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Muhammad Furqan Javed - Data Scientist Resume

Muhammad Furqan Javed
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Professional Experience
Sep 2022 — Dec 2022
Data Scientist
Utilized advanced querying, visualization and analytics tools to analyze and process complex data sets.
Built company A/B testing frameworks to test model quality.
Developed intricate algorithms based on deep-dive statistical analysis and predictive data modeling.
Identified, measured and recommended improvement strategies for KPIs across business areas.
Created and implemented new forecasting models to increase company productivity.
Compiled, cleaned and manipulated data for proper handling.
Tested and validated models for accuracy of predictions in outcomes of interest. .
Modeled predictions with Decision Tree classifier.
Implemented randomized sampling techniques for optimized surveys.
Integrated information from multiple data sources, solved common transformation problems and resolved data
cleansing and quality issues.
Mined internal and external sources and joined disparate, non-normalized data sets.
Quantum Medical Billing & IT
Nov 2021 — Aug 2022
Data analyst
Identified and documented detailed business rules and use cases based on requirements analysis.
Identified, analyzed and interpreted trends or patterns in complex data sets.
Designed and implemented tools to support strategic value chain optimization initiatives.
Used statistical methods to analyze data and generate useful business reports.
Upheld security and confidentiality of documents and data within area of responsibility.
Implemented code solutions to answer analytic questions and test and assess new methods.
Analyzed transactions to build logical business intelligence model for real-time reporting needs.
Documented effective and replicable methods for extracting data and organizing data sources.
Personal Projects
Ransomware detection using KNN
Early detection of ransomware using KNN
For our experiments we used ransomware data provided by University of New Brunswick
The samples are divided into 3 categories, Trojan, Executable and Email Macros
Used Euclidean distance the measure the distance between data points
The model performed best when we used the value of K=3, for any higher and lower value of k, The accuracy
tends to decrease.
I used the trained KNN model with K=3 to classify new malware samples as trojans, executables, or email macros,
based on the relevant input data.
Proposed Ensemble Framework for Classification of Spam/Phishing Email
Muhammad Furqan Javed
Used Ensemble technique to detect the spam/phishing emails
Dataset used for this Scientific study was publicly available. The csv file consists of 5200 rows.
The words were further processed by using count vectorizer which turned them into vectors.
Combined their predictions such as by weighting their predictions based on their performance on the training data.
By using the stacking ensemble method we decreased the variance of prediction of base models and improve the
overall accuracy by reducing the overfitting.
Successfully achieved the accuracy of 98%
Flight ticket price prediction
Obtained a dataset of historical flight ticket prices and relevant information (such as departure and arrival cities,
dates, etc.).
Cleaned and prepared the data for model training by handling missing values, scaling numerical data, and
encoding categorical data.
I Split the preprocessed data into training and testing sets.
Trained a machine learning model, such as a linear regression or decision tree model, on the training data.
Evaluated the performance of the trained model on the testing data.
Used the trained model to make predictions on new flight ticket prices, given the relevant input data.
Technical Skills
Programming: Python (Pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Sci-kit learn, TensorFlow) and SQL
Machine Learning: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines (SVM),
Random Forest, and Neural Networks
Data Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn, Excel, Microsoft Power BI
Tools: GIT, Jupyter, and Markdown
SQL Data base, Google Collab and IBM Watson Studio
Exploratory data analysis, Data Visualization, Neural Networks
Master's in Artificial Intelligence
Feb 2022 — Present
Air University Islamabad
Bachelor's in Electrical (electronics)
Sep 2016 — July 2020
Comsats University Abbottabad
IBM Data science
Google Data analytics
Science and Analytics Intro - IBM
Data Science Fundamentals - IBM
Machine Learning with Python - IBM
SQL for Data Science - Coursera
Python (University of Michigan - Coursera)
Data Analysis with Python - freeCodeCamp
Scientific Computing with Python - freeCodeCamp
Machine Learning - Datacamp
Muhammad Furqan Javed