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International Relations Quiz: Global Affairs & Politics

1. Following are the members of QUAD:
(a) USA, Australia, India, Japan
(b) USA, Indonesia, India, New Zealand
(c) USA, UK, Australia, Japan
(d) None of these
2. 2. In 2008 Barack Obama received highest ever number of popular
votes in the elections. In the recent presidential educations, which
candidate broke his record?
(a) Joe Biden
(b) Donald Trump
(c) Both A & B
(d) None of these
BECA stands for:
(a) Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement
(b) Bilateral Engagement and Cooperation Agreement
(c) Bilateral Engagement and Counter Arrangement
(d) None of these
4. Yogi Adityanath remain the Chief Minister of following India state:
(a) Maharashtra
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) None of these
5. Nagorno Karabakh is a territorial conflict between:
(a) Turkey and Syria
(b) Turkey and Greece
(c) Armenia and Azerbaijan
(d) None of these
6. Name of the German President is:
(a) Angela Merkei
(b) Frank-Walter Steinmeier
(c) Elke Budenbender
(d) None of these
Article 6 of the Constitution of Pakistan deals with:
(a) High Treason
(b) Being Sadiq and Amin
(c) Accountability of the rulers
(d) None of these
8. 2020 Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to
(a) Abiy Ahmed Ali
(b) Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad
(c) World Food Program
(d) None of these
EIA notes that _______ has the biggest natural gas reserves.
(a) United States
(b) Russia
(c) Turkemenistan
(d) None of these
10. Since January 2019 how many times legislative elections have been
held in Israel?
(a) One
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) None of these
11. Which state is the member of SCO?
(a) Azerbaijan
(b) Turkeminstan
(c) Turkey
(d) None of these
12. Book the Battle for Pakistan is written by:
(a) Shuja Nawaz
(b) Anatol Lieven
(c) Hussain Abbas
(d) None of these
Lusaka Conference was held in:
d)None of these
14. Fourteen Points of Wilson announced in:
d)None of these
15. Uthant was the national of:
d)None of these
16) Tax Inspectors Without Borders‟ is an initiative of UNDP in association with which organization?
(a) OECD
(b) IMF
17)Which country announced a multibillion-euro Defence deal with France in September 2021?
(a) Greece
(b) Turkey
(c) Italy
(d) Spain
18) The Communist Party of Vietnam was founded in:
(a) 1923
(b) 1921
(c) 1927
(d) 1930
19) Which country observed its first „National Day for Truth and Reconciliation‟ in 2021?
(a) Australia
(b) Japan
(c) UK
(d) Canada
20) The Monroe Doctrine was intended to:
(a) Safeguard peace in Europe
(b) Enforce freedom of navigation on the High Seas
(c) Safeguard American interests
(d) For Latin American Interests
Part II
Q.2 It is said that in contemporary International Relations, International Economic and Trade linkages
are being used as pressure tactics in inter-State Relations. Do you agree? Substantiate.(20)
Q.3 Over the decades International Relations has garnered the importance of a separate academic
discipline. Discuss its scope and importance of the study of International Relations, whilst mentioning
the limitations of the discipline. (20)
Q.4 “Nationalism has been democracy’s handmaiden since the time of French revolution.” In light of
this statement discuss the nature of state, whilst also discussing attributes of national power. (20)
Q.5 Critically analyse the main assumptions of Neo-Realist school of thought in International Relations.
How does Neo-Realism contrast from Neoliberalism as a theory of IR, highlighting the more sought after
school of thought in global politics? (20)
Q.6 Elucidate the role of Nuclear Diplomacy in the Middle East with particular reference to liberalist
ideology and track II diplomacy. (20)
Q.7 As colonialism met its end; non-Alignment movement met its rise. Critically examine as to what
extent did the UN justify its role in global politics? (20)
Q.8 “The manifestation of international law lies in curbing anarchy.” Discuss. (20)