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Social Media Impact on Senior High Students: Survey

Research Questions
1. How often do students use social media to connect and communicate with various people
in school?
How does these social media platforms use relate to the quality of relationships
students have with various people in school and in the community?
2. How important is it to students to have access to more or better technology for themselves
or their teachers?
a. How do these perceptions of importance vary by different types of students and
students in different institutional settings?
3. To what extent has students’ technology use enabled them to understand, demonstrate their
understanding, or study on their own or with others?
a. How does such use of technology relate to other important forms of educationally
effective engagement?
Criteria for Participants
The participants for this study will be the Grade 12 Senior High School Students,
under the ICT Strand that are currently studying in Carlos F. Gonzales High School. The
age range for the participant will be from 16-25 years old and must be able to use social
media platforms. The researchers will be using convenience sampling to gather the
participants. We will be having 10 participants response from Senior High School
Students.. Data are collected through survey questionnaires.
Good day, Students!
We are student-researchers from ICT 12B (Group 5). We are currently conducting a
survey about Social Media and Academic Performance. We need to gather relevant data from
currently enrolled, Grade 12 students from CFGHS, under the Information and Communication
Technology (ICT Strand)
We would like to inform you that this survey is voluntary, you may withdraw anytime
you wish. Also, we make sure that all your personal information and responses will be secured
with utmost confidentiality.
We are looking forward for your response. Your response will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much! This is for educational purposes only.
ICT 12 B( Group 4)
Social Media and Student's Performance Survey Questionnaire
RESEARCH INSTRUMENT (For educational purposes only)
A. Social Media
1. How many social media sites you have accounts with?
⚪ 5+
2. How much time do you spend on social networking sites each day?
⚪ 0-30 mins
⚪ 30-60 mins
⚪ 1-2 hours
⚪ 2-5 hours
⚪ 5+ hours
3. How often do you use social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)?
⚪ Once a week
⚪ A few times a month
⚪ Once a day
⚪ Everyday
4. How long have you been using social media?
⚪ Under 2 years
⚪ 3-4 years
⚪ 5+ years
B. Impact of Social Media
1. Social media has further
strengthened the relationship with
my family
2. I have become more dependent
on social media when it comes to
3.I would rather spend my time on
using social media than spend my
time with my family.
4. I use social media to make new
I worry about how many people
will like to respond to things I post.
5. I use social media for
entertainment only.
6. I can express myself more
through social media.
7.I have made more friends in
social media.
8.Who am I on social networking
sites accurately reflects who I am in
real life.
9. Social media became important
to me.
10. I feel happy when I spend my
time in social media.
C. Academic Performance
1. I have more courage to ask my
teacher when I have something I
don't understand in our lesson
through social media.
2.I will finish my modules first
before using social media.
3.I would rather spend my time on
using social media than spend my
time with my family.
4. I can answer my modules easily
through social media
5. I would rather use social media
than join our class meeting..
6. I use social media for education
7.I use social media to share my
work collaboratively (with my
peers) for academic purposes.
8. Social media provides a useful
platform for academic group work.
9. Teachers should encourage the
use of social media networking
sites in the classroom.
10. There is a page and channel in
social media sites that helps me
understand our lesson.