Introduction to Psychiatry ROUEL N,. DE ASIS, PTRP, LPT, MBA Psychiatry Johann Christian Reil German physician, 1808 Psych- means soul. -iatry means medical treatment. Medical treatment of the soul. Mental Illness Mental and behavioral disorders are understood as clinically significant conditions characterized by alterations in thinking, mood (emotions) or behavior associated with personal distress and/or impaired functioning. (WHO, 2001) Common Confusions within Psychiatry Psychology Science that investigates behavior, experience, and normal functioning of the mind. Psychotherapy Treatment of psychological issues by nonphysical means. Psychoanalysis Particular sort of psychotherapy, or means of exploring the unconscious mind. Etiology of Mental Illness Predisposing factors Factors which determine an individual’s susceptibility to mental illness. They interact with precipitating factors resulting in mental illness. Genetic make-up Physical damage to the central nervous system Adverse psychosocial influence Etiology of Mental Illness Precipitating factors Events that occur shortly before the onset of a disorder and appear to have induced it. Physical stress Psychosocial stress Perpetuating factors Factors which are responsible for aggravating or prolonging the diseases already existing in an individual (e.g., psychosocial stress). Biologic Factors Heredity What one inherits is not the illness or its symptoms, but a predisposition to the illness, which is determined by genes. Biochemical factors Biochemical abnormalities in the brain are considered to be the cause of some psychological disorders. Brain damage Any damage to the structure and functioning of the brain can give rise to mental illness. Physiological Changes 1. It has been observed that mental disorders are more likely to occur at certain critical periods of life. 2. These periods are marked not only by physiological (endocrine) changes, but also by psychological issues that diminish the adaptive capacity of the individual. 3. Thus, the individual becomes more susceptible to mental illness during this period. Psychological Changes Specific personality types Psychological factors Childhood insecurities Social and recreational deprivations Marriage problems Sexual difficulties Stress, frustration, and seasonal variations Social Factors Poverty, unemployment, injustice, insecurity, migration, urbanization. Gambling, alcoholism, broken homes, divorce, very big family, religion, traditions. Misconceptions about Mental Illness 1. Mental illness is caused by supernatural power and is the result of a curse or possession by evil spirit. 2. Mentally ill people show bizarre behavior. 3. Mentally ill people are dangerous. 4. Mental illness is something to be ashamed of. 5. Mental illness is not curable. 6. Mental illness is contagious. 7. Mental illness is always hereditary. 8. Marriage can cure mental illness. Misconceptions about Mental Illness 9. Mental hospitals are places where only dangerous mentally ill individuals are treated and restraint is a major form of treatment. 10. Further, as ex patient of a mental hospital, he, as well as his family members are often isolated. Features of Mental Illness Disturbances in bodily functions Disturbances in mental functions Changes in social activities Somatic complaints Mental Health in Physiotherapy As health care providers, physiotherapists are involved in the prevention and promotion of health, including mental health. It is their responsibility to inform individuals adequately about mental health, eliminate misconceptions about mental illness and refer them when necessary to specialized professionals in mental health and psychiatry. Recommendations for Mental Health Care Improve mental health care Organize specific care for different ages including children, adolescents and elderly and risk‐related groups as persons with eating disorders, psychotic disorders, etc. Ensure access to primary care for people with mental health problems Provide treatment in ‘community‐based services for persons with severe mental health problems. Recommendations for Mental Health Care