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Next-Gen Architecture Guide

The Ultimate Guide for
Next-gen Architecture
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Purpose, Audience &
This publication guides IT and business professionals on how to introduce a modern application
architecture. Learn how to support today’s challenging business initiatives and create an ecosystem of
technologies for successful innovative applications. Now is the time. B2C and B2B customers are more and
more digitally-enabled across every industry and expect next-generation technologies.
This guide begins with why an adoption is needed, what is necessary to embrace the change, and how
to achieve next-generation architecture. It discusses how to accelerate to cloud-native architectures with
three key components—ending on the 10 recommended steps to adopt a next-generation architecture.
Who should read:
Objectives of this Guide:
• IT Leader
• Business Architects
• Digital Product Leaders
• Application Architects
• Digital Business Leader
• Recommend the best practices to embrace the move
to a new type of IT architecture
• Enterprise Architects
What Will Readers Gain?
Learn how to choose the capabilities next-generation of architectures must have and be able to:
• Understand current industry trends
• Identify agile technologies to fill technical gaps
• Follow best practices to create limitless innovative applications
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In this guide
A Case for Change
It’s About People
Speed Matters
Real-time Capabilities
Service in the Cloud
New Business Requirements
API Platform
Event Processing
The Key Principles for Next-Gen Architecture
Adopt a Pragmatic Approach
Introduce Cultural Changes
Define Your Ecosystem’s Key Components
Clearly Define What You Need
Shatter the Shale
Build Skills
Shift Your Mindset
Manage and Govern Your APIs
Be Pragmatic
Create Solutions
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Why You Need to Adopt
Next-gen Architecture
Disruptive events are reshaping the global economy, and no
industry is immune. Many enterprises have discovered their
lack of technological agility makes it difficult to quickly adapt
to major events like economic downturns, changing customer
demands, global pandemics, and natural disasters.
Global markets and customers are evolving. Application
architecture must evolve to meet the moment of digital
business. Progress will never stop or slow down.
You need to be able to:
n Deliver multi-channel experiences
n Scale and grant service availability
n Support customer-oriented experiences
Recent world events have exposed the fragility of many
business and technological working practices; the need for
flexibility is driven by a complete reset of business priorities—a
top-of-mind priority for most executives.
A Case for Change
An increasingly digital world is creating new demands
on application services to support the latest trends and
requirements. Previously, your architectural landscape changed
to meet the specifications of mobile devices and cloudbased deployments. Today, you need to add in the latest
requirements for exponential growth of IoT and edge devices,
hybrid deployments able to handle both on-premises and
cloud workloads, and include even serverless computing where
machine resources are allocated on demand.
The traditional three-tier approach is steadily becoming less
relevant due to its limited capability to adapt to a new generation
of applications and customers.
A recent study from IDC reveals that companies
will take advantage of competitors’ weaknesses to
capture market shares. This same study highlights that
companies have a strong need to take advantage of
new emerging technologies.
Sustain and adapt your business by evolving on every level:
processes, people, and systems. Your business needs a full
360-degree change to create a sustainable foundation for the
future. It’s a make-or-break moment where today’s actions
decide if you will thrive or be left behind.
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With the recent disruptive events, enterprises fall
into distinct types:
Those that shrink
because they can’t
adapt rapidly
Those already
that adapt to
accelerate growth.
Those that invest
in innovation
to narrow their
digital gap.
Those that
completely upend
their business
models to explore
new opportunities.
Those that hold
steady and seek
cost efficiencies.
Those that
emphasize new
digital services.
It’s About People
The best businesses are people-centric, where employees and
customers are at the heart of everything they do. Internally,
people are the ones controlling the business strategies that
determine the company’s goals and output. To achieve this, IT
systems and applications need to support those goals, but in a
way that optimizes the human side of operations.
For better insights, more companies are turning to data to
support and validate strategic decision-making processes.
Analytics tools are increasingly unlocking the value of market
segment data, customer behavior and spend metrics, and
production and defect data by supporting and critically
validating the decision-making process.
The reality is that most businesses are not achieving these
goals in the way they want. Business teams still find themselves
disconnected from application development teams and
struggle to get the systems that support them. This disconnect
is often caused by differing priorities and resource restrictions,
which forces IT to fight to keep up with new requirements while
tending to legacy architectures where even the smallest change
can have significant ramifications.
With the introduction of a citizen developer culture,
business users can build solutions in collaboration
with IT teams. Equipping IT teams with technologies
that build on existing systems, unleash data assets,
and integrate with the latest technologies, help
create employee synergies that increase productivity,
efficiency, and agility.
Speed Matters
The much-needed paradigm shift won’t only benefit B2C
initiatives. It will also have an advantage in building more
seamless and flexible B2B applications that offer innovative
services and products.
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With changing customer needs and expectations, the
application landscape has evolved. Digital innovation is not
just about connecting internal systems by wrapping monolithic
applications for a limited number of departmental users. Every
industry has started to understand the value and need of
offering APIs that rapidly scale when needed. There is no choice,
and if you’re not up to it, you might as well close up shop.
Every digital transformation plan that creates new services or
applications, every operational system on-premises or cloudbased, has to be connected and integrated. But integration is
just the first step.
Volume and speed of data is growing and will only continue;
businesses need to be positioned to take advantage.
Real-time Capabilities
As many industries shift from working in a reactive mode to
a much more proactive one, messages need to be processed
in real time. As the value of information declines over time,
real-time capability is more important than ever. It is critical
to process, anticipate, or even predict what will happen next—
regardless of whether it’s in banking, manufacturing, retail, or
the travel industry.
From a business point of view, an opportunity
only exists for a limited time, and once the
window closes, any action taken won’t produce
the same outcome. This can apply to anything
from machine maintenance to marketing offers.
By processing real-time generated data like vibration levels,
electrical current, production quality, and tool utilization, it is
possible to predict outcomes by applying machine learning
(ML) models that could predict when the machine will need
maintenance or upgrade. In retail marketing, you need to be
sending offers to potential customers in the shop or at the till
because once they’re far away, it’s unlikely they will return.
Service in the Cloud
With the accelerated pace of digital transformation, CIOs and
CTOs are also prioritizing migration of traditional services from
on-premises data centers to cloud platforms. They’ve realized that,
with the cloud, IT can deploy resources more effectively, releasing
staff that used to be dedicated to maintaining in-house data
centers, thus gaining more agility with cloud-native architectures
where scaling and provisioning is simpler to implement.
With cloud-native container-based applications, it is possible to
scale when needed, for the time that it’s needed. Additionally,
many SaaS providers are offering their services through APIs,
and companies with legacy architectures must quickly adapt to
avoid lagging behind competitors. In worse cases, companies
relying on monolithic applications, where every single
functionality is tightly coupled, can incur business interruptions
every time a new service is added since it may cause side
effects for other parts of the application.
Recently, a major semiconductor manufacturer
needed to integrate with one of its supplier’s APIs
because it planned to decommission the previously
used legacy protocol to exchange data. Because
the manufacturer had already established a hybrid
architecture with an iPaaS, it integrated seamlessly
with the supplier within days without incurring any
service interruption.
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New Business Requirements
With challenging markets, businesses are becoming more
demanding in requesting application capabilities that provide
rich user experiences, that support new business models, and
that ensure real-time intelligence to take advantage of any
opportunity. Not in months but days.
These new business requirements are frequently hindered by
existing applications and architectures. For many years, the
approach to create monolithic three-layer applications was
the optimal choice, but it’s now an obstacle due to inflexibility
of the architecture and years of accumulated technical debt.
While these applications are essential to support business
operations, they’ve also become a roadblock.
There’s no shortcut. Every organization must modernize its
application portfolio and deliver new capabilities to enable
digital business transformation.
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What: A New Architecture
for Today’s Challenges
Is simply moving to the cloud enough to keep up with
upcoming technologies and becoming future-proof?
Unfortunately not.
The following application architecture trends identified by
Gartner1 can facilitate transformation using a pragmatic,
iterative approach:
• Mesh app and service architecture (MASA)
• API platform strategy
• Event-processing architecture
Let’s look into each of the components to understand
the importance:
The MASA architecture codifies the best practices that have
emerged over the last few years through digital cloud-native
projects. MASA provides the platform to connect people,
processes, services, content, devices, and things. It is based
on a multidimensional model where an application is made
of an interconnected mesh of independent and autonomous
apps and services. It often incorporates functions from other
applications to create functionality that is shared with other
systems via APIs.
Gartner, Top 3 Trends in Application Architecture That Enable Digital Business, Anne
Thomas, Yefim Natis, Mark O’ Neill, 28 October, 2019
As digital services for the end user are separated from systems
of record, new services can be added independent of the
backend system. The result is greater architectural flexibility.
Teams can also decide to develop services in a variety of
programming languages of choice, leveraging the strengths of
each along with the adopted framework.
Because businesses are highly competitive, to differentiate,
most need underlying technology to create fast-evolving
applications. This requires more frequent updates of new
features. A service architecture can address this need
by supporting continuous delivery and minimal service
interruption. Businesses must have an architecture that
supports fast prototyping of new services without long
development cycles. They need speed in releasing a quick
and dirty version of an application and analyzing data on how
the app performs on the market with real customers (or on
a selected subset of customers). Those insights can be used
to understand what needs to change and what works. Today,
being able to prototype, release, test, and refine is an added
value that only service architectures can deliver.
API Platform
APIs are the connective tissue in today’s ecosystems that allow
services to exchange information. They are at the core of a
service architecture and act as a mediation layer to ensure that
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all connections between apps and services are abstracted and
flexible. In a modern architecture, the API-based mediation layer
maps “outer APIs,” designed to be published and consumed
externally to “inner APIs” attached to internal services and
performing specific tasks.
However, the increasing number of APIs need to be managed
and governed by a platform capable of grouping them into
business capabilities: design, build, publish, and consume.
With an API platform, it is possible to manage API delivery,
publication, and product management, and offer a searchable
API marketplace that uses the concept of composable business.
APIs aren’t new; to some degree, most
companies have already adopted API-first and
API-led strategies to encapsulate critical business
capabilities and data.
Event Processing
Businesses want real-time situational awareness so they can
respond in the moment to opportunities and threats before
it’s too late. This requires the ability to recognize and respond
to events, which are business moments in the physical or
digital realm.
Events are important because real world interactions are eventdriven, and the value of an event is strictly time-limited. The
longer you wait to act, the less impact you can have.
Events Require Action
Imagine that while at the shopping mall you see a
promotional video of a new product on a kiosk. At
the end of the promotional video, you’re offered a
coupon for a discount. You really like the product and
apply. Then you start checking your email, but nothing
arrives. Then you check again. And again. And again,
but receive no coupon. You’re sure that you’re able to
receive emails! After some waiting you give up—even
if you like the product, you won’t buy it because the
full price is too high. There are many other examples
with even greater consequences from missing realtime, situational events.
This is not to say that older events have no value; events
provide context for interpreting what is happening now and
determining an appropriate action. The ability to correlate new
and past events can often spark insight into next best actions.
Think about the possibility of correlating the real-time energy
consumption of a plant against past patterns of events. Would
it be possible to anticipate events and optimize consumption to
decrease cost and avoid wasting energy?
Event processing must be part of a modern
architecture where people, processes, applications,
and analytics can subscribe to and take advantage of
real-time data.
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There are a vast range of possibilities for event processing:
• Proactive notifications when a certain event occurs
• Real-time marketing
• Real-time fraud detection
• Predictive maintenance
• Digital twin understanding
• Streaming analytics to improve or speed AI and ML
• Edge awareness leading to better services, greater efficiency,
cost savings
Event processing isn’t a new concept, but it has yet to achieve
widespread adoption in enterprise applications—except in a
very few specific cases. Often the required skills haven’t been
easy to find.
But now, with no-coding and visual programming tools, the
complexity of implementing event flows is reduced and often
possible through simple drag and drop interconnection of
specialized components. With the fast pace of modern business,
and the requirement to operate 24/7, organizations have a
strong need to be able to process real-time information. Their
systems need to be as responsive (automatic) as possible to
adapt to any new requirement.
Must All Three Be the Foundation of
Digital Transformation?
Mesh application service architecture, APIs, and event
processing: all three contribute to creating a well-defined,
future-proof ecosystem. All three enable more agile, multichannel capabilities, greater scalability and availability, and
faster evolution of applications and processing of events.
An architecture formed by these three technologies results
in an ideal environment for building responsive next-gen
applications that:
• Deliver agility at scale by running in the cloud and
responding intelligently to events
• Implement core business logic within highly flexible digital
services built with microservices or miniservices
• Evolve through a highly connected foundation of interacting
components that are discoverable, manageable, and secure
• Support further application patterns and methodologies like
composable business to avoid reinventing the wheel
What does your enterprise need to be able to transform its
current application architectural landscape and ready itself
to build a new generation of applications? It needs a vision, a
blueprint, and the right technology. If one is missing, you can’t
achieve your goal.
Some great technologies are ready to support you: APIs,
microservices/miniservices, high-performance event brokers
like Kafka, Pulsar, containers, or dev-ops. All must work
together to create a well-integrated ecosystem. But it’s not
only about technology; an important mindset switch for
organizations is needed. Many large companies decided to
embrace their digital journey by starting with people, and the
first step is to “make IT easy” across the entire organization to
achieve IT democratization.
There’s a strong need for C-levels and business users to
accelerate transformation and prepare for exploring and
capitalizing on any business opportunity. By the end of 2021,
organizations that shift to cloud-centric infrastructures will
accelerate twice as fast by deploying their applications on
modern architectures.
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The Key Principles for Next-gen
Architectural principles define the fundamental assumptions
and requirements of an architecture. Without these principles,
the IT organization is without a compass on its journey from
present to desired future state.
The underlying principles held by business and IT leaders must
be respected. They epitomize architectural function and define
necessary constraints. A next-gen architecture must be based on:
• Cloud-native applications
• API-led connectivity
• Event-driven design
• Open platform
Let’s see each of the previous in the context of what
technologies are available and why these are so important
when defining the desired future architecture.
Open Platform
The most important principle is interoperability. An open platform
allows organizations to immediately and more easily adopt the
latest ideas, approaches, and high-quality solutions without
relying solely on the skill and knowledge of internal staff. Too
often, when internal developers are assigned to build core system
frameworks, libraries, and modules, it requires considerable time
and effort, and when these components need to be updated with
new capabilities or scale up, they hit their limits.
Adopting an open platform makes it possible to avoid vendor
lock-in and allows organizations to evaluate best-of-breed
technologies from vendors offering enterprise ready products.
These products also come with necessary support to get up
and running quickly and stay up to date on newer versions
and features.
A cloud-native integration platform can integrate a vast amount
of systems, accelerate API-led development, and support eventdriven paradigms. An iPaaS should have pre-built connectors
for both cloud and on-premises digital products to support
incremental transitioning.
Legacy systems must still be supported no matter where they
run. The integration platform also needs to be tailored for many
different user types across the enterprise, including integration
specialists, developers, and non-technical integrators to promote
collaboration across departments. It should support creation of
integration flows for developers who can upload artifacts to the
cloud and allow reuse of assets to support composable business
concepts and new packaged business capabilities.
API Management Platform
Additionally, an API management platform manages the entire
API lifecycle—from concept to production to retirement. An
API management cloud-native solution will allow deployment
on a variety of computing platforms. It should provide an
edge-caching mechanism to avoid load increases on backend
systems and support a wide range of security policy options.
A must-have is a customizable developer or partner portal for
onboarding and self-service key registration along with rich
API documentation features. Since dev-ops practices are so
important, the platform must seamlessly support deployment
and development tooling.
Both iPasS and API management platforms must deliver rich
real-time analytics reports for administrators to understand
how APIs are performing and detect any bottlenecks.
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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Finally, AI and ML can be applied to traffic pattern identification.
API analytics is also a growing trend for determining:
• The reasons behind a sudden increase or decrease in traffic
• Which APIs have greater traffic and better adoption
• Why adoption is increasing
API managers will want to understand why certain APIs have
sudden increased latency. All those questions can be answered
by applying analytics and correlating different factors. AI can
also enhance cybersecurity by providing complete visibility into
API traffic for detecting and blocking threats.
Event Processing
With more real-time generated events, event-driven capabilities
can determine those that are significant to the immediate
context. At the core of any event-driven architecture is a
messaging broker. There are both cloud-native and on-premises
brokers; what’s important is that they can be integrated with
the iPaaS solution.
To scale with load, messaging brokers must support modern
cloud-native, event-driven, and microservices development.
For example:
• TIBCO Enterprise Messaging Service: JMS-based solution
that offers load-balancing, routing, and fault-tolerant
• MQTT-based brokers: A lightweight publish-subscribe
network protocol used to transport messages between
devices, often IoT.
• Apache Kafka: Secure, reliable, open-source, real-time
streaming data pipelines.
• Apache Pulsar: A cloud-native, distributed messaging and
streaming platform.
Automation modernizes the IT landscape. A next-gen
architecture must integrate with robotic process automation
(RPA) solutions to automate legacy applications that do not
provide access via APIs or other integration endpoints.
Companies often struggle with legacy because off-the-shelf
software never provided proper APIs. However, relying on RPA
exclusively at the expense of an API-led integration will result in
increased technical debt, architectural fragility, and cost.
RPA is designed to capture the value of automation at the edge of
human tasks, not at the core of your processes and architecture.
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How: Steps to Embracing
a Next-gen Architecture
During 2020, in the pursuit of adopting new business models,
we at TIBCO saw increasingly high demand for agility from our
customers. This demand underscores how architecture is at the
core of business strategy to enable innovation, efficiency, and
high-quality services.
What does an IT architecture need to be able to support any
business initiative? IT should never be an obstacle. Here are
the recommendations:
2. Introduce Cultural Changes
Next-generation architecture that brings business closer to IT will
involve operational changes, such as new best practices, dev-ops,
continuous delivery, and continuous modernization. But these
changes also require new collaborative mindsets, such as moving
from project- to product-driven models. IT needs to create a
responsive application architecture with mesh capabilities to
provide a highly flexible platform that business users can use to
build new applications with reduced time to market.
1. Adopt a Pragmatic Approach
Modernize your applications by working incrementally and
letting business needs drive your priority list. Many enterprises
still rely on monolithic applications that meet business
requirements. Because IT needs to support any future
business initiative, it should work closely with business users
to understand which application initiatives can benefit from a
different, more modern architecture and which should be left
on legacy architectures.
3. Define Your Ecosytem’s Key
When building the next-gen architecture, keep in mind the
main drivers and what you want to achieve. Carefully select the
best technologies that will integrate seamlessly. Technology
vendors offer a wide range of tools, systems, and services that
can be used to build layered architectures, but focus on cloudenabling solutions:
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• iPaaS with mesh capabilities and out-of-the-box adapters to
integrate with multiple systems and data sources
• API platform with analytics capabilities
• Event processing supporting AI/ML and pluggable highperformance event brokers
Take what you need, when you need it, but avoid vendor lock-in.
4. Clearly Define What You Need
A next-generation architecture must:
• Fit the intended purpose: It should meet the requirements
of its users, business users, architects, and ops, and shouldn’t
be over-engineered since it would result in a wasted budget,
time, and resources.
• Align to the strategy: It should be as congruent as possible
with the target architectures and roadmaps defined by IT.
• Follow a standard: It should adequately address the concerns
of those stakeholders with enterprise requirements like high
scalability, loose coupling, reliability, and fault-tolerance. It
should also have support for polyglot programming and
composable and reusable services, and be observable to detect
failures early — as well as evolutionary and adaptable.
• Fit the budget: It needs to be implementable within a
reasonable time and at a reasonable cost. This is the greatest
strength of cloud-based architectures. It’s unlikely that a
next-generation architecture would be running in an onpremises data center because the cost, time, and effort
would not be sustainable.
• Be flexible: It needs to take advantage of a choice of
multiple cloud offerings, use the best cloud services, and
reduce the cost in software development. Multi-cloud
adoption will increase drastically. To build highly scalable and
reliable applications, the architecture must be designed to
maximize flexibility in adopting the best available service and,
when necessary, switch to a better one without disrupting
the current application.
5. Shatter the Shale
It’s highly unlikely that an inflexible, rigid, all-in-one architecture
would be the ideal candidate on which to build your future
applications. In fact, it would hinder most digital transformation
initiatives. Many current applications, like Netflix for example,
wouldn’t even exist if it had been built on a traditional threetier architecture.
Evaluate your next-gen architecture based on open, rich
components. An ideal candidate must facilitate API-led
application integration and support API-first strategies. it must
also provide technical and cross-cutting services required
by various layers of the system, like service discovery, as well
as design patterns like circuit breakers, dev-ops, monitoring,
logging, distributed tracing, authentication, authorization, and
audit. It must also support a pluggable event backbone of
choice and an API management platform to manage the entire
API lifecycle. All these features improve time to market, the
quality of deliverables, and the manageability of a large number
of microservices.
6. Build Skills
Architects, developers, and integrators will need to develop
competency in distributed computing architectures and
patterns—such as API design, user experience (UX) design,
microservices architecture, integration, and event-driven
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processing. Therefore, it is important to build up those skills
and have the underlying architecture supporting business
initiatives. Architectures with iPaaS capabilities that have a
visual design approach should be preferred. Those can speed
up the learning curve, reduce time to market of new or added
services, and at the same time reduce development costs. Devops teams must adopt and build skills in continuous integration
and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices that will make them
more successful at deployment pipelines, version control, QA,
and testing. It automates your entire application release cycle
with huge benefits.
7. Shift Your Mindset
A significant shift from a project-oriented to a productoriented mindset is currently underway in many organizations.
An equally significant cultural change in team roles and
responsibilities, business collaboration, and funding models is
also occurring. A next-generation architecture must facilitate
the creation of products.
This shift also impacts how APIs are designed, developed,
documented, consumed, and meshed. The platform must
provide all the necessary tools to build products with frequent
releases in shorter timeframes. The main driver is delivering
value to customers, product teams, and organizations, quickly
meeting market demands or user expectations instead of
executing on an inflexible list of project requirements. Build
your architecture to facilitate dev-ops best practices and
product developments and support best of breed technologies
like APIs, microservices/miniservices, and event processing.
8. Manage and Govern Your APIs
It is not enough to just create APIs. You must also manage,
govern, and pull them together onto a platform of shared
business capabilities on which you can build products for your
digital business. An API platform strategy is a management and
governance program for designing, building, publishing, and
consuming APIs.
Without the possibility of governance, your API-first initiatives
will soon turn against you and end in total chaos.
9. Be Pragmatic
When using internal APIs, the targets are in-house teams with
the goal of integrating systems and breaking down data silos.
When external, the main targets are customers or business
partners with the goal of connecting your services and building
engaging experiences.
There are multiple approaches to starting an API strategy, but it
pays to be pragmatic to maximize revenue and business value.
Always design your APIs first and then start developing; this
will consistently save you time and money.
Campari is one of the largest spirit beverage
producers in the world, acquiring 27 companies since
1995. It started its API strategy by first integrating
on-premises backend systems, and only then began
to focus and develop external APIs for B2B and B2C
use cases.
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10. Create Solutions
Event-processing architectures use event notifications as
a primary mechanism for asynchronously communicating
information and triggering application processing. The
fast pace of modern business requires improving real-time
awareness and decision-making.
Intelligent insights, discovered from correlating patterns in
business operations, have become a significant differentiator
for digital business leaders. Focus on architectural capability to
process native events to create:
• Decisions at speed: Applying ML/AI models on a continuous
stream to immediately recognize patterns, respond to
anomalies, or take advantage of an opportunity window.
• Improved experiences: While few users want to manually
poll for a response, many would like to be notified as soon as
the result arrives. This includes services triggering multiple
third-party services, location-based alerts, contextual offers,
or recommendations applying real-time analytics.
• IoT integration: Many IoT sensors and devices generate
a continuous stream of data that needs to be processed
in real time, when data has the highest value and where
any immediate action may be critical to the equipment’s
integrity. A next-gen architecture with event-processing
capability is the groundwork to creating digital twins in many
industries, from manufacturing to F1 racing. It can facilitate
edge computing models that pre-process data, apply
analytics directly at the edge, and exchange secure data over
protected connections.
• Agility to build high-performance microservices: A
responsive application mesh architecture is at the heart of
event-driven patterns and facilitates dev-ops practices with
higher release cycles and shorter time to market.
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Becoming a Business
As the application requirements and needs in the next coming
years are set to grow, your underlying architecture must be
agile to accommodate any business initiative. Companies
must focus on building and adopting these architectures
today by starting a platform selection process for best of
breed technologies. Innovation will be the driver of the next
generation of customers who are already changing their
behaviors and service consumption.
Business agility has become a business necessity. Disruptions
of all types demand that businesses adapt more quickly than
ever. The right architecture selection is a key factor and must
be a top priority for all CTOs. The good news is that the
market offers mature solutions to build the next generation
architecture platform for every organization. The right team,
strategy, and execution plan can then focus on making the
business succeed.
Every company is seeking to outperform the competition and,
with more options available to customers, it will be hard to
gain market share. That’s why appealing and creative services
can make all the difference. That’s also why architectures must
support multiple pluggable and vendor-agnostic technologies:
they need to facilitate change and not hinder any evolution,
and at the same time be robust and highly scalable since
customers are “always on.”
Build your momentum. Visit https://www.tibco.com/solutions/
responsive-application-mesh to learn about the benefits
of next-gen architecture to accelerate your enterprise in,
redefining your digital business model, pivoting to new verticals,
and adapting to changing customer expectations, fluctuating
markets, and technology trends.
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