SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 1 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 2 PRHPL Name Signature PwC Date Name Asheem Rath Anirban Bose Manish Goel Tilak Mendiratta Signature Shriti Malhotra FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY Date SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 3 CONTENTS 1 2 3 BUSINESS REVIEW OF PLANET RETAIL HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED ........................................................................................... 14 1.1 PLANET RETAIL HOLDINGS-CONCEPTS: ........................................................................................................................................... 15 1.2 PLANET RETAIL HOLDING BRANDS ................................................................................................................................................... 16 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20 2.1 CLIENT ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20 2.2 COMPANY .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 2.3 SITE .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 2.4 STORAGE LOCATION .............................................................................................................................................................................. 33 2.5 PURCHASING ORGANIZATION ............................................................................................................................................................. 35 2.6 PURCHASING GROUP .............................................................................................................................................................................. 36 MASTERS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 3.1 ARTICLE MASTER .................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 INTEGRATION IN SAP ....................................................................................................................................................................... 39 ARTICLE TYPE .................................................................................................................................................................................... 40 ARTICLE MASTER VIEW: ................................................................................................................................................................. 43 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 4 3.1.5 BASIC DATA ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 43 3.1.6 LISTING ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 43 3.1.7 PURCHASING ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 3.1.8 SALES: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 44 3.1.9 LOGISTICS DC..................................................................................................................................................................................... 44 3.1.10 LOGISTICS STORE: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 44 3.1.11 POS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 3.1.12 ARTICLE NUMBER............................................................................................................................................................................. 46 3.1.13 ARTICLE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................................................... 46 3.1.14 UNIT OF MEASURE: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 46 BASE UNIT OF MEASURE (BUN) ........................................................................................................................................ 46 ORDER UNIT OF MEASURE (OUN): ..................................................................................................................................... 46 SALES UNIT OF MEASURE (SUN): ....................................................................................................................................... 47 DELIVERY/ISSUE UNIT OF MEASURE (D/I): ...................................................................................................................... 47 3.1.15 EUROPEAN ARTICLE NUMBER ...................................................................................................................................................... 48 3.1.16 VALUATION CLASS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 49 3.1.17 PRICE CONTROL INDICATOR ......................................................................................................................................................... 51 STANDARD PRICE (S)............................................................................................................................................................ 52 MOVING AVERAGE PRICE ................................................................................................................................................... 52 3.1.18 PURCHASING VALUE KEY .............................................................................................................................................................. 53 3.1.19 OLD ARTICLE NUMBER ................................................................................................................................................................... 53 3.1.20 EXTERNAL MERCHANDISE GROUP .............................................................................................................................................. 53 3.1.21 PRODUCT HIERARCHY..................................................................................................................................................................... 54 3.1.22 SIZE & DIMENSION............................................................................................................................................................................ 54 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 5 3.1.23 RP TYPE................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54 3.1.24 LOT SIZE .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 55 3.1.25 RE-ORDER POINT ............................................................................................................................................................................... 55 3.1.26 MAXIMUM STOCK LEVEL ............................................................................................................................................................... 55 3.1.27 RP CONTROLLER ............................................................................................................................................................................... 56 3.1.28 VALUATION CATEGORY ................................................................................................................................................................. 56 3.1.29 ARTICLE CATEGORY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 57 SINGLE ARTICLE ................................................................................................................................................................... 57 GENERIC ARTICLES ............................................................................................................................................................... 58 EMPTIES & FULL PRODUCTS ............................................................................................................................................... 58 STRUCTURED ARTICLES ...................................................................................................................................................... 59 3.1.30 MERCHANDISE CATEGORY (MC): ................................................................................................................................................. 60 3.1.31 MERCHANDISE CATEGORY HIERARCHIES ................................................................................................................................ 60 3.2 BATCH MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................... 64 3.2.1 BATCH LEVEL .................................................................................................................................................................................... 64 SITE LEVEL ................................................................................................................................................................................ 64 ARTICLE LEVEL ........................................................................................................................................................................ 65 CLIENT LEVEL ........................................................................................................................................................................... 65 3.2.2 BATCH NO ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 66 3.3 ASSORTMENT PLANNING: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 66 3.3.1 DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 66 3.4 VENDOR MASTER .................................................................................................................................................................................... 66 3.4.1 VENDOR ACCOUNT GROUP ............................................................................................................................................................ 67 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 6 3.4.2 TITLE .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 69 3.4.3 VENDOR NAME .................................................................................................................................................................................. 69 3.4.4 VENDOR SEARCH TERM .................................................................................................................................................................. 69 3.4.5 VENDOR STREET ADDRESS ............................................................................................................................................................ 69 3.4.6 VENDOR COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................................................................................... 69 3.4.7 VENDOR RECONCILIATION ACCOUNT ........................................................................................................................................ 69 3.4.8 VENDOR HEAD OFFICE ACCOUNT NUMBER.............................................................................................................................. 70 3.4.9 VENDOR PAYMENT TERMS ............................................................................................................................................................ 71 3.4.10 CHECK FLAG FOR DOUBLE INVOICES OR CREDIT MEMOS ................................................................................................... 71 3.4.11 VENDOR PAYMENT METHOD ........................................................................................................................................................ 71 3.4.12 VENDOR HOUSE BANK .................................................................................................................................................................... 72 3.4.13 VENDOR PURCHASE ORDER CURRENCY.................................................................................................................................... 72 3.4.14 VENDOR INCO TERMS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 72 3.4.15 SCHEMA GROUP, VENDOR .............................................................................................................................................................. 73 3.4.16 PRICING DATE CATEGORY (CONTROLS DATE OF PRICE DETERMINATION) .................................................................... 73 3.4.17 GR-BASED INVOICE VERIFICATION INDICATOR ...................................................................................................................... 74 3.4.18 SERVICE-BASED INVOICE VERIFICATION INDICATOR ........................................................................................................... 74 3.5 INFO RECORD ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 75 3.5.1 DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 75 3.5.2 INFO CATEGORY ............................................................................................................................................................................... 76 STANDARD ................................................................................................................................................................................ 76 SUBCONTRACTING ................................................................................................................................................................. 76 PIPELINE .................................................................................................................................................................................... 76 CONSIGNMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................ 76 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 7 3.6 SOURCE LIST ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 77 3.7 QUOTA ARRANGEMENT......................................................................................................................................................................... 77 3.8 TAX CODE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 77 3.9 SERVICE MASTER .................................................................................................................................................................................... 79 3.9.1 DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 79 3.9.2 SERVICE MASTER RECORDS .......................................................................................................................................................... 79 3.9.3 AS PLANNED SERVICES WITH DESCRIPTION, QUANTITY, AND PRICE ............................................................................... 80 3.9.4 AS UNPLANNED SERVICES WITH THE SETTING OF A VALUE LIMIT ONLY. ..................................................................... 80 3.10 PURCHASING SCHEMA........................................................................................................................................................................ 81 3.10.1 DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 81 3.10.2 CONDITION TYPES ............................................................................................................................................................................ 81 3.10.3 GROUP CONDITION ........................................................................................................................................................................... 82 3.10.4 CONDITION TABLES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 82 3.10.5 ACCESS SEQUENCE........................................................................................................................................................................... 82 3.10.6 PURCHASE DOMESTIC SCHEMA.................................................................................................................................................... 83 3.10.7 PURCHASE DOMESTIC SCHEMA WITH MRP ............................................................................................................................... 83 3.10.8 PURCHASE IMPORT SCHEMA ......................................................................................................................................................... 84 3.10.9 PURCHASE IMPORT SCHEMA WITH MRP .................................................................................................................................... 85 3.10.10 STOCK TRANSPORT ORDER ........................................................................................................................................................ 85 3.11 TAX PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 86 3.12 CONSIGNMENT STOCK ........................................................................................................................................................................ 87 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 4 PAGE 8 3.12.1 CONSIGNMENT RECEIPT ................................................................................................................................................................. 87 3.12.2 ISSUE OF CONSIGNMENT STOCK .................................................................................................................................................. 87 3.12.3 TRANSFERRING CONSIGNMENT STOCK TO OWN STOCK ...................................................................................................... 88 3.12.4 SETTLING CONSIGNMENT LIABILITIES ...................................................................................................................................... 88 3.12.5 AFTER SALES ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 89 PLANET RETAIL PROCESSES FLOW CHARTS .......................................................................................................................................... 90 4.1 PURCHASE TO PAY CYCLE (DOMESTIC)_WITH PURCHASE REQUISITION ............................................................................... 90 4.2 PURCHASE TO PAY CYCLE (DOMESTIC)_WITHOUT PURCHASE REQUISITION ....................................................................... 90 4.3 PURCHASE TO PAY CYCLE (IMPORTS)_WITH PURCHASE REQUISITION .................................................................................. 90 4.4 PURCHASE TO PAY CYCLE (IMPORTS)_WITHOUT PURCHASE REQUISITION .......................................................................... 90 4.5 SUB-CONTRACTING CYCLE .................................................................................................................................................................. 90 4.6 STOCK TRANSFER FROM DC/STORE TO STORE ............................................................................................................................... 90 4.7 EXTERNAL SERVICE MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................................................................. 90 4.8 GOODS MOVEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................................ 90 4.9 MATERIAL RETURN TO THE VENDOR ................................................................................................................................................ 90 4.10 5 VERSION NO – 2.0 PHYSICAL INVENTORY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 90 IMPORTANT TERMS IN PURCHASING ..................................................................................................................................................... 102 5.1 PURCHASING REQUISITION ................................................................................................................................................................ 102 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 6 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 9 5.2 PURCHASE ORDER ................................................................................................................................................................................. 103 5.3 SCHEDULING AGREEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................. 107 5.4 INVOICE VERIFICATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 109 PROCESSES FOR PLANET RETAIL ............................................................................................................................................................ 110 6.1 CREATION OF PURCHASE REQUISITION .......................................................................................................................................... 110 6.1.1 PURCHASE REQUISITION WITH ARTICLE CODE (NON MERCHANDISE) ........................................................................... 111 6.1.2 PURCHASE REQUISITION WITHOUT ARTICLE CODE (MERCHANDISE CODE) ............................................................... 111 6.2 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER ..................................................................................................................................................... 112 6.2.1 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR ARTICLE / MERCHANDISE .................................................................................... 112 6.2.2 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR CONSUMABLES ....................................................................................................... 113 6.2.3 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR CONSUMABLES WITH ARTICLE CODE .............................................................. 113 6.2.4 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR CONSUMABLES WITHOUT ARTICLE CODE ...................................................... 114 6.2.5 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR SERVICES .................................................................................................................. 115 6.2.6 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR SERVICES WITH SERVICE MASTER .................................................................... 115 6.2.7 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR SERVICES WITHOUT SERVICE MASTER ........................................................... 116 6.2.8 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR SUBCONTRACTING ................................................................................................ 117 6.2.9 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR ASSETS ...................................................................................................................... 118 6.3 CREATION OF SCHEDULING AGREEMENTS OF ARTICLE ........................................................................................................... 119 6.3.1 CREATION OF SCHEDULING AGREEMENTS OF CONSUMABLES ........................................................................................ 120 6.4 DATA CAPTURING AT SECURITY GATE ........................................................................................................................................... 121 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 10 6.5 GOODS RECEIPTS PROCESS ................................................................................................................................................................. 122 6.6 CANCELLATION OF GR ......................................................................................................................................................................... 124 6.7 SERVICE ENTRY SHEET ........................................................................................................................................................................ 124 6.8 CANCELLATION OF SERVICE ENTRY SHEET .................................................................................................................................. 126 6.9 IMPORT CYCLE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 126 6.9.1 PROCESS FLOW (AS PER AS-IS)_IMPORTS_MERCHANDISE ................................................................................................. 126 6.9.2 PROCESS FLOW (AS PER AS-IS)_IMPORTS_NON MERCHANDISE ........................................................................................ 128 6.10 TRANSFER OF GOODS FROM SITE TO SITE .................................................................................................................................. 129 6.10.1 ONE STEP ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 129 6.10.2 TWO STEP .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 129 6.11 TRANSFER OF GOODS FROM STORAGE LOCATION TO STORAGE LOCATION WITHIN SITE .......................................... 130 6.12 ISSUE OF GOODS TO COST CENTRE ............................................................................................................................................... 131 6.13 REVERSAL OF GOODS FROM COST CENTRE ............................................................................................................................... 131 6.14 TRANSFER OF GOODS FROM ARTICLE TO ARTICLE ................................................................................................................. 131 6.15 TRANSFER OF GOODS FROM SITE TO SUBCONTRACTOR ....................................................................................................... 131 6.16 PHYSICAL INVENTORY VERIFICATION (STOCK TAKE)............................................................................................................ 132 6.17 ARTICLE RETURN TO VENDOR ....................................................................................................................................................... 134 6.18 RP FOR CONSUMABLES .................................................................................................................................................................... 134 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 6.19 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 11 GOODS IN TRANSIT ............................................................................................................................................................................ 135 6.19.1 ARTICLE FROM EXTERNAL SUPPLIER TO DC/STORE ............................................................................................................ 135 6.19.2 ARTICLE FROM SITE/STORE TO SITE/STORE THROUGH STO .............................................................................................. 136 6.20 RELEASE STRATEGY ......................................................................................................................................................................... 136 6.20.1 GAP: .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 137 6.21 RESERVATION ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 137 6.22 COSTING OF GOODS RECIEVED (IMPORTS) ................................................................................................................................. 138 6.22.1 PROCESS FLOW AS PER AS-IS ...................................................................................................................................................... 138 6.23 CLAIMS PROCESS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 139 7 6.23.1 PROCESS FLOW AS PER AS-IS _ CLAIMS FROM SUPPLIER.................................................................................................... 139 SHORTAGE / DEFECTIVES IN IMPORTS.......................................................................................................................... 139 SHORTAGE/DEFECTIVES IN DOMESTIC SUPPLIES ..................................................................................................... 139 6.23.2 INSURANCE CLAIMS....................................................................................................................................................................... 140 FOR DAMAGES/SHORTAGES (BOTH FOR IMPORTS AND DOMESTICS) ................................................................. 140 LIST OF GAPS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 140 8 DATA MIGRATION STRATEGY .................................................................................................................................................................. 141 8.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 141 8.2 DATA MIGRATION SOLUTIONS ALLOW US TO .............................................................................................................................. 141 8.2.1 8.2.2 REDUCE RISK ................................................................................................................................................................................... 141 LOWER OPEX .................................................................................................................................................................................... 142 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 12 8.2.3 IMPROVE DATA QUALITY ............................................................................................................................................................. 142 8.2.4 MIGRATE SEAMLESSLY................................................................................................................................................................. 142 8.3 THE STEPS TO BE FOLLOWED ............................................................................................................................................................ 142 8.4 DATA MIGRATION PROCESS INCLUDES .......................................................................................................................................... 143 8.5 LIST OF TOOLS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 143 8.6 LIST OF DATA MIGRATION TEMPLATES FOR PLANET RETAIL ................................................................................................. 143 8.7 DATA MIGRATION TEAM ..................................................................................................................................................................... 144 9 LIST OF DATA MIGRATION TOOLS PERTAINING TO PURCHASING AND SCM ............................................................................. 144 10 LIST OF MODULE POOLS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 145 11 LIST OF REPORTS AS PER AS-IS ............................................................................................................................................................. 145 11.1 PRINT OF PURCHASE ORDER (DOMESTIC / IMPORTS / THIRD PARTY) ................................................................................. 145 11.2 ALLOCATION REPORT: INPUT FIELD- ALLOCATION NO. (STO NUMBER)/ ALLOCATION DATE (STO DATE) ............. 145 11.3 GRN REPORT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 146 11.4 LANDED COST REPORT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 148 11.5 LTI REPORT/ INWARD REPORT AT THE STORE END ................................................................................................................. 149 11.6 LTO REPORT/OUTBOUND DELIVERY REPORT ............................................................................................................................ 149 11.7 PURCHASE ORDER REPORT ............................................................................................................................................................. 150 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 13 11.8 STOCK REPORT ................................................................................................................................................................................... 151 11.9 STOCK REPORT ................................................................................................................................................................................... 152 12 OVERVIEW OF SCM FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................... 154 12.1 ALLOCATION ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 154 12.1.1 AS –IS .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 154 12.1.2 TO-BE .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 155 12.1.3 ALLOCATION RULES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 155 12.1.4 ALLOCATION TABLES .................................................................................................................................................................... 155 12.1.5 GENERATION OF FOLLOW-ON DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................................................... 156 13 SAP COMMENTS......................................................................................................................................................................................... 158 14 CAPTAINS COMMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 158 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 1 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 14 BUSINESS REVIEW OF PLANET RETAIL HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED Planet Retail is India’s leading lifestyle retail group offering premium and famous international retail options to the Indian consumer. Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Ltd. formerly known as Planet Sports Pvt. Ltd. is the leading lifestyle retailer in India today offering premium and famous international retail options to Indian consumers. Currently Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Ltd. brings to India famous fashion brands like Marks & Spencer, Guess, Next, etc. catering to Fashion/ Lifestyle retailing segment. The company has recently forayed into Department stores through Debenhams and the Health and Beauty segment with the launch of The Body Shop. Planet Retail has over 70 stores of various concepts spread across India with a total retail space of over 1 Lac sq. ft. It employs more than 700 people across its offices and stores. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 15 1.1 PLANET RETAIL HOLDINGS-CONCEPTS: PLANET RETAIL PLANET RETAIL HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED GUESS MARCIANO NEXT ACCESORIZE DEBENHAMS FASHION CUBE SUPREME TRADELINKS PRIVATE LIMITED MARKS & SPENCER FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY QUEST RETAIL PRIVATE LIMITED THE BODY SHOP SOLE EFFECT SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 16 Planet Retail Holdings as a corporate group has the following companies: PLANET RETAIL HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED SUPREME TRADELINKS PRIVATE LIMITED (100% subsidiary of Planet Retail Holdings private limited.) QUEST RETAIL PRIVATE LIMITED 1.2 PLANET RETAIL HOLDING BRANDS GUESS: Established in 2005, GUESS began as a jeans company and has since successfully grown into a global lifestyle brand. Today GUESS designs, markets and distributes full collections of women’s, men’s and children’s apparel as well as accessories. GUESS is distributed throughout the United States and Canada in fine department and specialty stores, its retail and factory stores, and on its online store GUESS has licensees and distributors in South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Middle East. It has been launched in 2005. MARCIANO: Marciano is the new runway-inspired collection designed for the contemporary "it girl." Marciano represents pure glamour in everyday fashion. From intricately detailed tops, to body conscious party dresses and well-constructed slacks and coats, the collection offers a trend-setting variety of mix-and-match pieces that will take one from morning meeting to cocktail hour in style. Marciano accessories, including boldly-coloured leather handbags, stunningly sexy footwear, and attention demanding jewellery, are a key element of this A-leister lifestyle. It has been launched in 2007. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 17 Pairing the highest quality construction and intricate craftsmanship with the most luxurious fabrics, the Marciano collection is unmistakably sumptuous. Elegant silk chiffons, soft cashmeres, and finely decorated jacquards add sensual femininity to this decadent line. As distinguished through such elements as delicate beading and beautiful jewelled button accents, great detail and care go into the design of each piece. Designer denim in the latest washes and figure flattering silhouettes also plays a key role in the Marciano line. The first brand extension from GUESS, Inc., Marciano follows suit in true GUESS style with apparel and accessories that are on the edge of the fashion forefront. NEXT: Next is a UK based retailer offering stylish, good quality products in clothing, footwear, accessories and home products. It has been launched in 2006. ACCESSORIZE: In the early 1980's Monsoon started to sell a small collection of accessories which became so popular that the idea for the innovative new store format Accessorize was born. The first Accessorize store opened in London's Covent Garden Piazza in 1984 and the second in Carnaby Street in 1986. 1992 saw the first Accessorize store outside London with a store opening in Manchester. In the same year the first airport store was opened at Gatwick South terminal. Building on the company's phenomenal success, a store opening programme began, averaging 16 new stores each year. It has been launched in 2006. Today there are more than 240 Accessorize stores in the UK and a blossoming international operation of over 300 stores. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 18 See a list of all Accessorize stores throughout the UK and the world here. With its own in-house design team, Accessorize holds a unique position on the high street with its inspirational, globally sourced, wellpriced and good quality collection of fashion accessories. Displayed in an original and impactful colour-bay design, the constantly changing range includes every kind of accessory imaginable; bags, purses, jewellery, belts, hats, scarves, flip flops, gloves, hair accessories and cosmetics. DEBENHAMS: Planet Retail’s latest concept, Debenhams, is targeted at style conscious customers. Tagged as 'Britain's Favourite Department Store', Debenhams delivers its own brand of style, comfort, and practicality in its product offering. Debenhams has made its debut at Ambience Mall, Gurgaon. This lifestyle department store concept from the UK offers shoppers over 20 British brands under one roof - with an offering ranging from exclusive designer fashion to modern, contemporary home-ware. It has been launched in 2007. FASHION CUBE: It is the factory-outlet kind of concept from Planet Retail Holdings from which the other brands are sold. It has been launched in 2007. MARKS & SPENCERS: This brand has over 600 stores located throughout the UK, this includes our largest store at Marble Arch, London. In addition, the Company has 240 stores worldwide, including over 219 franchise businesses, operating in 34 countries. First established in the UK in 1884, M&S now trades across 30 countries, employing over 60,000 people with a turnover in excess of USD 15 billion. It has been launched in 2007. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 19 THE BODY SHOP: The Body Shop International plc is a global manufacturer and retailer of naturally inspired, ethically produced beauty and cosmetics products. Founded in the UK in 1976 by Dame Anita Roddick, it has over 2,100 stores in 55 countries, with a range of over 1,200 products, all animal cruelty free, and many with fairly traded natural ingredients. It has been launched in 2006. SOLE EFFECT: This format deals brings famous footwear brands nearer to the customers. It has been launched in 2007. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 2 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 20 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE 2.1 CLIENT A client is in organizational terms, an independent unit in the system. Clients have their own data environment and therefore their own master and transaction data, assigned user master record and chart of accounts and specific customizing parameters. The Client is the top-level of organization structure. Several company codes can be assigned to one single client. Planet Retail Scenario: PRD (Clients: 100, 110, 120) PRQ (Client: 200) XID (Clients: 400, 410) XIQ (Client: 500) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY PRP (Clients: 300) XIP (Clients: 600) SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 21 Naming Conventions: Every SAP system within a landscape must have a unique system ID called “SID”. Additionally SAP recommends that all systems across all landscapes have a unique SID so as to avoid potential naming conflicts when configuring remote connections between the three component landscapes and also among the users, administrators and SAP team. Although some systems do not yet physically exist it is important to establish a naming convention in order that future systems can still be identified and incorporated within the transport strategy. Accordingly, the following naming conventions are recommended: SID: XYZ Where XY represents the Landscape PR: PLANET RETAIL IS Retail systems XI: PLANET RETAIL XI System Where Z represents the role of the system D: Development Q: Quality / Test P: Production FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PRD: Planet Retail Development 100 Golden Client 110 Configuration Client 120 Sand Box PRQ: Planet Retail Quality 200 Quality / Testing Client PRP: Planet Retail Production 300 Production Client XID: XI Development 400 Golden Client 410 Configuration Client XIQ: XI Quality 500 Quality / Test Client XIP: XI Production 600 Production Client FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 22 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 23 2.2 COMPANY A company is an organizational unit in accounting which represents a business organization according to the requirements of commercial law in a particular country. Planet Retail Scenario: There are 3 company codes in Planet Retail which are listed below: Company Code: 1000: PLANET RETAIL HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED 1100: SUPREME TRADELINKS PRIVATE LIMITED. 2000: QUEST RETAIL PRIVATE LIMITED 2.3 SITE A site is an organizational unit. Sites are used to manage inventory at storage location level and to map the relevant business processes such as goods receipts, physical inventory and goods issues. A site can be a store or a distribution centre.. Store: It is a type of site in which goods are presented and sold to consumers. Distribution Centre: A distribution centre (DC) is supplied with merchandise by an external vendor. A distribution centre also supplies other sites and external customers with merchandise. The DC is different from the store as it performs the additional function of being a vendor to the store. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 24 The site is assigned to a single company code. A company code can have several sites. A site has the following attributes: A site has an address. A site has a language. A site belongs to a country. Planet Retail Scenario: In Planet Retail, currently, there are three company codes i e Planet Retail Holdings Pvt Limited, Supreme Trade Links Pvt Limited and Quest Retail Pvt. Limited. Under above three company codes, there are 95 sites which are listed below. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 25 TOTAL SITES: 95 COMPANY CODE: 1000 COMPANY NAME: PLANET RETAIL HOLDINGS PRIVATE LIMITED CONCEPT: GUESS There are 21 stores in GUESS under company code 1000 (Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Limited) STORE CODE G001 G002 G003 G004 G005 G006 G007 G008 G009 G010 G011 G012 G013 G014 G015 G016 LOCATION GUESS?? – MALAD GUESS?? – PHOENIX GUESS?? - MGF MALL GUESS?? - ANSAL PLAZA GUESS?? – BANGALORE GUESS?? - HYD. CENTRAL GUESS?? - VAMA PEDDER ROAD GUESS?? – CHENNAI GUESS?? – LUCKNOW GUESS?? - ATRIA THE MILLENNIUM MALL GUESS?? - KAKADE MALL PUNE GUESS?? - WESTGATE MALL DELHI GUESS?? - ELITE LUDHIANA GUESS?? AVANI HEIGHTS KOLKATA GUESS?? LIDO MALL BANGALORE GUESS?? - HIMALAYA MALL AHMEDABAD SEARCH TERM MIGU MPGU GMGU DAGU BGGU HCGU MVGU CSGU LSGU MAGU PKGU DWGU LEGU KAGU BLGU AHGU FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY CITY MUMBAI MUMBAI GURGAON DELHI BANGALORE HYDERABAD MUMBAI CHENNAI LUCKNOW MUMBAI PUNE DELHI LUDHIANA KOLKATA BANGALORE AHMEDABAD SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON G017 G018 G019 G020 G021 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 26 GUESS?? – NOIDA GUESS?? AMBI MALL GURGAON GUESS?? - SELECT CITY WALK SAKET DELHI GUESS?? - SOUTH CITY MALL KOLKATA GUESS?? AMBI MALL (SOLE EFFECT_SIS) GURGAON NGGU GAGU DSGU KSGU GAS1 NOIDA GURGAON DELHI KOLKATA GURGAON CONCEPT: MARCIANO There is a store in Marciano under company code 1000 (Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Limited) STORE CODE G900 LOCATION MARCIANO AMBI MALL GURGAON SEARCH TERM GAMA CITY GURGAON CONCEPT: NEXT There are eleven stores in Next under company code 1000 (Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Limited). STORE CODE N001 N002 N003 N004 N005 LOCATION NEXT - WESTGATE MALL DELHI NEXT - KAKADE MAGNUM MALL PUNE NEXT - AVANI HEIGHTS KOLKATA NEXT - LIDO MALL BANGALORE NEXT - AMBI MALL GURGAON SEARCH TERM DWNX PKNX KANX BLNX GANX FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY CITY DELHI PUNE KOLKATA BANGALORE GURGAON SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON N006 N007 N008 N009 N010 N011 NEXT - SOUTH CITY MALL KOLKATA NEXT - SELECT CITY WALK SAKET DELHI NEXT ANSAL PLAZA NEW DELHI NEXT - PHOENIX MALL MUMBAI NEXT - OBEROI MALL MUMBAI NEXT – DEV ARCADE AHMEDABAD VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 27 KSNX DSNX DANX MPNX MONX ADNX KOLKATA DELHI DELHI MUMBAI MUMBAI AHMEDABAD CONCEPT: ACCESSORIZE There are six stores in Accessorize under company code 1000 (Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Limited). STORE CODE A001 A002 A003 A004 A005 A006 LOCATION ACCESSORIZE - AVANI HEIGHT KOLKATA ACCESSORIZE AMBI MALL GURGAON ACCESSORIZE DISTRICT CENTRE SAKET ACCESSORIZE OBEROI MALL MUMBAI ACCESSORIZE LIFESTYLE OASIS CENTRE BANGALORE ACCESSORIZE LIDO MALL BANGALORE SEARCH TERM KAAC GAAC DSAC MOAC CITY KOLKATA GURGAON DELHI MUMBAI BOAC BLAC BANGALORE BANGALORE FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 28 CONCEPT: DEBENHAMS There is a store in Debenhams under company code 1000 (Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Limited). STORE CODE D001 LOCATION DEBENHAMS AMBI MALL GURGAON SEARCH TERM GADB CITY GURGAON CONCEPT: FASHION CUBE There is a store in Fashion Cube under company code 1000 (Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Limited). STORE CODE F001 LOCATION FASHION CUBE - MEGA MALL_PRHPL SEARCH TERM GMFP CITY GURGAON There is a store in Fashion Cube under company code 1100 (Supreme Trade links Pvt. Limited). STORE CODE F002 LOCATION FASHION CUBE - MEGA MALL_STPL SEARCH TERM GMFS CITY GURGAON There is a store in Fashion Cube under company code 2000 (Quest Retail Pvt. Limited). STORE CODE F003 LOCATION FASHION CUBE - MEGA MALL_QRPL SEARCH TERM GMFQ FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY CITY GURGAON SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 29 NOTE: THREE CASH COUNTERS ARE RUNNING AT ONE STORE FOR ALL THE THREE COMPANIES RESPECTIVELY. COMPANY CODE: 1100 COMPANY NAME: SUPREME TRADELINKS PRIVATE LIMITED. CONCEPT: MARKS & SPENCER There are fourteen stores in Marks & Spencer under company code 1100 (Supreme Trade links Pvt. Limited). STORE CODE M001 M002 M003 M004 M005 M006 M007 M008 M009 M010 M011 M012 M013 M014 LOCATION M & S ANSAL PLAZA DELHI M & S METROPLOITAN GURGAON M & S PHOENIX MUMBAI M & S MALAD MUMBAI M & S CENTRAL HYDERABAD M & S GARUDA MALL BANGALORE M & S CHENNAI MARKS & SPENCER MAGUM MALL PUNE MARKS & SPENCER WEST GATE MALL DELHI MARKS & SPENCER AVANI HEIGHTS KOLKATA MARKS & SPENCER LEDO MALL BANGALORE MARKS & SPENCER GREAT INDIA MALL NOIDA MARKS & SPENCER AMBI MALL GURGAON M & S SOUTH CITY MALL KOLKATA SEARCH TERM DAMS GMMS MPMS MIMS HCMS BGMS CHMS PMMS DWMS KAMS BLMS NGMS GAMS KSMS FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY CITY DELHI GURGAON MUMBAI MUMBAI HYDERABAD BANGALORE CHENNAI PUNE DELHI KOLKATA BANGALORE NOIDA GURGAON KOLKATA SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON COMPANY CODE: 2000 PAGE 30 COMPANY NAME: QUEST RETAIL PRIVATE LIMITED. CONCEPT: THE BODY SHOP There are twenty two stores in The Body Shop under company code 2000 (Quest Retail Pvt. Limited). STORE CODE B001 B002 B003 B004 B005 B006 B007 B008 B009 B010 B011 B012 B013 B014 B015 B016 B017 B018 LOCATION THE BODY SHOP - INORBIT MALL THE BODY SHOP - GK DELHI THE BODY SHOP – WEST GATE MALL DELHI THE BODY SHOP – ELITE LUDHIANA THE BODY SHOP - KAKADE MAGNUM MALL PUNE THE BODY SHOP - MGF GURGAON THE BODY SHOP - CITY PULSE JAIPUR THE BODY SHOP - ORCHID CENTER MUMBAI CENTRAL THE BODY SHOP - AVANI HEIGHTS KOLKATA THE BODY SHOP - LEDO MALL BANGALORE THE BODY SHOP – VAMA MUMBAI THE BODY SHOP MATRIX MALL BANGALORE THE BODY SHOP - GREAT INDIA MALL THE BODY SHOP – KHAN MARKET THE BODY SHOP - ANSAL PLAZA DELHI THE BODY SHOP - SAKET DELHI THE BODY SHOP (SIS) DEBENHAMS GURGAON THE BODY SHOP - AMBI MALL GURGAON SEARCH TERM MIBS DGBS DWBS LEBS PKBS GMBS JCBS MCBS KABS BLBS MVBS BMBS NGBS DKBS DABS DSBS GDBS GABS FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY CITY MUMBAI DELHI DELHI LUDHIANA PUNE GURGAON JAIPUR MUMBAI KOLKATA BANGALORE MUMBAI BANGALORE NOIDA DELHI DELHI DELHI GURGAON GURGAON SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON B019 B020 B021 B022 PAGE 31 THE BODY SHOP- SOUTH CITY MALL, KOLKATA THE BODY SHOP- PHOENIX MUMBAI THE BODY SHOP- OBEROI MALL MUMBAI THE BODY SHOP - SHALIMAR BAGH DELHI KSBS MPBS MOBS DCBS KOLKATA MUMBAI MUMBAI DELHI CONCEPT: SOLE EFFECT There is one store in SOLE EFFECT under company code 2000 (Quest Retail Pvt. Limited). STORE CODE S001 LOCATION SOLE EFFECT- AMBI MALL GURGAON SEARCH TERM GAS2 CITY GURGAON DISTRIBUTION CENTRES There are four Distribution Centres under company code 1000 (Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Limited). DC CODE DC01 DC51 DC54 DC57 LOCATION CENTRAL WAREHOUSE_PRHPL PLANET RETAIL MUMBAI WAREHOUSE_PRHPL PLANET RETAIL KOLKATA WAREHOUSE_PRHPL PLANET RETAIL BANGALORE WAREHOUSE_PRHPL SEARCH TERM CWH_PRHPL MWH_PRHPL KWH_PRHPL BWH_PRPHL There are four Distribution Centres under company code 1100 (Supreme Trade links Pvt. Limited). FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY CITY DELHI MUMBAI KOLKATA BANGALORE SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON DC CODE DC02 DC52 DC55 DC58 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 32 LOCATION CENTRAL WAREHOUSE_STPL PLANET RETAIL MUMBAI WAREHOUSE_STPL PLANET RETAIL KOLKATA WAREHOUSE_STPL PLANET RETAIL BANGALORE WAREHOUSE_STPL SEARCH TERM CWH_STPL MWH_STPL KWH_STPL BWH_STPL CITY DELHI MUMBAI KOLKATA BANGALORE SEARCH TERM CWH_QRPL MWH_QRPL KWH_QRPL BWH_QRPL CITY DELHI MUMBAI KOLKATA BANGALORE SEARCH TERM HOPR CITY GURGAON There are four Distribution Centres under company code 2000 (Quest Retail Pvt. Limited). DC CODE LOCATION DC03 CENTRAL WAREHOUSE_QRPL DC53 PLANET RETAIL MUMBAI WAREHOUSE_QRPL DC56 PLANET RETAIL KOLKATA WAREHOUSE_QRPL DC59 PLANET RETAILS BANGALORE WAREHOUSE_QRPL HEAD OFFICES There is one Head Office under company code 1000 (Planet Retail Holdings Pvt. Limited). HO CODE HO10 LOCATION HEAD OFFICE_PRHPL There is one Head Office under company code 1100 (Supreme Trade links Pvt. Limited) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION LOCATION: GURGAON HO CODE HO11 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 33 LOCATION HEAD OFFICE_STPL SEARCH TERM HOST CITY GURGAON SEARCH TERM HOQR CITY GURGAON There is one Head Office under company code 2000 (Quest Retail Pvt. Limited) HO CODE HO20 LOCATION HEAD OFFICE_QRPL 2.4 STORAGE LOCATION A storage location is a stock-keeping unit with its own inventory management. The stocks located in a site can be managed separately in different storage locations. It allows the differentiation of Article stocks within a site. A storage location has the following attributes: There may be one or more storage locations within a site. One storage location is normally assigned to a single store. A storage location has a description and at least one address. It is possible to store article data specific to a storage location. Stocks are managed only on a quantity basis and not on a value basis at storage location level. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 34 Physical inventories are carried out at storage location level. Planet Retail Scenario: There are maximum 12 storage locations in a site. Each storage location is assigned to a site. STORAGE LOCATION SS01 BR01 NM01 QC01 RS01 IC01 DG01 FA01 FS01 SCRP SE01 EL01 STORAGE LOCATION DESCRIPTION SALEABLE STOCK BACK ROOM STOCK NON MERCHANDISE STOCK QUALITY CHECKING REJECTED STOCKS INSURANCE CLAIM DAMAGED GOODS FIXED ASSET LOCATION FIXED ASSET SCRAP LOCATION SCRAP STORE SHORT EXPIRY LOCATION EXPIRED LOCATION Maximum location per Site / Store: 12NOS. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 35 2.5 PURCHASING ORGANIZATION The purchasing organization is responsible for all purchasing activities (including the purchase requisitions, processing of requests for quotations and purchase orders for Merchandising and Non Merchandising). The purchasing organization is integrated within the organizational structure as follows: A purchasing organization can be assigned to several company codes. (= Corporate-group-wide purchasing). A purchasing organization can be assigned to one company code. (= Company-specific purchasing). A purchasing organization can also exist without being assigned to a company code and assigned to site. Since each site must be assigned to a company code. A purchasing organization must be assigned to one or more sites. (= Site-specific purchasing). A purchasing organization can be linked to one or more other purchasing organizations. (= reference purchasing organization) A purchasing organization can be divided into several purchasing groups that are responsible for different operational areas. Each purchasing organization has its own info records and conditions for pricing. Each purchasing organization has its own vendor master data. Authorizations for processing purchasing transactions can be assigned to each purchasing organization. All items of an external purchasing document, that is, request for quotation, purchase order, contract, or scheduling agreement, belong to a purchasing organization. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 36 The purchasing organization is the highest level of aggregation (after the organizational unit "client") for purchasing statistics. The purchasing organization serves as the selection criterion for lists of all purchasing documents like Purchase Order and Purchase Requisition. Planet Retail Scenario: In Planet Retail, three Purchasing Organisations have been suggested in relevant to company codes which are listed below. PURCHASING ORGANIZATION 1000 1100 2000 2.6 PURCHASING ORGANIZATION DESCRIPTION PRHPL PURCHASE ORG STPL PURCHASE ORG QRPL PURCHASE ORG ASSIGNED TO COMPANY CODE PRHPL (1000) STPL (1100) QRPL (2000) PURCHASING GROUP A purchasing group corresponds to a buyer or group of buyers who perform the following purchasing activities: FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 37 Procuring certain articles or merchandise categories Acting as the contact for vendors The purchasing group is also responsible for the day-to-day planning of requirements and ordering of merchandise. This includes creating purchase orders, allocation tables and promotions. It can also send vendors requests for quotation or create purchase requisitions. Planet Retail Scenario: In Planet Retail, Purchasing Groups have been suggested on the basis of Brands/concepts which are listed below. PURCHASING GROUP PGU PMA PNX PAC PDB PFC PMS PBS PSE PCN PAD PCA PURCHASING GROUP DESCRIPTION GUESS PUR GRP MARCIANO PUR GRP NEXT PUR GRP ACCESSORIZE PUR GRP DEBENHAMS PUR GRP FASHN CUBE PUR GRP M&S PUR GRP BODY SHOP PUR GRP SOLE EFFCT PUR GRP CENTRAL PUR GRP ADMIN PUR GRP CARTER PUR GRP FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 38 POB OSH KOSH B’GHOSH PUR GRP Logic: 1st Character as P stands for Purchasing Group 2nd & 3rd Characters stand for Brands / Concepts 3 MASTERS Master data contains all the most important information on sites, vendors, and customers as well as on all the articles involved. This information also includes pricing and cycle control data and is stored in the system for retrieval when the user processes business transactions. When master data is consistently maintained, the time required to process transactions can be drastically reduced, as the system can then automatically default the business transactions in the relevant fields. 3.1 ARTICLE MASTER 3.1.1 Definition The article master is an identification of an article. An article is the smallest unit that can be ordered independently and that cannot be split into smaller units. Articles are generally ordered for a site and sold. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 39 An article master record contains the data required to manage an article. This data can be categorized as follows: Data of a descriptive nature such as description, size and weight, EAN No, Long text, Data with a control function such as the article type Besides this data, which can be directly maintained by the user, an article master record contains data that is automatically updated by the system such as stock levels and moving average price. It contains article-relevant data and data from other areas of the system such as Finance, Warehouse management and Sales & Distribution that may be relevant for articles. These areas are called user departments in the article master. Unnecessary data storage is reduced when all data is stored in a single database object.] [Article: An article is the smallest unit that can be ordered independently and that cannot be spilt further into smaller units. Articles are, however, not always sold in the form in which they were purchased. The single article is the “standard article” that is sold to the customer; it is the classic “SAP article”.] 3.1.2 Integration in SAP The article master is used by all components in the SAP Logistics System. The integration of all Article data in a single database object eliminates redundant data storage. In the SAP Logistics System, the data contained in the article master is required, for the following functions: FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 40 In Purchasing for ordering like purchase requisition, purchase order, info record and source list. In Inventory Management for goods movement postings and physical inventory In Sales and Distribution for sales order processing 3.1.3 Article Type Article type groups articles together with the same attributes. When you create an article master record, you must assign it to a single article type. It is a key factor in article master. The article type you choose determines: Whether the article number can be assigned internally by the system or externally by the user Number range interval to which the article number belongs Whether the stocks are managed on a value basis and/or on a quantity basis Field Selection / Subsequent Screens Account Determination Standard Article Types: Raw Articles (ROH) Semi-finished products (HALB) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 41 Finished products (FERT) Trading goods (HAWA) Non stock Materials (NLAG) Beverages (FGTR) Planet Retail Scenario: In Planet Retail the article type will be based upon the brand / concepts. The following has been suggested as the article types with their internal number ranges. Number Range 100000000-109999999 110000000-119999999 120000000-129999999 130000000-139999999 140000000-149999999 150000000-159999999 160000000-169999999 170000000-179999999 300000000-309999999 ARTICLE TYPE ZHGU ZHMA ZHNX ZHAC ZHMS ZHBS ZHOB ZHCT ZHDB Reference Article Type HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA ARTICLE TYPES DESCRIPTION GUESS MARCIANO NEXT ACCESSORIZE MARKS & SPENCERS BODY SHOP OSHKOSH B’GOSH CARTERS DEBENHAMS FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON 310000000-310029999 310030000-310059999 310060000-310089999 310090000-320019999 320020000-320049999 320050000-320079999 320080000-320109999 320110000-320139999 320140000-320169999 320170000-320199999 320200000-320229999 320230000-320259999 320260000-320289999 320290000-320319999 320320000-320349999 320350000-320379999 320380000-320409999 320410000-320439999 320440000-320469999 320470000-320499999 900000000-909999999 910000000-919999999 911000000-929999999 920000000-939999999 PAGE 42 ZHBT ZHBL ZHBO ZHBV ZHCH ZHCK ZHCL ZHDD ZHDH ZHGY ZHGC ZHHG ZHIM ZHJG ZHLC ZHMC ZHMH ZHMB ZHYS ZHVS ZRNS ZRPM ZRPS ZRPI HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA HAWA ROH ROH ROH ROH BIOTHERM BURBERRY LONDON BOSS BVLGARI CAROLINA HERRERA CALVIN KLEIN CLINIQUE DAVIDOFF DUNHILL GIVENCHY GUCCI HUGO ISSEY MIYAKE JEAN PAUL GAULTIER LANCOME MAC MAISHAA MONT BLANC YSL VERSACE NON SALES ARTICLES PACKING ARTICLE PRINTING & STATIONARY PROJECT ITEMS FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON 940000000-949999999 990000000-999999999 PAGE 43 ZRRM ZNNS ROH NLAG RAW MATERIAL NON STOCK_CONSUMABLES Logic for Article Type: 1st Character as Z stands for Customised 2nd Character as H /R/N stands for first digit of Reference Article Type 3rd & 4th Character stands for Brand / Concept 3.1.4 Article Master View: 3.1.5 Basic Data It contains all the details like article number, article description, base unit of measure, order unit of measure, delivery unit of measure, sale unit of measure, International/European article no (EAN), merchandise category (MC), article type, division, tax class, transportation group, loading group, colour and size. 3.1.6 Listing It consists of the details related to listing like assortment and distribution chain (for listing), sales organization, distribution channel, assortment grade, listing procedure, listing period (for both Distribution centre and the Store). FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 44 3.1.7 Purchasing This view has the details of data that are related to purchasing like vendor code, purchasing organization, purchasing group, purchasing info record, net price, effective price etc. 3.1.8 Sales: This view has the details of data that are related to sales like sales organization, distribution channel, sales unit, sales price, mark up etc. 3.1.9 Logistics DC It contains the parameters relevant for the distribution channel in which the article is listed, viz. RP parameters like RP type, general control parameters like availability check etc. 3.1.10 Logistics Store: This view consists the parameters relevant for the store in which the article is listed, viz. RP parameters like RP type, general control parameters like availability check etc. 3.1.11 POS It contains the details regarding POS control for each distribution chain/site, POS selling period etc. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 45 Article Master Views FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 46 3.1.12 Article Number This is an alphanumeric key containing maximum 18 characters that uniquely identifying the article (substance or object that is traded, or used, consumed, served or created in production). 3.1.13 Article Description This is text field containing up to 40 characters that describes the article in more detail. 3.1.14 Unit of Measure: Base Unit of measure (Bun) The base unit of measure is the unit of measure used in the inventory management of the article. The base unit of measure is normally the smallest possible unit in which article can be sold. If a different unit of measure is used in inventory management, logistical variants must be created for the article. Order Unit of measure (OUn): The order unit is the unit of measure in which an article is normally ordered. The order unit is copied to the purchasing info record, where it can be changed for each vendor. Subsequent changes to the order unit have no effect on the purchasing info records. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 47 Sales Unit of measure (Sun): Identifies a unit of measure for a Article as the sales unit. It is used when the article is sold to the customer. The sales unit is adopted when sales data for the article is created. However it can be changed for each distribution chain. Delivery/Issue Unit of measure (D/I): The delivery unit of measure is created when articles are delivered from the warehouse. It is maintained for each site. Identifies a unit of measure for the Article as the delivery unit or issue unit. When one creates sales data for the Article, the delivery unit or issue unit is adopted. However, one can change it for each distribution chain. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 48 Various Units of Measure 3.1.15 European Article Number A European Article Number (EAN) is a bar-coding standard which is a superset of the original 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC) system developed in North America. The EAN-13 barcode is defined by the standards organisation GS1. It is also called a Japanese Article FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 49 Number (JAN) in Japan. UPC, EAN, and JAN numbers are collectively called Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN), though they can be expressed in different types of barcodes. Planet Retail Scenario: In Planet Retail, we are using both EAN (13digits, 8digits) and UPC (12 digits) coding. 3.1.16 Valuation Class Default value for the valuation class for valuated stocks of this Article. The valuation class has the following functions: o Allows the stock values of Articles of the same Article type to be posted to different G/L accounts. o Allows the stock values of Articles of different Article types to be posted to the same G/L account. o Determines together with other factors the G/L accounts updated for a valuation-relevant transaction (such as a goods movement). Planet Retail Scenario: In Planet Retail, Valuation classes have been defined wrt Article types (imports and domestic separately) which are listed below. Valuation Class 3000 6000 Article Type ZHGU ZHGU Class Description GUESS_IMPORTS GUESS_DOMESTIC FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON 3010 6010 3020 6020 PAGE 50 ZHMA ZHMA ZHNX ZHNX MARCIANO_IMPORTS MARCIANO_DOMESTIC NEXT_IMPORTS NEXT_DOMESTIC 3030 ZHAC 6030 ZHAC ACCESSORIZE_IMPORTS ACCESSORIZE_DOMESTIC 3040 ZHFC FASHION CUBE_IMPORTS 6040 ZHFC 3050 ZHMS FASHION CUBE_DOMESTIC MARKS & SPENCERS_IMPORTS 6050 ZHMS 3060 ZHBS MARKS & SPENCERS_DOMESTIC BODY SHOP_IMPORTS 6060 3070 6070 3080 6080 ZHBS ZHOB ZHOB ZHCT ZHCT BODY SHOP_DOMESTIC OSHKOSH B’GOSH_IMPORTS OSHKOSH B’GOSH_DOMESTICS CARTERS_IMPORTS CARTERS_DOMESTICS FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 51 3090 6090 3100 6100 3110 6110 3120 6120 3130 6130 3140 6140 3150 ZHDB ZHBT ZRNS ZRNS ZRPM ZRPM ZRPI ZRPI ZRCS ZRCS ZNCS ZNCS ZHFC 6150 ZHFC DEBENHAMS_IMPORTS DEBH_DOMESTICS NON SALES ARTICLES_IMPORTS NON SALES ARTICLES_DOMESTICS PACKING ARTICLE_IMPORTS PACKING ARTICLE_DOMESTIC PROJECT ITEMS_IMPORTS PROJECT ITEMS_DOMESTICS RAW MATERIAL_IMPORTS RAW MATERIAL_DOMESTICS NON STOCK_CONSUMABLES_IMPORTS NON STOCK_CONSUMABLES_DOMESTIC FASHION CUBE_IMPORTS 3160 6160 9000 9010 VERSION NO – 2.0 ZHSE ZHSE ZRPS FASHION CUBE_DOMESTICS SOLE EFFCT_IMPORTS SOLE EFFCT_DOMESTIC PRINTING & STATIONARY SERVICES 3.1.17 Price control indicator FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 52 Price Control Indicator indicates the price control used to valuate the stock of an article. One has the following options: o Standard price (S) o Moving average price (V) Standard price (S) The valuation of Article stocks at standard prices means that all goods movements are valuated at the same price over an extended period. Price variances (for example, purchase price higher than standard price) upon goods receipt or invoice receipt are posted by the system to price difference accounts. It does not affect the standard price. Moving Average Price The system calculates the moving average price automatically by dividing the Article value in the stock account by the total of all storage location stocks in the Site concerned. It changes the price with each valuation-relevant movement. Planet Retail Scenario: Moving Average Price i e “V” has been suggested. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 53 3.1.18 Purchasing Value Key Purchasing Value Key (field) defines the underage and overage tolerance limits gives the percentage of under- and over delivery allowed for the material by your firm. Example: Article Master: ABC Tolerance Limit is +20% Order Qty is 100nos. System will allow creating GRN for maximum of 120nos. Planet Retail Scenario: In Planet Retail, one purchase value key has been suggested ie listed below. 01: +/- 2% (UPPER /LOWER TOLERANCES) 3.1.19 Old Article Number Number under which one has managed the Article so far (Legacy System) or still manages it. 3.1.20 External Merchandise Group External Merchandise group defines that one can use to assign the Article to an external Article group or to an Article group determined according to external Systematic. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 54 Not used in Planet Retail. 3.1.21 Product Hierarchy Alphanumeric character string for grouping together Articles by combining different characteristics. It is used for analyses and price determination. It will used for BIW , will be explained in BBP of BIW in phase-2. 3.1.22 Size & Dimension It is used for maintaining additional data like Size and Dimension of the article. It is also used for calculating the storage coverage and volume of an articles. Not used in Planet Retail. 3.1.23 RP Type Requirement planning type determines whether and how the article is planned. RP type is site specific. One has the following options: o manual reorder point planning o automatic reorder point planning FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 55 o forecast-based planning Planet Retail Scenario: VB: Manual Reorder point planning Re-order based planning will be used initially for low value items like consumables, stationary etc. For merchandising material planning will be done through MAP tool i e in phase –II. PwC will also show a demo of forecast based planning during unit testing. Planet will take final call after demo. 3.1.24 Lot Size It is site specific, serve to calculate the procurement quantities, that is, the purchase order and production quantities. Lot Size determines which lot-sizing procedure the system uses within Articles planning to calculate the quantity to be procured or produced. Planet Retail Scenario: HB REPLENISH TO MAXIMUM STOCK LEVEL 3.1.25 Re-order Point If the stock falls below this quantity, the system flags the Article for requirements planning by creating a planning file entry. It is site specific. 3.1.26 Maximum Stock Level Quantity of the Article in this Site that may not be exceeded. It is site specific. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 56 3.1.27 RP controller Requirement Planning Controller specifies the person or group of persons who are responsible for an Article planning. It is site specific. Planet Retail Scenario: RP GROUP RGU RMA RNX RAC RDB RFC RMS RBS RSE RAD ROT RP GROUP DESCRIPTION GUESS RP GRP MARCIANO RP GRP NEXT RP GRP ACCESSORIZE RP GRP DEBENHAMS RP GRP FASHN CUBE RP GRP M&S RP GRP BODY SHOP RP GRP SOLE EFFCT RP GRP ADMIN RP GRP OTHERS 3.1.28 Valuation Category Valuation Category determines whether stocks of the Articles are valuated together or separately. Spilt valuation is required to get the reporting of Domestic as well as imported inventory separately of same Articles. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 57 Planet Retail Scenario: Split valuation will be activated but it will be applicable in DC only. 3.1.29 Article Category Article Category is grouping together of articles by attributes. The following article categories are defined in the standard SAP Retail System : Single articles Generic articles Variants Empties and full products Structured articles Single Article Standard article as sold to the consumer, for example, a 250 g packet of chocolate chip cookies. When creating a single article, be sure to assign the correct article category to it. In the standard SAP Retail System, this is article category 00. It is not possible to turn a single article into a generic article, or vice versa. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 58 Generic Articles Variants are articles that differ only in certain characteristics such as colour, size, or flavour. They are grouped together as a generic article. Defining a generic article simplifies the maintenance of variants since you need enter data that is the same for all variants only once for the generic article. Generic articles themselves are not sold, only their variants (for example, the generic article "men’s shirt" may have variants in different size-colour combinations). A generic article can have variant-creating characteristics. Characteristics defining the attributes of a variant are described as variant-creating characteristics. One can restrict the characteristic values for the generic article, particularly the variant-creating characteristics. Only the restricted characteristic values are then allowed for defining variants. In the following table, the two variant-creating characteristics (which will be used in PRHPL) result in 5 variants: Size Size Size Size Colour 34 36 38 40 Red X X X White X X Empties & Full Products Empties are a type of returnable transport packaging or sales packaging that is normally subject to a deposit. Empties are assigned to a full product (for example, a crate containing 24 empty bottles is assigned to the full product lemonade). Empties consist of several components that are summarized in a bill of material for empties. The full product and the unit of measure make up the bill of material header. The unit of measure of the empties must be one of the units of measure permitted for the full product. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON The individual components in the bill of material and the full product itself each have their own article master record. Structured articles Article comprising several components structured as a bill of material, for example: Sets Displays Pre-packs A structured article always has the following: BOM header article Components Planet Retail Scenario: Generic Article : Articles with Style, colour & size Examples : Apparels Single Article : No combination of variants Example :Watches Structured Article : Kitting Example : Pack of different articles combinations FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY PAGE 59 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 60 PwC will provide a detail demo during configuration/unit testing in DEV server. Planet will take final decision after demo. 3.1.30 Merchandise Category (MC): Merchandise Category is a grouping together of articles and services by with the same attributes. Every article is assigned to a single merchandise category across a whole company. It allows you to classify and structure the entire range of goods offered for sale by company (breadth and depth). Planet Retail Scenario: PwC will attach the list of merchandise categories during configuration in DEV server. 3.1.31 Merchandise Category Hierarchies Each article is assigned to only one merchandise category. This assignment is valid throughout the company. Merchandise categories can be grouped into merchandise category hierarchy levels. Merchandise category hierarchy levels can, in turn, be assigned to higher hierarchy levels. The result is a merchandise category hierarchy. This structure makes it easier to monitor and control the activities of your company and reduces the volume of data (for example, condition data) that has to be maintained. In addition, the merchandise category hierarchy structure enables descriptive and variant-creating characteristics (for example, color or size) to be inherited by subordinate levels from superior levels. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 61 Planet Retail Scenarios: Company: It has already explained in Organisation structure. Brand: It identifies which Brand does the article belong (eg Debenhams, Guess etc) Sub–Brand: This attribute defines the various brands within a Brand (Eg.- BARND = MARKS & SPENCER & SUB BRAND = BLUE HARBOUR) Agency / Non Agency: This code defines if an article is agency or non agency (For Eg. A1 --- AGENCY STOCK (IMPORT), ANYTHING LICENCE, A2 -- NON AGENCY (LOCAL)) Group: Defines which group does the article belongs (eg Apparel, Accessories, Footwear etc) Category: Defines a specific category within the group (eg Division - Apparel, Category- Menswear) Sub-Category: Defines a specific sub-category within the group (eg Division - Apparel, Category- Menswear, Subcategory- Shirts ) Department: 001 Product Code: 100%Cotton(C01) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 62 Season: This attribute defines which season does the article belong to.(Every Brand has different season identifications. Eg Debenhams season-6, season-9, for other brands SS08,AW08 etc) Gender: This attribute defines the gender of the article (e.g. M=men’s, W=women’s) SKU No: Either a unique no. or (Article no +colour +size) (as a part of article master, not required) Style : Defines the specific style for the article (as a part of article master, not required) Colour: Defines the specific colour for the article (as a part of article master, not required) Size: Defines the specific size for the article (as a part of article master, not required) The above hierarchy will be maintained in system. But the same can be used in BIW. As per detailed discussions, it is observed that multiple reports are required on the basis of above hierarchy level on zero day after GoLive. PwC will do either of the following to achieve the above for time being. Changing the fields names which are not in use of Planet Adding multiple characters tics FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 63 However the changing the field names are not recommended by SAP. But it is being done for time being to meet zero day requirements. After activating BIW in phase-2, above changed fields will be disused through Mass Change in Article master. Identified Fields (needs for changing the field names) Document Number (DZEINR) (Max Character :22) Document Type (DZEIAR) (Max Character: 3) Document Version (DZEIVR) (Max Character:2) Page No (BLATT) (Max Character:3) Document Change No (AESZN) (Max Character:6) Page Format No (ZEIFO) (Max Character : 4) No. of Sheets (BALNZ) (Max Character : 3) Industry Standard Description (NORMT) (Max Character:18) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 64 Laboratory (LABOR) (Max Character : 3) Basic Article (WRKST) (Max Character : 48) In Planet Retail, Article masters will not be created manually; it will be uploaded through BDC. PwC will provide respective tools for uploading of Article masters. But as such there is no release strategy available for creation of Article Masters. It can be controlled through Authorizations. 3.2 Batch Management Batch is the quantity or partial quantity of a certain Article or product that has been produced according to the same recipe, and represents one homogenous, non- reproducible unit with unique specifications. 3.2.1 Batch Level Batch can be assigned at three levels. Site Level Article Level Client Level Site Level The batch number is unique in connection with the Site and Article. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 65 The batch number is only known in the Site in which it was created if the stock is transferred to another Site, the batch is unknown in the recipient Site and the system does not adopt any data. One has to recreate and specify the batch in the receiving Site; that is, the same batch number may have different specifications in several Sites. Article level The batch number is unique in all Sites in connection with the Article. The same batch number has the same meaning for the Article in all Sites. One batch number cannot have different specifications in different Sites. During stock transfer to another Site, the specification of the batch is known in the destination Site even if the batch is placed into storage in that Site for the first time. Client level the batch number is unique in the whole client. A batch number can only be assigned once in the client. One cannot assign the same batch number for different Articles. The batch number is only unique at the chosen level. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 66 Please note that Batch Management cannot change back from a higher level to Site level in the standard system. However, one can change the batch level from client level back to Article level. 3.2.2 Batch No Batch no. can be assigned manually or automatically through system. Planet Retail Scenario: In Planet Retail, Batch will be maintained at Article Level. PwC will provide a detail demo during configuration/unit testing in DEV server. Planet will take final decision after demo. 3.3 Assortment Planning: 3.3.1 Definition An assortment is an object in SAP retail to which articles are assigned. Articles are assigned to an assortment. Assortments are assigned to a site through assortment modules. The store can therefore order and sell articles belonging to an assortment. It has been elaborated in SD module. 3.4 VENDOR MASTER The vendor is a business partner from whom Articles or services can be procured. Vendor master are respective to Company & Purchase organisation. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 67 3.4.1 Vendor Account Group Vendor can be categorized by vendor account group. The account group is a classifying feature within vendor master records. The account group determines: o the number interval for the account number of the vendor, o whether the number is assigned by the user or by the system, o which specifications are necessary and/or possible in the master record. Planet Retail Scenario: Number Range Vendor Account Group Description Control GL Account description External No. Range Trade Domestic Vendors Sundry Creditor-Trade-Domestic External No. Range Non-trade Domestic Vendors Sundry Creditor - Non-Trade-Domestic FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 68 External No. Range Trade Import Vendors Sundry Creditor - Trade - Import External No. Range Non-trade Import Vendors Sundry Creditor - Non Trade - Import External No. Range CAPEX Domestic Vendors Sundry Creditor–Domestic–Capital Goods External No. Range Sundry Creditor – Import- Capital Goods CAPEX Import Vendors External No. Range Service Vendors Sundry Creditor - Non Trade - Services External No. Range Sundry Creditor – Non Trade – Rental Rental Vendors External No. Range Trade - Group Companies Sundry Creditor - Trade - Group Co External No. Range Non Trade - Group Companies VERSION NO – 2.0 Sundry Creditor - Non Trade - Group Co External No. Range Employee Vendors Sundry Creditor - Non Trade - Employees One Time Vendors Sundry Creditor - Trade - Domestic External No. Range FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 69 External Number Range has been decided for Planet Retail. 3.4.2 Title Title consists of Company / Mr / Mr. & Mrs. / Ms 3.4.3 Vendor Name Name consists of Vendor’s / Supplier’s name. 3.4.4 Vendor Search Term This is short description field containing up to 20 characters for search helps. Only capital letters are saved in this field. All entries are therefore automatically converted into capital letters. 3.4.5 Vendor Street Address It consists of address of Vendor / Supplier. Maximum characters are 20. It also consists of Postal Address, City, Country & region. 3.4.6 Vendor Communication It consists of Language, Phone no, Fax no, Mobile no, E-mail etc. 3.4.7 Vendor Reconciliation Account The reconciliation account in G/L accounting is the account which is updated parallel to the sub ledger account for normal postings (for FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 70 Example, invoice or payment). For special postings (for example, down payment or bill of exchange), this account is replaced by another account (for example, 'down payments received' instead of 'receivables').The replacement takes place due to the special G/L indicator which one must specify for these types of postings. The reconciliation account in G/L accounting is the account which is updated parallel to the sub ledger account for normal postings (for example, invoice or payment). It has been elaborated in FI. 3.4.8 Vendor Head office account number This field contains the account number of the master record for the head office account. It is used for those vendors who have multiple supplying locations. One specifies this account number only for branch accounts. Items that one post using the branch account number is automatically posted to the head office account. The system records the branch account number in the line items. Neither transactions nor balances are kept in the branch account. Planet Retail Scenario Above field will be used in group companies only. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 71 3.4.9 Vendor Payment Terms It defines payment period in SAP. Planet Retail Scenario List awaited from Planet Retail 3.4.10 Check Flag for Double Invoices or Credit Memos Check flag for double invoice verification means that incoming invoices and credit memos are checked for double entries at the time of entry. Planet Retail Scenario Tick Mandatory is suggested. 3.4.11 Vendor Payment Method It defines the list of payment methods which may be used in payment transactions with this customer/vendor. List of Payment Methods in SAP Cheque FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON Letter of Credit (Elaborated in FI) 3.4.12 Vendor House Bank Vendor house bank is used if the customer/vendor is always to be paid by the same house bank. (Elaborated in FI) 3.4.13 Vendor Purchase order currency Vendor Purchase Order currency on which a purchase order is to be placed on vendor. 3.4.14 Vendor Inco Terms Vendor Inco terms defines International Commercial Terms. It consists of different types of Inco-terms. List of Inco Terms: Ex-Works Ex-Vendor’s Godown Ex-Port FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 72 PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 73 3.4.15 Schema group, vendor Determines which calculation schema (pricing procedure) is to be used in purchasing documents containing this vendor number. Planet Retail Scenario Domestic 01 Domestic with MRP 02 Imports 03 Imports with MRP 04 3.4.16 Pricing date category (controls date of price determination) Pricing date category determines which date is to be used for price determination (pricing) purposes. Planet Retail Scenario In Planet Retail, Price category is on Date of Purchase Order. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 74 3.4.17 GR-based invoice verification indicator Indicator specifying that provision has been made for goods-receipt-based invoice verification for a purchase order item or invoice item Planet Retail Scenario Tick Mandatory is suggested. 3.4.18 Service-based invoice verification indicator Indicator specifying that provision has been made for service based for a purchase order item or invoice item. Planet Retail Scenario Tick Mandatory is suggested In Planet Retail, Vendor masters will not be created manually; it will be uploaded through BDC. PwC will provide respective tools for uploading of Vendor masters. But as such there is no release strategy available for creation of Vendor Masters. It can be controlled through Authorizations. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 75 3.5 Info Record 3.5.1 Definition Info record is short for information record. The info record contains concise information about a vendor and a Article that Purchasing already procures from that vendor. An info record thus represents a Article-vendor relationship. For example, the info record indicates the units of measure in which Articles are ordered from the vendor, and the applicable reminder levels. It also shows price changes affecting the Article in question. This information can be useful in the process of evaluating quotations to determine the successful bidder. Info records are created automatically when one orders an Article. One can also create, change, and delete info records. The info record allows buyers to quickly determine: Which Articles have been supplied by a specific vendor & which vendors have supplied a specific Article. An info record can apply to the following organizational levels: Purchasing organization Site FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 76 3.5.2 Info Category Standard A standard info record contains information for standard purchase orders. The info records can be created for Articles and services with and without master records. Subcontracting A subcontractor info record contains ordering information for subcontract orders. For example, if one subcontracts the assembly of a component, the subcontractor info record would include the vendor's (subcontractor’s) price for assembling the component. Pipeline A pipeline info record contains information on a vendor’s commodity that is supplied through a pipeline or pipes (for example, oil or water) or by similar means (for example, electricity through the mains). The info record contains the vendor’s price for the consumption of such commodities by the buyer ("pipeline withdrawals"). One can store withdrawal/usage prices for different validity periods. Consignment A consignment info record contains information on an article that vendors keep available at their own cost on the orderer’s premises. The info record contains the vendor’s price for withdrawals by the order from consignment stock. As in the case of the pipeline info record, one can store prices for different validity periods. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 77 Planet Retail Scenario Info record will be maintained for Consignment Purchase and Non Merchandise Category purchases with standard number range. It will be uploaded through BDC’s. 3.6 Source List A source list specifies the possible sources of supply for an Article over a given period of time. It shows the time period in which a Article may be ordered from a given vendor or under a certain long-term purchase agreement (Scheduling Agreement) The source list supports the user in answering the question: "Which vendors or internal suppliers can supply a Article at a given point in time?" 3.7 Quota Arrangement A quota arrangement is a mechanism for determining the source of supply to which a Article requirement is assigned. It enables one to determine which is the valid source for the procurement of the Article covered by a purchase requisition at any given time. Setting quotas allows one to automatically apportion the total requirement of a Article over a period among a number of different sources of supply. 3.8 Tax Code Tax code is used to determine tax calculation in Purchase Order. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 78 Different type of tax code will be created based on Vat and service tax percentage for different category. The tax code is maintained in article purchase info record which will be called while Purchase order management. The tax master will be maintained using tax code at from state TO destination State level (Source and destination). The tax calculation is determine in Purchase order from tax code maintained in article Purchase info record and tax master (Vendor State (Source) – Delivery site State (Destination). Service tax will be applicable for Procuring services. CST will be applicable for inter state purchasing LST/VAT will be applicable for intra state purchasing Planet Retail Scenario Tax codes will be in reference to following: CST VAT FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 79 Service Tax List awaited from Planet. Tax codes will be vendor specific. It will maintain through masters. 3.9 Service Master 3.9.1 Definition It has been defined as External Services Management (ESM). It provides a basic process for the procurement of externally performed services. This basic process comprises the following functionality: 3.9.2 Service master records in which descriptions of all services that may need to be procured can be stored. A separate set of service specifications can be created for each concrete procurement project. Example AMC, In the respective documents, one can enter items with Articles in addition to those with external services (or complete sets of service specifications). MM External Services Management offers two basic ways of specifying services: FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 80 3.9.3 As planned services with description, quantity, and price By “planned services” we mean services whose nature and scope is known to one at the start of a procurement project or transaction. At the time the services are requested, the individual specifications are entered either with the aid of a service master record or directly as short and long texts. Price and quantity are specified in both cases. 3.9.4 As unplanned services with the setting of a value limit only. By unplanned services, we mean services that cannot be specified in detail because their precise nature and scope are not initially known, or services which - for various reasons - one does not wish to plan. Unplanned services therefore have no descriptions. They are entered in the form of maximum values in the relevant currency. Services may be performed up to a value not exceeding these value limits. This ensures an element of cost control. One can analyze data already available in the system in order to find suitable sources of supply for certain services. One can also carry out a bid invitation process and evaluate the bids submitted in response using the price comparison list function. One can then award a contract to (or place an order with) the desired vendor. During the phase of service performance (execution of work), various lists and totals displays enable one to retain an up-to-date overview of one’s service specifications, the progress of the work, and the costs being incurred. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 81 One can record the performance of services or work in service entry sheets. One can indicate ones acceptance of the work set out in the entry sheets in various ways. Following acceptance, the vendor’s invoice can be verified and released for payment. The service master range can be either internally or externally. Planet Retail Scenario PwC will show a proper demo of External Service Management. PR will take final call after Demo. 3.10 Purchasing Schema 3.10.1 Definition The purchase price calculation schema is used to calculate the purchase price for article procured from an external supplier. It consists of all conditions types, group conditions condition table and access sequences. 3.10.2 Condition Types Condition types represent price factors in the system. There are condition types for absolute and percentage discounts, freight costs, customs duties, or taxes, for example. Via the condition type, one specifies how the price factor is calculated (e.g. percentage or absolute amount). FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 82 3.10.3 Group Condition We can define a condition type as a group condition. If the same condition occurs in different document items, the item values are added up and the result used as the basis for determining the scale level. If the condition type is entered at header level, the value is apportioned among the items. 3.10.4 Condition Tables A condition table consists of one or more condition keys and a data part. The data part contains a number that references a record in another table. The latter table contains the condition records. 3.10.5 Access Sequence An access sequence is a search strategy by means of which the system searches for valid records in various condition tables. It consists of one or more accesses. The sequence of accesses controls the priority of the individual condition records among each other. Through the accesses, the system is told where to look first and where to look next for a valid condition record in each case. Planet Retail Scenario: Purchase Domestic Schema Purchase Domestic Schema with MRP Purchase Import Schema FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON Stock transport Order 3.10.6 Purchase Domestic Schema Basic (Unit)Price Discount (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Freight (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Loading Charges (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Unloading Charges (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Other Charges (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Octroi Entry Tax Net Price 3.10.7 Purchase Domestic Schema with MRP MRP FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 83 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON Discount (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Freight (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Loading Charges (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Unloading Charges (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Other Charges (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Octroi Entry Tax Net Price 3.10.8 Purchase Import Schema Basic (Unit) Price Discount (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Freight (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) All Duties like BCD, CVD, Cess & H S Cess on BCD and CVD, ADC FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 84 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON Insurance Other Charges (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) 3.10.9 Purchase Import Schema with MRP MRP Discount (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Freight (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) All Duties like BCD, CVD, Cess & H S Cess on BCD and CVD, ADC Insurance Other Charges (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) 3.10.10 Stock Transport Order Valuated Price (MAP) / Transfer Price Freight (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) Other Charges (%age / per Quantity / Absolute) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 85 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 86 As per Planet Retail requirement for default values of purchasing conditions, PwC will create multiple access sequences & feed their respective values in condition tables to enable them to create the purchase orders with default purchasing conditions. Authorizations for changing the condition values will be restricted. PwC will provide tables to feed transfer price from DC/Site to Site for Stock Transport Order. It has been confirmed that accounting entries will be generated on the basis of moving average price. All purchase conditions will be on %age basis. List of final Purchase Conditions and Access Sequences will be updated during configuration. 3.11 Tax Procedure A calculation procedure is defined for each country, each containing the specifications required to calculate and post tax on sales/purchases. Each calculation procedure contains several tax types, which are called condition types in the procedure. The condition type (such as input or output tax) specifies the base amount on which the tax is calculated and the account key that is used to post the tax. The specifications necessary for calculating and posting tax have been defined for the condition type and account key. As per SAP there are two tax procedures. TAXINJ (Formula Based) : TAXINJ is a tax calculation procedure for country version India and it supports formula-based excise determination. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 87 TAXINN (Condition Based) : TAXINN is a tax calculation procedure for country version India and it supports condition-based excise determination. Planet Retail Scenario: Tax procedure as TAXINN (Condition Based) has been suggested. 3.12 Consignment Stock 3.12.1 Consignment Receipt Consignment stocks can be received with reference to a purchase order. The consignment prices for the vendor must be maintained in the purchase info record. The price maintained here is required for PO. When consignment stock is received, it is not valuated as it is not the company’s stock. It remains physically in the store, but is the property of the vendor. Therefore on receipt there is no implication on books of account. 3.12.2 Issue of Consignment stock Consignment Sales/Issue refers to sales of articles from the vendor’s consignment stock. Since the articles are located in the premises of the company they will be managed by the company, will not be valuated in the company’s book of accounts. In case of vendor’s consignment FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 88 the vendor’s account will be debited only after the articles are sold. Consignment sales will also be carried out at the POS system for endconsumers. When articles are sold from the consignment stock at the POS, it posts a negative quantity in the unrestricted-use stock of the article. The sales revenue is booked. The daily sales entry, based on actual selling price, shall be passed together for entire sales for that store. 3.12.3 Transferring consignment stock to own stock The consignment stock is then transferred to unrestricted use stock to the extent of the negative quantity posted unrestricted-use stock. Accounting entry: Cost of Goods Sold a/c Dr To Liability from consignment stock 3.12.4 Settling Consignment Liabilities The settlement can be handled in two ways; Consignment to own Removing material from consignment stores or transferring material to company’s own stock results in liabilities towards the vendor. Retailer FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 89 settle these liabilities at regular intervals. Consignment materials invoices are verified without the vendor issuing an invoice, as the vendor company is unable to track withdrawals directly. The vendor can only manage its consignment stock by taking deliveries and payments into account. Retailer can initiate payment for consignment withdrawals using the Logistics Invoice Verification application component. 3.12.5 After Sales Based on Sales documents, system will create Liability automatically in the system. The vendor pays only a commission for the sales made at the POS for the consignment articles. Removal of articles from consignment stores and transferring it to company’s stock, results in a liabilities towards the vendor. The settlement may be performed periodically in the background. The following documents can be involved: Invoices, credit memos. The purchase price has to be checked with the sales price for the article, and ensure negotiated margins are not breached. Accounting entry: Liability from consignment To vendor a/c FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON (Elaborated in SD) 4 4.1 PLANET RETAIL PROCESSES FLOW CHARTS PURCHASE TO PAY CYCLE (DOMESTIC)_WITH PURCHASE REQUISITION 4.2 PURCHASE TO PAY CYCLE (DOMESTIC)_WITHOUT PURCHASE REQUISITION 4.3 PURCHASE TO PAY CYCLE (IMPORTS)_WITH PURCHASE REQUISITION 4.4 PURCHASE TO PAY CYCLE (IMPORTS)_WITHOUT PURCHASE REQUISITION 4.5 SUB-CONTRACTING CYCLE 4.6 STOCK TRANSFER FROM DC/STORE TO STORE 4.7 EXTERNAL SERVICE MANAGEMENT 4.8 GOODS MOVEMENT 4.9 MATERIAL RETURN TO THE VENDOR 4.10 PHYSICAL INVENTORY FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 90 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 91 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 92 PURCHASE TO PAY – DOMESTIC (WITH PURCHASE REQUISITION) Create Purchase Requisition ( ME51N) Purchase Requisition Approval(ME54N) Create Request for Quotation(RFQ)(ME41) Create Entry for Goods(ZMGE) Goods Receipts at Stores(MIGO) Invoice Posting for Planned Delivery costs(MIRO) Enter the Quotations(ME47) Invoice Posting for Goods Receipt(MIRO) Comparison of Quotations(RFQ)(ME49) Create Purchase Order(ME21N) PO Approval (ME29N) PO Printing (ME23N) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 93 PURCHASE TO PAY _ DOMESTICS W/OUT PR Create Purchase Order (ME21N) Invoice Verification for Planned Delivery Cost Purchase Order Approval(ME29N) Purchase Order Printing VERSION NO – 2.0 Invoice Verification for Supplier Gate Entry (ZMGE) Goods Receipt (MIGO) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 94 PROCURE TO PAY -IMPORTS(WITH PURCHASE REQUISITIONS) Create Purchase Requisition ( ME51N) Create Entry for Goods(ZMGE) Purchase Requisition Approval(ME54N) Goods Receipts at Stores against (MIGO) Create Request for Quotation(RFQ)(ME41) VERSION NO – 2.0 Invoice Posting for Customs(MIRO) Enter the Quotations(ME47) Invoice Posting for Goods Receipt(MIRO) Comparison of Quotations(RFQ)(ME49) Invoice Posting for Planned Delivery Costs (MIRO) Create Purchase Order(ME21N) PO Approval (ME29N) PO Printing (ME23N) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 95 PURCHASE TO PAY _ IMPORTS W/OUT PR Invoice Verification for Planned Delivery Cost Create Purchase Order (ME21N) Purchase Order Approval(ME29N) Gate Entry (ZMGE) Purchase Order Printing Invoice Verification for Supplier Goods Receipt (MIGO) Invoice Verification for Customs FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 96 SUBCONTRACTING PROCESS Create Purchase Requisition ( ME51N) Purchase Requisition Approval(ME54N) Create Sub-contracting PO (ME21N) Goods Issue to Vendor against PO (MB1B – Mvt. 541) Returned as it is Material Receipt After Job Work Create Gate Entry (ZMGE) Goods Receipt (MIGO – Mvt.101) Perform Transfer Posting (MB1B – Mvt.542) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 97 STOCK TRANSFER PROCESS 1-Step Process 2-Step Process Create PO in favor of Supplying site / DC (ME21N – Doc.Type: STO) Stock at Site A Allocation Stock Transfer to Site B(MB1B – Mvt.301) Release PO in Supplying Site(ME29N) Create Delivery against PO in Supplying Site (VL10B) Gate Entry at Receiving Site(ZMGE) Goods Issue against outbound delivery (VL02N) Goods Receipt against Outbound Delivery in Receiving Site (MIGO) Create Performa Invoice in Supplying Site (VF01) Invoice Verification for Freight if required (MIRO) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 98 EXTERNAL SERVICE MANAGEMENT (WITH PURCHASE REQUISITION) Create Service Master for Planned Cost (AC03) Unplanned Services (Costs with Limits) Create Purchase Requisition (ME51N) Gate Entry if Required(ZMGE) Purchase Requisition Approval( ME54N) Create Service Entry Sheet(ML81N) Create Purchase Order(ME21N) Approve Service Entry Sheet (ML81N) Purchase Order Approval (ME29N) Invoice Posting(MIRO) Purchase Order Printing ( ME23N) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 99 GOODS MOVEMENTS 1.Goods Receipt MIGO – Mvt.101 1.1 Goods Receipt against PO Article 1.2 Initial Stock Upload Article 1.3 Goods Receipt against Subcontractor PO Article Article @ Store MIGO – Mvt.561 Article @ Store MIGO – Mvt.101 Article @ Store MIGO – Mvt.543 (automatic for Subcontracting material 2.Goods Issue MIGO – Mvt.201 2.1 Goods Issue against Cost Centre Article Article @ Store MIGO – Mvt.241 2.2 Goods Issue against Asset Article 2.3 Goods Issue for Scrap Article Article @ Store MIGO – Mvt.551 Article @ Store 3.Transfer Posting 3.1 From One Storage location to Other(One step) MIGO – Mvt.311 Article Article @ Store MIGO – Mvt.309 3.2 From one Article to other Article Article 3.3 From DC/Site to Subcontracting Vendor Article 3.4 From Subcontracting Vendor to Site Article Article @ Store MB1B – Mvt.541 Article @ Store MB1B – Mvt.542 Article @ Store FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 100 RETURN TO VENDOR Goods Receipt (MIGO) Reject Accept? Accept Unrestricted Stock Create Return Delivery Against Material Document (MIGO -Mvt.122) PO quantity will be automatically Updated Perform Invoice verification against Material Document if IV already processed (MIRO) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 101 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 5 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 102 IMPORTANT TERMS IN PURCHASING 5.1 PURCHASING REQUISITION A purchase requisition is a request or instruction to Purchasing to procure a certain quantity of a Article or a service so that it is available at a certain point in time. A purchase requisition consists of a number of items, for each of which a procurement type is defined. The following procurement types exist: Standard Subcontracting Stock transfer External service An item of a requisition contains the quantity and delivery date of the Article to be supplied or the quantity of the service to be performed. For items to be supplied by subcontractors, one can specify the necessary input Articles or components that are to be provided to the subcontractor for assembly or processing in respect of each delivery date stipulated. A purchase requisition can be fulfilled through purchase orders or longer-term purchase agreements. It is an internal document: it is not used outside the enterprise. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 103 Authorization Considerations: Company Code Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Document Type Site Planet Retail Scenario: Document Types for Purchase Requisitions: IN Planet Retail, Purchase Requisitions process will be used for Non merchandising and services. Document Type N10 N11 Document Type Description Consumables Non Merchandise Items Number Ranges 1000000000-1099999999 1100000000-1199999999 5.2 PURCHASE ORDER Formal request or instruction from a purchasing organization to a vendor or a Site to supply or provide a certain quantity of goods or services at and by a certain point in time with reference to purchasing schema attached in vendor masters. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 104 Structure A purchase order consists of a document header and a number of items. The information shown in the header relates to the entire purchase order For example, the terms of payment and the delivery terms are defined in the header. A procurement type is defined for each of the document items. The following procurement types exist: Standard Subcontracting Stock transfer External service Conditions can apply at various levels: · to the entire purchase order · At item level, to the Article to be supplied or to the set of service specifications in the case of services · At service line level for individual services (tasks or activities). In the purchase order, each item is destined for a certain site. Each site belongs to a company code, to which the vendor’s (creditor’s) invoice is directed. Authorization Considerations: FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 105 Company Code Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Document Type Site Planet Retail Scenario: Document Types for Purchase Order: In Planet Retail, Document types for Purchase orders have been suggested on the basis of Brand / concept. Whereas I stands for Imports and D stands for Domestics Document Type IGU DGU IMA DMA INX DNX VERSION NO – 2.0 Document Type Description GUESS_IMPORTS GUESS_DOMESTICS MARCIANO_IMPORTS MARCIANO_DOMESTICS NEXT_IMPORTS NEXT_DOMESTICS Number Ranges 7100000000-7199999999 2100000000-2199999999 7200000000-7299999999 2200000000-2299999999 7200000000-7399999999 2300000000-2399999999 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON IAC DAC IDB DDB IFC DFC IMS DMS IBS DBS ISE DSE INS DNS IPA DPA IPS DPS IPI DPI UDS USS VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 106 ACCESSORIZE_IMPORTS ACCESSORIZE_DOMESTICS DEBENHAMS_IMPORTS DEBENHAMS_DOMESTICS FASHN CUBE_IMPORTS FASHN CUBE_DOMESTICS MARKS & SPENCERS_IMPORTS MARKS & SPENCERS_DOMESTICS BODY SHOP_IMPORTS BODY SHOP_DOMESTICS SOLE EFFCT_IMPORTS SOLE EFFCT_DOMESTICS NON SALES ARTICLES_IMPORTS NON SALES ARTICLES_DOMESTICS PACKING ARTICLE_IMPORTS PACKING ARTICLE_DOMESTICS PRINTING & STATIONARY_IMPORTS PRINTING & STATIONARY_DOMESTIC PROJECT ITEMS_IMPORTS PROJECT ITEMS_DOMESTICS STO-DC TO STORES STO-STORES TO STORES 7400000000-7499999999 2400000000-2499999999 7500000000-7599999999 2500000000-2599999999 7600000000-7699999999 2600000000-2699999999 7700000000-7799999999 2700000000-2799999999 7800000000-7899999999 2800000000-2899999999 7900000000-7999999999 2900000000-2999999999 8000000000-8099999999 3000000000-3099999999 8100000000-8199999999 3100000000-3199999999 8200000000-8299999999 3200000000-3299999999 830000000-83999999999 330000000-33999999999 910000000-91999999999 920000000-92999999999 Kindly take a note that Open to Buy (OTB) will be covered in Phase 2. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 5.3 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 107 SCHEDULING AGREEMENT An outline purchase agreement is a longer-term agreement between a purchasing organization and a vendor regarding the supply of Articles or the performance of services within a certain period according to predefined terms and conditions. Scheduling Agreement is a form of outline purchase agreement under which Articles are procured on predetermined dates within a certain time period. Authorization Considerations: Company Code Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Document Type Site PLANET RETAIL SCENARIO: FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 108 Doc Types for Scheduling Agreement: In Planet Retail, There are two types of documents in Scheduling Agreements. Document Type LCS LRL VERSION NO – 2.0 Document Type Description SA_CONSUMABLES SA_Re Order Level No. Range 6100000000-6199999999 6200000000-6299999999 Scheduling Agreement will be used for low value items initially like consumables, stationary items etc. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 5.4 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 109 INVOICE VERIFICATION Invoice Verification is the process by which the liability towards the vendor is booked based on the goods, services received. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 110 Logistics Invoice Verification is handled against the PO and the Goods Receipt. During the processing of an invoice document the system match the data (such as quantities and values) against the related PO and GR and necessary corrections can be made accordingly. After which the invoice can be posted and processed for payment. Invoice Verification is situated at the end of the logistics supply chain that includes Purchasing, Inventory Management, and Invoice Verification. It is in Logistics Invoice Verification that incoming invoices are verified in terms of their content, prices and arithmetic. When the invoice is posted, the invoice data is saved in the system. The system updates the data saved in the invoice documents in Articles Management and Financial Accounting. Invoice Verification is closely integrated with the components Financial Accounting (FI) and Controlling (CO). It passes on the relevant information about payments or invoice analyses to these components. 6 PROCESSES FOR PLANET RETAIL 6.1 CREATION OF PURCHASE REQUISITION T Code: Create ME51N Change ME52N FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON Display VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 111 ME53N Purchase Requisition can be created either with Article code or without Article Code. 6.1.1 Purchase Requisition with Article Code (Non Merchandise) Following are prerequisites for creation of Purchase Requisition with Article Code. Article Code Required Quantity Site Code Conditions Document Type 6.1.2 Purchase Requisition without Article Code (Merchandise Code) If the requested article has no master record and is to be ordered for direct usage or consumption, one can specify which consumption account is to be charged. This process is termed account assignment. K has to be put in account assignment category. K stands for Cost Centre. Following are prerequisites for creation of Purchase Requisition without Article Code. Document Type Article short text (short description) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 6.2 Purchasing group Purchasing Organisation Cost Center G L Code Requested quantity Unit of measurement Merchandise Group Receiving Site Valuation Price (approx.) CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER 6.2.1 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR ARTICLE / MERCHANDISE T Code: Create ME21N Change ME22N Display ME23N Following are prerequisites for creation of Purchase Order. Document Type Vendor Code FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 112 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 6.2.2 Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Company Code Article Code Required Quantity Price Site Code Conditions CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR CONSUMABLES Purchase Order for Consumables can be created with or without Article code. 6.2.3 Creation of Purchase Order for Consumables with Article Code Following are prerequisites for creation of above Purchase Order. Document Type Vendor Code Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Company Code Article Code Required Quantity Price FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 113 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON Site Code Conditions Cost Centre G L Code 6.2.4 Creation of Purchase Order for Consumables without Article Code Following are prerequisites for creation of above Purchase Order. Document Type Vendor Code Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Company Code Article short text (Description) Required Quantity Article Group Unit of Measurement Price Site Code Conditions Cost Centre G L Code FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 114 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 6.2.5 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 115 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR SERVICES Purchase order for services can be created either with service master or without service master. 6.2.6 Creation of Purchase Order for services with Service Master Initially service master is to be created. T Code: AC03 Following are prerequisites for creation of Service Master. Activity Number Description of Activity Service Category Base Unit of Measure Service Group Valuation Class After creation of service master, a purchase order is to be created. Following are the prerequisites for creation of purchase order for services with service master. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 116 Document Type Vendor Code Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Company Code Account Assignment Category (Either U & K) Item Category as “D” Short Text Site Code Service Master Quantity Gross Price Cost Center 6.2.7 Creation of Purchase Order for services without Service Master Whenever services / services gross prices are not fixed & in order to make provision for unplanned services in the planning phase, value limits in purchasing documents can be set. Instead of containing service descriptions or quantities, the documents need only contain maximum values up to which any services may be performed. When services actually performed are entered, the system checks these value limits and allows the services to be recorded only if the limits are not exceeded. Following are the prerequisites for creation of purchase order for services without service master. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 6.2.8 VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 117 Document Type Vendor Code Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Company Code Account Assignment Category (Either U & K) Item Category as “D” Short Text Site Code Overall Limit Expected Value Cost Centre CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR SUBCONTRACTING In subcontract order processing, the vendor receives Articles (components) with which it produces the end product. The following are involved: One orders the end product using a subcontract order. The components that the vendor needs to manufacture the end product are specified in the purchase order. In Inventory Management, the components are posted to the stock of Article provided to vendor. The components are then supplied to the vendor. The vendor performs its service and delivers the ordered Article (the end product). The consumption of the components is posted. The vendor charges for his or her service. The invoice is posted in Invoice Verification. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 118 Following are the prerequisites for creation of purchase order for subcontracting. Document Type Vendor Code Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Company Code Item Category as “L” Article Code Site Code Required Quantity Price BOM of required Article Master 6.2.9 CREATION OF PURCHASE ORDER FOR ASSETS For creation of Purchase order for Assets, initially asset master is to be created. Creation of asset master will be covered in FI. Following are the prerequisites for creation of purchase order for Assets. Document Type Vendor Code Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Company Code FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 119 Account Assignment as “A” Article Description Article Group Unit of Measurement Site Code Required Quantity Price Asset Master 6.3 CREATION OF SCHEDULING AGREEMENTS OF ARTICLE As described earlier Scheduling agreements are open agreements between Supplier & Organization. T Code: VERSION NO – 2.0 Create : ME31L Change : ME32L Display : ME33L Following are the prerequisites for creation of Scheduling Agreements of Raw Article. Agreement Type FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 120 Vendor Code Agreement Date Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Site Code Validity End Article Code Target Quantity Price Conditions Tax Code 6.3.1 CREATION OF SCHEDULING AGREEMENTS OF CONSUMABLES T Code: VERSION NO – 2.0 Create : ME31L Change : ME32L Display : ME33L Following are the prerequisites for creation of Scheduling Agreements of Consumables Agreement Type Vendor Code FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 121 Agreement Date Purchasing Organisation Purchasing Group Site Code Account Assignment Category Validity End Article Code Target Quantity Price Conditions Tax Code Cost Center G L Code 6.4 DATA CAPTURING AT SECURITY GATE T Code: ZMGE It is a complete customised program which is mapped in SAP. It is used to capture invoice related information as Vendor Code, Invoice No. Invoice Date, Invoice Amount, TP no. Mode of transport, other necessary information etc. in SAP instead of in manual register. After feeding above information in system, system will generate a number & that no. is to be captured while performing MIGO. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 122 By using above system, one can determine invoices which are physically received but pending for MIGO. 6.5 GOODS RECEIPTS PROCESS T CODE: MIGO In PLANET RETAIL, Goods will be received in SAP with reference to Purchase Order / Scheduling Agreement .The purchase order number has to be on the delivery note, which is attached to the ordered goods and passed on by the vendor to the goods receiving point. If the purchase order number is not on the delivery note, one can search in the system for the purchase order that initiated the delivery using the Article number or vendor number If one has received the delivery note from the vendor, and he has verified that the delivery was based on a purchase order, he can enter the goods receipt in the SAP System. Before performing MIGO, we will have to decide either to transfer the goods directly to Unrestricted or in Block storage. The movement types used for directly transferring to Unrestricting & Block storage are 101 & 103 respectively. If we are using movement type 103, initially goods will be transfer to Block storage & then movement type 105 is used to remove the Article from Block to unrestricting. In conclusion if movement type 101 is being used, then GR will be performed in one step & if movement type 103 & 105 are being used, then GR will be performed in 2 stages. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON Following are prerequisite for MIGO. Goods Receipts Purchase Order Movement Type Invoice No Invoice Date Security Register No. Qty. as per Invoice Received Qty. Batch Code (if applicable) Accounting Entries While performing MIGO, Stock will be debited GR/IR will be credited. MIGO in one step i.e. with movement type 101 FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 123 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 124 6.6 CANCELLATION OF GR After performing MIGO, if any one wants to cancel the GR. He will have to use a T-code as MIGO. For cancellation of MIGO the movement type is being used as 102. Following are prerequisite for cancellation of MIGO. Cancellation Article Document No. Please note that GR once made cannot be modified, it can be cancelled only. And if an invoice has been verified, then GR can not be cancelled unless & until Invoice verification has not been cancelled. 6.7 SERVICE ENTRY SHEET A list of services performed by a vendor on the basis of a purchase order, containing service descriptions and details of quantities and values. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 125 The descriptions of planned services deriving from the purchase order are used as default descriptions in the service entry sheet. Unplanned services that were entered in the purchase order without descriptions using value limits are precisely specified in the entry sheet. T Code: ML81N Service Entry sheet is solely dependent on Purchase Order. If purchase order is containing service master then it will be treated as planned cost & if purchase order is containing Limit / value, then it will be treated as unplanned cost. Following are the prerequisite for Service Entry Sheet with Service Master Purchase Order Service master Required Quantity Cost Centre G L Code Following are the prerequisite for Service Entry Sheet without Service Master Purchase Order Required Limit FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 126 Cost Centre G L Code 6.8 CANCELLATION OF SERVICE ENTRY SHEET T Code: ML81N Following are pre-requisites for cancellation of service entry sheet. Service entry sheet no Please note that if MM period is closed, the service entry sheet can not be deleted in previous period. 6.9 Import Cycle DESCRIPTIONIt involves confirmation of import order by supplier to receipt of shipment at warehouse. 6.9.1 PROCESS FLOW (AS PER AS-IS)_IMPORTS_MERCHANDISE Confirmation of Order by supplier on the basis of PO in case of pull catalogue and invoice details sent (Out of SAP) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON In case of push catalogue direct invoice is received from supplier (Out of SAP). Invoice details intimated to merchandising / IT / MIS team(can be incorporated in customised development) Po created by merchandising based on invoice/packing list(with in SAP) Po approved by imports department (only for qty and value) (with in SAP) TERMS OF PAYMENT FOR IMPORTS: (with in SAP) LC ADVANCE TT CREDIT TERMS & PAYMENT BY TT Details of Freight forwarder informed to supplier (by imports)(can be incorporated in PO) Supplier hands over the shipment to Freight forwarder (Out of SAP). Freight forwarder checks with imports PRH for mode of shipment (air /sea) (Out of SAP). Imports confirms with merchandising @ HO and confirms Freight forwarder (Out of SAP). Shipping documents received via e-mail from supplier / Freight forwarder (Out of SAP). ETD & ETA details given by Freight forwarder (can be incorporated in customised development) Arrival of shipment-manifestation given by Freight forwarder(Out of SAP). Merchandising gives the gender and MRP details to Imports for filing BOE. (SAP can provide). Bill of entry filed by imports(Out of SAP). Bill of entry assessed by customs dept(Out of SAP). Duty paid as per BOE confirmed by customs dept(Out of SAP). Handling charges / miscellaneous charges paid to CWC / AAI(Out of SAP). Clearing agent releases the shipment after all duties are paid(Out of SAP). Clearing agent hands over the shipment at warehouse(Out of SAP). Warehouse receives the shipment and all documentation from the clearing agent((with in SAP) Warehouse inwards the shipment based on the PO(with in SAP) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 127 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 128 Shipping log is maintained for all shipments by HO. (with in SAP) Costing process done at HO by imports. (with in SAP) Planet retail is going for external software i e GCI for Imports. 6.9.2 PROCESS FLOW (AS PER AS-IS)_IMPORTS_NON MERCHANDISE On completion of the ordering process (Out of SAP) The proforma invoice is issued by the supplier. (Out of SAP) In case of advance payment necessary payments along with PI is submitted to the bank. (Out of SAP) The payment advice is communicated to the supplier to release the shipment(Out of SAP) On confirmation of the supplier the shipment is handed over to the Freight forwarder by the supplier.(with in SAP) No PO is created from PRH. (PwC recommends that Planet Retail should create a formal Purchase Order either with value or FOC components also and perform GRN with reference to Purchase Order (if PR wants to keep the track of free samples)).Imports receives the ETD & ETA details(with in SAP) On arrival of the shipment at port necessary shipping documents and custom duty are paid to release the shipment. (Out of SAP) Import department informs well I advance the ETD & ETA of the goods to the concerned brand team and warehouse. (Out of SAP) On receipt of goods at the warehouse the goods are checked against copies of the documents received along with the Shipment (with in SAP GRN is in wrt Purchase Order only) No GRN is made in the system for imported fixtures / non merchandise. (GRN is in wrt Purchase Order only). In case of other than advance Payment is processed after receiving invoices. (with in SAP) Before processing the payment the Imports team checks with the brand team and the warehouse/store for confirmation of receipt. (Out of SAP) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 129 PLANET RETAIL will place a purchase order on supplier with basic price in respective currency with freight & duties like Basic Custom Duty, Counter Veiling Duty, Cess, Higher Sec Cess, and Additional Duty of Customs. (T-code: ME21N) After placing the order, release of Purchase order is required. Perform Goods receipts against Purchase Order (T Code: MIGO) Execute Invoice verification with respect to Purchase Order for Goods, Planned Delivery Cost as well as Customs. 6.10 TRANSFER OF GOODS FROM SITE TO SITE The transfer of goods from Site to Site can be achieved by 2 ways. One Step Two Steps 6.10.1 ONE STEP Whenever the Article movement is from Site to Site, but there is no requirement of any document. Article can be transferred in one step using T Code as MB1B & Movement type as 301. 6.10.2 TWO STEP Whenever the Article movement is from Site to Site & there is requirement of documents also. Article can be transferred by following steps. Receiving Site will create a Stock transport Order with required quantity, defined conditions in favour of Supplying Site. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 130 Supplying Site will create delivery with reference to above purchase order. Supplying Site will create PGI (post goods issue). After PGI, stocks will be depleted from supplying Site. Supplying Site will create necessary documents wrt above delivery number. Receiving Site will create MIGO against above outbound delivery. Stocks will be updated in Receiving Site. Kindly take a note that STO will be created on the basis of Moving Average Price only. 6.11 TRANSFER OF GOODS FROM STORAGE LOCATION TO STORAGE LOCATION WITHIN SITE Whenever Stores representative will perform MIGO, the stocks will be generated in respective Site & respective storage location. Whenever there is requirement of transfer of goods from one storage location to another with in Site, the same can be achieved by using T Code as MB1B & Movement type as 311. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 131 6.12 ISSUE OF GOODS TO COST CENTRE Whenever Stores representative will perform MIGO, the stocks will be generated in respective Site & respective storage location. Whenever there is requirement of issue of goods from one storage location to Cost centre, the same can be achieved by using T Code as MB1A & Movement type as 201. While creation of purchase order, if buyer knows the consumption cost center, He can put as “K” in account assignment category, respective cost centre & G L Code in purchase order. While performing MIGO, the stocks will be debited directly to respective cost centre. 6.13 REVERSAL OF GOODS FROM COST CENTRE The above can be achieved by using T-Code as MB1A & movement type as 202. 6.14 TRANSFER OF GOODS FROM ARTICLE TO ARTICLE The above requirement can be achieved by using MB1B & movement type as 309. Please note that the above subject to be used only in emergency not as a regular practice. 6.15 TRANSFER OF GOODS FROM SITE TO SUBCONTRACTOR The base of issuing the goods to subcontractor is Purchase Order. The bill of Article as well as input, output relation has been defined in purchase order. The above requirement can be achieved by using T Code as MB1B & movement type as 541. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 132 The stocks will be updated at vendor’s end & depleted from Stores. The reversal of same can be achieved by using movement type as 542. After necessary job work, supplier will send back the Article, when the stores person will perform MIGO , the stocks of raw Article at supplier’s end will be depleted against movement type 543. 6.16 PHYSICAL INVENTORY VERIFICATION (STOCK TAKE) Regardless of the physical inventory method, the process of physical inventory can be divided into three phases: 1. Physical Inventory Preparation · Create a physical inventory document. · Blocking Articles for Posting · Print and distribute the physical inventory document. 2. Physical Inventory Count · Counting stocks FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON · VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 133 Entering the result of the count on the physical inventory document printout 3. Physical Inventory Analysis · Entering the result of the count into the system · Initiating a recount, if necessary · Posting inventory differences When one posts the inventory differences, the system adjusts the book inventory values and book values so that they correspond with the actual stocks and stock values against movement type 701 / 702. Document Creation T Code:MI01 Feed the Article codes for those physical inventory to be taken. A document no will be generated. Feed above document no in T Code: MI04 Feed the actual stock in count. Run T Code MI07 Post the document. After posting stocks will be updated. MI20 can also be used for posting difference in stocks. In this screen book as well as count stock can be seen. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 134 Planet Retail Strategy: Planet Retail will go for physical stock taking of 100% articles in stores on Quarterly basis. Posting of Inventory (differences) will be done after getting the formal approval from Finance on Site. 6.17 ARTICLE RETURN TO VENDOR Reason for Return: Stores Defect Customer Defect Excess Stock If any Article gets rejected after taking the same in stock & the same Article is required to sent back to supplier. The same can be achieved through T Code MIGO. In MIGO choose “RETURN DELIVERY” & against “Article Document” (Movement Type : 122). 6.18 RP FOR CONSUMABLES It is a good practice. For achieving the same, following are the pre-requisite. Article Master: RP View: VB & HB in RP type & Lot size respectively. Also define Re-order point. Scheduling Agreements FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 135 Source List RP can be run on daily basis in night to generate automatic schedules for consumables. If source list is not maintained then system will generate the purchase requisitions. RP in details have been covered in PP module. PwC will show a proper demo for RP. 6.19 GOODS IN TRANSIT GIT covers the following: Article from External Supplier to DC / Store. Article from Site/Store to Site/Store through Stock Transport (Transfer) Order. 6.19.1 Article from External Supplier to DC/Store It is not a standard application of SAP. But the same can be achieved through customization development. We can create a module pool (depends on approval).We can incorporate the P O No, Date, Supplier Invoice No, Invoice Date, Transportation Details, Container No, LC No, LC date, Invoice Quantity, Invoice Value, EDA at destination etc as per PR’s format. And subsequent report can be generated to get the details of Articles in transit. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 136 6.19.2 Article from Site/Store to Site/Store through STO Whenever any article is being despatched from Site to Site through STO. It appears in standard report as T code as MB5T until receiving site will not create the GRN of subjective outbound delivery. 6.20 RELEASE STRATEGY All purchasing documents and requisitions can be put thorough release procedure. When a document is created, a release strategy is assigned automatically based on certain conditions (e.g. its value or document type). The strategy determines which person, departments or other organizational units must release the document in which sequence. After each of these involved parties has released the document, it can be processed further. The person responsible sees the document in the system and designates it as “approved by person of legal authority“. Release strategy means the approval of Purchase requisition & Purchase order. System will not allow for printing of Purchase Order / GR (MIGO) until approval of Purchase Order. Strategy for Planet Retail: Release strategy has been defined at document level as well as value in both the cases. If any changes will occur in PR / PO, system will require further release. In case of Non Merchandise / Services: Value based Finance Controller 10000/- FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON CFO & COO VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 137 above 10000/- In case of Merchandise: L1 Merchandiser L2 Brand Head 6.20.1 GAP: While releasing the Purchase Order, the system should give indication in case of major differ in costing and existing weighted average rate. PwC Recommendations: As per Standard SAP practice, it is not possible. While creation of Purchase order, System will give indicate the previous price as warning message. But while releasing, it is not possible. if it is required , user has to refer the standard report in other session. 6.21 RESERVATION Whenever any Article is required by any department from Stores, User can create reservation by using T Code: MB21. Movement type, Site code, Cost center, G L Code, Article Code, Quantity & storage locations are to be fed by user. Save the document. System will give reservation no. Stores person can issue the Article against the reservation. Benefit: If reservation process is used, the chances of mistakes for wrong GL Code, Cost center are very less. T code for Change & Display of Reservation is MB22 & MB23 respectively. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 138 6.22 COSTING OF GOODS RECIEVED (IMPORTS) This business process takes care of deriving the landed cost of merchandise received, taking into considering the FOB value, Duties paid & Expenses incurred on the shipment. 6.22.1 PROCESS FLOW AS PER AS-IS (COVERED IN CO MODULE) GRN data is received from the warehouse The below costs are calculated by Imports manually Custom Duty (as per actual paid for the whole shipment) Freight Forwarding and Clearing charges CWC / AAI charges Royalty (if the Royalty is based on the purchase value) Demurrage (if any) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 139 Marine insurance/ Air insurance All costs for the particular Invoice are fed into the system at a header level of the GRN. Article wise landed cost is derived in the system by apportionment of the total cost to each article based on the weighted average method. Kindly take a note that Demurrage will not load on inventory. 6.23 CLAIMS PROCESS All shipment received is inspected randomly for verification of quantity and quality (in terms of damages, defectives etc). 6.23.1 PROCESS FLOW AS PER AS-IS _ CLAIMS FROM SUPPLIER SHORTAGE / DEFECTIVES IN IMPORTS On completion of GRN , invoice vs GRN is checked (qty & value) at ho by imports(with in SAP) In case of any variation from invoiced qty, supplier in informed (via email)(out of SAP) On acceptance of variation by supplier the shortage is claimed back to the supplier(out of SAP) The amount of claim is deducted in case the payment is by TT after delivery, in case of LC payments the debit note is issued for claims(with in SAP through JV) SHORTAGE/DEFECTIVES IN DOMESTIC SUPPLIES On completion of GRN , invoice vs GRN is checked (qty & value) The invoice is attached to the grn copy and sends to ho.(out of SAP) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS VERSION NO – 2.0 LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 140 Any variation is reported by mail (out of SAP) All payments are processed as per GRN qty. Defective Goods will be retuned to Supplier against Article Documents through Movement type 122. Kindly take a note that since we are not going for Quality Module, we can check for Quantity only. 6.23.2 INSURANCE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES/SHORTAGES (BOTH FOR IMPORTS AND DOMESTICS) Imports/ warehouse report the qty and value of damaged/short merchandise to legal/finance dept.(OUT OF SAP) Intimation is send to insurer for survey .(OUT OF SAP) Cost freight is requested to carriers/transporter .(OUT OF SAP) Supporting documents are collected for all concerned departments.(OUT OF SAP) Claim form and claim bill is submitted to the insurer.(OUT OF SAP) In case of further query, additional documents are sent to the insurer/surveyor. .(OUT OF SAP) After all verification is done by surveyor/insurer the claim amount is received. .(OUT OF SAP) PwC will develop a module pool depends on Planet Retail’s requirement/ approval to incorporate all details like Invoice No. Date, Short qty, Supplier Code, PO No, Surveyor information, claim status etc. Subsequent reports depends on users requirements can be developed with reference to above module pool. 7 LIST OF GAPS While releasing the Purchase Order, the system should give indication in case of major differ in costing and existing moving average rate. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 141 PwC Recommendations: As per Standard SAP practice, it is not possible. While creation of Purchase order, System will give indicate the previous price as warning message. But while releasing, it is not possible. if it is required , user has to refer the standard report in other session. 8 DATA MIGRATION STRATEGY 8.1 Introduction Data Migration is the process of moving required (and most often very large) volumes of data from our clients’ existing systems to new systems. Existing systems can be anything from custom-built IT infrastructures to spreadsheets and standalone databases. Data Migration encompasses all the necessary steps to cleanse, correct and move the data into the new system. 8.2 Data Migration solutions allow us to 8.2.1 Reduce risk Data being an organization’s most critical business asset, it is essential that any manipulation is carried out without any disruption. PwC uses its combined experience of large and/or mission critical projects to bring risks levels to a minimum. Field proven methods and tools and carefully planned migration plans that leverage legacy data and break down migration complexity to manageable projects all ensure that risks are mastered FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 142 8.2.2 Lower OPEX Data migration is a one-off activity triggered by point circumstances. PwC is there to reinforce our clients’ resources which can remain focused on their ongoing continuous core activities 8.2.3 Improve data quality Our cleansing and correction solutions ensure perfect data integrity after it has been migrated. From a user and development perspective, the migrated data results completely optimized 8.2.4 Migrate seamlessly Through the involvement of experienced resources, with repetitive hands-on experience and a mix of business and technical fluency which ensures business operation criticality is addressed at all times. 8.3 The Steps to be followed Identification of Source data: Source Data Dictionary Identification of Target data requirement: Target Data Dictionary Finalizing the technique of data loading Mapping of source to target: Mapping document with gaps Resolution of data gaps: By applying business rules Preparation of test plan and data: To be used for unit testing FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 143 Finalizing Validation and reconciliation strategy: Before uploading the data the data (count, sum of some specific field) should be checked against some control file (reconciliation) and after uploading the data the data loaded into SAP tables should be validated against the source file. Development: Data conversion program (BDC) Integration Testing: Check for the completeness of the entire data flow Volume testing: To check the performance Transport into Production 8.4 Data Migration process includes Extraction of data from the source system Transformation of the data to SAP format Loading of data into the corresponding SAP module 8.5 List of Tools CATT (Computer Aided Test Tool) LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench) 8.6 List of Data Migration Templates for Planet Retail Creation of Article Master Change of Article Master Creation of Vendor Master Creation of Customer Master Transfer Price from DC/Store to Store Creation of Info-Record (in case of consignment only) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON Stock Uploading with Batch Stock Uploading without Batch Creation of Purchase Order Merchandising Hierarchy Assortment Planning 8.7 Data Migration Team Suvendu Sahu Amit Mandahar 9 LIST OF DATA MIGRATION TOOLS PERTAINING TO PURCHASING AND SCM Creation of Article Master Creation of Vendor Master Transfer Price in case of STO Creation of Info Record (in case of consignment only) Stock Upload with Batch Stock Upload without Batch FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 144 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 145 10 LIST OF MODULE POOLS (Needs to be developed for tracking of following) Goods in Transit from Supplier Security Register (material received but GRN pending) Insurance material tracking PwC will start development after getting the formal approval from Planet Retail. 11 LIST OF REPORTS AS PER AS-IS PwC will show standard reports to Planet Retail during configuration. If Planet team is not convinced with standard reports, PwC will go for customised reports after formal approval of Planet Retail Team. 11.1 PRINT OF PURCHASE ORDER (DOMESTIC / IMPORTS / THIRD PARTY) 11.2 ALLOCATION REPORT: Input Field- Allocation No. (STO Number)/ Allocation Date (STO Date) GROUP FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON BRAND CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY LOCN-CODE NAME GENDER SEASON DATE ALLOCATION NO LTO NO/STO NO STYLE CODE NAME2 COLOR SIZE ALLOCATION QTY MRP ALLOCATION VALUE 11.3 GRN REPORT Input Field- Vendor/ Article/Inward Date (GRN Date) FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 146 SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 147 SUPPLIER/VENDOR GROUP BRAND CATEGORY SUB-CATEGORY LOCN-CODE NAME GENDER SEASON DATE VERSION NO – 2.0 Output Field GRN NO PO NO STYLE CODE NAME COLOR SIZE QTY MRP VALUE FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 148 11.4 LANDED COST REPORT : Input Field- GRN No./Period GROUP CODE GROUP NAME BRAND CODE BRAND NAME SUB-BRAND CODE SUB-BRAND NAME CATEGORY CODE CATEGORY NAME SUB-CATEGORY CODE SUB-CATEGORY NAME LOCATION CODE LOCATION NAME SEASON STYLE CODE NAME UOM CODE GENDER COLOR SIZE GRN NO DATE QTY VERSION NO – 2.0 CURRENCY CODE F.C COST / PCS LANDED COST LANDED COST/PCS MRP Output Field FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 149 11.5 LTI REPORT/ INWARD REPORT AT THE STORE END : Input Fields- Inward No/Inward Date/Receiving Site LTI NO/GRN NO. DATE FROM LOCATION TO LOCATION STYLE CODE COLOUR SIZE QTY MRP VERSION NO – 2.0 Output Field 11.6 LTO REPORT/OUTBOUND DELIVERY REPORT : Input Fields- LTO No (Outbound Delivery No.)/Delivery Date SR. NO. LTO NO. DATE FROM LOCATION FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON TO LOCATION STYLE CODE COLOR SIZE QTY & MRP PAGE 150 Output Field 11.7 PURCHASE ORDER REPORT : Input Fields- Purchase Order No. GROUP BRAND CATEGORY SUB CATEGORY GENDER SEASON BRAND TYPE SUPPLIER CODE SUPPLIER NAME LOCATION CODE LOCATION NAME PO NO. ITEM CODE ITEM NAME GRADE VERSION NO – 2.0 Output Field FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON PAGE 151 COLOUR SIZE PO QTY MRP PO VALUE 11.8 STOCK REPORT Input Fields- Article no./Site LOCN_CODE LOCN_NAME DIVN_CODE DIVN_NAME BRAND_CODE BRAND_NAME SUBBRAND_CODE SUBBRAND_NAME GRP_CODE GRP_NAME CATG_CODE CATG_NAME SCATG_CODE SCATG_NAME VERSION NO – 2.0 CLR SIZ MRP UOM QTY VAL RESV_QTY HOLD_QTY FREE_STOCK SKU_NO Output Field FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 152 GENDER_CODE GENDER_NAME SEASON_CODE SEASON_NAME RC_CODE RC_NAME ITEM ITEM_NAME 11.9 STOCK REPORT (With Last Inward Date) Input Fields-Article No./Site Code RCVD_DT LOCN LOCN_NAME DIVN QTY VAL RESV_QT HOLD_Q FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON BRAND SUBBRAND GRP_CODE GRP CATG_CODE CATG SCATG GENDER SEASON_CODE SEASON ITEM ITEM_NAME MRP VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 153 GRADE CLR COLOR_N SIZ UOM Output Field FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 154 12 OVERVIEW OF SCM FUNCTIONS The SCM function provides precise availability information based on real-time inventory from across the supply chain. The solution supports directstore delivery management, inventory management and transportation processes. It enables efficient shipment and delivery. SCM function in PRHPL would consist of the following functions Allocation of Merchandise to stores Distribution of Merchandise to stores 12.1 ALLOCATION 12.1.1 As –is FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 155 R H - Merchandise Planning.doc 12.1.2 TO-BE Retailers have to centrally distribute merchandise among large number of stores. Allocation can be used to plan the distribution of merchandise & trigger the necessary goods movement. The following steps are to be followed for using the allocation component. 12.1.3 ALLOCATION RULES Allocation rule can be defined and used as a reference when subsequently creating allocation tables. An allocation rule can be valid for an article or for a whole merchandise category. It contains the details of the respective stores and the proportion of the merchandise each is to receive. This information is then used in the allocation table to calculate the quantity each store is to receive. Allocation rules enable processing of allocation tables with a high degree of automation and standardization. This is required when stock of a particular article is to be split up among certain stores or groups of stores in the same relative proportions. The allocation rule defines the stores or stores groups among which stock is to be split. An allocation rule can also be assigned to a particular article or merchandise category or merchandise category hierarchy level. Using allocation rule stock can be divided amongst the stores but not within the store. 12.1.4 ALLOCATION TABLES Allocation table is a tool used by head office to plan, monitor & control the distribution of merchandise stock among stores. FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 156 Allocation Table is created to split up a specific quantity of merchandise based on the allocation rule. The allocation table contains all the important information on the how the merchandise is to be distributed, such as the articles to be allocated, the recipients, the quantity each is to receive and the delivery dates. Item texts and notes pertaining to an article can be maintained in the allocation table. Notes are internal and are only displayed in the allocation table; item texts, on the other hand, can be printed. Allocation rules are used in allocation tables to split up the total quantity. Allocation tables are changed if, for example, between creating purchase order & receiving the goods with a long lead time, new stores have been opened or existing stores closed. Allocation table can be changed by Changing or redistributing recipient quantity in the allocation table Changing the delivery dates for the stores Adding new stores to or deleting existing stores from the allocation table. 12.1.5 GENERATION OF FOLLOW-ON DOCUMENTS After planning of merchandise distribution in an allocation table, subsequent document can automatically be generated for procuring or delivering the FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 157 stock. The type of documents i.e. Purchase Order or Delivery Order depends on the type of goods movements planned. This process allows you to generate document that follow on from the allocation table. Follow-on document generation allows you to have the system create documents (directly or in the background) for the allocation out of distribution centre stock. Following follow-on documents can be created. Purchase orders Stock transfer orders Outbound deliveries from distribution centre FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY SAP IS-RETAIL IMPLEMENTATION PURCHASING AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TO-BE BUSINESS PROCESS SCRIPTS LOCATION: GURGAON 13 SAP COMMENTS SAP-MM-observation s & Recommendations with PwC response 14 CAPTAINS COMMENTS Captains_comments & PwC Response FINAL BBP – MM ISSUED TO ANKITA (PWC) FOR SOLMAN UPLOAD PURPOSE DATED -31st JULY VERSION NO – 2.0 PAGE 158