PRINT NAME:____Riddhi Patel________________________________________________________________ N4341 NURSING OF THE CHILDBEARING FAMILY EVALUATION OF CLINICAL PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS for N4341 CLINICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA SPECIFICATION OF OUTCOMES 1. Conduct initial and ongoing client assessment for the childbearing family. 2. Diagnose client’s nursing care needs based on assessment data. 3. Develop an evidence-based, culturally sensitive, developmentally appropriate and holistic plan of care for the childbearing family. 4. Demonstrate safe nursing care for the childbearing family Satisfactory Behavior *Interviews patient and/or family, reviews medical record and conducts physical assessment to collect client data including physiological, psychosocial, cultural and spiritual elements. *Able to state changes in the client's condition. *Able to state verbally and/or in writing changes in condition that should occur with the client's treatment regime *Assessment data validate the nursing concerns *The assessment write up reflects priority for care. *Able to relate patient response to physiology of pregnancy/current condition.. *Nursing actions are appropriate for major focus/concern. *Nursing actions/Interventions are personalized rather than standardized and include teaching interventions *Community resources are identified and utilized in the plan of care. *Can modify nursing actions based on change in status. *Provides care within the guidelines of the hospital's nursing standards policy Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Behavior *Does not collect appropriate data from all available resources. *Assessment limited in scope and does not include essential sources. Data in completed and/or not relevant to patient's altered health status. *Recognizes a few changes in patient condition, but not able to to see how all parts of pt condition impact the patient. *Documentation not complete/accurate regarding changes. *Identifies several of client’s needs, but missing several pertinent findings. *Write up identifies priorities, however, missing major focus. *Can state patient’s response/current condition but can’t identify how it impact her current condition. *Nursing actions aren’t appropriate for major concern or focus. *Unable to state changes noted in condition. *Nursing actions very generic and doesn’t demonstrate understanding of patient need. *Demonstrates difficulty in modifying nursing actions based on a change in patient status. *Unable to apply all current standards of practice resulting in potential harm *Does not recognize and/or record the changes in condition. *Major nursing concerni s not related to data collected via assessment. *Nursing concerns are poorly stated and don’t reflect clinical judgement. *Unable to show a relationship between patient data and the physiology of pregnancy. *Nursing Actions are not related or appropriate to the major concern or focus. *Nursing actions are not measurable and are unrealistic for the patient and/or the time frame. *Unable to modify nursing actions based on change in patient status. *Care deviates from standards of practice and/or causes harm or [Type text] within the ethical-legal parameters. 5. Communicate verbally and/or in writing the nursing interventions and client response. 6. Collaborate and communicate with client, family, staff, instructor, peers and members of the health care team to provide care for the childbearing family. & procedure manual and/or appropriate current references. *Maintains safe environment while completing all clinical experiences. *Adheres to asepsis and Universal Precautions *Follows the infant safety protocol during clinical experiences. *Exercises judgment appropriate to student role. *Documents medication appropriately on the unit specific forms. to patient. *Occasionally breaks aseptic technique or has a break in safe environment (doesn’t foam in/out or between patients -including mother and infant) * Needs minimal guidance on patient care roles or needs frequent reminders. *Keeps lines of communication open with faculty and staff. Communicates with instructor and members of health care team to provide information on client’s needs, and/or changes in condition. *Ongoing, concise, descriptive and current documentation of nursing process is recorded in a timely manner in all clinical experiences. *Writes legibly. *Completes and submits all unit specific paperwork on time. * Needs prompting to provide accurate report *Maintains professional attitude in communication and keeps lines of communication open with client, family, faculty and staff. *Establishes professional and therapeutic relationship with patients. Revised F16, Rev 4/21, Rev 1/22 *Needs reminders to complete unit specific paperwork in a timely manner while in clinical. *Writing needs to improve to be legible. *Occasionally does not submit paperwork on time or does not complete all required forms. Attitude/behavior may be misunderstood by others, however, not deliberately rude. potential harm to the patient. *Unable to maintain safe environment while completing all nursing care in clinical experiences. *Violates asepsis and Universal Precautions *Fails to and /or incorrectly records medication administration and/or fails to document evaluation of effectiveness of medication given for pain relief. *Does not follow the infant safety protocol during clinical experiences. *Needs much guidance, direction, and specific and detailed supervision. Questionable decisions often made. *Fails to communicate with health team member (including instructor) regarding changes in client’s condition. *Writing is illegible. *Fails to complete ongoing, concise, descriptive and current documentation of nursing process in a timely manner in all clinical experiences. Uses vague terminology, neglects charting until the end of shift, fails to include important data. Communication techniques are inappropriate (verbally and/or body language). *Does not establish or maintain professional relationship with patients [Type text] 7. Organize time and material effectively in completing client care, written assignments, clinical experiences and conferences. 8. Assume responsibility for own actions, learning and communicating need for assistance as necessary. *Communicates effectively both in writing and verbally to all members of health care team, patient and family as applicable. Manages time effectively to deliver nursing care, complete written assignments and documentation in allotted time frame. *On time to all clinicals and post conferences. *If missing clinical due to illness, notifies instructor in a time manner and provides required documentation. *Completes all make up work by the due date/time indicated. *Seeks opportunities to advance knowledge in clinical. Asks appropriate questions when unsure. *Comes to clinical prepared to give care with prep sheets and appropriate unit specific forms *Uses appropriate resources (textbooks, articles, and policy & procedure manuals) in preparation for performances of clinical activities. *Demonstrates self-awareness. *Demonstrates confidence in skills preformed or asks appropriate questions before proceeding. * Demonstrates self-awareness, Revised F16, Rev 4/21, Rev 1/22 Frequently does not complete assignment in time allotted, needs to improve time management. *Late to clinical or post conference 1 time. *Does not notify instructor if student will be late or missing due to illness prior to start of clinical. *Frequently sitting without researching unit specific documents posted around unit. Doesn’t review patient teaching handouts used on unit. *Comes to clinical minimally prepared for assigned unit. and their families. *Unable to differentiate social and professional roles. Lacks insight and understanding of own behaviors. *Unable to manage time to effectively to deliver nursing, complete written assignments and documentation in allotted time frame. *Is absent or late to clinical experiences including conference on time and/or fails to inform instructor and/or agency of anticipated absence or delay. *Leaves clinical without completing responsibilities and/or without reporting to primary nurse and instructor. Work is handed in late or incomplete. Does not follow guidelines for clinical conference presentation. * Does not complete make up work appropriately or on time. *Does not identify own learning needs and/or ask for assistance. Proceeds in performance of clinical activities even when unsure without instructor or staff guidance. *Comes to clinical unprepared to give care. Does not have required clinical paperwork for assigned unit. *Lacks insights and understanding of own behaviors. [Type text] 9. Demonstrate self-awareness, professionally attired, functions within ANA Code of Ethics. 10. Student completed essential skills for this clinical course. flexibility and adaptability. Arrives on time ready to participate in conferences by offering meaningful contribution. *Demonstrates self-awareness, flexibility and adaptability. *Demonstrates confidence in skills preformed or asks appropriate questions before proceeding. * Demonstrates self-awareness, flexibility and adaptability. *Professionally attired per UTA guidelines. *Functions within the ANA code of Ethics. Demonstrates professional responsibility and integrity in relation to clinical practice. Completed essentials skills checklists and midterm self-evaluation. *Does not participate in post conference other than reviewing own patient information. Not always self-aware of behaviors or is not always flexible when a change is required. *Needed a reminder regarding appropriate clinical attire. *Does not participate in post conference other than reviewing own patient information. Frequently not paying attention or on phone in postconference. *Lacks insights and understanding of own behaviors and lacks selfawareness, flexibility and adaptability. *Attired inappropriately for clinical experiences. *Violates ANA Code of Ethics *Did not successfully completed all unit specific skills the first time assigned to unit. (Not “Needs Improvement is not assigned to unit by midterm). Did not complete essential skills checkoff by third attempt for this clinical as required. **I have read and understand the specifications of N4341 Clinical Evaluation Criteria. (See above) STUDENT'S SIGNATURE** _________________________ DATE ____1/24/23__________ INSTRUCTOR'S SIGNATURE ________________________ DATE ____________________________ **Student's signature indicates that the student has read and understands the specifications of N4341 Nursing of the Childbearing Family Clinical Evaluation Criteria. Revised F16, Rev 4/21, Rev 1/22