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Discussion Mental Health

Discussion Prompt: Mental Health.
In Chapter 8 of Health Promotion and Aging by David Haber, the topic is Mental Health, which includes
screening for this and the relationship between stress and the management of stress. In Chapter 8 of Health
Promotion in Nursing Practice by Nola Pender et al., the topic is Stress Management and Health Promotion.
Discuss the concepts of Mental Health, Stress, and Stress Management and their relationship to Health
End-of-life care involves an individual's preferences regarding decision-making capacity, emergency
interventions, and the type and length of care they would like to receive in medical circumstances. However,
end-of-life care can also be Supported through services such as palliative care in hospice. At the same time
these services may be discussed, due to functional disability or limitations from illness, individuals may require
the use of long-term care services. Typically, long-term care is institutional care based with over 80% of public
dollars being spent on nursing homes. There appears to be an emphasis on profitable outcomes which,
according to Haber, diverts from the quality of care that is based on love and community. This is displayed by
the financial constraints placed by these institutions in feeding clients for as little money as possible and the
overuse of antipsychotics for dementia patients with no history of mental illnesses. An alternative to long-term
care can involve i/nformal caregivers who are unpaid friends and family who assist the individual with activities
of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). This is beneficial in increasing levels
of personal satisfaction and decreasing mortality risk for those caregivers. Comparatively, formal caregiving
refers to paid caregivers either in the home or institutional settings. However, this field is burdened by poor
compensation, lack of background checks, Inadequate skill competency, and superficial monitoring of
providing services (2016). Previously working in care coordination for disabled persons in the community, I am
aware that Colorado allows funding to be provided to families who are providing caregiver-giving services
which appear to be a great alternative in improving outcomes for both the client and caregiver.
nurses play an important role in health promotion for various client populations through a form of
primary care called self-care. Empowering individuals through self-care is based on the premise that there is
desire, ability, and resources available that allow for active participation, informed decision-making, health
competency, mastery over health-associated environmental factors, and the promotion of public policy for
healthier communities (Haber, 2016). Health-promoting activities of self-care include “eating a healthy diet,
being physically active, getting adequate rest, and avoiding harmful substances and environments, as well as
other behaviors to enhance well-being” (Pender, Murdaugh, & Parsons, 2019).
Haber, D. (2016). Health Promotion and aging: Practical applications for health professionals (7th ed.).
Springer Publishing Company.
Pender, N., Murdaugh, C., & Parsons, M.A. (2019). Health Promotion in nursing practice (8th ed). Pearson.
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