#include <Servo.h> // Define servo objects for each servo Servo servoX; Servo servoY; Servo servoPot; // Define const int const int const int const int const int const int pin numbers for each servo and joystick/potentiometer inputs servoXPin = 9; servoYPin = 10; servoPotPin = 11; joyXPin = A0; joyYPin = A1; potPin = A2; // Define joystick and potentiometer values int joyXValue = 0; int joyYValue = 0; int potValue = 0; void setup() { // Attach servo objects to their respective pins servoX.attach(servoXPin); servoY.attach(servoYPin); servoPot.attach(servoPotPin); // Set initial position of servos servoX.write(90); servoY.write(90); servoPot.write(90); } void loop() { // Read joystick and potentiometer values joyXValue = analogRead(joyXPin); joyYValue = analogRead(joyYPin); potValue = analogRead(potPin); // Map joystick and potentiometer values to servo angles int servoXAngle = map(joyXValue, 0, 1023, 0, 180); int servoYAngle = map(joyYValue, 0, 1023, 0, 180); int servoPotAngle = map(potValue, 0, 1023, 0, 180); // Set servo positions based on joystick and potentiometer values servoX.write(servoXAngle); servoY.write(servoYAngle); servoPot.write(servoPotAngle); // Wait a short time before reading joystick and potentiometer values again delay(10); } Arduino that uses the Servo library to control 3 servos, where 2 of them are controlled by an XY joystick and one of them is controlled by a potentiometer: The specific pin to use for each servo and input may depend on the Arduino board you are using. Here is a general guideline for the pin connections in the code I provided: Connect the X-axis of the joystick to analog input pin A0. Connect the Y-axis of the joystick to analog input pin A1. Connect the potentiometer to analog input pin A2. Connect the signal wire of the servo for X-axis control to digital pin 9. Connect the signal wire of the servo for Y-axis control to digital pin 10. Connect the signal wire of the servo for potentiometer control to digital pin 11. Of course, you can modify these pin assignments in the code to match the specific pins you are using for your project. Just make sure that the pin numbers you use in the code match the actual physical pins you have connected to on the Arduino board.