
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
A Business Case Study Report
Presented to the Faculty of
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Far Eastern University – Manila
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Al Sudais Z. Macmod
Allen Bill Laurence D. De Guzman
Andrew C. Bautista
James A. Avellino
Jerick T. Perez
Kurt Eduard A. Baldemoro
Lyka Angela S. Alarba
Zia Nicolette D. Nuestro
12 December 2022
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Table of Contents
Time Context
Problem Statement
Objectives of the Case
Alternative Course of Action
Summary and Conclusion
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Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
I. Introduction
Leadership skills are one of the necessities in the business world. Not
everyone can be a leader, and it is not easy to find a good leader. In research from
Baker, almost 77% of the companies and organizations in the entire world are in a
state of leadership gap (2022). Inclined with the response of inspiring new leaders,
this study was conducted to provide a background and foundation for analyzing
the day-to-day company problems that requires the application of proper
leadership methodologies and leadership decision-making models.
To suffice the lack of experience, expertise, and knowledge of the students
in the field of leadership, an interview has been conducted to Mr. Renesto Nieky
Talagtag, a Project Coach or Team Manager in AFNI Philippines for the past 2
years as the foundation to answer the following questions and solving the problem.
AFNI is a global team of individuals committed to assisting organizations create
profitable and meaningful relationships with their customers. It was started in 1936
in which, its purpose is to channel strategy and customer lifecycle solutions that
allows present their clients numerous methods to connect with their customers for
many reasons. AFNI pays close attention and are prepared to assemble the ideal
combination for your company's clients in which, brings forth new techniques for
conducting business via the phone, online, or in-person that provides better
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
II. Viewpoint
AFNI Philippines is a call center or a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
Company who handles a huge volume of calls to provide answers in various
elements of a business such as troubleshooting, customer service, and support
within a company. Its objective is to make it easier for both the business and the
client to interact, solve problems, finish orders, and offer goods and services. Call
center integration is a valuable service and a selling point for any business
because it enables customers to call in and speak to a live person to get assistance
when they need it. Companies that use call centers are frequently able to offer
better customer service and support than businesses that do not. With this, the
case study aims to identify the issue and solutions made by a certain leader when
it comes to a company’s workforce optimization. Workforce optimization
challenges involve allocating agents appropriately, reviewing call history, ensuring
the availability of agents to every customer, and the harmonious relationship of
every worker.
Employees and employers both have unique opinions on certain
organizational or business-related concerns. A Team Manager or a Project Coach
perspective is the most appropriate to employ for this case study. Mr. Talagtag, a
Team Manager of AFNI, has been employed by the organization for two years. He
first began as a regular employee before steadily moving up the ranks to achieve
a leadership role. He oversees a team's performance and output while mentoring
and growing each member of the team. He is also responsible for managing team
members who have just completed a one-month training period to ensure a smooth
transfer to production. Since the case study aims to analyze the various issues
encountered within the workforce optimization, he has strong leadership skills to
serve as the case study's point of view because he has encountered a variety of
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
III. Time Context
March 2020
Was a negative turning point for Afni Philippines as it had no backup plan for the
company to cope with the pandemic leading to unable to compete with its
March-August 2020
The first six-months of pandemic was a disaster for Afni Philippines as it
struggles to compete with its competitors due to lack of preparedness and
August-October 2020
Afni Philippines responded by having a great set of leadership programs that can
enhance their subordinates’ and co-workers’ skills and share their knowledge
with others. Afni Philippines made its employees motivated and determined in
achieving their goals.
October-December 2020
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Subordinates and co-worker’s skills are improved and Afni Philippines was able
compete with its competitors.
December 2020
Afni Philippines starts to regain a net profit due to a proper leadership style and
good strategy.
IV. Problem Statement
In most companies that are composed of teams to operate, the most frequent
problem is work force optimization. It is vital to keep your team intact in terms of
time scheduling, performance, and skills management. In AFNI where time is vital
in accomplishing activities, time scheduling can be hard specially it is a team made
of individual employees. Having their restricted period of 8 hours every shift they
are chasing time to finish their quota on that day. While this could arise a problem
that can be fixed quickly, this must be maintained accordingly with performance.
The team's performance depends on the team's ability to fulfill the objective with
precision. Performance also depends on controlling the skills of the individuals in
the team. Some skills include efficient communication, knowledge of customer
service, coding speed, and—most importantly—the capacity to address client
issues. If the leader is unable to choose which aspects of workforce optimization
to focus on in specific circumstances, these three aspects will become an issue.
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Workforce optimization will most likely be more of an asset if the organization
executes it well and the crucial job of the leader is executed properly. The
workforce optimization problem can be tackled by breaking it into three parts. The
first is time-scheduling, in which the group is assigned a certain task for a specific
period. The second is performance tracking, which involves keeping numerical
data on the performance of individuals in the group and providing performancebased compensation to top performers. This will encourage staff to do better in
their tasks. The next step is to invest in employee training to improve
communication skills. This will significantly increase the employees' skills.
In an organization, especially one that is run by several groups with their
respective leaders, it is hard to keep a team intact. In terms of controlling absences,
time, performance, and skills, the team must be unified to yield the best results.
With the above-mentioned solution paired with the best leadership and
management style, it will be a successful team. Particularly in the world of BPO,
where there are numerous competitors, and they rely solely on their efficiency to
stay ahead of the competition.
V. Objective of the Case
Objective of the case are the following:
1.1 To demonstrate student leadership competency as problem
solvers and solution provider.
1.2 To apply appropriate leadership decision making
1.3 To learn the leader’s ways of solving a problem or crisis
1.4 Finding a creative and innovative solution to specific and
complex problems is considered as evidence of a leader’s
intellectually stimulating behavior.
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
1.5 To identify the main behaviors that are observed in the traits
of leaders such as goal clarification, team boundaries
setting, the guidance of members, leading followers,
engaging members to the team, meeting organization and
information flow control.
VI. Alternative Courses of Action
1. Embrace Hybrid Set Up
Give the employees the ability to choose if they want to work onsite or if they
want to work from home. Employees will think that they have a say in the
organization, leading to a motivated work. Working from home can maximize
what time they do have available; they do not need to use their sick leave in case
something happens.
Advantages: They can work overtime because they do not need to worry about
the traffic. Some people work best alone, so their performance can go up.
Disadvantages: Costly, the company will provide them an equipment and internet
that they will use. Unmonitored performance.
2. Implement Decentralized Communication
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
All employees have direct communication access to everyone. Skilled members
can share their ideas directly, it may help the company problem with
communication. Some employees are scared to speak up in a meeting, they
prefer sharing their thoughts directly.
Advantages: There will be no stealing of ideas. Can improve the relationship
between the higher ups and with the employees.
Disadvantages: This will be a big change; everyone will need to adapt and
3. Monthly Team Building
Team building activities can improve communication and strengthen relationships
between the team members.
Advantages: Stress is common in the workplace, having the employees a mental
break can improve their efficiency. There is no awkwardness between coworkers.
Friends to everyone, enemy to none.
Disadvantages: Costly. Risky, team building activities are mostly competing with
each other, it can backfire and cause the opposite effect.
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Based on the study and collected data, the chosen alternative course of
action is implementation of Decentralized Communication. This paper
recommends the use of behaviorist theory. Due to this theory, in order to
boost the output and morale of their team, managers should be mindful of
their own behavior. This theory classifies managers into the following
categories depending on the leadership styles it acknowledges:
Task-focused managers
Leaders who put people first
Apathetic leaders
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Effective leaders
Dictatorial authorities
Current authorities
Reliable leaders
Shrewd businesspeople
Daddy-like bosses
Heads of Country Clubs
In conclusion, this recommended theory will make positive Significant
changes to the problem as it includes aspects of effective and reliable
leadership which it targets the major problem.
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
Summary and Conclusion
Afni Philippines, a BPO company, is the focus of the study. Mr. Renesto
Talagtag, a team manager in the said organization, was the sole foundation of
every information acquired and used to answer and fulfill the study's goal, which is
to determine Afni's organizational problems and the solutions they enforce as a
response. The researchers found two main organizational problems that Afni
Philippines faces: first is handling and coping with uncertainties, i.e. Coronavirus
pandemic, and the other is revolving workforce optimizations.
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
The unforeseen appearance of the Coronavirus disease in the early months
of 2020 shocked business entities, and Afni Philippines is no exception. Through
the first few months, the company suffered a huge loss and was not able to
compete in the BPO industry. The problems relating to the effects of the pandemic
were later remedied months after. Responding to the challenge faced by Afni
Philippines regarding coping with and handling uncertainties like the pandemic, the
researchers highly suggest that the company should strengthen scenario planning
strategies and take a proactive approach if another uncertain scenario arise in the
Another organizational problem that Afni Philippines faces is revolving
workforce optimizations.
Institute of Accounts, Business and Finance
IX. References
Cyriac, F. (2015, August 27). Top 5 Challenges Call Center Managers Face
Today . Ameyo.
December 12, 2022,
www.ameyo.com /blog/call-center-management-challenges/
Fabula, J. K. (2022, May 25). How To Write Viewpoint in Case Study (With
Examples). FilipiKnow. https://filipiknow.net/example-of-viewpoint-in-casestudy/
Al-Malki, M. (2021b, January 19). Leadership literature review | Leadership Styles and
Job Performance. Research Leap. https://researchleap.com/leadership-stylesjob-performance-literature-review/