C1502 Notes Chemical Equilibrium 2 Chemical Equilibrium The magnitude of equilibrium constant (Kc) (Implication of the magnitude of equilibrium constant) By looking at the magnitude of equilibrium constant Kc, one can tell whether a particular equilibrium constant favours products or reactants the magnitude. • Equilibrium constant Kc, does not neglect how fast the reaction goes. • A large value of equilibrium constant Kc, means that mostly products will be present at equilibrium. • A small value of equilibrium constant, means that mostly reactants will be present at equilibrium. • In general; if K >> 1, the equilibrium lies to the right, the products are favoured • If K << 1, the equilibrium lies to the left, the reactants are favoured. *When the equilibrium is neither large or small (around 1), neither the products nor the reactants are strongly favoured. i.e. the equilibrium mixture contains appreciable amounts of both reactants and products. Predicting the Direction of the Reaction (Or redirecting the direction of the chemical equation and K) • Determining the reaction Quotient Q, allows one to predict the direction an equilibrium reaction will proceed. Definition The reaction Quotient ,Q; is an expression that has the same form as equilibrium constant expression but whose concentration values are not necessarily those at equilibrium. • Q (reaction Quotient) is formed by substituting given concentrations or pressures into an equilibrium expression. Note: Q is not K, but if Q = K, then the reaction mixture is at equilibrium. If Q > K, the reaction will go to the left, approaching the equilibrium. Note: • The equilibrium expression for a reaction written in one direction is the reciprocal of the one for reaction written in the reverse direction. • It is necessary then to known in which direction the original equation was written; since the values of the equilibrium constants will be different in each case. i.e. substrates on the right hand side of the chemical equation will react to form substrates on the left. If Q < K, the reaction will go to the right in approaching equilibrium i.e. the reaction will achieve the equilibrium by forming more products. For the general equation: aA + bB pP + qQ [𝑃]𝑝 [𝑄]𝑞 Q= [𝐴]𝑎 [𝐵]𝑏 Note: Concentrations are not at equilibrium Example: A 50,0 ml reaction vessel contains 1,00 mol N2, 3,00 mol H2, and 0,500 mol NH3. Will more ammonia formed or dissociates when the mixture goes to equilibrium at 400 ℃? The reaction equation is given as; N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) Kc is 0.500 at 400 ℃ Ans: ammonia will dissociate. Calculating Equilibrium Concentrations Example; Reaction Quotient Consider system(reaction) PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) at 250 ℃ The equilibrium constant Kc = 4.0x10-2 If the concentrations of both Cl2 and PCl3 are 0.3 M while the concentration of PCl5(g) is 3.0 M. 1. Is the system at equilibrium? 2. Is Q larger than, equal to or smaller than K? 3. If the system is not at equilibrium, in which direction does the reaction proceed? ans: Q < K (i.e. Q = 3.0x10-2) • The reaction is not at equilibrium • The reaction proceed to equilibrium by converting more reactant PCl5 to products (PCl3 and Cl2). External Factors Affecting Equilibrium Chemical equilibrium is affected (disturbed) by changes in the following three factors: 1. Concentration of one of the components 2. Temperature 3. Pressure (for gaseous systems only) Le Chatelier’s Principle States that; when system in chemical equilibrium is disturbed by change in temperature, pressure or concentration, system shift in equilibrium position in away that tends counteract this change of a variable. Concentration Changes Let us look at the effect of removing the products or adding reactants. If the chemical reaction is at equilibrium and we add a substrate (either a reactant or product) the system will shift so as to re-establish equilibrium by consuming part of the added substance. Conversely, removal of a substance will result in a reaction moving in a direction that forms more of a substance. In summary; • Add more reactants • Remove reactants shift to products shift to reactants • Add more products shift to reactants • Remove products shift to products Recall: Reaction Quotient for an equilibrium system is calculated from the same expression as the equilibrium constant, but the concentrations are NOT at equilibrium. e.g. N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) [𝑁𝑂2 ]2 𝑄= [𝑁2 𝑂4 ] Change in concentrations are best understood in terms of what would happen to ′′𝑄′′ if the concentrations are changed. Note: 𝑄 = K at equilibrium. If 𝑄 < K then there too many reactants, the reaction will shift in the forward direction (products). If 𝑄 > K then there too many products, the reaction will shift to reactants. Effect of Changing Temperature Exothermic Reaction In exothermic reaction consider heat as product aA + bB pP + qQ + heat • Add heat shift to reactants • Remove heat shift to products Note: Heat is absorbed as the products are converted to reactants, so the equilibrium shift to the left, equilibrium constant decreases. For an exothermic reaction (-∆H), the amount of products are increasing at equilibrium by a decrease in temperature. Kc, equilibrium constant increase. Endothermic Reactions In endothermic reactions, consider heat as reactant. aA + bB + heat pP + qQ • Add heat shift to products • Remove heat shift to reactants In an endothermic reaction heat is absorbed as the reactants are converted to products, so an increase in temperature (heat) causes the equilibrium shift to the right (toward products), and K, increases. For an endothermic reaction (+∆H), the amount of products are increased at equilibrium by an increase in temperature. Kc, is larger at higher T. Effect of Changing Pressure (and Volume) • Pressure changes only after equilibrium systems with unequal moles of gaseous reactants and products. If pressure is increased by decreasing the volume of the reaction mixture, the reaction shift in the direction of fewer moles of gas. Note: at constant temperature, reducing the volume of a gaseous equilibrium mixture causes causes the system to shift in the direction that reduce the number of moles of gas. Increase the volume causes the shift in the direction that produces more moles of gas. Example:(Increase in pressure) N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) If the pressure is increased (by reducing volume) then the reaction shifts the product (ammonia). Example (decrease in pressure) PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) If the pressure is decrease (by increasing the volume) the reaction shifts to the products. The Effect of the Catalyst A catalyst increase the rate at which the equilibrium is achieved, but it does not change the composition of the equilibrium mixture. Therefore, a catalyst has NO effect on a system at equilibrium. It just gets the reaction faster to the equilibrium. Presence of Inert Substance • An inert substance is the substance that is not reactive with any species in the equilibrium mixture. • Therefore an inert substance will not affect the equilibrium mixture.