A recent evidence-based review found that most patients with Scheuermann disease do not need surgical intervention, which should be reserved only for patients with mature skeletons who have a curve greater than 75 degrees, pain, a rigid deformity, and unacceptable appearance.47 Bracing is indicated in patients who have an immature skeleton with an increasing curve. Orthopedic Referral Patients with osteochondrosis should be referred to an orthopedic surgeon for further evaluation if nonoperative treatment has not been effective. Patients with Osgood-Schlatter disease, Sinding-Larsen–Johannson disease, or Sever disease who have mature skeletons and disabling symptoms should be referred. Those with Freiberg disease and loose joint fragments should be referred for possible joint debridement. Patients suspected of having Köhler bone disease who have had recent trauma, illness, or elevated inflammatory markers should be referred to rule out infection or occult fracture. Referral is also indicated in those with medial epicondyle apophysitis or Panner disease who have acute trauma, pain despite several weeks of rest, or loose joint fragments. Any patient suspected of having Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease or Scheuermann disease should be referred for further evaluation. A summary of diagnostic, treatment, and referral indications for each osteochondrosis disorder is provided in Table 1. Osteochondrosis is a family of orthopedic diseases of the joint that occur in children, adolescents and rapidly growing animals, particularly pigs, horses, dogs, and broiler chickens. They are characterized by interruption of the blood supply of a bone, in particular to the epiphysis,[1] followed by localized bony necrosis,[2] and later, regrowth of the bone.[3] This disorder is defined as a focal disturbance of endochondral ossification and is regarded as having a multifactorial cause, so no one thing accounts for all aspects of this disease.[1] Osteochondrosis Specialty Rheumatology, orthopedic surgery Osteochondrosis is a developmental disease. It usually occurs in an early stage of life. It has personified features as focal chondronecrosis and confinement of growth cartilage due to a failing of endochondral ossification. Fissures can develop from lesions over the top articular cartilage and form a cartilage flap and an osteochondral fragment. It is diagnosed as osteochondritis dissecans.[4] In dogs osteochondrosis is seen in elbow, shoulder, knee, and ankle joints. Elbow osteochondrosis is also known as "elbow dysplasia". There are three types of elbow dysplasia: fragmented medial coronoid process, ununited anconeal process and Osteochondritis dissecans of the medial humeral condyle. Breeds that have the predisposition to these are Basset Hound, Labrador, Golden Retriever, and Rottweiler. Other breeds can also be diagnosed with this condition but it is not common.[5] One of the leading factors to some elbow osteochondrosis is that the radius and ulna are growing at different rates. In this situation, the stress to the joint surface is not even and can cause some form of osteochondrosis in the elbow when the puppy grows or make already existing elbow dysplasia even worse. Some of the breeds that are susceptible to that are for example Dachshunds, Corgis, Pugs, Bulldogs, and Beagles.[4] These conditions nearly all present with an insidious onset of pain referred to the location of the bony damage. Some, notably Kienbock's disease of the wrist, may involve considerable swelling,[6] and LeggCalvé-Perthes disease of the hip causes the victim to limp.[7] The spinal form, Scheuermann's disease, may cause bending, or kyphosis of the upper spine, giving a "hunch-back" appearance.[8] Symptoms in animals Edit The most common symptoms are lameness and pain in the affected joints. Animals may try to ease the pain and walk differently and the pain can be noticed by the change in animals walking style. The condition affects both sides (right and left leg). On most occasions, the other leg is worse. This can result that the dog starts encumbering the other leg and the healthier leg becomes more strained.[5] Sometimes the symptoms are so mild or there are no symptoms which can make it hard to detect that there is something wrong with that dog.[9] The ultimate cause for these conditions is unknown, but the most commonly cited cause factors are rapid growth, heredity, trauma (or overuse), anatomic conformation, and dietary imbalances; however, only anatomic conformation and heredity are well supported by scientific literature. The way that the disease is initiated has been debated. Although failure of chondrocyte differentiation, formation of a fragile cartilage, failure of blood supply to the growth cartilage, and subchondral bone necrosis all have been proposed as the starting point in the pathogenesis, recent literature strongly supports failure of blood supply to growth cartilage as most likely.[1] Osteochondrosis can be usually inherited. OSTEOCHONDROSIS Osteochondrosis is a clinical term used to describe the pathologic changes that occur in the intervertebral disc and in the adjacent bone of the vertebral bodies as a result of disruption in the region of the end plate of the disc. Following disruption of the cartilaginous end plate, the other disc components exhibit rapidly progressive degeneration, with focal necrosis, fissuring, radial or circumferential tearing in the annulus fibrosus, and replacement of normal disc tissue by fibrous tissue. Large horizontal clefts may develop in the central part of the disc tissue and can be seen on clinical radiographs, where they are often referred to, incorrectly, as the vacuum phenomenon (Fig. 13-13). Disc calcification is common. However, apatite crystal deposits can be easily overlooked in sections prepared with hematoxylin and eosin staining (Fig. 13-14). Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease (CPPD) is a frequent finding in surgical specimens both of disc tissue and in the ligamentum flavum (Fig. 13-15). As disc degeneration progresses, with subsequent narrowing of the disc space, formation of new bone takes place around the periphery of the disc, at the junction of the annulus and the vertebral body resulting in marginal osteophytes. Ossification also occurs within the disc as a result of endochondral ossification of the cartilaginous end plate, contributing to narrowing of the disc space (Fig. 13-16). After vascular invasion, progressive breakdown of the disc tissue contents will lead to their resorption. Frequently, the final stage of the resorption process is a spontaneous bony fusion of adjacent vertebral bodies. Osteochondroses of the Elbow Osteochondrosis is defined as a group of disorders affecting an ossification center in a child or adolescent resulting in alteration of endochondral ossification. Histologic studies have shown that the affected ossification center undergoes degeneration or avascular necrosis followed by resorption and changes of repair with recalcification. The osteochondroses of the elbow most frequently occur in adolescent athletes, with involvement of the capitellum and radial head resulting from compressive or shearing forces whereas lesions of the olecranon and medial epicondyle result from traction forces. Osteochondral lesions of the capitellum or radial head most frequently occur in adolescent pitchers or gymnasts and almost always involve the dominant arm. Repeated valgus stress across the lateral compartment of the elbow in pitchers results in excessive compressive or shearing forces leading to these osteochondral injuries. In gymnasts, the lateral compartment of the elbow acts as a weightbearing joint and is subjected to excessive compressive forces. These osteochondral injuries range from minimal subchondral marrow edema and microtrabecular injury to a partially or completely detached osteochondral fragment in situ or, in the most severe cases, to a displaced osteochondral fragment. The stable injuries are usually treated with conservative measures by placing the arm at rest and by eliminating the aggravating activity. Unstable or displaced osteochondral fragments require surgical reattachment or debridement. In most cases, MRI can accurately differentiate between the various stages of injury, and the most critical decision point is to differentiate between a stable and an unstable fragment in situ because the unstable lesions require surgical intervention. On occasion, it may prove difficult using conventional MRI to differentiate between a stable and an unstable in situ lesion (Fig. 8-20). Fluid, seen on a T2weighted image, extending completely beneath the osteochondral fragment, indicates a loose but in situ lesion. However, loose granulation tissue that holds a stable fragment in place may appear very bright on T2-weighted MR images and mimic fluid surrounding an unstable fragment. Direct MR arthrography can increase the specificity in these cases. Gadolinium completely surrounding a fragment is indicative of an unstable fragment. Occasionally, in adolescent pitchers a purely chondral shearing injury results in a full-thickness chondral defect and resultant loose body. This injury is occult on radiographs, although a joint effusion may be present. MR imaging demonstrates a full-thickness chondral defect and resultant loose body (Fig. 8-21). The major pitfall with regard to the diagnosis of an osteochondral injury of the capitellum is the presence of the pseudodefect of the capitellum. This is a normal anatomic finding that can mimic an osteochondral lesion of the capitellum on MR imaging. Along the posterolateral margin of the articular surface of the capitellum, the articular cartilage ends abruptly, and on sagittal and coronal images this gives the appearance of an abrupt step-off of the chondral surface, which can mimic an osteochondral lesion but actually represents the normal appearance of the interface between the articular cartilage and the nonarticular surface of the posterior capitellum. The key to differentiating this from a true osteochondral lesion is to recognize that the osteochondral lesions occur in the anterior aspect of the capitellum as seen on sagittal images, whereas the pseudodefect of the capitellum is located posteriorly and usually demonstrate little to no subchondral signal abnormality (see Fig. 8-20). The medial epicondyle is another location of common injury in adolescent pitchers, and osteochondrosis of the medial epicondyle usually results from excessive traction forces that are applied across the elbow during the motion of throwing. The incidence of this injury has decreased significantly over the past decade in the little league age group as a result of education of parents and coaches. The lesion is now more commonly seen in the slightly older age group and in athletes of early high school age (Fig. 8-22). Osteochondrosis of the capitellum or Panner's disease is a self-limiting abnormality of the osteochondral bone, which usually occurs in children between the ages of 5 and 12 before the capitellum is fully ossified. It is thought that the process is caused by avascular necrosis of subchondral bone secondary to a lateral compression injury of the elbow.50 Osteochondrosis is often visible in plain radiographs that will show fragmentation of the ossification centre. MRI shows decreased T1 and increased T2 fluid signal with epiphyseal fragmentation. Loose body formation is rare and the articular cartilage typically remains intact. It is usual for the lesion to resolve over time with conservative management, in contrast to osteochondritis dissecans. Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) or avascular necrosis of the elbow joint is typically found in adolescents and young adults51 and most often occurs within the capitellum, but may also be seen in the radial head or trochlea. While the process may be idiopathic, there is often a history of trauma involving a valgus or axial compression injury, repetitive valgus stress or a risk factor for avascular necrosis such as high levels of endogenous or therapeutic steroids, marrow pathology (e.g. leukaemia, sickle cell disease and Gaucher's disease) or alcohol abuse. Radiographs are the first-line investigation of OCD, although it should be stressed that the sensitivity of plain radiographs in detecting early OCD is low and radiographs may appear normal at initial presentation.51 By the time that OCD is visible with radiographic examination, the pathology will already be well advanced. Plain radiographs will show subchondral lucency, often with cortical irregularity, and a defect may be present within the capitellum once fragmentation has occurred. Early detection of suspected OCD should therefore be made using MRI when the initial radiograph is normal,40 or with scintigraphy when MRI is contraindicated. MRI will show a focus of low to intermediate T1 signal within the subchondral bone, with a low T1 signal margin. The lesion may have variable signal on fluid-sensitive sequences, with high T2 fluid signal progressing to low T2 signal when sclerosis is present. Fragment instability is indicated by well-defined high T2 fluid signal separating the osteochondral fragment from the underlying bone marrow, a cleft in the articular cartilage at the lesion margin and a high T2 cystic structure deep to the lesion.52,53 Instability is more often associated with lesions with a largest dimension greater than 1 cm in size52 or greater than 0.8 cm2 in area.54 Direct MR arthrography can be used to clearly demonstrate the more sharply defined margin seen in unstable lesions, with contrast outlining the loose fragment.55 Indirect MR arthrography will show enhancement of granulation tissue around an unstable lesion, as well as demonstrating contrast-enhanced synovial fluid extending between the unstable fragment and the adjacent marrow. One significant pitfall of MR imaging of the capitellum is the pseudodefect, a normal anatomical depression found at the junction of the posterior margin of the capitellar articular cartilage and the posterior aspect of the lateral epicondyle. The pseudodefect is found posteriorly, in contrast to OCD, which is typically found within the anterior aspect of the capitellum. When MRI is contraindicated and the initial radiograph appears normal or does not clearly show whether the fragment is stable or not, other modalities may be used to make the diagnosis. CT arthrography will show mixed sclerosis and lucent change that confirms the diagnosis of OCD, and contrast will outline an unstable fragment.56 CT arthrography may also be used to look for intra-articular loose bodies and to assess bony congruence. Alternatively, the rarely utilized investigation of technetium 99 MDP bone scanning with dynamic triplephase imaging (immediate blood flow, 10-minute blood pooling and delayed bone uptake) can also be used to detect occult unstable lesions. Unstable OCD lesions show increased uptake during blood pooling and delayed phases of scintigraphy.54 Conversely, with stable OCD increased uptake during the blood pool phase is rarely seen and there is less marked uptake of the technetium tracer during the delayed phase, which allows differentiation between stable and unsOsteochondrosis of the metatarsal head, or Freiberg's disease, involves an evolutionary process of deterioration and collapse of the articular surface and underlying subchondral bone. It occurs more commonly in adolescents when the epiphysis is still present, and 75% of the cases are female.40 The second metatarsal is the most common site (68%) followed by the third and forth metatarsal heads being affected.41 The second metatarsal head is involved more commonly when it is longer than the first. It has been proposed that this results in increased pressure over the head and possibly disruption of the vascular supply with repeated microtrauma (i.e., running or dancing en pointe). The athlete typically presents with forefoot pain that is worsened with impact activities. Activities that cause extremes of motion at the metatarsal heads during weight-bearing activities such as sprinting and repetitive jumping particularly seem to exasperate symptoms. Athletes usually will complain that the pain symptoms are continuing to worsen by the time they seek medical help. The physical examination may show some mild swelling over the metatarsal head. Palpation of the midfoot and forefoot typically isolates pain to the affected metatarsal head and its metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint. Motion at the affected MTP joint will be decreased and painful. Radiographs of the foot should be obtained when a young athlete presents with these symptoms and physical examination findings to evaluate for Freiberg's disease and to rule out other causes, such as infection or stress fractures. Initial plain film findings, such as widening of the affected MTP joint space, may be subtle. Osteosclerosis of the metatarsal head may be seen within several weeks on plain films (Fig. 23-3). As the disease progresses, there is increased resorption of necrotic bone with resulting fragmentation and collapse of the metatarsal head.42 Bone scan may be helpful when the clinical examination and history are suspicious but radiographs are negative. The bone scan will show increased uptake in the proximal metatarsal head and decreased uptake over the necrotic area. Treatment consists of taking anti-inflammatories and decreasing the load to the area for a period of time. Initial immobilization in a walking boot will help to calm symptoms. The athlete then may be transitioned into an orthotic and started back to nonimpact activities initially. It is not always possible to stabilize the joint and prevent pain and progressive deformity. In severe cases with persistent pain, surgery may be required to alleviate symptoms and remove impingement. In later stages, it is believed that the discomfort is associated with loose bodies. There are several procedures, depending on the extent of the disease and whether loose bodies are present. All have reported very good results.