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Whole Body X-ray CT System Instruction Manual

Whole Body X-ray CT System
Radiography Instruction Manual
DM 51750v7
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Radiography Instruction Manual
General Information
Throughout the manual, it is necessary to highlight important user and safety information. To facilitate
this process, a series of statements and symbols is used. The statements are defined as follows:
CAUTION: This symbol indicates possible danger that could result in light or moderate injury, partial
equipment damage, or computer data loss.
WARNING: This symbol indicates an indirect danger that could result in death, serious injury, or
serious property damage such as fire or total loss of equipment.
PROHIBITED: This symbol indicates prohibited conditions or actions. The description in
combination with this symbol indicates conditions or actions that are prohibited.
NOTE: This is symbol indicates any recommended procedure, condition, or action that requires care
when operating the equipment.
HINT: This symbol indicates supplementary information.
Manual Revision
Document Revision
Initial release
Revision 2
Revision 3
Revision 4
Revision 5
Revision 6
Revision 7
Revision Date
February 2008
December 2008
February 2009
Document Number
51750 v2
51750 v3
Effective Pages
All pages
All pages
All pages
All pages
Never Released
November 2013
Manual Overview
This manual explains the scanning functions of the ECLOS Whole-body X-ray CT System. See the
System Instruction Manual for equipment composition, installation, and storage, for the safe and correct
use of this equipment. To use this equipment safely and correctly, and to maintain normal performance
for a long period, it is essential to have a full understanding of its functions, operation, and maintenance.
Read the instruction manual on Systems, Imaging Analysis and Radiography thoroughly before using this
equipment. This instruction manual was originally drafted, approved, and supplied by Hitachi Medical
Corporation in the English language. Copyright © 2012 by Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc. All
rights reserved.
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Radiography Instruction Manual
Manual Conventions
Where the actual images of buttons, tabs, or menus displayed in windows or dialog boxes are not
available, they will be indicated by bold letters. The following table provides some examples:
Image From Actual Window/Dialog Box
Textual Representation
OK button
Save Images tab
Help and Version Info.
The messages to be displayed in windows or the characters to be displayed in text boxes will be indicated
by using a different font as follows:
The message Improper Image appears.
Software Revision
This manual supports system software Version 2.11 and above.
Safety Precautions
Before reading through this document, please read the separate “SAFETY INSTRUCTION MANUAL”.
Although the equipment has been designed and manufactured with careful consideration for the safety of
the operator and patient and for reliability please observe the following points to further ensure safety.
1. This equipment must be used only by qualified persons, such as physicians, dentists, and
radiographers. This equipment belongs to Class I, according to Part 1: General requirements for
safety in IEC60601-1 “Medical Electrical Equipment”. To use this equipment safely and correctly,
see the ECLOS System Instruction Manual.
2. Ground the equipment to ground terminal that provides a grounding wire resistance of 10Ω or less.
3. Never modify the equipment.
4. Observe the following when operating this equipment:
a. Turn the power on and allow the equipment to warm up for approximately one hour before
b. After assisting the patient onto the table, caution him/her to remain still while the equipment
is scanning.
c. Ensure the patient’s safety when performing operations such as angling the gantry, moving
the table up, down, and laterally.
d. In order to improve the reliability of the equipment, turn off the power supply according to
the specified procedures, except in times of emergency. For more details on this procedure,
see the ECLOS System Instruction Manual.
e. Do not install the equipment in locations
・with an ambient temperature below -5ºC or above +33ºC.
・with a barometric pressure below 700 hPa or above 1,060 hPa.
・where the equipment is exposed to harmful gas.
・with excessive high humidity (above 80%) or excessively low humidity (below 35%).
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・exposed to steam.
・exposed to water drops.
・with excessive dust or sand.
・with excessive oil mist.
・where the equipment is exposed to saline air.
・where there is explosive gas or dust.
・where the equipment is subject to excessive vibration or mechanical shock.
・where the floor is inclined more than 0.1 degree.
・where the power voltage fluctuates abnormally. (10% or more)
・where the power voltage suddenly drops when the equipment is under load.
・where the equipment is exposed to direct sunlight.
If the equipment needs to be electrically or mechanically connected to any equipment
manufactured by companies other than Hitachi Medical, contact Hitachi Medical or one of its
authorized representatives.
None known.
Sales Restriction
Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on order of a physician (or properly licensed practitioner).
Trademarks and Registered Trademarks
Windows is a trademark and registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
of America and/or other countries.
Other company names and product names appearing in this manual are the trademarks or
registered trademarks of those companies.
Hitachi Medical Systems America, Inc.
1959 Summit Commerce Park
Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 USA
Tel: 330.425.1313 or 800.800.3106
Fax: 330.425.1410
Hitachi Medical Corporation
Akihabara UDX
4-14-1, Soto-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-0021, Japan
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Radiography Instruction Manual
Terminology Definitions
The terms and definitions used in this instruction manual are shown below:
Type B applied part 1
APPLIED PART complying with the specified requirements of this Standard to provide
protection against electric shock, particularly regarding allowable LEAKAGE CURRENT and
marked with symbol 1, table D2, of Appendix D.
X-ray tube assembly1
X-RAY TUBE HOUSING with an X-RAY TUBE installed.
Environmental conditions
Conditions such as temperature (room temperature), relative humidity, and barometric pressure
appropriate for correctly and safely using the equipment.
(X-ray) tube voltage1
Potential difference applied to an X-RAY TUBE between the ANODE and the CATHODE.
Usually, X-RAY TUBE VOLTAGE is expressed by its peak value in kilovolts (kV).
(X-ray) tube current1
Electric current of the ELECTRON BEAM incident on the TARGET of an X-RAY TUBE.
Usually, the X-RAY TUBE CURRENT is expressed by its mean value in milliamperes (mA).
Class I equipment1
EQUIPMENT in which protection against electric shock does not rely on BASIC INSULATION
only, but which includes an additional safety precaution in that means are provided for the
connection of the EQUIPMENT to the ground wire in the fixed wiring of the installation in such
a way that ACCESSIBLE METAL PARTS cannot become LIVE in the event of a failure of the
Information data
Specifications showing standard values of dimensions, weight, power consumption, output, etc.
Stationary equipment1
Either FIXED EQUIPMENT or EQUIPMENT which is not intended to be move from one place
to another.
Protective clothing
Clothing that covers the entire body for protection from radiation and blood borne pathogens.
Explosion-proof equipment
Electrical equipment operable in a dangerous atmosphere in which an amount of explosive gas
sufficient for an explosion is mixed with air.
Warranty data
Specifications with tolerance values and limit values warranted by manufacturer to assure
performance, output, and such, of the equipment, including conditions for operation, storage,
transportation, etc.
This terminology definition was extracted from the glossary of IEC terminology.
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Radiography Instruction Manual
Table of Contents
General Information ..................................................................................................................................................... ii
Symbols ......................................................................................................................................................................... ii
Manual Revision ............................................................................................................................................................ ii
Manual Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... ii
Manual Conventions ..................................................................................................................................................... iii
Software Revision ......................................................................................................................................................... iii
Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................................................................ iii
Contraindication ............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Sales Restriction ........................................................................................................................................................... iv
Trademarks and Registered Trademarks ..................................................................................................................... iv
Distributor...................................................................................................................................................................... iv
Manufacturer ................................................................................................................................................................. iv
Terminology Definitions.................................................................................................................................................. v
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ vi
Chapter 1 - Turning the Power On and Off........................................................................................................... 1-1
Turning the Power On ................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
Turning the Power Off ................................................................................................................................................ 1-1
Turning the CT Power Distribution Board On and Off ................................................................................................ 1-2
Chapter 2 - Main Window....................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Main Window Layout .................................................................................................................................................. 2-1
Menu Area Buttons .................................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Chapter 3 - Warm-up and Air Calibration ............................................................................................................. 3-1
Warm-Up.................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Air Calibration ............................................................................................................................................................ 3-2
Chapter 4 - Patient Registration and Reservation ............................................................................................... 4-1
Patient Registration .................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Starting Patient Registration .........................................................................................................................................................................4-1
Normal Patient Registration ..........................................................................................................................................................................4-1
Registering a Reserved Patient ....................................................................................................................................................................4-2
Saving Patient Information ............................................................................................................................................................................4-3
Items That Can Be Set During Patient Registration......................................................................................................................................4-4
Urgent Start Registration............................................................................................................................................ 4-7
Using Urgent Start .........................................................................................................................................................................................4-7
Registering the Patient registration ...............................................................................................................................................................4-8
Patient Reservation .................................................................................................................................................... 4-8
Using Patient Reservation.............................................................................................................................................................................4-8
Reserving a New Patient...............................................................................................................................................................................4-9
Copying Reserved Patient Information .......................................................................................................................................................4-10
Modifying Reserved Patient Information .....................................................................................................................................................4-11
Deleting Reserved Patient Information .......................................................................................................................................................4-12
Chapter 5 - Scanograms ........................................................................................................................................ 5-1
Starting a Scanogram ................................................................................................................................................ 5-1
Scanning with a Scanogram ...................................................................................................................................... 5-1
Scan with a Double Scanogram ....................................................................................................................................................................5-3
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Chapter 6 - Scans ................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Starting a Scan .......................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Scan Plan................................................................................................................................................................... 6-1
Moving a Slice Stack .....................................................................................................................................................................................6-2
Changing FOV (Slice Line Length) ...............................................................................................................................................................6-2
Changing the Number of Images (Number of Slice Lines) ...........................................................................................................................6-2
Changing the Gantry Angle (Slice Line Angle) .............................................................................................................................................6-3
Setting the Display Line Color of Slice Lines ................................................................................................................................................6-3
Plan Tool Function ........................................................................................................................................................................................6-4
Double Scanogram Scan Plan ......................................................................................................................................................................6-9
Adding or Changing Protocols, Sequences, and Scan Settings .............................................................................. 6-10
Changing Scan Protocol .............................................................................................................................................................................6-11
Inserting a Sequence ..................................................................................................................................................................................6-12
Deleting a Sequence ...................................................................................................................................................................................6-12
Displaying Sequence Information ...............................................................................................................................................................6-13
Changing Scan Settings..............................................................................................................................................................................6-14
Setting Image Start Position to 0 Position...................................................................................................................................................6-17
Setting Multi-Reconstruction .......................................................................................................................................................................6-18
Setting Stair Step Artifact Correction (SSAC) .............................................................................................................................................6-19
Setting Skip Scan ........................................................................................................................................................................................6-20
Setting IntelliEC ...........................................................................................................................................................................................6-21
Performing a Scan ................................................................................................................................................... 6-24
Adding a Scan.......................................................................................................................................................... 6-27
Reusing a Sequence ................................................................................................................................................ 6-27
Using Re-Scan ......................................................................................................................................................... 6-28
Using the Supplemental Functions for Scanning ..................................................................................................... 6-29
Setting the Stopwatch .................................................................................................................................................................................6-29
Setting the Auto Stopwatch .........................................................................................................................................................................6-30
Turning the Auto Voice On and Off .............................................................................................................................................................6-30
Turning the Contrast Media Display On and Off .........................................................................................................................................6-31
Adjusting the Table Move Settings .............................................................................................................................................................6-32
Chapter 7 - Pediatric Scanning ............................................................................................................................. 7-1
Importance of Reducing Dose in Pediatric Patients ................................................................................................... 7-1
How Technologists Can Reduce Dose for Pediatric Patients .................................................................................... 7-1
Hitachi Specific Dose Reduction Features ................................................................................................................. 7-1
Reduced kV Imaging .....................................................................................................................................................................................7-1
Multi-Bowtie Filters ........................................................................................................................................................................................7-2
IntelliEC .........................................................................................................................................................................................................7-3
Automatic Lateral Shift Tabletop ...................................................................................................................................................................7-5
Axial Snap-Shot Imaging –Cardiac (option) ..................................................................................................................................................7-5
Dose Check and DICOM SR (structured reporting) ......................................................................................................................................7-6
Pediatric Specific Protocols........................................................................................................................................ 7-6
ALARA Tested Protocols ..............................................................................................................................................................................7-6
Indications .....................................................................................................................................................................................................7-6
Diagnostic Task .............................................................................................................................................................................................7-7
Key Elements ................................................................................................................................................................................................7-7
Dose Management ........................................................................................................................................................................................7-7
General Scan Instruction Suggestions ..........................................................................................................................................................7-7
Approximate CTDIvol Values..........................................................................................................................................................................7-7
Hitachi Recommended Pediatric Protocols ................................................................................................................ 7-9
Chapter 8 - Predict Scan ........................................................................................................................................ 8-1
Overview of Predict Scan ........................................................................................................................................... 8-1
General Procedure for Predict Scan .......................................................................................................................... 8-1
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Scanning for a Reference Image ............................................................................................................................... 8-2
Adding a Predict Scan Sequence .............................................................................................................................. 8-2
Adding a Predict Scan Sequence .................................................................................................................................................................8-2
Specifying Predict Scan Settings ............................................................................................................................... 8-4
Predict Scan Settings Window ......................................................................................................................................................................8-4
List of Predict Scan Sequence Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................8-5
Selecting a Reference Image ........................................................................................................................................................................8-7
Specifying Predict Scan Monitoring Settings ................................................................................................................................................8-8
Performing a Predict Scan ....................................................................................................................................... 8-13
Starting a Predict Scan ...............................................................................................................................................................................8-13
Monitoring Screen Details ...........................................................................................................................................................................8-14
Saving Images ............................................................................................................................................................................................8-16
Saving Graphs ............................................................................................................................................................................................8-16
Actual Scan .............................................................................................................................................................. 8-17
Automatic Start of the Actual Scan .............................................................................................................................................................8-17
Forced Start of the Actual Scan ..................................................................................................................................................................8-17
Predict Scan Specifications...................................................................................................................................... 8-18
Predict scan.................................................................................................................................................................................................8-18
Actual Scan .................................................................................................................................................................................................8-19
Chapter 9 - Displaying Images .............................................................................................................................. 9-1
Understanding the Image Display Area ..................................................................................................................... 9-1
Reviewing the Component Names................................................................................................................................................................9-1
Setting Image Display Items .........................................................................................................................................................................9-3
Switching Displayed Images ...................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Switching With the Scroll Bar ........................................................................................................................................................................9-4
Switching With the Mouse .............................................................................................................................................................................9-4
Changing Window Width and Level Values ............................................................................................................... 9-4
Changing With the WW and WL Spin Boxes ................................................................................................................................................9-5
Changing With the Mouse .............................................................................................................................................................................9-5
Changing With the WL Tool Upper and Lower Buttons ................................................................................................................................9-5
Changing With the WL Tool Preset Buttons .................................................................................................................................................9-7
Changing Scope ........................................................................................................................................................ 9-8
Enlarging and Reducing Images ................................................................................................................................ 9-9
Using the ANA Tool to Enlarge and Reduce Images ....................................................................................................................................9-9
Using the Mouse Wheel to Enlarge and Reduce Images ...........................................................................................................................9-10
Setting Enlarge and Reduce Transition Time .............................................................................................................................................9-10
Moving Images (Position Adjustment)...................................................................................................................... 9-11
Using the ANA Tool to Move an Image .......................................................................................................................................................9-11
Using the Mouse to Move an Image ...........................................................................................................................................................9-12
Resetting Enlargement, Reduction, and Movement ................................................................................................. 9-12
Applying a Filter ....................................................................................................................................................... 9-13
Setting the ROI ........................................................................................................................................................ 9-14
Setting the Grid ........................................................................................................................................................ 9-16
Setting the Distance and Angle Scale ...................................................................................................................... 9-19
Chapter 10 - Preference Settings .......................................................................................................................... 10-1
Changing Preference Settings ................................................................................................................................. 10-1
Accessing Preference Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................10-1
Making Preference Settings ........................................................................................................................................................................10-1
Understanding Preference Settings ............................................................................................................................................................10-2
Understanding Parameters Related to Patient Registration .......................................................................................................................10-2
Understanding Parameters Related to the Scan ........................................................................................................................................10-4
Understanding Parameters Related to Image Display and Rawdata Control .............................................................................................10-5
Changing Scan and Scanogram Protocol Settings .................................................................................................. 10-6
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Accessing Scan and Scanogram Protocol Settings ....................................................................................................................................10-6
Making New Protocol Settings ....................................................................................................................................................................10-7
Setting Multiple Sequences (Scan Protocol Only) ......................................................................................................................................10-9
Deleting a Sequence (Scan Protocol Only) ..............................................................................................................................................10-10
Registering the Last Settings ....................................................................................................................................................................10-11
Deleting a Protocol ....................................................................................................................................................................................10-11
Changing the Order of Protocols...............................................................................................................................................................10-11
Switching Protocol Groups ........................................................................................................................................................................10-12
Copying and Pasting a Protocol ................................................................................................................................................................10-12
Searching and Replacing a Protocol Name ..............................................................................................................................................10-12
Registering Contrast Media Names ....................................................................................................................... 10-14
Accessing Contrast Media Registration ....................................................................................................................................................10-14
Registering a New Contrast Media ...........................................................................................................................................................10-15
Modifying a Contrast Media ......................................................................................................................................................................10-16
Deleting a Contrast Media.........................................................................................................................................................................10-17
Changing the Order of Contrast Media .....................................................................................................................................................10-17
Registering Physicians, Operators, and Service Requests .................................................................................... 10-18
Accessing Physician/Operator Name Registration ...................................................................................................................................10-18
Registering a New Physician, Operator, or Request Service ...................................................................................................................10-18
Modifying a Physician, Operator, or Request Service ..............................................................................................................................10-20
Deleting a Physician, Operator, or Request Service.................................................................................................................................10-21
Changing the Order of a Physician, Operator, or Request Service ..........................................................................................................10-21
Registering Patient and Study Comments ............................................................................................................. 10-21
Accessing Patient and Study Comment Registration ...............................................................................................................................10-21
Registering a New Patient and Study Comment.......................................................................................................................................10-22
Modifying a Patient and Study Comment ..................................................................................................................................................10-23
Deleting a Patient and Study Comment ....................................................................................................................................................10-24
Changing the Order of a Patient and Study Comment .............................................................................................................................10-24
Registering Series Comments ............................................................................................................................... 10-25
Accessing Series Comment Registration..................................................................................................................................................10-25
Registering a New Series Comment .........................................................................................................................................................10-26
Modifying a Series Comment ....................................................................................................................................................................10-27
Deleting a Series Comment ......................................................................................................................................................................10-28
Changing the Order of Series Comments .................................................................................................................................................10-28
Registering a Protocol Group ................................................................................................................................. 10-28
Accessing Protocol Group Registration ....................................................................................................................................................10-29
Registering a New Protocol Group............................................................................................................................................................10-29
Modifying a Protocol Group.......................................................................................................................................................................10-30
Deleting a Protocol Group .........................................................................................................................................................................10-31
Changing the Order of Protocol Groups ...................................................................................................................................................10-32
Registering Regions ............................................................................................................................................... 10-32
Accessing Region Registration .................................................................................................................................................................10-32
Registering a New Region ........................................................................................................................................................................10-33
Modifying a Region ...................................................................................................................................................................................10-34
Deleting a Region ......................................................................................................................................................................................10-35
Accessing the Registering/Deleting DICOM Regions Window .................................................................................................................10-36
Registering New DICOM Region Information ...........................................................................................................................................10-37
Modifying DICOM Region Information ......................................................................................................................................................10-37
Modifying DICOM Region Information ......................................................................................................................................................10-38
Saving DICOM Region Information ...........................................................................................................................................................10-39
Changing the Accord Mode Settings...................................................................................................................... 10-39
Accessing Accord Mode Settings..............................................................................................................................................................10-39
Setting Breath Hold and Breathing Times.................................................................................................................................................10-40
Programming the Auto Voice Settings ................................................................................................................... 10-41
Creating a New Auto Voice Pattern ..........................................................................................................................................................10-42
Deleting an Auto Voice Pattern .................................................................................................................................................................10-43
Changing the Order of Auto Voice Patterns..............................................................................................................................................10-44
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Recording a Phrase ..................................................................................................................................................................................10-44
Checking a Phrase ....................................................................................................................................................................................10-46
Deleting a Phrase ......................................................................................................................................................................................10-46
Setting Institution Information................................................................................................................................. 10-47
Accessing Institution Information Settings ................................................................................................................................................10-47
Setting Institution Information....................................................................................................................................................................10-47
Chapter 11 - Other Functions ................................................................................................................................ 11-1
Using the Reconstruction Status Window Features ................................................................................................. 11-1
Opening and Closing the Reconstruction Status Window ..........................................................................................................................11-1
Confirming Reconstruction Progress ..........................................................................................................................................................11-1
Executing, Suspending, Resuming Reconstruction Operations .................................................................................................................11-2
Editing Reconstruction (Repositioning, Deletion)........................................................................................................................................11-2
Setting Preferences in the Reconstruction Status Window.........................................................................................................................11-2
Clearing the Reconstruction Status List ......................................................................................................................................................11-4
Using Tube Current Display ..................................................................................................................................... 11-4
Accessing and Exiting Tube Current Display ..............................................................................................................................................11-4
Confirming Tube Current Value ..................................................................................................................................................................11-5
Saving User Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 11-6
Opening and Closing the Backup/Restore Dialog Box ...............................................................................................................................11-6
Initializing a Disk for Saving Data................................................................................................................................................................11-7
Saving Data .................................................................................................................................................................................................11-9
Loading Data .............................................................................................................................................................................................11-11
Deleting Data ............................................................................................................................................................................................11-12
Identifying Savable User Data...................................................................................................................................................................11-12
Using RawData Post Reconstruction ..................................................................................................................... 11-14
Accessing RawData Post Reconstruction Settings...................................................................................................................................11-14
Making RawData Post Reconstruction Settings .......................................................................................................................................11-15
Understanding the Parameters for RawData Post Reconstruction ...........................................................................................................11-17
Guidelines in Using RawData Post Reconstruction ..................................................................................................................................11-17
Resetting the Image Table ..................................................................................................................................... 11-18
Using the Utilities ................................................................................................................................................... 11-20
Using the Calculator ..................................................................................................................................................................................11-20
Using Screen Capture ...............................................................................................................................................................................11-20
Using Media Formatter..............................................................................................................................................................................11-21
Displaying the System Log........................................................................................................................................................................11-22
Viewing Version Information .....................................................................................................................................................................11-23
Chapter 12 - Terms and Conditions for Use of Free Software ........................................................................... 12-2
List of Applicable Software Modules ........................................................................................................................ 12-2
Chapter 13 - Touch Panel Information.................................................................................................................. 13-1
Chapter 14 - Filter Information .............................................................................................................................. 14-1
Chapter 15 - Scan Condition Setting with SSAC ................................................................................................. 15-1
16 Slice Conditions .................................................................................................................................................. 15-1
8 Slice Conditions .................................................................................................................................................... 15-2
4 Slice Conditions .................................................................................................................................................... 15-2
Chapter 16 - Abbreviation Glossary ..................................................................................................................... 16-1
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Chapter 1 - Turning the Power On and Off
Turning the Power On
1. Press the power switches on the image
processing unit in the following order: CPU,
The power comes on. When the power is
turned on, the lamps in the power switches
come on.
Turning the Power Off
1. Make sure no processes are operating.
CAUTION: This symbol indicates possible danger that could result in light or moderate injury, partial
equipment damage, or computer data loss.
2. Click the Menu/Exit button on the main
window, and select Shut Down from the menu
that is displayed.
A message for selecting the Shut Down mode
is displayed.
3. Click the Shut Down button.
The following message is displayed on the
monitor and the touch panel.
“Please turn off the CT system after checking
that this shutdown message is displayed on
both the Main Monitor and touch panel. Please
keep pushing the CPU switch 4 seconds or
more to turn it off. Please do not turn it on
again in 10 seconds after turning it off.”
HINT: If the Restart Application button is clicked, the application will restart.
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4. After confirming that the message is displayed
on both the monitor and the touch panel, press
and hold the CPU power switch on the image
processing unit for at least 4 seconds.
The power goes off. When the power is turned
off, the lamps in the power switches go off.
CAUTION: Make sure that the message is displayed on both the monitor and the touch panel.
Turning off the power before the message is displayed on both may result in damage to the equipment.
Turning the CT Power Distribution Board On and Off
If the power for the CT power distribution board is turned on and off over a short period of time,
transmission errors and/or image abnormalities may occur. Be sure to wait at least 10 seconds between
turning the power on and off.
In addition, a momentary power outage caused by lightning, etc. (a momentary power OFF and ON) will
make the system unstable, and may result in transmission errors and/or image abnormalities. In such a
case, turn the power to the equipment off, and then turn the power to the entire CT device off at the CT
power distribution board. Wait at least 10 seconds, and then turn the power on at the CT power
distribution board, and then turn the power to the equipment on again.
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Chapter 2 - Main Window
Main Window Layout
The main window is divided between a menu area and a display area.
The initial window when the system is first turned on displays the Image Explorer in the display area, as
shown in the figure above. For more details about the Image Explorer, see the Image Analysis Instruction
Manual. The content displayed in the display area can be changed by operating the buttons in the menu
area. Select a function from the menu area to display its window in the display area.
For example, click the Registration button in the menu area to change the display area to the window for
patient registration.
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Menu Area Buttons
This button is for registering patients to be scanned. Click to change the display area to the Patient
Registration window.
For more details, see Patient Registration on page 4-1.
This button is used for registering patients with an abbreviated format. Click to change the display area to
the Urgent Start window.
For more details, see Urgent Start Registration on page 4-7.
This button is used for creating a scanogram for use at the scan position. Click to change the display area
to the Scanogram Settings window.
For more details, see Chapter 5 -Scanograms.
This button is used for performing a scan. Click to change the display area to the Scan Settings window.
For more details, see Chapter 6 -Scans.
This button is used for ending the examination for the current patient.
This button is used for starting the Image Explorer. Click to change the display area to the Image Explorer.
For more details about the Image Explorer, see the Image Analysis Instruction Manual.
This button is used for reserving a patient scheduled for scan. Click to change the display area to the
Patient Reservation window.
For more details, see Patient Reservation on page 4-8.
This button is used for checking the reconstruction status. Click to display the Reconstruction Status
window. For more details, see Using the Reconstruction Status Window Features on page 11-1.
This button is used for setting movement distances when using the MOVE button on the intercom box to
move the table.
For more details, see Adjusting the Table Move Settings on page 6-32.
This button is used for performing a warm-up or air calibration. Click to display the Warm-up/Air
Calibration window. For more details, see Warm-Up on page 3-1 or Air Calibration on page 3-2
This button is used for making system preference settings and exiting the system. Click to display a menu.
Select a function from the menu that is displayed.
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Chapter 3 - Warm-up and Air Calibration
Using an X-ray tube assembly while it is cold can shorten its life, cause malfunctions in the X-ray system,
and lead to deterioration in image quality. Warm up the equipment when starting operations and when Xrays have not been emitted for a long period of time. Whenever a warm-up is performed, air calibration
(protocol) is performed automatically.
CAUTION: Confirm the following before performing a warm-up:
• There are no people in the CT room.
• There are no objects in the scanner opening.
HINT: If 90 minutes or longer has passed since the previous scan, the message “Perform short warmup.” is displayed. If 3 hours or longer has passed, the message “Perform warm-up.” is displayed. Perform
the type of warm-up indicated in the message displayed.
1. Click the Warm-up button.
The Warm-up/Air Calibration window is
2. Click the Warm-up or Short Warm-up
3. Click the Cancel button to close the Warmup/Air Calibration window.
HINT: When the Warm-up/Air Calibration window is first displayed, either the Warm-up button or the
Short Warm-up button is already depressed. Which button is depressed depends upon how much
time has passed since the previous scan..
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4. Click the Confirm button.
Once system preparation is complete, a
message is displayed on the touch panel. In
addition, the LED of the START button on the
intercom box begins to flash.
5. Press the START button on the intercom box.
A warm-up scan begins.
HINT: To cancel a warm-up, press the STOP button on the intercom box.
Air Calibration
1. Click the Warm-up button. The Warm-up/Air
Calibration window is displayed.
2. Click the type of air calibration. Click either
the Air Calibration (Select) or Air Calibration
(Protocol) button.
Click the Cancel button to close the Warmup/Air Calibration window.
• Air Calibration (Select) is used to select the desired conditions for performing an air calibration.
• Air Calibration (Protocol) is used to perform an air calibration using only the conditions set for
scanogram protocols and scan protocols.
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3. If you clicked the Air Calibration (Select)
button, select the conditions for performing the
air calibration. A checkmark is displayed next
to each condition selected.
This operation is not required if you selected
Air Calibration (Protocol). Continue with
Step 4.
4. Click the Confirm button.
Once system preparation is complete, a
message is displayed on the touch panel. In
addition, the LED of the START button on the
intercom box begins to flash.
5. Press the START button on the intercom box.
An air calibration scan begins.
HINT: To cancel an air calibration, press the STOP button on the intercom box.
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Chapter 4 - Patient Registration and
Patient Registration
This section describes the registration of information for the patient to be scanned. If a patient has been
reserved, you can select his or her information from the reserved patient list.
Starting Patient Registration
1. Click the Registration button.
The Patient Registration window is displayed.
Normal Patient Registration
1. Set the patient information on the Patient
Registration window.
Settings must be made for the following three
A: Patient ID
B: Patient Name
C: Protocol
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2. Click the Proceed button.
This completes patient registration.
If you selected a scanogram protocol, the
Scanogram Settings window is displayed. See
Chapter 5 -Scanograms for more information.
If you selected None for scanogram protocol,
the Scan Settings window is displayed. See
Chapter 6 -Scans for more information.
To cancel patient registration, click the Cancel
• If the Proceed button is clicked without entering a patient name, the patient name is registered as
• Patient information currently being registered can be added to the reservation list. For more details,
see Saving Patient Information on page 4-3.
Registering a Reserved Patient
1. Select a patient for scanning from the list.
If patients have been reserved, they are listed
below the Patient Registration window. For
more details about reserving patients, see
Patient Reservation on page 4-8.
• If there is only one set of reserved data, it will be displayed on the Patient Registration window when
that window is opened. The reservation list is not displayed at this time.
• The reservation list is displayed in the sorting order set for Sort Order by Resrv. List in
Preference settings.
2. Click the Select button.
The information entered when reserving the
patient is displayed on the Patient Registration
This can also be achieved by double-clicking
the patient in the list, rather than clicking the
Select button.
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3. Enter and modify the patient information as
For more details about items that can be set,
see Items That Can Be Set During Patient
Registration on page 4-4.
4. Click the Proceed button.
This completes patient registration.
If you selected a scanogram protocol, the
Scanogram Settings window is displayed. For
more details, see Chapter 5 -Scanograms.
If you selected None for scanogram protocol,
the Scan Settings window is displayed. For
more details, see Chapter 6 -Scans.
To cancel patient registration, click the Cancel
Saving Patient Information
This function is for temporarily saving information that has already been entered, in case it becomes
necessary to urgently perform a different study when registering patient information.
1. After registering a patient on the Patient
Registration window, click the Save Pat. Info.
The Save Pat. Info. button is not displayed
during Urgent start registration. Also, it cannot
be used if the Patient ID and Patient Name
have not been entered.
The patient information is added to the
reservation list.
The Reservation List window is displayed.
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• During registration using the Same Patient button, if the patient information you are trying to save
is already registered on the reservation list, a confirmation message for overwriting the data
If the Yes button is clicked, the data is overwritten with the current information.
If the No button is clicked, the current information is not saved.
When a patient name and patient number are entered and the Save Pat. Info. button is pressed, if
that patient number already exists in the reservation list the following message will appear and the
patient information will not be saved.
Items That Can Be Set During Patient Registration
The items that can be set during patient registration are shown below.
Item Name
Patient ID
Up to 16 alphanumeric characters and symbols
Acc. No.
Up to 16 alphanumeric characters and symbols
Patient Name
Up to 26 characters
Select from the following: Male, Female, or Other
The Birthdate is displayed in one of the following formats, corresponding to
the system's date setting:
Up to 3 numeric characters
Format and Restrictions
3, 4
Select the direction in which the patient enters the unit, from the following:
Head First, Feet First.
Select the patient’s facing from the following: Supine, Prone, Right Decb.,
Left Decb.
Up to 26 characters
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from
information registered during patient / study comment registration. For more
details, see Registering Patient and Study Comments on page 10-21.
This field is calculated
automatically if a value was
entered in the Birthdate field.
By default, the orientation
setting on the Patient
Registration window changes
according to the orientation set
in the selected scan protocol.
For Patient Comment, enter
information about the patient.
The following symbols cannot be used: \ / : * ? < > | . "
Enter a space between first and last names to clearly separate them in DICOM.
When Auto Capital Letter is ON in the Preference settings, the input patient name is automatically converted to capital letters.
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Item Name
Study Comment
Referring Phys.
Reading Phys.
Req. Service
Scano. Protocol
Scan Protocol
Contrast Media
Contrast Media
Format and Restrictions
Up to 26 characters
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from
information registered during patient / study comment registration. For more
details, see Registering Patient and Study Comments on page 10-21.
For Study Comment, enter
information about the study.
Enter the name of the patient’s
Up to 64 characters 5, 6
referring physician.
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from
information registered during physician / operator name registration. For more
details, see Registering Physicians, Operators, and Service Requests
on page 10-18.
Ener the name of the physician
Up to 64 characters5,6
who requested the CT
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from
information registered during physician / operator name registration. For more examination.
details, see Registering Physicians, Operators, and Service Requests
on page 10-18.
Enter the name of the reading
Up to 64 characters 5,6
physician in charge of
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from
information registered during physician / operator name registration. For more observing the CT examination.
details, see Registering Physicians, Operators, and Service Requests
on page 10-18.
Ener the name of the operator
Up to 64 characters 5,6
in charge of the CT
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from
information registered during physician / operator name registration. For more examination.
details, see Registering Physicians, Operators, and Service Requests
on page 10-18.
Up to 64 characters
Ener the name of the service
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from
that ordered the CT
information registered during physician / operator name registration. For more examination.
details, see Registering Physicians, Operators, and Service Requests
on page 10-18.
Select from the information registered during region registration. For more
details, see Registering Regions on page 10-32.
Select a protocol set during scanogram protocol settings. Or, select None.
For more details, see Changing Scan and Scanogram Protocol Settings
on page 10-6.
Select a protocol set during scan protocol settings. For more details, see
Changing Scan and Scanogram Protocol Settings on page 10-6.
Up to 26 characters
If a contrast study has been
The column for inputting contrast media names is displayed by clicking the reserved, enter the name of the
Modify button.
contrast media to be used.
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from the
information registered during contrast media registration. Or, you can select
None when not using contrast media. For more details, see Registering
Contrast Media Names on page 10-14.
nnnn(ml) format (n is a numerical value.)
Enter the volume of contrast
The column for inputting contrast media volume is displayed by clicking the media.
Modify button.
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from the
information registered during contrast media registration. For more details,
see Registering Contrast Media Names on page 10-14.
Enter a space between first and last names to clearly separate them in DICOM.
When Auto Capital Letter is ON in the Preference settings, the input patient name is automatically converted to capital letters.
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Item Name
Contrast Media
Media Auto
Format and Restrictions
nn.n(ml/sec) format (n is a numerical value.)
The column for inputting contrast media rate is displayed by clicking the
Modify button.
In addition to direct input from the keyboard, you can select from the
information registered during contrast media registration. For more details,
see Registering Contrast Media Names on page 10-14.
With this box selected (), images of the series set as Archive Disk in the
automatic transfer parameter of the scan settings can be transferred to
media by queue processing.
You can also select the set drive that will become the transfer destination
media. The selected drive is set by choosing Tool and then Select Archive
Drive on the Image Explorer.
With this box selected (), images of the series set as DICOM Server in
the automatic transfer parameter of the scan settings can be transferred to
the DICOM server by queue processing.
You can also select the transfer destination DICOM server from the dropdown list. The transfer destinations that can be selected are the DICOM
servers registered as transfer destinations in the DICOM Transfer Settings
For more details on DICOM transfer settings, see the Image Analysis
Instruction Manual.
HQ-Net Auto
With this box selected (), images of the series set to HQ-Net in the
automatic transfer parameter of the scan settings can be transferred to
Hyper Quick Net.
You can set the transfer destination with the Image Explorer, from the
Tools menu, Hyper Q-Net settings. For more details about these
settings, see the Image Analysis Instruction Manual.
The HQ-NET Auto Transfer check box is not displayed for the equipment to
which a Hyper Quick Net option software is not installed.
With this box selected (), images of the series set as DICOM Printer
in the automatic transfer parameter of the scan settings can be applied to
the auto film function. For more details on the auto film function, see the
Image Analysis Instruction Manual.
The Printer Name field is displayed by clicking the auto film Modify
button. You can select from the details registered for filming. For more
details on filming, see the Image Analysis Instruction Manual.
The Layout field is displayed by clicking below the auto film check box, or
clicking the auto film Modify button. You can select the same layout from
the list as for filming. For more details on filming, see the Image Analysis
Instruction Manual.
1 to 99
The Number of Copies field is displayed by clicking the auto film
Modify button. You can either enter a number directly from the keyboard,
or click the ▲ and ▼ spin buttons.
Auto film
Printer Name
Number of
DM 51750v7
Enter the information for the
contrast media rate.
Select () the check box when
you want to transfer images
automatically to media. When
selecting the check box (),
make sure that the media with
free disk space that will
become the transfer destination
drive has been set.
In DICOM Transfer Settings
window, if the Default transfer
destination is set to Fixed and
both the 1st and 2nd transfer
destinations are set, when the
1st transfer destination is
specified as the transfer
destination for auto DICOM
transfer, auto transfer is
performed to both the 1st and
2nd transfer destinations. When
the 2nd transfer destination is
specified, auto transfer will be
performed only to the 2nd
transfer destination.
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Item Name
Film mode
Format and Restrictions
The Film mode is displayed by clicking the auto film Modify button. Use -
the Option button to selected Auto or Semi-auto.
Auto: Images are automatically output to the printer after the study is
Semi-auto: Images are automatically inserted when the film tool is opened
in the Image Viewer. (The images are not automatically output to the
In both cases, the target images are those for which DICOM Printer has
been selected as the auto transfer parameter for scan conditions during
HINT: For more information on the Preference Settings, see Chapter 10 - Preference Settings.
Urgent Start Registration
By using the Urgent Start button to start patient registration, you can proceed to scanning simply by
selecting the scan protocol. The temporary information set for Patient ID and Patient Name be changed on
the spot or modified after scanning.
Use Urgent Start at times such as the registration of emergency patients.
Using Urgent Start
1. Click the Urgent Start button.
The urgent start Patient Registration window is
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Registering the Patient registration
1. Enter the patient information on the Patient
Registration window.
Information must be input for the following
item only:
A: Protocol
HINT: Only the protocols in the urgent protocol group can be selected during urgent start.
2. Click the Proceed button.
If you selected a scanogram protocol, the
Scanogram Settings window is displayed. For
more details, see Chapter 5 -Scanograms.
If you selected None for scanogram protocol,
the Scan Settings window is displayed. For
more details, see Chapter 6 -Scans.
To cancel patient registration, click the Cancel
Patient Reservation
This function is for the pre-registration of information about the patient to be examined, as well as the
examination date, time, and protocol (scan and scanogram). Registered information can be used during
patient registration.
Using Patient Reservation
1. Click the Reservation button.
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The Reservation List window is displayed.
2. Click the Exit button to close the Reservation
List window.
Reserving a New Patient
1. Click the New button.
The Patient Reservation window is displayed.
2. Enter the required information on the Patient
Reservation window.
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3. Click the Next Resrv. button. After the entered
information is reserved, the Patient Reservation
window for the next reservation is displayed
then return to Step 2.
Click the Add to List button to view the
entered information on the reservation list.
Click the Cancel button to cancel the
reservation of the entered information then
return to Step 1.
Copying Reserved Patient Information
1. Select the reserved patient from the reservation
list whose information you want to reuse
(copy), and click the Copy button.
When the Patient Reservation window is
displayed, the information that can be reused
for the reserved patient that has been selected
is shown.
2. Set the information that cannot be reused
(Patient ID, Acc. No., Patient Name, Sex,
Birthdate, and Age).
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3. Click the Next Resrv. button. After the entered
information is reserved, the Patient Reservation
window for the next reservation is displayed
then return to Step 2.
Click the Add to List button to view the
entered information on the reservation list.
Click the Cancel button to cancel the
reservation of the entered information return to
Step 1.
Modifying Reserved Patient Information
1. Select the patient to modify from the
reservation list, and click the Modify button.
The Patient Reservation window where the
reservation information for this patient was set
is displayed
2. Modify the information on the patient
reservation window.
3. Click the Update button. After reserving the
patient again with the modified information,
the system returns to the Patient List window.
Click the Cancel button to cancel the
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Deleting Reserved Patient Information
1. Select the patient to delete from the reservation
list, and click the Delete button.
The message “Are you sure you want to delete
the reserved data whose patient name is ___ ?”
is displayed. (The selected patient name is
displayed in the blank.)
2. Click the Yes button to delete this information.
Confirm that the selected patient was deleted
from the reservation list.
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Chapter 5 - Scanograms
If scanogram protocol is selected during patient registration, the Scanogram Settings window is
automatically displayed when patient registration is complete.
At all other times, the following operation is used to display the Scanogram Settings window and start a
Starting a Scanogram
1. Click the Scanogram button.
2. The Protocol Selection dialog box is displayed
in the Scanogram Settings window. Select a
protocol and click the OK button.
The scanogram settings are displayed.
Scanning with a Scanogram
With a scanogram, you can perform scan simply by moving the table, without rotating the X-ray tube
assembly or the detectors. The scanogram image created is used to position sectional scanning images.
• Make sure that there are no people other than the patient in the CT room before creating a
• The operator should press the emergency switch on the front scanner operation panel
or the intercom box to perform an emergency stop when a hazard is detected.
In the event of a dangerous situation when an emergency stop is necessary, the
movement of the scanner unit, table, and X-ray emission system stops.
1. Once the protocol scanogram settings selected
during patient registration are displayed, click
the scanning settings you want to modify.
In this example tube voltage will be selected to
If you do not want to modify the scanning
settings, proceed to Step 5.
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2. Modify the tube voltage in the displayed dialog
box and click the OK button.
Other scanning settings can be modified in the
same manner.
3. To modify scanogram protocols selected
during patient registration, click the button for
the protocol name.
A Protocol Selection dialog box is displayed
In this example Head 150mm LAT protocol
will be selected to modify.
4. Select a protocol in the Protocol Selection
dialog box, and then click the OK button.
5. When the scanning settings are complete, click
the Confirm button.
The window changes to a display of the
scanogram image.
Once system preparation is complete, a
message is displayed on the touch panel. In
addition, the LED of the START button on the
intercom box begins to flash.
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6. After ensuring that the patient is in a safe
position, press the START button on the
intercom box as follows by the “Scano. start
button” in the Preference settings.
The setting of "Press and Hold":
Press and hold the START button.
The setting of "Press":
Press the START button once.
The scanning image is displayed in real time.
The scanogram scan is complete when the table
has moved the distance for the scanogram
length set in the scanogram settings.
The setting of “Press and Hold”:
• The scanogram is cancelled if the START button is released.
• The table moves and the scanogram is created only while the START button is pressed and
The setting of “Press”:
• The scanogram is cancelled if the STOP button is pressed.
7. Confirm that the scanogram image is
After the scan is complete, the window
changes to the scan settings.
Scan with a Double Scanogram
The double scanogram function is used to position sectional scanning images with scanogram images by
PA and LAT mode.
1. Change the Scano.Mode to PA-LAT or LATPA when performing the scan:
PA-LAT: scan in order of PA and LAT
LAT-PA: scan in order of LAT and PA
HINT: For more details about the scan plan after the double scanogram, see Double Scanogram
Scan Plan on page 6-9.
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Chapter 6 - Scans
If None is selected for scanogram protocol during patient registration, the Scan Settings window is
automatically displayed when patient registration is complete. After a scanogram is complete, the Scan
Settings window is displayed automatically.
At all other times, the following operation is used to display the Scan Settings window and start a scan.
Starting a Scan
1. Click the Scan button.
The Scan Settings window is displayed.
The window shows the display when a
scanogram had been performed.
Scan Plan
If a scanogram image has been created, a line indicating the scanning position is displayed over the
scanogram image according to the scan protocol selected during patient registration.
HINT: The group of lines that indicate the image position for one sequence are called slice lines or
slice stack.
The displayed slice lines (slice stack) and scanogram image are used to make a scan plan.
HINT: When scan the scanogram close to table limit position, a red line appears on scanogram, and
then set the slice stack on the inside of the red line.
If the slice stack is the outside of the red line, scanning may be stopped by table limit.
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Moving a Slice Stack
1. Point to any location on the slice stack except
the top, bottom, left, and right edges.
The pointer will change to the following shape:
Drag the mouse in the direction you want to
move the slice stack.
When the slice stack is manipulated with the
mouse, the red line position and the FOV size
are displayed on the lower right of a scanogram
Changing FOV (Slice Line Length)
1. Point to either the top or bottom edge, which
are at right angles to the lines in the slice stack.
The pointer will change to the following shape:
Drag the mouse either up or down to change
the FOV size.
Both the side that is dragged and its opposite
side are changed by the same amount, so that
the center of FOV does not change.
But when the mouse is dragged with Ctrl key
pressed, the FOV size will change, keeping the
position of undragged side fixed. The center of
FOV is also changed accordingly.
Changing the Number of Images (Number of Slice Lines)
1. Point to the line on either the right or left edge
of the slice stack.
The pointer will change to the following shape:
Drag the mouse to the right or left to change
the number of images.
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Changing the Gantry Angle (Slice Line Angle)
This setting can be used when the scan type is set to Normal or Dynamic, and corresponds to the gantry
angle in the scan settings.
The gantry angle can be changed only for scanogram images that have been scanned after selecting LAT
or DOUBLE for the scanogram mode in the scanogram settings.
1. Point to one of the four ● on the slice stack.
The pointer will change to the following shape:
Drag the mouse to the left or right to change
the tilt angle of the gantry (slice line angle).
Setting the Display Line Color of Slice Lines
You can set the color of the slice lines. You can set 6 different colors for each slice stack. However,
linked sequences such as Continuous, Repeat and Return indicate the same color. For more details about
linked sequences, see Inserting a Sequence on page 6-12.
Slice stack in the target object changes to the selected sequence color when the mouse cursor is on the
1. Click the Setting button on the WL Tool.
The Viewer Setting dialog box is displayed.
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2. Click the Slice Line tab.
Click a color area under Line Color to display
the color palette. Then, use the mouse to set a
Use the display sample to check how the
selected color will appear on the CT image.
Click the OK button to apply the color you
have set.
3. Click the OK button.
The details set in Step 2 are saved and applied
to the display.
Plan Tool Function
The plan Tool function, used for planning a scan, is described below.
All/Line Type
0 Line
Single/Double scanogram
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1. Click the All/Line Type button.
When multiple slice stacks are displayed,
clicking this button allows you to select among
When selecting All, all of the slice stacks are
displayed and all line operations can be
When selecting Unit, the sequence selected in
the scanning settings and the linked sequences
such as Continuous, Repeat and Return are
displayed. Also only line operations for the
sequence selected in the scanning settings can
be performed.
2. Click the Coop/Single button to determine
whether slice stacks in multiple sequences are
linked or individual.
You can switch between Coop(Linked) and
Single(Individual) with a click of the mouse.
When Coop is selected, if a slice stack is
selected and moved, all of the following slice
stacks are also moved together. For example, if
slice stack No. 3 is selected and moved up, the
slice stacks below No. 3 (slice stack No. 4 in
the figure below) are linked and moved up as
When Single is selected, if one slice stack is
moved, no others move with it. The
Continous, Repeat, and Return linked
sequences interlock independently of the
Coop/Single button. For more details about
linked sequences, Inserting a Sequence on
page 6-12.
HINT: A mark indicating the sequence number is displayed below the slice stack.
Example: 2 , 5
The number in a mark indicates the sequence number, and the direction indicates the scan direction.
The target lines can be displayed in the foreground by selecting the mark, when it is hard to operate while
lines overlap each other.
3. Click the Lines/Box button to set the line
display for slice stacks to either Line (display
all lines) or Box (display the first and last
You can switch between Lines and Box with a
click of the mouse.
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To make the default line display setting:
a. Click the Setting button on the WL Tool.
The Viewer Setting dialog box is
b. Click the Slice Line tab. Select either the
All Lines or Box Line option button to
select the default line display setting.
c. Click the OK button. The settings made in
(2) are saved and applied to the display.
4. Click the ADPP (Auto Data Perfection
Process) button when the scanogram image is
degraded by extension of the patient beyond
the detector’s measurable range of subject
Clicking this button compensates for the overextended region and then corrects the
scanogram image.
5. Click the 0 Line button.
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The Plan Tool is reset.
a. To set the desired position to 0, select
b. Click the 0 button.
c. Click on the scanogram image. The clicked
position becomes the 0 position.
d. Click on the Left or Right button to move
the 0 postiion by 1 pixel in the
corresponding direction.
Holding the button down causes the 0
position line to continuously move in the
corresponding direction.
e. To set the slice line to 0, select Line.
Click the 0 button.
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g. Click the slice line on the scanogram
h. Click on the Left or Right button to move
the 0 postiion by 1 line in the
corresponding direction.
Holding the button down causes the 0
position line to continuously move in the
corresponding direction.
To disable 0 position reset; click the Delete
HINT: Operations for the 0 position line in slice line processes with or without 0 position reset in
relation to the specified position are as follows:
• Operation for the 0 position line when 0 position reset in relation to the specified position is not
Until 0 position reset in relation to the specified
position is performed, you can perform the line
operation with the first image position set as the
0 image position.
Operation for the 0 position line when 0 position reset in relation to the specified position is
Performing 0 position reset in relation to the
specified position disables the function for
keeping the first image position in the image
position for the same patient.
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• If scans planned on the scanogram image is performed, 0 position reset cannot be performed again
from that point and onwards.
When scanning the scanogram again, 0 position reset can be performed in the same manner for the
scanned scanogram image.
Resetting the 0 position on the slice line prevents the operation for the scanning position before the
image position was reset to the 0 position in the scan settings.
6. Click the Single/Double Scanogram button to
switch the plan window after performing the
scanning of the double scanogram.
This button switches the plan window between
the double scanogram and the single
Double Scanogram Scan Plan
Both PA and LAT images are displayed and also a line indicating the scanning position is displayed over
the scanogram image when performing the double scanogram.
1. Click the upper right of the scanogram display
area when switching the image displayed on
the scanogram display area.
Scan plan line can be moved only on the
scanogram display area.
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Adding or Changing Protocols, Sequences, and Scan
The scan protocol structure is shown below.
HINT: The numeral displayed at the beginning of a sequence is the sequence number that indicates
the order of the sequence. This number is different from the series number displayed in the
Image Explorer.
If there is a scanogram, the sequence number starts at “2” in order to have the scanogram as sequence
number “1”.
In addition, if scanning stand-by is cancelled, the sequence number will be kept the same. However, the
series number that indicates the image set is lost, and the next scan is assigned a number one value
higher. Series numbers can also be updated when a new series image is created by post reconstruction
or analysis.
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Changing Scan Protocol
1. Click the button for the protocol name.
A Protocol Selection dialog box is displayed
when the button is clicked.
In this example, Head 5.0mm 2i + 10mm 1i is
2. Select a region or protocol in the displayed
Protocol Selection dialog box, and then click
the Modify, New, or Add button.
If you click the Modify button, the scan
settings before modifications where made to
the protocol are used for the following settings:
• FOV size
• Scanning direction
• Start image position*
• End image position*
• Gantry angle
* Start sequence only
If you click the New button, all scan settings
are changed to the information registered for
the protocol.
If you click the Add button, the selected
protocol is added to the end of the existing
3. Make sure that the information displayed on
the Scan Settings window has been updated to
the modified information for the scan protocol.
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Inserting a Sequence
1. Select the sequence to come before the one to
be inserted, and click the Insert Seq. button.
A dialog box for selecting the method for
inserting a sequence is displayed.
2. Use the buttons in the dialog box to select the
method for inserting a sequence.
a. Click the Free button to freely make scan
settings for the inserted sequence.
b. Click the Continue button to automatically
modify the scan settings for the inserted
sequence so that it is set as the scanning
position following the selected sequence.
c. Click the Repeat button to automatically
modify the scan settings for the inserted
sequence so that it is set in the same
scanning position as the selected sequence.
d. Click the Return button to automatically
modify the scan settings for the inserted
sequence so that it is scanned in the reverse
direction of the scanning position of the
selected sequence.
3. Make sure that the new sequence has been
inserted following the selected sequence.
Deleting a Sequence
1. Select the sequence you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete Seq. button.
A confirmation for deletion of the sequence is
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3. Click the Yes button to delete.
4. Make sure that the selected sequences were
HINT: If there is only one sequence in a scan protocol, the Delete Seq. button is disabled.
Displaying Sequence Information
The basic information of the sequence is displayed
in the column of the Sequence Information.
1. Scan Type:
The scan type of the sequence is displayed.
Click this button, Scan Type dialog is
displayed. To modify the scan type, see
Changing Scan Settings on page 6-14.
2. X-ray Information:
X-ray information is displayed as CTDIvol.
HINT: To display detailed X-ray information for all the sequences that have been set, in the lower right
of the Scan Settings window, click the Dose Info. button.
3. Time Required:
The amount of time required for the sequence
is displayed.
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4. Start Mode:
The scan start mode shows as an icon. To
change the mode, click the icon.
5. Contrast Media:
The usage status of the contrast media shows
as an icon. To change the state, click the icon.
If you change to "with Contrast Media", the
subsequent sequences are automatically
scanned with contrast media.
6. Focus Size:
The focus size of X-ray beam shows as an
icon. To change the size, click the icon.
7. Sequence Mode:
The sequence scan mode shows as an icon. To
change the mode, click the icon to display the
combination mode.
8. Series Combination:
The series as in the same manner as the
previous sequence shows as an icon. To change
the state, click the icon.
START button on the intercom
box will start the scan.
Scan starts automatically at the
end of the previous sequence.
START button on the intercom
Full Manual
box will create each scan.
Without Contrast
Contrast media is not used.
With Contrast
Contrast media is used.
Small focus
Scanned with small focus size.
Large focus
Scanned with large focus size.
Scan settings can be made freely.
Scan settings are modified
automatically so that it is set as the
scanning position following the
previous sequence.
Scan settings are modified
automatically so that it is set in the
same scanning position as the
previous sequence.
Scan settings are modified
automatically so that it is scanned in
the reverse direction of the same
scanning position as the previous
Scanned with new series.
Scanned with the same series
as the previous sequence.
Changing Scan Settings
1. To modify scan settings, click the scan settings
you want to modify.
A dialog box for making modifications is
displayed when the button is clicked.
This section describes FOV, delay, scanning
position, scan interval, and reconstruction
index, all of which are additional functions.
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2. Modify the FOV in the displayed dialog box.
If there are multiple sequences, you can
click the Apply to All and Apply After
If you click the Apply to All button, the
FOV settings are applied to all sequences.
If you click the Apply After button, the
FOV settings are applied to all sequences
following the sequence with the current
FOV settings.
If you click the AutoZoom button, the auto
zoom function is switched on and off. The
auto zoom function uses scanned images to
set FOV information (FOV(mm), FOVX(mm), FOV-Y(mm)) to the current
sequence scan conditions. When the auto
zoom function is turned on, a reference
image is displayed. However, if there is no
reference image, a message will be
displayed indicating that auto zoom cannot
be used.
If the auto zoom function is turned on and
changes are made to the FOV settings in
the dialog, the reference image is updated
in real time according to the changes made.
In addition, if the mouse is used to move
and magnify/reduce the reference image,
the FOV settings in the dialog are updated
in real time. If a scanogram image is
scanned, the scanning plan line is also
updated in real time. Click the OK button
to apply the FOV settings to the scan
Reference Image
HINT: Images that can be set as reference images include reconstruction images and postreconstruction (including multi-reconstruction) images other than scanogram images. If scanning is
performed with the 0 position reset button turned on after patient registration, the target images are only
those that were scanned after the button was turned on. For more details on 0 position reset, see
Setting Image Start Position to 0 Position on page 6-17.
3. Click on the Delay button.
The Delay Settings dialog box appears.
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4. You can click the Total Delay, Seq. Delay, or
Min. Delay button for the delay settings.
If you click the Total Delay button to turn
it on (pressed in), the time from when the
START button on the intercom box is
pressed until the scan starts for the current
sequence (cumulative time from when the
first scan begins) is set as the delay time.
If you click the Seq. Delay button to turn it
on (pressed in), the time from the end of
scanning for the previous sequence until
the start of scanning for the current
sequence is set as the delay time.
If you click the Min. Delay button to turn it
on (pressed in), the minimum delay time
calculated by the system is automatically
set. The delay time cannot be modified
once it is set.
5. Click on the Scanning Pos. button.
The Scan Pos. dialog box appears.
6. You can click either the Fixed Length or
Reverse button for scanning position settings.
If you click the Fixed Length button to
turn it on (pressed in), the scanning range
is fixed. The maximum range is the value
obtained by subtracting the image start
position from the image end position. If the
scanning range is fixed, the image end
position changes accordingly whenever the
image start position is changed, and the
image start position changes accordingly
whenever the image end position is
If you click the Reverse button, the scan
direction is reversed. This reverses the
values for the image start and image end
7. Click on the Scan Interval button for the scan
settings under dynamic scan.
The Scan Interval, Recon Index dialog box
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8. You can click the Cont. Dynamic ON/OFF
button for the scan interval settings.
If you click the Cont. Dynamic OFF
button, it changes to the Cont. Dynamic
ON button. At this time, a continuous
dynamic scan is performed.
If you click the Cont. Dynamic ON
button, it changes to the Cont. Dynamic
OFF button. At this time, intermittent
dynamic scan is performed.
buttons to the right of the
• If there are multiple sequences for a scan protocol, click the
sequences to scroll them up and down to view the sequences that are not visible.
Click the
buttons to the right of the sequences to scroll left and right to view the scan
settings that are not visible.
Setting Image Start Position to 0 Position
1. Click the Reset Pos. 0 for First Image button
for the image start position. Click this button to
switch between ON and OFF.
If the Reset Pos. 0 for First Image button is
ON, the table position is reset so that the image
start position for the start sequence is the 0
position when the Confirm button is pressed.
• The ON and OFF settings for the Reset Pos. 0 for First Image button can be registered as protocol
information. For more details, see Making New Protocol Settings on page 10-7.
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If there is no scan plan and a scan is performed, the setting will be OFF even if the protocol is
modified during the examination. The setting will not automatically change to ON unless the Reset
Pos. 0 for First Image button is clicked to turn it on.
If there is a scan plan and a scan is performed, the setting will be fixed to OFF if the scan plan is
performed on the same scanogram, and it cannot be changed to ON.
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Setting Multi-Reconstruction
You can use scanned RawData to reconstruct images for a maximum of 6 different types of image
reconstruction conditions. Of the 6 types of reconstruction, No. 1 is the main reconstruction performed at
the same time as the scan, and the image reconstruction conditions for No. 2 through No. 6 can be set
1. Click Multi-reconstruction from among the
scan settings.
If there are no Multi-reconstructions among the
displayed scan settings, click the
buttons to the right of the sequences to scroll
through the scan settings.
Click Mutli-reconstruction to display the
Multi-reconstruction dialog box.
2. If you click the OFF button for multireconstructions No. 2 through No. 6, it changes
to an ON button. In addition, the image
reconstruction conditions (image slice
thickness, FOV, filter/image filter, upper
WW/WL, lower WW/WL, and series
comment) can now be set.
No. 1 is the main reconstruction that is
performed simultaneously with scan.
3. To set a reconstruction condition, click it.
4. Perform the operation on the displayed dialog
box to make the settings. (The dialog box will
differ depending upon the settings made. The
figure on the right shows the Image Slice
Thickness dialog box.)
If you click the Follow button to turn it on
(pressed in), the settings in the dialog box will
be made the same as those for the main
reconstruction (No. 1).
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5. Set the reconstruction conditions, and then
click the OK button in the Multi-reconstruction
dialog box. The reconstruction conditions are
saved, and the Mutli-reconstruction dialog box
If you click the Cancel button, the dialog box
closes without saving the reconstruction
HINT: Image reconstruction is performed with the conditions for multi-reconstruction No. 1 (the main
reconstruction) during scan. Image reconstruction is performed for No. 2 through No. 6 after all scanning
sequences are finished.
Setting Stair Step Artifact Correction (SSAC)
This function corrects alleviation of stepwise artifact (stair step artifact) on a 3D image.
1. Click Filter from the Multi-reconstruction
The Filter dialog box appears.
2. Click SSAC button.
The button will switch from ON to OFF
HINT: Only when the type of reconstruction is “Volume”, you can select SSAC button. SSAC may not
to be applied depending on collimation, pitch and image slice thickness; thus in some cases, SSAC
button is disabled. (Image slice thickness is thick etc.) For more details, Chapter 15 -Scan Condition
Setting with SSAC.
3. After clicking OK button, the Filter dialog box
is closed.
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Setting Skip Scan
The skip scan function is used to widen the amount of table feed during a single scan. With this function,
scans with the desired interval can be performed in a single sequence.
HINT: Skip scan can be used for normal scans and dynamic scans.
1. Click the Scan Direction and Table Feed
setting under the Direction, Table Index
The Direction, Table Index dialog is displayed.
2. Click the SKIP ON button. This button
switches between SKIP ON and SKIP OFF
with each click.
When the button reads SKIP ON, the amount
of table feed can be set. The setting range is
from the width of X-ray emission to 500mm.
When the button reads SKIP OFF, the amount
of table feed is automatically set to the width of
X-ray emission, and cannot be changed.
3. Click the OK button.
The Scan Direction and Table Feed dialogs
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HINT: If skip scan is used, the slice lines are displayed as shown in the figure below, with the center
distance for each scan at the interval set for the amount of table feed.
Setting IntelliEC
IntelliEC provides a dose controlling function that can reduce exposure dose while maintaining image
The following two types of modes are available in IntelliEC.
Adaptive-mA mode: To optimize a tube current per scan.
HINT: Adaptive-mA mode is usable for volume scans and continuous dynamic scans.
SD mode: To control tube current so as to stabilize Standard Deviation (SD) of CT number based
on a scanogram image.
HINT: SD mode is usable for all scan types.
SD mode Overview
A scan planning screen during the SD mode setting is shown below.
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• In the scan with SD mode, tube current is optimized in order to stabilize SD of CT number. In
general, tube current becomes higher as SD of CT number is smaller or the cross-sectional area of
the patient is larger, and in that case tube current may increase more than a fixed tube current scan.
• In the scan with SD mode, tube current is optimized based on the scanogram data. Therefore,
adequate image quality may not be ensured if the patient position in a scanogram differs from that in
a scan due to his/her respiration or body movements.
• In the scan with SD mode, adequate image quality may not be ensured depending on the setting of
upper limit of tube current since the tube current value may be restricted.
• A tube current graph shown on a scanogram with SD mode indicates changing tube current in the
body axial direction. In an actual scan, the modulation is done further in rotating direction, and
therefore a tube current graph shown on a scanogram does not completely agree with output tube
• SD mode cannot be used in the following cases:
 When a scanogram is not taken.
 When a scanogram is taken in PA direction and the gantry angle is set to other than 0 degree at
the scan planning.
 When a scanogram is taken with the scano mode set to OBL.
• For a double scanogram scan, SD mode allows optimization of tube current based on the
scanogram data of LAT image.
• If a scan range is partly deviated from a scanogram range, the deviated part is scanned using the
tube current at the end point of the scanogram range. In case an entire scan range is deviated from
a scanogram range, a scan is performed with the tube current that was set for the mAs, Tube
Voltage dialog.
• Since the scan protocol settings window does not allow a calculation using scanogram data (see
Changing Scan and Scanogram Protocol Settings on page 10-6), an item for which no value can
be displayed is represented by “****”.
• The SD mode value registered in the scan protocol settings is to be set as the value of [Standard] for
Dose Level in the scan parameter settings window.
• SCDIvol, in parallel with CTDIvol, “SCDIvol: Size Considered Dose Index” is shown as an estimated
value of exposure dose according to the patient’s body build.
IntelliEC Settings
1. Click the mAs, Tube Voltage button.
The mAs, Tube Voltage dialog appears.
2. Click IntelliEC mode button.
The IntelliEC dialog appears.
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3. From IntelliEC Mode buttons, click AdaptivemA button or SD button.
When Adaptive-mA Mode is set, there are no
parameters to set.
When SD mode is set, change the following
• Dose Level: When Standard is selected,
the value becomes the SD of CT number
registered in the protocol settings.
Compared with Standard, SD value is
higher in LowDose and lower in High
• Target SD: This is the SD of reference CT
• Lower Limit mA and Upper Limit mA:
Fluctuation of tube current is controlled not
to exceed this lower/upper limit.
Dose information in both cases with or without
SD mode is displayed at the lower part of the
IntelliEC dialog.
If each parameter is changed, the shape of a
tube current graph displayed on a scanogram
image changes.
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CAUTION: The setting box for target image SD is displayed in orange for caution purpose. This is to
remind you that setting a too low value to upper limit of tube current in SD mode may cause insufficient
output due to the lack of tube current required for maintaining image quality.
To clear the orange color display, increase the target image SD value or upper limit value of tube current.
You can perform a scan without clearing the orange color display.
4. Click OK button.
The IntelliEC dialog is closed.
When the dialog is closed, “Adaptive-mA” or
“SD” is shown on IntelliEC mode button of the
mAs, tube current dialog.
When SD mode is set, an effective tube voltage
value appears.
5. Click OK button.
The mAs dialog is closed.
6. When the dialog is closed, verify an “A”
representing “Adaptive-mA mode” or “S”
representing “SD mode” is shown on the mAs,
Tube Voltage button of scan parameters.
7. When a scan is executed, verify “IntelliEC
ON” is displayed on the touch panel.
For checking ON/OFF of IntelliEC or a tube
current value after a scan was performed,
execute “Tube current value display.” For
details, see Using Tube Current Display on
page 11-4.
Performing a Scan
Make sure that there are no people other than the patient in the CT room before performing a scan.
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The operator should press the Emergency Switch on the front scanner operation
panel or the intercom box to perform an emergency stop when a hazard is detected.
In the event of a dangerous situation when an emergency stop is necessary, the
movement of the scanner unit, table, and X-ray emission system stops.
If a shutter scan is performed to fine adjust the tube position, an “S” is
displayed above the Confirm button. The shutter scan is performed from the
moment the Confirm button is pressed until the LED on the START button
begins to flash.
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• If a scan plan is not performed, the position to where the sequence index moved from the position
set for the write localizer is set as the image start position.
• Up to 500 scans can be performed in a single examination (from patient registration to the end of the
examination). No further stand by preparations can be made.
• During a scan, information related to the scan is displayed on the touch panel. For more details, see
Chapter 13 -Touch Panel Information.
• While automatic transfer processes are being performed, the processes are suspended by clicking
the Confirm button. It is also possible to suspend them manually before scan preparations.
Suspending automatic transfer processes before scan preparations eliminates the time for
suspending the processes after the Confirm button is pressed. This is also effective in cases
involving a contrast examination which requires minimum scan preparation time.
Press the F12 key in order to suspend the automatic transfer processes1. When the following
confirmation message appears, click the Yes button2.
The suspended transfer processes resume after a scan is finished. But in case a scan was not
performed, you can resume the transfer processes by clicking the Exam. End button3.
The F12 key is enabled after patient registration until an examination is finished. But it is disabled during a scan.
Do not perform any other operations until the transfer processes are suspended.
If you need to use the F12 key for each scan, it is efficient to set “Suspend after Registration” for “Auto. Trans. Suspending”
items in preference settings. (Refer to Understanding Preference Settings on page 10-2 and Understanding Parameters
Related to Patient Registration on page 10-2) In this case, the transfer processes are suspended after patient registration
until an examination is finished.
1. Click the Confirm button.
The window changes to a display of the scan
Once system preparation is complete, a
message is displayed on the touch panel. In
addition, the LED of the START button on the
intercom box begins to flash.
2. After ensuring that the patient is in a safe
position, press the START button on the
intercom box.
You can also perform the scan by pressing the
START button on the Scanner gantry.
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• When you click the Confirm button, if there is a sequence with a geometric efficiency of less than
70%, the following message appears:
Click the Yes button to move to a display of the scan image.
To cancel a scan, press the STOP button on the intercom box. You can also cancel the scan by
pressing the STOP button on the Scanner gantry.
However, if the STOP button or the STOP button on the Scanner gantry is pressed during or
immediately before X-ray emission, that X-ray emission and data processing will be completed
before the scan is cancelled.
HINT: During a normal scan, a Pause button is displayed on the touch panel.
Touch this button to suspend the current scan. If this button is clicked during X-ray emission, one scan
will be completed and then scanning will be suspended.
While a scan is suspended, this button changes to a Resume button. Touch the Resume button to
resume the scan. However, resuming is possible only within one minute following a suspend. If one
minute is surpassed, the scan is cancelled.
CAUTION: Even if arcing occurs during scanning, the arcing recovery function allows scanning to
continue. However, effects such as artifacts may appear on images on which arcing has occurred. In
addition, in the case of multi-sequence protocols, these effects may also appear in the sequence after
arcing occurred. Care needs to be taken when reading images.
3. Confirm that the scanned image is displayed.
For more details on the display area for images,
see Understanding the Image Display Area on
page 9-1.
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Adding a Scan
This function is used to add a scan when images are required before or after a completed scan. Add Scan
can be used only when the scan type is set to Normal or Volume. In addition, this can be performed on
only the most recently completed sequence.
1. Click the Add Scan button.
The Add Scan dialog box is displayed.
2. Use the buttons in the dialog box to select the
method for adding a scan.
When the Add to End button is clicked,
additional scans are performed continuously
from the end position of the previous scan.
When the Add to Start button is clicked,
additional scans are performed for the facing
side continuously from the start position of the
previous scan. (When there are multiple
sequences, the facing side is scanned from the
start position of the first sequence.)
HINT: When adding a scan last, the direction of the scan is the same as the completed scan.
When adding a scan first, the direction of the scan is the opposite of the completed scan.
3. Set the scan settings for the scan being added.
The scan being added uses some of the same
settings from the completed scan, and therefore
there are limitations to what settings can be
If the Cancel button is clicked at this point, the
add scan function is cancelled.
4. Add the scan.
In the same manner as for a normal scan, click
the Confirm button, and then press the
START button on the intercom box once it
begins flashing.
Reusing a Sequence
This function is for reusing a completed sequence from one scan to perform a different scan. A sequence
is reused when rescanning (redoing a scan) or when repeating a scan with the same settings.
HINT: If you select the Scan button in the menu area when the scan for all sequences in the scan
protocol is finished, the same sequence as when you selected a sequence to reuse is displayed by
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1. Click the Re-use Seq. button on the Scan
Settings window.
The sequence of the scan performed
immediately before, is added before the top
Using Re-Scan
This function is used after patient registration to rescan images that have already been scanned,
with the same conditions. Rescan can only be used when the scan type is Normal.
1. After scanning is complete, click the Scan
button on the main menu to open the Scan
Settings window.
2. Click the Re-Scan button.
The ReScan dialog is displayed.
3. Display the image you want to rescan, and then
click the Register button.
The information for the displayed image is
registered in the list.
• A maximum of 20 scans can be registered in the list.
• Images for which multi-reconstruction has not been completed cannot be registered.
• If a multi-reconstruction image has been registered, the image information for this reconstruction is
registered in the list.
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4. To remove registered image information, select
it and click the Delete button.
The selected image information is deleted from
the list.
To cancel rescanning, click the Close button.
The dialog closes without performing the
rescan, and the screen returns to the Scan
Settings window.
5. Click the Confirm button.
The window changes to a display of the scan
The remaining operations are the same as for a
normal scan. For more details, see Performing
a Scan on page 6-24.
Using the Supplemental Functions for Scanning
There are five supplemental functions for scanning:
Auto Stopwatch
Auto Voice
Contrast Media Display
Table Move Settings
Setting the Stopwatch
The stopwatch is used to measure the time from the start of contrast media injection, etc. By running the
stopwatch while performing a scan, you can also display on the image the stopwatch time for when the
scan was performed. For more details on these settings, see Setting Image Display Items on page 9-3.
HINT: The stopwatch is operated from the touch panel.
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1. Touch the Stopwatch button, shown circled on
the touch panel in the figure to the right.
The button becomes pressed in, and the
stopwatch starts.
2. Touch the button again to stop the stopwatch.
The button returns to its original state, and the
stopwatch stops.
When a process is finished, the stopwatch time
is reset.
Setting the Auto Stopwatch
The auto stopwatch function links with the operation of the START button on the intercom box to start
the stopwatch.
1. Touch the Auto Stopwatch button, shown
circled on the touch panel in the figure to the
The button becomes pressed in, and the auto
stopwatch is turned on.
2. Touch the button again to turn the auto
stopwatch off.
The button is returned to its original state, and
the auto stopwatch is turned off.
Turning the Auto Voice On and Off
This is used to turn auto voice on and off during a scan or a scanogram. For more details on the auto voice
settings, see Programming the Auto Voice Settings on page 10-41.
HINT: The auto voice on and off settings are operated from the touch panel.
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3. Touch the Auto Voice button, shown circled
on the touch panel in the figure to the right.
The button becomes pressed in, and auto voice
is turned on.
4. Touch the button again to turn auto voice off.
The button is returned to its original state, and
auto voice is turned off.
Turning the Contrast Media Display On and Off
These settings are used to turn the contrast media display on and off. The CNT mark can be displayed on
scanned images. For more details, see Setting Image Display Items on page 9-3. Or, for more details on
contrast media registration, see Registering Contrast Media Names on page 10-14.
HINT: The contrast media display on and off settings are operated from the touch panel.
1. Touch the Contrast Media Display button,
shown circled on the touch panel in the figure
to the right.
The button becomes pressed in, and the
contrast media display is turned on.
2. Touch the button again to turn the contrast
media display off.
The button is returned to its original state, and
the contrast media display is turned off.
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Adjusting the Table Move Settings
When you are not performing a scan or scanogram, you can use the MOVE button on the
intercom box to move the table. The movement direction and distance of the table are set in the
table move settings.
1. Click the Table button.
2. On the Table Move Settings window, set the
table move mode, move direction, and move
Select from the following five table move
Start Scan Pos.
Target Pos.
Fixed distance
(When interrupted : Maintain the fixed
Fixed distance
(When interrupted : Reset the fixed
a. Click the Start Scan Position button to
move the table to the starting scan position.
Use to move the table to the starting scan
position before performing stand by
When this mode is set, Start Scan
Position is displayed on the touch panel.
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b. Click the Target Position button, and then
use the keyboard to enter the target
position into the text box.
Use to move the table to a specified table
When this mode is set, Target Position is
displayed on the touch panel, with the
target position that was set displayed below
in mm.
c. Click Hold Remaining Distance (In case
Table Move is suspended) button, and
then use the keyboard to enter the
movement distance into the text box.
Use to maintain the remaining distance
when table movement is canceled during
the table movement with Fixed distance.
With this mode set, the remaining distance
is maintained when the MOVE button on
the intercom box is released.
Remaining Distance is displayed on the
touch panel, with the remaining movement
distance displayed above in mm.
d. Click Reset to Set Distance (In case
Table Move is suspended) button, and
then use the keyboard to enter the
movement distance into the text box.
Use to reset the remaining distance to the
previously set value when table movement
is canceled during the table movement with
Fixed distance.
With this mode set, the system returns to
the previously set value at the moment the
MOVE button on the intercom box is
Movement Distance is displayed on the
touch panel, with the movement distance
that was set displayed above in mm.
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CAUTION: Even if the remaining distance is maintained by setting the mode [Reset to Set Distance
(In case Table Move is suspended)], you can use the following procedures to return the remaining
distance to the original setting value.
• When performing stand by preparation
• When restarting the application or system
e. Click the LIMIT button, and then select
the table movement direction (IN/OUT).
Use to move the table to the limit value of
the table movement distance.
With this mode set, Limit is displayed on
the touch panel, with the movement
distance that was set displayed above in
Set the Value to adjustment distance that
table move as the set value by clicking the
table movement adjust button on the touch
Use to adjust the table movement by the
table movement adjust button on the touch
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g. Click the OK button to close the Table
Move Settings window and save the
Click the Cancel button to close the
window without making the table move
HINT: After making the table move settings, press the MOVE button on the intercom box to actually
move the table.
The table moves only while the MOVE button is pressed and held without light of the MOVE button.
LED of MOVE button always turns off except for scan plan..
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Chapter 7 - Pediatric Scanning
It is important for Radiologists, Technologists and other medical professionals involved in the imaging
exam process to balance the benefits and potential risks associated with CT examinations, make decisions
that emphasize ALARA principles and understand the technical developments that manufacturers
including Hitachi have achieved to improve the dose efficiency of their CT Products.
Importance of Reducing Dose in Pediatric Patients
The tissues in children are considerably more radiosensitive than adults.
Children have a longer life expectancy than adults, resulting in a larger window of opportunity for
developing radiation damage/cancer.
Children absorb a larger effective dose for a given level of radiation.
The radiation dose is cumulative.
NOTE: In clinical use, dose saving features may reduce CT patient dose depending on the
clinical task, patient size, anatomical location and clinical practices employed. Consultation with
a radiologist and physicist are recommended to determine the appropriate dose needed to
obtain diagnostic image quality for a particular clinical task.
How Technologists Can Reduce Dose for Pediatric
Scan length for all pediatric CT examinations should be absolutely restricted to the region of
interest In other words, Do NOT over scan!
Position child in iso-center, this will ensure IntelliEC (AEC) will work properly.
Use In-plane shielding and positioning aids
Minimize multi-phase exams
Perform only necessary CT exams
Have the radiologist review each order to insure the need and appropriateness of the scan before
the scan is performed. Ex. Initial scan vs. a follow up, is there another modality more appropriate
with less radiation?
Reduce kV
Use lower mA on repeat or non-contrast exams.
Use Hitachi dose reduction features to keep dose as low as possible
Hitachi Specific Dose Reduction Features
Reduced kV Imaging
Reduced kV imaging is a feature that allows ECLOS to support scanning at your choice of two kVp
settings below the typical 120 kVp.
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This enables the use of the lowest appropriate kV and therefore lowest dose necessary for the individual
patient’s size. ECLOS allows low kV techniques to be utilized through the availability of an 80 or
100kVp scan setting. Lower kV allows for lower average energy x-rays and increased image contrast.
Therefore, lower kV scanning may allow greater detection of objects depending on patient size, shape and
density. A low kV scan technique has also been shown in current research literature and current
utilization in practice to be an appropriate method of dose reduction for many pediatric and small adult
CT examinations kV Consider decreasing the kilovoltage to 80 or 100kVp for smaller patients.
Decreases in radiation dose can be achieved with lower kVp selections,
But decreases in kVp should not be done without some increase to the mA to maintain noise levels and
contrast-to-noise ratios. Please note that when using mA modulation, the appropriate mA change is made
for you. Since lower kVp selections lower x-ray penetration, it is important to not use a kVp that is too
low for the patient size, which can potentially result in compromised image quality.
Multi-Bowtie Filters
Scan Field of View (SFOV) The SFOV closest to the patient size should be selected whenever possible.
Matching the appropriate SFOV bowtie filter to the size of the patient will ensure the radiation dose is
delivered where it is needed. The SFOV selects the field of view exposed and contains a bowtie filter that
is optimized for pediatric, as well as head and body scanning.
Multiple Bowtie filters allow the operator to decrease exposure to tissues outside of the anatomy being
imaged. Two different size bowties are available allowing for dose savings by “shaping” the radiation to
fit the imaging need.
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The figure above simulates dose distribution when centering the body in the bore and imaging utilizing
ECLOS’s standard bowtie filter. The figure above right simulates dose distribution when centering the
heart in the bore with the lateral table shift feature and utilizing ECLOS’s small bowtie filter. The smaller
bowtie attenuates some of the radiation to structures outside of the area of the heart resulting in lower
dose to several structures. This ECLOS feature can result in a dose reduction in the scan field of view
(FOV) and a greater reduction outside the bowtie FOV.3 Therefore reducing dose to smaller patients and
for small FOV scans as utilized in cardiac scanning.
IntelliEC is CT Automatic Exposure Control functionality utilizing Standard Deviation (SD) to modulate
the x-ray tube current in three dimensions. Utilizing IntelliEC allows the operator to control image quality
and radiation dose for individual patients at an optimum level.
IntelliEC automatic exposure control provides consistency of image quality needed to provide the best
diagnostic quality images while minimizing 3D radiation dose to the patient. As scan parameters change,
the system controls the tube current to achieve the requested diagnostic image level on an image-byimage basis. IntelliEC EC is executed by users selecting a diagnostically appropriate Standard Deviation
(SD) for the pixel values in the image. The SD number chosen specifies the image quality required and
IntelliEC EC determines the tube current needed to achieve the user selected SD level. IntelliEC EC
modulates in the longitudinal direction and in the scan plane to achieve the minimum necessary radiation
exposure. In order to provide the best diagnostic image quality while minimizing radiation dose to the
patient, carefully planned scan protocols should be adapted to the size/shape of the specific patient.
IntelliEC on the ECLOS provides one of the tools to accomplish this.
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IntelliIP comprises technologies for intelligently reducing image noise with iterative processing.
Application of IntelliIP is an effective method to realize substantial dose reduction for a comparable
image noise level. The increase in image noise accompanying dose reduction is effectively canceled out
by the IntelliIP process. With IntelliIP, iterative processing in both Projection and Image Space,
diagnostic image quality is retained and dose reduction can be realized.
Dose Reduction with Intelli IP (Iterative Processing)
Intelli IP reduces image noise while maintaining image spatial details for lower mAs scans, thereby
providing excellent image at lower patient dose.
The dose reduction benefits of IntelliIP are achieved without significantly increasing reconstruction times.
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Automatic Lateral Shift Tabletop
ECLOS’s automatic lateral shift tabletop is a unique Hitachi feature among 64-slice CT Systems that
allows for more exact positioning of the patient and a more precise focus on the body organ being studied.
Left/right lateral position from the centerline (up to ± 80mm) can be selected from the Scanograms.
Lateral centering can be accomplished with the automated IntelliCenter feature or manually selected from
table-side. By placing the heart at the center of the Field-of-View (FOV), improved resolution with
reduced dose is achieved.
Axial Snap-Shot Imaging –Cardiac (option)
Axial Snap-Shot Imaging provides prospectively gated step-and-shoot acquisition for cardiac scanning
that pulses the x-ray on only during a phase of the cardiac cycle. This can reduce radiation dose to the
patient. In addition, the ECLOS includes a Bowtie filter designed for cardiac scanning allowing for a
decrease of the total x-ray energy as compared to a larger standard abdominal bowtie.
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Dose Check and DICOM SR (structured reporting)
DICOM Dose Structured Report
DICOM Dose Structured Report provides the ability to send a DICOM standardized dose report for each
CT exam to a PACS System and/or to national or local dose registries affiliated with your facility. This
functionality is essential to facilitating research and comparison of actual dose data for similar exams
across multiple institutions to help continuously refine dose appropriateness guidelines.
CT Dose Check
CT Dose Check4 notifies the operator during exam protocol set-up when reference radiation dose levels
will be exceeded based on predetermined reference dose levels that can be selected by your facility. The
Dose Check monitoring tool helps avoid ordering errors, unintended operator settings and assures that
reasons are considered for the dose level selected, before a scan begins.
Pediatric Specific Protocols
ALARA Tested Protocols
ECLOS includes a comprehensive library of default protocols that are the basis to begin scanning with the
system and can be amended to add protocols meeting specific clinical requirements.
ECLOS default protocols are optimized to provide diagnostic image quality following ALARA
Hitachi Medical Systems America’s protocol committee consists of professionals in Radiation Physics,
CT Applications and CT Technology working together to accomplish this balance. A thorough process
has been implemented to ensure the features of the ECLOS are utilized and optimized to provide a lower
dose to the patient while ensuring diagnostic quality of the images for medical staff.
Pediatric Protocols should be used on Newborns to 21 years old. These protocols may also be used on
smaller adults.
Note: It is extremely important when scanning a pediatric patient to use only the specified protocols under
the PEDIATRIC tab on the Registration page.
Evaluation of findings on chest radiographs or other CT exams as seen on other imaging
Evaluation of lung and other primary thoracic malignancies, and detection and evaluation of
metastatic disease;
Evaluation for thoracic manifestations of known extra thoracic diseases;
Evaluation of chest infections;
Evaluation of inflammations involving the chest;
Evaluation of abnormalities within the chest; i.e. fluid or abscess
Evaluation of the chest wall;
Evaluation of pleural disease;
Evaluation of the mediastinum and lymph nodes.
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Diagnostic Task
Detect nodules or masses and characterize their size and shape and relationships to organs;
Identify abnormal aeration or expansion of the lungs;
Detect abnormal fluid collections in the chest;
Identify abnormal air collections both in and around the lungs;
Detect mediastinal and perivascular masses and nodules;
Characterize chest wall masses;
Detect calcifications in soft tissues or the mediastinum.
Key Elements
Contrast enhancement;
One breath-hold (motion is problematic);
Can reconstruct additional images for high-resolution chest CT.
Dose Management
Tube current modulation should be used
If a dedicated high-resolution chest protocol is used and includes gaps, then the acquisition must
be axial/sequential.
General Scan Instruction Suggestions
Patient Positioning: Patient supine, arms above head;
Oral Contrast: None.
IV contrast: The use of IV contrast, including the amount, rate, and concentration, must be
specified by a radiologist.
Scan Range: From top of lungs through the bottom of lungs. Instruct patient to hold breath at
inspiration during entire scan.
Very thin images can be created as source images for sagittal and/or coronal reformats. These
images are typically not read by the radiologist or archived.
Approximate CTDIvol Values
Approximate CTDIvol values are listed for each scanner protocol for three different patient sizes, as
Approx. Weight (lbs)
Approx. Weight (kg)
Approx. CTDIvol (mGy)*
Small Patient
Average Patient
Large Patient
*Lower values may be possible when iterative reconstruction techniques are used.
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The approximate CTDIvol values are for reference only and represent a phantom dose under specific
conditions. The CTDIvol displayed on the scanner should be similar, but not necessarily an exact match,
to those listed in the protocols for patient sizes that match those listed in the above table. All approximate
CTDIvol values are for 32 cm diameter CTDI phantom. Furthermore, console-predicted CTDIvol values
given prior to CT localizer radiographs may not represent CTDIvol delivered during patient scan; some
CT systems rely on patient data (i.e. localizer radiographs) for CTDIvol prediction.
We consider a small patient to be approximately 50-70 kg (110-155 lb), an average patient However;
weight is not a perfect indication of patient size. Height and how a person’s weight is distributed also
must be taken into account. The thickness of the body over the area to be scanned should be used as the
indicator measure of patient size. BMI could also be considered.
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater
The tabulated CTDIvol values are approximate, and are intended only to provide reference ranges for CT
users. Tabulated values are only applicable for exams that fit the description at the beginning of this
document. Other types of studies will have varying image quality and dose requirements, thus the
CTDIvol will vary appropriately with those requirements.
NOTE: It is recognized and published that the average patient (50th percentile) size in the
USA is larger than 70 kg. However, the 70 kg patient represents the Reference Man, upon
which AEC systems, as well as ICRP tissue weighting factors (used for effective dose
estimates/calculations), are based.
Some manufacturers utilize flying focal spot technology, in which two unique projections are
acquired at the same theoretical scan location. Be sure to work with Hitachi and your Qualified
Medical Physicist (QMP) to understand the impact of this technology on actual beam
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Child Helical Brain 7yrs and up
Infant Helical Pelvis < 2 yrs
Child Helical Pelvis 2yrs-6yrs
Child Helical Pelvis 7yrs and up
Child Helical Abd 7yrs and up
Child Helical Abd 2yrs-6yrs
Child Helical Chest 2yrs-6yrs
Child Helical Chest 7yrs and up
Infant Helical Abd < 2 yrs
Infant Helical Chest < 2 yrs
Infant Helical Neck < 2 yrs
Child Helical Neck 2yrs-6yrs
Child Helical Neck 7yrs and up
Child Helical Brain 2yrs-6yrs
Infant Ax Brain < 2 yrs
Child Ax Brain 2yrs-6yrs
Child Ax Brain 7yrs and up
Infant Helical Brain < 2 years
64 x .625
64 x .625
64 x .625
Collimation Intelli EC
64 x .625
64 x .625
64 x .625
Collimation Intelli EC
64 x .625
64 x .625
64 x .625
Collimation Intelli EC
64 x .625
64 x .625
64 x .625
Intelli EC
Collimation Intelli EC
64 x .625
64 x .625
24 x .625
64 x .625
64 x .625
32 x .625
SD Value ThicknessIncrement Pitch Scan Time
SD Value ThicknessIncrement Pitch Scan Time
SD Value ThicknessIncrement Pitch Scan Time
mA mAs CTDI Filter
100 150 75
120 200 100
120 200 100
mA mAs CTDI Filter
100 150
mA mAs CTDI Filter
100 100
120 50
Window WL/W
Window WL/W
Window WL/W
Window WL/W
Window WL/W
mA mAs CTDI Filter
80 100
100 100
120 100
120 250 188
120 200 150
Thickness Increment Pitch Rotation Time kVp
SD Value ThicknessIncrement Pitch Scan Time
SD Value
Scan Parameters
Hitachi Recommended Pediatric Protocols
Radiography Instruction Manual
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Radiography Instruction Manual
Chapter 8 - Predict Scan
Overview of Predict Scan
A predict scan is scan to set the ROI in the reference image, monitors the contrast density conditions by
repeatedly performing low dosage scans on the same location in real time, and then starts the actual scan
(a normal scan, volume scan, or dynamic scan) at the point where optimal contrast effects have been
• Depending on factors such as the ROI size and the set region, it might not be possible to
measure exact values because of the effects of movements caused by the patient
Set the threshold value higher until you determine the effect of the contrast media in
changing CT numbers, and the predict scan characteristics. Manually press the START
button to perform actual scans according to the original scan programs made at your
medical institution.
General Procedure for Predict Scan
To perform a predict scan, you need to scan a reference image and prepare a predict scan sequence. When
the predict scan protocols are selected at patient registration, the predict scan sequence is included in the
protocol. For details on setting a protocol for a predict scan, see Adding or Changing Protocols,
Sequences, and Scan Settings on page 6-10. In any other situation, you must add a predict scan sequence.
The following flowchart shows the general procedure for a predict scan.
Scan for reference image.
Is there a predict
scan sequence?
Scanning for a reference image
DM 51750v7
Add a predict scan sequence.
Adding a predict scan sequence
Set scan conditions for a predict scan.
Specifying predict scan settings
Perform a predict scan.
Performing a predict scan
Perform the actual scan.
Actual scan
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Scanning for a Reference Image
A reference image is used, for example, when setting the ROI to be monitored by using a predict scan.
The scan for a reference image is performed in the same manner as a normal scan.
• Images that can be used as reference images are those that have been scanned in one of
the following modes:
Normal scan
Volume scan
Dynamic scan
Only an image scanned after the last scanogram can be set as the reference image.
Adding a Predict Scan Sequence
If there is no predict scan sequence, add one. Make sure that predict scan sequences are placed above
actual scan sequences.
If a predict scan sequence already exists, this operation is not necessary.
For details on the following operation, see Specifying Predict Scan Monitoring Settings.
Adding a Predict Scan Sequence
You can add a predict scan sequence by pressing either the Select Protocol button or Insert Seq. button.
The followings are the procedures for each button.
To add a sequence by using the Protocol Selection button:
HINT: The description provided in this section assumes that a predict scan protocol has been
registered in advance. For details on how to register protocols, see Changing Scan and
Scanogram Protocol Settings on page Error! Reference source not found.
3. Click the Protocol Selection button in the Scan Settings window.
4. Select the predict scan protocol, and then click the Predict Insert button.
The Predict Insert button is available only if you have selected a predict scan protocol.
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 To add a sequence by using the Insert Seq. button:
5. Select the protocol sequence displayed in the Scan Settings window, and then click the Insert
Seq. button.
For details on how to insert a sequence, see Inserting a Sequence on page 6-12.
6. Click the Free button in the displayed Insert Seq. dialog box.
7. Click the Scan Type icon for the first sequence.
8. Select the Predict button in the Scan Type dialog box, and then click OK.
After adding a sequence, you must change the scan type of the previous sequence to Predict.
If no sequence (actual scan sequence) follows the predict scan sequence when the scan type is
changed, the following message is displayed: "Add actual scanning sequence." Note, however,
that a sequence cannot be inserted if the scan type is still Predict.
After changing to a scan type other than Predict and then adding a sequence, you must
change the scan type to Predict again.
If the actual scan sequence is deleted after the scan type is changed to Predict, a message will
be displayed in the same manner. You will not be able to insert or delete a sequence. Change
the scan type to a type other than Predict, and then add a sequence.
HINT: When creating a protocol that contains a reference scan sequence or when performing
a predict scan, make sure that the contrast setting for the reference scan sequence is set to
(No Contrast Media).
HINT: If you call up the predict scan protocol while near a table limit position, a message
might be displayed indicating that the scan range has been exceeded. If this happens, change
for the scan range parameters to be displayed normally, and then continue operations.
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Specifying Predict Scan Settings
When you specify predict scan settings, you need to select a reference image subject to predict scan
For details on how to specify scan settings, see Changing Scan Settings on page 6-14. In addition,
regarding predict scan sequence parameter; see List of Predict Scan Sequence Parameters.
Predict Scan Settings Window
You specify predict scan settings in the Predict Scan Settings window. The following figure shows an
example of this window. The following window is shown when scanning for scanogram images.
Scanogram image display area
Displays a scanogram image if one was taken previously.
Reference image display area
This area is used for specifying predict scan setting or for displaying a
reference image.
Circle indicating the ROI setting boundary
Displays a circle indicating the ROI setting boundary.
Displays a circle indicating the ROI.
Predict ROI window
You can specify predict scan monitoring settings in this window. For
details, see Specifying Predict Scan Monitoring Settings
ROI information display area
Displays the ROI position, size, and angle. You can modify these
settings. For details, see Specifying Predict Scan Monitoring Settings
SamePos. Start button
This button sets the image position of the predict scan to the first
image position of actual scan.
This button is displayed if the predict scan sequence is the first
Quick Start button
This button specifies settings so that the time spent between the end
of the predict scan and the start of the actual scan is the shortest.
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List of Predict Scan Sequence Parameters
The following table lists the sequence parameters when the scan type is changed to “Predict”, and the
default values of the items in the Predict ROI window.
Default value
Start Mode
Tube current
The tube current before the scan type is
Changeable (Below 100mA)
Scan time
The scan time before the scan type is
No. of scans
Set automatically
Number of images
Set automatically
Image slice
Set automatically
Image mode
Collimation before the scan type is changed. 1.25, 5.0 or 10.0mm
# When the image slice thickness
is changed, this value is changed
Table index
Recon. Interval (s)
1.0 seconds
# This value is changeable if
Cont. Dynamic scan is ON.
Scan interval (s)
The scan interval time before the scan type
is changed. #
Changeable (1 to 30 seconds)
# This value is changeable if
Cont. Dynamic scan is OFF.
Delay before the scan type is changed.
If there are any additional delays, the
shortest delay is used.
Gantry Angle
Becomes the same value as that of the
actual scan sequence.
# If the value before the scan type is changed exceeds the limit, the upper limit becomes the default
Predict ROI Window:
Default value
Monitoring mode
Monitors only ROI1
1 to 3
-2000 to 4000
Monitoring time
(number-of-scans) * (scan-time) + (number-of- 10 to 120 (seconds)
scans -1) * (scan-interval-time).
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CAUTION: The exposure dose is the highest when you set the following values for the
parameters of a predict scan sequence:
Tube Voltage : 140 [kV]
Tube Current : 300 [mA]
Scan Time : 1.0 [s]
No. of Scans : 100
Bow Tie : Normal
Thickness : 1.25 [mm]
Cont. Scan : ON
If you set the above values, the exposure dose is as follows:
16 cm dosimetry phantom
32 cm dosimetry phantom
199 [mGy]
222 [mGy]
21.4 [Gy]
63.0 [mGy]
126 [mGy]
10.5 [Gy]
Please remember to set each parameter properly. Failure to do so might result in excessive
X-rays being emitted, as described above.
CAUTION: The values set for the parameters and the resulting exposure dose for the CT
angiography (thoracic aorta) predict scan (the predict scan sequence and the actual scan
sequence) that is generally performed are as follows:
• Predict scan sequence
Tube Voltage : 120 [kV]
Tube Current : 35 [mA]
Scan Time : 0.35 [s]
No. of Scans : 22
Bow Tie : Normal
Thickness : 5.0 [mm]
Cont. Scan : OFF
Actual scan (Volume scan) sequence and plain angiography conditions
Tube Voltage : 120 [kV]
Tube Current : 500 [mA]
Scan Time : 0.35 [s]
No. of Scans : 10
Bow Tie : Normal
Collimation : 0.625 [mm] x 64
Thickness : 5.0 [mm]
Table pitch : 0.8281
Exposure dose for each sequence (Body, 32 cm dosimetry phantom)
1.02 [mGy]
2.21 [mGy]
39.6 [mGy]
19.8 [mGycm]
8.93 [mGy]
19.3 [mGy]
19.1 [mGy]
632.8 [mGycm]
In a predict scan, X-rays are emitted to monitor the contrast effect using a predict scan
sequence. By monitoring the contrast effect, you can check the contrast effect in real time,
which helps you capture an image when the desired effect is achieved. The disadvantage is the
corresponding increase in the X-ray dose. Therefore, you must consider the exposure dose to
determine if the use of a predict scan is appropriate. When you perform a predict scan, adjust
the scan conditions, including the tube current and tube voltage, to keep the exposure dose as
low as reasonably achievable.
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Selecting a Reference Image
9. Select a reference image. By moving the scroll bar for the reference image display area, you can
change the images displayed in the reference image display area. The image currently being
displayed becomes the reference image.
10. Adjust the size and position of the reference image.
There are two adjustment methods.
To adjust by using the reference image:
Click the
(change WL/WW) button in the Predict ROI window, and perform the
following operations while keeping the button pressed:
• To change the position of the image, right-click the reference image. The pointer
changes to
. Drag the image in this state.
To change the image size, press the mouse wheel on the reference image. The
pointer changes to
while the wheel is pressed. Drag the image vertically in this
state. Dragging upwards minimizes, and dragging downwards magnifies, the
image. When scanning for scanogram images, the change is applied to the slice
line position and FOV in the scanogram images.
To adjust by using the slice lines on the scanogram images:
To use this method, you must have a scanogram image scanned.
• When moving the slice line, put the pointer anywhere on the slice line other than
either end. At this time, the pointer changes to
Drag the image in this state.
When changing the FOV, move the pointer to either of the slice line ends. At this
time the pointer changes to . Drag the line in this state (the opposite end is also
connected to the drag).
The slice line changes are applied to the reference image's position and size.
HINT: The slice line angle cannot be changed.
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HINT: The table position accuracy is in units of 0.5mm. If the position of an image specified as
a reference image is not a multiple of 0.5mm, the monitoring position is set to the closest
multiple of 0.5. For example, if an image positioned at 30.3mm is specified as a reference
image, the monitoring position is 30.5mm.
Specifying Predict Scan Monitoring Settings
You set the predict scan monitoring settings in the Predict ROI window.
11. When you select Monitor by Ratio in the monitoring mode settings C, set the weighting ratio.
12. By clicking here to change this button to the pressed-down state, you can change the position,
size, and angle of the ROI directly with the mouse.
13. By clicking here to change this button to the pressed-down state, you can change the window
width and window level, magnify or minimize, and perform centering by operations on the
reference image.
14. Selecting the check box () by clicking it makes the background of the ROI information
transparent. Clearing the check box by clicking it again makes the background of the ROI
information black.
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ROI display settings
You can display up to three ROIs (ROI1 to ROI3) in the reference image.
At least one ROI is displayed in the initial state. (When using a predict scan protocol, the numbers of
ROIs set in the protocol are displayed. In all other cases, ROI1 is displayed.)
Selecting the check box () by clicking it displays the corresponding ROI. Clearing the check box by
clicking it hides the corresponding ROI again.
Usually, more than one ROI is displayed, and the last one cannot be deleted.
If the monitoring mode is Monitor ROI1 Only, Monitor ROI2 Only or Monitor ROI3 Only,
the check box for ROI1, ROI2 or ROI3 cannot be cleared. For details on monitoring modes,
see C: Monitoring mode settings.
Settings for changing the position, size, and angle of the ROI.
Click the ROI1 to ROI3 tabs.
The center, radius, and angle of the ROI are displayed in the text boxes when you click the corresponding
ROI tab.
Changing the text box values and pressing the Enter key applies the changes to the ROI.
When operating directly on the ROI with the mouse, click the
when the button is in the pressed-down state.
(ROI selection) button, and operate
The circle indicating the ROI settings boundary (yellow) is displayed on the reference image. Set an ROI
inside this circle.
If the pointer is positioned outside this circle (shaded region), a cautionary message might be
displayed on the right. You can set whether to display the message by clicking the
setting) button, and then specifying the setting in the Other tab of the Graph Tool window.
HINT: If the ROI is not set inside the circle (if the ROI protrudes to the outside), a normal CT
number cannot be acquired.
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Monitoring mode settings
You can select from the following seven modes:
Monitor ROI1 Only
When the average CT number of ROI1 reaches the threshold value, the actual
scan starts.
Monitor ROI2 Only
When the average CT number of ROI2 reaches the threshold value, the actual
scan starts.
Monitor ROI3 Only
When the average CT number of ROI3 reaches the threshold value, the actual
scan starts.
Exceed All
When all of the average CT numbers of the set ROIs reach the threshold value,
the actual scan starts.
Exceed Any
When one of the average CT numbers of the set ROIs reaches the threshold value,
the actual scan starts.
Monitor by Ratio
When the average CT number of the set ROI (judgment value) reaches the
threshold value, the actual scan starts. If you select this mode, set the weighting
ratio in the text box. Enter the values and press the Enter key to update the
Each text box corresponds to ROI1 to ROI3, from left to right.
Where the average CT numbers of ROI1, ROI2, and ROI3 are ROI#1, ROI#2, and ROI#3, and the
weighting ratios are W1, W2, and W3, the judgment values are calculated as shown.
However, W1+W2+W3=0 is not possible.
(judgment values) =
(ROI#1×W1+ ROI#2×W2+ ROI#3×W3)
No judgment values
Judgment monitoring of the set ROI is performed, but the actual scan does not automatically start.
The actual scan starts when either the monitoring time elapses, or you press the START button.
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Monitoring time setting
Monitoring time is the maximum time for monitoring the predict scan. The actual scan starts if
this time elapses. Set the monitoring time in the text box and press the Enter key. Settings of 10
to 120(s) are possible, depending on the scan settings.
Threshold value setting
If the monitoring CT number exceeds this value, the actual scan starts. Set the threshold value in
the text box and press the Enter key. Settings of -2000 to 4000 are possible.
Settings for saving images or graphs
Each time you click one of these buttons, the selection toggles between ON and OFF. Set the
button to ON in order to save a graph or image. For details on saving images, see Saving Images.
For details on saving graphs, see Specifying Predict Scan Monitoring Settings.
Saving Graphs.
Graph settings
Click the
(Graph setting) button on the Predict ROI window.
Specify the graph settings in the displayed Graph Tool window.
There are five tabs on the Graph Tool window: Color, Scale, Marker, Table, and Other.
You can set the following items in the tabs.
Color tab
Region Background:
Graph Background:
Graph Axis:
Threshold/Time Line:
Graph Scale:
Graph Font:
Data Highlight:
Background color of the graph
depiction area
Background color of the graph
Color of the graph axis and table
Color of the line that indicates
the threshold value and
monitoring time
Color of the graph scale
Color of each graph's scale
value and units, and the table's
image number
Color of the frame that indicates
the newest value in the CT No.
history table
To change the colors, click the framed areas. The Color Setting window is displayed, and you can set
colors by using the mouse.
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Scale tab
Vertical Scale:
The type of vertical axis scale
(Scale or Dotted Line)
The type of horizontal axis scale
(Scale or Dotted Line)
Horizontal Scale:
Marker tab
Table tab
Marker Size:
Diameter of the plotting points in
CT No. History:
Select whether to display the CT
number history table.
Select the division method of the
display area for the graph and the CT
number history table (Right/Left or
Other tab
ROI Position Message:
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Select whether to display a
message when an ROI is
outside the range that can be
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HINT: The settings in the Graph Tool window correspond to the following sections on the
Performing a Predict Scan
Starting a Predict Scan
15. After setting the predict scan monitoring settings, click the Confirm button.
For details on how to specify predict scan settings, see Specifying Predict Scan Settings on page
16. Click Yes when the message "Multiple scans will be run at the same position. Are you sure you
want to continue?" is displayed.
When the system preparations finish, a message is displayed and the START button blinks.
17. Inject the contrast media, and press the START button.
When the predict scan starts, the image changes to the monitoring screen.
HINT: To suspend a predict scan, press the STOP button
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Monitoring Screen Details
Scanogram image
This area displays a scanogram image if one was taken previously.
Reference image
This area displays the reference image used to specify predict scan settings.
Newest monitoring image
This area displays monitoring images in real time. You can use the mouse to perform the following
operations on the newest monitoring:
• Moving the ROI
Click the
(ROI selection) button in the Predict ROI window to change the button to the
pressed-down state. You can change the position, size, and angle of the ROI on the newest
monitoring image, even during monitoring.
Adjusting images
Click the
(change WL/WW) button in the Predict ROI window to change the button to the
pressed-down state. You can adjust the images (window width and level) on the newest
monitoring image by using the mouse.
Monitoring graph
A graph that indicates the transition of the ROI's CT number and CT No. history table (20 newest
images for Right/Left (horizontal division), and 5 newest images for Above/Below (vertical
division) are displayed.
However, if the CT No. history table is set not to be displayed, the graph and new CT numbers are
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To set whether to display the CT No. history table, before performing a predict scan, click the
setting) button in the Predict ROI window, and then specify the setting in the Table tab in the Graph Tool
window. (The
(graph setting) button becomes inoperable at the time you click the Confirm button to
start a predict scan.)
HINT: Examples of a monitoring graph are shown below.
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HINT: When monitoring is performed in the Monitor by Ratio mode, the graph for ROI1 to
ROI3 is not displayed. Only the graph for the judgment value is displayed.
CT No.
Predict ROI window
During monitoring, in the Predict ROI window you cannot select items other than the ROI1 to
ROI3 tabs, the
(ROI selection) button, and the
(change WL/WW) button.
HINT: If arcing# occurs during monitoring, such monitoring is halted, and the actual scan is
enabled by a manual start. During this time, a message dialog box displays the time elapsed
(delay) after pressing the START button to start monitoring.
Referring to the displayed delay time, start the actual scan by pressing the START button.
Note, however, that the actual scan can only be started within 240 seconds after arcing has
occurred. If 240 seconds has elapsed, the display returns to the scan sequence window.
# For information on arcing, see Chapter 6 -Scans.
Saving Images
When the Save Images button in the Predict ROI window is ON, the monitoring images during the
predict scan are saved in the same patient folder. For details on the Save Images button, see Specifying
Predict Scan Monitoring Settings.
Saving Graphs
When the Save Graph button in the Predict ROI window is ON, the graph is saved as a new series in the
same patient folder, when the predict scan finishes. For details on the Save Graph button, see Specifying
Predict Scan Monitoring Settings on page 8-4.
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HINT: An example of a saved graph is shown below.
Actual Scan
Automatic Start of the Actual Scan
When the CT number being monitored reaches the threshold value, the actual scan starts automatically.
Also, if the CT number does not reach the threshold value during the monitoring time, the actual scan
starts automatically when the monitoring time ends.
HINT: Depending on the time needed for the threshold value judgment processing and the
timing of the next scan command, the actual scan might not be performed straight away, and a
predict scan is performed instead.
Forced Start of the Actual Scan
To force the actual scan to start during a predict scan, press the START button. The actual scan will start
before the monitored CT numbers reach the threshold values.
Use a forced start when, due to the monitored situation, you want to start the actual scan before the
monitored CT numbers reach the threshold values.
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HINT: Depending on the ROI size, set region, and other factors, it might not be possible to
measure exact values because of the effects of movements caused by the patient breathing.
Set the threshold value higher until you determine the effect of the contrast media in changing
CT numbers and the predict scan characteristics. Press the START button to force actual scans
according to the original scan programs created at your medical institution.
Predict Scan Specifications
Predict scan
Setting details
Scan time
Tube current
Tube voltage
Number of image-reconstruction
Reconstruction slice thickness
Monitoring time
Region of interest (ROI)
Monitoring image
Monitoring graph
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Setting range
0.35, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.0
10 - 300mA
80, 100, 120, 140kV
1.25, 5.0, 10.0mm
10 to 120 seconds (Maximum of 100 seconds when performing
a continuous scan)
The actual scan starts automatically when the monitoring time
set beforehand elapses.
Maximum of 3 locations.
You can specify a weighted average and other settings
independently. You can move an ROI during monitoring.
Can be saved. (Raw data cannot be saved.)
Displays the time-density curve in real time.
Can be saved. (DICOM transfer is not possible.)
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Actual Scan
Setting details
Scan time
Start method
Transition time from the
predict scan to the actual
Setting range
0.35 - 0.5 seconds (when the predict scan time is 0.35 - 0.5 seconds)
0.75 - 2.0 seconds (when the predict scan time is 0.75 - 2.0 seconds)
1) Auto start #
Scanning starts automatically when the threshold value is reached.
2) Manual start #
The operator forces the scan to start.
Minimum of 4 seconds
The time increases in accordance with the distance between the
monitoring position and the actual scan start position. The time also
increases depending on whether auto voice is set.
# In the following cases, the scan starts when the monitoring time elapses:
• Auto start is set but the threshold value is not reached for some time.
• Manual start is set but the operator does not force the scan to start.
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Chapter 9 - Displaying Images
Understanding the Image Display Area
Reviewing the Component Names
After the scanning of a scanogram is complete, the scanogram image is displayed as shown below:
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Scanogram image display area (scan plan area)
All series image display area
WL Tool (window adjustment tool)
Ana Tool (analysis tool)
Plan Tool (scan plan tool)
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After a scan is complete, the scan image and scanogram image are displayed as shown below.
Scanogram image display area
All series image display area
Latest image display area
WL Tool (window adjustment tool)
Ana Tool (analysis tool)
Scroll bar for changing the displayed image
You can change the size of window where you click ▲/▼ buttons, on WLTool, AnaTool and PlanTool.
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Setting Image Display Items
You can select whether to display or hide the items on an image. To display or hide these items:
1. Click the Setting button on the WL Tool.
The Viewer Setting dialog box is displayed.
2. Click the Items on Image tab.
Use the checkboxes to select which items to
3. Click the OK button.
The details set in Step 2 are saved and applied
to the display.
Switching Displayed Images
There are two methods for switching the displayed image:
Switching with the scroll bar
Switching with the mouse
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Switching With the Scroll Bar
4. Use the mouse to select the all series image
display area.
A scroll bar is displayed to the right side of the
image display area. Use the scroll bar to
change series and the displayed image.
A: To previous series
B: To previous image
C: To next image
D: To next series
Switching With the Mouse
You can use the wheel on the mouse to switch the image displayed in the all series image display area.
Rotate the wheel forward to change to the previous image, and back to change to the next image.
Changing Window Width and Level Values
There are four methods for changing the window width and level values:
Changing with the WW and WL spin boxes
Changing with the mouse
Changing with the WL Tool Upper and Lower buttons
Changing with the WL Tool preset button
HINT: You can use the SCOPE button on the WL Tool to change the window width and level values.
For more details, see Changing Scope on page 9-8.
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Changing With the WW and WL Spin Boxes
1. You can change the window width using the
WW spin box, and the level values using the
WL spin box.
Use the mouse to align the focus and enter a
value from the keyboard, or click the ▲ and ▼
spin buttons to change the values.
Changing With the Mouse
If you hold the left mouse button down while dragging the mouse over the image, the pointer will change
to the
shape. By doing so, you can change the window width and level values.
Drag left or right to change the window width (WW) value.
Drag up or down to change the window level (WL) value.
Changing With the WL Tool Upper and Lower Buttons
Click the WL Tool Upper and Lower buttons to apply the Upper WW and Upper WL, or Lower WW
and Lower WL of the scan settings values to the image.
You can also change the Upper and Lower button names to different names.
1. Click the Upper button to apply the values set
for Upper WW and Upper WL in the scan
settings to the image.
Click the Lower button to apply the values set
for Lower WW and Lower WL in the scan
settings to the image.
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2. Click the WL Tool Setting button to change
the names of the Upper and Lower buttons.
The Viewer Setting dialog box is displayed.
3. Click the Preset tab, and then enter a new
Button Name in the text box area.
4. Click the Font Color checkbox to display the
color palette. Use the mouse to set the color of
the font for the button name.
5. Click the OK button.
The settings are registered.
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Changing With the WL Tool Preset Buttons
You can freely register names and window width and level values for the six WL Tool preset buttons.
You can click a preset button to apply the registered window width and level values to an image.
1. Click a button to apply the registered window
width and level values to an image.
Initially, the 6 preset buttons are set to Head,
Lungs, Mediastinum, Abdomen, Pelvis, and
Bones, and are registered with window width
and level values that match each of these
2. Click the WL Tool Setting button to change
the names, window width and level values of
the preset buttons.
The Viewer Setting dialog box is displayed.
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3. Click the Preset tab, and then set a button
name in the A area.
Set window width and level values in the B
Click the C color area to display the color
palette. Use the mouse to set the color of the
font for the button name.
4. Click the OK button.
The settings are registered.
Changing Scope
You can use the WL Tool SCOPE button to select the scope for window width and level values (see
Changing Window Width and Level Values on page 9-4), enlargement and reduction (see Enlarging and
Reducing Images on page 9-9), position adjustment (Moving Images (Position Adjustment) on page 911), and filter (Applying a Filter on page 9-13).
1. Click the OneSer button on the WL Tool.
The SCOPE list is displayed.
2. Select one of the following five scopes.
The selected scope is displayed on the button.
Current image only
Image in the current series only
All images
All images in the series after the
currently selected image
All images after the currently
selected image
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Enlarging and Reducing Images
HINT: You can use the WL Tool SCOPE button to change the scope for enlarge and reduce. For
more details, see Changing Scope on page 9-8.
Using the ANA Tool to Enlarge and Reduce Images
1. Click the Mag button on the ANA Tool.
The Mag information area and fixed
magnification rate list are displayed.
2. Click and select the image to be enlarged or
3. Enter a numerical value for FOV or Mag.
Or, double-click a magnification rate in the
fixed magnification rate list.
• The range for enlargement or reduction is from a multiple of 1.00 to a multiple of 10.00.
• Org shows Mag (FOV) information when enlargement or reduction to the selected image is not
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Using the Mouse Wheel to Enlarge and Reduce Images
To enlarge or reduce an image, place the mouse on the image and press the mouse wheel. With the wheel
pressed and held, the pointer will change to the
symbol after the enlarge and reduce transition time
has passed. Move the mouse over the image with the wheel pressed down. Move the mouse upward to
reduce the image, and downward to enlarge the image.
The user can set the enlarge and reduce transition time. For more details about the setting method, see
Setting Enlarge and Reduce Transition Time on page 9-10.
Setting Enlarge and Reduce Transition Time
If you hold the mouse wheel down for a set amount of time, the enlarge and reduce operation is activated.
You can set the time for switching to the enlarge and reduce operation.
To set the time interval for switching to the enlarge and reduce operation:
1. Click the Setting button on the WL Tool.
The Viewer Setting dialog box is displayed.
2. Click the Option tab.
3. Enter the Mag Interval Time for the enlarge
and reduce transition time.
You can enter a numerical value from 100 to
5000 (msec).
4. Click the OK button.
The settings made in Step 3 are registered.
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Moving Images (Position Adjustment)
HINT: You can use the WL Tool SCOPE button to change the scope for position adjustment. For
more details, see Changing Scope on page 9-8.
Using the ANA Tool to Move an Image
1. Click the Mag button on the ANA Tool.
The Mag information area and fixed
magnification rate list are displayed.
2. Click and select the image to move (adjusting
the position).
3. Enter coordinates (X and Y) for the center
position of the image.
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Using the Mouse to Move an Image
1. To move an image (position adjustment), place
the mouse on the image, hold the right button
down, and drag the image.
The pointer changes to the
shape, and the
image moves in the direction it is dragged.
Resetting Enlargement, Reduction, and Movement
1. Click the Mag button on the ANA Tool.
The Mag information area and fixed
magnification rate list are displayed.
2. Click and select the image for which
enlargement, reduction, or movement is to be
3. Double-click Reset (Mag/Pan) in the fixed
magnification rate list.
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Applying a Filter
• To perform a detailed analysis, start the Image Viewer. For more details about the Image Viewer,
see the Image Analysis Instruction Manual.
• You can use the SCOPE button on the WL Tool to change the scope for a filter. For more details,
see Changing Scope on page 9-8.
1. Select the image, and then click the Filter
button on the ANA Tool.
The filter selections are displayed.
2. Select the filter.
The selected filter is applied to the image, and
the information for the filter applied to the
image is displayed.
• SH stands for “Sharp”. The maximum setting is 5.
• SM stands for “Smooth”. The maximum setting is 5.
• A setting of 0 means that neither “Sharp” nor “Smooth” is applied (standard conditions).
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Setting the ROI
• To perform a detailed analysis, start the Image Viewer. For more details about the Image Viewer,
see the Image Analysis Instruction Manual.
• The drawing colors for ROI, grids, and distance and angle scale lines can be set under the Option
tab in the Viewer Setting dialog box, which is displayed by clicking the Setting button on the WL
1. Click the ROI button.
The ROI information area and ROI operation
buttons are displayed.
2. Click the
(Ellipse) button.
The pointer changes to the
3. Drag over the image with the mouse.
A circle ROI is set with the starting point of the
drag as the circle’s center point and the ending
point of the drag as the circle’s radius.
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When a ROI is set, the following information is
displayed in the ROI information area.
Center (center coordinates)
Radius (radius in the X axis direction,
radius in the Y axis direction)
Angle (°) (angle created by the X axis and
the radius in the X axis direction)
Selecting () the Transparent check box
filters information’s background. Clicking the
check box to deselect it blacks out the
information’s background.
This setting is also applied to the information’s
background of distance and angle
measurements, and grid display.
HINT: The following details are also displayed in order from the top, to the left side of the image:
center coordinates (Alphanumeric characters are used to identify ROIs. The first ROI is A,
• A:
and the rest follow in alphabetical sequence.)
• MN: average CT number
• SD: standard deviation
• #P: number of pixels
• AR: area in mm2
4. To select a ROI, click the
(Select) button
and then click the ROI circumference.
When a ROI is selected,  and  handles are
displayed on the ROI.
To select more than one, hold the Shift key
down while clicking.
5. To enlarge or reduce a ROI, point to a 
handle, the pointer will change to a doublearrow shape as shown in the figure on the right.
You can drag in the directions of the doublearrows to enlarge and reduce the ROI.
6. To rotate a ROI, point to a  handle, the
pointer will change to a
shape as shown in
the figure on the right.
You can rotate the ROI by dragging it in the
clockwise and counterclockwise directions.
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HINT: You can also edit an ROI by directly entering values in the ROI information area.
7. To delete a ROI, select the ROI and then either
click the
(Delete) button or press the
Delete key.
8. To perform image operations, select the
(Image Operation) button.
Setting the Grid
• To perform a detailed analysis, start the Image Viewer. For more details about the Image Viewer,
see the Image Analysis Instruction Manual.
• The drawing colors for ROI, grids, and distance and angle scale lines can be set under the Option
tab in the Viewer Setting dialog box, which is displayed by clicking the Setting button on the WL
1. Click the Grid button.
The grid information area and grid operation
buttons are displayed.
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2. Click either the
(Cross) button.
(Lattice) button or the
3. Move the cursor onto the image and click.
Either a lattice or cross grid is positioned, with
the point clicked set as its center.
When a grid is set, the following information is
displayed in the grid information area.
Center (center coordinates)
Angle (°)
Pitch (mm)
Selecting () the Transparent check box
filters information's background. Clicking the
check box to deselect it blacks out the
information's background.
This setting is also applied to the information's
background of distance and angle
measurements, and grid display.
HINT: The following details are also displayed in order from the top, to the left side of the image:
• Type of grid (GridScale for lattice, CrossScale for cross)
• Center coordinates
• INT (scale)
• <= (angle)
4. To select a grid, click the
(Select) button,
and then place the cursor on the grid that was
drawn. Click the area where the pointer
changes to either the
, or
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5. To change the center position, move the cursor
to the area where it changes to the
and drag.
The point where you stop dragging defines the
new center point of the grid.
6. To change the angle, move the cursor to the
area where it changes to the
shape, and
The point where you stop dragging defines the
new angle.
7. To change the pitch, move the cursor to the
area where it changes to the
shape, and
The point where you stop dragging defines the
new pitch.
HINT: You can also edit a grid by directly entering values in the grid information area.
8. To delete a grid, select the grid and then either
click the
(Delete) button or press the
Delete key.
9. To perform image operations, select the
button (image operation).
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Setting the Distance and Angle Scale
HINT: This symbol indicates supplementary information.
1. Click the Scale button.
The scale information area and scale operation
buttons are displayed.
2. Click either the
points) button or the
points) button.
(measure between 2
(measure between 3
3. To measure between 2 points, drag across the
The measurement line is created between the
starting and ending points of the drag.
To measure between 3 points, drag across the
image to create a line, and then click another
point on the image.
Measurement lines are displayed connecting
the drag start and stop points with the clicked
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When a measurement line is set, the following
information is displayed in the scale
information area.
For measurement between 2 points:
Pnt.1 (coordinates of the drag starting
Pnt.2 (coordinates of the drag ending
For measurement between 3 points:
Pnt.1 (coordinates of the drag starting
Pnt.2 (coordinates of the drag ending
Pnt.3 (coordinates of the clicked point)
Selecting () the Transparent check box
filters information’s background. Clicking the
check box to deselect it blacks out the
information's background.
This setting is also applied to the information's
background of ROIs and grid display.
HINT: The following details are also displayed in order from the top, to the left side of the image:
• For measurement between 2 points:
 A1 (coordinates of the drag starting point)
 A2 (coordinates of the drag ending point)
 A1 – A2 (distance between the 2 points (mm))
 <= (angle between the line connecting the 2 points and the X axis (°))
• For measurement between 3 points:
 A1 (coordinates of the drag starting point)
 A2 (coordinates of the drag ending point)
 A3 (coordinates of the clicked point)
 A1 – A2 (distance between drag starting point and the drag ending point (mm))
 A1 – A3 (distance between drag starting point and the clicked point (mm))
 <= (angle created by the line linking the drag starting and ending points, and the line linking
the drag starting point to the clicked point (°))
Alphanumeric characters added to drag starting points, etc. are used to identify the measurement lines.
The first measurement line is “A”, and the rest follow in alphabetical sequence.
4. To select a measurement line, click the
(Select) button and then click the measurement
When a measurement line is selected, 
handles are displayed on the line.
To select more than one, hold the Shift key
down while clicking.
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5. To move a measurement line, select it. The
pointer changes to the
shape on it, and you
can drag the measurement line. The
measurement line moves to the position where
you stop dragging (where you release the
mouse button).
To move a measurement point, select it. The
pointer changes to the
shape on it, and you
can drag the measurement point. The
measurement point moves to the position
where you stop dragging (where you release
the mouse button).
HINT: You can also edit measurement lines and measurement points by directly entering values in the
scale information area.
6. To delete a measurement line, select it and then
either click the
(Delete) button or press the
Delete key.
To perform image operations, select the
button (image operation).
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Chapter 10 - Preference Settings
This function is used to customize the user interface for scanning. You can use this function to create an
easy-to-use scanning preference that fits the needs of your hospital.
Changing Preference Settings
Accessing Preference Settings
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
2. Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then click Preference
Settings in the sub-menu.
The Preference Settings window is displayed.
Making Preference Settings
1. Set the Preference Settings.
You can make settings for both urgent
registration and normal registration. The
setting method is the same for both.
For more details about items that can be set,
see Understanding Preference Settings on
page 10-2.
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Understanding Preference Settings
This section provides descriptions of each preference setting.
Understanding Parameters Related to Patient Registration
Default Patient ID
Fixed Char.
No. of Patient ID Digits
Select whether to fix the number of digits for the patient ID in the Patient ID text box
on the Patient Registration window.
• Fix number of digits
• Do not fix number of digits
No. of Fixed Digits
Set the number of digits in the patient ID when No. of Fixed Digits is selected for the
setting of the fixed number of digits for patient ID. 1 to 16 digits can be set.
However, when Fixed Char. + Automatic Add or Date + Automatic Add is
selected as the Default Patient ID, the patient number is restricted in the following
• When Fixed Char. + Automatic Add is selected: (The number of fixed
characters +2) to 16 digits.
• When Date +Automatic Add is selected: 10 to 16 digits.
• When the number of characters in the patient ID entered is less than the number of
set digits, a 0 is added in higher order to match the set number of digits.
Default Acc. No.
Auto Capital Letter
Select the default for the Acc. No. text box on the Patient Registration window.
• Blank
• Automatic Add
Select whether to automatically capitalize patient names, which are input in the Patient
Name text box in the Patient Registration window.
• ON
Default Sex
Select the default for sex on the Patient Registration window.
• Other
• Male
• Female
• Same as the previous patient
Default Protocol Group
Select the default for the protocol group displayed during normal patient registration.
• Urgent protocol
• Normal protocol
• Group name registered for the group registered
Default Region
Select the default for region on the Patient Registration window.
• Same as the previous patient
• Region registered for region registration
DM 51750v7
Select the default for the Patient ID text box on the Patient Registration window:
• Blank
• Automatic Add
• Fixed Char. + Automatic Add
If selected, set No. 2 Fixed Char.
• Date + Automatic Add
If Fixed Char. + Automatic Add is selected for the Default Patient ID, freely set any
fixed character. You can set up to 12 characters, with the exception of the following
characters: \ / : * ? < > . |.
If anything other than Fixed Char. + Automatic Add is selected for the Default
Patient ID, Fixed Char. is displayed in gray and cannot be set.
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Region without Scano.
Select the region for which the default scanogram protocol is set to None during the
selection of a region for patient registration.
Click the Modify button on the Preference Settings window to display the Select
Region dialog box.
Select the Region without Scano. list and click the >> button to set the regions
selected in the Region with Scano. list. Select the Region with Scano. list and
click the << button to set the regions selected in the Region without Scano. list.
Click the OK button in the Select Region dialog box to apply the changes to the
window and close the dialog box. Click the Cancel button in the Select Region dialog
box to close the dialog box without applying the changes to the window.
Contrast Mark 7
Select whether to reset the contrast mark on the system monitor (touch panel) when
patient registration is complete.
• Do not reset with registration.
• Turn OFF with registration.
Select whether to reset the stopwatch on the system monitor (touch panel) when patient
registration is complete.
• Do not reset with registration.
• Turn OFF with registration.
Auto Voice7
Select whether to reset the auto voice on the system monitor (touch panel) when patient
registration is complete.
• Do not reset with registration.
• Turn ON with registration.
Items entered during urgent
registration and normal
Use the checkboxes to select which text boxes to move the focus to when the Enter
key is pressed during both urgent start patient registration and normal patient
registration. Select the appropriate tab to switch between urgent registration and normal
The DICOM Auto Transfer check box appears only when a DICOM transmission
software is installed.
The HQ-NET Auto Transfer check box appears only when a Hyper Quick Net option
software is installed.
The contrast mark, stopwatch, and auto voice might not be reset by clicking the Same Patient button and registering the patient.
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Sort Order by Resrv. List
Select the order for the reservation list on the Reservation List window.
• In order of Registration
• In reverse order of Registration
Auto. Trans. Suspending
Select either to suspend the automatic transfer processes after patient registration or
• Not Suspend after Registration
• Suspend after Registration
If “Not Suspend after Registration” is set, the automatic transfer processes are
suspended after the Confirm button is clicked. The automatic transfer processes
resume after a scan is finished. If “Suspend after Registration” is set, the automatic
transfer processes are suspended after patient registration. The automatic transfer
processes are resumed by clicking the Exam.End button.
Understanding Parameters Related to the Scan
Table Pitch Setting
To set the table pitch for volume scan, select whether to set the X-ray beam width
emitted on the row of detectors as the standard for pitch (slice pitch), or to set all X-ray
beam widths as the standard for pitch (beam pitch).
• Slice pitch
• Beam pitch
For example, in case of 4 detectors collimation, slice pitch 5 is equivalent to beam pitch
1.25, as shown in the figure below. (4 times the collimation is shown in the figure below.)
Table Index When Tilted
When tilting the table during a normal scan or dynamic scan, overlap is produced when
maintaining the table movement at a tilt angle of 0 degrees. Select whether to
automatically adjust the table movement so that no overlap occurs during tilting.
• Allow Overlap
• Disallow Overlap
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Scanner Rotation Stop
Select whether to stop the scanner rotation automatically or by pressing the Stop
Rotation button on the touch panel after scanning is complete.
• Manual Stop
• Automatic Stop
START button for
To scan the scanning range of scanogram length set in the protocol, select whether to
scan the scanogram by pressing the START button once or scan only while the
START button is pressed and held.
• Press
• Press and Hold
MOVE button for Scan Prep. After completion of scan preparation, select whether to move the table to a scan starting
position by pressing the MOVE button once or to do it only while the MOVE button is
pressed and held.
• Press
• Press and Hold
Short Standby
This function allows the scanner gantry to automatically start rotation after a scanogram.
When performing a scan after a scanogram, this function helps to reduce the time
required until the gantry stabilizes its rotation which was started from the static state.
Select either of the below to enable or disable the above function.
• ON
Short-standby Delay
When Short Standby is ON, you can select wait time which is duration from the
completion of scanogram until the start of the scanner rotation. In case Short Standby is
OFF, Short-standby Delay is disabled.
0, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300(second)
Param. AutoUpdate
Message 8
As to parameters which have been automatically renewed when setting scan
parameters, you can select either notify or not notify by the message dialog.
• Notify
• Not Notify
Understanding Parameters Related to Image Display and Rawdata
Head View Direction
Select the display direction of the head image.
• Top View
The image is displayed as if viewed from the top of the head.
• Bottom View
The image is displayed as if viewed from the chest or abdomen.
Auto Deletion of RawData 9
Select the mode for the auto deletion of RawData.
• Not Delete
• Set by Days
When selected, set the number of days for RawData to be maintained by selecting
the item No. 3 No. of Days/Studies for RawData to be Maintained. (This
setting is not for maintaining RawData before the set number of days. Also, the
current day is not included in the number of days to be maintained.)
• Set by Studies
If selected, set the number of studies in item No. 3 Keep RawData. (The shown
patient is not included in the number of studies to be maintained.)
If you select “Not Notify” on the Param. AutoUpdate Message, you will not be notified of automatically renewed parameters even if the parameters have
been automatically renewed when setting scan parameters. Be aware of this when you set scan parameters.
9 When deletion protection (protect) for RawData is in effect, data cannot be automatically deleted by Auto RawData Deletion.
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Keep RawData
If either Set by Days or Set by Studies was selected for Auto RawData Deletion, set
either the number of days to keep RawData (1 to 30) 10 or a number of studies (1 to 100). If
Not Delete was selected for Auto RawData Deletion, No. of Days/Studies for RawData to
be Maintained is displayed in gray and cannot be set.
Changing Scan and Scanogram Protocol Settings
Accessing Scan and Scanogram Protocol Settings
This function is used to set scan settings and scanogram settings in advance as protocols.
You can make the scan and scanogram settings by selecting the set protocol on the Patient Registration
window, Scan Settings window, and Scanogram Settings window.
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
2. Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then click Scan Protocol
Settings or Scanogram Protocol Settings in
the sub-menu.
If you select Scan Protocol Settings, the Scan
Protocol Settings window is displayed, with a
list of the protocols that have been registered.
10 Days without scans performed are not included in the number of days of RawData to be maintained. When there is no scans performed on the Saturday and
Sunday of a week, the equipment counts the RawData being maintained as 5 days.
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If you select Scanogram Protocol Settings,
the Scanogram Protocol Settings window is
displayed, with a list of the protocols that have
been registered.
Making New Protocol Settings
• The procedures for making new scan protocol and scanogram protocol settings are nearly the same.
Therefore, the procedure for making new scan protocol settings is described below.
• Protocols selected in the lists of the Scan Protocol Settings window or the Scanogram Protocol
Settings window are displayed in light blue. Protocols, with cursor, are displayed in dark blue or light
blue and a mark is displayed.
The modification of the protocol settings, such as region changes and orientation changes are
performed for the selected protocol settings.
The scan and scanogram settings of the protocol, with cursor, are displayed at the bottom of the
window. (Scan settings are displayed for each sequence.)
• To select multiple protocols, click the protocol in the list while holding down the Ctrl key or the
Shift key.
1. Click the New button.
The new protocol is added to the list by
pointing the cursor at it.
The scan settings for a new scan protocol are
displayed at the bottom of the window for each
sequence in scan protocol. (Since the example
shown on the right has only one sequence, only
one line of scan settings is displayed.)
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HINT: To create a protocol that performs multiple scans in one examination, it is necessary to set
multiple sequences. For more details, see Setting Multiple Sequences (Scan Protocol Only) on
page 10-9.
2. To modify a protocol name, click the area of
the protocol name in the list. The area that was
clicked changes to a text box.
Use the keyboard to enter a name for the
3. To modify a region in a protocol, select the
appropriate area and click the Region button.
The modified region is displayed in the list.
Select a region in the list and click OK button.
HINT: This setting is available for multiple selections of protocols.
4. To modify the orientation (for scan protocol
only), select the appropriate area and click the
Orientation button.
Select the direction in which the patient enters
the unit and select the direction the patient is
facing. Then click OK button.
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HINT: This setting is available for multiple selections of protocols.
5. To modify the ON and OFF settings for 0
position reset (for scan protocol only), select
the appropriate area and click the 0 position
reset button.
The modify 0 position reset dialog will appear.
Select the ON and OFF settings and click OK
HINT: This setting is available for multiple selections of protocols.
6. To modify scan settings or scanogram settings,
click the settings you want to modify.
For more details about the modifications to
scan settings, see Changing Scan Settings on
page 6-14.
Setting Multiple Sequences (Scan Protocol Only)
A collection of scan settings required for a scan is called a sequence. When setting a protocol to perform
multiple scans for a single examination, it is necessary to set multiple sequences for the protocol.
HINT: Multiple sequences can be set for scan protocols only. Multiple sequences cannot be set for
scanogram protocols.
1. Select a sequence, and click the Insert Seq.
A dialog box for selecting the method for
inserting a sequence is displayed.
2. Use the buttons in the dialog box to select the
method for inserting a sequence.
The sequence is inserted after the selected
If the Free button is clicked:
The scan settings for the inserted sequence
can be made freely.
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If the Continue button is clicked:
The scan settings for the inserted sequence
are modified automatically so that it is set as
the scanning position following the selected
If the Repeat button is clicked:
The scan settings for the inserted sequence
are modified automatically so that it is set in
the same scanning position as the selected
If the Return button is clicked:
The scan settings for the inserted sequence
are modified automatically so that it is
scanned in the reverse direction of the
scanning position of the selected sequence.
3. Make sure that the new sequence has been
inserted following the selected sequence.
Deleting a Sequence (Scan Protocol Only)
If multiple sequences are set for a scan protocol, the selected sequence is deleted.
1. Select the sequence(s) you want to delete.
2. Click the Delete Seq. button.
A confirmation for deletion of the sequence(s)
is displayed.
3. Click the Yes button to delete.
4. Make sure that the selected sequences were
HINT: If there is only one sequence for a scan protocol, that sequence cannot be deleted.
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Registering the Last Settings
The settings for the scan or scanogram performed immediately before can be set as a protocol.
1. Click the Last button.
The settings for the scan or scanogram
performed immediately before are registered as
a protocol.
2. Make sure that the protocol is added to the list.
The character string "Last (n)" (where n is a
numeral) appears at the end of the added
Deleting a Protocol
1. Select the scan protocol or scanogram protocol
to delete from the list, and click the Delete
The confirmation message is displayed.
2. Click the Yes button to delete.
3. Make sure that the protocol is deleted from the
HINT: This setting is available for multiple selections of protocols.
Changing the Order of Protocols
1. Point the cursor at the protocol in the list
whose order you want to change, and then click
the Up or Down button.
If you click the Up button, the protocol moves
up one position.
If you click the Down button, the protocol
moves down one position.
A protocol’s order can be changed only within
the same region.
HINT: This operation can be used for the protocol with cursor. If you select multiple protocols, the
selection is canceled.
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Switching Protocol Groups
HINT: Protocols are displayed in protocol groups. Protocol groups are divided by tabs.
1. To register and/or edit a protocol in a different
protocol group, click the appropriate tab to
switch to that group.
Protocol groups can be added and modified
during protocol group registration. For more
details, see Registering a Protocol Group on
page 10-28.
Copying and Pasting a Protocol
1. Select a protocol from the list, and then click
the Copy button.
HINT: This setting is available for multiple selections of protocols.
2. Click the Paste button to paste the copied
protocol to the end of the appropriate area.
The character string "Copy (n)" (where n is a
numeral) appears at the end of the pasted
You can paste a protocol to a different group
by changing to a different protocol group and
then clicking the Paste button.
Searching and Replacing a Protocol Name
1. Click the Find/Replace button.
a. The Find/Replace Protocol Name dialog is
To perform the Search, click the Find tab
and enter the full or parts of protocol name
you want to search into the Search
character string and then click OK button.
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The cursor points at the protocol in the list
which matches the protocol contained in
the Search character string and edits the
protocol name.
This example shows when 5mm is contained in the Search
character string.
Press F3 key to continue searching.
If the protocol does not match the protocol
contained in the Search character string,
the message is displayed.
b. To perform the Replace, first click the
Replace tab and enter the full or parts of
protocol name you want to search into the
c. Enter the character string after the
replacement into the Replace with then
click the OK or the Replace All button.
The Replace All button replaces all
protocols that match the protocol contained
in the Search character string with the
protocol contained in the Replace character
If the protocol does not match the protocol
contained in the Search character string,
the message is displayed.
If you clicked the OK button, the protocol
which matches the protocol contained in
the Search character string will be
searched. A confirmation dialog box is
displayed to verify that you want to replace
the protocol contained in the Search
character string with the protocol contained
in the Replace character string.
This example shows when 10mm is entered in the Replace
character string.
d. Click the Yes button to complete the
Click the No button if you do not perform
this replacement and search for the next
If you wish to cancel the replacement, click
the Cancel button.
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Saving a Protocol
1. To save the protocol, click the Save button or
the Save & Exit button.
If the Save button is clicked, the protocol
settings can be continued after saving the
If the Save & Exit button is clicked, finish the
protocol settings after saving the settings.
2. If the protocol setting is finished without
saving the settings, click the Cancel button.
Registering Contrast Media Names
This function is used to register contrast media names in the system in advance.
Contrast media names that have been registered can be viewed in the input fields of the following
Patient Registration window
Patient Reservation window
Accessing Contrast Media Registration
1. Click the Menu/Exit button then point to
Settings/Registration in the menu that is
displayed, and then click Contrast Media
Registration in the sub-menu.
The Contrast Media Registration window is
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Registering a New Contrast Media
1. Use the keyboard to enter the contrast media
name, total volume, and injection rate into the
text box, and then click the Register button.
The contrast media information that has been
entered is added to the list.
The number of characters and format that can be used to enter the contrast media name, total volume,
and injection rate are:
• Contrast Media: 26 characters
• Total Vol. (ml): nnnn (ml) (where n is a numeral)
• Rate (ml/s): nn.n (ml/s) (where n is a numeral)
If text already appears in the text box when it is opened, click the New button. This clears the text box.
2. To save contrast media information, click the
Save & Exit button.
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
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Modifying a Contrast Media
1. Select the contrast media to modify from the
list, and click the Modify button.
The information for the contrast media you
want to modify is displayed in the text box.
Use the keyboard to make modifications.
2. Click the Update button to display the
information for the modified contrast media in
the list.
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Deleting a Contrast Media
1. Select the contrast media to delete from the list,
and click the Delete button.
The following message is displayed: “Are you
sure you want to delete _____?” (The name,
total volume, and injection rate of the selected
contrast media are displayed in the blank.)
2. Click the Yes button to delete.
3. Make sure that the contrast media has been
deleted from the list.
Changing the Order of Contrast Media
1. Select a contrast media in the list, and then
click the Up or Down button.
If you click the Up button, the selected contrast
media moves up one position.
If you click the Down button, the selected
contrast media moves down one position.
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Registering Physicians, Operators, and Service Requests
This function is used to register physicians, operators, and request services in the system in advance.
Physicians, operators, and request services that have been registered can be viewed in the input fields of
the following windows:
Patient Registration window
Patient Reservation window
Accessing Physician/Operator Name Registration
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then click Physician Name
Registration in the sub-menu.
The Physician / Operator Name Registration
window is displayed.
Registering a New Physician, Operator, or Request Service
HINT: The following five items can be registered during physician's, operator's name registration. Up to
64 characters can be entered.
• Referring physician
• Requesting physician
• Reading physician
• Operator
• Request Service
These items are divided by different tabs on the Physician / Operator Name Registration window. The
procedures for new registration, editing, and deletion are the same for each tab.
The procedure for referring physician is described below as an example.
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1. Use the keyboard to enter the name into the
text box, and then click the Register button.
The name entered is added to the list.
HINT: If text already appears in the text box when it is opened, click the New button. This clears the
text box.
2. To save the physician’s name, operator’s name,
and requesting department, click the Save &
Exit button.
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
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Modifying a Physician, Operator, or Request Service
1. Select the name to modify from the list, and
click the Modify button.
The name you want to modify is displayed in
the text box.
Use the keyboard to make modifications.
2. Click the Update button to display the
information for the modified name in the list.
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Deleting a Physician, Operator, or Request Service
1. Select the name to delete from the list, and
click the Delete button.
The following message is displayed: “Are you
sure you want to delete _____?” (The selected
name is displayed in the blank.)
2. Click the Yes button to delete.
3. Make sure that the name has been deleted from
the list.
Changing the Order of a Physician, Operator, or Request Service
1. Select an item in the list, and then click the Up
or Down button.
If you click the Up button, the selected item
moves up one position.
If you click the Down button, the selected item
moves down one position.
Registering Patient and Study Comments
This function is used to register patient comments and study comments into the system in advance.
Patient comments and study comments that have been registered can be viewed in the input fields of the
following windows:
Patient Registration window
Patient Reservation window
Accessing Patient and Study Comment Registration
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
2. Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then click Patient/Study
Cmt. Registration in the sub-menu.
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The Patient/Study Comment Registration
window is displayed.
Registering a New Patient and Study Comment
• Patient comments and study comments are divided by different tabs. The procedures for new
registration, editing, and deletion are the same for each tab.
The procedure for patient comments is described below as an example.
• Patient comments and study comments are supported by the “patient comments” and “study
comments” in the DICOM standards for each.
• Up to 26 characters can be entered for both patient comments and study comments.
1. Use the keyboard to enter the comment into the
text box, and then click the Register button.
The comment entered is added to the list.
HINT: If text already appears in the text box when it is opened, click the New button. This clears the
text box.
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2. To save the comments, click the Save & Exit
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
Modifying a Patient and Study Comment
1. Select the comment to modify from the list,
and click the Modify button.
The comment you want to modify is displayed
in the text box.
Use the keyboard to make modifications.
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2. Click the Update button to display the
information for the modified comment in the
Deleting a Patient and Study Comment
1. Select the comment to delete from the list, and
click the Delete button.
The following message is displayed: “Are you
sure you want to delete _____?” (The selected
comment is displayed in the blank.)
2. Click the Yes button to delete.
3. Make sure that the comment has been deleted
from the list.
Changing the Order of a Patient and Study Comment
1. Select a comment in the list, and then click the
Up or Down button.
If you click the Up button, the selected
comment moves up one position.
If you click the Down button, the selected
comment moves down one position.
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Registering Series Comments
This function is used to register series comments in the system in advance.
Series comments that have been registered can be viewed in the input fields of the following windows:
Scan Protocol Settings window
Scanogram Protocol Settings window
Scan Settings window
Scanogram Settings window
HINT: Up to 52 characters can be entered. However, only 26 characters are displayed on the image.
Accessing Series Comment Registration
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
2. Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then select Series Cmt.
Registration in the sub-menu.
The Series Comment Registration window is
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Registering a New Series Comment
1. Use the keyboard to enter the comment into the
text box, and then click the Register button.
The comment entered is added to the list.
2. To save the series comment, click the Save &
Exit button.
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
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Modifying a Series Comment
1. Select the comment to modify from the list,
and click the Modify button.
The comment you want to modify is displayed
in the text box.
Use the keyboard to make modifications.
2. Click the Update button to display the
information for the modified comment in the
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Deleting a Series Comment
1. Select the comment to delete from the list, and
click the Delete button.
The following message is displayed: “Are you
sure you want to delete _____?” (The selected
comment is displayed in the blank.)
2. Click the Yes button to delete.
3. Make sure that the comment has been deleted
from the list.
Changing the Order of Series Comments
1. Select the comment in the list whose order you
want to change, and then click the Up or Down
If you click the Up button, the comment moves
up one position.
If you click the Down button, the comment
moves down one position.
Registering a Protocol Group
This function is used to register protocol groups for classifying scan protocols and scanogram protocols.
Registered protocol groups are displayed as protocol tabs on the following windows:
• Scan Protocol Settings window
• Scanogram Protocol Settings window
• Patient Registration window
• Patient Reservation window
• Modify Scan Settings Protocol window
• Modify Scanogram Settings Protocol window
The following figure provides an example of protocol group tabs.
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• The system has two default groups: Urgent protocols and Normal protocols. These two default
groups cannot be deleted.
• Up to 60 characters can be entered for protocol group name.
Accessing Protocol Group Registration
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then click Protocol Group
Registration in the sub-menu.
The Protocol Group Registration window is
Registering a New Protocol Group
1. Use the keyboard to enter the protocol group
name into the text box, and then click the
Register button.
The name entered is added to the list.
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2. To save the protocol group, click the Save &
Exit button.
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
• A maximum of five group names can be registered. Once five group names have been registered,
the New button, Register button, and text box become disabled.
• Up to 60 characters can be entered for protocol group name.
Modifying a Protocol Group
1. Select the protocol group name to modify from
the list, and click the Modify button.
The protocol group name you want to modify
is displayed in the text box.
Use the keyboard to make modifications.
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2. Click the Update button to display the
information for the modified protocol group
name in the list.
• The system has two default groups: Urgent protocol and Normal protocol. The names of these
two default groups can also be modified.
• Up to 60 characters can be entered for protocol group name.
Deleting a Protocol Group
1. Select the protocol group name to delete from
the list, and click the Delete button.
The following confirmation message is
displayed: “Are you sure you want to delete all
scanogram and scan protocols classified in the
_____ group?” (The name of the selected
protocol group appears in place of the blank.)
2. Click the Yes button to delete. The group and
all scan and scanogram protocols associated
with it are deleted.
HINT: The system has two default groups: Urgent protocol and Normal protocol. These two default
groups cannot be deleted.
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Changing the Order of Protocol Groups
1. Select the protocol group in the list whose
order you want to change, and then click the
Up or Down button.
If you click the Up button, the protocol group
moves up one position.
If you click the Down button, the protocol
group moves down one position.
HINT: The order of urgent protocols and normal protocols cannot be changed.
Registering Regions
This function is used to register regions in the system in advance.
Regions that have been registered can be viewed in the input fields of the following windows:
Patient Registration window
Patient Reservation window
Modify Scan Settings Protocol window
Modify Scanogram Settings Protocol window
Accessing Region Registration
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then click Region
Registration in the sub-menu.
The Region Registration window is displayed.
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Registering a New Region
HINT: There are two types of region registration: adult region and child region. The procedures for both
are identical. The procedure for adult region is described below as an example.
1. Click the New button. The Region Name text
box becomes active (input is allowed).
In addition, a red dot that indicates the position
of the region to be registered is displayed on
the figure of the human body.
2. Use the keyboard to enter the name of the
region in the Region Name text box.
3. Click the position of the region to be registered
on the figure of the human body displayed to
the right side of the Region Registration
window. A red dot is displayed at the position
clicked on the figure of the human body.
4. Select the DICOM region name from the
DICOM Region Name drop-down list box.
Click the ▼ to display the drop-down list.
Select a DICOM region name from the dropdown list.
HINT: Although you can freely set any character string for a region name, since it is necessary to set a
previously determined text string for the DICOM region name, select a name from the drop-down list box.
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5. Click the Register button.
The new region is added to the list, and the red
dot that indicates the position of the registered
region changes to a green dot.
HINT: The regions in the list are ordered according to their positions from head to foot in the figure of
the human body.
6. To save the region, click the Save & Exit
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
Modifying a Region
1. Select the region to modify from the list, and
click the Modify button.
The Region Name text box becomes active,
and the region name and DICOM region name
that you want to modify are displayed. In
addition, the green dot that indicates the
position of the region changes to a red dot.
Use the keyboard to modify the name of the
region. The position of the region can be
modified by dragging the red dot displayed in
the figure of the human body on the right side
of the Region Registration window.
DICOM region names are modified by making
a selection from the drop-down list.
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2. Click the Update button, and the modified
region is displayed in the list. The red dot that
indicates the position of the modified region
changes to a green dot.
Deleting a Region
1. Select the region to delete from the list, and
click the Delete button.
The following message is displayed: “Are you
sure you want to delete the region name
_____?” (The selected region name is
displayed in the blank.)
2. Click the Yes button to delete.
3. Make sure that the region has been deleted
from the list.
HINT: Regions that are used for scanogram protocols and scan protocols cannot be deleted. If one of
these regions is selected, the Delete button is not enabled.
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Accessing the Registering/Deleting DICOM Regions Window
This section explains how to display the windows for registering, modifying, and deleting the items
selected in the DICOM Region Name drop-down list box on the Register Region window.
CAUTION: Before proceeding to the DICOM Region Register/Delete window, make sure there
is no region registration information that has not been saved on the Region Registration window.
1. Click the DICOM Region Register/ Delete
button on the Region Registration window.
The DICOM Region Register/Delete window
is displayed.
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Registering New DICOM Region Information
1. Enter the name and description of the DICOM
region to be registered.
Only capital characters can be entered in the
DICOM Region Name text box.
Any text string can be entered in the
Description text box.
2. Click the Register button.
The newly created DICOM area is added to the
User Registration DICOM Region list.
Modifying DICOM Region Information
HINT: Only the descriptions of DICOM region information registered by a user can be modified.
1. Select the DICOM region information for
which the description is to be modified.
Either of the following two methods can be
used to select an item.
Double-click the DICOM region name that
you want to modify in the DICOM region
Enter the DICOM region name that you
want to modify in the DICOM Region
Name text box, and then move the focus to
the Description text box.
2. Modify the Description text box.
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3. Click the Update button.
The Description in the User Registration
DICOM Region list is modified.
Modifying DICOM Region Information
HINT: The following DICOM region information cannot be deleted:
• Original DICOM regions (displayed in red in the list)
DICOM regions used for region registration (Region registrations that are in use are displayed in the
DICOM Region Reference Status list.)
1. Select the DICOM region information to
Either of the following two methods can be
used to select an item:
Double-click the DICOM region name that
you want to delete in the DICOM region
Enter the DICOM region name that you
want to delete in the DICOM Region
Name text box.
If the DICOM region can be deleted, the
Delete button becomes active.
2. Click the Delete button.
A delete confirmation message is displayed.
3. To delete the information, click the Yes button.
The DICOM region is deleted from the list.
To exit without deleting the information, click
the No button.
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Saving DICOM Region Information
1. After registering, modifying, or deleting
DICOM region information, click the Save &
Exit button.
The DICOM region data is saved. In addition,
the DICOM Region Register/ Delete window
closes, and the screen returns to the Region
Registration window.
To exit the DICOM Region Register/ Delete
window without saving DICOM region
information that has been registered, modified,
or deleted, click the Cancel button.
Changing the Accord Mode Settings
This function is used to set the breath hold and breathing times for accord scans in advance.
Six types of breath hold and breathing modes can be set in the accord mode settings.
Short A
Short B
Regular A
Regular B
Long A
Long B
Modes that have been set can be viewed in the input fields of the following windows:
Scan Protocol Settings window (for normal scan)
Scan Settings window (for normal scan)
Accessing Accord Mode Settings
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then click Accord Mode
Settings in the sub-menu.
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The Accord Mode Settings window is
Setting Breath Hold and Breathing Times
1. Click the breath hold or breathing time for the
accord mode you want to change. A spin
button is displayed by the breath hold or
breathing time you clicked.
Click either the ▲ or ▼ button to change the
breath hold or breathing time.
HINT: You can set the breath hold time from 2 to 300 seconds, and the breathing time from 1 to 100
seconds. However, depending on the scan settings, the breath hold time may be shorter than the set
values. Also, when the breath hold time falls below “scan time for 2 scans + scan interval”, the “scan time
for 2 scans + scan interval” becomes the breath hold time.
2. To save the accord mode settings, click the
Save & Exit button.
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
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Programming the Auto Voice Settings
This function is used to set the pattern (scan patterns and scanogram patterns) of the auto voice used to
instruct the patient of when to hold his or her breath and when to breathe during scan. Although the
standard auto voice phrases have been programmed into the system, you can record and use your own
Auto voice patterns that have been set can be viewed on the following windows:
Scan Protocol Settings window
Scanogram Protocol Settings window
Scan Settings window
Scanogram Settings window
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then click Auto Voice
Settings in the sub-menu.
The Auto Voice Settings window is displayed.
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Creating a New Auto Voice Pattern
HINT: The procedures for auto voice patterns on the Scan Pattern Settings tab and the
Scanogram Pattern Settings tab are described below. The procedures for the Scan Pattern
Settings and Scanogram Pattern Settings tabs are identical except for the differences in items that
can be set. The Scan Pattern Settings is described below as an example.
1. Click the New button.
“New pattern n” (where n is a numeral) is
added to the pattern name list.
2. To modify a pattern name, click the area of the
pattern name in the list. The area that was
clicked changes to a text box.
Use the keyboard to enter the pattern name.
3. Set the auto voice pattern.
The phrases appear in a drop-down list box.
Click the ▼ to select a phrase from the dropdown list. (Mute means that no phrase is
The delays appear in a spin box. Click either
the ▲ or ▼ button to set the time.
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4. To save the auto voice pattern, click the Save
& Exit button.
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
Deleting an Auto Voice Pattern
1. Select the pattern name to delete from the
pattern name list, and click the Delete button.
The following message is displayed: “Are you
sure you want to delete the _____ pattern?”
(The selected pattern name is displayed in the
HINT: When an auto voice pattern that was set in scan protocol or scanogram protocol settings is
selected, the Delete button is disabled.
2. Click the Yes button to delete.
Make sure that the pattern name is deleted
from the pattern name list.
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Changing the Order of Auto Voice Patterns
1. Select the auto voice pattern in the list whose
order you want to change, and then click the
Up or Down button.
If you click the Up button, the auto voice
pattern moves up one position.
If you click the Down button, the auto voice
pattern moves down one position.
Recording a Phrase
HINT: Phrases are recorded at the Recording Auto Voice tab. When recording, reduce the
intercom box speaker to its lowest volume before clicking the Record button.
1. Click the Record button.
The audio received by the microphone in the
intercom box is recorded. After the Record
button is clicked, it changes to a Stop button.
Click the Stop button to stop recording. (If the
recording time exceeds 30 seconds, it is
stopped automatically.)
2. Use the keyboard to enter the phrase that was
recorded into the Phrase Comment text box.
HINT: You can move the slider for recording volume to adjust the volume. Click the Play button to
check the phrase that was recorded. After the Play button is clicked, it changes to a Stop button. Click
the Stop button to stop the playback.
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3. After recording the phrase, click the Register
The recorded phrase is added to the phrase
confirmation list.
4. To save a registered phrase, click the Save &
Exit button.
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
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Checking a Phrase
1. To check a phrase in the phrase confirmation
list, select it from the list and click the Play
2. After the Play button is clicked, it changes to a
Stop button. Click the Stop button to stop the
Deleting a Phrase
1. Select a phrase from the phrase confirmation
list, and click the Delete button.
The following message is displayed: “Are you
sure you want to delete the _____ phrase?”
(The selected phrase comment is displayed in
the blank.)
2. Click the Yes button to delete.
3. Make sure that the phrase has been deleted
from the phrase confirmation list.
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Setting Institution Information
This function is used to set into the system the information for institutions in which studies are performed
(hospital name, department name, station name).
Accessing Institution Information Settings
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
2. Point to Settings/Registration in the menu that
is displayed, and then click Institution Info.
Settings in the sub-menu.
The Institution Information Settings window is
Setting Institution Information
1. Enter the hospital name, department name, and
station name.
The hospital name, department name, and
station name are entered in text boxes. Use the
keyboard to enter these names.
• The number of characters that can be entered is shown below.
Hospital Name:
Up to 26 characters
Department Name:
Up to 26 characters
Station Name:
Up to 16 alphanumeric characters
The hospital name can be displayed on the image. For more details, see Setting Image Display
Items on page 9-3. Department names and station names are set as DICOM information.
2. To save the facility information, click the Save
& Exit button.
To exit without saving, click the Cancel
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Chapter 11 - Other Functions
Using the Reconstruction Status Window Features
The progress of post reconstruction can be confirmed on the Reconstruction Status window.
There are two methods for performing post-reconstruction, one by referring to the image in the image
viewer (For more details, see the Image Analysis Instruction Manual.) and the other by using RawData
information as a base (For more details, see Using RawData Post Reconstruction on page 11-14).
The following operations can be performed on the Reconstruction Status window.
Confirmation of reconstruction progress
Reconstruction operations (execute, suspend, resume)
Reconstruction editing (deletion, repositioning)
CAUTION: If the system is shutdown without using the Menu/Exit button in the main menu, the
entire list of reconstruction screens may be deleted
Opening and Closing the Reconstruction Status Window
1. Click the Recon. Status button.
The Recon. Status window is displayed.
2. To close the Reconstruction Status window,
either choose Exit from the File menu, or click
button in the right corner of the title bar.
Confirming Reconstruction Progress
1. The progress is displayed in the status column
of the Reconstruction Status window. There are
5 types of reconstruction progress:
Waiting: Reconstruction has not started.
Processing: Reconstruction is in progress.
Suspend: Reconstruction is suspended.
Suspend For Scanning: Reconstruction has
stopped during a scan.
Processed: Reconstruction is finished.
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Executing, Suspending, Resuming Reconstruction Operations
1. To start a reconstruction that is waiting to
execute, click it on the Reconstruction Status
window and then choose Execute from the
Execute menu.
To suspend a reconstruction that is running,
click it and then choose Suspend from the
Execute menu.
To resume a reconstruction that is suspended,
click it and then choose Resume from the
Execute menu.
• Rather than use the Execute menu, you can also execute, suspend, and resume a
reconstruction from a pop-up menu that is displayed by right-clicking the list display
column on the Reconstruction Status window.
• You cannot execute a reconstruction while scanning.
• If a reconstruction is running before a scan, it will stop automatically when the stand by
button is pressed. After scanning is finished, the reconstruction resumes automatically.
Editing Reconstruction (Repositioning, Deletion)
1. To change the order of a reconstruction, first
click it and then choose Prev or Next from the
Edit menu.
To delete a reconstruction, click it and then
choose Delete from the Edit menu.
To select multiple reconstructions, click them
while holding down either the Shift or Ctrl
key on the keyboard.
To select all reconstructions, choose Select All
from the Edit menu.
To reverse the current selection state of
reconstructions (change selected
reconstructions to unselected, and unselected
reconstruction to selected), choose Invert
Selection from the Edit menu.
• You cannot move a reconstruction past others with a status of Processed or Execute.
• You cannot delete a reconstruction with a status of Execute.
Setting Preferences in the Reconstruction Status Window
1. From the Tools menu, choose Preference
Settings on the Reconstruction Status window.
The Preference Settings dialog box is
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2. To set the number of Processed
reconstructions to be displayed, click the
History tab.
To set the displayed number, either enter a
value directly from the keyboard into the No.
of Items Displayed in History spin box, or
click the ▲ and ▼ spin buttons. You can set a
maximum of 200.
3. To select items to be displayed in the list on the
Reconstruction Status window, click the
Display tab.
Use the checkboxes to display and hide each
list display item.
Items for which a checkbox has been checked
() by clicking it are displayed in the list on
the Reconstruction Status window.
4. Click the OK button to save the Preference
Settings and close the dialog box.
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Clearing the Reconstruction Status List
1. From the Tools menu, choose Clear List of
Recon. Status on the Reconstruction Status
The following message is displayed:
”All of information for recon. queue will be
deleted. Are you sure you want to continue? ”
2. Click the Yes button to delete.
3. Make sure that Reconstruction Status has been
deleted from the list.
Using Tube Current Display
By running the IntelliEC function, the tube current value is optimized for each scan to decrease radiation
exposure to the patient. Tube current display is a function that shows the fluctuation in the tube
current value.
Accessing and Exiting Tube Current Display
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Click Tube Current Display in the displayed
The Tube Current Display window is
Immediately after the window opens, the
patient information list is displayed.
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2. To close the Tube Current Display window,
click the Close ( ) button in the right corner
of the title bar.
Confirming Tube Current Value
1. Double-click on the patient folder in the patient
information list
The series list for the selected patient is
2. On this series list, check the Avg. Tube
Current, the Set Tube Current, and whether
IntelliEC setting (Dose control) is ON or OFF.
3. Double-click the series folder in the series list.
The slice list for the selected series is
4. On this slice list, check the Tube Current for
each slice and whether IntelliEC setting (Dose
control) is ON or OFF.
Select slices on the slice list.
The Avg. Tube Current for the Selected Range
when IntelliEC setting (Dose control) for each
slice is ON is displayed.
HINT: Selecting a patient folder or series folder on the Tube Current Display window is made with
mouse operations similar to those in Windows Explorer.
When selecting multiple series folders, click the folders while holding down the Shift key or Ctrl key.
5. Click the Refresh button to update the list to
the latest information
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6. Click the Up button returns one level higher.
7. Click the Save menu displays a confirmation
Click the OK button in the confirmation dialog
box to save the Tube Current Display list to the
media. Existing data is overwritten.
Saving User Data
This function is used to save information set or registered in the system by a user to a media. For more
details on items that can be saved with this function, see Identifying Savable User Data on page 11-12. In
this section Media refers to a DVD-RAM.
Opening and Closing the Backup/Restore Dialog Box
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Click Save User Data in the menu that is
The Backup/Restore dialog box is displayed.
2. To close the Backup/Restore dialog box, click
the Close button.
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Initializing a Disk for Saving Data
1. After the Backup/Restore dialog box is
displayed, select media for the Drive first and
then place a disk in the drive.
If the disk has not been initialized for saving
user data, an initialization confirmation
message is displayed.
• If the initialization confirmation message is not displayed after placing a disk that has
not been initialized for saving user data in the drive, click the Refresh button.
reinitialize a disk that has already been initialized for saving user data, place the disk
in the drive, click the Initialize button, and then continue with Step 3.
2. Click the Yes button.
3. Make sure that desired drive is set for the
The following symbols cannot be used for the
volume label: * ? / \ | . , ; : + = [ ] < >. Enter up
to 11 alphanumeric characters. It is convenient
to enter a volume label that allows the disk to
be easily identified as a disk for saving user
You can reduce the format time by checking
() a checkbox next to quick format.
When the Start button is clicked, a message
warning that data will be lost is displayed.
CAUTION: Quick format does not scan defective areas. Therefore, normal formatting, which scans
defective areas, should be used for disks that have not been formatted.
HINT: Quick format allows formatting in less time than normal formatting.(For a 4.7GB Media, normal
formatting requires approximately 14 minutes while quick formatting requires approximately 5 seconds.)
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4. Check the content of the message, and click the
OK button.
The formatting progress is displayed both in
the title and at the bottom of the Format dialog
When formatting is complete, the title of the
Format dialog box changes to a message that
indicates that formatting is complete.
This completes the disk formatting
5. To exit the disk formatting, click the Close
To continue formatting another disk for saving
user data, insert a different disk and click the
Start button.
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Saving Data
1. To save user data, display the Backup/Restore
dialog box, select media for the drive and then
place the initialized disk for saving user data
into the drive.
HINT: If a disk that has not been initialized for saving user data is inserted into the drive, the following
message is displayed.
This disk must be initialized for saving user data. Follow the instructions in the message to initialize the
2. Click the Save... button.
The disk must be formatted for saving user
data, in order for the Save... button to be
The Backup dialog box is displayed.
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3. Select the items to be saved as user data from
the Backup dialog box.
Items with a checkmark () will be saved. The
default setting has all items checked.
Click an item to add and remove its
By clicking the "Sel." column in the list, you
can put or remove checkmarks () on all items
at a time.
You can enter any desired character string in
the comment column. It is convenient to enter a
volume label that allows the content of the data
to be easily identified.
4. Click the Save button.
The saving of user data begins.
When saving is complete, the system returns to
the Backup/Restore dialog box.
5. Make sure that the user data that was saved
appears in the list.
To correct the comment entered in step 3, click
the Comment column in the list and enter a
new comment.
After the comment is corrected, dialog appears.
If you want to change the comment, press the
Yes button. If the comment needs no change,
press the No button.
6. Click the Eject button to eject the disk.
Click the Close button to close the window.
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Loading Data
1. To load user data, display the Backup/Restore
dialog box, select the media for the drive and
then insert a disk to which user data has been
The user data saved on the disk is displayed in
the list. Select the data you want to load.
A checkmark () is displayed next to the data
that is selected.
2. Click the Load... button.
When a checkmark is added next to data, the
Load... button is enabled.
The Restore dialog box is displayed.
3. In the Restore dialog box, select the user data
that you want to load.
Items with a checkmark () will be loaded.
The default setting has all items checked.
Click an item to add and remove its
By clicking the "Sel." column in the list, you
can put or remove checkmarks () on all items
at a time.
4. Click the Load button. The loading of user
data begins.
When loading is complete, the system returns
to the Backup/Restore dialog box.
5. Click the Eject button to eject the disk.
Click the Close button to close the window.
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Deleting Data
1. To delete user data, display the Backup/Restore
dialog box, select the media for the drive and
then insert a disk to which user data has been
The user data saved on the disk is displayed in
the list. Select the data you want to delete.
A checkmark () is displayed next to the data
that is selected.
2. Click the Delete button.
When a checkmark is added next to data, the
Delete button is enabled.
A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
3. Click the Yes button to delete the selected user
4. Click the Eject button to eject the disk.
Click the Close button to close the window.
Identifying Savable User Data
The items displayed in the following chart can be saved to media as user data.
Scanning Protocol
DM 51750v7
Scan Protocol
Scanogram Protocol
Protocol Group
DICOM Region
Accord Mode
Scan Auto Voice
Scanogram Auto Voice
Auto Voice Vocalizations
Auto Voice WAVE
Patient Comments
Study Comments
Series Comments
Contrast Media
Referring Physician
Requesting Physician
Reading Physician
Request Service
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Institution Information
Preference Settings (Scanning1)
Preference Settings (Scanning2)
Patient Data
Predict Scan Options
Guide Shot Options
Image Explorer (Preference Settings 1)
Image Explorer (Preference Settings 2)
Image Viewer (Preference Settings 1)
Image Viewer (Preference Settings 2)
Image Viewer (Preference Settings 3)
Image Viewer (Preference Settings 4)
Image Viewer (Image ID Layout)
DICOM Transmission
MWM Options
MPPS Options
Q/R Options
Real Time MPR
Adaptive Filter
Additional Multi-Slice Image
CEV Options
Hospital Name
Department Name
Station Name
Preference Settings
START/MOVE Button Operation
Scan Viewer Settings
Patient Reservation Data
Customize Data
Customize Data
Image Explorer Settings
Options Settings For Image Explorer
Sort Settings For Startup Image Explorer
Thumbnails Display
Preset Window
Non-linear Window
Filter Preset Data
Floating Window Layout Data
Action Customize Data
Display Items For Patient And Slice Directory
Display Items For Image Properties
Unused Items For Windows Customization
Clear Screen Setting Data
Level Detection Setting Data
Profile Setting Data
Volume/Volume Ratio Calculation Setting Data
Dynamic Function Analysis Setting Data
Histogram Setting Data
Comment Display Setting Data
Image ID Layout Data
3D Customize Data
Color Printing Options Setting Data
Image ID Display Data
Optional Layout Data
Filming Options Setting Data
Printer Setting Data
Film Protocol Data
Film Protocol DB
Trim Setting Data
Option Settings
Search Condition
Performing Physician
Search Condition
Real Time MPR Setting Data
Adaptive Filter Setting Data
Additional Multi-Slice Image Setting Data
CEV Customize Data
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Using RawData Post Reconstruction
Accessing RawData Post Reconstruction Settings
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Click RawData Post Recon. Settings in the
menu that is displayed.
The RawData Post Reconstruction Settings
window is displayed.
2. Click the Exit button to close the RawData
Post Reconstruction Settings window.
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Making RawData Post Reconstruction Settings
1. Select the desired patient record from the
patient information list (A in the figure on the
The series record included in the selected
patient record is displayed in the series
information list (B in the figure on the right).
Select the series record for which you want to
make RawData post reconstruction settings
from the series information list.
• The patient information list is arranged by scanning date and time, with the last patient records at
the top.
• The series information list is arranged in order by serial number.
2. Make sure that the patient ID, patient name,
and series number of the selected patient or
series record are displayed in the appropriate
display areas.
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3. Set the reconstruction parameters.
For more details about reconstruction
parameters, see Understanding the Parameters
for RawData Post Reconstruction on
page 11-17.
4. After setting the reconstruction parameters,
click the Registration button.
The current reconstruction information is
registered in the system as a post
reconstruction queue.
A message is displayed when registration is
To perform a different post reconstruction, repeat
the procedure from Step 1.
5. Click the Exit button to exit the RawData post
reconstruction settings.
A message is displayed to ask whether to
execute the post reconstruction queue that was
6. Click the Yes button to immediately execute
the post reconstruction.
Click the No button if you want to execute the
post reconstruction at a later time. Post
reconstruction queues are implemented from
the Reconstruction Status window. For more
details, see Using the Reconstruction Status
Window Features on page 11-1.
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Understanding the Parameters for RawData Post Reconstruction
Normal scan
The reconstruction type can be set to Normal, Segment A, Segment B, Segment C, or Segment D. However, it
must be set to Segment A if the scan is 0.5 seconds.
The reconstruction range is set as the image start and end positions (or as the number of images).
If the image position was entered from the keyboard, the values that can be set are automatically corrected.
Volume scan
The reconstruction type can be set to Volume only.
The reconstruction range is set as the image start and end positions (or as the number of images).
Image start positions can be set in units of 0.001mm. The spin buttons to the right side of the display area for
the image start position are used to make changes in the following units, starting from the left: 0.001mm,
0.125mm, and image slice thickness (mm).
If the image end position was entered from the keyboard, the values that can be set are automatically
The reconstruction index (mm) cannot be entered from the keyboard.
Dynamic scan
The reconstruction type can be set to Dynamic only.
If the scanning direction is an intermittent dynamic scan for STAY, the reconstruction range is set to the
RawData slice number, with 1 as the starting RawData slice number.
If the scanning direction is an intermittent dynamic scan for IN or OUT, the reconstruction range is set as the
image start and end positions (or as the number of images).
For a continuous dynamic scan, the reconstruction range is set as a relative time, with the scan time of the
starting RawData as 0 seconds.
The reconstruction index (sec) cannot be entered from the keyboard.
Guidelines in Using RawData Post Reconstruction
Be sure to finish completely Since RawData information is updated by image table resetting, if image table resetting is
image table resetting.
cancelled, reconstruction may fail with the RawData information remaining cleared. If image
table resetting is performed, be sure to finish it completely. If it is not finished completely,
RawData post reconstruction may not operate correctly.
Parameters cannot be
operated during post
Since RawData information cannot be loaded while post reconstruction is running, post
reconstruction parameters cannot be displayed. Wait until post reconstruction is completely
finished, and then perform the procedure by selecting a patient record or series record.
Do not include missing
If there is RawData missing non-continuous slice numbers in a series, those slice numbers are
numbers for RawData within displayed in a message. Since RawData with missing numbers does not exist, do not include
the reconstruction range.
them within the reconstruction range. Set the reconstruction parameters so that the missing
RawData slice numbers do not fall between the starting and ending slice numbers, and the click
the Registration button.
The initial display of the
image position for a volume
scan may differ from the
original scan position.
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If a RawData series for a volume scan was selected, the image start and end positions
displayed initially may differ from those when the scan is performed. Differences in table
precision and image position precision cause data collection to begin before the starting data
collection position that is required for the image start position that was scanned.
To perform a post reconstruction in the same position as the original image, check the image
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Resetting the Image Table
This function is used to reconstruct the databases for images and RawData. Image table resetting is not
required for normal use.
The system constructs search databases (image tables) at the same time that images and RawData are
written to magnetic disk.
If this procedure is interrupted prematurely, such as by a power outage while the search database is being
constructed, it may be impossible to load some images and RawData. If this should occur, image table
resetting is performed.
When image table resetting is performed, the database is reconstructed so that images and RawData can
be loaded.
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Click Image Table Reset in the menu that is
The Image Table Reset window is displayed.
HINT: If the Image Explorer is open, the following message is displayed.
Click the Yes button. After the Image Explorer is closed, the Image Table Resetting window is displayed.
2. Finish all other processes before continuing.
Select a target from the drop-down list box.
You can select from the following 4 targets:
All: Targets the databases for images and
Image: Targets the databases for images.
RawData: Targets the databases for
The Last patient: Targets the databases
for images and RawData for the last
registered patient.
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3. Click the OK button to start image table reset.
The Image Table Reset Processing window is
displayed during database reconstruction.
HINT: Database reconstruction may require several minutes, depending upon the number of images
being saved. An approximate time is displayed on the window. The number of images and RawData are
also displayed on the window.
The number of images and RawData for when The Last patient is selected are the number of images
and RawData for the last registered patient.
4. Make sure that the window is displayed.
To cancel image table resetting, click the
Cancel button.
The Image Table Reset Finished window is
displayed when database reconstruction is
HINT: Is the image table resetting is cancelled, the list of images and RawData may not be displayed
in the Image Explorer, and the post reconstruction process may not be performed. Therefore, if image
table reset is cancelled, be sure to perform it again.
5. Click Exit to close the window. This completes
image table reset.
CAUTION: If images or RawData have been corrupted, the following message is displayed.
Click the No button. (Do not click the Yes button.) Contact our service department for assistance.
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Using the Utilities
Using the Calculator
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Utilities in the menu that is displayed,
and then click Calculator in the sub-menu.
The calculator starts.
2. To exit the calculator, click the
the right corner of the title bar.
button in
Using Screen Capture
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Utilities in the menu that is displayed,
and then click Screen Capture in the submenu.
The Screen Capture window is displayed.
2. From the Tools menu, choose Capture Screen
to capture a screen and display it here.
Or, you can perform the same operation by
pressing the Print Screen key on the keyboard,
and then choosing Paste from the Edit menu.
To clear a captured screen, choose Clear from
the Edit menu.
HINT: To copy an analysis image, press the Print Screen key, start the Screen Capture function, and
then paste the captured screen there.
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3. To save a captured screen to the media, choose
Save as from the File menu.
The Save As... dialog box is displayed.
4. Set the directory, file name, and format. You
can select either bitmap (*.bmp) or JPEG
(*.jpg) as the format.
Click the Save button to save the captured
screen to the media.
If the Cancel button is clicked, saving is
HINT: Click the Browse button on the Save As... dialog box to display the directory for the media.
Select a directory and click the OK button to display the directory selected previously as Directory (the
save destination) for Copy Screen.
Using Media Formatter
When the word media is used in this section, it refers to a DVD-RAM.
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Utilities in the menu that is displayed,
and then click Media Formatter in the submenu.
The Formatter dialog box is displayed.
2. Select media for the drive first.
The volume label excludes the characters * ? /
\ | . , ; : + = [ ] < >. Enter up to 11 characters. It
is convenient to enter information that will
allow you to identify the disk, such as date and
patient name.
You can reduce the format time by checking
() a checkbox next to quick format.
When the Start button is clicked, a message
warning that data will be lost is displayed.
CAUTION: Quick format does not scan defective areas. Therefore, normal formatting, which scans
defective areas, should be used for disks that have not been formatted.
HINT: Quick format allows formatting in less time than normal formatting.(For a 4.7GB Media, normal
formatting requires approximately 14 minutes while quick formatting requires approximately 5 seconds.)
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3. Check the content of the message, and click the
OK button.
4. Observe the formatting progress in the title and
the progress bar in the Format dialog box.
5. Verify the formatting is complete.
6. To finish the disk formatting, click the Close
To continue formatting another disk, insert a
different disk and click the Start button.
Displaying the System Log
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Utilities in the menu that is displayed,
and then click System Log Display in the submenu.
The System Log Display window is displayed.
2. Review the log of the errors that have occurred
in the system.
These 8-digit error codes are necessary when
contacting our service department for
assistance regarding errors and error codes.
Click the Exit button to close the System Log
Display window.
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• From the Settings menu, choose Date/Time to display the Date/Time Settings dialog box.
In the Sort Order: drop-down list box, you can select whether the display order is in descending
or ascending dates and times. Use the Display to Milliseconds checkbox to turn the
milliseconds display for date and time on or off.
From the Settings menu, choose Error Code to display the Error Code Settings dialog box.
In the Displayed items : drop-down list box, you can select the error codes to be displayed on the
From the View menu, choose Refresh to display the last log.
Viewing Version Information
1. Click the Menu/Exit button.
Point to Utilities in the menu that is displayed,
and then click Version Information in the
The Version Information window is
2. Review the system version information.
3. Click the Exit button to close the Version
Information window.
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Chapter 12 - Terms and Conditions for Use
of Free Software
This system uses software modules that are licensed as free software.
The list of applicable software modules and the names of license agreements is below. If you have
questions related to these listed software modules, please contact our regional service.
For further terms and conditions for use of software modules, please contact our regional service.
List of Applicable Software Modules
Related software license agreement
other software license agreements
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Name of software modules
zip, unzip
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Radiography Instruction Manual
Chapter 13 - Touch Panel Information
The following information is displayed on the touch panel.
Scanner status
Auto voice button
HU (Heat Unit)
Auto stopwatch button
The remaining storable number of images
Stopwatch button
The remaining storable number of raw data
Scanner rotation stop button
Reconstruction progress status
Pause button (displayed for normal scan only)
Archive progress status
Table movement control button
Hyper Quick Net progress status
Message display area
DICOM transmission progress status
Scan parameters display area
Filming progress status
Countdown area
Table position
Time chart display area
Gantry angle
Examination time, Geometric efficiency, CTDIvol
Table movement direction switch button
Mode switch button
Patient information (Patient ID, Accession number, Sex, Age,
Name, Orientation)
Contrast media display button
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Chapter 14 - Filter Information
The following table shows filter information.
Filter No.
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Filter Name
Head Smooth
Head Medium Smooth
Head Standard
Head Medium Sharp
Head Sharp
Lung Smooth
Lung Medium Smooth
Lung Standard
Lung Medium Sharp
Lung Sharp
Abdomen Smooth
Abdomen Medium Smooth
Abdomen Standard / Mediastinum Smooth
Abdomen Medium Sharp / Mediastinum Standard
Abdomen Sharp / Mediastinum Sharp
Bone Smooth
Bone Medium Smooth
Bone Standard
Bone Medium Sharp
Bone Sharp
Pediatrics Head
Pediatrics Abdomen
Temporal bone Hi-Res Standard
Temporal bone Hi-Res Sharp
Body Hi-Res Standard
Body Hi-Res Sharp
For service use
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Chapter 15 - Scan Condition Setting with
Conditions that allow the operator to enable SSAC by slice number are as follows:
○: possible to enable SSAC
×: impossible to enable SSAC
-: impossible to set condition
16 Slice Conditions
0.625 X 8
0.625 X 16
1.250 X 16
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Slice Pitch
(Beam Pitch)
Image Slice Thickness(mm)
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8 Slice Conditions
0.625 X 8
1.250 X 8
2.500 X 8
Slice Pitch
(Beam Pitch)
Image Slice Thickness(mm)
4 Slice Conditions
0.625 X 4
1.250 X 4
2.500 X 4
3.750 X 4
5.000 X 4
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Slice Pitch
(Beam Pitch)
Image Slice Thickness(mm)
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Chapter 16 - Abbreviation Glossary
Acc. - Accession
Add. - Addition
Adj. - Adjustment
ADNR - Auto Data Noise Reduction
ADPP - Auto Data Perfection Process
B.G.C. - Bowel Gas Correction
B.H.C. - Beam Hardening Correction
Calc. - Calculation
Calib. -Calibration
Char. -Character
Cmt. - Comment
Cont. - Continuous
Corr. - Correction
Decb. - Decubitus
Dir. - Direction
Dist. - Distance
Exam. - Examination
Geo. Effic. – Geometric Efficiency
Hi-Res. - High-resolution
Info. - Information
Mag. - Magnification
Max. - Maximum
Min. - Minimum
No. - Number
Param. - Parameter
Pat. - Patient
Phys. - Physician
Pnt. - Point
Pos. - Position
Prev. - Previous
Recon. - Reconstruction
Ref. - Reference
Regi. - Registration
Remain. - Remaining
Req. - Request
Res. - Resolution
Resrv. - Reservation
Scano. - Scanogram
Sel. - Selection
Seq. - Sequence
Trans. - Transmission
Vol. - Volume
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