Fourier series: clc clear all clf syms x n y=input('enter the function:'); a=input('enter the lower lmit:'); b=input('enter the upper imit:'); L=(b-a)/2; a0=(1/L)*int(y,x,a,b); f=a0/2 for n=1:20 an=(1/L)*int(y*cos(n*pi*x/L),x,a,b) bn=(1/L)*int(y*sin(n*pi*x/L),x,a,b) f=f+(an*cos(n*pi*x/L)+bn*sin(n*pi*x/L)) end ezplot(y,[a,b]) hold on ezplot(f,[a,b]) Harmonic analysis: clear all clc syms t x=input('Enter the equally spaced values of x: '); y=input('Enter the values of y=f(x): '); m=input('Enter the number of harmonics required: '); n=length(x);a=x(1);b=x(n); h=x(2)-x(1); L=(b-a+h)/2; theta=pi*x/L; a0=(2/n)*sum(y) Fx=a0/2; x1=linspace(a,b,100); for i=1:m an=(2/n)*sum(y.*cos(i*theta)); bn=(2/n)*sum(y.*sin(i*theta)); disp(strcat('a',num2str(i),'=',num2str(an))) disp(strcat('b',num2str(i),'=',num2str(bn))) Fx=Fx+an*cos(i*pi*t/L)+bn*sin(i*pi*t/L); subplot(2,3,i) Fx=vpa(Fx,m); Fx1=subs(Fx,t,x1); plot(x1,Fx1); hold on plot(x,y); title(['Fourier Series with ',num2str(i),'harmonics']) hold off; end disp(strcat('Fourier series with',num2str(i),'harmonicis:',char(Fx))); Matrix: Characteristic polynomial, its roots, eigen values & vectors, transpose & inverse eigen values, eigen values equation, verification D=P-1AP clc clear all A=input('Enter the matrix A:'); polynomial=poly(A) roots_of_A=roots(polynomial) eigval=eig(A) [V,D]=eig(A) eig_oftranspose_of_A=eig(A') eig_invA=eig(inv(A)) B=A^3+6*A^2-5*A+7*eye(size(A)) eig(B) inv(V)*A*V Characteristic polynomial, it’s roots, eigen values & vectors, transpose & inverse eigen values, eigen values equation: clc clear all A=input('Enter the matrix A:'); polynomial=poly(A) roots_of_A=roots(polynomial) eigval=eig(A) [V,D]=eig(A) eig_oftranspose_of_A=eig(A') eig_invA=eig(inv(A)) B=A^2+3*A+2*eye(size(A)) eig(B) inv(V)*A*V Diagonalize: clc clear all A=input('Enter the matrix A:'); polynomial=poly(A) roots_of_A=roots(polynomial) eigval=eig(A) [V,D]=eig(A) inv(V)*A*V Matrix method: One variable: clc clear all syms y1(t) y2(t) A=input('enter the coefficient matrix:'); F=input('enter the non-homogenious part:'); Y=[y1;y2]; de=diff(Y)==A*Y+F; C=Y(0)==input('enter the conditions:'); [y1(t),y2(t)]=dsolve(de,C); y1(t)=simplify(y1(t)) y2(t)=simplify(y2(t)) subplot(1,2,1) fplot(y1(t),[0,3]) subplot(1,2,2) fplot(y2(t),[0,3]) Two different variables: clc clear all syms x(t) y(t) A=input('enter the coefficient matrix:'); B=input('enter the matrix B:'); Y=[x;y]; de=diff(Y,2)==A*Y+B; C=Y(0)==input('enter the 1st condition:'); D=diff(Y); E=D(0)==input('enter the 2nd condition:'); [x(t),y(t)]=dsolve(de,C,E); x(t)=simplify(x(t)) y(t)=simplify(y(t)) subplot(1,2,1) ezplot(x(t),[0,3]) subplot(1,2,2) ezplot(y(t),[0,3]) Z-transform: clc clear all syms n z f=input('Enter the function: '); F=ztrans(f, n, z) simplify(F) Inverse z-transform: clc clear all syms n z F=input('Enter the function: '); f=iztrans(F, z, n) simplify(f) 2nd degree non-homogenous difference equations: clc clear all syms z Y n syms y(n) F = input('Input the coefficients [a,b,c]: '); a=F(1);b=F(2);c=F(3); LHS=ztrans(a*y(n+2)+b*y(n+1)+c*y(n),n,z); nh = input('Enter the non-homogenous part f(n): '); RHS=ztrans(nh,n,z); IC=input('Enter the initial conditions in the form [y0,y1]:'); y0=IC(1);y1=IC(2); newLHS=subs(LHS,{ztrans(y(n),n,z),y(0),y(1)},{Y,y0,y1}); Y=solve(newLHS-RHS,Y); yn=iztrans(Y,z,n); simplify(yn) nrange=0:20; yn=real(subs(yn,n,nrange)); stem(nrange,yn)