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APUSH LEQ Writing Guide: Essay Tips & Outline

APUSH LEQ Writing Guide
Writing the LEQ
Remember that the LEQ is an analysis essay, not a textbook-like report. Do not just
“tell” about the topic — examine it, relate the information to a thesis, and use your
information to support your sub-theses.
How many essays?
1—you choose between 2
Are there documents? No
Point value
0-6 points
Will ask you to complete task (see list) using a historical thinking skill
Prompt type
May ask you to support, modify, or refute a statement.
Elements you must
 Relevant thesis statement that addresses all parts of the question
include (also see
 Support of thesis with specific evidence/examples from your
background knowledge
 Apply historical thinking skills as directed by the question
 Synthesize these elements into a persuasive essay that either connects
it to a different historical context, another category of analysis, or
addresses the other side of the argument (“extends”)
Writing an excellent thesis
statement (it takes practice!)
The LEQ is a thesis-based response that is related to a prompt that requires students to
take a stand on an issue and then present enough factual information in the context of
their essay that proves their thesis.
The thesis statement: what is it? A thesis is simply a historically defensible argument or a
stand you take on a particular topic. It should not resemble a sentence from a textbook,
but rather explain your point of view and why it matters.
The Rules
USE THE LANGUAGE OF THE PROMPT – Don’t restate the question, just make sure to use
the important vocabulary. It’ll keep you on target.
ANSWER ALL PARTS OF THE QUESTION – Some topics are naturally easier or more
interesting to you. You need to do all of them, especially the ones you don’t want to.
THIS IS THE SIZZLE, THE MAIN BODY IS THE STEAK – You want to be “specifically general”;
tell the reader what you’ll be talking about, but don’t give away too much.
Some Parts of the Thesis
The Qualification
Is what you say always true always? Are there exceptions? Are there good reasons why your position may have a downside?
How can you make your position have a reality check? What general reasons why your position may have problems can you
admit up front?
To make absolute statements usually causes your essay’s thesis to seem foolishly simplistic. Here’s a trick: begin your
qualification with a word like “although” or “despite”. Don’t worry if it’s not a complete sentence.
EXAMPLE: "Despite its work relief elements and large government programs,"
The Reason
In general why do you believe your position to be correct in spite of your qualification? What is the over all good to be
gained by agreeing with your position? This is a general statement; your three specific reasons will follow in the body of
your essay.
EXAMPLE: "because its main programs attempted to create a stable environment for private enterprise."
Put them all together.
In one or two sentences, present your thesis, including a qualification, a reason, and a position. The classic, traditional way
of combining is to first present your qualification. This immediately demonstrates your interest in accuracy. Then present
your general reason which demonstrates your thinking process, and finally the punch line--your position.
EXAMPLE: "Despite its work relief elements and large government programs,the New Deal is best understood as a
defense of American capitalism because its main programs attempted to create a stable environment for private
Addressing and Understanding the Prompt
Students often do worse than they should in examinations or when writing assignments, not because
their writing skills are weak or because their knowledge of the subject matter is insufficient, but
because they have not fully understood what they have been asked to do. To score high marks in an
examination or an assignment, it is important to fully understand what a question or brief means and
how it should be answered.
Key words tell you the approach you should take when answering an essay question. There are three
types of key words:
Task words: Tell you what you have to do; the action you need to perform
Content words: Tell you what the topic area is and what you should write about
Limiting words: Limit and focus the essay, making it workable
Example essay question: Computers have had a significant impact on education in the 20th century.
Discuss the changes they have made.
Task word: DISCUSS
Content word: education, computers
Limiting word: changes, significant impact, 20th century
1. Focus on what the prompt is asking you to do.
Commonly used task words/verbs in writing prompts and how to approach them.
Explain how AND why something occurred by examining the
component parts (social, political, economic) and their relationship
with one another.
“Analyze the major technological changes that took
place in America from 1870 to 1900 and describe what
significant social ramifications they had.”
Any question that uses “how” and/or “why” is an analysis question
even if the word “analyze” is not in the prompt.
Assess the
How true is the statement? Pay attention to positive, negative, and
disputable aspects, citing the judgment of known authorities and your
“Assess the validity of the following statement:
‘Thomas Jefferson’s political philosophy can best be
described as revolutionary.’”
You must take a stance here—how true is the statement and why?
Which factor was most important? You usually need to rank several
events or factors and specify which is most and which is least significant.
To what extent
This prompt frequently requires you to specify a cause and effect
relationship and then state which causes were more important. Or,
indicate the criteria on which you base your judgment and cite specific
instance of how it applies in this case.
(See prompt below)
Discuss or
These are frequently used in free response prompts. They should be
written as analysis essays. Examine key points and possible
interpretations, giving reasons for and against the case. Draw a final
Identify the characteristics or qualities of two or more things, comparing
what they have in common (compare) and differences (contrast).
“Discuss the extent to which nineteenth-century
Transcendentalism was or was not a conservative
cultural and intellectual movement.”
“Compare the religious revival of the First Great
Awakening to that of the Second.”
“Contrast the Federalist and Antifederalist arguments
for or against the ratification of the new Federal
Tell how things work or how they came to be, including descriptions or “Explain how economic, political, and religious factors
analysis. This must have DETAIL to give it meaning.
promoted European explorations from 1450 to 1525.”
Step 2: What Historical
Thinking Skill is being
Causation - The ability to identify, analyze, and evaluate relationships among
multiple historical causes and effects, distinguishing between those that are longterm and proximate.
Continuity and Change Over Time - The ability to recognize, analyze, and evaluate
the dynamics of historical continuity AND change over periods of time of varying
lengths, as well as the ability to relate these patterns to larger historical processes
or themes.
Comparison - Describe, compare, evaluate historical developments and processes
across place, time, and/or societies or within one society.
Periodization - Explain ways that historical events and processes can be organized
within blocks of time identifying turning points that begin and end periods.
Step 3: Create an LEQ Outline
After you are clear as to your task (analyze, evaluate, etc.) sketch out a quick, informal outline of how you are going to
proceed. This is very important to guaranteeing that you cover the whole prompt.
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Takes a stand
sets time, place, and context
thesis statement with three categories
Paragraph 2:
Topic sentence introduces your first category using the action verb(s) from the prompt.
Use specific evidence to support your category
Connect evidence used back to the prompt using the Historical Thinking Skill asked for
Paragraph 3:
Topic sentence introduces your second category using the action verb(s) from the prompt.
Use specific evidence to support your category
Connect evidence used back to the prompt using the Historical Thinking Skill asked for
Paragraph 4:
Topic sentence introduces your third category using the action verb(s) from the prompt.
Use specific evidence to support your category
Connect evidence used back to the prompt using the Historical Thinking Skill asked for
No, LEQ… Q,
not a leg.
Get back to
Paragraph 5:
Extend the argument by explaining the connections between the argument and ONE of the following: A
development in a different historical period, situation, era, or geographical area.
Step 4: Some quick notes on writing
GOOD historical essays
In no circumstance should your history essay have fluff in it.
Do not “bullet” or use contractions. This detracts from the sophistication of the analysis.
Avoid general statements at the beginning of sentences; for example: this, they, them, he,
they. Identify what or who you are discussing, as it makes your essay more clear and
sophisticated. Consider as well if you can combine two sentences to make it a more
analytical statement.
In reference to the United States: do not say, “our country” or “we” (in talking about
Americans). Say instead, “The United States,” “America,” or “Americans” where
appropriate. Do not use pronouns.
Make sure you address the entire scope of the question. Many students just address half of
the question.
If the question has a chronological aspect to it (many do), address the essay somewhat
chronologically (for example, an essay about 1763-1781 should follow approximately in
that order). The essay becomes very confusing if the writer jumps around from event to
event and they are not in a logical order.
General Writing Tips:
• Always write in third person (no “I”, “we”, “you” or
“in my opinion”).
• Avoid absolutes (all, every, never, none).
• Use specific terms (“in Plessy v. Ferguson” not “in
the court case regarding segregation”).
• Use formal language (avoid contractions, slang
words, etc.).
• Take a moment to check the rubric to ensure you
meet all expectations.
Write a historically correct, clear, essay on the following prompt. Your
response will include the following:
• State a relevant thesis that directly addresses all parts of the
• Support your argument with evidence, using specific examples.
• Apply historical thinking skills as directed by the question.
• Synthesis the elements above into a persuasive essay that extends
your argument, connects it to a different historical context, or
connects it to a different category of analysis.
Prompt (in class): Between 1607 and 1763 to what degree did the
Colonial relations with Native Americans change over time? Were
there any aspects of Colonial relations with Native Americans that did
not change over this time period?
See sample LEQs below:
1. Some historians have argued that the American
Revolution was not revolutionary in nature. Instead of
fostering revolutionary change it maintained continuity.
Support, modify, or refute this interpretation, providing
specific evidence to justify your answer.
2. The Mexican-American War was a justifiable war, both
politically and ideologically. Support, modify, or refute
this interpretation, providing specific evidence to justify
your answer.
3. Analyze the extent to which the Mexican-American
War was a turning point in U.S. history. What changed
and what stayed the same in its aftermath?
4. The formation of the Confederacy in 1861 was
politically and economically justifiable. Support, modify,
or refute that interpretation providing specific evidence
to justify your answer.