Composite image or photograph made by piecing together individual images or photographs covering adjacent areas Multispectral scanner system of Landsat that acquires images of four wavelength bands in the visible and reflected IR regions. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 29/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet multiband camera- multispectral classification multispectral scanner nadir NASA System that simultaneously acquires photographs of the same scene at different wavelengths. -Identification of terrain categories by digital processing of data acquired by multispectral scanners. Scanner system that simultaneously acquires images of the same scene at different wavelengths. Point on the ground directly in line with the remote sensing system and the center of the earth. -National Aeronautical and Space Administration. The shorter wavelength range of the infrared region of the EM spectrum, from 0.7 to 2.5 m. It is often divided into very-near infrared near infrared (NIR)- (VNIR) covering the range accessible to photographic emulsions (0.7 to 1.0m), and the short-wavelength infrared (SWIR) covering the remainder of the NOR atmospheric window from 1.0 to 2.5m. near range negative photograph NHAP NOAA noise nondirectional filter Refers to the portion of a radar image closest to the aircraft or satellite flight path Photograph on film or paper in which the relationship between bright and dark tones is the reverse of that of the features on the terrain National High Altitude Photography program of the U.S. Geological Survey. -National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Random or repetitive events that obscure or interfere with the desired information. Mathematical filter that treats all orientations of linear features equally. The scattering of EM energy by particles in the atmosphere which are non-selective scattering much larger than the wavelengths of the energy, and which causes all wavelengths to be scattered equally. A hue which is not present in the spectrum of colours produced by non-spectral hue the analysis of white light by a prism of diffraction grating. Examples Remote Sensing Science Olympiadare brown, magenta, and pastel shades https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 30/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet nonsystematic distortion normal color film- NSSDC oblique photograph- OMS orbit Geometric irregularities on images that are not constant and cannot be predicted from the characteristics of the imaging system. Film in which the colors are essentially true representations of the colors of the terrain. National Space Science Data Center. Photograph acquired with the camera intentionally directed at some angle between horizontal and vertical orientations. -Orbital maneuvering system -Path of a satellite around a body such as the earth, under the influence of gravity. A vertical aerial photograph from which the distortions due to varying orthophotograph elevation, tilt, and surface topography have been removed, so that it represents every object as if viewed directly from above. orthophotoscope overlap panchromatic film parallax -An optical-electronic device which converts a normal vertical aerial photograph to an orthophotograph. Extent to which adjacent images or photographs cover the same terrain, expressed as a percentage. Black and white film that is sensitive to all visible wavelengths Displacement of the position of a target in an image caused by a shift in the observation system. The difference in the distance on overlapping vertical photographs parallax difference between two points, which represent two locations on the ground with different elevations. -Describes a radar pulse in which the polarization of the return is the parallel-polarized same as that of the transmission. Parallel-polarized images may be HH (horizontal transmit, horizontal return) or VV (vertical transmit, vertical return). In digital filters, refers to the spatial frequency of data transmitted by pass the filter. High-pass filters transmit high-frequency data; low-pass Remote Sensing Science Olympiadfilters transmit low-frequency data. https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 31/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet passive microwaves passive remote sensing path-and-row index pattern Radiation in the 1 mm to 1 m range emitted naturally by all materials above absolute zero. Remote sensing of energy naturally reflected or radiated from the terrain. System for locating Landsat MSS and TM images -Regular repetition of tonal variations on an image or photograph. Defect on Landsat MSS or TM images in which no data are recorded periodic line dropout for every sixth or sixteenth scan line, causing a black line on the image. -Defect on Landsat MSS or TM images in which every sixth or periodic line striping sixteenth scan line is brighter or darker than the others. Caused by the sensitivity of one detector being higher or lower than the others. photodetector photogeology photograph photographic IR- photographic UV- photomosaic Device for measuring energy in the visible-light band Mapping and interpretation of geologic features from aerial photographs. Representation of targets on film that results from the action of light on silver halide grains in the film's emulsion. Short-wavelength portion (0.7 to 0.9 m) of the IR band that is detectable by IR color film or IR black-and-white film Long-wavelength portion of the UV band (0.3 to 0.4 m) that is transmitted through the atmosphere and is detectable by film. Mosaic composed of photographs photon Minimum discrete quantity of radiant energy photopic vision Vision under conditions of bright illumination. picture element In a digitized image, the area on the ground represented by each digital number. Commonly contracted to pixel. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 32/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet pitch pixel Planck's Law- point spread function (PSF)- polarization Rotation of an aircraft about the horizontal axis normal to its longitudinal axis that causes a nose-up or nose-down attitude Contraction of picture element An expression for the variation of emittance of a blackbody at a particular temperature as a function of wavelength. The image of a point source of radiation, such as a star, collected by an imaging device. A measure of the spatial fidelity of the device. The direction of orientation in which the electrical field vector of electromagnetic radiation vibrates. An orbit that passes close to the poles, thereby enabling a satellite to polar orbit pass over most of the surface, except the immediate vicinity of the poles themselves. Electromagnetic radiation in which the electrical field vector is polarized radiation- contained in a single plane, instead of having random orientation relative to the propagation vector. Most commonly refers to radar images. positive photograph Photographic image in which the tomes are directly proportional to the terrain brightness. A vegetation anomaly that is recognizable on IR film before it is visible to the naked eye or on normal color photographs. It results when previsual symptom- stressed vegetation loses its ability to reflect photographic IR energy and its recognizable on IR color film by a decrease in brightness of the red hues. -A set of three colors that in various combinations will produce the full primary colors range of colors in the visible spectrum. There are two sets of primary colors, additive and subtractive. The analysis of covariance in a multiple data set so that the data can principal component analysis be projected as additive combinations on to new axes, which express different kinds of correlation among the data. principal-component (PC) image- Digitally processed image produced by a transformation that recognizes maximum variance in multispectral images Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 33/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet principal point printout -Optical center of an aerial photograph -Display of computer data in alphanumeric format. A function indicating the relative frequency with which any probability density function (PDF)- measurement may be expected to occur. In remote sensing it is represented by the histogram of DN in one band for a scene. pulse pulse length pushbroom scanner -Short burst of electromagnetic radiation transmitted by a radar antenna Duration of a burst of energy transmitted by a radar antenna, measured in microseconds -An alternate term for an along-track scanner -An imaging device consisting of a fixed linear array of many sensors which is swept across an area by the motion of the platform, thereby pushbroom system building up an image. It relies on sensors whose response and reading is nearly instantaneous, so that the image swathe can be segmented into pixels representing small dimensions on the ground. The elementary quantity of EM energy that is transmitted by a particular wavelength. According to the quantum theory, EM radiation quantum is emitted, transmitted, and absorbed as numbers of quanta, the energy of each quantum being a simple function of the frequency of the radiation Acronym for radio detection and ranging. Radar is an active form of radar remote sensing that operates in the microwave and radio wavelength regions. A non-imaging device that records the time of radar returns from radar altimeter- vertically beneath a platform to estimate the distance to and hence the elevation of the surface; carried by Seasat and the EAS-ERS-1 platforms. A measure of the intensity of backscattered radar energy from a point radar cross section target. Expressed as the area of a hypothetica surface which scatters radar equally in all directions and which would return the same energy to the antenna. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 34/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet -A measure of the back-scattered energy from a target with a large radar scattering coefficient- area. Expressed as the average radar cross section per unit area in decibels (dB). It is the fundamental measure of the radar properties of a surface. radar scatterometer A non-imaging device that records radar energy backscattered from terrain as a function of depression angle. Dark signature on a radar image representing no signal return. A radar shadow shadow extends in the far-range direction form an object that intercepts the radar beam. -The tendency of vertical objects to appear to learn radially away radial relief displacement from the center of a vertical aerial photograph. Caused by the conical field of view of the camera lens. radian radiant energy peak radiant flux- Nagle subtended by an arc of a circle equal in length to the radius of the circle 1 rad = 57.3¡. Wavelength at which the maximum electromagnetic energy is radiated at a particular temperature. Rate of flow of electromagnetic radiation measured in watts per square centimeter Concentration of the radiant flux from a material. Radiant temperature radiant temperature is the kinetic temperature multiplied by the emissivity to the onefourth power. radiation radiometer random line dropout Propagation of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves Device for quantitatively measuring radiant energy, especially thermal radiation. In scanner images, the loss of data from individual scan lines in a nonsystematic fashion. In radar usage this is the distance in the direction of radar propagation, usually to the side of the platform in an imaging radar range system. The slant range is the direct distance from the antenna to the object, whereas the distance from the ground track of the platform to the object is termed the ground range. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 35/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet range direction- range resolution See look direction. In radar images, the spatial resolution in the range direction, which is determined by the pulse length of the transmitted microwave energy. The scanned and illuminated area of a video display, produced by a raster modulated beam of electrons sweeping the phosphorescent screen line by line from top to bottom at a regular rate of repetition. raster format raster pattern A means of representing spatial data in the from of a grid of DN, each line of which can be used to modulate the lines of a video raster. Pattern of horizontal lines swept by an electron beam across the face of a CRT that constitute the image display An image prepared by processing digital multi-spectral data as ratio image follows: for each pixel, the value for one band is divided by that of another. The resulting digital values are displayed as an image. In radar, the relationship between surface roughness, depression Rayleigh criterion angle, and wavelength that determines whether a surface will respond in a rough or smooth fashion to the radar pulse. Rayleigh scattering- RBV Selective scattering of light in the atmosphere by particle that are small compared with the wavelength of light Return-beam vidicon. Radar system in which azimuth resolution is determined by the real-aperture radar transmitted beam width, which is in turn determined by the physical length of the antenna and by the wavelength. real time recognizability rectilinear -Refers to images or data made available for inspection simultaneously with their acquisition. Ability to identify an object on an image Refers to images with no geometric distortion in which the scales in the horizontal and vertical directions are identical. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 36/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet -Information on an image which is either not required for interpretation or cannot be seen. Redundancy may be spatial or redundancy spectral. The term also refers to multispectral data where the degree of correlation between bands is so high that one band contains virtually the same information as all the bands. Ratio of the radiant energy reflected by a body to the energy incident reflectance on it. Spectral reflectance is the reflectance measured within a specific wavelength interval reflected energy peak reflected IR- reflectivity refraction registration relief Wavelength (0.5mm) at which maximum amount of energy is reflected from the earth's surface Electromagnetic energy of wavelengths from 0.7mm to about 3mm that consists primarily of reflected solar radiation. -Ability of a surface to reflect incident energy. Bending of electromagnetic rays as they pass from one medium into another when each medium has a different index of refraction. -Process of superposing two or more images or photographs so that equivalent geographic points coincide. Vertical irregularities of a surface. Geometric distortion on vertical aerial photographs. The tops of relief displacement objects appear in the photograph to be radially displaced from their bases outward from the photograph's centerpoint. remote sensing- collection and interpretation of information about an object without being in physical contact with the object The calculation of new DN for pixels created during geometric resampling correction of a digital scene, based on the values in the local area around the uncorrected pixels. reseau marks -Pattern of small crosses added to photographs. Ability to separate closely spaced objects on an image or resolution photograph. Resolution is commonly expressed as the most closely spaced line-pairs per unit distance that can be distinguished. Also called spatial resolution. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 37/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet resolution target resolving power reststrahlen band Series of regularly spaced alternating light and dark bars used to evaluate the resolution of images or photographs. A measure of the ability of individual components. and of remote sensing systems, to separate closely spaced targets. In the IR region, refers to absorption of energy as a function of silica content. In radar, a pulse of microwave energy reflected by the terrain and return received at the radar antenna. The strength of a return is referred to as return intensity. A system in which images are formed on the photosensitive surface o return-beam vidicon (RBV)- a vacuum tube; the image is scanned with an electron beam and transmitted or recorded. Landsat 3 used a pair of RBV's to acquire images. ringing Fringe-like artefacts produced at edges by some forms of spatialfrequency filtering. rods The receptors in the retina that are sensitive to brightness variations. roll -Rotation of an aircraft that causes a wing-up or wing-down attitude Component of an airborne scanner system that measures and records roll compensation system the roll of the aircraft. This information is used to correct the imagery for distortion due to roll. In radar, the relationship between surface roughness, depression rough criterion angle, and wavelength that determines whether a surface will scatter the incident radar pulse in a rough or intermediate fashion roughness- In radar, the average vertical relief of a small-scale irregularities of the terrain surface. Also called surface roughness. SAMII Stratospheric Aerosol Measurement experiment, carried by Nimbus-7 SAMS Stratospheric and Mesospheric Sounder, carried by Nimbus-7. satellite An object in orbit around a celestial body. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 38/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet In the IHS system, represents the purity of color. Saturation is also the saturation condition where energy flux exceeds the sensitivity range of a detector. SBUV scale scan line- scanner scanner distortion scan skew scattering scattering coefficient curves scatterometer scene Solar Back-scatter Ultraviolet Instrument, carried by NOAA satellites. Ratio of distance on an image to the equivalent distance on the ground. Narrow strip on the ground that is swept by IFOV of a detector in a scanning system -An imaging system in which the IFOV of one or more detectors is swept across the terrain. Geometric distortion that is characteristic of cross-track scanner images Distortion of scanner images caused by forward motion of the aircraft or satellite during the time required to complete a scan. Multiple reflections of electromagnetic waves by particles or surfaces Display of scatterometer data in which relative backscatter is shown as a function of incidence angle. Nonimaging radar device that quantitatively records backscatter of terrain as a function of incidence angle Area on the ground that is covered by an image or photograph. Vision under conditions of low illumination, when only the rods are scotopic vision sensitive to light. Visual acuity under these conditions is highest in the blue part of the spectrum. Seasat sensitivity -NASA unmanned satellite that acquired L-band radar images in 1978. Degree to which a detector responds to electromagnetic energy incident on it. Device that receives electromagnetic radiation and converts it into a sensor signal that can be recorded and displayed as either numerical data or Remote Sensing Science Olympiadan image. https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 39/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Shuttle imaging radar (SIR)- sidelap side-looking airborne radar (SLAR)- side-scanning sonar- side-scanning system signal signal to noise radio (S/N)- silver halide SIR Skylab skylight slant range L-band radar system deployed on the Space Shuttle. Extent of lateral overlap between images acquired on adjacent flight lines An airborne side scanning system for acquiring radar images. Active system for acquiring images of the seafloor using pulsed sound waves. A system that acquires images of a strip of terrain parallel with the flight or orbit path but offset to one side. Information recorded by a remote sensing system. )-The ratio of the level of the signal carrying real information to that carrying spurious information as a result of defects in the system. Silver salts that are especially sensitive to visible light and convert to metallic silver when developed. -Shuttle Imaging Radar, synthetic-aperture radar experiments carried aboard the NASA Space Shuttle in 1981 and 1984. -U.S.earth-orbiting workshop that housed three crews of three astronauts in 1973 and 1974. Component of light that is strongly scattered by the atmosphere and consists predominantly of shorter wavelengths. -In radar, an imaginary line running between the antenna and the target. slant-range distance Distance measured along the slant range. slant-range distortion Geometric distortion of a slant-range image. In radar, an image in which objects are located at positions slant-range image corresponding to their slant-range distances from the aircraft path. On slant-range images, the scale in the range direction is compressed in the near-range region Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 40/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet SLAR Side-looking airborne radar Shuttle Multispectral Infrared Radiometer, a non-imaging SMIRR spectroradiometer carried by the NASA Space Shuttle covering ten narrow wavebands in the 0.5-2.4 m range. SMMR -Scanning Multichannel Microwave Radiometer, carried by Nimbus-7. In radar, the relationship between surface roughness, depression smooth criterion angle, and wavelength that determines whether a surface will scatter the incident radar pulse in a smooth or intermediate fashion. software sonar Space Shuttle -Programs that control computer operations -Acronym for sound navigation ranging. Sonar is an active form of remote sensing that employs sonic energy to image the seafloor -U.S. manned satellite program in the 1980s, officially called the Space Transportation System (STS). A planned series of three polar-orbiting, sun-synchronous satellites to Space Station be launched by NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Japanese Space Agency in the 1990s. They will carry a large range of remotesensing devices spatial-frequency filtering- specific heat- spectral hue spectral reflectance spectral sensitivity spectral vegetation index -The analysis of the spatial variations in DN of an image and the separation or suppression of selected frequency ranges. -The ratio of the heat capacity of unit mass of a material to the heat capacity of unit mass of water. A hue which is present in the spectral range of white light analysed by a prism or diffraction grating. Reflectance of electromagnetic energy at specified wavelength intervals. Response, or sensitivity, of a film or detector to radiation in different spectral regions. An index of relative amount and vigor of vegetation. The index is calculated from two spectral bands of AVHRR imagery Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 41/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet spectrometer spectroradiometer spectrum specular SPOT Stefan-Boltzmann constant- Stefan-Boltzmann law- Stereo base- stereo model- stereo pair stereopsis- Device for measuring intensity of radiation absorbed or reflected by a materiel as a function of wavelength. A device which measures the energy reflected or radiated by materials in narrow EM wavebands. Continuous sequence of electromagnetic energy arranged according to wavelength or frequency. Refers to a surface that is smooth with respect to the wavelength of incident energy -Systeme Probatoire d'Observation del la Terre. Unmanned French remote sensing satellite orbiting in the late 1980s. - 5.68 x 10 -12 W . cm-2 .¡K-4. States that radiant flux of a blackbody is equal to the temperature to the fourth power times the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. Distance between a pair of correlative points on a stereo pair that are oriented for stereo viewing. Three-dimensional visual impression produced by viewing a pair of overlapping images through a stereoscope. -Two overlapping images or photographs that may be viewed stereoscopically. -The ability for objects to be perceived in three dimensions as a result of the parallax differences produced by the eye base. Binocular optical device for viewing overlapping images or diagrams. stereoscope The left eye sees only the left image, and the right eye sees only the right image. SSU subscene subtractive primary colors- -Stratosphere Sounding Unit, carried by NOAA-series satellites. -A portion of an image that is used for detailed analysis. Yellow, magenta, and cyan. When used as filters for white light, these colors remove blue, green and red light, respectively. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 42/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet sunglint -Bright reflectance of sunlight caused by ripples on water Earth satellite orbit in which the orbit plane is nearly polar and the sun-synchronous- altitude is such that the satellite passes over all places on earth having the same latitude twice daily at the same local sun time. sun-synchronous orbit- a polar orbit where the satellite always crosses the Equator at the same local solar time. -Digital-information extraction technique in which the operator supervised classification- provides training-site information that the computer uses to assign pixels to categories. surface phenomenon surface roughness Interaction between electromagnetic radiation and the surface of a material. See roughness. Radar system in which high azimuth resolution is achieved by storing synthetic-aperture radar (SAR)- and processing data on the Doppler shift of multiple return pulses in such a way as to give the effect of a much longer antenna. synthetic stereo images system- systematic distortion- target TDRS telemeter -Stereo images constructed through digital processing of a single image. Topographic data are used to calculate parallax Combination of components that constitute an imaging device Geometric irregularities on images that are caused by known and predictable characteristics. Object on the terrain of specific interest in a remote sensing investigation. Tracking and Data Relay Satellite To transmit data by radio or microwave links terrain Surface of the earth texture Frequency of change and arrangement of tones on an image. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 43/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Thematic Mapper (TM)- thermal capacity (c )- A cross-track scanner deployed on Landsat that records seven bands of data from the visible through the thermal IR regions. See heat capacity Measure of the rate at which heat will pass through a material, thermal conductivity (K)- expressed in calories per centimeter per second per degree Centigrade. thermal crossover thermal diffusivity (k)- -On a plot of radiant temperature versus time, the point at which temperature curves for two different materials intersect. Governs the rate at which temperature changes within a substance, expressed in centimeters squared per second Measure of the response of a material to temperature changes, thermal inertia (P)- expressed in calories per square centimeter per square root of second. thermal IR thermal IR image- thermal IR multispectral scanner (TIMS)- -IR region from 3 to 14 m that is employed in remote sensing. This spectral region spans the radiant power peak of the earth. Image acquired by a scanner that records radiation within the thermal IR band. Airborne scanner that acquires multispectral images within the 8-to14mm band of the thermal IR region Mathematical expression that relates thermal and other physical thermal model- properties of a material to its temperature. Models may be used to predict temperature for given properties and conditions. Medical applications of thermal IR images. Images of the body, called thermography thermograms, have been used to detect tumors and monitor blood circulation THIR tie-point TIMS Temperature-Humidity Infrared Radiometer, carried by Nimbus-7. A point on the ground which is common to two images. Several are used in the coregistration of images. Thermal IR multispectral scanner Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 44/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet TM tone Thematic mapper. Each distinguishable shade of gray from white to black on an image. An optical illusion that may occur on images with extensive shades. topographic inversion- Ridges appear to be valleys, and valleys appear to be ridges. The illusion is corrected by orienting the image so that the shadows trend from the top margin of the image to the bottom. A geomorphic phenomenon in which topographic lows coincide with topographic reversal- structural highs and vice versa. Valleys are eroded on crests of anticlines to cause topographic lows, and synclines form ridge, or topographic highs. TOVS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS)- TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder. Geostationary satellite used to communicate between ground receiving stations and satellite such as Landsat -A sample of the Earth's surface with known properties; the statistics training area of the imaged data within the area are used to determine decision boundaries in classification. As a result of changing one factor in a remote sensing system, there trade-off- are compensating changes elsewhere in the system; such a compensating change is known as a trade-off. training site transmissivity transparency transpiration travel time- -Area of terrain with known properties or characteristics that is used in supervised classification. Property of a material that determines the amount of energy that can pass through the material. Image on a transparent photographic material, normally a positive image. Expulsion of water vapor and oxygen by vegetation In radar, the time interval between the generation of a pulse of microwave energy and its return from the terrain. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 45/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet A theory of colour relating all hues to the combined effects of three tristimulus colour theory- additive primary colours corresponding to the sensitivities of the three types of cone on the retina. unsupervised classification UV -Digital information extraction technique in which the computer assigns pixels to categories with no instructions from the operator. Ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging in wavelengths from 0.01 to 0.4m. A measure of the dispersion of the actual values of a variable about its variance mean. It is the mean of the squares of all the deviations from the mean value of a range of data. VAS VISSR vector format- Atmospheric Sounder, carried by GEOS satellites The expression of points, lines, and areas on a map by digitized Cartesian coordinates, directions, and values. Deviation from the normal distribution or properties of vegetation. vegetation anomaly Vegetation anomalies may be caused by faults, trace elements in soil, or other factors. vertical exaggeration In a stereo model, the extent to which the vertical scale appears larger than the horizontal scale. An imaging device based on a sheet of transparent material whose electrical conductivity increases with the intensity of EM radiation vidicon falling on it. The variation in conductivity across the plate is measured by a sweeping electron beam and converted into a video signal. Now largely replaced by cameras employing arrays of charge-coupled devices (CCDs). A gradual change in overall tone of an image from the centre outwards, caused by the imaging device gathering less radiation from vignetting the periphery of its field of view than from the centre. Most usually associated with the radially increasing angel between a lens and the Earth's surface, and the corresponding decrease in the light-gathering capacity of the lens. visible radiation Energy at wavelengths from 0.4 to 0.7mm that is detectable by the human eye. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 46/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet visual dissonance VISSR volume scattering watt (W)- wavelength Wien's displacement law X band- yaw spectral vegetation index first NASA Landsat launch The disturbing effect of seeing a familiar object in an unfamiliar setting or in an unexpected colour Visible Infrared Spin-Scan Radiometer carried by the GOES satellites. In radar, interaction between electromagnetic radiation and the interior of a material. Unit of electrical power equal to rate of work done by one ampere under a potential of one volt. Distance between successive wave crests or other equivalent points in a harmonic wave. Describes the shift of the radiant power peak to shorter wavelengths as temperature increases. Radar wavelength region from 2.4 to 3.8 cm. Rotation of an aircraft about its vertical axis so that the longitudinal axis deviates left or right from the flight line. use spectral signature of intercepted fraction of photosynthetically active radation to distinguish vegetation. 1972 Thematic Mapper sensor satellites and Landsat 4 1982, Landsat 5 1984, Landsat 6 1993 failed, Landsat 7 1999 dates ETM+ 15 m panchromatic Landsat ETM+ imagery spatial resolution 30 m multispectral bands 60 m thermal infrared band (1999-present) Landsat MSS imagery spatial resolution, 80 m dates (1972-1983) 15 m panchromatic Landsat OLI imagery spatial resolution, 30 m multispectral band dates 100 m thermal (2013-present) Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 47/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet 30 m visible bands Landsat TM imagery spatial resolution 120 m thermal bands (1982-2003) Why is correction needed between TM and Because they have different characteristics of spectral sensors, must ETM+ sensors? correct the spectral reflectance as proposaed by Moran et al 2001. What is temporal resolution of Landsat 16 days satellites? What is spatial resolution of MODIS 250-1000 m of multispectral data since 2000. satellites? What is revisit interval of MODIS? 1-2 days What is spatial and temporal resolution of 1 m panchromatic, 4 m multispectral with revisit rate of 3-5 days, First IKONOS satellite (commercial)? launched in 1999 (Goward et al 2003). What is spatial and temporal resolution of 0.6 m panchromatic and 2.4-2.8 m multispectral from constellation of QuickBird satellites? spacecraft with frequency of 1-3.5 days What is spatial resolution and number of 15-90 m with 14 spectral bands from the Terra Satellite since 2000. ASTER sensor spectral bands, plus when launched? What is spatial resolution of ASTER IR Near-IR bands with 15 m, Shortwave-IR with 30 m, Therman inframred bands? with 90 m. What is spectral and spatial resolution of 224 spectral bands from visible, near-IR to shortwave-IR ranges at AVIRIS airborne sensors? scale of meters to tens of meters. What is spectral and spatial resolution of Hyperspectral with 220 bands from visible to shortwave-IR and a 30 m Hyperion sensors on EO satellites? resolution. When were first SPOT satellites launched? What is spatial resolution of SPOT data? Vegetation study of integrated data from 1986, 1990, ,1993, 1998, 2002. 20 m to 2.5 m. 1 km for SPOT VGT (vegetation) on SPOT 4, 5 every day. Millward et al 2006 in coastal zone near China SPOT 2 HRV and Landsat TM, ETM+ sensors? Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 48/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Phenology study that combined MODIS Knight et al 2006 in Albemarle-Pamlico estuary and Landsat NDVI? corrects distortion of digital images to improve the fidelity of brightness values, differentiates real changes vs noise. Methods radiometric correction include math models but certain parameters known (e.g. atmostpheric conditions) or observation to unchanging reference targets whose radiometry is known. extracts absolute reflectance of scene objects at the earth's surface, absolute radiometric correction requires atmospheric properties and sensor calibration, a challenge to acquire. reduces atmospheric and other variation among multiple images by relative radiometric correction adjusting the radiometric properties of target images to match a base image (Hall et al 1991). addresses geometric distortions, registers image coordinates to geometric correction geocoordinates using calibration data from the sensor, measurements of position and altitude of ground control points. first order transformation applies a standard linear equation matching ground control points (x,y) with loss of extremes and subtelties, popular methods of geometric correction nearest neighbor resampling uses closest pixel as reference, transfers original data values without averaging and therefore retains extremes and subtelties of data. emphasizes and sharpens image features for visualization and image enhancement interpretation, includes gray scale conversion, histogram conversion, color composition and conversion. image classification disadvantage of unsupervised classification process of extracting differentiated classes or themes from raw remotely sensed satellite data once classification complete, must be repeated if new data added. learns an established classification from a training dataset that supervised classification contains predictor variables from each sampleing unit and assigns prior classes to the sampling units. What wavelengths used in NDVI calcs and why? Red and Near IR. Veg highly reflective in near-IR, highly absorptive in visible red. Use contrast between them as indicator of vegetation status. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 49/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Why is NDVI a good indicator of of NDVI is a biophysical parameter that correlates to photosynthetic periodic dynamic changes of vegetation activity or "greenness" of vegetation (Wang and Tenhunen 2004) and groups? as an index, can detect change over images from different times. Multitemporal image classification Identification of vegetation groups based on unique phenology, often identified through NDVI (Lenney et al 1996). Reflectance and absorption spectral signatures developed from Why is hyperspectral imagery well-suited for vegetation studies? hundreds of spectral bands, supporting differentiation of signals from unique species or complex mixed-pixel communities. For instance, Hyperion sensor capable of differentiating five sugar can species in Brazil (Galvao et al 2005). Why is hyperspectral data collection and Must process hundreds of bands and have a signature library based processing expensive? on field surveys for ground-truthing or with a spectrometer image fusion What are four resolution types in a Integration of remotely sensed data at multiple temporal, spatial and spectral resolutions spectral, spatial, temporal and radiometric remotely sensed image? The sensitivity to brightness or signal strength as limited by storage What is radiometric resolution represent? capacity of the sensor (i.e. # of bits). For instance Landsat 1 only 6 bits so range of reflected energy recorded as [0,63] whereas Landsat 4 has 8 bits so [0,255]. Because phase change of water releases or stores heat, the What is the hydrocycle? hydrocycle integrates radiation balance to water, energy and biogeochemical fluxes (Asrar and Dozier 1994). What is energy? Ability to do work 1. conduction (xfer kinetic energy via collision, direct contact) What are three types of energy transfer? 2. convection (xfer kinetic energy via movement) 3. radiation (xfer by electromagnetic waves traveling at speed of light) describe an electromagnetic wave define wave equation two fluctuating fields, one magnetic and other electrical, that travel at right angles to one another, perpendicular to direction of travel wave speed = wavelength x frequency Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 50/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Defines the energy flux from a blackbody given its temperature, M = what is the stefan boltzman equation constant x (absolute temperature)^4 in Watts per meter squared, with constant being the Stefan Boltzman constant. Because a black body, does not consider emissivity. what does the stefan boltzman equation The higher the body's physical temperature, the more energy it emits. say about relationship between temperature and energy emittance photons What is Quantum Theory individual particles of light that carry energy and momentum when interact with matter at the quantum level Energy transferred in discrete packs, quanta or photons as defined by Bohr and Planck What are issues of electromagnetic Differentiation of light that is refracted, scattered, absorbed vs radiation detection via sensors? reflected. refraction scattering three types of scattering bending of light as it moves between media, corrected via Snell's Law unpredictable redirection of light via atmospheric particles, increases brightness rayleigh, mie, and nonselective In upper 4.5 km of atmosphere, scattering via absorption and re- rayleigh scattering emittance of radiation. This scattering is unpredictable in directions b/c diameter of matter is much less than the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation. This explains the blue color of the sky. mie scattering In lower 4.5 km of atmosphere, dust particles scatter light when they are greater than wavelength. In lowest reaches of the atmosphere, particles can be greater than 10x nonselective scatter electromagnetic wavelengths, so all wavelengths scattered. Water droplets are larger particles, explain white clouds. absorption band range of wavelengths where radiation is absorbed by a substance energy transmitted effectively through the atmosphere, so that atmospheric window atmosphere is transparent. Visible light wavelengths occur through an atmospheric window. Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 51/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet extinction coefficient represents combined effects of absorption and scattering outgoing radiance / incoming radiance. re-radiation of photons as reflectance they bounce off an object, described as a fraction of incident flux that's reflected by the surface. how does the temperature of the sun Sun is 5700K vs earth is 288K, so sun glows with emitted energy (peak compare to the temperature of the earth, wavelength in visible spectrum) but earth transmits no visible light how does this affect their emitted energy? (peak wavelength longer). The peak wavelength of a emitted energy from a body = b/T where b Define Wiens Displacement Law = constant and T is temp in Kelvin. So the hotter the body, the shorter the peak emissions wavelength (example of sun vs earth). What factors dominate the lower Leaf pigments, absorption of chlorophyll reflectance values of visible light in vegetation? What factors dominate the NIR plateau of vegetation cell structure vegetation's spectral signature? What factors control the dips in reflectance water absorption of shortwave IR light for vegetation? reflectivity, fraction of solar energy reflected from the earth back into albedo space, varies by wavelength and depends on material texture, color, type. digital number, the raw pixel brightness value from the sensor, not DN converted to physical units, dependent on radiometric resolution of the sensor radiant flux emitted by a unit area as measured through a solid angle radiance (3D). Measured in watts / (square cm sr nm) radiant flux incident on a receiving surface. irradiance Measured in watts/square meter. reflected energy shortwave solar energy that's arrived a surface and then reflected back to a sensor (typical of passive remote sensing techniques) Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 52/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet emitted energy reflectivity brightness value incident energy absoprtion why perform atmospheric correction? why adjust a histogram longwave thermal energy emitted by a body Fraction of incident radiation reflected from a surface raw sensor input for a band, based on radiometric resoutuion of the sensor, not calibrated to physical units, but relates to reflectance. sum of scattering + absorption + transmission, determed by molecules, aerosols, vapor, dust and soot in the atmosphere decreases brightness to minimize scatter and absorption effects from the atmosphere. to increase contrast of the image for visualization and interpretation when is atmospheric correction when inferring physical or biological process that depends on recommended? spectral values or when comparing images over time. How hot is the Sun? L = luminosity = total radiant flux = S 4 Pi $R squared. Know energy emitted absorptivity fraction of incident radiation flux absorbed by a surface transmissivity fraction of incident radiation flux transmitted through a surface. What percent of solar radiation is 70-75% transmitted to the Earth's surface? Affects direction and magnitude of carbon, water and temperature What are ecosystem process fluxes through changes in carbon balance (loss to gain via consequences of leaf out? photosynthesis), humidification via transpiration, surface energy balance via surface albedo and conductance. What is Hopkins Law of Phenology? Growing degree days What is luminosity of the sun? Phenological stage differs by 4 days per degree latitude, 1 day per 100 ft in altitude. sum over 365 days of (max temp + min temp / 2) - reference temp 3.86 x 10^26 Watts Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 53/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet solar constant constant flux density of energy = 1366 Watts per square meter (plus or minus 3). What defines an electromagnetic Differing excitation mechanisms associated with rotation, vibration spectrum? and electron states of molecules and atoms of an emitting body. luminosity total amount of energy emitted by a body per unit time, measured in Joules / sec or Watts Repeat for all bands: 1. Use sensor parameters to convert raw CN to apparent radiance at steps of absolute atmospheric correction sense 2. Use light input geometry to convert apparent radiance to apparent reflectance at top of atmosphere 3. Use atmospheric properties (assumed) to convert to surface reflectance. complex absolute correction requiring knowledge of geometric atmospheric radiative transfer models conditions, atmospheric model for gaseous components, spectral specifications and ground reflectance. why perform contrast enhancement? improve visual quality of image using linear or non-linear techniques to adjust spread of pixel values within available range pigments, nutrients, water content what factors affect spectral signal of surface and structural properties vegetation at the leaf scale? position within the plant age, stress what factors affect spectral signal of vegetation at the plant scale? life form, architecture phenology stress canopy height, complexity what factors affect spectral signal of arrangement of leaf layers vegetation at the canopy scale? background (soil) arrangement of plants in space what factors affect spectral signal of vegetation at the landscape scale? configuration of plant patches hydrology and topography disturbance and management normalized difference vegetation index, normalizes difference NDVI between photosynthetic absorption (red wavelengths) and Remote Sensing Science Olympiadreflectance of near-IR (plateau). https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 54/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet A simple, commonly used standard for detecting green vegetation Why is NDVI used? density, biomass and modeling productivity. But saturates with high LAI. How is EVI different from NDVI? Normalizes the difference between N-IR and Red with N-IR + Red Blue. Less saturation issues with high LAI. Transforms a multi-band image into a set of uncorrelated components based on spectral variation of each band by finding new orthogonal How is Principal Components Analysis axes in the data. Accounts for redundancy, intercorrelation of band used to detect vegetation? data, while highlights differences. Transformations represented by eigenvalues (axis length), eigenvectors (axis orientation). A resulting correlation matrix shows degree that bands were inter-correlated. a form of spectral pattern recognition, detected through _filtering_ of texture each band using moving windows, kernels or training to known data sets. Used to classify imagery. What are critical factors in filtering metrics? window or kernel size what types of filters are used to detect smoothing, variance, edge, directional textural patterns? Haralick (1979), describes how often distinct combos of pixel gray level co-occurrence matrix brightness occur in an image (aka 2nd order texture) by computing mean, variance, homogeneity, entropy, moments, contrast, dissimilarity, correlation over a specific neighborhood. give two scenarios when texture filtering is 1. when characteristic pattern can be expected for a given cover type useful 2. when image pixels are small relative to size of mapped entities 1. patterns within cover types highly variable give three scenarios when texture filtering 2. hotspots of both low and high heterogeneity (no characteristic is not useful pattern) 3. coarse spatial resolution, consumes pattern passive: measures EMR energy reflected or emitted by a surface (e.g. what's the difference between passive and active remote sensing? landsat, modis) active: sends pulse of energy, measures back-scattered radiation (e.g. lidar, radar). Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 55/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet Pros: 1. penetrates clouds what are pros and cons of active remote sensing? 2. day or night Cons 1. process to challenge 2. expensive what are three main types of orbits of satellites? Polar Non-Polar Geostationary Describe trajectory of polar orbiting Passes through poles for global coverage. Some are sun- satellites synchronous, so pass over section of earth at same time of day. Describe trajectory of non-polar orbiting Typically not global coverage due to orbital gaps. Temporal satellites frequency increases with swath size. What are geostationary satellites? At a fixed position, make multiple observations per day. What are two common imaging sensor Pushbroom (along track) scanner types? Whiskbroom (across track) Use a mirror to reflect light onto a single detector, sweeping back and forth, collecting measurements one pixel at a time. Moving parts = How do whiskbroom scanners work? expensive, wear. whiskbroom sensors = Landsat 1-7 A linear array detector arranged perpendicular to flight direction, detects light line-by-line (= a row of pixels) as spacecraft moves, allowing reception of a stronger signal per pixel due to prolonged How do pushbroom scanners work? viewing time compared to whiskbroom. But requires perfect calibration, otherwise stripes in data. pushbroom sensors = SPOT, IRS, QuickBird, Ikonos What are components of a remote data 1. Platform (carries sensors) collection system? 2. Sensor(s), can be > 1 (i.e. Terra) NASA's global gridded notation map for Landsat data, creating an What is the Worldwide Reference System? image catalogue by path and row numberss. Landsat 1-3 (WRS-1) slightly differs from L4-7 (WRS-2, due to lower sat altitude, different swathing pattern, higher freq of coverage) Remote Sensing Science Olympiad https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 56/57 3/1/23, 1:24 PM Remote Sensing Science Olympiad Flashcards | Quizlet pan-sharpening Kauth-Thomas Transformations What is standard measure of "Overall use panchromatic (wide range of wavelengths, higher spatial resolution) to add detail to a multispectral band via math relationships. a type of PCA, combines info from multiple bands to create biophysical variables (Brightness, Greenness, Wetness). = # of accurately mapped samples / total # of samples Accuracy" of a classification? What are components of accuracy measurement of imagery classification 1. positional accuracy 2. thematic accuracy (aim for >85%) 3. overall accuracy (aim for >85%) Via a contingency matrix to determine errors of omission How is accuracy measured? (underestimated) vs commission (overestimation) and calculation of overall accuracy. 1. Can estimate overall and class-based error. What are four strengths of contingency 2. Easy to compute matrix approach to accuracy assessment? 3. Identify pairwise confusions 4. Test sample may be reused to compare multiple models 1. Sensitive to representation and test sample quality What are four limitations of contingency 2. Does not show error in space matrix approach to accuracy assessment? 3. Depends on class semantics 4. Does not account for mixed-class locations, which my exist. How does fuzzy accuracy assessment differ from contingency matrix approach (3 ways)? 1. Accounts for both continuity of classes and mixed transitional states. 2. May have >1 class membership. 3. Measures severity of error, not just right/wrong (see Gopal and Woodcock 1994). 1. Rules and threshold conditions are used to test hypotheses about What is the basis for a decision tree system of classification? classes 2. Class attributes can be discrete or continuous 3. Classes allocated based on specific conditions of the input class variables using boolean logic and spatial overlay. 1. Input training samples, select machine learning method What are basic steps of a supervised machine learning classification? 2. Run training algorithm (initiate with a pre-test algorithm) 3. Learned model is developed (parameters iterated to find an optimal solution, as revealed in tests) 4. Apply learned model to unknown sample data. https://quizlet.com/258820374/remote-sensing-science-olympiad-flash-cards/ 57/57