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TLIL2060 Transport Industry Induction Assessment

TLIL2060 – Complete induction to
the transport industry
Written Assessment
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
Last updated on 14/09/2018
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Version 2
Welcome to the Participant Guide for TLIL2060 Complete induction to the transport industry from
the TLI10 Transport and Logistics Training Package (Version 4.0). If you are using this guide you
are probably about to take part in the assessment of this unit of competency.
This guide is divided into four sections.
The introductory section will give you information about the unit of competency, the
assessment process, how evidence is collected and what you are required to achieve.
The second section contains assessment tasks that you will need to complete successfully to
achieve competence. Your assessor will discuss them with you. If necessary, your assessor
will customise the assessment tasks to suit specific requirements.
The third section includes a copy of the unit of competency, so that you can see how the
assessments are used to show that you are competent.
The last section is a glossary.
Your assessor will go over the guide and the assessment tasks with you before assessment and
explain the requirements in detail.
Target group
TLIL2060 Complete induction to the transport industry is one of the core units for the Certificate IV,
Transport and logistics (car driving Instruction).
The Logistics qualifications were developed with industry to align driving instruction roles and
functions to a qualification. To achieve the qualification there is a requirement to complete core
units, licence units, and specialised core units.
The scoping of the assessment tasks to the unit of competency is located in the Scope of
assessment tool sections in this booklet.
About the Unit of Competency
This unit of competency is from the TLIL2060 Complete induction to the transport industry in the
Transport and Logistics Training Package. This resource has been developed to meet the needs of
key stakeholders including industry, participants, assessors, registered training organisations
(RTOs) and auditors.
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
What to expect
Your assessor will meet with you and explain the various steps in your assessment. During the
assessment your assessor will use a specially designed RTO Resource to keep a record of your
performance and any advice or feedback you receive.
Briefing session with participant
Participant Guide
Record participant and assessor
RTO Resource
Carry out assessment
Participant Guide and RTO Resource
Record evidence collected
RTO Resource
Record feedback and obtain sign off
RTO Resource
Record results
RTO Resource
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
What is competence?
To complete these assessment tasks satisfactorily you will need to demonstrate competence – but
what does this mean?
The unit of competency in this resource has been defined in the TLI10 Transport and Logistics
Training Package (Version 4.0). It is one of hundreds of training packages that address the skills
and knowledge needs of Australian industry and form part of the national vocational education and
training system, or ‘VET’.
Underpinning the VET system is the concept of competence, defined as:
‘the ability to perform tasks and duties to the standard expected in the workplace’.
Competence involves the application of specific skills, knowledge and attitudes to the work
performance in an industry, an industry sector or an enterprise. Competence is rarely achieved in a
one-off demonstration. It needs to be developed holistically – that is, bringing a range of skills and
knowledge together – and over time in a real or simulated workplace. To achieve competence you
need to demonstrate that you can perform a given task to the standard defined in an endorsed unit
of competency.
Assessment process
The assessment tasks in this guide have been designed to allow you to demonstrate that you have
the skills and knowledge to meet the requirements of this unit of competency. The assessment
process will vary depending on your individual circumstances and your assessor. Before the
assessment commences, your assessor will:
make sure that you know the time, date and venue of the assessment
explain the assessment task fully
make provision for any special support you may need
organise and arrange all required resources.
On completion of the assessment your assessor will:
communicate the outcomes of assessment to you and provide feedback for future
record assessment decisions and complete assessment documentation
ask you to acknowledge the assessment task outcomes and feedback by signing and dating
the assessment documentation.
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
What is your assessor looking for?
Your assessor is looking for evidence that you are competent in all the tasks in this Participant
Guide. To make a judgement of your competence, your assessor may ask you to:
discuss a scenario
carry out a practical demonstration
answer questions
undertake some other form of assessment, such as submit a portfolio of your work or a thirdparty report on your job performance.
To show that you are competent you must be able to:
perform the task to workplace standards
manage a range of different tasks (multi-tasking)
respond to contingencies or breakdowns
deal with the responsibilities of the workplace, including working with others.
You will need to show you can do this consistently, over time and in relevant workplace situations
and environments.
Workplace situations
Evidence for assessment should be gathered in the workplace. However, this may not always be
possible for a number of reasons including:
you may not yet be employed in a suitable workplace
the workplace may not be large enough to support appropriate assessment activities
it may be difficult for you to access organisational information or there may be confidentiality
it may not be possible to assess some tasks in the workplace, such as tasks around
emergency response.
Therefore, scenarios based on typical workplace situations have been provided that can be used
with the assessment tasks, if evidence cannot be collected in an actual workplace. Your assessor
use these scenarios as they are
change the scenarios to meet workplace needs
create new scenarios based around specific workplace situations
Third Party Reports
Third-party reports might be used to obtain supplementary evidence to show that you are
competent in a task. These reports could be obtained from your supervisor or a team member that
you have worked with. For example, a report may be obtained from your team members to confirm
that you can communicate and work with others and that you have done this over a period of time.
If your assessor is going to ask for a third-party report they will need to get your permission before
approaching your supervisor or team members. You will always be shown the final report and
asked to sign off on it.
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
Appeals and reassessment
If you disagree with the assessment result, under the principles of assessment you have the
opportunity to appeal the result and be reassessed if necessary.
The registered training organisation (RTO) that you are enrolled with will have an appeals and
reassessment policy and process. Your assessor should discuss this process with you before
starting this assessment.
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RTO ID: 45119
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Version 2
Formative assessment
1.1 Identify major areas of the transport industry in terms of organisational structures, functions and
Activity 1
Briefly explain the role of at least three external organisations that can be found in the transport
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
1.2 Equipment and technology used in the workplace are identified in terms of basic features and functions
Activity 2:
2. List four examples of equipment or technology used in the transport industry.
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
2.1 Individual driver responsibilities under the current legislation, workplace policies and procedures are
identified and acted on in the conduct of duties.
Refer to activity 3
3. Describe five driver responsibilities under the current legislation, workplace policies and procedures.
4. What are five policies and procedures that need to follow?
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
2.2 Individual responsibilities under licence conditions applicable to the operation of vehicles and
conditions attached to vehicle drivers are identified and acted upon in the conduct of duties
Activity 4
5. Under the Roads and Maritime services, what is the criteria for obtaining a driving instructors licence.
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
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Version 2
3. Identify key elements of industrial relations environment in which the driver works
3.1 Key elements of industrial relations environment in which the driver works are identified
Activity 5
5. What is the common status of employment of a driving instructor.
6. Find out what the industrial relations environment is for your state or territory and describe what the
key elements are for instructors.
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
3.2 Rights and responsibilities of drivers under contracts are identified
Activity 6
7. What are the rights of a driving instructor?
[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box
anywhere in the document. Use the Text Box Tools tab to change the formatting of the pull quote text box.]
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
8. What are the responsibilities of a driving instructor
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RTO ID: 45119
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Version 2
Question 9
List five legislation or regulations, including health and safety and road safety legislation, environmental
procedures and regulations and key elements of industrial relations relevant to the transport industry.
Question 10
What is the purpose of having workplace procedures, codes of practice, standards and duty of care, roles
and responsibilities requirements, sources of information and documentation in the transport industry?
Where would they be found? (100-150 words)
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
Question 11
Describe the emergency procedures drivers need to follow, and what they need to be able to communicate
(150 words).
Question 12
What are four examples of basic workplace documentation and recordkeeping procedures required by
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
Question 13
Why is it necessary to have customer service standards and procedures?
Question 14
Suggest three workplace hazards and related minimisation procedures, including Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) and instructions for its use?
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
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Version 2
Project 1.
This project assesses the skills and knowledge required to complete workplace induction procedures when
commencing work in the transport industry, including identifying major areas of the industry in terms of
functions, organisational structures and occupations, applying legislation, Regulations and codes of practice
and identifying key industrial relations elements.
You need to select an industry sector and conduct the necessary research to write your report.
Write a 1000 word report to address the following questions:
• Describe the organisational structure of the industry and the relationship of structure to each
occupation and classification grouping.
• What equipment and technology is used in the workplace in terms of basic features and functions?
• What are the individual driver responsibilities under the current legislation when conducting their
• What are the individual responsibilities under workplace policies and procedures when conducting
their duties?
• What are the individual responsibilities under licence conditions applicable to the operation of
vehicles and conditions attached to vehicle drivers when conducting their duties?
• What are the key elements of industrial relations environment in which the driver works?
• What are the rights and responsibilities of drivers under contracts?
• How would you adapt appropriately to cultural differences in the workplace, including modes of
behaviour and interactions with others?
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Communicate effectively with others when completing workplace orientation and induction procedures
Relevant performance criteria
Organisational structure of the driving instructor industry and the relationship of structure
to each occupation and classification grouping are outlined
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
1. Answer enquiries from employee undergoing induction using agreed techniques or deal with a
colleague role playing induction questions in a polite and helpful manner.
2. Listen and ask appropriate questions to find out what the employee needs and why they need it
to alter your induction
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Read and interpret instructions, procedures, information and signs relevant to the job role
Relevant performance criteria
Individual driver responsibility under the current legislation are identified and acted on in
the conduct of duties
Individual responsibilities under work place policies and procedures are identified and
acted on in the conduct of duties
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Find a policy and interpret it as you understand and report to a supervisor or colleague who can
provide feedback for you
Where possible report on a situation where a new employee question was raised and how it was
answered according to organisation policy.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Interpret and follow operational instructional instructions and prioritise work
Relevant performance criteria
Individual responsibilities under licence conditions applicable to the operation of
vehicles and conditions attached to vehicle drivers are identified and acted upon in
the conduct of duties
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Report on a situation where you followed operational instructions satisfactorily - get this action verified
by a colleague or supervisor.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Complete documentation related to job role
Relevant performance criteria
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Show a recent workplace induction document you have completed and the procedure followed to
records and documented are maintained
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
Last updated on 14/09/2018
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Operate electronic communication equipment to required protocol
Operate electronic communication equipment to required protocol Relevant performance criteria
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Use any electronic communication devise found in your work place correctly as verified by assessor
observation or supervisor corroboration
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Work collaboratively with others when completing job role activities
Relevant performance criteria
Adapt appropriately to cultural differences in the workplace, including modes of behaviour
And interactions with others
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Work with a colleague or new employee demonstrating your ability to consider others ad
policy and have this verified by a supervisor.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Review interactions with other staff taking into account their cultural differences. Suggest ways in which
to modify behaviour in order to have the best interactions with these people
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Prompt/y report and/or address any identified problems that may occur when completing
induction to the transport industry
Relevant performance criteria
Rights and responsibilities of drivers under contracts are identified
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Check a part of an induction that you or a colleague does ensuring the correct information is recorded
and confirmed. Report the procedures to follow if something becomes a problem and how you would
deal with that situation and have it verified by a supervisor.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
Last updated on 14/09/2018
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Monitor work activities in terms of planned schedule
Relevant performance criteria
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Keep a work log or diary for a day and then highlight those things that were not planned activities.
Reflect on how you could have dealt with these better in the future and share with your supervisor.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
Last updated on 14/09/2018
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Modify activities depending on differing operational contingencies, risk situations and environments
Relevant performance criteria
Key elements of industrial relations environment in which the driver works are
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Observe and check a number of different inductions and report on how these may be changed according
to different contexts, risks and environments. Discuss with your supervisor to ensure your report is
accurate and realistic.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
Last updated on 14/09/2018
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Apply fatigue management knowledge and techniques
Relevant performance criteria
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Describe a scenario where fatigue may play a role in induction, or similar circumstances, and suggest
ways to minimise or eliminate the risks associated with this fatigue.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
Last updated on 14/09/2018
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Work systematically with required attention to detail without injury to see or others, or E
damage to goods or equipment
Relevant performance criteria
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Conduct a simple demonstration of the correct lifting of a heavy item in order to reduce the risk of injury.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
Last updated on 14/09/2018
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Identify workplace products and services and their features
Relevant performance criteria
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Demonstrate several products and services and their features from your workplace to a new employee
or colleague.
Show where and how to find information on several other products and services for new employees to
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
TLIL2060 – Complete induction to the transport industry
Last updated on 14/09/2018
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Identify and correctly use equipment, processes and procedures
Relevant performance criteria
Equipment and technology used in the workplace are identified in terms of basic features
and functions
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Demonstrate the correct use of any equipment that is used for instruction purposes. Have a supervisor
or colleague to verify correct use.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Operate and adapt to differences in equipment in accordance with standard operating
Relevant performance criteria
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Compare two similar pieces of equipment used in your workplace and explain the differences between
Conduct a short explanatory session on how to use this equipment to a colleague or new employee
according to standard operating procedures.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
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Version 2
Observation report
The participant must demonstrate that they can perform the following required skills related
performance criteria.
Required skill
Select and use required personal protective equipment conforming to industry and OH&S
Relevant performance criteria
When completed satisfactorily the following task will provide evidence of performance.
121 Driver Training has contextualised the tasks:
Relevant to the driver training industry
In line with reasonable adjustment practices
To the environment in which the assessment is conducted
Have a colleague or supervisor select equipment in your workplace and you correctly select and
demonstrate to them the personal protective equipment that conforms to industry and health and
safety standards.
Trainer/assessor’s comments in detail on their observation
Context and date of observation
Task observed or evidence provided
Comments, e.g. Strengths, limitations, development needs
Academy of Road Safety – 02 9863 7999
RTO ID: 45119
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Last updated on 14/09/2018
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Version 2