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Into the Wild: Christopher McCandless's Story

Before you read… it can be
1. Have you ever thought about living in the wild? No I haven’t
2. What do you describe ‘happiness’ in your own words?
Happiness is my family and the world and my birth
According to you/ In your opinion
I Think
For me loneliness and silence
What about you/ How about you?
Happiness is being healthy
Happiness is enjoying small things.
Happiness is my children.
Happiness is to have my wishes true.
INTO THE WILD- The sad story of Christopher MCCandless
In May 1990, Chris graduates with
high honors from Emory University.
Shortly afterwards, he rejects his
conventional life in pursuit of freedom
from relationships and obligation. He
gives up his home, his family and
donates all his money to charity. He
starts his journey. He doesn’t tell his
parents where he is going. His final destination is Alaska, into the wild.
He wants to spend time with nature and with real existence. He wants
to escape from the modern world. When he reaches Alaska, he sets up
a campsite in an abandoned bus. In the 20 months of his Great Alaskan
Adventure, he examines and appreciates the
world around him and he heals from his
troubled childhood and his parents’ poor
relationship. He hunts wild animals, reads books, and keeps a diary. But
months later, life for Chris becomes harder; his food begins to run out.
He realizes that nature is also harsh and uncaring. Finally he tragically
realizes that ‘happiness is only real when it is shared’. He wants to
return from the wild to his family and friends. However, he finds the
stream he crossed during the winter has become wide, deep and violent
and he can’t cross it. He feels so upset, lonely and desperate. He
returns to the bus. He eats the wrong roots and plants. He becomes ill.
Slowly dying, he accepts his fate. He writes a farewell to the world. He
crawls into his sleeping bag to die. Two weeks later, his body is found
by hunters.