INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW (Act No. 4103 as amended by Act No. 4225 and RA 4203) MAXIMUM TERM: shall be that which in view of the attending circumstances could be properly imposed under the rules of the RPC Offense punished by RPC or its amendments MINIMUM TERM: shall be w/in the range of the penalty next lower to that prescribed by the RPC INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW (June 19, 1965) Offense punished by any other Law (Special Law) MAXIMUM TERM: shall not exceed the maximum fixed by the special law MINIMUM TERM: shall not be less than the minimum term fixed by the special law Exceptions to the application of ISL: (Section 2) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Those convicted with death penalty or life imprisonment Treason, conspiracy, proposal to commit treason, rebellion, sedition, espionage or piracy Habitual delinquents Those who have escaped confinement or evaded sentence Those who violated the conditional pardon Those whose maximum term of imprisonment does not exceed one (1) year Those already sentenced with final judgment at the time of the approval of the act Sentenced to the penalty of destierro or suspension only (no prison term included) Purpose of ISL: To uplift and redeem valuable human material and prevent unnecessary and excessive deprivation of personal liberty and economic usefulness. CLASSIFICATION OF PENALTIES (Art. 25) PRINCIPAL PENALTIES Capital Punishment: Death (Now prohibited under RA 9346) Afflictive Penalties: a. Reclusion Perpetua b. Reclusion Temporal c. Perpetual / Temporary Absolute Disqualification d. Perpetual / Temporary Special Disqualification e. Prision Mayor Correctional Penalties: a. Prision Correcional b. Arresto mayor c. Suspension d. Destierro ACCESSORY PENALTIES a. Perpetual or Temporary Absolute Disqualification b. Perpetual or Temporary Special Disqualification c. Suspension from 1. Public office 2. The right to vote and be voted for 3. Profession or Calling d. Civil Interdiction e. Indemnification f. Forfeiture or Confiscation of instruments or proceeds of the offense. g. Payment of Costs Light Penalties: a. Arresto Menor b. Public Censure Penalties Common to the 3 preceding classes: a. Fine b. Bond to keep the peace COMPARATIVE TABLE ARTICLE 9 GRAVE FELONIES – those to which the law attaches Capital Punishment or Afflictive Penalties ARTICLE 26 AFFLICTIVE – fine of more than 6,000 pesos CORRECTIONAL – 200 to 6,000 LESS GRAVE FELONIES – maximum period are CORRECTIONAL LIGHT – less than 200 (199 and below) LIGHT FELONIES – Arresto Menor or a fine not exceeding 200 pesos or both *In case of a fine of exactly 200 pesos, It has been held that this discrepancy should be resolved liberally in favor of the accused hence Art. 9 prevails (People v. Yu Hai, 99 Phil 725) GRADUATED SCALE OF PENALTIES, DURATION AND ACCESSORY PENALTY PENATIES (Article 71) DURATION (Art. 27) ACCOMPANYING ACCESORY PENALTY PRESCRIPTION OF CRIME (Art. 90) PRESCRIPTION OF PENALTY (Art. 92) SCALE No. 1 1. Death Art. 40 – when not executed by reason of commutation or pardon: a. Perpetual absolute disqualification b. Civil Interdiction during 30 yrs following the date of the sentence 2. Reclusion Perpetua 20 yrs 1 day – 40 yrs Article 41: a. Civil interdiction for life or during the period of the sentence as the case may be b. Perpetual Absolute Disqualification which the offender shall suffer even though pardoned as to the principal penalty 20 yrs 20 yrs 3. Reclusion Temporal 12 yrs 1 day – 20 yrs Article 41 20 yrs 15 yrs 15 yrs 15 yrs 10 yrs 10 yrs 4. Prision Mayor 6 yrs 1 day – 12 yrs 5. Prision Correcional 6 mos. 1 day – 6 yrs Art. 42: a. Temporary Absolute Disqualification b. Perpetual Absolute Disqualification from the right of suffrage Art. 43: a. Suspension from public office, profession or calling 20 yrs 20 yrs b. Perpetual special disqualification from the right of suffrage *applies if imprisonment exceeds 18 months 6. Arresto Mayor 1 mo. 1 day – 6 mos. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6 mos. 1 day – 6 yrs 1 day to 30 days Destierro Arresto Menor Public Censure Fine Art. 44: a. Suspension of the right to hold office and right of suffrage during the term of the offense 5 yrs *lighter than destierro 5 yrs 10 yrs 2 mos. 2 mos. 10 yrs 1 yr 1 yr 15 yrs (afflictive) 15 yrs 15 yrs (afflictive) 15 yrs 10 yrs 10 yrs SCALE No. 2 a. Perpetual Absolute Disqualification b. Temporary Absolute Disqualification c. Suspension d. Public Censure 6 yrs 1 day – 12 yrs 6 mos. 1 day – 6 yrs. N.B. - if given as an accessory penalty, follows the duration of the principal - In Arts. 41 – 44, accessory penalty must be expressly remitted in case of pardon so as to be ineffective. Art. 45 – every penalty carries with it the accessory penalty of confiscation and forfeiture of the proceeds of the crime. e. Fine Art. 39 – Subsidiary Liability enters if the convict is insolvent at the rate of one day for each 8 pesos of the fine imposed. a. Prision Correcional, Arresto and Fine – imprisonment shall not exceed 1/3 of the term of the sentence and in no case to continue for more than a year (fraction of a day not counted) b. Fine only – not to exceed 6 mos. (Grave or Less Grave Felonies); not to exceed 15 days (light felonies) c. Higher than PC – no subsidiary penalty d. If the penalty imposed is not to be executed by confinement but of a fixed duration – follow rules 1-3 above