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Algebra Self-Test: Expressions, Polynomials, Equations

Self-test 1
A. Answer each of the following short questions. (A) Find the value of each of the following
expressions if a = 3, b = 1, c = 0 and d = 2.
(1) a2
(2) b2
(3) ab + d
(4) a(b + d)
(5) 2c + 3d
(6) 2a2
(7) (2a) 2
(8) 4ab + 3bd
(9) a + bc
(10) d3
B. Multiply out the following
(1) (2x + 3y) (x + 5y)
(2) (3a – 5b)(2a – b)
(3) (3x + 2)2
(4) (2y – 5)2
(5) (2p2 + 3pq)(q2 – 2pq)
C. Answer each of the following short questions by finding the value which the letter is standing
for in each case.
(1) x + 7 = 4
(2) 3y = 27
(3) 5y = 12
(4) 2p + 3 = 8
(5) 2a + 3 = 5a – 2