Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 ACTIVITY SCOPE & LOCATION Scope of Work: This Work pack details the construction of Capping Beam FRP works between Butler station to Santorini Bridge (Ch. 41540 to 40850). The reinforced concrete capping beams will be constructed in-situ on the existing finished contiguous piles. The construction woks required will include the following • Excavation works to allow for pile trimming • Pile trimming to the cut off level • Construction of reinforced concrete capping beam • Construction of TL4 barrier or upstand kerb ZONE 1-Figure 1 – Work location-01 The following retaining walls will be covered in this Work Pack- Santorini Bridge to LWP2 refer Figure 1. • RWE 201 – 87m • RWE 202 – 132m • RWE 112 – 30.5m • RWE 113 – 277.5m • RWE 111 – 394.4m • RWW 103 –120m • RWW 104 –310m Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 1 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 ZONE 1-Figure 2 – Work location-02 The following retaining walls will be covered in this Work Pack- Butler to Santorini Bridge Figure 2. • RWW 102 –281 m • RWE-104- 60m • RWE 105 -48m • RWE 106–65m • RWE 107 –176m • RWE 108– 25m • RWE 109 – 76m • RWE110A –30m • RWE 110B –170 m Gerard O'Keeffe <> SCHEDULE Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 2 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. Start Date: TBC ACTUAL Start Date: WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Planned Completion Date: ACTUAL Completion Date: TBC Programed Duration: Rev No: 0 TBC Actual Duration: COST CODES COST TYPE Cost Code Element of Activity (All or Part) 20160.1 Contiguous wall – Piles 20160.2 Contiguous wall – Pile Trimming 20160.3 Contiguous wall – Capping Beam 20160.4 Contiguous wall – Shotcrete 20160.5 Contiguous wall – EWK Piling Pad 20160.6 Contiguous wall – EWK Excavation 20160.7 Contiguous wall – EWK Backfilling 20160.8 Contiguous wall – Pile REO Supply 20160.9 Contiguous wall – Pile Direct 20160.10 Contiguous wall – EWK Cut To Fill Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 3 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 DOCUMENT REVIEW AND APPROVAL PREPARED BY (Senior Project Engineer and Supervisor): Acknowledgement that we have consulted with the project’s functional managers in the development of this Work Pack. Name: Daniel, Mann Signature: Position: Senior Project Engineer Company: Name: Mahesh Sarasa Signature: Position: Project Engineer Company: Date: NEWest Alliance Mobile: Date: NEWest Alliance Mobile: REVIEWED BY (minimum to be Project HSEQ Manager/s) Environmental content reviewed by Environmental Manager (or delegate) Name: Russell Beazley Signature: Date: Safety content reviewed by Safety & Systems Compliance Manager (or delegate) Name: Meihana Bart Signature: Date: Quality content reviewed by Quality Manager (or delegate) Name: Melvin Cruz Signature: Date: SUBCONTRACTOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (where required) Acknowledgement that I have been consulted in the development of this Work Pack and agree to perform works in accordance with this Work Pack. Name: Gerard O'Keeffe Signature: Position: Superintendent Company: Name: Lawrence Lolesi Signature Position Supervisor Company: Date: T n E Civil Date: Cut n Break AUTHORISATION / APPROVAL – LINE MANAGER Project Position Title Name: Elizabeth Ward Signature: Date: ACCEPTANCE – SUPERVISOR Acceptance of Work Pack by Responsible Supervisor in control of works under this Work Pack. Name: Timmins, Stephen Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Signature: Date: Page 4 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 WORK METHOD / SEQUENCING The following should detail step-by-step the tasks required to complete construction activities associated with this Work Pack. A construction program extract / look ahead specific to this Work Pack can be used as a guide when detailing the requirements in a sequential order, i.e., duration of the nominated works, roster, productivity, milestones, etc. All relevant controls identified in the Work Pack Risk Assessment must be associated with tasks below. 1. Mobilisation of Plant and Equipment: • All personnel to complete project inductions & be DAMSTRA approved prior to working on site. • VMP to be provided to the work crew prior to arrival on site and work area to be established as per the VMP. • Delivery drivers to be instructed to call up area supervisors prior to arriving and entering site and follow relevant instructions. • All personnel to sign onto relevant SWMS and Work Pack. • All personnel to complete DAMSTRA login and COVID health declaration form. • All personnel to attend prestart and project toolbox talks. • All vehicles in the active work site must have a working UHF radio and flashing light; vehicles must announce entry/exit from gates via UHF radio. Check UHF channel when entering/exiting the gate. • 1.1. 1.2. Refer to VMP to access plan/arrangements and for confirmation on access points to site. List of Plant: • Mobile Crane or Franna • 1 x 35t, or suitable, Excavator with grab attachment (for pile trimming works) • Telehandler • Light vehicles • Various hand tools and miscellaneous materials Master VMP Overview W801032-YRE-NEW-CI-SKT-0001 Rev 2 – Yanchep Rail Extension VMP (Refer to Appendix C for latest VMP’s) 2. Environment Refer to Appendix N for the relevant Site Environmental Plan 2.1. Refuelling • Where practicable, refuelling is to be undertaken in a dedicated area on compacted limestone or a hardstand. • A spill kit is to be located at each refuelling area and on the refuelling truck. • A drip tray is to be utilised whilst refuelling. 3. Construction Stages 3.1. Excavation and Pile Trimming Works • Excavation by the Earthworks team will be carried out to expose the piles to be trimmed noting the required working space for the entirety of the capping beam works. It is envisaged that excavation will be carried out up to 600mm below the pile cut off level. This is in order to create the working space for the pile trimming activity. Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 5 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. • WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 A typical excavation section prior to pile trimming works is shown in Figure 2 below. Note that during excavation works, it is typically deemed that the noise wall piles are already constructed and the excavation batter on the side of the noise walls pile will consider the constructed noise wall plus a safe working access Figure 2 – Typical excavation profile to allow pile trimming works • In cases where there are overlapping rows of piles in the same wall location (i.e., RWE 201 and 202) the following staged excavation shown in Figure 3 below will be implemented to accommodate the working area of the excavator while removing the waste pile section. Figure 3 – Staged excavation for overlapping walls • The excavated piles will then be marked by a surveyor to indicate the cut off level of each pile. Figure 4 below is showing a similar activity where piles are marked prior to saw cutting. Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 6 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 Figure 4 – Contiguous piles getting marked to indicate the cut off levels • Once all the piles have been marked, saw cutting will be carried out using a suitable disc cutting tool with the diameter to create a cut of 50mm deep into the concrete surface. • Drilling will then be done just right above the saw cutting level to allow bursting of concrete using hydraulic splitter and separate the waste section of the pile and ensure that pile reinforcement don’t experience any disorientation. Prior to drilling, a suitable method to locate the rebar will be done to avoid drilling through the steel reinforcement. Figure 5 below demonstrates the activity. Pilot drill to determine location of rebar Figure 5a – Drilling of pile above COL Figure 5b – Use of Hydraulic Splitter Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 7 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 Figure 5c – Bursting equipment used to detach waste pile section • An excavator with a grab attachment carefully removes the excess concrete above the pile cut off level. Figure 6 below is showing an example of the concrete grabbing activity. • If required, jackhammering will be carried out to maintain the cut off level within the required specification Figure 6 – Excavator with hydraulic grab attachment used to remove concrete waste pile section Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 8 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. 3.2. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 Capping Beam Construction Scabbling will be done on the pile cutting surface according to specification requirements to expose the aggregate and provide the necessary bonding between old and new concrete. High pressure wash will also be done to remove any loose concrete on the surface. After quality checks on the compliance of concrete surface at the pile’s cut off level, Earthworks team will carry out filling and compaction works up to the level to allow pouring of blinding concrete, with a minimum thickness of 50mm. Compaction testing will be carried out as per ITP. Typical section is shown in Figure 7 below. Figure 7 – Typical backfilling and compaction up to blinding concrete formation level A construction sequence will be prepared relevant to the retaining wall considering the location of expansion joints and the proposed location of the construction joints. An indicative pouring sequence is prepared and shown for RWE 201/202 in Figure 8 below. Figure 8 – Indicative pouring sequence for RWE 201 / RWE 202 Following steps outlines the procedure for the construction of capping beam: 3.2.1. Formworks • All formworks will be compliant to AS3610 Formwork for Concrete • A pre-condition for placement of formworks will be providing a copy of the system design to the Temporary Works Coordinator and obtaining Permit to Load, and all relevant permits, prior to load the formworks. • Surveyor will provide the setting out for the formwork to be installed • Prefabricated formwork according to the pouring length will be prepared in the nominated laydown area. However, in-situ formwork installation will be used on cases where the capping beam alignment is not suitable for prefab formwork installation Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 9 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. • WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 In cases where construction joints are identified, a suitable formwork stopper shall be installed to avoid slurry ingress into adjacent concrete pouring sequence • Franna will be used to lift the formwork for installation Figure 6 – Typical Capping Beam Formwork 3.2.2. Reinforcement • Steel reinforcement will primarily require in-situ placement, but where possible, cages and mats will be pre-fixed at a surface level • Lifting studies will be prepared accordingly considering site condition and the limitations of crane capacity • Any welding of reinforcement, if required, will be undertaken in accordance with AS1554.3 Figure 7a – Typical Capping Beam Reinforcement Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Figure 7a – Typical Capping Beam Reinforcement Page 10 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. 3.2.3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 Concreting works After all quality checks, the concrete placement activities will be undertaken with appropriate consideration of all associated Standards and the Specification for Concrete Structures (ref. TCY-DJV-TCY-ST-SPC-0820 Rev. 0) with following fashion: Pre-pour o Pre-pour checks will be completed to ensure forms, steel reinforcement, cast ins, block outs, etc. are correctly installed, positioned, and the formwork is clean and ready to accept concrete o Formed construction joint locations are coated and confirmed as having suitable surface retarders applied o All expansion joints will be prepared according to approved drawings including the provision of stainlesssteel dowel bars noting that contact between dissimilar metals should be avoided to avoid galvanic corrosion from happening o Prior to concrete placement, the pre-pour check sheet shall be completed, and all applicable hold points signed off in sequence o Survey checks to confirm positional tolerances of formworks and inserts o All expansion joint locations should be prepared according to approved drawings and specifications. Expansion material needs to be installed according to manufacturer’s recommendation. Pouring o All concrete shall be deposited as near as possible to its final position and shall be placed in a manner which will prevent segregation with drop heights to be restricted to a maximum of 2m. o It shall be spread in a horizontal fashion in suitable thickness layers such that the working face is minimised. The formwork designer will include details regarding the rates of placement, and this will be limited to 75% of the length of the immersion vibrators being used o The concrete will be finished accurately to the levels, shapes, and sizes shown on the drawings and in accordance with the tolerances required by the Specifications Compaction o After concrete has been placed, it shall be thoroughly compacted by mechanical vibration applied by approved high-speed immersion type vibrators. o The concrete will be thoroughly compacted by using poker vibrators and vibrating screeds. Curing o The finished concrete shall be protected from the sun, wind, and rain by being kept moist from time of placement until surface finishing is complete using shading, windbreaks, fogging and/or spraying an evaporation retardant to prevent plastic shrinkage, cracking, and/or crusting o Curing shall commence immediately after the completion of final finishing operations Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 11 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. 3.3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 TL4 Barrier / Upstand Kerb Using the existing formwork used to cast the capping beam, it is planned to extend one side of the formworks vertically to cover the TL4 barrier for concreting works. Typical formwork detail is shown in Figure 8 below: Reinforcement will be installed according to drawing and concreting will be carried out using a mobile concrete pump. Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 12 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Task Mobilisation 1. • • Plant and personnel arriving to site to set up for commencement of works Set Up Work Area Rev No: 0 Control Information regarding entry to site – as per VMP. Refer to SWMS: • • • W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0001 - Unloading and Loading Plant, W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0015 Forklift, Telehandler and IT Operations Sub-Contractor SWMS (To be advised) Personnel • • • • • All personnel, staff and workers to compete relevant site and project inductions through DAMSTRA including tickets/licences, qualifications and competencies and produce the evidence to satisfy prior to working on site. All personnel to attend prestart. All personnel to be read and understand the access constraints associated with current and pending environmental approvals. All personnel to understand that no works are permitted outside of the Project Development Envelope (DE) delineated by survey team using white flagging or fencing prior to the commencement of works in a given area, to prevent impacts outside of the approved project boundary. Plant • • • • All plant to be inspected and approved prior to working on site by the NEWest plant department Supervisor to ensure VOCs are current for operating required plant/machinery/equipment and complete competency checks. Refer to VMP to access plan/arrangements and for confirmation on access to site. All plant, equipment, machinery, vehicles and personnel entering and exiting site must adhere to weed hygiene and Dieback Wash-down Procedures. Noise and vibration restrictions for site operations • • Work hours between 7am-7pm Monday to Saturday No work on Sundays and Public Holidays Environmental Controls • • • • • Controls nominated within the Site Environmental Plan (SEP) must be implemented Ensure stormwater drains in vicinity of vehicle access to site offices are covered with geofabric to reduce risk of sedimentation Putrescible waste skip with lid and recyclables skip to be located in site office areas. Hydrocarbon skip to be located near workshops. Noise – no works outside of hours without approval from LGA and appropriate community notification. If works occur outside of hours and residents in proximity – noise baffling installed around generator, temporary noise barriers near carpark, if noise exceeds the limits. Bushfire Risk • • • Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Work area to be evaluated for fire risk prior to site operations. Site works to be conducted clear of areas of potential fire risk. All vehicles and plant have up to date working fire extinguishers and are always accessible. Workers to smoke within designated areas Page 13 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: • 2. Loading and Unloading Equipment & Materials W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 Switch off all vehicles when not in use. No idling of vehicles Refer to SWMS: • • • W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0001 - Unloading and Loading Plant, W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0015 Forklift, Telehandler and IT Operations W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0016– Franna Operations (pick and carry) Controls Plant Toppling During Unloading • • • • • • • • • • • 3. Refuelling Ensure loading / unloading area is delineated and separated from nonauthorised personnel Engage ramps (ensuring they are long enough to maintain a shallow angle), place cones / barriers at rear of truck to caution personnel Ensure only the plant operator is within delineated area during unloading Carry out unloading at the slowest possible speed particularly at the point of balance All associated lifting equipment (chains, shackles, slings etc) must be inspected and display current tag and must be on the company lifting register. Any load being lifted can only be rigged by a Dogman or Rigger. Tagline must be attached to the load, not the lifting equipment and secured using proper rated tie down straps and not the rope. Telehandler is only to be used on flat level ground whilst in operation All personnel, staff and workers to complete relevant site and project inductions prior to working on site Supervisor to ensure VOCs are current for operating required plant/machinery/equipment and complete competency checks All persons involved in the works to have appropriate PPE i.e. safety boots, long trousers, high vis long sleeve shirt, safety glasses, hearing protection, hard hat, gloves, etc. as required for site works Refer to SWMS: • W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0003 - Refuelling of Plant and Equipment Controls • 4. Pile trimming works Refuelling to take place on a limestone hard stand area Refer to SWMS: • • W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-SWMS-0010 Pile Trimming Concrete Pile Breaking Method Statement and Check sheet • Set up restricted access zone as per VMP- Appendix C. This should include a suitable working platform (follow Temporary Works Process) at a minimum of 600mm below reduced level (RL) line and 1.2m clearance to perform various cutting works on concrete piles. Lifting of trimmed pile head by an excavator with hydraulic grab attachment The excavator to operate in delineated POZ. For use of Hand saw cutting (Develop Risk Assessment, undergo a Competence Assessment and seek approval via the Project HSE Manager to the Project Manager. Use Tool: Worker Competence Evaluation Supervisor Observation) Manual handling techniques to be followed during jack hammering works. • • • • Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 14 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. 5. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 Insitu Capping Beam FRP Construction • • Steel Fixing installation of prefabricated formwork Safety Essential – Working with Temporary Works Safety Essential – Working in and Around Mobile Plant • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pouring concrete W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0060-Capping beam & Wall Formwork W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0022 Steel Fixing W801032-TCL-NEW-HS-WMS-0006 Pick and carry operation Restricted Access Zone (RAZ) for steel fixing & formworks must be isolated and delineated from other sites works by a frame barriers/cones and signage. Non-essential personnel are not to enter the RAZ during FRP works POZ zones established with a frame barriers/cones & barricading while reinforcement is ferried to the work area by telehandler, franna etc. All workers to be outside POZ while steel is carried by mobile plant Plan work area to ensure that reinforcement bars can be delivered close to final position where possible and reduce manual handling. Use correct manual handling technique when lifting bars – wear gloves, stretch before hand, share lifts where possible and never lift anything exceeding 20kg as a single person lift. Housekeeping of work area to be in good condition during reinforcement installation. Ensure caps are placed on all starter bars Where formwork structures are incomplete by the end of the working day, ensure elements are braced and/or barricaded before leaving site each day Ensure Hot Work permit in place for all cutting, grinding & welding activities. NEWest engineer to verify if there is a Total Fire Ban in place and lodge DFES notification 30mins prior to work proceeding if ban is in place. Ensure workers are wearing minimum Cut 3 gloves for all manual handling tasks. Quality inspection completed prior to standing shutters. Engineer and quality team to complete checks on bar types, laps, cover and spacing. Ensure reinforcement is approved for site (ARCS certified), spacer blocks & chairs comply with AS 2425 and ply formwork complies with AS 2271 & AS 3610 Only qualified welders to complete welding works. Ensure WPS approved and welding works to be as per Specification & AS 1554.3 All lifts must be assessed by engineer and lift supervisor according to the Crane Lift Matrix as per NEWest Safety Essential. Lift Study, Lift Plan and/or Prestart Lift Card in place as advised by matrix Lifting exclusion zones established, personnel on foot may only enter this zone during plant operation if dogging a load within 1m of the ground. Safety Essential – Working with Temporary Works Safety Essential – Working in and Around Mobile Plant • • • • • Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0114 – Insitu Concrete Work using Concrete Pump W801032-YRE-NEW-QA-ITP-0128 Cast In-situ Structural Concrete W801032-TCL-NEW-HS-WMS-0012 Placing concrete from agi truck SEER # 548 – Pour concrete direct from an agi Pump to be set up on level ground. NEWest Supervisor to check pump setup prior to commencing pumping. Page 15 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 Ensure pump and agi trucks are set back adequate distance from all excavations and trenches. Machinery must be set back a distance equal to the depth of the excavation • All outriggers shall be fully extended and protected. Barriers to be installed at rear of concrete pump to protect workers from reversing agi trucks. • Plant Operating Zone (POZ) as per NEWest Safety Essential to be implemented to demarcate the work area. No personnel are to enter the POZ of any plant operations at any time. Concrete trucks reversing onto pump must be spotted by personal behind barricades and directed via UHF radio • Pumps set up as per VMP and ensure that there are no manholes, pits or other voids under outriggers. • Concrete pump must be positioned so that it cannot physically reach the Safe Approach Distance of any OH Service. If it has the potential to encroach within the 10m corridor either side of an OH service, then a vicinity permit is required. • Ensure all SEER controls in place for pouring concrete direct from a stationery agi truck, and agi truck driver must always be in-charge of agi truck chute. Place concrete using a pump hose: For working near overhead powerlines, follow restrictions stipulated in the overhead Powerline Permit. Sound horn prior to commencing and stopping Pump operator to monitor concrete output. When lifting hoses of concrete pump, ensure they are emptied and use two persons if the hose is heavy. • • • • • • 6. Repair Refer to SWMS: • 7. Survey and Set Out Contractor demobilised from site Gen-TCY-GEN-NEW-002637.00-W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-SPS-001 Concrete Repair Methodology Rev3 Refer to SWMS: • 8. Ensure adequate vibration equipment on site to suit size of pour. Concrete mix design & curing compounds confirmed for use on site. Site radio channels & VMP to be communicated to agi truck drivers prior to arriving onsite through employer. All agi drivers to have UHF radio in the vehicle. Ensure all vehicles are parked in a location which does not impede the ability of the Agi trucks and or concrete boom pump. Pour sheet completed. All loads checked for batching time and temperature on arrival. Testing completed as required by specification. All required Hold/Witness Points on Insitu Concrete ITP and pre-pour inspection checklist to be signed prior to pour SWMS W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS-0079-Field Survey Refer to SWMS: • • W801032-TCL-NEW-HS-WMS-0009 Loading and unloading materials & plant NWA Supervisor present for all loading of machinery for demob Ensure site tidy – all rubbish placed in allocated bins Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 16 of 24 • Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: • W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 Ensure all quality inspections completed and works approved by NWA – punch list walk through completed NOTE: Should works or conditions CHANGE in the execution of the works, the works MUST STOP and the process and controls re-assessed and recorded using the pre-start briefing, and/or this work pack. SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENTS (SWMS) A SWMS must be developed for all activities that may involve a Business defined High Risk Construction Work task/s. Identified Risk Applicable? A risk of a worker or an object falling more than 2 metres Yes No The demolition of the whole or part of a structure that is either load bearing or is related to the physical integrity of a structure Yes No Any disturbance of or likely to involve any disturbance of, asbestos Yes No Structural alterations or repairs that require temporary support to prevent collapse Yes No Work on a telecommunication tower Yes No Work in or near a confined space or a shaft or trench that is deeper than 1⋅5 metres Yes No Work in a tunnel Yes No The use of explosives Yes No Work carried out on or near pressurised gas distribution mains or piping, chemical, fuel or refrigerant lines, or energised electrical installations or services Yes No Work in an area that may have a contaminated or flammable atmosphere Yes No Tilt-up or precast concrete Yes No Work on, in or adjacent to a road, railway (including light rail), shipping lane or other traffic corridor that is in use by traffic other than pedestrians Yes No Yes No SWMS Reference W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS0016– Franna Operations (pick and carry) W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS0022 Steel Fixing Work in an area where there is any movement of powered mobile plant W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS0114 – Insitu Concrete Work using Concrete Pump Work where there are artificial extremes of temperature Yes No Work in or near water or other liquid that involves a risk of drowning Yes No Work involving diving work Yes No Work that involves Mobile Cranes and Lifting Operations Yes No Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 17 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENTS (SWMS) List the SWMS required to be prepared under this work pack (Activity based) SWMS ID W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS0022 W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS0016 W801032-TCL- NEW-HS-WMS0012 W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-SWMS0010 W801032-YRENEWHS-WMS-0001 W801032-YRE-NEW-HS-WMS0114 SWMS Title NEWest or Subcontractor Steel fixing NEWest Alliance Pick and Carry (Miscellaneous) NEWest Alliance Placing concrete from Agi truck NEWest Alliance Capping beam & Wall Formwork NEWest Alliance Unloading and loading Plant NEWest Alliance Insitu Concrete Work using Concrete Pump NEWest Alliance SAFETY ESSENTIAL EXCEPTIONS Are any Safety Essential Exceptions required for this work? No [Enter details of each Safety Essential Exception] Yes If Yes, (Attach Safety Essential Exception Requests); STAKEHOLDER NOTIFICATIONS Are Stakeholders required to be notified for this work? No Yes If Yes, By Whom (Attach resulting document); [Enter Details e.g. emergency services, change traffic notifications, nightshift works, community awareness, media] ENVIRONMENTAL List key environmental risks and controls related to the activity: • • • • • • • • All personnel to be aware of the access constraints associated with current and pending environmental approvals Refer to the SEP attached to this Work Pack. Noise – no out of hours work without prior approval by the Community and Environmental teams, and associated LGA and resident notification. Work area layout must always consider managing and controlling construction water and heavy rainfall events to minimise erosion, wash outs and large areas of standing water. No discharges or sedimentation is permitted outside of the Development Envelope. No hazardous materials storage or designated refuelling zones within the Well Head Protection Zones. Exception is generators less than 250L capacity with internal bunding mechanism – must be placed at least 100m away from the well head. Concrete and grout wash-out areas must be set-up on compacted limestone or in a pit lined with polythene that is regularly serviced to prevent contaminated water seeping into the ground. Refuelling to occur on compacted limestone areas with a spill kit readily available Work areas to be regularly monitored for erosion and sediment control Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 18 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: Does the activity have Regulated Waste? W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 No Yes Is a Site Environmental Plan applicable to this Work Pack? No SEP Doc. No. W801032-YRE-NEW-EN-PLN0002_12 Rev No: 0 If Yes, (Attach Details) Yes If Yes, (Include details below & attach) Site Environment Plan Title SEP Zone IDENTIFICATIONOF SERVICES Are services present or positively identified, above, below or within the work area? No Yes If Yes, By Whom (Attach resulting document); Provide details of service: Is an isolation required? No Yes [Enter Isolation Details]{Consider Electrical, Water, Gas, etc} If Yes, By Whom (Attach resulting document); Is an Excavation or Penetration Permit Required? No Yes If Yes, By Whom (Attach resulting document); LIFTING Is a Lift Plan / Study required? No Yes If Yes, By Whom (Attach resulting document); [Enter Lift Study Details]{Consider cranes, telehandlers, excavators} Have overhead/underground services been identified? No [Enter service identification details] Yes If Yes, By Whom (Attach resulting document); PERMITS / APPROVALS REQUIRED Permits / Permit Safety Essentials Exception Isolation Hot Work Excavation Dewater Confined Space Disturb Land Enter No-Go Zone Permit to Penetrate Other (specify) / Add any other activity requiring a permit. Other: e.g. Environmental Permit/Approvals – Out of hours works, Planning Permits, EPA license. [Attach Permits and Approvals as applicable] Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 19 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 TEMPORARY WORKS The following temporary works are required for this WORK PACK & need to be designed & certified in accordance with Temporary Works Procedure (e.g. access, special formwork, temporary support). Reference any applicable design/work method documentation. Type of Temporary Work Capping Beam Formwork (TCL-TW-116)(TBA) Risk Category Designer Moderate TBA Identify relevant approver Certifier Inspector TBA TBA WORK INTERFACE / SIMULTANEOUS OPERATIONS Detailed interfaces that affect this scope of work, other disciplines, contractors or operations including reference of any specific traffic control and/or logistical requirements. Interface (Where?) Party (Who?) South of RWE201-202 Earthworks Team South of LWP2 Contig Pile Subcontractor Is a Vehicle Movement Plan required? No Yes Control/s RAZ to be set up with call-up signs where applicable Each sub-contractor to ensure Restricted Access Zone to be set up for their respective areas. If Yes, attach resulting document; <Detail Access and Egress Points> RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS Subcontract Resources: CPB Labour: <insert details> Plant: Attach Hydraulic grabble to 5.5 tonne excavator Equipment: hand breaker Materials: Reinforcement and Formwork Comments: [Note special training/competency requirements, e.g. Confined Space Competency, surface protection processes or refer to separate document managing welding and other highly skilled works.] SURVEY / TESTING REQUIREMENTS List survey / testing requirements and responsibility Description of Survey or Testing Required Resource When Frequency Pre-Pour Checks NEWest Surveyor Ongoing Ongoing Post Pour Ascon Survey Ongoing Ongoing Survey Setting Out NEWest Surveyor Ongoing Ongoing Concrete Testing NEWest Ongoing 1 per 20m3 Steel Item Inspections NEWest Once Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 20 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 NEWest Surveyor Mark RL of pile trimming Before pile trimming Rev No: 0 Each pile CONSTRUCTION VERIFICATION ITP Doc. No. Inspection and Test Plan Title W801032-YRE-NEW-QA-ITP-0128 Rev. 5 Cast In-Situ Structural Concrete (YRE) DRAWINGS / SPECIFICATIONSssss List a layout drawing and other relevant drawings, specifications and standards to clarify above work method. Ref. No. Rev TCY-DJV-Y00-MS-DRG2133 0 TCY-DJV-Y00-MS-DRG2134 0 TCY-DJV-Y00-MS-DRG2135 0 TCY-DJV-Y00-MS-DRG2136 0 TCY-DJV-Y00-MS-DRG2137 0 Description / Title Ref. No. Rev Description / Title CAPPING BEAM CONCRETE DETAILS SHEET 1 CAPPING BEAM CONCRETE DETAILS SHEET 2 CAPPING BEAM REINFORCEMENT DETAILS - SHEET 1 CAPPING BEAM REINFORCEMENT DETAILS - SHEET 2 CAPPING BEAM REINFORCEMENT DETAILS - SHEET 3 COMMENTS / ADDITIONAL ACTIONS Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 21 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: Rev No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 0 WORK PACK CREW BRIEFING I have briefed the work crew on the methodology and content of this Work Pack, which details the requirements that must be met to effectively undertake the work. Supervisors Name: Signature: Date: Work Crew Members (Print, Sign Name & Date) Name (Print) Signature Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Date Sections Briefed Supervisor Initial Page 22 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: Rev No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 0 WORK PACK COMPLETION RECORD Comments: < What worked well? What didn’t work well? Are there any “Lessons Learnt” improvements? > RESPONSIBLE SUPERVISOR: RESPONSIBLE ENGINEER: Authorisation: The work covered within this WORK PACK has been completed and the records have been checked and are ready for presentation Name (Responsible Engineer) Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Signature Date Page 23 of 24 Work Pack Project: NEWEST – YRE WP Title: Construction of Contig Wall Capping Beam-ZONE 1,2 and 3. WP No: W801032-YRE-NEW-CN-WAP-0546 Rev No: 0 CHECKLIST [Insert/attach appendices referenced in this Work Pack here: Work Pack Risk Assessment Safe Work Method Statements Safety Essential Exceptions Request Stakeholder Notifications Regulated Waste Site Environmental Plan/s Identification of Services Lift Plan Permits / Approvals Temporary Works Vehicle Movement Plan Traffic Control Plan Inspection and Test Plans Drawings / Specifications Other ___________________________________ Title: Work Pack Template ID: MSID-4-884 Version: 3.0 Date Published: 04/06/2020 NEWest Alliance / WT0116 - Uncontrolled Document when Printed Page 24 of 24