INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT JAMMU Master of Business Administration Healthcare Management Accounting Term: III Course Code: Credits: 1.5 (10 Session) Course Rationale: The types of decisions made by managers rely substantially on accounting information. The information provided by Financial Accounting does not contain enough detail for internal users. Cost and Management Accounting information is primarily used for planning and controlling purposes and help managers in internal decision making. This course delves into issues such as: “How are full cost measured and what it is used for?”; “What are the different methods of allocating indirect costs?” and finally “How to choose among the alternative course of action based on differential costs and revenues?” Course Objectives: 1. To provide conceptual understanding of Cost and Management Accounting principles and practices relevant for business analysis and decision making. 2. To develop the ability to understand, analyze and use cost information in day-to-day business functioning. 3. To explain the role of relevant costs in decision making and developing better strategies. 4. To discuss contemporary issues in Cost and Management Accounting and their practical applications. Learning Outcomes: After completion of this course, participants should be able to; 1. Understand the principles of various Costing methods viz., Traditional Costing Method, Activity Based Costing (ABC) Method. 2. Use the relevant cost in decision-making. 3. Apply Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis in business decision making. 4. Analyze Price and Cost Variances and use budgetary control techniques to perform managerial functions. Prerequisite(s): Conceptual understanding of Financial Accounting. Pedagogy: A mix of pedagogy would be adopted. Conceptual inputs will be given through the short lectures and case method of teaching will be used for providing real life application of concepts. Textbook: Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 16e, Charles T. Horngren, Shrikant M. Datar, Madhav V. Rajan (H-D-R), Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd., 2017 Reference Books: Managerial Accounting, 10e, Ronald W. Hilton, David E. Platt, McGraw Hill Education, 2014 Managerial Accounting, 4e, James Jiambalvo, Wiley, 2015 Management Control System, 12e, Robert, N. Anthony & Vijay Govindarajan, McGraw Hill Education, 2007 Cases in Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, 3e, John K. Shank, Cengage India, 2006 Journals: Management Accounting Research Journal of Management Accounting Research The Management Accountant Links to websites: Evaluation Scheme: Quizzes/ Internal Class Tests Class Participation/ Course Project Mid Term Exam Term-End Exam Total 20-30% 20-30% NA 40-50%% 100% Session Plan: Sessi on Topic (including subtopics) Learning Outcomes 1-2 Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting Pedagogical Tool Understanding of Class Discussion Cost Accounting (Session 1-2) terms Cost behaviour Concepts and traditional Costing Methods. Textbook Chapters & Readings Textbook Chapter 1-2 3-6 7-8 Cost Ascertainment under Activity Based Costing Service sector and Manufacturing set up Cost-VolumeProfit Analysis and Break-Even Analysis Knowledge of Activity Based Costing in Manufacturing and Service Industry 9-10 Master Budget, Operating and Financial Budgets Flexible Budget and Variances Application of Cost-Volume Profit Analysis in decision making Marginal Costing Knowledge of budgetary control system and its use in managerial decision making. Case: Textbook Classic Pen Co.: Chapter 5 Developing an ABC Model #198117-PDFENG Published 1998 Revised 1998 HBS Dakota Office Products # 102021-PDFENG Published 2001 Revised 2005 HBS (Session 3-6) Case: Hallstead Jewelers 107060-PDFENG HBS (Session 7-8) Class Discussion (Session 9-10) Textbook Chapter 3 Textbook Chapter 6-8, 14