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Lesson Plan: Natural & Man-made Hazards

Republic of the Philippines
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
Alubijid | Cagyan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon
February 25, 2023
Class Schedule:
11 am – 12 noon
Year & Section:
BSA –AgEd -4A
School Year:
2022 – 2023
Detailed Lesson Plan in Practice Teaching
At the end of the 20 minute-session, at least 80% of the students should have:
a) Identified the different natural and man-made hazards;
b) Explained the importance of awareness on the various hazards through sharing
of ideas; and
c) Portrayed their response towards the different hazards when it occurs in their
community through a group activity.
Subject Matter
Natural Hazards and https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/scientific-
Man-made Hazards
Procedures/Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activity
A. Preliminaries
A.1 Prayer
“Good morning class!”
“Good morning ma’am!”
“Before we proceed to our discussion, let us The student led the prayer.
all stand for a prayer. Honey please lead us a
A.2 Classroom Management
“Before you settle down, kindly pick up some
pieces of paper under your chairs, arrange
“Good morning class! Kamusta?!”
“Again, KAMUSTA?”
“That is good! This morning we will embark in
a new journey. Are you with me?”
“Yes ma’am!”
“Again, are you with me?”
“Yes ma’am!”
“Very well said.”
A.3 Checking of Attendance
the “Yes ma’am.”
attendance this morning?”
“Is anybody absent?”
“None ma’am.”
“Very good! So, we have a perfect attendance
this morning. Class beadle, please monitor
the attendance.”
A.4 House Rules
“Now, I am going to explain our house rules. I
have here S-L-P. S stands for; sit up straight.
L stands for; listen and P stands for;
participate. So sit up straight, listen and
participate. Are we clear?”
“Yes ma’am!”
B. Lesson Proper
B.1 Motivation
“Now, I want to make learning fun and
exciting for you, with that we will start our
lesson with a game”
“Do you want to play a game?”
“That’s good to hear!
“Yes ma’am!”
We will now play a Students expressed their excitement.
game called word search. Are you familiar “Yes ma’am.”
with this game?”
“Well then, to those who are not familiar,
allow me give the mechanics.”
Word Search:
1. The students will be divided into four
2. They will find all the hidden words in the
3. Words are placed forwards, backwards, up
and down.
4. First group to finish will receive a prize.
“Is that clear?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Do you have any clarifications?”
“None so far ma’am.”
“Okay, let’s start counting from this side.”
“1, 2, 3, 4” and the students continued
“You may proceed to your respective group.”
The students proceeded to their groups.
“And your time starts now!”
The students played the game.
“Thank for your participation, you may now go The students went backs to their chairs.
back to your seats quietly and please seat
with your group.”
“Alright! Did you enjoy the game?”
“Yes ma’am!”
“As I have promised, I will give a prize to the
group that will finish first. Congratulations
group 1! Accept this prize from me. And of
course, to the non-winning groups, please
accept this small treat from your teacher.”
“Thank you ma’am!”
“Are we all happy and excited for our journey “Yes ma’am!”
this morning?”
“That is good to hear!”
B.2 Presentation
“Now, based on the game you just had
earlier, what do you think is our topic this
Students raised their hands.
“Yes Rose.”
“Exactly! It’s about Natural and Man-made
Hazards. Thank you for that Rose.”
“This morning we are going to tackle Natural
and Man-made Hazards.”
B.3 Discussion Proper
“Allow me to present to you our objectives
this morning.”
At the end of the 20 minute-session, at least
80% of the students should have:
a. Identified the different natural and manmade hazards;
b. Explained the importance of awareness on
the various hazards through sharing of ideas;
c. Portrayed their response towards the
different hazards when it occurs in their
community through a group activity.
“Let us first define, what is a hazard?
Everyone please read.”
“Hazard is a dangerous phenomenon,
substance, human activity or condition.”
“By definition, hazard is danger or risk. It may
cause loss of life, livelihood, economic
disruption and environmental damage. This
morning we are going to focus on natural and
man made hazards.”
“Now, I want you to work with your group but
listen to my instructions first. Group 1, please
merge with group 2. And group 3, please
merge with group 4. As you can see, I have
pictures right here.”
“What I want you to do is you are going to
identify whether the picture depicts or is an
example of a natural hazards or man-made
hazards. Group 1, please paste your answer
at the white cartolina and group 2 at the
yellow cartolina. After that, I want you to
choose 1 representative to discuss your
answer. Questions and clarifications?”
“None so far ma’am.”
“I will give you 2 minutes to prepare and The students analyzed the pictures,
discuss with your group and your time starts placed their answers at the cartolina
and discussed with their group.
“Group 1 and 2, are you done?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Okay then, let’s start the discussion with Representative from group 1 discussed
group 1.”
their answer.
“Thank group 1. Let us give group 1 a round Students clapped their hands.
of applause.”
“Not let us give the floor to group 2.”
Representative from group 2 explained
their answer.
“Thank you group 2. Let us give them a round Students clapped their hands.
of applause.”
“Thank you everyone for your participation.
Now, let’s discuss your answers.”
“Now, who can share their idea about natural
“Yes Chen.”
“A natural hazard is a natural
phenomenon that might have a
negative effect on humans and other
animals, or the environment.”
“Very good. Thank you Chen. Basically,
natural hazards are caused by natural
phenomena. We the humans don’t have the
ability to control it. We can’t control volcanic
eruptions, tsunami, tornadoes, an avalanche
and drought because these are examples of
natural phenomena.”
“Now, who can share their idea about manmade hazards?”
Students raised their hands.
“Yes Ryan.”
“Are disruptions of a massive scale over
a short or long period of time, caused
by human actions.”
“Very good. Obviously, man-made hazards
are caused by us the humans. These are
events that are caused by humans and occur
in or close to human settlements. Questions
and clarifications?”
“None so far ma’am.”
“Now here’s a question for everyone. Why
should we be aware on these different
hazards or what is the importance of being
aware on these different hazards? I will give
you 1 minute to think and after 1 minute, I will
choose the students that will answer to this
question randomly.”
“Your time is up. Let’s us begin with Rose.”
“For me Ma’am,
“Thank you for that Rose. You may take your “In my opinion,
seat. The second student that will answer the
question is Apple.”
“Thank you Apple. You may take your seat. “In my own idea,
The last student that will answer is Hazel.”
“Thank you everyone for your participation. Students clapped their hands.
Let us give your selves a round of applause.”
“During this time in the world, we still need to
be aware of all the hazards around us.
Having a heightened awareness of all the
hazards will help keep us healthy and safe
from injury or illness. We need to be mindful
of our surroundings and identify potential
threats and dangerous situations. Ignorance
of danger makes it unlikely that you will see
B.4 Generalization
“Now let’s have a recap about our discussion.
we Students raised their hands.
“Yes Apple.”
“Natural and man-made hazards
“Who can give me an example of a natural
Students raised their hands.
“Yes Hazel “
“Earthquake and tsunami ma’am.
“Thank you Hazel. Who can give me an
example of a man-made hazard?”
Students raised their hands.
“Yes Archie.”
“Pollution and war ma’am.”
“Very good. Thank you Archie.”
“Now when we say natural hazard, it is cause Students raised their hands.
by what?”
“Yes Rose.”
“It is cause by a natural phenomena
“Very good! Thank you Rose. How about
man-made hazards? It is cause by what?”
Students raised their hands.
“Yes Vannesa.”
“It is cause by human activity ma’am.”
“Very good. Thank you Vannesa.”
“Thank you everyone for your participation. The students clapped their hands.
Let us give your selves a round of applause.”
A. Paint Me a Picture
1. The student will be divided into 2 groups.
2. Each group will portray or picture out their answer to the given question.
3. They will be given 20 seconds to prepare and picture out their answer.
4. They will be scored according to the following criteria:
Creativity – 30 %
Neatness – 30 %
Team Work – 40 %
Research and have an advance reading about the Technological Hazards.
Values Integration
The session above allowed the students to develop the following: first, their cognitive
skill in which they were able to use critical thinking; second, affective skill in which they
expressed their appreciation; lastly, they were able to perform the given tasks in which they
have developed cooperation among each other, teamwork, collaboration of ideas, and
Prepared by:
Teacher Presenter
Approved by:
Cooperating Teacher