AP Statistics Quiz 11.2 Name: DegukB 1. Determine which chi-square test is appropriate in each of the following settings. Explain your reasoning. Do not carry out the test! (a) Have older cell-phone users caught on to texting? A random sample of individuals who are less than 30 years old and a random sample of individuals who are at least 30 years old were asked if they make more phone calls or send more text messages on their cell phone on a typical day. Here are the results: Response to question More texts More phone calls Total I categorical Age group Less than 30 At least 30 146 32 34 98 180 130 Total 178 132 310 2 populations Conduct a thi Squaretestof A Homogeneity response to question (b) Are older and younger employees equally prone to having accidents? To investigate this question, a researcher at a light manufacturing plant classified a random sample of accidents by type and by age of the employee. Accident type Sprain Burn Cut Total Less than 25 9 17 5 31 Age At least 25 61 13 12 86 Total 70 30 17 117 Accifttyre age 2 categoricalvariables from1 population so use Chisquare testof independence Starnes/Tabor, The Practice of Statistics, 6/e I accidents © 2018 BFW Publishers, Inc. 2. Mrs. Overstreet is studying fathers' involvement in their children's education. She interviews a random sample of fathers of school-age children in a large school district. One question concerns regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences. Here is a two-way table of the results: Expectedtakes 10334 112.53 228 12 884 9 63 1952 Two-parent 84 50.30 22.8 24 Family type Attended all 109 15 11 135 Single-parent Non-resident father Total Attendance rate Attended some Attended none 132 203 10 13 5 82 147 298 Total 444 38 98 580 (a) The segmented bar graph (provided below) illustrates the relationship between these two variables. Describe what you see. It seems that the singh family fathers attend conferences morecomp to on tho types th non resident fathers seem to not gotochild conferences (b) Do the data give convincing statistical evidence of an association between family type and how often fathers attended parent-teacher conferences? chi gofindep theschool is no associationbetweenAttendancerateandfamilytype in State Ho there distribution school the Tee is an associationbetweenAttendancerateandfamilytype in distribution RandomStatedthatthis is a Ian random 101 580 islessthan101 largecounts All sample of allfathers expectedcounts so x limit one since th pale galto5 aregreaterore 43115,1 t 1 18258 is 42 54.774 O werejectthenullandMarly infavor ofalternatewith association between Starnes/Tabor, The Practice of Statistics, 6/e p attending value to and familytype 54.724 d7 4 © 2018 BFW Publishers, Inc. I pe