AGENDA Make-To-Order with VC - Overview.1day Make-To-Order with VC - Master Data 2-3 d Make-To-Order with VC- Full cycle with MRP-1d Make to stock Production Capacity Evaluation and Leveling 1d Rework Processing - Work-in-Process 1d Subcontracting 1d 3/1/2023 Overview on SAP VARIANT CONFIGURATION 3/1/2023 Target Audience SAP Key Users 3/1/2023 Variant Configuration - Topics End User Perspective Definition and key benefits VC integration with various SAP Modules Consulting Perspective Key Words used in VC Variant conditions & pricing Parameters selected for the Material Steps for configuring VC 3/1/2023 Definition: Variant Configuration A functionality that helps to simplify the complex manufacturing of final product with more varieties and variation of the input material For e.g. Fashion can have various models with different colors or accessories but with same basic features 3/1/2023 Benefits Customers’ variant requirement can be met quickly New variants (Specifications) of the products can be done online either by the customer or sales engineers Reduces the need to create multiple variants for the product specific for the variants 3/1/2023 Benefits The requirement ( Specification ) chosen in the Sales Order is passed to the Production Planning smoothly. The cost of the specification can be monitored so that it does not overstep the mark, when tailoring the variant Highly beneficial in industries where too many variations exists in the product structure 3/1/2023 VC Integration with other SAP Modules 3/1/2023 VC Integration Few Application components like – Material Master – Sales – Purchasing – Costing – MRP – Production Orders, etc., 3/1/2023 9 Configurable Material What is Configurable Material ? A Material with which all variants of a product are stored in SAP. A Product consists of a number of variable components; hence with these various components, you can configure and define Characteristics Sets important control parameters especially for MRP, Pricing & Sales 3/1/2023 10 Configurable Material PUFFER JACKET Fabrics Buttons Configurable Material Colour Variants 3/1/2023 11 Configurable Material PIC for CONFIG mat 3/1/2023 12 Process flow 3/1/2023 3/1/2023 Satyam O2C Competency 3/1/2023 Satyam O2C Competency 3/1/2023 Satyam O2C Competency 3/1/2023 Satyam O2C Competency 3/1/2023 Satyam O2C Competency 3/1/2023 Satyam O2C Competency Variant Configuration- Keywords Characteristics Class Classification Dependency Precondition Selection condition Actions Procedures Tables & Functions Configuration profile Variant condition 3/1/2023 20 Variant Configuration- Keywords (2) 1 3/1/2023 21 Characteristics Various components that can be configured are defined as Characteristics The Variants of the individual component will be considered as its value e.g. Fuel System, Engine Capacity or Accessories can be Characteristics. Petrol or Diesel versions can be values for the characteristic Fuel system. 3/1/2023 Classes Contains the Characteristics Class types determine how the objects (Characteristics) are processed How the objects (material, batches, documents, etc.) can be classified Class type allows to classify objects of different types in the same class . e.g.. Class type = 300 “Configurable Material” which can be identified for multiple objects allowed 3/1/2023 Classification: Multi-module impact SD CO MM R/3 Client Server ABAP/4 PP QM PM 3/1/2023 Classification Following modules use Classification system: MM, PP, SD, PM, QM, CO Classification is considered a “central function” of SAP A carefully constructed Classification structure makes it easier & quicker to find objects within a Classification system 3/1/2023 Classification Classification is the process of assigning Objects to Classes Using the characteristics of the class, values can be assigned to these objects You can assign an object to one or more classes and one or more objects to a class (Relationship : Many to Many) 3/1/2023 Classification Object to One Or More Classes One or more Object to a Class * * This substantially reduces the work load for classifying objects. 3/1/2023 Classification: Central Concepts 3/1/2023 Dependency Master Data Maintaining the interdependencies, validation between the characteristics and characteristics values. Dependencies can be created as • Global Dependency • Local Dependency 3/1/2023 Dependency Global Dependency • The Global dependencies are independent of any specific objects Local Dependency • The Local dependencies are specific for characteristic or characteristic value 3/1/2023 Global & Local Dependencies Global Dependency This uses External name for identity These dependencies can be assigned to any characteristics or characteristic values Any changes to a global dependency will straightly get affected wherever it is used 3/1/2023 Local Dependency The internal naming is used for its identity This can be used locally for only the object for which it is created Dependency Types Precondition Selection Condition Action Procedures 3/1/2023 Dependency - Precondition Used to Check the consistency of the Configuration Used to hide the Characteristic and Characteristic value that are not allowed during a product specification selections in sales orders Ensures the configuration objects to be consistent For Instance : With Comfort Characteristics viz., Remote Release, Perfume, Seat Belts cannot be given to 800CC Car variants i.e. If the User selects the “Engine Cap” Characteristic as 800CC, then the “COMF” Characteristic shall not be displayed for any input values. 3/1/2023 Dependency – Selection Condition A selection condition is used to ensure that all the objects are relevant to a specific variant and determines when it is mandatory to assign a value to characteristic For Instance : With Engine Capacity Characteristics viz., 800CC, 1000CC & 1800CC can be assigned to only Petrol version Fuel Characteristic, while 1400CC can have Fuel Characteristic either Petrol or Diesel versions; but any one of them is Mandatory selection 3/1/2023 Dependency – Actions Actions are used to infer values for characteristic An Action is processed as soon as the characteristic to which it is assigned has a value assigned The value set by Action cannot be overwritten either manually or by other actions For Instance : Engine Capacity Characteristic 1000CC can be supplied with only 1+4 transmission system (TRANS) Characteristic. Hence on selection of the ENGINE_CAP Characteristic 1000CC, then Characteristic 1+4 TRANS is automatically determined 3/1/2023 Dependency – Procedures Procedures Used to infer values for a characteristic Default values can be set for characteristics. Unlike actions, procedures can be overwritten The values are determined by calculations, sum, or analysis Several procedures can be assigned to an object and the processing sequence for the procedures could be defined 3/1/2023 Dependency – Procedures ( Pricing) Procedures are always mostly used for pricing The price of a variant product depends on the characteristics selected and can be influenced by variant conditions For Instance : Tyre Characteristics “Radial” can be set for 1400CC and 1800CC with Power Steering, and “Normal” can be set for 800CC & 1000CC with Cross-ply Steering mechanism 3/1/2023 Tables & Functions The Tables can be used to specify allowed combinations of characteristic values These Tables can also be used to check the consistency of the values assigned or to infer values The Functions can be used to call own function modules to copy characteristic values to a dependency 3/1/2023 Configuration Profile Used to define the central setting for configuring object The objects such as Materials, Standard Networks, Maintenance task list, Model service specifications the configuration profiles can be created The configuration profile can be used to assign one or more classes to the object Dependencies can be assigned in the configuration profiles 3/1/2023 Configuration Profile …contd., The actions and procedures can be assigned to the configuration profile; this is most advantageous because they all are in one place Application scope like production, sales, etc can be defined Scope of the value assignments like display option settings can be defined Interface design for the value maintenance during configuration can be defined 3/1/2023 Variant condition & Pricing The price of a variant product depends on the characteristics selected and can be influenced by variant conditions 3/1/2023 Characteristics Parameters selected for the Material Characteristics Parameters ENGINE_CAP TRANS FUEL STEER TYRE Char Description Char value Value Description Engine Capacity 800 1000 1400 1800 800CC 1000CC 1400CC 1800CC Transmission 1 2 3 4 1+3 1+4 1+5 1+6 Fuel System PET DISE PETROL VERSION DIESEL VERSION Steering Mechanism POW CROSPLY POWER STEERING CROSS-PLY STEERING Tyres RADI NORM RADIAL TYRES NORMAL TYRES 3/1/2023 Characteristics Parameters selected for the Material ….contd., Characteristic Parameters ACCE COMF SDCOM Characteristic Description Characteristic Value Value Description Accessories ADL SM CG SPC STR AUTOMATIC DOOR LOCK SPECIAL MIRRORS CRASH GUARD SPECIAL CUSHIONS STEREO SYSTEM Comfort RMTR PERM SB REMOTE RELEASE PERFUME SEAT BELTS Variant Condition ADL SM CG SPC STR AUTOMATIC DOOR LOCK SPECIAL MIRRORS CRASH GUARD SPECIAL CUSHIONS STEREO SYSTEM 3/1/2023 Super BOM The bill of material (BOM) of a configurable material contains all the components that are required to manufacture the material. The BOM contains components that are only used in specific variants (variant parts), as well as components that are used in all variants (non-variable parts) This is why BOMs for configurable materials are known as ‘Super BOMs’ 3/1/2023 Routings for Configurable Materials A Routing (or Task List) for a configurable material contains all the operations, operation sequences, and production resources/tools (PRTs) that are required to manufacture all variants of a configurable material Routings (task lists) for configurable materials are known as ‘Super Task Lists’ When you configure the material, you assign characteristic values that are used in Production to determine the operations required 3/1/2023 Steps for configuring VC Create Characteristics Create Class Create Dependencies Create Configurable Material Assign objects/classes to class Create Components Create Configuration Profile Create Pricing for Variants Simulate Variant Configuration Create Sales Order Process Production Order Process Delivery to Customer 3/1/2023 Steps for configuring VC Create Configurable Material (Material type ‘KMAT’) Create Material records for all possible components (R/mls) Create Characteristics Create Super BOM (Object dependencies/selection condition)Create Super Routing Create Class(class type 300) and assign characteristc to the class Create Configuration Profile Create condition records (condition type VA00) Configuration Simulation (assign variant condition) Create Sales Order (and configure the material) 3/1/2023 MM01 MM01 CT04 CS01 CA01 CL02 CU41 VK11 CU50 VA01 Q&A 3/1/2023 Thank You 3/1/2023