Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. UNRESTRICTED May 2005 Document ID : PR-1013 Filing key : EP.72 Static Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Procedure Mansoor Abdally, UEC/15 Keywords: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner. Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Version 3.0 Authorised For Issue 31/05/2005 Signed :........................................................... Rashid Al Harthy, UOM CFDH Maintenance Signed :........................................................... Mansoor Al Abdally, UEC/15 Head of Static Equipment Inspection CDFP Static Equipment Maintenance The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department. Version No. Version 3.0 Date May 05 Version 2.0 Verison 1.0 Jul 98 Mar 98 31/05/2005 Author Mansoor Abdally, UEC/15 Mike Clarke, UOM/3 Mike Clarke, UOM/3 Page i Scope / Remarks New Revision First Revision New Procedure – Initial Issue PR-1013 Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Contents Authorised For Issue 31/05/2005 ................................................................................................. i Contents....................................................................................................................................... ii 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1 Background ................................................................................................................ 1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................... 1 Distribution/Target Audience..................................................................................... 1 Structure of This Document ....................................................................................... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 2 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Procedure ............................................ 3 Procedure Description ..................................................................................... 3 Upkeep of Asset Register................................................................................ 3 Work Management.......................................................................................... 3 Inspection & Maintenance Planning ............................................................... 3 Preparation for Inspection & Maintenance ..................................................... 4 Inspection & Maintenance Processes ............................................................. 4 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance.................................................. 5 Static Equipment Corrosion Management .................................................... 10 Static Equipment Repairs .............................................................................. 11 Static Equipment Re-Certification ................................................................ 11 Inspection Records & Reporting................................................................... 12 Corrosion Data Storage & Management ....................................................... 13 Fitness For Purpose Assessment ................................................................... 13 Management Review and Performance Measurement .................................. 13 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 4.0 Procedure Administration ........................................................................................... 15 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Roles and Responsibilities........................................................................................ 15 Execution of the Procedure ...................................................................................... 15 Related Business Control Documents ...................................................................... 15 Review and Improvement......................................................................................... 16 Step-out and Approval............................................................................................. 16 Appendix A1 Glossary of Terms, Definitions & Abbreviations ................................... 17 Appendix A2 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Process Maps .................... 1 PR-1013 Page ii 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background Version 3.0 This procedure provides the structured process for static equipment inspection. 1.2 Purpose The purpose is to describe the procedure for maintaining and demonstrating the technical integrity of static equipment. 1.3 Distribution/Target Audience Operations Team Leaders, Area Co-ordinators, Area Maintenance Engineers, Corporate Functional Discipline Head (CFDH) and Corporate Discipline Focal Points (CDFP's) for Maintenance and Operations, Area Planning Engineers, Engineering Planners, Area Planners, Corporate Activity Planner, Discipline Supervisors, Asset Maintenance Supervisors and Planners. 1.4 Structure of This Document This document is structured as follows: Section 1 Contains an introduction to the document Section 2 Defines the scope Section 3 Describes the procedure Section 4 Details roles and responsibilities of key personnel concerned with the document and provides other procedure administration Appendices A1 is the Glossary of Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations. A2 contains maps of the life cycle integrity processes for static equipment inspection & maintenance PR-1013 1 31/05/2005 Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure 2.0 Scope 2.1 Scope This procedure applies to operations phase inspection and maintenance of the following static equipment types: • Tanks • Vessels • Heat Exchangers o Shell & Tube o Fin Fan Type o Plate Type o Fired Heaters / Furnaces • Columns • Sumps • On-Plot Piping • Flowlines • Relief Valves • Lifting Equipment This document does not give details of static equipment inspection & maintenance strategies. The reader is referred to SP-XXXX ‘Static Equipment & Flowlines RBI Process’ for such information. PR-1013 2 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Procedure 3.1 Procedure Description Version 3.0 The steps in the procedure for static equipment inspection and maintenance are generally as follows: • Upkeep of Asset Register • Work Management • Inspection & Maintenance Planning • Preparation for Inspection & Maintenance • Inspection Processes • Inspection Records & Reporting • Corrosion Data Storage and Management • Fitness For Purpose Assessment • Management Review and Performance Measurement 3.1.1 Upkeep of Asset Register The Asset Register for all static equipment is held within SAP and the Asset Owner is responsible for the upkeep of the register. In the case of the static equipment inventory of a new project, the Project team inputs the information into SAP as part of the project deliverable. Thereafter the Asset Owner maintains the data as above. PACER-CM is used by UEC for the management of corrosion data and the corresponding determination of inspection due dates of static equipment from the data. In order to maintain a common asset register between PACER and SAP, UEC team periodically update the PACERCM database from SAP using a specially developed parametric data transfer routine. 3.1.2 Work Management Maintenance and Inspection of all PDO Static Equipment assets is addressed through the SAP System. There are no exceptions to this for Work Order management. 3.1.3 Inspection & Maintenance Planning The risk based inspection method determines and assigns a risk profile to asset tag items. This risk category together with the remaining life of the item (estimated from inspection data) is used to determine the priority of what tags should be inspected and when. The required inspection tasks are then set out in inspection strategies graded to suit the different risk categories and generic equipment types. In a similar way, preventive maintenance tasks and frequencies are also determined and set out in generic risk based maintenance strategies. Having determined the inspection and maintenance tasks and their periodicity, this information is then used to produce an integrated activity plan for the asset. This is a very well established SAP process documented elsewhere and will not be elaborated further here. PR-1013 3 31/05/2005 Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Inspection and maintenance are always included in the integrated activity plan in line with the requirements of the IAP system. Planned maintenance due dates are determined directly within the SAP system. However, inspection due dates are determined directly within the PACER-CM system and therefore need to be entered into the SAP system to ensure that all maintenance and inspection resource planning is driven only from the SAP database. In order to include the correct inspection data in SAP, UEC/15 team first of all download the inspection due dates calculated in the PACER-CM system. This data is then worked into an inspection ‘campaign’ schedule for the forthcoming year. When this schedule is finalised the data is then uploaded into the SAP system. Deviation from planned inspection due dates requires the specific approval of CDFP Static Equipment. PR-1005 ‘Maintenance & Inspection Activity Variance Control’ procedure refers. 3.1.4 Preparation for Inspection & Maintenance Preparation and planning for inspection are set out in the guideline ‘Static Equipment Inspection Guideline’ GU-256, and also generically at equipment item level in the procedure “Preparation of Static Equipment for Intrusive Maintenance’ PR-1077. The broad principles of preparation for Inspection & Maintenance are mentioned below: • Equipment design • Operational context • Logistics Equipment Design Inspection and maintenance staff must be fully versed in the design of the subject equipment item. This requires a full review of relevant engineering, maintenance and inspection data about the equipment. Detail drawings, vendor data books, and manufacturers O&M manuals should be referred to at the earliest stages of preparation. Operational Context Inspection and maintenance staff are obliged to confer and consult with operations colleagues about the subject equipment because the asset owner and the operations team are the primary customers of inspection & maintenance processes. The operations team know the current operational performance of the equipment. This information will have a direct bearing on the scope of any intended inspection or maintenance. Time spent on liaison with operations colleagues is the best professional way to bring clarity and understanding to all parties on the operational context in which the inspection & maintenance processes will be delivered. This is essential to good preparation. Logistics Major inspection and maintenance work needs to be planned well in advance. Given the extensive nature and spread of PDO facilities, critical preparation logistics of major activity must be started at the earliest possible time to ensure minimum business outage of the item concerned. 3.2 Inspection & Maintenance Processes Static Equipment maintenance management and execution processes are grouped into the following areas of interest: PR-1013 4 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure • Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance • Static Equipment Corrosion Management • Static Equipment Repairs • Static Equipment Re-Certification Version 3.0 Appendix A2 shows the life cycle integrity process maps which comprise the above areas of interest. The processes are described below. 3.2.1 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Tank Internal Inspection This process refers to the Tank ‘thorough internal inspection’ which is the most important and reliable of all inspections in the determination of Tank condition. It is an intrusive process requiring man entry. Therefore all the associated logistics and PTW processes are required. Typically required would be, an approved method statement / job plan, physical isolation, preinspection cleaning, gas testing and clearing, safe access, and standby safety attendance for example. PR-1077 ‘Preparation of Static Equipment for Intrusive Maintenance’ refers. Detailed, integrated planning is essential. Some Tanks require a Station shutdown and therefore require oil deferment planning. For that reason, Internal Tank Inspections are always included in the Integrated Activity Plan. The scope of work involved would include associated ‘opportunity’ work such as change-out or maintenance of tank-side isolation valves and instrumentation, in addition to the inspection work. In those cases where internal sacrificial anodes are installed in Tanks, they would be physically assessed at this inspection and replaced if necessary as part of the workscope. Either the Asset Maintenance Team or the Maintenance Contractor would normally perform the logistics of isolation, preparation for the inspection, repairs if required and box-up of the Tank to bring back into service. Inspection would be performed by UEC/15 and their Inspection Contractor. If specialist inspection services are required, UEC/15 would make the necessary arrangements. The PDO approach with regard to internal inspections is in three stages as follows: Initial Inspection: This is the internal inspection of the Tank which would reveal tank condition. Visual and NDE methods would be employed. The inspector would write the inspection report and issue to UEC/15 group and the Asset and Maintenance Team. In the event of some immediate restoration being required to the Tank, and after weighing up all the factors, UEC/15 would recommend corrective action to Asset and copy to Maintenance Team. On the instruction of the Asset Owner to proceed with remedial work, Maintenance Team and if the job is large enough, a Project Engineer would produce a detailed scope of work to restore the condition of the Tank. Intermediate Inspection: An intermediate inspection is only included for larger scopes of work. The purpose is to ensure that the initial requirements are being correctly addressed with regard to both content and quality of work. Final Inspection: PR-1013 5 31/05/2005 Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure This inspection is to ensure that the full scope of work has been properly completed and that the necessary job records and documents are available for the Inspection Files. On completion of remedial work UEC/15x would issue a ‘Notification’ to box-up the Tank. UEC/15x would then determine the next inspection due date by referring to SP-XXXX ‘Static Equipment & Flowlines RBI Process’ and enter that date into SAP. With regard to Tank Internal Inspection, the following NDE techniques would normally be used: • Roof Manual UT • Shell Manual UT • Nozzles Manual UT • Floor MFL • Lining Holiday Test Inspection is performed by UEC/15 and their Inspection Contractor. If specialist inspection services are required, UEC/15 would make the necessary arrangements. The Inspection Reports would be filed in the appropriate location. Tank External Inspection This is a non-intrusive External Inspection performed between Tank Internal Inspections to monitor the ongoing tank condition. As such it is less onerous to perform because the preparation workload is generally less. With regard to Tank External Inspection, the following NDE techniques would normally be used: • Roof Manual UT • Shell Manual UT • Nozzles Manual UT • Floor Acoustic Emission Inspection would be performed by UEC/15 and their Inspection Contractor. If specialist inspection services are required, UEC/15 would make the necessary arrangements. In the event that no anomaly or a minor anomaly is found, UEC/15x would simply confirm the next inspection due date and enter that due date in SAP. In the event that a major anomaly is found UEC/15x would investigate in more detail to confirm the extent of the anomaly in order to perform a risk assessment. The outcome of the risk assessment would direct the corrective action recommendation and the determination of next due inspection date. A Notification would be issued to the Asset to advise of the changed integrity status of the Tank. Remedial action would be planned into the integrated activity plan consistent with the risk priority allocated. PR-1013 Vessel Internal Inspection 6 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Version 3.0 This process refers to the Vessel ‘thorough internal inspection’ which is the most important and reliable of all inspections in the determination of Vessel condition. It is an intrusive process requiring man entry. Therefore all the associated logistics and PTW processes are required. Typically required would be, an approved method statement / job plan, physical isolation, preinspection cleaning, gas testing and clearing, safe access, and standby safety attendance for example. PR-1077 ‘Preparation of Static Equipment for Intrusive Maintenance’ refers. Detailed, integrated planning is essential. Some Vessels require a Station shutdown and therefore require oil deferment planning. For that reason, Internal Vessel Inspections are always included in the Integrated Activity Plan. The scope of work involved would include associated ‘opportunity’ work such as change-out or maintenance of Vessel-side isolation valves and instrumentation, in addition to the inspection work. Inspection would be performed by UEC/15 and their Inspection Contractor. If specialist inspection services are required, UEC/15 would make the necessary arrangements. Corrosion data is entered into PACER-CM which determines inspection due dates. PACER also identifies the life limiting factors. The Integrity Engineer would finally decide the next inspection date after weighing all the relevant information. The PDO approach with regard to internal inspections is in three stages as follows: Initial Inspection: This is the internal inspection of the Vessel which would reveal Vessel condition. Visual and NDE methods would be employed. The inspector would write the inspection report and issue to UEC/15 group and the Asset and Maintenance Teams. In the event of some immediate restoration being required to the Vessel, and after weighing up all the factors, UEC/15 would recommend corrective action to Asset and copy to Maintenance Team. On the instruction of the Asset Owner to proceed with remedial work, the Maintenance Team and if the job is large enough, a Project Engineer, would produce a detailed scope of work to restore the condition of the Vessel. Intermediate Inspection: An intermediate inspection is only included for larger scopes of work. The purpose is to ensure that the initial requirements are being correctly addressed with regard to content and quality of work. Final Inspection: This inspection is to ensure that the full scope of work has been properly completed and that the necessary job records and documents are available for the Inspection Files. On completion of remedial work UEC/15x would issue a ‘Notification’ to box-up the Vessel. UEC/15x would then determine the next inspection due date by referring to SP-XXXX ‘Static Equipment & Flowlines RBI Process’ and enter that date into SAP. The Inspection Reports would be filed in the appropriate location. Vessel External Inspection This is a non-intrusive interim Vessel External Inspection performed between Vessel Internal Inspections to monitor the ongoing Vessel condition. As such it is less onerous to perform because the preparation workload is generally less. Inspection would be performed by UEC/15 and their Inspection Contractor. If specialist inspection services are required, UEC/15 would make the necessary arrangements. PR-1013 7 31/05/2005 Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Corrosion data is entered into PACER-CM which determines inspection due dates. PACER also identifies the life limiting factors. The Integrity Engineer would finally decide the next inspection date after weighing all the relevant information. In the event that no anomaly or a minor anomaly is found, UEC/15x would simply confirm the next inspection due date and enter that due date in SAP. In the event that a major anomaly is found UEC/15x would investigate in more detail to confirm presence and extent of the anomaly in order to perform a risk assessment. The outcome of the risk assessment would direct the corrective action recommendation and the determination of next due inspection date. A Notification would be issued to the Asset to advise of the changed integrity status of the Vessel. Remedial action would be planned into the integrated activity plan consistent with the risk priority allocated. Heat Exchanger Internal Inspection This process refers to the Heat Exchanger ‘thorough internal inspection’ which is the most important and reliable of all inspections in the determination of Heat Exchanger condition. It is essentially an intrusive process. Man entry would be required in the case of Fired Heaters and Furnaces, but not in the case of S&T, Fin Fan or Plate types. All the associated logistics and PTW processes are required. Typically required would be, an approved method statement / job plan, physical isolation, pre-inspection cleaning, gas testing and clearing, safe access, and standby safety attendance for example in those cases where man entry is possible. PR1077 ‘Preparation of Static Equipment for Intrusive Maintenance’ refers. Detailed, integrated planning is essential. The scope of work involved would include associated ‘opportunity’ work such as change-out or maintenance of Heat Exchanger-side isolation valves and instrumentation, in addition to the inspection work. Either the Asset Maintenance Team or the Maintenance Contractor would normally perform the logistics of isolation, preparation for the inspection, repairs if required and box-up of the Heat Exchanger to bring back into service. Inspection would be performed by UEC/15 and their Inspection Contractor. If specialist inspection services are required, UEC/15 would make the necessary arrangements. With the exception of Fired heaters / Furnaces, all corrosion data would be entered into PACER-CM. The PACER data would be used in the determination of next inspection due date. PACER would also identify any life limiting factors. In all cases, the Integrity Engineer would decide the next inspection due date after weighing all the relevant information including PACER-CM data where relevant. The PDO approach with regard to internal inspections is in three stages as follows: Initial Inspection: This is the internal inspection of the Heat Exchanger which would reveal Heat Exchanger condition. Visual and NDE methods would be employed. The inspector would write the inspection report and issue to UEC/15 group and the Asset and Maintenance Team. In the event of some immediate restoration being required to the Heat Exchanger, and after weighing up all the factors, UEC/15 would recommend corrective action to Asset and copy to Maintenance Team. On the instruction of the Asset Owner to proceed with remedial work, Maintenance Team, and if the job is large enough, a Project Engineer, would produce a detailed scope of work to restore the condition of the Heat Exchanger. Intermediate Inspection: PR-1013 8 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Version 3.0 An intermediate inspection is only included for larger scopes of work. The purpose is to ensure that the initial requirements are being correctly addressed with regard to content and quality of work. Final Inspection: This inspection is to ensure that the full scope of work has been properly completed and that the necessary job records and documents are available for the Inspection Files. On completion of remedial work UEC/15x would issue a ‘Notification’ to box-up the Heat Exchanger. UEC/15x would then determine the next inspection due date by referring to SP-XXXX ‘Static Equipment & Flowlines RBI Process’ and enter the date into SAP. The Inspection Reports would be filed in the appropriate location. On-Plot Pipework Inspection – Baseline The purpose of this process is to collect baseline data from new or relatively new On-Plot Pipelines. The process begins from new facilities projects where new piping data is collected and entered into SAP. From SAP it is downloaded into PACER by UEC/15 group. The UEC/15 Inspection Contractor generates the necessary pipeline isometrics for the baseline and ongoing inspections. The piping isometrics are then marked up with the required inspection key points. The isometric drawings are used by the UEC/15 Team or their Inspection Contractor to collect the baseline data which is then reported. The data from the report is entered into PACER-CM database by UEC/15D. PACER calculations are run to determine: • Remnant Life • Next Due Inspection Date The next due inspection date is then input to SAP. On-Plot Pipework Inspection – Ongoing Inspection would be performed by UEC/15 or their Inspection Contractror using the baseline isometric drawings referred to above as the inspection template. Corrosion data is recorded as the work progresses and is ultimately entered into PACER-CM which determines next inspection due date. The Integrity Engineer would finally decide the next inspection due date after weighing all the relevant information. In the event that no anomaly or a minor anomaly is found, UEC/15x would simply confirm the next inspection due date and enter that due date in SAP. In the event that a major anomaly is found UEC/15x would investigate in more detail to confirm the extent of the anomaly in order to perform a risk assessment. The outcome of the risk assessment would direct the corrective action recommendation and the determination of next due inspection date. A Notification would be issued to the Asset to advise of the changed integrity status of the On-Plot Pipeline. Remedial action would be planned into the integrated activity plan consistent with the risk priority allocated. Flowline Inspection UEC/15 Inspection Contractor performs the flowline inspections in two stages, firstly using an MFL tool to identify defects and secondly manual UT to map any defects found. 100% of the bottom segment of the pipe is inspected by MFL on oil and gas/condensate flowlines, and 100% of the top PR-1013 9 31/05/2005 Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure segment of the pipe is inspected by MFL on water lines. Manual UT is deployed only when a significant anomaly is found by MFL. The method is as follows. The tool is preset to locate and signal a limiting wall thickness. The MFL tool is then manually traversed along the pipe run under survey. When the MFL tool locates such an anomaly, the location is marked on the pipe and followed up by a supporting team using manual UT to map the defect details. The UT data is recorded in a UT report for the flowline concerned. In the event that no anomaly or a minor anomaly is found, UEC/15x would simply confirm the next inspection due date and enter that due date in SAP. In the event that a significant anomaly is found, the data in the UT report would be entered into a risk based assessment model along with flowline parameters from PACER-CM. The outcome of the risk assessment would direct the corrective action recommendation and the determination of next inspection due date. A Notification would be issued to the Asset to advise of the changed integrity status of the Flowline. Remedial action would be planned into the integrated activity plan consistent with the risk priority allocated. Buried Piping Sections Throughout the static equipment system, there are buried sections of pipeline, typically at crossings but also due to blown sand. Whether and how to inspect such lines has to be considered by the Static Inspector based on pipeline criticality and economics. The methods used may range from full exposure of the pipeline for close examination and manual UT, to the use of LR-UT. If in doubt the Static Inspector would refer to UEC/15 for guidance. 3.2.2 Static Equipment Corrosion Management Cathodic Protection Impressed current Cathodic Protection is the primary PDO method of external corrosion mitigation which accounts for 99% of PDO CP and is largely applied to pipelines, tank bottoms and buried vessels. In areas where the installation of impressed current CP cannot be justified on economical grounds, or where the use is not appropriate, the installation of Sacrificial Anode CP is used. For Tanks, and some very large Vessels a Sacrificial Anode CP system is applied internally. The monitoring process is performed every 3 months, and every 12 months with a slight variation to the monitoring routine. The routines involve On/Off Potential measurements at every CP Potential Testing Location, Groundbed Potential Measurement and Full 24 hr Current Test for all Solar Power CP Units. Measurements are recorded in PACER CM. Quarterly Reports and Deficiency Lists are prepared. The Deficiency Lists go to the CSR for appropriate follow up, and the Quarterly Reports are held in a Library facility for ongoing reference. The Corrosion Engineer analyses the reports and data to determine corrective action. Further to routine data collection, every year a formal ACR (Assessed Corrosion Rate) is carried out. The ACR process underpins the external corrosion management corrective action, strategy improvement and updating of Static Equipment Reference Plans. SAP is the vehicle for Work Order Management, Contractor invoice clearance, and also for updated basic engineering data. PR-1013 CIPS / DCVG Survey 10 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Version 3.0 This technique is not normally used for static inspection activities but remains an option under some circumstances. This is a combined CIPS (Close Interval Potential Survey) and DCVG (Direct Current Voltage Gradient) survey. CIPS assesses the CP ( Cathodic Protection) effectiveness over the entire length of a pipeline between permanent test stations. DCVG is used for locating coating defects in buried pipelines. 3.2.3 Static Equipment Repairs Static Equipment Repairs Static Equipment repairs / restoration may be required as a result of inspection work. The process normally begins with a recommendation from UEC/15x. A scope of work would then be prepared by the Asset Maintenance Team or if the job is of sufficient size, Project Engineering. UEC/11 would review the scope of work and also generate the QA/QC Plan. Throughout the completion of the scope of work inspections would be performed by the UEC/15 Inspector, and the whole QA/QC Plan would be monitored by UEC/11. On successful completion of remedial work, UEC/15x would issue a Notification to the Asset Maintenance Team to box-up the equipment. The next due date would be entered into SAP and the inspection and repair records filed in the Inspection Files. 3.2.4 Static Equipment Re-Certification RV Re-Certification All Relief Valves are registered in SAP. Relief valve re-certification is scheduled from SAP and included in the integrated activity plan. Oil deferment planning may be required. Maintenance strategy / repair philosophy would impact the workscope. In some cases the RV for re-certification may be directly changed-out with another identical spare unit already re-certified for the duty. The essence of this process is witnessing / recording and the involvement of the UEC/15 Inspector where appropriate. The condition of the RV ‘as removed’ is recorded. The unit is then removed to the workshop RV test bench facility, where the RV settings ‘as removed’ are checked and recorded. The RV is then stripped and overhauled taking special note of any material inconsistencies revealed by examination of the component parts. The valve is then re-assembled in as-new condition, and re-set on the test rig. When the RV re-assembly and setting is certified as correct by UEC/15x, the RV is sealed to prevent tampering, and suitably packaged for warehouse storage in the meantime until the RV is next required for duty. All records are entered in SAP and hard copy certification filed in the item inspection file. Lifting Equipment Re-Certification All Lifting Equipment is registered in SAP. Lifting Equipment is typically defined as follows: PR-1013 11 31/05/2005 Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Lifting Gear: • Chains and Chain slings • Shackles & Pins • Ropes and Rope slings • Nylon and webbing strops • Geared Beam Trolleys • Beam Clamps Lifting Appliances • Mobile Cranes • Fork Lift Trucks • Hyab Trucks • A-Frames • Hand Pallet Trolleys • Rated HE Tube Bundle pullers • Rated Maintenance trolleys • Pull Lift devices • Chain Blocks • Gantry Cranes • Hoists • Lifting Beams The re-certification process normally comprises four stages, namely: • collection / location / identification of all lifting equipment • inspection (and function testing as appropriate) of lifting equipment • Re-certification and colour coding of items considered safe for continued use • Quarantine for repair and/or destruction of items not considered safe for continued use The use of UEC/15 Inspector or Third Party Inspectors is mandatory and in some cases a legal requirement. All Certification is kept in the item Inspection File. 3.2.5 Inspection Records & Reporting Inspection Records and Reports are held for each item of Static Equipment, located as follows: PR-1013 12 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure OND Fahud OSD Marmul MAF Coast Version 3.0 The contents of the files follow traditional requirements such as: • Equipment Drawings • Vendor Data • Original Materials Certificates • ‘Renewable’ Test Certificates • Previous Inspection Reports 3.2.6 Corrosion Data Storage & Management In the case of corrosion data acquisition and storage for the purposes of Static Equipment corrosion management and inspection, PACER is the expert database used to determine remnant life and next inspection due date. The current exceptions to the use of PACER are: • Tanks • Fired Heaters • Furnaces In the above cases a combination of factors would be considered by the Integrity Engineer to determine next due inspection date. The internal condition revealed by inspection, industry standards and norms, and a risk based / time based interval approach based on confidence in the ability to predict the item degradation rate, directs the Integrity Engineer’s determinations. 3.2.7 Fitness For Purpose Assessment In the event that an inspection reveals a major anomaly which may impact the integrity of the item, a fitness for purpose assessment is required to ascertain what remedial action to take. This is performed by the inspection / integrity engineer. The primary requirement is to determine whether or not the anomaly of concern is outwith the necessary minimum wall thickness criterion for the item of equipment. If the anomaly fails the criterion acceptance level for the item, repair or replacement would normally be specified. In certain cases, especially continued operation in the short term without immediate restoration of the item, a more detailed assessment shall be required by the inspection / integrity engineer to ensure that under the specified operation conditions the risks are as low as reasonably practical. The planning and scheduling of any required remedial maintenance of static equipment is progressed via a Z1 notification raised in SAP. The repair process is then as generally described above in the section titled “Static Equipment Repairs”. 3.2.8 Management Review and Performance Measurement Management review and performance measurement of the inspection process is addressed via the following means: • PR-1013 Integrity Status Reports 13 31/05/2005 Version 3.0 • Remnant Life Reports • KPIs Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure The data for the above is extracted from PACER-CM by way of Business Objects software, and presented in report form by the Inspection / Integrity Engineer. PR-1013 14 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure 4.0 Procedure Administration 4.1 Roles and Responsibilities Version 3.0 Define who must carry out each step in the procedure. Optionally, this may be included in the procedure description. Describe roles and responsibilities, if necessary, in the following tabular format: ROLE UEC/15 UEC/15X UEC/152 4.2 RESPONSIBILITY Head of Static Equipment Inspection and Maintenance CDFP Senior Static Equipment Inspector for the Assets Senior Lifting Equipment Inspector Execution of the Procedure This procedure is to be followed on a continual basis. 4.3 Related Business Control Documents Policy Code of Practice Asset Integrity. Maintenance Code of Practice PL-11 CP-114 SP-XXX SP-1210 SP-1211 Procedures Static Equipment & Flowlines RBI Process Pipelines Operation & Maintenance Pipelines Engineering Activity Planning Pig Launcher / Receiver Maintenance Procedure BVS Maintenance Procedure Order for Services Procedure CP Monitoring & Surveying Procedure CIPS Procedure DCVG Procedure Auto UT Inspection Procedure Manual UT Inspection Procedure External Corrosion Verification Procedure Sleeving, Clock-Spring and Fleximat Procedure COSASCO Operations and Maintenance Manual Coating Procedures Contractor Procedures Maintenance & Inspection Activity Variance Control Procedure Preparation of Static Equipment for Intrusive Maintenance Procedures for the use of Pipe RBA Procedure for Determining Pipeline ACR Static Equipment Inspection Guideline Guidelines for the Protection of Buried Sections of Surface Laid Pipelines / Flowlines Maintenance Management Guideline -MMG MMG – Maintenance Reference Plan MMG – Integrity Management MMG – Risk Based Inspection Jan 2005 PR-1005 PR-1077 PR-1416 PR-1503 GU-256 GU-368 Guideline Guideline Guideline Guideline PR-1013 15 Jan 2002 Jan 2005 April 2005 SIEP 98-5200 SIEP 98-5201 SIEP 98-5202 SIEP 98-5214 31/05/2005 Version 3.0 Guideline Guideline HSE Safety Case 4.4 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure MMG – Risk Based Inspection Guideline to Pipeline Risk Based Maintenance Key Operational Documents (KOD below) KOD B3 – Hazard & Effects Register KOD D – HSE Critical Tasks SIEP 98-5215 OP.01.20087 2003 Review and Improvement This procedure, which is owned by the CFDH Maintenance UOM, will be reviewed as and when required. Recommendations for amendment to this procedure are to be initially addressed to the CFDH Maintenance. 4.5 Step-out and Approval Maintenance and Inspection Activity Variance Control Procedure PR-1005 defines the requirements for a change in the timing of inspection tasks. Operation Procedure Variance SI-14 defines the requirements for operating Static Equipment outside the Design Envelope. PR-1013 16 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Appendix A1 Version 3.0 Glossary of Terms, Definitions & Abbreviations ACR Asset Register Assessed Corrosion Rate A record listing and detailing equipment. Availability The proportion of a given time interval that an item or system is able to fulfil its function. Breakdown Maintenance Work carried out on equipment to address a defect which prevents the equipment from being able to fulfil its function. BVS C&A Campaign Maintenance Block Valve Station Control & Automation Maintenance activities carried out by roving maintenance teams. These activities have a periodic frequency of at least 6 months. CDFP Corporate Discipline Focal Point. CFDH Corporate Functional Discipline Head. CI CIPS CMS Corrosion Inhibition Close Interval Potential Survey Computerised Maintenance System. Corrective Maintenance Work carried out on equipment to address a defect which does not immediately prevent the equipment from being able to fulfil its function. CP CSR DCS Cathodic Protection Company Site Representative Distributed Control System. DCVG EPBM ESD Direct Current Voltage Gradient Exploration & Production Business Model Emergency Shutdown. F&G Fire and Gas System. FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. FMECA IAP Failure Modes Effects & Consequence Analysis Integrated Activity Plan. IDAS Integrated Drawing and Information System. IP IPF Intelligent Pigging Instrument Protective Function. MCP Maintenance Craft Procedure. MFL Magnetic Flux Leakage. NDE Pacer-CM Non Destructive Examination Computerised Corrosion Management System. Planned Maintenance The maintenance organised and carried out with forethought, control and the use of records, to a pre-determined plan. PLC Programmable Logic Controller. PR-1013 17 31/05/2005 Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure PM Preventative Maintenance Routine. RBA RCA Reliability Risk Based Assessment Root Cause Analysis The ability of an item to perform a required function under stated conditions for a stated period of time. Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) A structured and auditable method for establishing the appropriate maintenance strategies for an asset in its operating context. Risk Based Inspection (RBI) An auditable method for establishing the frequency of equipment inspection, based on the combined effect of the probability of the occurrence of an undesirable event and the magnitude of the event. Routine Maintenance Maintenance work of a repetitive nature which is undertaken on a periodic basis. ROW RTU SAP Right of Way Remote Transmission Unit Exploration and Production Maintenance Administration and Reporting System. SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition. Scheduled Maintenance Preventative maintenance carried out to a pre-determined interval of time or number of operations, e.g. run hours. TISC UT WO Technical Integrity Streering Committee Ultrasonic Testing Work Order PR-1013 18 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Appendix Version 3.0 A2 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Process Maps The Static Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Process Maps are: • Tank Internal Inspection • Tank External Inspection • Vessel Internal Inspection • Vessel External Inspection • Heat Exchanger Internal Inspection (S&T, Fin Fan, and Plate) • Heat Exchanger Internal Inspection (Fired Heater, Furnace Types) • On-Plot Pipe Work Base Line Inspection • On-Plot Pipe Work Ongoing Inspection • Flow Line Inspection • Cathodic Protection • CIPS / DCVG Survey • Static Equipment Repairs • Relief Valve Re-Certification • Lifting Equipment Re-Certification The maps are shown on the following pages. PR-1013 1 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Version 3.0 N o te 1: S om e T anks requ ire S tatio n S /D be ca use th e y are tie d into F la re H ead e r 90 D P la n T h is is an Inv asive p ro cess req u irin g M an E n try N o te 2: M ainly for T a nk flo or re qu irem en ts 10 0% M F L covera g e b y e xcep tio n T o fo llow up an y de terio ration fo u nd at set inspe ction po ints A sse t T e a m SAP S T AR T M o b ilise T a n k In sp e cto r R e vie w T a n k In sp e ctio n File U E C /1 5 x IN S P E C T O R In s p ec tio n File C o n tain s : E quipm ent D ra win gs V end o r d ata O rigin al M a te rials C e rtificates ‘R ene w a ble ’ T e st C e rtificates P revious In spection & M ainten anc e R ep orts S ee N o te 1 ab ove P ro vid e In sp e ctio n S e rvice s S ta tic E q u ip m e n t In sp e ctio n A g re e 1 4 D S ch e d u le W ith O X O /xx Iso la te a nd D ra in T a n k for In sp e ctio n P h ysica lly Iso la te T an k F o r M a n E n try D e -S lu d g e T a n k & C le an In te rn ally Issu e C o n fin e d S p a ce E n try P TW U E C /1 U E C /1 5 A re a P la n n e r S ee O X ON/1ote x A sse t M a in t T e a m A sse t M a in t T ea m O X O /1 x H S E -C ritical T a sk R e fe rence : A -0 6.01 A -0 6.02 A -0 6.03 A -0 6.04 A -0 6.05 A -0 6.06 A -0 6.07 A -0 6.01.0 5 A -0 6.01.0 6 A -0 6.01.0 7 A -0 6.02.0 1 A -0 6.02.0 2 A -0 6.02.0 3 A -0 6.04.0 1 A -0 6.04.0 2 A -0 6.04.0 3 A -0 6.04.0 4 S ee N o te 2 ab o ve P erfo rm IN ITIA L T a n k In sp e ctio n S e n d In itia l In sp e ctio n R e po rt to TT O /1 3 , A sse t & C a mp a ig n R e vie w R e p o rt C a ll for S p e cia list In sp e ctio n If R e q u ire d R eco m m e n d C o rrective A ctio n A sse t & C a m pa ig n In struct P ro je ct / C a m p a ig n T o E xe cu te W ork IN S P E C T O R IN S P E C T O R U E C /1 5 & U E C /15 x U E C /1 5 & U E C /1 5 x U E C /1 5 & U E C /1 5 x A sse t T e a m P re pa re S co p e o f W o rk As s o c iated S co p e: In s p ec tio n S co p e: O th er m aintena nce activity sh ou ld b e tackled at the sam e tim e. T ypically: Instrum entation V alve O verha uls In itial : Interna l V isua l + N D E to de term in e interna l cond itio n o f T a nk In te rm e d iate : T o ensu re tha t the initial req uire m e nts are be in g co rrectly de livere d F in al: T o ensu re tha t all rem edial w ork h as b ee n p erform ed to the corre ct qu ality b efore ‘B ox-U p ’ M a in ten a nce P ro gra m m e / P la n C o-o rdin atio n of M ainten an ce A ctivities M a na ge m e nt of S A P D evelopm en t & M ain te na nce o f M ainte n a nce P ro ce du res C lo se-ou t of In spe ction & M a in te na n ce A ctio ns & R eco m m e nda tion s E q uipm en t C e rtification C he cking C orro sio n C o up on s R o utin e M a inte na nce & S pe cific Insp ection s of T an ks, B u nd s & A ssocia te d E qu ipm en t R o utin e & S pe cific M ainten an ce o f T a nks, B un ds & A ssociated E q uip m e nt A ctivities Insid e T a nks / O n T a nks R o utin e M a inte na nce & S pe cific Insp ection of P rocess E qu ip m en t & V alves R o utin e & S pe cific M ainten an ce o f P roce ss E q uipm en t & V alves T estin g o f P roce ss E q uipm e nt & V a lves R o utin e M a inte na nce & S pe cific Insp ection of A la rm a nd T rip Instrum en ta tio n R o utin e & S pe cific M ainten an ce o f A larm and T rip In strum en tatio n T es tin g o f In strum en t T rips & A larm s C o ntrol of O verrides P ro je ct /M a in te n a n ce M o b ilise R e so u rce s C o m m e n ce S co p e o f W o rk C o m p le te S co p e o f W o rk B o x-u p T a n k R e po rt & C lo se -o u t W O In S A P P ro je ct /M a in te n a n ce P ro je ct /M a in te n a n ce P ro je ct /M a in te n an ce P ro je ct /M a in te n a nce O X O /1 x SAP END R e tu rn T a n k T o S e rvice P erfo rm IN T E R M E D IA T E T a n k In sp e ction Issu e In term e d ia te T a n k In spe ctio n R e po rt R e vie w R e p o rt A d vise P ro je ct / C a m p a ig n A s n e ce ssa ry IN S P E C T O R IN S P E C T O R U E C /1 5 x U E C /1 5 x O X O /1 x S e e N o te 3 b elow P erfo rm F IN A L T a n k In sp e ction Issu e Fin a l T a n k In spe ctio n R e p ort R evie w R ep o rt Issu e N o tifica tio n T o B o x-u p T a nk D e te rmin e N e xt In spe ctio n D u e D a te E n ter N e xt Insp e ctio n D u e D a te In to S A P IN S P E C T O R IN S P E C T O R U E C /1 5 x U E C /1 5 xx U E C /1 5 x U E C /1 5 x P E TR O L E UM D E V E L O P M E N T O M AN M usca t L o c atio n o f In s p ec tio n File s: F ile R e p o rt in A sse t L o ca tio n U E C /1 5 x S T AR T PR-1013 N o te : N D E R oof S h e ll N o zzles F lo o r 1 E xtern al Ac c e s s SAP S e e N o te P re p a re T a n k In sp e ctio n L o g istics OND OSD MAF F ahu d M arm u l C oast T echniques UT UT UT A co u stic E m issio n MFL 31/05/2005 A g re e R e vie w T a n k R e vie w T a n k P e rfo rm L o ca tio n IN T E R IO R U E O D F u nctio n T an k In tern al In sp ectio n COAST N o / M in o r An o m aly C o n firm N e xt In sp e ctio n D u e D a te E XT E R N A L RIn evisio : n1 File s s p e cntio n s: P rod uce d L Bo y catio : UOM OND OSD MAF D a te : A p ril 200 4 D wg . N o : S E 5 a(i) Fahud M a rm u l C o a st F ile R e p o rt in A sse t L o ca tio n U E C /1 5 x S e e N o te ab ove U E C /1 5 & U E C /1 5 x A sse t M a in t T e a m S ta tic E q u ip m e n t N o te 3 : T he ba ses used fo r the determ ination A re E E M U A 1 59 an d A P I 65 0 S e n d In sp e ctio n Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure 9 0 D P la n Asset Team PR-1013 STAR T N o te 1 : S o m e V e s s e ls re q u ire S ta tio n S /D b e c a u s e th e y a re tie d in to F la re H eader 2 SAP S e e N o te 1 a b o v e 31/05/2005 M o b ilis e In s p e c to r R e v ie w V e ss e l In s p e c tio n F ile U E C /1 5 x IN S P E C T O R In s p e c tio n F ile C o n ta in s : E q u ip m e n t D ra w in g s V e n d o r d a ta O rig in a l M a te ria ls C e rtific a te s ‘R e n e w a b le ’ T e s t C e rtific a te s P re v io u s In s p e c tio n & M a in te n a n c e R e p o rts T h is is a n In v a s iv e p ro c e s s re q u irin g M a n E n try Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Version 3.0 S TAR T No / M inor Anom aly E xternal Access SAP Confirm Next Inspection Due Date S ee Note Prepare Vessel Inspection Logistics PR-1013 Inspection Files Locations: O ND OS D MAF Fahud M arm ul Coast File Report in Asset Location UEC/15x UEC/15 & UEC/15 x 3 Asset Maint T eam 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection Agree 14D Schedule W ith O XO/xx Review Vessel Inspection File Revie w Vessel Inspection File Perform EXTERNA L Vessel Inspection Send Inspection Report to TTO/13 Review Report Enter Inspection Data Into PACER UEC/15 Area Planner UEC/15x INSPECTO R INSPECTO R INSPECTO R UEC/15 & UE C/15x UEC/15 & UEC/15x M ajor Anom aly M obilise NDE Contractor(s) Report & Close-out W O In SAP O XO /1x Assess Need SAP E ND Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure S TAR T No / M inor Anom aly E xternal Access SAP Confirm Next Inspection Due Date S ee Note Prepare Vessel Inspection Logistics PR-1013 Inspection Files Locations: O ND OS D MAF Fahud M arm ul Coast File Report in Asset Location UEC/15x UEC/15 & UEC/15 x 4 Asset Maint T eam 31/05/2005 Static Equipment Inspection Agree 14D Schedule W ith O XO/xx Review Vessel Inspection File Revie w Vessel Inspection File Perform EXTERNA L Vessel Inspection Send Inspection Report to TTO/13 Review Report Enter Inspection Data Into PACER UEC/15 Area Planner UEC/15x INSPECTO R INSPECTO R INSPECTO R UEC/15 & UE C/15x UEC/15 & UEC/15x M ajor Anom aly M obilise NDE Contractor(s) Report & Close-out W O In SAP O XO /1x Assess Need SAP E ND Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure 9 0 D P la n Version 3.0 N o te 1 : S o m e F ire d H e a te rs m a y re q u ire S ta tio n S /D Asset T eam N o te 2 : T y p ic a lly fo r R e fra c to ry a s s e s s m en t STAR T SAP M o b ilis e F H In s p e c to r R e v ie w In s p e c tio n F ile U E C /1 5 x IN S P E C T O R In s p e c tio n F ile C o n ta in s : E q u ip m e n t D ra w in g s V e n d o r d a ta O rig in a l M a te ria ls C e rtific a te s ‘R e n e w a b le ’ T e s t C e rtific a te s P re v io u s In s p & M a in t R e p o rts S e e N o te 1 a b o v e PR-1013 5 31/05/2005 S ta tic E q u ip m e n t In s p e c tio n A g re e 1 4 D S c h e d u le W ith O X O /xx C o o l D o w n a n d D ra in F ire d H e a te r fo r In s p e c tio n P h y s ic a lly Is o la te U n it F o r M a n E n try O pen up M a n d o o rs a n d Access Is s u e C o n fin e d S p a c e E n try P TW U E C /1 5 A re a P la n n e r S eOeX ON/1oxte A s s e t M a in t T e a m A s s e t M a in t T e a m O X O /1 x H S E -C ritic a l T a sk R e fe re n c e : A -0 6 .0 1 A -0 6 .0 2 A -0 6 .0 3 A -0 6 .0 4 M a in te n a n c e P ro g ra m m e / P la n C o -o rd in a tio n o f M a in te n a n c e A c tiv itie s M anagem ent of S AP D e v e lo p m e n t & M a in te n a n c e o f M a in te n a n c e P ro c e d u re s Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure S T AR T SAP O n g o in g Ro u tin e In sp ectio n o f O n -P lo t P ip ew o rk PR-1013 P rovide Inspection S e rvices S ta tic E qu ipm ent Insp ection A gre e 14D S ched ule W ith O X O /xx U E C /1 U E C /15 A rea P lann er 6 S ee M ap 5d (ii) END 31/05/2005 B aselin e In sp ectio n o f N ew O n -P lo t P ip ew o rk P ro roject ject Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Version 3.0 Inspection Files Locations: Ongoing Routine Inspection of On-Plot Pipework OND OSD MAF No / Minor Anomaly START Fahud Marmul Coast Access SAP Prepare Inspection Logistics PR-1013 UEC/15x UEC/15 & UEC/15x 7 31/05/2005 Asset Maint Team Provide Inspection Services Static Equipment Inspection Agree 14D Schedule With OXO/xx Review Inspection File Perform EXTERNAL Piping Inspection Send Inspection Report to TTO/13 Review Report Enter Inspection Data Into PACER UEC/1 UEC/15 Area Planner INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR UEC/15 & UEC/15x UEC/15 & UEC/15x Mobilise NDE Contractor File Report in Asset Location Confirm Next Inspection Due Date See Note External Inspection Scope: Major Anomaly Report & Close-out WO In SAP OXO/1x SAP END Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Note: Inspection Scope is 100% of Bottom Pipe Segment Only. START SAP See Note Provide Inspection Services Static Equipment Inspection Plan the Flowline Inspections UEC/1 UEC/15 UEC/15x PR-1013 Prepare & Issue List of Flowlines For Inspection Asset Team 8 Mobilise Inspection Contractor Scan Pipe run Using External MFL Tool Map defect Areas Using UT UEC/15x INSPECTOR INSPECTOR Issue Report of Findings To TTO/13x Assess Inspection Findings INSPECTOR Integrity Eng 31/05/2005 Enter Inspection Data Into PACER Inspection Files Locations: OND OSD MAF Fahud Marmul Coast File Report in Asset Location Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Version 3.0 STAR T SAP M itig a tio n PR-1013 M o n ito rin g C o rro s io n C o n tro l C a th o d ic P ro te c tio n CP Q u a rte rly M o n ito rin g M e a s u re O N P o te n tia l a t E v e ry C P P o te n tia l T e s tin g L o c a tio n C o n tra cto r C o n tra c to r C o n tra c to r C o n tra c to r 9 C o n tro l M e a s u re G ro u n d b e d P o te n tia l R e c o rd M e a s u re m e n ts In P A C E R C o n tra c to r C o n tra c to r P re p a re Q u a rte rly R e p o rts A n d D e fic ie n c y L ist R e v ie w a n d A n a ly s e R e p o rt C o n tra cto r C o rr E n g 31/05/2005 C o n firm J o b C o m p le te Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure SAP S T AR T C IP S /D C V G P ro v id e Y e a rly P la n P la c e W ork O rd e r C o n tra c to r C o rro s io n E n g C o rro s io n E n g S c h e d u le W ork L o a d PR-1013 C o n tra c to r 10 31/05/2005 N o m in a te S u b -C o n tra c to r S u b m it P ro c e d u re s F o r A p p ro v al C o n tra c to r SUB CON Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure START Version 3.0 Monitor QA/QC Deliverables SAP UEC/11 Static Equipment Repair Recommended by TTO/13x Provide Inspection Services UEC/1 PR-1013 Static Equipment Inspection Prepare Scope of Work Review SOW And Produce QA/QC Plan Mobilise Labour & Equipment Resources Required Commence Scope of Work Perform INTERMEDIATE Inspection Complete Scope of Work Perform FINAL Inspection Issue Notification To Box-up Box-up Equipment Report & Close-out WO In SAP UEC/15 Project /Maintenance UEC/15x UEC/11 Project /Maintenance Project /Maintenance INSPECTOR Project /Maintenance INSPECTOR UEC/15x Project /Maintenance OXO/1x 11 Mobilise Material Resources Required Project /Maintenance The Scope of Work would include the necessary Proof tests required for the item of equipment concerned. ‘Renewable’ test certificates would need to be updated as necessary 31/05/2005 Enter Next Inspection Due Date Into SAP Return Equipment To Service UEC/15x OXO/1x File Report SAP END Version 3.0 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Note 1: High Criticality Duty Maintenance Strategy / Repair Philosophy m ay require “Modular Change-out” of RV with Spare Unit already Tested & Certified. 90D Plan Asset Team Note 2: Record the local condition as-rem oved. In particular if RV Seal still intact (Integrity Issue) STAR T SAP See Note 1 See Note 2 Provide Inspection Services RV Re-Certification Agree 14D Schedule W ith O XO/xx Prepare Parent Tag For RV Change-out M odular C hange-out RV R eturn Parent Tag To Service Report & Close-out W O In SAP UEC /1 U EC/15 PDO Planner O XO /1 Team M aintenance O XO /1 Team OXO /1x PR-1013 12 SAP Inspection Files Locations: END O ND O SD MAF 31/05/2005 Fahud Marm ul Coast Update SAP U pdate Register Of Relief D evices File R eport in Asset Location U EC/15 & UEC/15 x UEC/15 & U EC/15 x UEC/15 x Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure Version 3.0 Inspection Files Locations: Note1: START SAP Movable Equipm ent Mobile Equipment Fixed Equipm ent Chain Blocks Chains and Chain Slings Ropes and Rope Slings Geared Beam Trolleys Clam ps Shackles & Pins Telescopic Crane Hyab Fork Lift Trucks A-Fram es Gantry Cranes Hoists Fixed Lifting Devices OND OSD MAF Fahud Marm ul Coast File Report in Asset Location UEC/15x Provide Inspection Services UEC/1 PR-1013 Lifting Equipment Re-Certification UEC/15 Agree 14D Schedule W ith OXO/xx PDO Planner Collect Movable Lifting Equipment To Inspection Area PDO Team Prepare Fixed Lifting Equipment For in-situ Inspection 13 See Note 3 See Note 2a See Note 1 Perform Lifting Equipment Inspection INSPECTOR Quarantine Items for Refurbishment (Or Destruction) INSPECTOR Raise W O for Refurbishment of Quarantined Items PDO Team Re-Certify Good Lifting Equipment Colour Code Re-Certified Lifting Equipment Confirm Next Inspection Due Date Return Lifting Equipment To Service Report & Close-out W O In SAP INSPECTOR PDO Team INSPECTOR PDO Team OXO/1x Update Register Of Lifting Equipment 31/05/2005 UEC/15 & UEC/15x PDO Team Note 3: Refurbish Defective Items Industry standard is to Colour Code Lifting Equipm ent items to show users that they are within current certification and not overdue SAP END Version 3.0 PR-1013 Static Equipment Inspection & Maintenance Procedure 14 31/05/2005