Uploaded by Lindsay Pitts

iHuman Reflection: PTSD Case Study

iHuman Reflection
In the iHuman module there was patient Andrea Brown a 24-year-old female she was
brough to the emergency room because a car backfire and Andrea freaked out and could not calm
down. She has worked in the military overseas and has seen traumatic things. She came to the
emergency room with shortness of breath, heart palpitations, anxiety, and intense fear. Andrea
Brown has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. She does drink alcohol couple
days a week, she lives with two roommates, and it has difficult in keeping a job. She has tried
used calming techniques before when this has happened in the past but this time it did not work.
It has been recommended that she see psychiatry and social services for supportive discussions
and exploration of resources for outpatient care. The only lab that was abnormal was her glucose
and that was probably due to the alcohol she drank because her breath also smelled like alcohol.
Andrea’s EKG also showed sinus tachycardia.
There is a lot of miliary people who come home from serving our country that have post
traumatic stress. Just a simple car backfire can trigger those emotions again. They experience this
fear and anxiety which then come with agitation, tachycardia, and heart palpitations. Sometimes
they have nightmares they are harmful not only to themselves, but it can be harmful to the people
who are in the same house as them. There are medications that help these patients like SSRI’s
and clonazepam which Andrea was put on when she got to the emergency room. But the only
thing that really helps these patients is therapy to talk about what they saw and what techniques
they can use to help get over the anxiety and fear they experience.
With this module it was a little easier, but she was calming down when she got to the
emergency room so there was not a lot to go over when I was taking over. Again the hardest part
to me is the analyze section because I never know what the iHuman module wants.