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RSA Video Encryption using VHDL

Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol. S, No. 2, 3557-3561, 2020
RSA based video encryption using VHDL
J. Josephine Hope Hailma1
With the advent of technology large number of images are transmitted and received through the internet. Security
and privacy are the two major concerns during digital image transmission. Many encryption techniques have been
in the literature. They include several crypto analysis techniques, namely DES, RSA etc. However the research
has been mostly stopped in the simulation stage itself. Also the available techniques are time consuming, which
pose a serious concern especially during video transmission. Hence it is necessary to develop an indigenous
hardware that can be exclusively used for video encryption and decryption. Hardware implementation involves
developing the algorithm in VHDL and downloading it in a kit. The proposed work aims at developing video
encryption and decryption of binary images. Also the proposed techniques have been extended to gray scale
videos with 32 gray levels.
1 Department
of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
c 2020 MJM.
Article History: Received 01 October 2020; Accepted 10 December 2020
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3557
Rsa based encryption and decryption of binary images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3558
Encryption and decryption of gray scale images3559
Results and discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3559
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3560
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3561
1. Introduction
Nowadays large numbers of videos are transmitted through
internet. However certain areas like Defence, Forensics, National Security, Telemedicine demand secured transmission
of videos. Hence image encryption and decryption are involved while transmitting and receiving the videos. Extensive
research is carried out in this area to improve the security of
the videos. In most cases, the research ends at developing
successful encryption techniques for secured image transmission. Wu-chi Feng et al (2001) proposed an error preserving
encryption mechanism for transmission of video over wireless
networks. The main objective of this work was to ensure
that the basic encryption of the stream can survive bit errors
[1]. R.Jaimes et al (2010have proposed an encryption for
direct encryption of shading pictures in every edge of a video.
Which gives great disarray and dissemination properties that
guarantees to a great degree high security as a result of the
turbulent blending of pixels hues [2] John Singh et al (2011)
have proposedfaster video transmission technique over the
network. The proposed algorithm takes very less time for
encryption and it gives more security than all other existing
algorithms. As the proposed solution employs multi-level encryption along with key encryption, the attacker cannot easily
break this algorithm. And analysis shows that lightweight algorithms take less time than existing heavyweight algorithms
[3].Gurmeet (2011) have built up a secured video conferencing framework that permits the various clients to trade their
continuous sound and video streams in a safe way. It is a
customer server based application actualized utilizing Java
Media. At the season of joining the gathering by a client who
is officially enrolled at the server, the validation is done utilizing RSA open private key sets. For each new conferencing
session server produces a crisp emit key (Triple-DES) which
is transmitted to the customer after verification in a safe way.
The framework permits up to 12 dynamic members to partake in the meeting utilizing P-IV, 2.4GHz processor with 512
MB of RAM [4]. Murthy (2011) have proposed encryption
standard for runtime video chatting. The stage planned has
three functionalities. It changes over the caught video into .x
document arrange, scramble the information record and exchange it over the system and Create associations powerfully
[5]. They are not implemented in hardware due to its limited
support for image processing. The most commonly used hardware for indigenous system development is Spartan processor
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kit. It involves developing the algorithm using VHDL and
downloading it in the processor. The proposed work aims at
developing RSA based encryption and decryption techniques
for binary and gray scale videos. The paper is sorted out as
takes after. Section 2 portrays encryption and decoding on
double recordings. Section 3 depicts both encryption and
decoding on dim scale recordings. Section 4 gives results and
examination and Section 5 finishes up the work
2. Rsa based encryption and decryption
of binary images
In the proposed work RSA calculation is utilized for
scrambling the video, by changing over the video into picture outlines. Since RSA calculation depends on figuring
whole numbers, the pixel values for all the picture edges are
scrambled and decoded. At that point the picture edges are
recovered as video. The square outline of the proposed work
is appeared in Figure 1 and 2.
Figure 3: Methodology for public key generation
Once the keys are generated, the cipher text is generated
for intensities in binary images. However as the cipher text for
0, 1 is 5, 6. These intensities are converted 14 and 30. At the
receiver side, decryption key is generated and the procedure
for generating the key is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 1: Binary video encryption
Figure 2: Binary video decryption
Figure 4: Methodology for private key generation
For encrypting a pixel value public key should be known,
for decrypting private key should be known. Both keys are
generated by two random prime numbers. The methodology
for key generation for encryption using RSA algorithm is
shown in Figure 3.
The comparing figure code of number 2 to 32 is appeared
in Table 1. For the general population keys E=7, N=33 and
private keys D=3 and N=33.
Table 1: Encrypted value of number 2 to 32
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Figure 5: Gray scale video encryption
Figure 6: Gray scale video decryption
4. Results and discussions
The RSA algorithm is developed in VHDL, key generation, encryption and decryption operation for the sliced image frames
from the video file. The obtained wave for key generation
process is shown in Figure 7.
By this way the intensity value of the image is changed while
3. Encryption and decryption of gray
scale images
Though binary videos are used in certain applications which
demand less memory space, Binary videos are no longer used
in practical cases. Gray scale format is most widely used while
transmitting images. Hence an attempt is successfully made
to encrypt and decrypt the gray scale images. However due
to the inherent limitation in the data type storage allocation
in VHDL, 5 bit intensity is used for pixels in an images. The
encryption and decryption keys are same as that of the binary
images. In a similar way as that of binary images, the gray
scale images are encrypted and decrypted. The block diagram
for gray scale encryption based on RSA algorithm is shown
in Figure 5 and Figure 6.
Figure 7: Key generation in VHDL
Figure 8: Quantized B&W images and Gray scale images
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The proposed technique is applied on 3 different sets of
videos. Initially these videos are converted into frames. These
frames are then converted into binary images. The frames and
the corresponding binary images and gray scale images are
shown in Figure7. Further the quantized images are encrypted
and decrypted using the public keys and private keys which
is generated. The encrypted and decrypted binary images
of three different videos are shown in Figure 8. And the
corresponding wave forms are shown in Figure 9.
Figure 11: Encrypted and Decrypted Gray scale images
Figure 9: Encrypted and Decrypted B&W images
Figure 10: Binary video (a) encrypted wave, (b) decrypted
The wave shape (a) demonstrates the force estimation of
the first parallel picture outline and the scrambled estimation
of the encoded twofold picture. (b) Shows the force estimation
of the scrambled picture and the decoded estimation of the
encoded paired picture. Same way the gray scale images are
encrypted and decrypted. The obtained images are shown in
Figure 10. And the corresponding wave form is shown in
Figure 11. The wave form (a) shows the intensity value of
the original gray scale image frame and the encrypted value
of the encrypted image. (b) shows the intensity value of the
encrypted gray scale image and the decrypted value of the
encrypted image.
(a) (b)
Figure 12: Grayscale (a) encrypted wave form, (b) decrypted
From these it is observed that the 5-bit video encryption
methods woks well on coloured and gray scaled images.
5. Conclusion
In this project work RSA based video encryption has been
successfully developed it has been verified and validated. It
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is found that the reconstructed video is the exact replica of
the transferred video, however in this approach binary image
were used which may not always be favoured. However hence
an attempt also been made to extent this approach for gray
scale image, where every pixel is represented with 5 bits. Both
encryption and decryption were successfully implemented but
the quality of the video can be further increased. If the number
of bits for representing each pixel increases, hence the further
direction may overcome that inherit imitation in VHDL while
implementing the algorithm for more of gray levels.
Wu-chi, On Error Preserving Encryption Algorithms
for Wireless Video Transmission, The Ohio State UniversityDepartment of Computer and information Science Columbus, OH 43210, {tosun,wuchi}@cis.ohiostate.edu, (2001).
John et al., PUZZLE FAST RANDOM BIT ENCRYPTION TECHNIQUE FOR JOINT VIDEO COMPRESSION AND ENCRYPTION, School of Information Technology and Engineering VIT University, Vellore, Tamil
Nadu, India Research Supervisor, Anna University of
Technology Coimbatore Tamil Nadu, (2011).
Jaimes et al., VIDEO ENCRYPTION WITH CHAOTICALLY COUPLED CHAOTIC MAPS USING DMP6437 AND SIMULINK, Centro Universitario de los Lagos, Universidad de Guadalajara, Enrique D de Leon s/n.
Lagos de Moreno, Jal., C. P. 47460, Mco,(2010).
Gurmeet, Secure Video Conferencing for Web Based
Security Surveillance System, Department of Computer
Science and Engineering Indian Institute of Technology,
Kanpur July, (2006).
Murthy et al., Dynamic Video Conferencing with Fully
Secured Encryption Algorithms, International Journal
of Computer Applications, (0975-8887)34(8), (2011).
ISSN(P):2319 − 3786
Malaya Journal of Matematik
ISSN(O):2321 − 5666