Uploaded by Oscar Fred

St. Lawrence Lowlands: Geography & Resources

St Lawrence Lowlands
By Oscar Frederickson
This is where
the St
Lowlands is
located on the
How did geological processes
help form the St Lawrence
• The current terrain of the lowlands is
the consequence of the last continental
glacier, which was followed by marine
submergence, emergence, and, lastly,
river erosion and deposition.
The approximate
age of St Lawrence
• The approximate age of the
St Lawrence Lowlands is
• This means the St Lawrence
Lowlands are (144-97.5
million years old).
Unique Physical
Characteristics of the St
Lawrence Lowlands
• The distinctive physical qualities of the
St. Lawrence lowlands include
farmlands, cities, mixed woodlands, and
marshes. There are also mixed forests of
coniferous and deciduous trees in the
Lawrence Lowlands.
The major cities are "Quebec City, Toronto, Montreal, and Trois-Rivières.
Major cities in St Lawrence
Unique Biological
Characteristics of
the St Lawrence
• White-tailed deer,
American black bear,
moose, coyote, red
fox, bobcat,
snowshoe hare,
North American
porcupine, American
beaver, American
marten, raccoon, and
the least chipmunk
are some of the
characteristics of the
St. Lawrence
Human Settlements
located on the St
Lawrence Lowlands
• The St. Lawrence Lowlands
are one of Canada's most
densely inhabited, rich, and
productive areas. Québec
City is a major urban area.
The Mohawk, Algonquian,
and Iroquoian peoples, as
well as the Cree, all had
traditional holdings in the
Natural Resources on
the St Lawrence
• Minerals that are found in the St
Lawrence land is Iron ore, zinc,
coal, silver, copper, and lead.
• Mining is the related industry.
Resources on the
St Lawrence
• Soil is another
important factor for
natural resources in the
St Lawrence Lowlands.
What human activities occur on
the St Lawrence Lowlands?
• The dry and humid environment of the St.
Lawrence lowlands allows for a range of
outdoor activities including as hockey,
swimming, lacrosse, badminton, soccer,
football, baseball, and golf.
Art made by
Scott Bailey
• Scott Bailey creates
landscape-based paintings,
animations and digital
• St. Lawrence Lowland. The Canadian Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22,
2023, from https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/st-lawrencelowland#:~:text=Lake%20Champlain%20valley.,Geological%20History,finally%2C%20river%20erosion%20and%20deposition.
• Nature conservancy of Canada. NCC: Nature Conservancy of Canada. (n.d.).
Retrieved February 22, 2023, from https://www.natureconservancy.ca/en/
The sources
• Great Lakes St.Lawrence Lowlands. Smore. (2014, October 18). Retrieved February
22, 2023, from https://www.smore.com/hzdff-great-lakes-st-lawrencelowlands#:~:text=Outdoor%20Activities,The%20St.,%2C%20football%2C%20baseball%20and%20golf.
• Bailey, S. (2016, January 29). Student-Spark.ca. StudentSparkca. Retrieved February
22, 2023, from https://schoolblogs.rockyview.ab.ca/student-spark/?p=181
• Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Lowlands. Regions of Canada. (n.d.). Retrieved February
22, 2023, from https://regionsofcan.weebly.com/great-lakes---st-lawrencelowlands.html