COURSE PLAN TEMPLATE Comprehensive Course Plan – EVEN Semester (2022-23) SECTION I: COURSE INTRODUCTION Class 6BPSY Semester VI Course title Environmental Psychology Course Code BPSY642C Total hours in the semester : 75 Total hours/week: 5 Faculty name Class policies and guidelines Rakesh K.R. Contact details Students should be present in the class before the second bell Students must be attentive during attendance and respond to roll call. No corrections can be made once it is submitted. Late entrants will not be entitled to attendance. Students should not converse with each other during the class. Students found disturbing the flow of the class will be marked absent. Mobile phones should be turned off or put in silent mode and kept in the bag unless permitted by the teacher under special circumstances. Use of phones in class will lead to confiscation and it will not be returned. Proper dress code should be followed. Students found in inappropriate or improper dress code will be denied entry or asked to leave class and attendance will not be marked. Students should be respectful towards their classmates. Everyone deserves respect and support. Students should not disturb the teacher in between the class to go out for any reason. Requesting permission to answer calls during class is also not allowed. Students should turn in their work on time. Assignment submission deadlines cannot be extended. Students should be ready for consequences if not submitted in time. Students should not negotiate to extend the deadlines for assignment submission Late submission of the assignment will lead to deduction of 1 mark per day up to 3 days. Thereafter, assignments will not be accepted. Course Description Course Objectives This course introduces the field of Environmental Psychology. It aims to provide a basic understanding of the influence of environment on human behavior and wellbeing and how do human behaviors influence the environment This course aims to: Introduction to the emerging field and subfields of environmental psychology. Understand the different types of environment and its impact on human behavior and wellbeing. Understand the role of the environment on human behavior and wellbeing. Understand individual and situational factors influencing sustainable behaviour. CO1 - Identify and explain the basic concepts, issues, subfields and debates in the field of environmental psychology. Course Outcomes CO2 - Identify and explain the different types of environments and its impact on human behaviour and wellbeing. CO3 - Outline the factors determining pro-environmental behavior. SECTION II: WEEKWISE & UNITWISE DESCRIPTION *S = Synchronous Week Unit Topic(s) Details Synchronous (class hours) List teaching modalities/activities Week 1 Week 2 Introduction to Environmental, Ecological and Unit- conservation Psychology 1 Introduction to Environmental, Ecological and conservation Psychology Course plan discussion Ice breaking session Lecture on introduction to environmental psychology Definition of environmental psychology Four characteristics of the field of environmental psychology (Scope and challenges) Doubt clearing session on the concepts taught Readings, assignments, submissions, assessments Google classroom / Moodle Enter details of reference materials/ activities to be used Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. Duration Hours 5 Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An 5 introduction. BPS Blackwell. Week 3 Foundations of Ecological Psychology Introduction to Environmental perception wayfinding and spatial cognition; Environmental attitudes; Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. 5 Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. Week 4 Foundations of Ecological Psychology Environmental values; Justice and the allocation of natural resources (3-part lecture) Children and nature; Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. 5 Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. Week 5 Foundations of Ecological Psychology Introduction to emotions and environment Place attachment; Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. 5 Week 6 Specific Environments Environment and identity Cultural differences in environmental engagement Doubt clearing session on the concepts taught Oxford University Press. Introduction to concept of specific environments Cities; Residential places neighborhoods; Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. 5 Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. Week 7 Specific Environments Work environments School environments; Health care environments; Special lecture on Work environment Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. 5 Week 8 Specific Environments Week 9 Environment and wellbeing Week 10 Environment and wellbeing Correctional environments Natural landscapes; Extreme and unusual environments. Guest lecture on natural landscapes, extreme and unusual environments Doubt clearing session on the concepts taught Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. Environmental factors influencing behaviors: Noise, Light and Temperature (2 part lecture series) Crowding and Loneliness; Response to environmental disasters; Introduction of CIA III Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. Introduction to Therapeutic uses of nature Restorative environments; Healthy physical activity and eating Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. 5 Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. 5 Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. 5 Week 11 Environment and wellbeing Week 12 Foundations of Conservation psychology (Health psychology lecture series) Environmental supports for health Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. The natural environment in residential settings Influences on human health and function. Climate change and wellbeing. Debate/discussion on climate change Doubt clearing session on the concepts taught Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. Psychology and climate change: beliefs, impacts, and human contributions; The development of conservation behaviors in childhood and youth; Introduction to promoting proenvironmental behavior and overview of the various approaches Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. 5 Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. 5 Week 13 Foundations of Conservation psychology Week 14 Individual oriented approaches: Information Campaigns; Egoistic Approachesprompt based approach; contingencies based approach; Social-Altruistic Approaches- Public Commitments; Social Norms; Social Dilemmas; Biospheric Approaches; Campbell paradigm; Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. Clayton, S. D. (Ed.). (2012). The Oxford handbook of environmental and conservation psychology. Oxford University Press. Foundations of Conservation psychology 5 5 Steg, L. E., Van Den Berg, A. E., & De Groot, J. I. (2013). Environmental psychology: An introduction. BPS Blackwell. Week 15 Foundations of Conservation psychology environmental education. Structural approaches: infrastructure; 5 rewards; penalties; behavioral environmental policies; choice architecture; green nudges (Special lecture on nudge theory) Doubt clearing on the concepts taught SECTION III: ASSESSMENT AND MAPPING Assessment outline: The weightage of marks allotted is as follows CIA I CIA II CIA III ESE (MSE) 20 25 Class Total Participation 20 30 (scaled down (scaled down from from 50) 50) 5 100 Mapping: A template to map the Programme Outcomes against the components of assessment is given below (PO to COs): Programme Outcomes Course Outcomes CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 Mapping: A template to map the Learning Outcomes of the course against the components of assessment is given below (CO to CIAs): Course Outcomes Components of assessment CIA I CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 MSE CIA III ESE SECTION IV: ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION DESCRIPTION Assessment Description Individual Assignment Details CIA IA (5 marks) CIA IA: Environmental Psychology Conference Assignment description: Learning outcomes: The student would have to attend any conference with environmental psychology concepts as its theme (produce certificate) Observe any two sessions in the conference Write a report about those two sessions highlighting the new developments, research implications, limitations/barriers to research, paradigm shifts. Reflections about the conference proceedings. Evaluation will happen for 10 marks and be scaled to 5 marks. Last date of Submission: 24/01/2023 Awareness about the various research in the field of environmental psychology and allied fields. Be a participant in a conference to experience firsthand how a conference is held, organized and executed. Understand how a paper is presented in a conference Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Rubric/s: Presentation (4 marks) Reflections (3 marks) Format (3 marks) Description Presentation of the two scientific sessions Observations and reflections are present APA format is present Assessment Description Individual Assignment Details CIA IB (15 marks) CIA IB: Awareness Video (Group Assignment) Assignment description: Create a 3-5 minutes video to spread/enhance awareness and motivate action among laypeople on any environmental crisis in your campus, neighborhood, or city. The video can be about a skit/play/song/etc. Format to be submitted: Video File with report about the topic chosen Format of the report would be shared at the time of assigning CIA Topic: Any topic from the syllabus like open-air rubbish incineration or pollution of water-bodies Last date of Submission: 23/01/2023 Learning outcomes: Familiarize with the physical environments and issues Apply the environmental psychology theories and evidences to address the environmental issues. Apply the knowledge of the field to spread/enhance environmental awareness among lay men. Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Rubric/s: Description Observation & presentation skills (5 marks) The component of observation and presentation of the issue (topic chosen) is present in the video Conceptual clarity (5 marks) Conceptual clarity related to application of theoretical knowledge is present Engagement with audience and adherence to the guidelines (5 marks) The video is engaging the audience and at the same time is adhering the guidelines of the CIA Assessment Description Individual Assignment Details CIA III (20 marks) CIA III: Environmental Psychologist (Individual Assignment) Assignment description: Learning outcomes: Each student would have to analyze any aspect of the physical environment related to the syllabus. (E.g. effect of ambient noise on sleep or on workplace productivity; effect of traffic pollution on health of roadside vendors or auto-drivers) Provide practical solutions to environmental problem(s) drawing on theories and empirical facts in context of the problem identified. Plagiarism check would be mandatory in this assignment. Submit a written report, organized, and using APA format. Reflections about the solutions Last date of Submission: 03/04/2023 Familiarize with the physical environments and issues Apply the environmental psychology theories and evidences to address the environmental issues. Apply the knowledge of the field to spread/enhance environmental awareness among lay men. Present research supported solutions to real life environmental problems Evaluation Criteria Evaluation Rubric/s: Description Presentation of Details (5 marks) The presentation of details of the topic are present Clarity of explanation (5 marks) Clarity of explanations regarding the topic chosen are present Critical reflection (5 marks) Critical reflections of the student are present Quality and organization of report (5 marks) The report submitted is organized and following APA format