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PhD Roadmap Colorful Version (1)

The PhD Roadmap
The final
The messy
Welcome to The PhD Roadmap!
As an experienced PhD supervisor, examiner, and independent chair
I have recognized common themes and concerns for doctoral
researchers that arise in different phases of the process. This
document is designed to walk you through what to look out for
during your PhD journey so that a) things don’t take you by surprise
b) you can prepare for what you might meet c) you can be reassured
that it isn’t just you - other PhD students are almost certainly
struggling with the same things.
Each page deals with one phase and identifies some key areas of
activity as well as some of the common ‘potholes’ to look out for - to
milk my metaphor! I am, of course, painting with broad brushstrokes
here. Every PhD journey is unique - which is what makes it so
special! - and you may find that there are themes that recur for you
while others you don’t come across. This document is designed as a
general guide and I do hope you find it useful. Please do let me
know how things go for you. If you are looking for further support
there are some suggestions on the final page.
Wishing you well in your research at whatever phase you find
yourself at!
Dr Emma Brodzinski (PhD, PGDip, SFHEA, HCPC registered therapist)
Research Proposal
What is going on at this phase in the journey:
Identifying a viable research project
Finding a suitable supervisor/supervisory team
Exploring funding options
Potholes in the road to look out for:
Remember that you are looking to define a place to begin.
Be careful not to be too broad in scope
Interview your potential supervisory team and institution
carefully - make sure they are a good fit for you
Starting Out
What is going on in this phase of the journey
University induction/negotiating a new academic system
Undertaking training
Scoping out your field of research
Submitting your first pieces of writing/results and receiving
Upgrade process
Potential potholes in the road to look out for:
Managing Overwhelm
Developing Healthy Working Patterns
Fostering New Working Relationships
Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
The Messy Middle
What is going on in this phase of the journey:
Change of rhythm
Less contact with supervisor
Presentations, conferences and teaching
Potential potholes in the road to look out for:
Post upgrade blues
Losing motivation
The Final Countdown
What is going on in this phase of the journey
Change of rhythm - diving in and crystallizing your research
A shift in dynamic with your supervisor as you become the
Looking towards life beyond the PhD
Potential potholes in the road to look out for:
Anxiety around lack of time
Concerns that the work will not meet PhD standards
Trying to finish the PhD and start work at the same time
Preparing for Your Viva
(and beyond)
What is going on in this phase of the journey
Identifying developments in the field since submission
Career development
Potential potholes in the road to look out for:
Post submission burnout
Carving out time to focus on the PhD
Managing anxiety around presentation
If you would like some extra support on the journey:
Tune in to The PhD Life Raft Podcast - new episode every Tuesday
Follow me on social media - I mainly hang out on instagram
PhD Plan-a-thon
The PhD Detox - A 6 week course
1 to 1 Support