1. What is Good to Great Leadership according to Jim Colllins? What are the salient points of his propositions? Good to great leadership exhibits indomitable will & passion for success but tempered by unexpected humility. These leaders do not desire the limelight and are quick to pass the credit for success to their team. It is a leadership type that wins people over facts and logic and not through charm or charisma. These Level 5 leaders are driven by ambition but put people first as the leader recognizes them as enablers of success. They are fierce in their resolve but also strategic. They are the common denominator among companies that have exceeded market expectations, as supported by ten & half years of research. Good to great leadership is anchored by three concepts or mental models. Hedgehog Mentality – To focus on a simple strategy and a unifying vision. Much like how a hedgehog would consistently outwit a fox by employing an impenetrable defense from it predatory actions. The questions we should ask once employing the Hedgehog Mentality and will What can we be the best at? And what can’t we be the best at? Focus on our core competencies & strength. Economic engine, how can the company generate more profit per X (demographics) We determine a single or few denominators that yields the greatest return on profit and cashflow. Passion, are we just in it for the money? We invest on products that we truly believe in. We should not be distracted by ventures that are not aligned with our vision and strategy. Who gets on the bus? Meaning, who do they hire? - Preferably people with entrepreneurial spirit and can self-manage. We hire management team members who can drive the bus in the absence of leaders. When do people get off the bus? – As quick as possible, particularly when they are not a fit to our values as a company. Where do people sit on the bus? - Front section for top performers, for those who pursues the best growth opportunities while the rear section is for people who resolves problems or ensures the status quo or business as usual; they are critical as well to sustaining the business and not just to be discounted, though we admittedly place more value to the “rainmakers” of the company. Level 5 Leaders – Leaders with extreme humility and resolve. Determination to commit to everything needed to achieve great things. They don’t care about popularity; they are not charismatic leaders. They simply want to drive success.