1. THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER UNDER DP AS (15 CFR 700) SOLICITATION, OFFER AND AWARD 2. CONTRACT NO. 4. TYP E OF SOLICITATION [ ] SEALED BID (IFB) 3. SOLICITATION NO. N0002420R5500 7. ISSUED BY CODE NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND (HQ) 1333 ISAAC HULL AVE SE WASHINGTON NAVY YARD DC 20376-2030 5. DATE ISSUED RATING OF P AGES 1 119 6. REQUISITION/P URCHASE NO. [ X ] NEGOTIATED (RFP ) N00024 8. ADDRESS OFFER TO (If other than Item 7) See Item 7 TEL: P AGE CODE TEL: FAX: FAX: NOTE: In sealed bid solicitations "offer" and "offeror" mean "bid" and "bidder". SOLICITATION 9. Sealed offers in original and copies for furnishing the supplies or services in the Schedule will be received at the place specified in Item 8, or if handcarried, in the depository located in until local time (Date) (Hour) CAUT ION - LAT E Submissions, Modifications, and Withdrawals: See Section L, Provision No. 52.214-7 or 52.215-1. All offers are subject to all terms and conditions contained in this solicitation. 10. FOR INFORMATION A. NAME CALL: (X) SEC. X X X X X X A B C D E F G H B. TELEP HONE (Include area code) (NO COLLECT CALLS) C. E-MAIL ADDRESS 11. T ABLE OF CONT ENT S PAGE(S) (X) SEC. DESCRIPT ION PART I - THE SCHEDULE SOLICIT AT ION/ CONT RACT FORM SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/ COST S DESCRIPT ION/ SPECS./ WORK ST AT EMENT PACKAGING AND MARKING INSPECT ION AND ACCEPT ANCE DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE CONT RACT ADMINIST RAT ION DAT A SPECIAL CONT RACT REQUIREMENT S 1 2 - 40 41 - 69 70 - 71 72 - 77 78 DESCRIPT ION PAGE(S) PART II - CO NTRACT CLAUSES X I CONT RACT CLAUSES 79 - 80 PART III - LIST O F DO CUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND O THER ATTACHMENTS X J LIST OF AT T ACHMENT S 81 PART IV - REPRESENTATIO NS AND INSTRUCTIO NS REPRESENT AT IONS, CERT IFICAT IONS AND K OT HER ST AT EMENT S OF OFFERORS X L INST RS., CONDS., AND NOT ICES T O OFFERORS 82 - 109 X M EVALUAT ION FACT ORS FOR AWARD 110 - 119 OFFER (Must be fully completed by offeror) NOT E: Item 12 does not apply if the solicitation includes the provisions at 52.214-16, Minimum Bid Acceptance Period. 12. In compliance with the above, the undersigned agrees, if this offer is accepted within calendar days (60 calendar days unless a different period is inserted by the offeror) from the date for receipt of offers specified above, to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered at the price set opposite each item, delivered at the designated point(s), within the time specified in the schedule. 13. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT (See Section I, Clause No. 52.232-8) 14. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AMENDMENT S (T he offeror acknowledges receipt of amendments to the SOLICIT AT ION for offerors and related documents numbered and dated): 15A. NAME CODE AND ADDRESS OF OFFEROR 15B. T ELEPHONE NO AMENDMENT NO. DAT E FACILIT Y DAT E 16. NAME AND T IT LE OF PERSON AUT HORIZED T O SIGN OFFER (T ype or print) 15C. CHECK IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE - ENTER SUCH ADDRESS IN SCHEDULE. (Include area code) AMENDMENT NO. 17. SIGNAT URE 18. OFFER DAT E AWARD (To be completed by Government) 19. ACCEP TED AS TO ITEMS NUMBERED 21. ACCOUNTING AND AP P ROP RIATION 20. AMOUNT 23. SUBMIT INVOICES T O ADDRESS SHOWN IN 22. AUTHORITY FOR USING OTHER THAN FULL AND OP EN COMP ETITION: 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)( ) 41 U.S.C. 253(c)( 24. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 7) ) CODE 25. P AYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 26. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) TEL: IT EM (4 copies unless otherwise specified) 27. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA EMAIL: CODE 28. AWARD DATE (Signature of Contracting Officer) IMPORT ANT - Award will be made on this Form, or on Standard Form 26, or by other authorized official written notice. Previous Edition is Unusable 33-134 STANDARD FORM 33 (REV. 9-97) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.214(c) N0002420R5500 Page 2 of 119 Section B - Supplies or Services and Prices ITEM NO CLIN Number 0001 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR FPI DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR Production - Leader Only FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 0001 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY6(V)1) ITEM NO 0001 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 3 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 0004 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) Backfit FPI DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) AMDR Backfit - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 0004 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME ITEM NO DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY- 0004 6(V)4) FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 4 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 0008 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY OPTION Enhanced Data Rights in AN/SPY-6 FFP Enhanced Data Rights in AN/SPY-6 FOB: Destination UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NET AMT ITEM NO CLIN Number 0009 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY 1 OPTION Provisioned Item Order (PIO) FFP Provisioned Item Order (PIO) FOB: Destination UNIT Bundle UNIT PRICE NET AMT AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 5 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 0010 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE AMOUNT AN/SPY-6 Data Items DATA for all base and option CLIN(s) (if exercised). FOB: Destination NET AMT ITEM NO CLIN Number 0012 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)1 FAQT and dPCA AMDR FPI AN/SPY-6(V)1 First Article Qualification Testing (FAQT) and dPCA AMDR FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 6 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 0013 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)2 FAQT and dPCA EASR Rotator FPI AN/SPY-6(V)2 FAQT and dPCA EASR Rotator FOB: Destination UNIT PRICE AMOUNT TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET ITEM NO CLIN Number 0014 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)3 FAQT and dPCA Fixed Face FPI AN/SPY-6(V)3 FAQT and dPCA EASR Fixed Face FOB: Destination UNIT PRICE TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 7 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 0015 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)4 FAQT and dPCA AMDR Backfit FPI AN/SPY-6(V)4 FAQT and dPCA AMDR Backfit FOB: Destination UNIT PRICE AMOUNT TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET ITEM NO CLIN Number 0016 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY OPTION Second Source Qualification Second Source Qualification FOB: Destination FFP UNIT UNIT PRICE NET AMT AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 8 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 0017 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY 12 UNIT Months UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Engineering and Production Support FFP Engineering and Production Support FOB: Destination NET AMT ITEM NO CLIN Number 0020 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment - See Section B Note B - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 0020 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 TRIMM SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 9 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 0021 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment - See Section B Note B - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 0021 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX FS SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 0022 SUPPLIES/SERVICES UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment - See Section B Note B - Leader Only FOB: Destination NET AMT CLIN 0022 STEPLADDER PRICING UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 10 of 119 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX DC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 0023 SUPPLIES/SERVICES OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment - See Section B Note B - Leader Only FOB: Destination UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 0023 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 11 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 1001 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR FPI DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR Production UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Note A) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 1001 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY6(V)1) ITEM NO 1001 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 12 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 1002 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)2 EASR Rotator FPI AN/SPY-6(V)2 EASR Rotator Production UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Note A) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 1002 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME EASR Rotator (AN/SPY6(V)2) ITEM NO 1002 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 13 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 1003 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)3 EASR Fixed Face FPI AN/SPY-6(V)3 EASR Fixed Face Production UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Note A) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 1003 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME EASR 3 Fixed (AN/SPY6(V)3) ITEM NO 1003 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 14 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 1004 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) Backfit FPI DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) AMDR Backfit UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Note A) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 1004 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME ITEM NO DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY- 1004 6(V)4) FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 2.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 15 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 1020 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment - See Section B Note B - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 1020 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 TRIMM SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 1021 SUPPLIES/SERVICES UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment - See Section B Note B - Leader Only FOB: Destination NET AMT CLIN 1021 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 16 of 119 STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX FS SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 1022 SUPPLIES/SERVICES OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment - See Section B Note B - Leader Only FOB: Destination UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 1022 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX DC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 17 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 1023 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment - See Section B Note B - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 1023 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 2001 SUPPLIES/SERVICES UNIT Each OPTION DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR FPI DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR Production TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT PRICE (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 18 of 119 CLIN 2001 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY6(V)1) ITEM NO 2001 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 ITEM NO CLIN Number 2002 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)2 EASR Rotator FPI AN/SPY-6(V)2 EASR Rotator Production UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 2002 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME EASR Rotator (AN/SPY6(V)2) ITEM NO 2002 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 19 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 2003 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)3 EASR Fixed Face FPI AN/SPY-6(V)3 EASR Fixed Face Production UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 2003 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME EASR 3 Fixed (AN/SPY6(V)3) ITEM NO 2003 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 20 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 2004 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) Backfit FPI DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) AMDR Backfit UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 2004 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME ITEM NO DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY- 2004 6(V)4) FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 21 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 2020 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment - See Section B Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 2020 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 TRIMM SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 2021 SUPPLIES/SERVICES UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment - See Section B Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination NET AMT CLIN 2021 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 22 of 119 STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX FS SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 2022 SUPPLIES/SERVICES OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment - See Section B Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 2022 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX DC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 23 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 2023 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment - See Section B Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 2023 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 3001 SUPPLIES/SERVICES UNIT Each OPTION DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR FPI DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR Production TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT PRICE (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 24 of 119 CLIN 3001 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY6(V)1) ITEM NO 3001 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 ITEM NO CLIN Number 3002 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)2 EASR Rotator FPI AN/SPY-6(V)2 EASR Rotator Production UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 3002 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME EASR Rotator (AN/SPY6(V)2) ITEM NO 3002 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 25 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 3003 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)3 EASR Fixed Face FPI AN/SPY-6(V)3 EASR Fixed Face Production UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 3003 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME EASR 3 Fixed (AN/SPY6(V)3) ITEM NO 3003 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 2.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 26 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 3004 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) Backfit FPI DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) AMDR Backfit UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 3004 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME ITEM NO DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY- 3004 6(V)3) FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 27 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 3020 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment - See Section B Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 3020 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 TRIMM SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 3021 SUPPLIES/SERVICES UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment - See Section B Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination NET AMT CLIN 3021 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 28 of 119 STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX FS SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 3022 SUPPLIES/SERVICES OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment - See Section B Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 3022 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX DC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 29 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 3023 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment - See Section B Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 3023 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 4001 SUPPLIES/SERVICES UNIT Each OPTION DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR FPI DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1) AMDR Production TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT PRICE (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 30 of 119 CLIN 4001 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME DDG 51 FLT III (AN/SPY6(V)1) ITEM NO 4001 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 ITEM NO CLIN Number 4002 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)2 EASR Rotator FPI AN/SPY-6(V)2 EASR Rotator Production UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 4002 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME EASR Rotator (AN/SPY6(V)2) ITEM NO 4002 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 31 of 119 5.00 ITEM NO CLIN Number 4003 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY OPTION AN/SPY-6(V)3 EASR Fixed Face FPI AN/SPY-6(V)3 EASR Fixed Face Production 5.00 UNIT Each UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 4003 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME EASR 3 Fixed(AN/SPY6(V)3) ITEM NO 4003 FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 32 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 4004 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each OPTION DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) Backfit FPI DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4) AMDR Backfit UNIT PRICE AMOUNT (See Section B Notes A and D) FOB: Destination TARGET COST TARGET PROFIT TOTAL TARGET PRICE CEILING PRICE SHARE RATIO ABOVE TARGET SHARE RATIO BELOW TARGET CLIN 4004 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME ITEM NO DDG 51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY- 4004 6(V)4) FROM QUANTITY 1.00 TO QUANTITY 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 UNIT PRICE N0002420R5500 Page 33 of 119 ITEM NO CLIN Number 4020 SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT Each UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 TRIMM Sustainment - See Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 4020 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 TRIMM SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 4021 SUPPLIES/SERVICES UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX FS Sustainment - See Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination NET AMT CLIN 4021 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 34 of 119 STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX FS SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 4022 SUPPLIES/SERVICES OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX DC Sustainment - See Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE AMOUNT NET AMT CLIN 4022 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX DC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO QUANTITY FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT Each TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B ITEM NO CLIN Number 4023 SUPPLIES/SERVICES UNIT PRICE OPTION AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment FFP AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC Sustainment - See Notes B and C - Leader Only FOB: Destination NET AMT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT N0002420R5500 Page 35 of 119 CLIN 4023 STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER PRICING STEPLADDER NAME AN/SPY-6 DREX APCC SUSTAINMENT ITEM NO FROM QUANTITY SEE NOTE B TO QUANTITY SEE NOTE B UNIT PRICE NOTE A - OPTION EXERCISE NOTE A - OPTION EXERCISE Even number of units will be distributed equally between the Leader and Challenger for the following CLINs: 1001 1002 1003 1004 Even number of units will be distributed equally between the Leader and Challenger for the following CLINs only if each contractor is meeting all contract requirements including Section F delivereies for one or more previously awarded N00024-20-R-5500 CLIN(s): 2001 2002 2003 2004 3001 3002 3003 3004 4001 4002 4003 4004 After the equal distribution of units, determination of award of any remaining unit will be based on total combined price of all exercised unit(s) per variant per year. Option Exercise Example: Assume exercise quantities are as follows: . FY Total QTY DDG51 FLT III (AN/SPY3* 6(V)1 DDG51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY- 3* 6(V)4 EASR 3 Fixed (AN/SPY4** 6(V)3) FY Leader QTY 1 FY Challenger QTY 1 1 1 2 2 N0002420R5500 Page 36 of 119 *Odd unit for this AN/SPY-6(V) variant will be competed between the Leader and Challenger based on above exercise criteria. The even number of units within the total quantity will be distributed equally between the two awardees. **Even number of units for this AN/SPY-6(V) variant will be distributed equally between the two awardees. FY Total QTY FY Leader FY Challenger Stepladder Stepladder Pricing Pricing DDG51 FLT III (AN/SPY-6(V)1 3 QTY 1 - $23/EA QTY 1 - $23/EA QTY 2 - $16/EA QTY 2 - $18/EA DDG51 FLT IIA (AN/SPY-6(V)4 3 QTY 1 - $20/EA QTY 1 - $23/EA QTY 2 - $15/EA QTY 2 - $16/EA EASR 3 Fixed (AN/SPY-6(V)3) 4 QTY 1 - $8/EA QTY 1 - $10/EA QTY 2 - $6/EA QTY 2 - $8/EA AN/SPY-6(V)1 Quantity Determination-–The award of one (1) unit to the Challenger and two (2) units to the Leader results in the lowest total price for the total FY quantity of three (3) units. AN/SPY-6(V)4 Quantity Determination- While the Leader has a lowest unit price for a quantity of two (2) the lowest total price for the total FY quantity of three (3) is the award of two (2) units to the Challenger and one (1) unit to the Leader. AN/SPY-6(V)3 Quantity Determination- Both the Leader and Challenger are awarded a quantity of (2) for the AN/SPY-6(V)3 based on the equal division of the even number of units. Although the Government intends to unilaterally exercise odd-numbered option unit(s) with either the Leader or the Challenger based upon the lowest option unit(s) target price established as a result of competitive solicitation N00024-20-R-5500; prior to the latest option exercise date, the Contracting Officer may issue a letter to the Contractors requesting submission of revised pricing. Revised pricing shall be submitted within 30 days of the issuance of the Contracting Officer request. In the event of requested pricing revision(s): a. Any revised target price shall not exceed the awarded target price of the applicable option(s); any revised ceiling price shall not exceed the awarded ceiling price of the applicable option(s). b. The Navy will unilaterally modify Section B pricing using the Contractor provided revised pricing for the CLINs as applicable. c. The Government intends to unilaterally exercise options in accordance with thie Note utilizing the revised pricing. The exercise of any option unit is contingent upon congressional appropriation. N0002420R5500 Page 37 of 119 NOTE B - SUSTAINMENT QUANTITY The Contractor shall propose the stepladder quantity breaks per Sustainment CLIN up to the specified maximum RMA LRU quantities provided in Table B.1. Table B.1 – Sustainment Maximum RMA LRU Quantities OY1 OY2 TRIMMs CLINs 0020, 1020, 2020, 3020, and 4020 151 314 DREX FS CLINs 0021, 1021, 2021, 3021, and 4021 13 28 DREX DC CLINs 0022, 1022, 2022, 3022, and 4022 31 66 DREX APCC CLINs 0023, 1023, 2023, 3023, and 4023 11 22 OY3 OY4 OY5 833 1332 1854 74 119 166 174 279 388 60 96 133 For all Sustainment option CLINs with stepladder pricing, the Government may unilaterally exercise a given line item more than once prior to the latest option exercise date identified in clause FAR 52.217-7 (see Section I, below). Sustainment option CLINs with stepladder pricing may be exercised until the total quantity purchased equals the maximum quantity listed for that option CLIN in Section B. Any exercised option shall be in accordance with the latest drawing revision unless otherwise specified in the modification. If any Sustainment option CLIN is exercised more than once within a 60 day period, the unit price shall be adjusted downward to reflect the appropriate stepladder unit price for the entire quantity purchased within that 60 day period. The following hypothetical example illustrates how pricing will be adjusted for option CLIN 0000 if the line item is unilaterally exercised more than once within a 60 day period: At first option exercise, $22,500 is obligated to subline item (SLIN) 0000AA to provide funds to acquire a quantity of 150 at a unit cost of $150. 150 * $150 = $22,500 A second option exercise, $12,500 is obligated to SLIN 0000AB to provide funds to acquire a total quantity of 350 at a unit cost of $100. 350 * $100 = $35,000 In order to provide for a total extended price of $35,000 without altering the unit pricing of the prior option exercise, the unit cost for SLIN 0000AB is adjusted downward to $62.50. ($35,000 - $22,500) / 200 = $62.50 N0002420R5500 Page 38 of 119 Following exercise of our first two options for CLIN 0000, our contract CLIN structure for CLIN 0000 is as follows: CLIN SLIN 0000 0000 0000 AA AB UNIT COST $100.00 $150.00 $62.50 EXTENDED PRICE $35,000 $22,500 $12,500 FUNDED AMOUNT $35,000 $22,500 $12,500 NOTE C - SUSTAINMENT METRICS Prices for CLINs 2020-2023, 3020-3023, and 4020-4023 are based upon the Contractor achieving the total Contractor Response Time (CRT), Requestion Fill Rate (RFR), and Maximum Contractor Fill Time (MaxCFT) requirements in Section C 3.3. If the Contractor performs below the CRT, RFR, and MaxCFT requirements, assessed independently for each metric, and within levels stated in Tables C.1, and C.2 below, downward price adjustments shall apply. Calculation of the downward adjustment (i.e. Total Price Adjustment) to each RMA LRU CLIN price is provided below. Total awarded CLIN price will be based on the total awarded quantities within the requisition period for each RMA LRU CLIN. The actual RMA LRU Demands is provided in the Sustainment Execution Report (CDRL A049). Table C.1 If CRT Achieved is: CRT≥0.9 0.9>CRT≥0.85 0.85>CRT≥0.8 CRT<0.8 CRT Price Adjustment Factor (per requestion period) 0 0.5 * (CRT - 0.85) 0.6 * (CRT - 0.8) + 0.025 0.85 * (0.8 - CRT) + 0.055 CRT Price Adjustment = CRT Price Adjustment Factor * Total Awarded CLIN Price Example: Total Awarded CLIN Price = $750,000 CRT Achieved = 82% CRT Price Adjustment Factor = 0.6 * (0.82 - 0.8) + 0.025 = 0.037 CRT Price Adjustment = 0.037 * $750,000 = $27,750 Note: N0002420R5500 Page 39 of 119 The CRT Price Adjustment is performed for each RMA LRU CLIN and is summed to determine the Aggregated CRT Price Adjustment. Table C.2 If RFR Achieved is: RFR≥0.9 0.9>RFR≥0.85 0.85>RFR≥0.8 RFR<0.8 RFR Price Adjustment Factor (per performance period) 0 0.5 * (RFR - 0.85) 0.6 * (RFR - 0.8) + 0.025 0.85 * (0.8 - RFR) + 0.055 RFR Price Adjustment = RFR Price Adjustment Factor * Total Awarded CLIN Price Example: Total Awarded CLIN Price = $750,000 RFR Achieved = 60% RFR Price Adjustment Factor = 0.85 * (0.8 - 0.6) + 0.055 = 0.225 RFR Price Adjustment = 0.225 * $750,000 = $168,750 Note: The RFR Price Adjustment is performed for each RMA LRU CLIN and is summed to determine the Aggregated RFR Price Adjustment. To calculate Price Adjustment for MaxCFT, the calculation is as follows: MaxCFT Price Adjustment = (# Actual RMA LRU Demands that exceed MaxCFT requirements / # LRU Quantities Placed in Requistions) * (Total Awarded CLIN Price) * 0.5 + (# Actual RMA LRU Demands that exceed 3*MaxCFT requirements / # LRU Quantities Placed in Requistions) * (Total Awarded CLIN Price) * 0.5 Example: Total Awarded CLIN Price = $750,000 # LRU Quantities Placed in Requistions = 200 # Actual RMA LRU Demands that exceed MaxCFT requirements: three (3) C1 CASREP RMA LRUs at 17 Calendar Days, one (1) IPG 1 RMA LRU at 92 Calendar days MaxCFT Price Adjustment = (3+1)/200*$750,000*0.5 + (1)/200*$750,000*0.5 = $9,375 Note: The MaxCFT Price Adjustment is performed for each RMA LRU CLIN and is summed to determine the Aggregated MaxCFT Price Adjustment. N0002420R5500 Page 40 of 119 Total Price Adjustment = Aggregated CRT Price Adjustment + Aggregated RFR Price Adjustment + Aggregated MaxCFT Price Adjustment Example Total Price Adjustment: $27,750+168,750+9,375 = $205,875 New Total CLIN Price After Adjustment: $544,125 NOTE D - PRODUCTION METRICS Prices for CLINs 2001-2004, 3001-3004, and 4001-4004 are based upon the Contractor completing Section C scope and delivering Government-accepted equipment on time in accordance with Section F. If the Contractor does not complete Section C scope and deliver Government-accepted equipment on time IAW Section F, the following adjustment will be made for each affected CLIN: 0-14 Days Late = No adjustment to CLIN 15-59 Days Late = The Government Share of the Above Target Ratio is reduced buy 10 60+ Days Late = The Government Share of the Above Target Ratio is reduced buy 20 N0002420R5500 Page 41 of 119 Section C - Descriptions and Specifications STATEMENT OF WORK 1 SCOPE This Statement of Work (SOW) defines the effort required for production, assembly, inspection, testing, delivery and sustainment of AN/SPY-6(V) Radar Systems and supporting equipment. This effort is to build AN/SPY-6(V) systems in accordance with the Technical Data Package (TDP), provided as Government Furnished Information (GFI) and as referenced in Section J. The efforts defined by this SOW are in support of Hardware Production and Sustainment. 1.1 Background The scope of this effort is divided between two Contractor roles that may be awarded as two contracts by the Government: a “Leader” role and “Challenger” role. Each role is responsible for production, assembly, inspection, testing, and delivery of its assigned AN/SPY-6(V) quantities (defined in Section B of the contract). The Leader additionally is responsible for RMA Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) sustainment support of all fielded (post-delivery) AN/SPY-6(V) systems. AN/SPY-6(V) is a Family of Radars (FoRs) which are designed to be scalable and adaptable across multiple ship classes and mission requirements. Developed under the AMDR program, the AN/SPY-6(V)1 is the Navy’s next generation radar system that will address Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) and Air Defense (AD) capability gaps identified in the Maritime Air and Missile Defense of Joint Forces (MAMDJF) Initial Capabilities Document (ICD). The MAMDJF ICD was reviewed and validated by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) on 1 May 2006, culminating in the designation of the Navy as the lead component. The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L)) directed the Navy to proceed with an Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) for MAMDJF on 16 June 2006. The Director of Program Analysis and Evaluation endorsed the radar portion (Phase I) of the AoA on 27 Oct 2008, finding the AoA sufficient. The AMDR Capability Production Document (CPD) was approved by the JROC in March 2018. AN/SPY6(V)1 is an Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) radar providing sensitivity for long range detection and engagement of advanced threats. The AN/SPY-6(V)1 is currently planned to be deployed on the DDG 51 FLT III with four arrays each populated with 37 Radar Modular Assemblies (RMAs). A variant of the AN/SPY-6(V) is currently planned to replace the AN/SPY-1D(V) radar on existing DDG 51 FLT IIA ships. This variant includes four arrays each populated with 24 RMAs. The nomenclature has not yet been assigned, but the program anticipates it being designated as AN/SPY-6(V)4. The U.S. Navy is proceeding with the modernization of DDG 51 FLT IIA ships by replacing the existing AN/SPY-1D(V) with a scaled AN/SPY-6(V) radar to increase IAMD performance against raids of air and ballistic missile threats in adverse environments. The goal of this radar back fit is to significantly improve operational capability, while taking into account the constraints imposed by the existing FLT IIA hull (e.g., power, weight, and equipment space). The back fit of the scaled AN/SPY-6(V) will be installed during planned FLT IIA shipyard availabilities in order to minimize cost. The Navy plans to capitalize on the Aegis Weapons System Baseline 10 (BL10) and integrate with the AN/SPY-6(V)4. N0002420R5500 Page 42 of 119 Enterprise Air Surveillance Radar (EASR) is two scaled variants of AN/SPY-6(V) for non-DDG platforms. Two array configurations will be fielded. The configurations are a single rotating array with 9 RMAs (AN/SPY-6(V)2) and three arrays each populated with 9 RMAs (AN/SPY6(V)3 and, notionally, AN/SPY-6(V)5). EASR is one sensor in a new sensor suite that is designed to meet the performance needs contained in the Battlespace Awareness ICD. The specific system performance requirements are documented in the Enterprise Radar Suite Naval Capabilities Document (ERS NCD). EASR variants utilize AN/SPY-6(V) radar technology to meet the air surveillance requirements of multiple ship classes. AN/SPY-6(V)2 radars are planned to replace the AN/SPS-48 and AN/SPS-49 radars aboard CVN (Nimitz), Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA) hulls, and Landing Platform/Dock (LPD) hulls with Ship Self-Defense System (SSDS) ACB20. AN/SPY-6(V)3 replace Dual Band Radar (DBR) on CVN(Ford) class platforms and are the primary surveillance and fire control radars for FFG(X) class platforms with the Frigate Weapon System (FWS) (FFG(X) variants may become AN/SPY-6(V)5). The architecture for EASR is intended to drive a lower recurring cost by utilizing the same core technology for variants on multiple ship classes. 2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS The following documents of issue in effect on the execution date of the contract are applicable to this Statement of Work and attached appendices to the extent specified herein or as modified under the contract. In accordance with CDRL XXXX the Contractor shall complete a GFI Deficiency Report. 2.1 Mandatory Documents The following documents form a basis for the work to be performed under this SOW: a. AN/SPY-6(V) System Requirements Document, Version X.x, with Appendices, included as Attachment J-XX b. Air and Missile Defense Radar External (Logical) Interface Requirements Specification (IRS) c. Enterprise Air Surveillance Radar (Logical) Interface Requirements Specification (IRS) d. Department of Defense Security Classification Specification (DD-254), Revision No. 03, and Air & Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) Program Security Classification Guide, Version 6.0, included as Attachment J-XX. e. Air and Missile Defense Radar Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical (HM&E) Interface Requirements Document, Version 2.4, included as Attachment J-XX . f. Air and Missile Defense Radar Back Fit Hull, Mechanical, and Electrical (HM&E) Interface Requirements Document, Version 1.5, included as Attachment J-XX. Program Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Data Dictionary, included as Attachment J-XX g. h. Cyber Strategy, Version TBD, included as Attachment J-XX N0002420R5500 Page 43 of 119 i. Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer (CIO) Memorandum 02-10, Information Assurance Policy Update for Platform Information Technology, dated 26 April 2010 j. DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8500.01 Cybersecurity, dated 13 March 2014 k. DoDI 8510.01 Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD Information Technology (IT), dated 28 June 2017 l. m. NSTISSAM COMPUSEC/1-99, dated 11 March 1999 Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) Program Protection Plan (PPP), Version 1.1, Tailored Contract Version, dated 9 March 2018, included as Attachment JXX MIL-STD-31000B – Technical Data Packages, dated 31 October 2018 n. o. IEEE 12207.2017 – Standard for Systems and Software Engineering - Software Life Cycle Processes, dated 28 Sept 2017 p. Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) Programmatic, Environmental, Safety and Health Evaluation (PESHE) Plan, Version 1.0, included as Attachment J-XX q. r. MIL-STD-882E Safety, dated 11 May 2012 NAVSEA S9310-AQ-SAF-010, Technical Manual for Batteries, Navy Lithium Safety Program and Procedures, dated 19 Aug 2004 s. NAVSEAINST 9310.1B, Naval Lithium Battery Safety Program, dated 13 Jun 1991 MIL-HDBK-189C, Reliability Growth Management, dated 14 June 2011 t. u. GEIA-STD-0009 - Reliability Program Standard For Systems Design, Development And Manufacturing, dated 13 Nov 2008 v. ASQC Q9001-2008, Quality Systems-Model for Quality Assurance In-Depth, Development, Production, Installation, and Servicing w. Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP), Version 2.0, Contractor Copy, dated 06 March 2013, included as Attachment JXX Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR) Plan, included as Attachment J-XX x. y. Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) Systems Engineering Plan (SEP), Version 2.0, Tailored Contract Version, dated 04 February 2013, included as Attachment J-XX z. PEO IWS / Naval Sea Systems Command Research & System Engineering Warfare System Engineering and Human Systems Integration Directorate Technical Review Manual (TRM), Version 2, dated 18 December 2009 OPNAVINST 5100.24B, Navy System Safety Program Policy, dated 06 Feb 2007 aa. bb. NAVSEAINST 5100.12B, Requirements For Naval Sea Systems Command System Safety Program For Ships, Shipborne Systems And Equipment, dated 03 Aug 2011 cc. AMDR System Safety Program Plan N0002420R5500 Page 44 of 119 dd. Executive Order (EO) 12856, 03 Aug 1993 ee. Executive Order (EO) 13148, 21 April 2000 ff. National Aerospace Standard (NAS) 411, dated July 1993 gg. SAE-GEIA-STD-0007B - Logistics Product Data, dated 01 May 2013 hh. ii. kk. MIL-STD-1472G, Change 1 – Human Engineering, dated 17 Jan 2019 ASTM F1166-07(2013), Marine Systems, Equipment and Facilities, Human Engineering Design for, dated 2013 MIL-STD-130N, Change 1, Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property, dated 16 November 2012 OPNAVINST 1500.57B, Surface Warfare Training Strategy, 26 September 2011 ll. ANSI/EIA-748, Earned Value Management ?Systems, dated 17 Aug 1999 mm. CSDR Manual DoD 5000.04, Change 1, dated 18 April 2018 nn. MIL-STD-881D – Work Breakdown Structures for Defense Materiel Items, dated 09 April 2018 oo. USD(AT&L) Memorandum, Use of Acquisition Program Transition Workshops, dated 01 April 2011 pp. NFPA70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, 2018 Edition. qq. Technical Data Package (TDP), Attachment J-XX rr. MIL-STD-1568D - Materials And Processes for Corrosion Prevention And Control In Aerospace Weapons Systems, date 31 Aug 2015 jj. 2.2 Guidance Publications The following publications are available as guidance: ss. SAE-GEIA-HB-0007A: Handbook For GEIA-STD-0007- Logistic Product Data, dated 10 Feb 2014 tt. uu. PEO IWS 2.0 Risk Management Policy Naval SYSCOM Risk Management Policy, NAVSEAINST 5000.8, dated 21 Jul 2008 Risk Management Guide for DoD Acquisition, Version 1.0, dated August 2006 vv. ww. DoD Directive 5200.39, Change 2, Critical Program Information (CPI) Identification and Protection Within Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E), 15 Oct 2018 xx. NAVSEAINST 9400.2, Implementation of Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Afloat IA Governance and Guidance, dated 18 Aug 2010 yy. MIL-DTL-901E – Shock Tests, H.I. (High-Impact) Shipboard Machinery, Equipment, and Systems, Requirements for, dated 20 June 2017 zz. MIL-HDBK-2155, Failure Reporting, Analysis and Corrective Action Taken, 11 Dec 1995 N0002420R5500 Page 45 of 119 aaa. NAVSEAINST 8020.6E - Department of the Navy Weapon Systems Explosive Safety Review Board, dated 11 March 2008 bbb. NAVSEA SW020-AH-SAF-010, Weapons System Safety Guidelines Handbook, 01 Feb 2006 ccc. DoDI 5000.02, Change 4, dated 31 Aug 2018 ddd. MIL-HDBK-217F-2 – Reliability Prediction of Electronic Equipment, dated 28 Feb 1995 eee. fff. ggg. MIL-HDBK-472-1 – Maintainability Prediction, dated 12 Jan 1984 MIL-HDBK-61A, Configuration Management Guidance, dated 07 Feb 2001 ANSI/EIA 649B, National Consensus Standard for Configuration Management, dated 01 Apr 2011 SAE-GEIA-HB-649A, Configuration Management Standard Implementation Guide, 01 March 2016 hhh. 2.3 iii. jjj. PEO IWS 2.0 Above Water Sensors Configuration Management Plan/Procedures NAVSEA A Program Manager’s Guide to the Application of Performance Based Logistics (PBL), Revision A, dated 08 October 2008 kkk. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD (AT&L)) Corrosion and Prevention Control Planning Guidebook of September 2007 lll. DoD Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) Guidebook: A Guidebook of Best Practices for Implementing a Robust DMSMS Management Program (SD-22A), 01 Jan 2016 mmm. DoN Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) Implementation Manual, dated June 2006 nnn. RAMSC Plan (EASR CDRL A096)—Move to Guidance Precedence In the event of a conflict between the documents listed in Section 2.1, Mandatory Documents, and Section 2.2, Guidance Publications, the documents in Section 2.1 shall take precedence. 3 3.1 Requirements General Requirements (CLINs 0001, 0004, 1001-1004, 2001-2004, 3001-3004, 40014004) 3.1.1 Post Award Conference (CLINs 0001 & 0017 only) A post award conference shall take place at the contractor’s facility no later than 30 days after award of the contract. The purpose of this conference is to review the initial production plans. The contractor shall deliver a conference agenda in accordance with CDRL A001 no later than one week before the date of the post award conference. The contractor shall deliver meeting minutes/actions in accordance with CDRL A003 no later than one week after completion of the N0002420R5500 Page 46 of 119 post award conference. 3.1.2 Technical Data Package The Contractor shall support the maintenance of the TDP (initial baseline provided as Attachment J-2) in accordance with the configuration management processes in Section 3.1.5. The TDP will be maintained in the Government’s Product Data Management (PDM) system during execution of this contract (description of this system is provided in Attachment J-XX). Any required updates to the TDP for produciblity and obsolescence shall be accounted for underneath the AN/SPY-6(V) production CLINs. No further costs of design changes are authorized. No contractor responsible design corrections are chargeable to any Engineering Support CLINs. The Contractor shall prepare and deliver an updated Technical Data Package (TDP) describing in detail the as-built product baseline at a production level (Level 3) in accordance with MIL-STD31000B. The TDP shall describe any and all subsequent changes to the baseline product including revisions up to the time of Government acceptance to reflect the final as-built configuration. The TDP shall include any software products, including source code necessary for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes and source code for any other software and firmware developed for the radar. Unless otherwise noted, the Government will have at least Government Purpose Rights for all data delivered under the TDP. The Contractor shall submit the TDP in accordance with CDRLs A005 through A017: A005 HM&E Interface Requirements Specification (IRS) A006 HW Interface Design Description (IDD) A007 System/Subsystem Specification (SSS) A Specs A008 System/Subsystem Specification (SSS) B2 Specs A009 Interactive Computer Aided Provisioning System (ICAPS) Data File Exchange A010 Logistics Product Data (LPD) A011 Maintenance Manual A012 Product Drawings/Models and Associated Lists A013 Second Source Lowest Replacement Unit (LRU) Description Document A014 Special Packaging Instructions A015 Technical Data Package A016 Interface Control Document (ICD) A017 System/Subsystem Specification (SSS) B5 Spec Software Configuration Items 3.1.3 Plan Execution The Contractor shall generate, maintain, and execute the System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) (CDRL A061). The SEMP shall address all efforts within the HP&S contract. The N0002420R5500 Page 47 of 119 SEMP shall describe how a fully integrated production and sustainment effort will be managed and conducted. The Contractor shall generate, maintain, and execute the Risk Management Plan (RMP) as part of the SEMP. The Contractor shall implement and maintain a risk management program in accordance with the approved RMP to identify and manage risks associated with achievement of the program’s technical (including performance), cost, and schedule requirements. Risks shall be reported to the Government during IPT/WG meetings as well as InProgress Reviews (IPRs). PEO IWS 2.0 Risk Management Policy, NAVSEAINST 5000.8 (Naval SYSCOM Risk Management Policy), and Risk Management Guide for DoD Acquisition, Version 1.0, dated August 2006, are available as guidance. The Contractor shall form Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) and Working Groups (WGs) to support an integrated product development process. The Contractor shall generate the organizational structure and document it in the SEMP (CDRL A056). The Government will assign representatives to participate in IPT/WG meetings as necessary. Government participation will be coordinated through the COR. The Contractor shall generate and execute a Program Protection Implementation Plan (PPIP) (CDRL A055) in accordance with the AMDR Program Protection Plan (PPP). DoDI 5000.02, DoDI 5200.39 and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Systems Engineering PPP Outline and Guidance Template are available as guidance. The PPIP shall cover production for both Leader and Challenger as well as sustainment for the Leader. The PPIP shall be prepared in order to ensure effective and efficient protection of essential program information, technologies and systems. The Program Protection Implementation Plan (PPIP) is derived from the PPP and will not only restate what is written in the PPP. The PPIP shall include: a. Description of the security management structure; b. Description of the Contractor’s Information Security Program (ISP) as a part of their PPIP. As an integral part of the ISP, describe the Contractor and subcontractors procedures for identifying, reporting and resolution of Facility Security Breaches; Classified Information Compromises, and Spillages including notification of DSS, DCMA, and Government Program Security Manager c. Describe how the contractor’s Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cyber Security is addressed in the contractor’s facility and addressed in subcontracts and how incidents are addressed and reported to DSS / DCMA d. Identification of CPI physical locations under the Contractor’s or Subcontractors’ control; e. Assessment of the vulnerability of the CPI to intelligence collection in the following areas: Human Intelligence (HUMINT); Open Source Intelligence (OSINT); Signals Intelligence (SIGINT); Imagery Intelligence (IMINT); Computer Network Operations (CNO); f. Identification of the countermeasures to be implemented at each site where CPI is held; g. Special handling procedures required for CPI, and procedures for recovering CPI in the event of a mishap; N0002420R5500 Page 48 of 119 h. Identification of risk mitigation techniques to counter threats and counterfeit parts to the Contractor’s supply chain; and i. Procedures for ensuring compliance with U.S. Government export statutes and regulations. The Contractor shall generate a Manufacturing Plan (CDRL A026). The Manufacturing Plan documents methods by which the design is to be built. The Manufacturing Plan contains sequence and schedule of events at contractor and subcontractor levels that define use of materials, fabrications flow, test equipment, tools, facilities, and personnel. It reflects consideration and incorporation of manufacturing requirements in the design process and includes identification and assessment of design facilities. For systems and components that are designed to higher Evaluated Assurance Levels (EALs), the Manufacturing Plan identifies the physical and personnel controls needed in the manufacturing process to meet Cyber requirements. In addition, the Manufacturing Plan shall identify production metrics for the key subsystems. Key subsystems include the Transmit/Receive channels and other array and Receiver/Exciter LRUs of costs greater than 10% of the total system production cost per shipset. The Contractor shall generate, implement and maintain a Hazardous Material Management Program (HMMP) Plan (CDRL A060). The Contractor shall document that consideration has been given to eliminating and reducing the use of Hazardous Materials (HM) in processes and products consistent with the requirements of EO 12856, EO 13148 and NAS 411. The HMMP shall address requirements for hazardous materials and elimination, minimization, substitution and handling of hazardous materials and potentially hazardous materials. The HMMP shall describe the HM analysis that will be used to identify HM risks, the strategy for integrating HM considerations into the systems engineering process, HM responsibilities and the method for tracking progress of the HM analysis. The Contractor shall manage the selection, use, and disposal of hazardous materials so that the DoD incurs the lowest cost necessary to protect human health and the environment over the life cycle. The Contractor shall generate HMMP Reports (CDRL A061) that identify the characteristics, quantity and location of all hazardous materials. The Contractor shall generate, implement, maintain a QA Program that is integral to the overall production process. The Contactor shall generate a QA Program Plan (CDRL A043). The QA Program shall be comprised of management, technical resources, plans, procedures, schedules and controls necessary to ensure conformance to contractual requirements. The QA Program shall address the requirements of ASQC Q9001-2008. The QA Program shall also address the software and firmware quality provisions of IEEE 12207. The software and firmware design, documentation and review process shall be in accordance with current standard business practices that represent the approved processes for the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) level IV. For validation of 3D Model Data, MIL-STD-31000B, Appendix C, is available for guidance. The Contractor shall generate and implement a Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CDRL A034) IAW MIL-STD-1568D and using the DoD Corrosion and Prevention Control Planning N0002420R5500 Page 49 of 119 Guidebook of September 2007 as guidance. The Contractor shall ensure that corrosion prevention and management are included in the AN/SPY-6(V) design. The Contractor shall report corrosion activity at IPTs/WGs and SETRs. 3.1.4 Production Progress The Contractor shall conduct IPRs to review progress of the subsystem, software, and system builds, integration and testing efforts. IPRs shall be scheduled quarterly. The first IPR shall address readiness of manufacturing processes, quality systems, and production planning. The Contractor shall host the IPRs, and coordinate meetings with the Government. The Contractor shall coordinate and post Meeting Agendas (CDRL A001) on the Government IDE prior to meetings. The Contractor shall post Presentation Materials (CDRL A002) and Minutes/Action Items (CDRL A003) on the Government IDE. The Contractor shall generate a Production Status Report (CDRL A027) for the period from option exercise through delivery of final unit. The reports shall include the production metrics identified in the Manufacturing Plan (CDRL A026). The reports shall address production metrics, including components procured, assembly and testing. The reports shall address labor efforts and facility utilization. The reports shall address material efforts, including procurement, inventory, expenditures, and quality control data. The Contractor shall provide a consistent format for the reporting of metrics for the radar. 3.1.5 Configuration Management (CM) The Contractor shall generate and execute a AN/SPY-6(V) CM Plan (CDRL A033) that follows the requirements in this section, using MIL-HDBK-61A, ANSI/EIA 649B, SAE-GEIA-HB649A and PEO IWS 2.0 Above Water Sensors Configuration Management Plan/Procedures as guidance. The Government will conduct the AN/SPY-6(V) Local Configuration Control Board (LCCB) and PEO IWS 2.0 Configuration Control Board (CCB). The Contractor shall identify all hardware, software, and documentation issues. In addition, the Government, other HP&S Contractor, and Design Agent Contractor may identify and submit issues to the Contractor. For each issue identified, the Contractor shall generate a Trouble Report (CDRL A051) and submit to the AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB via the Government’s PDM system. The Contractor shall categorize each Trouble Report using the following criteria. N0002420R5500 Page 50 of 119 Priority 1 2 3 4 5 Definition Prevents the accomplishment of an essential capability, jeopardize safety, security or other requirement designated critical. Adversely affects accomplishment of an essential capability and no workaround exists; adversely affects technical, cost, or schedule risks to the project or to life cycle support of the system, and no work around solution is known. Adversely affects accomplishment of an essential capability, but reasonable workaround solution is known; adversely impacts functions supporting an essential capability; adversely affects effectiveness, technical, cost, or schedule risks to the project or to life cycle support of the system, but a reasonable workaround solution is known. Results in user/operator inconvenience or annoyance but does not affect a required operational or mission-essential capability; results in inconvenience or annoyance for operational or maintenance personnel but does not prevent the accomplishment of the responsibilities of those personnel. Any other effect. The Government will have approval authority over all Trouble Report categorizations. The Contractor shall correct all issues associated with Trouble Reports. The Contractor shall conduct sufficient regression testing to ensure that any changes made appropriately correct the issues without introducing additional issues. The Contractor shall update and submit Trouble Reports with the proposed corrective actions, proposed schedule, and associated cost estimates to the AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB for approval and determination of required change documentation. The Contractor shall generate the approved change documentation. Change documentation includes, but is not limited to Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) (CDRL A038), Requests for Deviation (RFDs) (CDRL A049), Request for Waiver (RFWs) (CDRL A045), Notice of Revisions (NORs) (CDRL A041) and/or Specification Change Notices (SCNs) (CDRL A047). The Contractor shall submit Engineering Change Proposal System Safety Reports (ECPSSRs) (CDRL A058) in conjunction with ECPs. The Contractor shall submit Waiver or Deviation System Safety Reports (WDSSRs) (CDRL A052) in conjunction with RFDs and RFWs to the AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB. The Contractor shall submit change documentation to the AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB for classification and final approval. The above change documentation shall be submitted via the Government’s PDM system. In addition, all updated TDP materials shall be submitted via the Government’s PDM system in accordance with the LCCB approved change documentation. At all times the official product baseline for production and sustainment shall be that reflected in the Government’s PDM system. The AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB will have approval authority of Class II ECPs, Minor RFDs, RFWs, NORs and SCNs. The AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB will review and recommend approval/disapproval of Class I ECPs and Major/Critical RFD/RFWs to the PEO IWS 2.0 CCB. The PEO IWS 2.0 CCB will have approval authority of Class I ECPs and Major/Critical RFD/RFWs. Approval of formal Class I ECPs, if any, will be accomplished via the changes clause of the Contract. The Contractor shall participate in the monthly Design Agent LCCB and provide feedback on Trouble Reports and change documentation in that forum. N0002420R5500 Page 51 of 119 Trade Studies and Analysis (LEADER ONLY) Prior to submission of a Class I ECP, the Contractor shall perform trade studies and analysis. These efforts will include cost estimates, scope estimates, technical investigations, industry surveys, and technical trade-off studies. All results of such trade studies and analysis shall be delivered in the Engineering Design Notebook (EDN) (CDRL A054). 3.1.6 As-Built Configuration Bill of Material List The Contractor shall generate an As-Built Configuration (ABC) Bill of Material (BOM) List (CDRL A031) for each the AN/SPY-6(V) production unit, reflecting the delivered the AN/SPY6(V) production unit hardware and software. 3.1.7 Factory Acceptance Testing Testing The Contractor shall generate the Factory Acceptance Test Plan (CDRL A065) and Procedures (CDRL A066). The OEM Plan and Procedures and the TDP are available as guidance. The Contractor shall conduct Factory Acceptance Testing on each AN/SPY-6(V) Unit in accordance with Contractor-developed, Government-approved Acceptance Test Plan and Procedures. The Contractor shall document the results of Factory Acceptance Testing including the as run, redlined, and marked up procedures in a Test Report (CDRL A069). Any marked up procedures shall be reflected in updated Acceptance Test Procedures. The Contractor shall provide all Test Data (CDRL A067), evaluation tools (including simulations) and results to the Government for independent evaluation of performance. The Contractor shall notify the Government of planned test events not later than 21 calendar days prior to testing to support Government participation. The Contractor shall notify the Government of any changes to planned test events not later than seven (7) calendar days before the test. In the event that the Government is not able to witness a test that requires Government attendance and/or approval, a representative from the Contractor’s Quality Engineering organization shall represent the Government’s interest with authority to grant any required approvals. The Contractor shall conduct meetings to review test results with the Government. 3.1.8 Safety The Contractor shall maintain and execute its System Safety Program in accordance with MILSTD-882E and the AMDR System Safety Program Plan in accordance with Task 102. NAVSEA SW020-AH-SAF-010, Weapons System Safety Guidelines Handbook and DoD Joint Software Systems Safety Engineering Handbook are available as guidance. The Contractor shall provide a System Safety Lead with education, safety experience, and certifications sufficient to answer the recommended qualifications for a SSL as delineated in OPNAVINST 5100.24B, Enclosure (3), table 1 for a program complexity of high. The Contractor shall provide in the EDN (CDRL A054) an Environment Safety and Occupational Health (ESOH) assessment that includes data, studies, and reports necessary to demonstrate full compliance with all Federal, State, and Local environmental laws including any known potential compliance issues associated with the system manufacturing, testing, N0002420R5500 Page 52 of 119 operations, and disposal. In addition, the Contractor shall generate and provide safety documentation in accordance with Task 210, Environmental Hazard Analysis (EHA), of MILSTD-882E in the EDN. The Contractor shall generate and execute the System Safety Program Plan (CDRL A063). The Contractor shall, in accordance with MIL-STD-882E Task 106, update and maintain the Closed Loop Hazard Tracking Database (CDRL A057) to meet the requirements found in MILSTD-882E and OPNAVINST 5100.24B, Paragraph 8.d. The Contractor shall, in accordance with MIL-STD-882E Task 301, update and provide the Safety Assessment Report (CDRL A062). The Contractor shall support one WSESRB and one SSSTRP. The Contractor shall provide Presentation Material (CDRL A002) in support of the WSESRB and SSSTRP. The Contractor shall support two (2) one-day dry runs with Government participation for each WSESRB review and each SSSTRP review. The Contractor shall participate in the WSESRB and SSSTRP and present the contractor's system design, policies, and procedures, and respond to all Actions (CDRL A003) from the WSESRB and SSSTRP within 30 days. NAVSEAINST 8020.6E is available for guidance. 3.1.9 Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortage The Contractor shall support and resolve all LRU, subassembly, or piece part Diminishing Manufacturing Sources/Material Shortages (obsolescence) issues necessary to execute the requirements of this contract. Efforts under CLIN 4001-4004 shall address any items that require resolution within 24 months. The Contractor shall generate and execute a Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortage (DMSMS) Plan (CDRL A037) using DoD DMSMS Guidebook: A Guidebook of Best Practices for Implementing a Robust DMSMS Management Program (SD-22A) as guidance. The Contractor shall conduct DMSMS Forecasting and propose solutions in Trouble Reports (CDRL A051). Proposed solutions shall include analysis of alternatives and impacts to both production and sustainment. In addition, the Contractor shall generate DMSMS Forecast Source Data and Report (CDRL A036). Summaries of DMSMS Trouble Reports, data and reports shall be reported at IPRs. The Source Data for Forecasting DMSMS shall reference parts, part numbers, and drawing numbers based upon the TDP (as defined in Section 3.1.2). 3.1.10 Failure Reporting and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) The Contractor shall maintain a Failure Reporting and Corrective Action System (FRACAS). All hardware failures and the equivalent software interrupts/failures shall be reported and monitored in the FRACAS. The Contractor shall document and maintain the FRACAS summaries in the FRACAS report (CDRL A039). MIL-HDBK-2155 is available for guidance. The Contractor shall participate in Government chaired Failure Event Review Boards (FERBs), presenting FRACAS events’ status, root cause, corrective action, verification, and implementation. The Leader shall coordinate and host a bi-monthly FERB. The Contractor shall consolidate and summarize FRACAS events, and provide in the Presentation Materials (CRDL A002) for each FERB. N0002420R5500 Page 53 of 119 3.1.11 Warranties and Licenses The Contractor shall deliver and maintain all Warranties and Licenses (CDRL A053,) associated with the AN/SPY-6(V) COTS equipment. The Contractor shall provide access to these Warranties and Licenses to the Government. At Government acceptance of the AN/SPY-6(V) production units, the Contactor shall transition Warranties and Licenses to the Government. 3.1.12 Program Management Program Management Support The Contractor shall assign a Program Manager (PM) who shall have complete responsibility for the planning, execution, control and reporting of all aspects of the program, and for directing inhouse and subcontractor efforts. The PM shall ensure that all requirements are applicable to the components/parts as specified herein for all items procured. The PM shall ensure that sub Contractors’, suppliers’ or vendors’ procedures are compliant with all solicitation requirements. Progress, Status, and Management Report The Contractor shall generate a monthly Contractor’s Progress, Status and Management Report (CDRL A029). The Contractor’s Progress, Status and Management Report shall contain the following: a. Planned and actual staffing by IPT/WG; b. Planned and actual material purchases; c. Planned and actual use of Non-Developmental Items (NDI)/Non-Developmental Software (NDS); d. CDRLs submitted v. CDRLs accepted during reporting period; and e. Cost Chart: A cost chart depicting, by month, the estimated Program spend forecast (entire option period of performance) with actuals (up to reporting month). Earned Value Management System The Contractor shall establish, maintain, and use in the performance of this contract, an Earned Value Management System (EVMS) in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.234-7001, DFARS 252.234-7002, and the EVMS guidelines contained in American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industries Alliance ANSI/EIA748. To establish the integrated performance management system, the EVMS shall be linked to and supported by the Contractor’s management processes and systems to include the integrated master schedule, contract work breakdown structure, change management, material management, procurement, cost estimating, and accounting. The correlation and integration of these systems and processes shall provide for early indication of cost and schedule problems, and their relation to technical achievement. The Contractor shall report program cost, schedule and earned value status in an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) (CDRL A024). The Contractor shall provide the Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR) (CDRL A019). The Contractor shall provide a reconciliation of the CFSR with the IPMR as an addendum to the IPMR. N0002420R5500 Page 54 of 119 Integrated Master Schedule As part of the IPMR (CDRL A024), the Contractor shall generate and maintain an Integrated Master Schedule (IMS). The IMS shall identify all tasks from option exercised to completion. The IMS shall use the CWBS (CDRL A020) structure for tracing all work to be performed. The IMS shall identify the critical path, all major program events, and program milestones. The IMS shall identify all discrete work and clearly align with work packages and planning packages within control accounts. The Contractor shall document its IMS at the lowest level of the CWBS. The Contractor shall quantify risk in hours, days, or weeks of delay and provide optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely durations for each IMS activity and event that meets the following criteria: (1) critical path tasks/activities, (2) near-critical path tasks/activities (as specified in the CDRL), (3) high risk tasks/activities in the program’s risk management plan. Integrated Baseline Review The Contractor shall conduct an Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) to demonstrate the Contractor’s plan to achieve program requirements within cost and schedule constraints. The Contractor shall propose the review (scheduling, location, security requirements, Agenda (CDRL A001) and content), subject to Government approval. The IBR shall be conducted within six months of exercising each AN/SPY-6(V) production Option. The Contractor shall place read ahead material and Presentation Material (CDRL A002), on the Government IDE preceding each review. The IBR Presentation Material shall include the following: Process Documentation; Contract Award and Modifications; Subcontract Statement(s) of Work (SOWs) & CDRLs List; CAM Interview List; CWBS & CWBS Dictionary; Basis of Estimates (BOE); Work Authorization Documents; Organizational Breakdown Structure; Responsibility Assignment Matrix; IPMR (A024) (at least 2 Periods); Control Account Plan; Bill Of Materials (BOM); Management Reserve & Undistributed Budget Logs; and Current Risk Management Database Listing. The Contractor shall place final Presentation Materials on the Government IDE following the reviews. The Contractor shall prepare Minutes/Actions (CDRL A003) to include a database to capture and manage all Government and Contractor Action Items. The database shall reside on the Government IDE. The Contractor shall update Action Item status including closure plans weekly. At the IBR, the Contractor shall present the phased work schedule and planned resources, and approaches for conducting the work on this contract. IBR(s) shall also be conducted on subcontracts that meet or exceed the EVM application threshold (contracts equal to or greater than $20 million). The prime Contractor shall lead the subcontractor IBRs with active participation by the Government. Following the IBR(s), the Contractor shall baseline the IPMR in accordance with the CWBS (CDRL A020). The baseline shall apply to both cost and schedule. The cost and schedule baselines shall be set at the completion of the IBR and used as the data set for the Contractor’s EVMS. The Contractor shall not re-baseline the program without permission of the Government. The Government may hold additional IBRs at the program’s discretion. Contract Cost Data Reporting The Contractor shall systematically collect and report actual contract costs and technical information to provide DoD cost analysts the data necessary to estimate future costs. Contract Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR)s shall be prepared in accordance with the instructions contained in the most recently approved versions of the Data Item Descriptions (DIDs): N0002420R5500 Page 55 of 119 Contractor Business Data Report (DI-FNCL-81765B, DD Form 1921-3), Cost and Hour Report (Flex File) (DI-FNCL-82162), Quantity Data Report (DI-MGMT-82164). The Contractor shall generate and electronically submit the following Contract Cost Data Reports (CCDRs): Cost and Hour Report (Flex File), (CDRL XXX), Quantity Data Report (CDRLXXX), and Contractor Business Data Report (DD Form 1921-3) (CDRLXXX), using the CADE CSDR Submit-Review System. The contractor shall provide the final CWBS and dictionary in the Flex File, and shall maintain and update the CWBS and dictionary during contract execution. a. The required form and file type for each CSDR is specified in its Data Item DID. The Contractor shall also electronically submit in accordance to the Flex File ExcelCompatible Submission Guidance or the Flex File Excel Template outlined in the Flex File Implementation Guide located on the CADE website (http://cade.osd.mil). b. Data submitters must register through the CADE website (http://cade.osd.mil). Data submitters must possess a DoD-approved ECA digital certificate or DoD-issued CAC to obtain a CADE Portal account and to be authorized to upload CSDR content. Users can obtain access by submitting user information about themselves and their organizations to the CADE Portal and requesting a CSDR submitter user role. After the registration information has been verified, the DCARC shall authorize the user account and requested roles. All CADE Portal accounts need to be renewed at least annually. The Contractor shall attend a Contract Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR) conference to be hosted by the Government within thirty (30) calendar days of exercise of the option. The desired outcome of this conference is for the Government and industry to come to a common understanding on how to generate useful CCDRs. At the conference, the contractor shall present the Contractor’s CWBS, the Contract CSDR Plan, contract SOW, Schedule B, and planned work process. In addition, the contractor shall review the CWBS dictionary and the Resource Distribution Table (RDT) with the Government. Also, the contractor shall review Contractor accounting processes and standards (including the process for flowing reports from the subcontractors to the Contractor through to the Government), and review the Contractor’s accounting procedures including indirect costs, labor pools and material mapping to DD 2794 and DD 1423 and recurring/nonrecurring definitions and collection processes. Contractor attendees shall review the data delivery dates and electronic reporting requirements. The Contractor’s financial manager, financial analyst responsible for completion of reports, and an engineer or technical representative shall attend. The Contractor shall prepare CCDRs in accordance with the Contract CSDR Plan (Attachment XXXX) and annually throughout the execution of the contract. DoD Manual 5000.04, Cost and Software Data Reporting Manual is available as guidance. The contractor shall also use the related RDT (Attachment XXX) as the basis for reporting according to the required CSDR DIDs. If the RDT is not complete, the contractor must prepare a RDT using the work breakdown structure on the approved CSDR Plan. N0002420R5500 Page 56 of 119 The Contractor shall require and flow down the requirement for CSDR reporting from subcontractors regardless of tier with a subcontract that exceeds $50 million or subcontracts valued between $20 million and $49 million that are designated by the Government as being high risk, high value, or high technical interest. If, for subcontracts that exceed $50 million, the Contractor changes subcontractors or makes new subcontract awards, the Contractor shall notify the Government. Program Management Reviews The Contractor shall conduct PMRs quarterly, in the Washington, DC, area, to provide Government insight into program cost, schedule, technical, and outstanding issues. The PMR Agendas (CDRL A001) shall include any special topics as mutually agreed between the Government and the Contractor. The Contractor shall propose all reviews (scheduling, location, security requirements, Agenda (CDRL A001) and content), subject to Government approval. The Contractor shall place read ahead material and presentations (CDRL A002) on the Government IDE preceding the PMRs. The Contractor shall place final Presentation Materials on the Government IDE following the PMRs. The Contractor shall maintain a database to capture all Government and Contractor Minutes/Action Items (CDRL A003) from the PMRs. The database shall reside on the Government IDE. The Contractor shall update Action Item status including closure plans weekly. Data Management The routine use and generation of classified information is anticipated in this contract and shall be managed by the Contractor in accordance with the contract DD Form 254, of this contract, and the Program Security Classification Guide (SCG). The Contractor shall mark and treat data per the Program SCG. The Contractor shall implement data management procedures to ensure complete and timely flow of data deliverables and track document versions, clearly identifying document changes/additions. Specific data deliverables formats and distributions are listed in the CDRLs. The Contractor shall maintain and deliver a Data Accession List (DAL) (CDRL A030) to track all data generated to fulfill the requirements of this contract. The Contractor shall provide specific data listed on the DAL as requested by the COR. At the completion of each AN/SPY-6(V) production CLIN (CLINs 0001, 0004, 1001, 1004, 2001,2003, 2004, 3001-3004, and 4001-4004), the Contractor shall deliver all data included in the DAL within the Data Library (CDRL A030). CDRL (Exhibit TBD) deliverables shall be clearly marked as to any restrictions on the Government’s use/dissemination with supporting rationale for restrictions. Restrictions on data shall also be identified and reported at all meetings. When data, software, or software documentation contains data with less than unlimited rights to the Government, only the cover and the specific portions of the document shall be marked with appropriate markings and tied directly to items on the lists required by DFARS 252.227-7017 and/or 252.227-7028 within the contract. The Contractor shall not mark an entire document (e.g., presentation materials, trade studies, etc.) as restricted unless every page of the document contains restricted data. It is understood that unclassified data will be generated on classified systems. As the Government needs to modify, edit, and otherwise alter this data the Contractor shall transmit N0002420R5500 Page 57 of 119 both classified and unclassified versions (both printed media and electronic media in editable form) to the Government. Integrated Digital Environment The Government will implement and maintain an access-controlled unclassified and classified Integrated Digital Environment (IDE). The IDE will use commercially available tools and industry-standard communication and data management protocols to promote interoperability and integration. The Government will provide a total of 30 remote access accounts to the Contractor. The Contractor shall have Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) certification and a static Internet Protocol (IP) address (or group of addresses) to access the unclassified IDE. The Contractor shall provide a classified electronic means to transfer classified data to/from the Government’s classified IDE. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Government on the approach to handling classified data and/or the requirement to access the SIPRNET or other encrypted links. All items posted to the IDE, including drafts of deliverables that are not final versions, shall be considered delivered for purposes of the DFARS data rights clauses (and subject to the same rights asserted for final deliveries). However, these non-final versions shall not constitute acceptance for purposes of Section E or the DFARS data rights clauses. TOC Model The Contractor shall maintain the TOC Model (CDRL A050). 3.2 Production Requirements 3.2.1 Option-AN/SPY-6(V)1 Production Units (CLINs 0001, 1001, 2001, 3001, and 4001) Quantities delivered under this section will be determined by the Government as described in Section B. Production The Contractor shall build the AN/SPY-6(V)1 Production Units that meet all requirements of the TDP (as defined in Section 3.1.2). The Contractor shall produce Installation and Checkout Kits that include all necessary tools, connectors, and other materials for installation. Delivery The Contractor shall deliver the AN/SPY-6(V)1 Production Units and Installation and Checkout Kits in accordance with Section F. In support of delivery, the Contractor shall use Special Packaging Instructions (CDRL A014). The Contractor shall update the Special Packaging Instructions using the Logistics Product Data (CDRL A010). 3.2.2 Option-AN/SPY-6(V)2 Production Units (CLINs 1002, 2002, 3002, and 4002) Quantities delivered under this section will be determined by the Government as described in Section B. Production The Contractor shall build the AN/SPY-6(V)2 Production Units that meet all requirements of the TDP (as defined in Section 3.1.2). The Contractor shall produce Installation and Checkout Kits that include all necessary tools, connectors, and other materials for installation. N0002420R5500 Page 58 of 119 Delivery The Contractor shall deliver the AN/SPY-6(V)2 Production Units and Installation and Checkout Kits in accordance with Section F. In support of delivery, the Contractor shall use Special Packaging Instructions (CDRL A014). The Contractor shall update the Special Packaging Instructions using the Logistics Product Data (CDRL A010). AN/SPY-6(V)2 Above Deck Equipment consists of the radar’s antenna, the equipment required to interface the antenna with the below deck equipment (interface cables and cooling pipes that route through the superstructure of the ship between above deck and below deck equipment not included), support equipment that must be located within close physical proximity to the array, the equipment required to mount the radar antenna to the ships structure, and the enclosures required to protect the radar antenna. AN/SPY-6(V)2 Below Deck Equipment consists of power, cooling, and computing equipment required to interface with ships power and cooling infrastructure, and computing equipment required to support the above deck equipment and the CMS interface. 3.2.3 Option-AN/SPY-6(V)3 Production Units (CLINs 1003, 2003, 3003 and 4003) Quantities delivered under this section will be determined by the Government as described in Section B. Production The Contractor shall build the AN/SPY-6(V)3 Production Units that meet all requirements of the TDP (as defined in Section 3.1.2). The Contractor shall produce Installation and Checkout Kits that include all necessary tools, connectors, and other materials for installation. Delivery The Contractor shall deliver the AN/SPY-6(V)3 Production Units and Installation and Checkout Kits in accordance with Section F. In support of delivery, the Contractor shall use Special Packaging Instructions (CDRL A014). The Contractor shall update the Special Packaging Instructions using the Logistics Product Data (CDRL A010). AN/SPY-6(V)3 Above Deck Equipment consists of the radar’s antenna, the equipment required to interface the antenna with the below deck equipment (interface cables and cooling pipes that route through the superstructure of the ship between above deck and below deck equipment not included), support equipment that must be located within close physical proximity to the array, the equipment required to mount the radar antenna to the ships structure, and the enclosures required to protect the radar antenna. AN/SPY-6(V)3 Below Deck Equipment consists of power, cooling, and computing equipment required to interface with ships power and cooling infrastructure, and computing equipment required to support the above deck equipment and the CMS interface. 3.2.4 Option-AN/SPY-6(V)4 Production Units (CLINs 0002, 1002, 2002, 3002, and 4002) Quantities delivered under this section will be determined by the Government as described in Section B. N0002420R5500 Page 59 of 119 Production The Contractor shall build the AN/SPY-6(V)4 Production Units that meet all requirements of the TDP (as defined in Section 3.1.2). The Contractor shall produce Installation and Checkout Kits that include all necessary tools, connectors, and other materials for installation. Delivery The Contractor shall deliver the AN/SPY-6(V)4 Production Units and Installation and Checkout Kits in accordance with Section F. In support of delivery, the Contractor shall use Special Packaging Instructions (CDRL A014). The Contractor shall update the Special Packaging Instructions using the Logistics Product Data (CDRL A010). 3.2.5 Option-First Article Testing and Audits (0012, 0013, 0014, 0015) First Article Qualification Testing First Article Qualification Testing (FAQT) is conducted to verify specification compliance and validate the factory acceptance testing. FAQT is only conducted on the first production unit procured under this contract. Test Readiness Review The Contractor shall conduct a Test Readiness Review (TRR) prior to execution of FAQT. Within FAQT, multiple test periods may be conducted. The TRR shall also cover both FAQT and Factory Acceptance Testing. Prior to each test period, the Contractor shall conduct a Test Event Review (TER). The TRR is conducted to ensure that the component/subsystem/system under review is mature enough to proceed into the major test cycle (i.e., FAQT). The TER is conducted to focus on the subset of tests identified for an individual test period. At the TRR and TERs, the Contractor shall review planned test objectives, methods, procedures and statistical analyses and examine lower-level test results, test plans, test objectives, test methods and procedures to verify the traceability of planned tests to program requirements and ensure that required test resources have been properly identified and coordinated. The Contractor shall propose all reviews (scheduling, location, security requirements, Agenda (CDRL A001) and content), subject to Government approval. The content of the TRRs is defined in the Program Executive Office for Integrated Weapons Systems (PEO IWS)/Naval Sea Systems Command Research & System Engineering Warfare Systems (SEA 05) Technical Review Manual (TRM). The entry and exit criteria for TRRs is defined in the TRM. The Contractor shall host the TRR and TERs, and coordinate with the Government. The Contractor shall coordinate and post the Meeting Agenda on the Government IDE prior to the TRR. The Contractor shall post Presentation Materials (CDRL A002) and Minutes/Actions (CDRL A003) on the Government IDE. The Contractor shall maintain a database to capture all Government and Contractor Action Items (CDRL A003) from the TRRs. The database shall reside on the Government IDE. The Contractor shall update Action Item status, including closure plans, at least weekly. Testing The Contractor shall generate the First Article Qualification Test Plan and Procedures (CDRL A066). The OEM Plan and Procedures and the TDP are available as guidance. The Contractor N0002420R5500 Page 60 of 119 shall conduct FAQT on the First Article in accordance with Contractor-developed, Governmentapproved FAQT Plan and Procedures. The Contractor shall document the results of FAQT including the as run, redlined, and marked up procedures in a Test Report (CDRL A069). Any marked up procedures shall be reflected in updated FAQT Procedures. The Contractor shall provide all Test Data (CDRL A067), evaluation tools (including simulations) and results to the Government for independent evaluation of performance. The Contractor shall notify the Government of planned test events not later than 15 calendar days prior to testing to support Government participation. The Contractor shall notify the Government of any changes to planned test events not later than five (5) calendar days before the test. The Contractor shall schedule meetings to review test results. The Contractor shall also generate an FAQT Summary Test/Inspection Report (CDRL A070) that documents the completion of all test events and requirements verification detailed in the Government-approved FAQT Plan and Procedures (CDRL A066). Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) The Contractor shall conduct a Government-witnessed PCA. The PCA shall be conducted at the Contractor facility. The purpose of the PCA is to verify the as-built configuration matches the technical documentation and validates supporting processes. The PCA requires major disassembly of the first unit to a level which will allow for verification of all drawing defined configuration items and an in-depth review of the associated Product Drawings/Models and Associated Lists in comparison with the first unit. Any conflict between the Product Drawings/Models and Associated Lists and the first unit shall be identified, documented, and corrected. The Contractor shall update and deliver a Physical Configuration Audit (PCA) Plan (CDRL A042) within ninety (90) days of option exercise, based on Program Executive Office for Integrated Weapons Systems (PEO IWS)/Naval Sea Systems Command Research & System Engineering Warfare Systems (SEA 05) Technical Review Manual (TRM), with IEEE 15288.2 available as guidance. The Contractor shall conduct the PCA as defined by the Government accepted plan. The Contractor shall propose a PCA date at least thirty (30) days in advance and that is at a time when drawings, nomenclature, associated manuals, acceptance test plans and production representative hardware are available. The Contractor shall perform the approved Configuration Audit Plan on the first unit produced. The Contractor shall generate a Configuration Audit Summary Report (CDRL A032) as a result of the PCA. The Contractor shall generate a Trouble Report (CDRL A051) for each discrepancy identified in the Configuration Audit Summary Report. The Contractor shall schedule a PCA Review SETR event NLT 60 calendar days after executing the PCA. This review shall be event driven and predicated upon satisfying the SETR Entrance Criteria. The Government will chair this meeting. The Contractor shall recommend scheduling, location, security requirements, Agenda (CDRL A001) and content, subject to Government approval. The content of the PCA Review is defined in the Program Executive Office for Integrated Weapons Systems (PEO IWS)/Naval Sea Systems Command Research & System Engineering Warfare Systems (SEA 05) Technical Review Manual N0002420R5500 Page 61 of 119 (TRM), with IEEE 15288.2 available as guidance. In addition, the Contractor shall report status of TPMs at the review. The Contractor shall place read ahead material and presentations with Presentation Material (CDRL A002) on the Government IDE preceding each review. The Contractor shall place final Presentation Materials on the Government IDE following the reviews. The Contractor shall prepare Minutes/Actions (CDRL A003) to include a database to capture and manage all Government and Contractor Action Items from the reviews. The database shall reside on the Government IDE. The Contractor shall update Action Item status, including closure plans, at least weekly. Exit criteria for each SETR shall include closure of all Action Items. The Government will have approval authority over Action Item closure decisions. 3.2.6 Option-Production and Engineering Support (CLIN 0017) The Contractor shall begin transition to production activities prior-to or in parallel with initial production start-up. The Contractor shall generate a Transition to Production Plan (CDRL A028) detailing its plan to develop and implement the fabrication and assembly processes necessary for transition to production including special tooling, special test equipment, production of proof of manufacturing units, and pilot runs to support full rate production. At a minimum, these activities shall address the TRIMMs and DREX LRUs. A post award conference shall take place at the contractor’s facility no later than 30 days after award of the contract. The purpose of this conference is to review the initial production plans. The contractor shall deliver a conference agenda in accordance with CDRL A004 no later than one week before the date of the post award conference. The contractor shall deliver meeting minutes in accordance with CDRL A005 no later than one week after completion of the post award conference. The Contractor shall execute the approved Transition to Production Plan. The Contractor shall document the progress of transition to production in the Production Status Report (CDRL A027). The Contractor shall generate and execute a AN/SPY-6(V) CM Plan (CDRL A033) that follows the requirements in this section, using MIL-HDBK-61A, ANSI/EIA 649B, SAE-GEIA-HB649A and PEO IWS 2.0 Above Water Sensors Configuration Management Plan/Procedures as guidance. The Government will conduct the AN/SPY-6(V) Local Configuration Control Board (LCCB) and PEO IWS 2.0 Configuration Control Board (CCB). The Contractor shall identify all hardware, software, and documentation issues. In addition, the Government, other HP&S Contractor, and Design Agent Contractor may identify and submit issues to the Contractor. For each issue identified, the Contractor shall generate a Trouble Report (CDRL A051) and submit to the AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB via the Government’s PDM system. The Contractor shall categorize each Trouble Report using the following criteria. N0002420R5500 Page 62 of 119 Priority 1 2 3 4 5 Definition Prevents the accomplishment of an essential capability, jeopardize safety, security or other requirement designated critical. Adversely affects accomplishment of an essential capability and no workaround exists; adversely affects technical, cost, or schedule risks to the project or to life cycle support of the system, and no work around solution is known. Adversely affects accomplishment of an essential capability, but reasonable workaround solution is known; adversely impacts functions supporting an essential capability; adversely affects effectiveness, technical, cost, or schedule risks to the project or to life cycle support of the system, but a reasonable workaround solution is known. Results in user/operator inconvenience or annoyance but does not affect a required operational or mission-essential capability; results in inconvenience or annoyance for operational or maintenance personnel but does not prevent the accomplishment of the responsibilities of those personnel. Any other effect. The Government will have approval authority over all Trouble Report categorizations. The Contractor shall correct all issues associated with Trouble Reports. The Contractor shall conduct sufficient regression testing to ensure that any changes made appropriately correct the issues without introducing additional issues. The Contractor shall update and submit Trouble Reports with the proposed corrective actions, proposed schedule, and associated cost estimates to the AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB for approval and determination of required change documentation. The Contractor shall generate the approved change documentation. Change documentation includes, but is not limited to ECPs (CDRL A038), RFDs (CDRL A044), RFWs (CDRL A045), Notice of Revisions (NORs) (CDRL A041) and/or Specification Change Notices (SCNs) (CDRL A047). The Contractor shall submit ECPSSRs (CDRL A058) in conjunction with ECPs. The Contractor shall submit WDSSRs (CDRL A052) in conjunction with RFDs and RFWs to the AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB. The Contractor shall submit change documentation to the AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB for classification and final approval. The above change documentation shall be submitted via the Government’s PDM system. In addition, all updated TDP materials shall be submitted via the Government’s PDM system in accordance with the LCCB approved change documentation. At all times the official product baseline for production and sustainment shall be that reflected in the Government’s PDM system. The AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB will have approval authority of Class II ECPs, Minor RFDs, RFWs, NORs and SCNs. The AN/SPY-6(V) LCCB will review and recommend approval/disapproval of Class I ECPs and Major/Critical RFD/RFWs to the PEO IWS 2.0 CCB. The PEO IWS 2.0 CCB will have approval authority of Class I ECPs and Major/Critical RFD/RFWs. Approval of formal Class I ECPs, if any, will be accomplished via the changes clause of the Contract. 3.3 Option-Sustainment Support (CLINs 0020-0023, 1020-1023, 2020-2023, 3020-3023, and 4020-4023) (LEADER ONLY) The Contractor shall provide sustainment support for the repair or replacement of the following RMA LRUs: N0002420R5500 Page 63 of 119 1. 2. 3. 4. Transmit-Receive Integrated Monolithic Modules (TRIMMs) DREX Auxiliary Power Control Card (APCC) DREX Dual Channel (DC) DREX Frequency Synthesizer (FS) The contractor will be notified of a need for sustainment support via a requisition received from the Government via the Contractor’s provided electronic inventory system. The Contractor provided electronic inventory system shall include 24/7 access, the ability to receive and acknowledge requisitions, send outbound shipping notifications to the Government, track Ready for Issue (RFI) assets, and confirm receipt of RFI assets by the Government. The Contractor shall provide no less than 15 accounts allocated for Government use with ability to satisfy Government responsibilities as stated above. NAVSUP P-409-MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP Desk Guide is available for guidance. Each requisition will contain a requisition category, priority designator, shipping location, quantity, and part number. Each RMA LRU type has a unique part number and each RMA LRU has a unique serial number. Section 3.3.1, Metrics, provides further details regarding delivery requirements. The Contractor shall deliver Sustainment Execution Report (CDRL A049) that cover the following, by RMA LRU type: CRT RFR MaxCFT Missing Carcasses Outstanding Requisitions Current Work in Process Current Inventory Number of Failures Failure Modes Determined Labor hours per failure mode (to include troubleshooting) Material Cost per failure mode Performance Metrics (Ops performance) Quality Metrics (PQDR/SDR) Determination of Beyond Economical Repair Depot Procedure used for repair At every other IPR (semi-annually), the Contractor shall hold reviews of the sustainment metrics documented in the Sustainment Execution Report (A049). 3.3.1 Metrics The Contractor’s sustainment support performance will be measured using three (3) metrics: Contractor Response Time (CRT), Requisition Fill Rate (RFR), and Maximum Contractor Fill Time (MaxCFT). All three metrics will be applied separately to each RMA LRU sustainment N0002420R5500 Page 64 of 119 CLIN. The Government will provide the information contained in Attachment J-5 for Contractor’s use in the performance of the RMA LRU sustainment CLINs. Contractor Response Time (CRT) The contractor shall satisfy a Contractor Response Time (CRT) in accordance with Table 3.3.1 below. CRT is calculated as the number of requisitions responded to on time divided by the total number of requisitions over the Section F requisition period for each RMA LRU sustainment CLIN. The CRT begins at Contractor receipt of requisition from the Government and ends at Contractor notification of “ready to ship” to the transportation carrier. The Contractor shall include the actual CRT in the Sustainment Execution Report (CDRL A049). Table 3.3.1 Requisition Category C3/C4/C5 CASUALITY REPORT (CASREP) C1/C2 CASREP ISSUE PRIORITY GROUP (IPG) I IPG II and IPG III CRT Rate 90% Requisition Priority Designator (PD) 1 through 3 CRT (Delivery Requirement) 1 Calendar Day 90% 90% 1 through 3 1 through 3 3 Calendar Days 3 Calendar Days 90% 4 through 15 4 Calendar Days Requisition Fill Rate (RFR) The contractor shall satisfy a Requisition Fill Rate (RFR), in accordance with Table 3.3.2 below. RFR is calculated as the number of requisitions delivered within the timeframes specified in Table 3.3.2 for the Section F requisition period for each RMA LRU sustainment CLIN. The RFR begins upon the Contractor notification of “ready-to-ship” to the transportation carrier and ends at delivery to the destination. The Contractor shall include the actual RFR in the Sustainment Execution Report (CDRL A049). Table 3.3.2 Requisition Category C3/C4/C5 CASREP C1/C2 CASREP IPG I IPG II and IPG III 90% Delivery Time CONUS OCONUS 2 Calendar Days 7 Calendar Days 90% 90% 90% 2 Calendar Days 2 Calendar Days 4 Calendar Days RFR 7 Calendar Days 7 Calendar Days 15 Calendar Days N0002420R5500 Page 65 of 119 Maximum Contractor Fill Time (MaxCFT) The Contractor shall satisfy a Maximum Contractor Fill Time (MaxCFT), in accordance with Table 3.3.2 below. MaxCFT is defined as the maximum number of calendar days achieved on any single part during the period of performance for each sustainment CLIN, and begins at Contractor receipt of requisition from the Government and at delivery to the destination. The Contractor shall include the actual MaxCFT in the Sustainment Execution Report (CDRL A049). Table 3.3.3 Requisition Category C3/C4/C5 CASREP C1/C2 CASREP IPG I IPG II and IPG III MaxCFT 12 Calendar Days 15 Calendar Days 30 Calendar Days 30 Calendar Days The Contractor shall hold reviews of the sustainment metrics documented in the Sustainment Execution Report (CDRL A049) semi-annually during the IPRs. 3.3.2 Asset Management and Reporting In addition to any awarded stepladder quantities for each of the RMA LRU sustainment CLINs in Section B, the Government will provide Government Furnished Material under Attachment J12 for Contractor use under the RMA LRU sustainment CLINs. The Contractor shall track each RMA LRU and the RMA LRUs’ major subassemblies on-hand inventory quantities in the Contractor’s electronic inventory system. The Contractor shall provide monthly inventory reporting via CDRL A049 to include forecasting of possible shortages or surplus within the Section F requisition period for each RMA LRU sustainment CLIN. Any remaining RMA LRU inventory either provided under Attachment J-12 or procured under the RMA LRU sustainment CLINs shall be used for the performance of the next applicable exercised RMA LRU option CLIN. If an option is not exercised before the end of the requisition period in Section F, the Contractor shall provide the Contracting Officer with an inventory of the remaining RMA LRU items and request disposition instructions within 60 days of the end of the requisition period. For any items shipped to the Contractor’s facility, the Contractor shall take receipt of items and examine the items/packaging to verify the part number, quantity, and condition code of the received item(s). The Contractor shall determine if material received is in an unused condition (i.e. unbroken seal). Unused material may be considered “A” condition and as such is ready for issue and requires no further inspection, test, or repackaging by the contractor. The Contractor shall document all RMA LRUs received, stored, repaired, manufactured, shipped, or demilitarized via the Contractor’s approved electronic inventory system and deliver in the RMA LRU Status Report (CDRL A040). The Contractor shall include requisition receipts, N0002420R5500 Page 66 of 119 issues, estimated shipping dates, material releases and deliveries in the Contractor’s electronic inventory system and the RMA LRU Status Report (CDRL A040). The Contractor shall include serialized item tracking from factory or depot to the destination, and every point in between, in the Contractor’s electronic inventory system and the RMA LRU Status Report (CDRL A040). The Contractor shall implement supply chain controls in accordance with the Governmentapproved PPIP (CDRL A055). 3.3.3 Repair Management The Contractor shall perform an initial assessment of all carcasses received. Failed carcasses may be aggregated and batched by the Government and shipped to the contractor in lots of 10 or more. If the initial assessment indicates a fault, the Contractor shall determine if the failure mode has occurred previously for that serial number. o If it has not, then the Contractor shall repair through the Contractor’s approved processes as defined in CDRL A035. o If it has, then the Contractor shall perform additional root cause corrective action and verification. If the initial assessment does not indicate a fault, the Contractor shall then determine if the specific carcass, by serial number, has been assessed with no fault found previously. o If it has not, then the Contractor shall determine if the part is ready for issue. o If it has, then the Contractor shall perform additional root cause corrective action and verification. The Contractor shall determine what is required beyond initial assessment to perform root cause corrective action and verification. The Contractor shall deliver the root cause and corrective action and verification procedure(s) in the Depot Repair Procedures (CDRL A035). The Contractor shall recommend to the Government if any LRU is beyond economical repair via CDRL A035. Upon Government concurrence, the Contractor may condemn the unit. After the unit has been condemned, the Contractor may cannibalize any components from the unit that are serviceable or can be repaired to a serviceable condition, provided that an audit trail is maintained for traceability of each component utilized. After the Contractor is finished cannibalizing, the unit shall be demilitarized in accordance with DODM 4160.28 and guidance from NAVSUP P-409-MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP. The contractor shall document and provide all repair procedures executed under this contract in Depot Repair Procedures (CDRL A035). For each action repair performed, the Contractor shall generate a FRACAS event and document within the FRACAS report (CDRL A039). N0002420R5500 Page 67 of 119 3.3.4 DMSMS The Contractor shall conduct DMSMS Forecasting and propose solutions in Trouble Reports (CDRL A051). Proposed solutions shall include analysis of alternatives and impacts to both production and sustainment. In addition, the Contractor shall generate DMSMS Forecast Source Data and Report (CDRL A036). Summaries of DMSMS Trouble Reports, data and reports shall be reported at IPRs. The Source Data for Forecasting DMSMS shall reference parts, part numbers, and drawing numbers based upon the Attachment J-2 TDP. 3.3.5 Contract Exit Phase (CLINs 3020-3023 and 4020-4023) The Government and the Contractor shall establish a joint Closeout IPT within 90 days of CLIN 3020-3023 execution. The Closeout IPT shall meet quarterly to develop the schedule, milestones, and performance requirements for an orderly transition of the performance based sustainment element to Government control or other follow-on contractor control. 3.3.6 Quality Management The contractor shall maintain a quality system that addresses the elements ISO 9001-2008 Quality System, Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Installation and Servicing, and AS9100C: “Quality Management Systems – Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Organizations. The Government reserves the right to assess contractor compliance to its documented quality system. The quality system procedures, planning and all other documentation, media and data which comprise the quality system shall be made available to the Government for their review and use. The acceptance of non-conforming supplies shall be as prescribed by the Government. The Government reserves the right to disapprove the quality system or portions thereof when it fails to meet its intended objective. The contractor shall ensure all PBL components, including those supplied by subcontractors, meet the requirements for quality identified in the Quality Assurance Program. The contractor’s quality assurance program shall generate Trouble Reports (CDRL A051) and develop resolutions in response to Government-generated reports of quality deficiencies known as Product Quality Deficiency Reports (PQDR) and Supply Deficiency Reports (SDR). The Contractor shall notify the Government of the PQDR/SDR resolutions and deliver proposed resolutions via the Configuration Management Process as defined in Section 3.1.5. Upon acceptance by the Government and determination that changes do not impact production, the Contractor shall enact the proposed resolutions in execution of these CLINs. SECNAVINST 4855.3 is available for guidance. The Government reserves the right to perform an on-site quality program review and evaluation of the Contractor and/or sub-Contractor manufacturing facility at any time during the performance of this contract. 3.4 Option-Second Source Qualification (CLIN 0016) The RMA LRU types are defined as: 1. Transmit-Receive Integrated Monolithic Modules (TRIMMs) 2. DREX Auxiliary Power Control Card (APCC) N0002420R5500 Page 68 of 119 3. DREX Dual Channel (DC) 4. DREX Frequency Synthesizer (FS) The Contractor shall generate and execute a Second Source Qualification Plan (CDRL B001) that documents the process to be followed for identifying, selecting, and qualifying a RMA LRU Second Source. In the Second Source Qualification Plan, the Contractor shall address the following: a. Coordination and execution of four (4) TIMs to support preparation and review of solicitation material with the Government; b. Preparation and communication of the intent to develop a second source to industry; c. Coordination and execution of two (2) Industry Days to support solicitation material; d. Preparation, coordination, and release of the solicitation to industry and review proposals; and e. The concept for qualifying a second source including conduct of qualification TRR. The Government will participate as a non-voting member in the selection, monitoring, and qualification of the Second Source. The Government reserves the right to participate in all Second Source program reviews and meetings. The Contractor shall conduct and chair quarterly Technical Interchange Meetings (TIMs) and SETRs at the Second Source’s facility. The Contractor shall observe LRU Acceptance Testing at the Second Source’s facility. The Contractor shall invite the Government to participate in all aspects of the Second Source LRU development and testing. The Contractor shall conduct Second Source LRU First Article Testing sufficient to certify the Second Source for current and future AMDR-S/RSC systems. This testing shall occur at the Contractor’s facility. The Contractor shall generate a Second Source LRU First Article Qualification Test Plan and Procedures (CDRL B002). The First Article Qualification Test Plan and Procedures shall confirm that the Second Source LRUs meet specified performance requirements in the TDP (as defined in Section 3.1.2). The Second Source LRU First Article Qualification Test Plan and Procedures shall identify the methods and test procedures to be used to verify requirements compliance. Test plans shall include what is to be tested (e.g., A-Spec requirement), the test methodology (e.g., demonstration using simulated inputs and operator actions) and the criteria for passing the test (e.g., the system successfully detected and put into track the simulated target). These test plans shall also identify the location of the testing procedure such as stand-alone CI testing in the factory, CIs in subsystems, or CIs in the final configuration at the test facility. The Contractor shall host a Test Readiness Review (TRR). The Contractor shall propose the TRRs (scheduling, location, security requirements, Agenda (CDRL B003) and content), subject to Government approval. The Contractor shall place read ahead material and Presentation Material (CDRL B004) on the Government IDE preceding the TRR. The Contractor shall place final Presentation Materials on the Government IDE following the TRRs. The Contractor shall N0002420R5500 Page 69 of 119 maintain a database to capture all Government and Contractor Action Items (CDRL B005) from the TRRs. The database shall reside on the Government IDE. The Contractor shall update Action Item status, including closure plans, at least weekly. The Contractor shall document the results of the Second Source LRU First Article Qualification Testing in a Test Report (CDRL B006). The Contractor shall provide all Test Data (CDRL B007) for each LRU, evaluation tools (including simulations) and results to the Government for independent evaluation of performance. The Contractor shall update and report program cost, schedule and earned value status in an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) (CDRL XXX). The Contractor shall develop a baseline and report program cost, schedule and earned value status against this baseline in the IPMR. As part of the IPMR, the Contractor shall update and maintain the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) to identify all tasks that are required for CLIN completion. The Contractor shall update and provide the Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR) (CDRL XXX). The Contractor shall provide a reconciliation of the CFSR with the IPMR as an addendum to the IPMR. The exit criteria for Second Source Qualification (CLIN 0016) of RMA LRUs are as follows: a. The Contractor shall select a Second Source for LRU hardware with participation from the Government in an advisory role; b. The Contractor shall procure Second Source LRU hardware that is form, fit, and function compatible with the TDP; c. The Contractor shall successfully conduct Test Readiness Review (TRRs); d. The Contractor shall conduct Test and Evaluation (T&E) of the Second Source LRU at the Contractor’s Facility to qualify the LRUs; e. The Contractor shall close all Action Items (CDRL B005); and f. The Contractor shall deliver all required Contract Data Requirements Lists (CDRLs) (Exhibit B) and receive Government approval; g. The Contractor shall deliver second source LRU hardware in accordance with Section F. N0002420R5500 Page 70 of 119 Section E - Inspection and Acceptance INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE TERMS Supplies/services will be inspected/accepted at: CLIN 0001 0004 0008 0009 0010 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0020 0021 0022 0023 1001 1002 1003 1004 1020 1021 1022 1023 2001 2002 2003 2004 2020 2021 2022 2023 3001 3002 3003 3004 3020 3021 3022 3023 4001 4002 4003 4004 4020 INSPECT AT Origin Origin Origin N/A Origin N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin Origin INSPECT BY Government Government Government N/A Government N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government ACCEPT AT Destination Destination Origin N/A Origin N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination Destination ACCEPT BY Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government Government N0002420R5500 Page 71 of 119 4021 4022 4023 Origin Origin Origin Government Government Government Destination Destination Destination Government Government Government N0002420R5500 Page 72 of 119 Section F - Deliveries or Performance ITEMS 0017 – Shall be completed upon a completing scope as detailed in Section C. Proof-ofDesign units, Proof-of-Manufacturing units, and all other hardware and equipment procured under contract F.O.B. Origin. ITEMS 0020-0023, 1020-1023, 2020-2023, 3020-3023, and 4020-4023 – Items shall be delivered to the location included in the applicable requisition and within the time required in accordance with Section C. The requestion period for each sustainment option CLIN is 12 months after option exercise. The Contractor shall not ship directly to a military air or water port terminal without authorization by the cognizant Contract Administration Office. Except when the Material Inspection and Receiving Report (MIRR) (DD 250) is used as an invoice, the Contractor shall enter unit prices on all MIRR copies. Contract line items shall be priced using actual prices, or if not available, estimated prices. When the price is estimated, an "E" shall be entered after the price. ITEMS 0008 and 0010 – All data to be furnished under this contract shall be delivered prepaid to the destination(s) and at the time(s) specified on the Contract Data Requirements List(s), DD Form 1423. ITEMS 0009 – Parts shall be delivered in accordance with the delivery schedule established in each PIO. Unless otherwise stated in the PIO, parts shall be delivered free of expense to the Government in accordance with instructions specified in the clause entitled "F.O.B. ORIGIN" (FAR 52.247-29) at or near the Contractor's plant for shipment at Government expense (normally on Government bill(s) of lading). DELIVERY INFORMATION CLIN 0001 QTY 1 BDD1 30 ADD2 36 RDD Units Months After Contract 0001 1 34 40 Months After Contract 0001 1 38 44 Months After Contract 0001 1 38 44 Months After Contract 0004 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise Ship to Address Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath N0002420R5500 Page 73 of 119 1001 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 1001 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 1001 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise 1002 1 24 30 Months After Option Exercise 1003 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 1003 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 1003 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise 1004 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 1004 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 2001 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 2001 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME N0002420R5500 Page 74 of 119 2001 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise 2002 1 24 30 Months After Option Exercise 2002 1 28 34 Months After Option Exercise 2002 1 32 38 Months After Option Exercise 2002 1 36 42 Months After Option Exercise 2002 1 40 46 Months After Option Exercise 2003 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 2003 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 2003 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise 2004 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 2004 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 2004 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath N0002420R5500 Page 75 of 119 2004 1 42 48 Months After Option Exercise 3001 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 3001 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 3001 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise 3002 1 24 30 Months After Option Exercise 3002 1 28 34 Months After Option Exercise 3002 1 32 38 Months After Option Exercise 3002 1 36 42 Months After Option Exercise 3002 1 40 46 Months After Option Exercise 3003 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 3003 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 3004 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 3004 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME N0002420R5500 Page 76 of 119 3004 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise 3004 1 42 48 Months After Option Exercise 4001 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 4001 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 4001 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise 4002 1 24 30 Months After Option Exercise 4002 1 28 34 Months After Option Exercise 4002 1 32 38 Months After Option Exercise 4002 1 36 42 Months After Option Exercise 4002 1 40 46 Months After Option Exercise 4003 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 4003 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 4003 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, N0002420R5500 Page 77 of 119 1 2 4003 1 42 48 Months After Option Exercise 4003 1 46 52 Months After Option Exercise 4004 1 30 36 Months After Option Exercise 4004 1 34 40 Months After Option Exercise 4004 1 38 44 Months After Option Exercise 4004 1 42 48 Months After Option Exercise ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Newport News Shipbuilding, Newport News, VA; or Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, WI; or Austal USA, Mobile, AL; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME Ingalls Shipbuilding, Pascagoula, MS; or Naval Base San Diego, San Diego, CA; or Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI; or Bath Ironworks, Bath, ME BDD- Below Decks Delivery (see Section C for the definition of Below Deck equipment ) ADD- Above Decks Delivery (see Section C for the definition of Above Deck equipment) N0002420R5500 Page 78 of 119 Section H - Special Contract Requirements H-01 OPTION EXERCISE OF CLINs 2. The Government intends to unilaterally exercise production options in accordance with Section B, Note A - OPTION EXERCISE, as a result of competitive solicitation N00024-20R-5500; The exercise of any option unit(s) is contingent upon congressional appropriation. 3. Although the Government intends to unilaterally exercise odd-numbered option unit(s) with either Contractor based upon the lowest option unit(s) target price established as a result of competitive solicitation N00024-20-R-5500, prior to the latest option exercise date, the Contracting Officer may issue a letter to the Contractors requesting submission of revised pricing. Revised pricing shall be submitted within 30 days of the issuance of the Contracting Officer request. In the event of requested pricing revision(s): a. Any revised target price shall not exceed the awarded target price of the applicable option(s); any revised ceiling price shall not exceed the awarded ceiling price of the applicable option(s). b. The Navy will unilaterally modify Section B pricing using the Contractor provided revised pricing for the CLINs as applicable. c. The Government intends to unilaterally exercise options in accordance with Section B, Note A - OPTION EXERCISE, utilizing the revised pricing. The exercise of any option unit is contingent upon congressional appropriation. N0002420R5500 Page 79 of 119 Section I - Contract Clauses CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 252.204-7012 Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting OCT 2016 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 52.217-9 VAR I OPTION TO EXTEND THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT (MAR 2000) (NAVSEA VARIATION I) (OCT 2018) (a) The Government may extend the term of this contract by written notice(s) to the Contractor within the periods specified below. If more than one option exists, the Government has the right to unilaterally exercise any such option whether or not it has exercised other options. (b) If the Government exercises this option, the extended contract shall be considered to include this option clause. (c) The total duration of this contract, including the exercise of any option(s) under this clause, shall not exceed five (5) years, however, in accordance with paragraph (j) of the requirement of this contract entitled "Level of Effort – Alternate I", if the total manhours delineated in paragraph (a) of the Level of Effort requirement, have not been expended within the period specified above, the Government may require the Contractor to continue to perform the work until the total number of manhours specified in paragraph (a) of the aforementioned requirement have been expended. ITEM(S) 0008 0016 0020 0021 0022 0023 1020 1021 1022 1023 2020 2021 2022 2023 3020 3021 3022 3023 4020 4021 4022 4023 LATEST OPTON EXERCISE DATE 60 MACA 60 MACA 12 MACA 12 MACA 12 MACA 12 MACA 24 MACA 24 MACA 24 MACA 24 MACA 36 MACA 36 MACA 36 MACA 36 MACA 48 MACA 48 MACA 48 MACA 48 MACA 60 MACA 60 MACA 60 MACA 60 MACA N0002420R5500 Page 80 of 119 (End of clause) 52.217-7 VAR I OPTION FOR INCREASED QUANTITY—SEPARATELY PRICED LINE ITEM (MAR 1989) (NAVSEA VARIATION I) (OCT 2018) The Government may require the delivery of the numbered line item(s)/subline item(s), identified in the Schedule as an option item(s), in the quantity and at the price(s) stated in the Schedule. If more than one option exists, the Government has the right to unilaterally exercise any such option, in whole or in part up to the total quantity specified in the option item, whether or not it has exercised other options. Option(s) shall be exercised, if at all, by written or telegraphic notice(s) signed by the Contracting Officer and sent within the time(s) specified below: ITEM(S) 0009 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 1001 1002 1003 1004 2001 2002 2003 2004 3001 3002 3003 LATEST OPTON EXERCISE DATE 60 MACA 4 MACA 60 MACA 60 MACA 60 MACA 60 MACA 24 MACA 24 MACA 24 MACA 24 MACA 36 MACA 36 MACA 36 MACA 36 MACA 48 MACA 48 MACA 48 MACA 3004 4001 4002 4003 4004 48 MACA 60 MACA 60 MACA 60 MACA 60 MACA (End of clause) N0002420R5500 Page 81 of 119 Section J - List of Documents, Exhibits and Other Attachments EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS Section J – Exhibits and Attachments Solicitation Attachments (to be removed upon award(s): Attachment JS-1 – Unclassified GFI Request Form Attachment JS-2 – Classified Material GFI Request Form Attachment JS-3A – Classified GFI Terms of Use Agreement Attachment JS-3B – Unclassified GFI Terms of Use Agreement Attachment JS-4 – Contractor Award Information Attachment JS-5 – Work Breakdown Structure Attachment JS-6 – Question Submittal Form Solicitation Exhibits & Attachments (to be included with any resultant contract award(s): Exhibit A – Contract Data Requirements List (CDRLs) Attachment J-1 – DD 254 Attachment J-2 – Technical Data Package (TDP) Attachment J-3 – Government Furnished Information (GFI) Attachment J-4 - Reserved Attachment J-5 – Anticipated Repair Rates (Leader Only) Attachment J-6 – 7017 List (Incorporated at Award) Attachment J-7 – 7028 List (Incorporated at Award) Attachment J-8 – Supplemental Information-Noncommercial Technical Data, Noncommercial Computer Software, Noncommercial Computer Software Documentation (Incorporated at Award) Attachment J-9 – Cost and Software Data Reporting (CSDR) Plan Attachment J-10 – Reserved Attachment J-11 – Reserved Attachment J-12 – Government Furnished Material (Leader Only) N0002420R5500 Page 82 of 119 Section L - Instructions, Conditions and Notices to Bidders CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT 252.204-7008 COMPLIANCE WITH SAFEGUARDING COVERED DEFENSE INFORMATION CONTROLS (OCT 2016) (a) Definitions. As used in this provision-Controlled technical information, covered contractor information system, covered defense information, cyber incident, information system, and technical information are defined in clause 252.204-7012, Safeguarding Covered Defense Information and Cyber Incident Reporting. (b) The security requirements required by contract clause 252.204-7012 shall be implemented for all covered defense information on all covered contractor information systems that support the performance of this contract. (c) For covered contractor information systems that are not part of an information technology service or system operated on behalf of the Government (see 252.204-7012(b)(2))-(1) By submission of this offer, the Offeror represents that it will implement the security requirements specified by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-171, ``Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Information Systems and Organizations'' (see http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-171) that are in effect at the time the solicitation is issued or as authorized by the contracting officer not later than December 31, 2017. (2)(i) If the Offeror proposes to vary from any of the security requirements specified by NIST SP 800-171 that are in effect at the time the solicitation is issued or as authorized by the Contracting Officer, the Offeror shall submit to the Contracting Officer, for consideration by the DoD Chief Information Officer (CIO), a written explanation of— (A) Why a particular security requirement is not applicable; or (B) How an alternative but equally effective, security measure is used to compensate for the inability to satisfy a particular requirement and achieve equivalent protection. (ii) An authorized representative of the DoD CIO will adjudicate offeror requests to vary from NIST SP 800-171 requirements in writing prior to contract award. Any accepted variance from NIST SP 800-171 shall be incorporated into the resulting contract. (End of provision) SECTION L SECTION L 1.0 – GENERAL 1.1 The Contracting Officer is the sole point of contact for this solicitation; however, the designated Contract Specialist may communicate with industry on the Contracting Officer’s behalf. The Contracting Officer for this solicitation is: N0002420R5500 Page 83 of 119 Ms. Melissa Ramirez, SEA 02551 (202) 781-1608 melissa.b.ramirez@navy.mil The designated Contract Specialist is: LCDR Justin Bennett, SEA 02551B (202) 781-3872 justin.l.bennett3@navy.mil 1.2 The Government intends to evaluate proposals and award up to one (1) Leader and up to one (1) Challenger contract for production and sustainment of AN/SPY-6(V) radar variant systems. The estimated award date is 3rd quarter 2021. Leader and Challenger roles are defined in Section C Statement of Work. Section L of this solicitation will delineate where requirements are specific to Offerors bidding for Leader or Challenger. An offeror may submit a proposal for evaluation as Leader or Challenger. Any Offeror bidding for the Leader will be evaluated for the Challenger role in the event they are not selected as Leader. 1.3 This program will require access and utilization of classified information up to TOP SECRET non-SCI security level. However, classified information that is classified above Collateral SECRET security level SHALL NOT be included in the Offeror’s proposal submission. The security classification of this procurement is specified in the Contract Security Classification specification, DD Form 254, Attachment J-1. Appropriate security classification markings shall be included, and handling instructions followed, for all submitted data. Strict compliance with applicable law; regulation; and DoD directives, instructions, and manuals is required. 1.4 In order to be eligible for award Offerors shall meet the minimum security criteria contained in 1.4(a) through 1.4(c) below: (a) The Offeror shall be a United States Contractor, licensed, chartered, or incorporated in the United States. If the contractor is under foreign ownership, control or interest (FOCI), the contractor is not eligible for a facility security clearance until the FOCI factors have been favorably resolved through mitigation. Special Security Agreement (SSA), Proxy Agreement (PA) or Voting Trust Agreement (VTA) is used to mitigate FOCI cases where companies are effectively owned or controlled by a foreign entity. (b) The Offeror shall possess a facility security clearance issued by the Defense Security Service (DSS) at the TOP SECRET level by time of award. 1.5 “Pricing information,” is defined as facts, statistics, or data describing the consideration an offeror will receive in exchange for furnishing the supplies described in this solicitation. Pricing information may only be included within Volume V: Price Proposal. Inclusion of pricing information within any other Volume will likely result in rejection of the Offeror’s proposal, as well as the Offeror being determined ineligible for award. If doubt exists as to what constitutes N0002420R5500 Page 84 of 119 pricing information, Offeror’s are strongly encouraged to submit a question in accordance with paragraph 2.8 of this section. 1.6 Offerors shall refer to FAR 52.215-1, Instructions to Offerors -- Competitive Acquisition. The information below is provided to supplement and implement FAR 52.215-1. Please note that pursuant to FAR 52.215-1, the Government intends to award up to one (1) Leader and up to one (1) Challenger contract on the basis of a proposal submission without conducting discussions with Offerors, but reserves the right to conduct discussions in accordance with FAR 15.306 if determined by the Contracting Officer to be necessary. The Government reserves the right to award a single contract to the Leader, or award the two contracts at different times. 1.7 Each Offeror shall submit only one proposal. No alternate proposals will be accepted, and submission of multiple proposals will result in disqualification of the submitting Offeror. The Offeror’s proposal submission should contain the Offeror’s best terms from a price and technical standpoint. Any Offer who submits a proposal for the Leader role and is not selected will be considered for the Challenger role using the Offeror’s Leader proposal. EXCEPTION: If an Offeror believes they may be eligible for waiver of a first article requirement based on acceptance of a prior product, they may submit two Volume V pricing volumes for consideration. See M-209-H001, below for details on when submission of an “OFFER A” and “OFFER B” would be appropriate. If an Offeror elects to submit two Volume V pricing volumes for consideration, the Letter of Transmittal shall clearly indicate whether the Volume is an “OFFER A” (no waiver of First Article Test) or an “OFFER B” (waiver of First Article Test). 1.8 The Government may contact any or all or a limited number of Offerors with questions concerning their proposals as permitted under FAR part 15. 1.9 Offerors are reminded past performance information is proprietary source selection information. The Government will only discuss past performance information directly with the prospective prime or sub-contractor that is being reviewed. If there is a problem with a proposed subcontractor’s past performance the prime may be notified of a problem, but no details will be discussed without the subcontractor’s permission. 1.10 At the end of discussions, if they occur, the Government will request Final Proposal Revisions (FPRs) from all Offerors still within the competitive range. 1.11 Each Offeror must submit all information required by this solicitation. The Offeror’s proposal shall be based on the requirements contained in this solicitation (including those documents, exhibits, and other attachments to the solicitation identified in Section J). Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the solicitation and/or failure to provide all of the requested information may result in the Offeror’s proposal being rejected, and may result in the Offeror being determined ineligible for award. 1.12 The solicitation will be announced through the Government wide point of entry (GPE) at: https://www.fbo.gov/. N0002420R5500 Page 85 of 119 1.13 The Government may post additional information to the GPE relating to this solicitation (e.g. a solicitation amendment responding to submitted Offeror questions). It is the Offeror’s responsibility to check the GPE for any such information. 1.14 All questions shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer and Contract Specialist in accordance with paragraph 2.8 of this section. 1.15 The Government may schedule a pre-award site survey at facilities identified in any or all or a limited number of Offeror proposals following the proposal submission date without conducting discussions. 1.16 All notional dates included within this solicitation (e.g. 12 months after contract award) is required to change unilaterally by the Government to actual calendar dates (e.g. 5 Jan 15) at contract award. 1.17 Government Support Contractors may assist the Source Selection Organization as advisors and/or administrative assistants. The following is a list of Government Support Contractor’s that may assist the Source Selection Organization: COMPANY NAME: AREA OF EXPERTISE: COMPANY POC, TITLE: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL) system, calibration, frontend hardware, ship fit/HM&E Chris Barker, Advanced Radars Program Manager (240) 228-8909 christopher.k.barket@jhuapl.edu 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel, MD 20723 COMPANY NAME: AREA OF EXPERTISE: COMPANY POC, TITLE: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: David P. Maunder Consulting Services, Inc. (DPMC) all hardware Denee Maunder, Operations Manager (571) 248-2656 denee.maunder@dpmconsulting 11570 Lake Newport Road Reston, VA 20194 COMPANY NAME: AREA OF EXPERTISE: COMPANY POC, TITLE: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc. (SPA) acquisition, admin Mike Yang, IWSG Group Leader (703) 399-8104 myang@spa.com 20 M Street SE Washington, DC 20003 COMPANY NAME: AREA OF EXPERTISE: COMPANY POC, TITLE: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) frontend hardware, firmware J. Michael Frye, Senior Research Engineer (404) 407-7462 michael.frye@gtri.gatech.edu 1700 N Moore Street Ste. 1910 Arlington, VA 22209 N0002420R5500 Page 86 of 119 COMPANY NAME: AREA OF EXPERTISE: COMPANY POC, TITLE: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: Technomics cost analysis Thanh Lo, Contracts Manager (571) 366-1457 tlo@technomics.net 291 12th Street South Ste. 612 Arlington, VA 22202 COMPANY NAME: AREA OF EXPERTISE: COMPANY POC, TITLE: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: Innovative Concepts Engineering (ICE) manufacturing Robert Bulk, President (301) 502-4359 rbulk@icengco.com 6411 Ivy Lane Ste. 606 Greenbelt, MD 20770 COMPANY NAME: AREA OF EXPERTISE: COMPANY POC, TITLE: PHONE NUMBER: EMAIL ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: Systems Engineering Group (SEG) systems engineering, hardware Arnya Battle, Senior Contracts Administrator (410) 309-9636 aryna.battle@segmail.com 9861 Broken Land Parkway Ste. 350 Columbia, MD 21046 The Offeror shall provide written notification to the Contracting Officer providing concurrence with the entities, identified above, participating in the proposal evaluation process, or otherwise explaining which entity the Offeror objects to and the reasons for objecting, no later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the RFP release date found in Block 5 of the SF33. If the Offeror consents to the firms listed above performing in an advisory capacity during the proposal evaluation process and/or the review of deliverables submitted by the Offeror, the Offeror’s cover letter submitted with its proposal shall contain the words: [Offeror's name] Consents to [Offeror to list all firms for which consent is given] viewing, as Government advisors, the information contained in this proposal and performing in an advisory capacity during the proposal evaluation process. SECTION L 2.0 – INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF OFFERS The solicitation response shall be contained in five (5) separate volumes: Volume I: Volume II: Volume III: Volume IV: Technical Proposal (Factor 1) Data Rights Proposal (Factor 2) Past Performance (Factor 3) Energy Proposal (Factor 4) N0002420R5500 Page 87 of 119 Volume V: 2.1 Price Proposal (Factor 5) PROPOSAL FORMAT AND DELIVERY The contents of the proposal (with page limitations, copy requirements, and references to explanatory paragraphs in this section) are summarized in the table below: Section 2.1, Table 1: Proposal Summary Title I Executive Summary Volume Quantities Reference Page Limit Required Electronic Paper 2.7.1 5 5 2 I Technical Proposal Tab A Manufacturing Plan Tab B - Configuration Management Plan Tab C - Proposed Configuration Changes Tab D - Test Plan Tab E – Engineering and Production Support Tab F - Program Management Tab G - Sustainment and Life Cycle Support Plan Tab H – Second Source Qualification Plan 2.7.1 300 5 2 I Technical Proposal Cross-reference Matrix 2.7.1 None 5 2 I Appendix A - Integrated Master Schedule – Leader Appendix B - Integrated Master Schedule – Challenger Data Rights Proposal 7017 List 7028 List Past Performance Proposal Energy Letter of Transmittal Standard Form 33 (completed) Contract Data Requirements List (completed) Small Business Subcontracting Plan 2.7.1 None N/A 2 2.7.1 None N/A 2 2.7.2 2.7.2 2.7.2 2.7.3 2.7.4 2.2 / 2.7.5 2.7.5 2.7.5 2.7.5 10 None None 10 5 2 None None None 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I II II II III IV V V V V Quantities: Two (2) Paper Proposals with one (1) Master CD/DVD electronic proposal and four N0002420R5500 Page 88 of 119 (4) additional Copy CD/DVD electronic proposal. Instructions for paper and electronic proposal submissions are detailed below in sections 2.3 and 2.4, respectively. The content of paper and electronic proposals shall be identical in form and content. In the event of discrepancies between paper and electronic copies, the content of the Master CD/DVD will prevail. In the event of discrepancies between electronic copies, the Master CD/DVD will prevail. In order to maximize efficiency and minimize the effort involved in the proposal evaluation process, proposals must comply with the instructions for the format and content herein. Proposals which do not comply may be rejected, and the submitting Offeror may be determined ineligible for award. 2.2 GENERAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS The Letter of Transmittal submitted with Volume V shall be considered the “first page of the proposal” (see FAR 52.215-1) and shall include the elements required by FAR 52.2151(c)(2). The elements required by FAR 52.215-1(c)(2) are: the solicitation number; the name, address, and telephone and facsimile numbers of the Offeror (and electronic address if available); a statement specifying the extent of agreement with all terms, conditions, and provisions included in the solicitation and agreement to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered at the price set opposite each item (to facilitate evaluation and direct comparison of received proposals, submitted proposals which do not unconditionally agree with all terms, conditions, and provisions included in the solicitation may be rejected and the Offeror may not be considered further for award); names, titles, and telephone and facsimile numbers (and electronic addresses if available) of persons authorized to negotiate on the Offeror’s behalf with the Government in connection with this solicitation; and name, title, and signature of person authorized to sign the proposal. Proposals signed by an agent shall be accompanied by evidence of that agent’s authority, unless that evidence has been previously furnished to the issuing office The Letter of Transmittal shall also include: the name, telephone number, and electronic mail address of the Offeror’s assigned DCAA Auditor; the name, telephone number, and electronic mail address of the Offeror’s assigned DCMA Administrative Contracting Officer; the Offeror’s Dunn and Bradstreet (DUNS) number; the Offeror’s Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code; N0002420R5500 Page 89 of 119 a statement certifying electronic data submitted is free of computer viruses and other malware; a statement certifying the proposal is valid for 270 days from the closing date of the solicitation; a statement providing unconditional agreement with all terms, conditions, and provisions included in the solicitation; any statement required by solicitation provision L-209-H009 NOTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICTS(S) of INTEREST (NAVSEA) (DEC 2018); and volume number and title (“Volume V – Pricing Proposal (Part 1 of X)”). The Letter of Transmittal shall serve as the cover letter for Volume I and a separate cover letter is neither required, nor desired. Volumes II through V shall each contain a cover letter containing: Offeror name, address, and point of contact Offeror point of contact phone number and electronic mail address Offeror CAGE code and DUNS number Title of proposal, proposal number, and RFP number (N00024-20-R-5500) Volume number and title (e.g. “Volume I – Technical Proposal (Part 1 of X)”) To facilitate evaluation of each received proposal, each volume should also include the following: Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. The Table of Contents should include the first through third level section titles. A separate list of tables and figures utilized in the proposal volume should be appended at the end of the Table of Contents. The Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures will not count towards any page count limit. Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. The Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms should include all utilized abbreviations, acronyms, and all terms which are either newly introduced, uncommon, or specialized. The Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms will not count towards any page count limit. Duplicated information within a given factor may be included in full once and referenced thereafter, as long as there is a clear reference to the duplicated information. If duplicated information is included for more than one evaluation factor, it must be included in full text the first time it is discussed under each factor. A concise, legible, neat, orderly and comprehensive proposal is required. Brochuremanship is not desired. Elaborate brochures, artwork, expensive paper and bindings, or expensive visual or other presentation aids beyond those sufficient to present a complete and comprehensive written proposal are unnecessary. Elaborate brochures, artwork, expensive paper and bindings, or expensive visual or other presentation aids beyond those sufficient to present a complete and N0002420R5500 Page 90 of 119 comprehensive written proposal will be included in enforcement of page count requirements. Clarity is essential. The Offeror shall demonstrate sufficient understanding, capability and experience to meet the requirements. Offerors bear the burden of submitting a clear and unambiguous proposal that is fit for evaluation. Offerors shall provide all information necessary to demonstrate their ability to meet the requirements of the solicitation. Discussion of each factor in the proposal shall be selfcontained (i.e., data shall be organized to enable Government personnel to thoroughly evaluate the proposal against specific factors established in Section M), and must be separated within each volume by a side tab file divider. 2.3 PAPER SUBMISSION Each volume shall be bound separately in three ring binders and shall not exceed the page limitations cited above. Discussion of each factor and tab (when applicable) within a binder shall be discrete, and shall be separated by a side tab file divider. The Offeror’s company name, proposal number, and RFP number (N00024-20-R-5500) shall appear at the top of each page in the header section (from left to right). The date of submittal, page numbers and the corresponding electronic file name shall be placed on each page of the proposal in the footer section (from left to right). Revisions (including but not limited to FPRs) will only be received and considered at the specific request of the Contracting Officer. Any pages revised must include the date of revision in the place of the date of submittal, and shall also contain a revision number (e.g. 12 Dec 2017 Revision 1). Revisions shall be submitted in the form of change pages (allowing for substitution of the entire page—front and back if used—where the revision is located). The narrative material in each proposal shall be single spaced, typed or printed in Times New Roman font with type no smaller than 12-point font. Paper, excluding foldout pages, shall be 8 1/2 x 11 inches with a minimum margin of 1 inch around the page. Any type contained within tables, graphs, etc. shall not be smaller than 8-point Times New Roman font. Foldout pages (Foldouts) may be used for charts and graphs where necessary to depict organization, layout or implementation schedules. Foldouts shall be uncomplicated to preserve clarity. Written text or tabular data, beyond that which is reasonably required for clarity should not be included in the material presented on the foldout sheet. Foldouts shall fold entirely within the volume and shall be limited in size to no more than 11 x 17 inches. Each foldout shall contain printed material on only one side of the foldout. Each foldout page will be regarded as two pages for page count purposes. The following items will not be considered pages for the purposes of page count limitations (but still shall conform to formatting requirements detailed herein): Blank pages N0002420R5500 Page 91 of 119 Cover letters Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms Integrated Master Schedule Technical Proposal Cross-reference Matrix Only pages which count against page count limitations shall be numbered. Pages excluded from page count limitations must contain only material pertinent to the page heading and the page heading must clearly indicate the name of the item. Blank pages should be marked "Intentionally Left Blank." Pages submitted which are not excluded from page count limitations, and which exceed the page count limitations provided in Section 2.1--Table 1 (e.g. any pages following the 10th page of the past performance volume), will be removed and will not be evaluated. Each submitted paper proposal page shall also include standard 2-3/4" center-to-center holes positioned symmetrically at the top of each page (i.e. 2-hole file binder punch on top edge). 2.4 ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION Submitted electronic files shall not be compressed. Each Volume shall be submitted on a separate CD/DVD, and a set of one CD/DVDs (one for each Volume) constitutes an electronic copy of the proposal. Submission of one Master CD/DVD and four (4) CD/DVD copies of the electronic proposal is required. Included files shall be created/prepared using Microsoft Office 2010 compatible applications. Spreadsheets, worksheets, and workbooks shall be prepared and submitted in Microsoft Excel compatible format. Schedules shall be created and submitted using Microsoft Project compatible applications. Graphics, photographs, and other data beyond the capability of Microsoft Office 2010 compatible applications may be submitted in Adobe Acrobat format. Submitted electronic files shall be limited to the following extensions: .docx Microsoft Word .xlsx Microsoft Excel .pptx Microsoft PowerPoint .pdf Adobe Acrobat .mmpx Microsoft Project Pricing information for the supplies solicited here shall only be included within the Volume V CD/DVDs. Each submitted disc shall be labeled with the following: i. “RFP N00024-20-R-5500” ii. Date of submittal iii. Volume number N0002420R5500 Page 92 of 119 iv. Offeror name, address, and point of contact v. Offeror point of contact phone number and electronic mail address Audio or video shall not be included on any submitted CD/DVDs. Inclusion of audio or video on any submitted CD/DVD may result in the Offeror’s proposal being rejected, and may result in the Offeror being determined ineligible for award. Electronic spreadsheets shall not be compiled or password protected; and all cells and formulas shall be visible, editable, and unprotected. Formulas shall be maintained in each Excel sheet to permit verification of calculations, and revision of output(s) through variation of inputs(s). Any tables contained within submitted narrative must be capable of being edited (i.e. not embedded pictures or screenshots). Submitted files shall not reference external data. 2.5 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION Proposal submissions not conforming to submission requirements may not be evaluated, and the Offeror may be determined ineligible for award. All copies of all proposal volumes shall be submitted at or before the date and time in Block 9 of the SF 33. Offeror’s must strictly comply with solicitation provision L-204- H002 SPECIAL PROPOSAL RECEIPT REQUIREMENTS FOR WASHINGTON NAVY YARD (NAVSEA) (OCT 2018), included below. All proposals shall be marked as follows: COMMANDER ATTN: Melissa Ramirez NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND SEA 02551 1333 ISAAC HULL AVENUE S.E. WASHINGTON NAVY YARD, D.C. 20376 RFP: N00024-20-R-5500 DO NOT OPEN IN THE MAILROOM; CONTACT LCDR Justin Bennett ((202) 781-3872) Classified Proposal Submission: If the proposal contains classified information, it shall be classified no higher than COLLATERAL SECRET and bound in a red binder if Secret or blue binder if Confidential. No unclassified volume will be bound in a red binder. Specific pages and paragraphs that contain proprietary information shall be indicated. Classification markings shall be in accordance with the security classification guidance provided in attachments J-XX. N0002420R5500 Page 93 of 119 Further guidance is provided by the DD Form 254 and the DoD 5220.22M NISPOM. 2.6 TECHNICAL DATA PACKAGE It is anticipated a copy of the Attachment J-2 Technical Data Package (TDP) and items identified in Attachment J-3 Government Furnished Information (GFI) will be required for an Offeror to provide an acceptable proposal. Requests for a copy of the Attachment J-2 TDP and items identified in Attachment J-3 GFI shall be sent via electronic mail, within twenty (20) calendar days after issuance of this solicitation, to the Contracting Officer and designated Contract Specialist using the forms attached as Attachment JS-1 and JS-2. In addition to submission of Attachments JS-1 and JS-2 Offerors will also need to submit BOTH signed Terms of Use Agreements under Attachments JS-3A and JS-3B. To obtain a copy of Attachment J-2 TDP and Attachment J-3 GFI all required forms must include all requested information. 2.7 PROPOSAL CONTENT To be considered for Leader, Offeror’s proposals must include the entire scope of work contained in Sections A through J of this solicitation. To be considered for Challenger, Offeror’s proposal must include the full maximum stepladder quantities for the scope of work contained in Sections A through J for all the CLINs except following: 0001 0004 0020 0021 0022 0023 1020 1021 1022 1023 2020 2021 2022 2023 3020 3021 3022 3023 4020 4021 4022 4023 N0002420R5500 Page 94 of 119 LEADER INSTRUCTIONS: Offeror’s bidding for Leader shall follow all instructions within this section except for those specifically indicated “CHALLENGER ONLY”. The Offeror shall include technical information relevant for production up to the maximum Leader quantities of AN/SPY-6(V) variants as specified in Section B. Any Offeror’s proposal that is submitted for the Leader role but not selected will be evaluated for the Challenger role. The Offeror shall include information regarding any differences in their Leader proposal if it were chosen as Challenger. The Offeror shall separate Challenger difference information into different paragraphs or sections and clearly identify that the information applies only if the Offeror is being considered for the Challenger role. CHALLENGER INSTRUCTIONS: Offeror’s bidding for Challenger shall follow all instructions within this section, except for those specifically indicated “LEADER ONLY”. Include technical information relevant for production of AN/SPY-6(V) variants as specified in Section B and Price Volume. 2.7.1 TECHNICAL VOLUME (VOLUME I) Volume I shall not include pricing information. Volume I of the submitted proposal shall include: Cover Letter. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Cover Letter. Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. Executive Summary. The Executive Summary shall summarize the Offeror’s specific knowledge, experience, capability, and planned approach to satisfy the Government’s requirements. The Offeror shall clearly indicate whether it is bidding for the Leader or Challenger role. Key elements of the proposal shall be highlighted from the technical perspective. Technical Proposal. The Offeror shall submit a Technical Proposal as outlined below that demonstrates the credibility of its offer. To this end, the Technical Proposal Volume shall be specific, detailed, and complete. Proposals shall include any block diagrams, flow diagrams, sketches, drawings, schematics, and interface descriptions required to describe the Offeror's proposed approach. The technical proposal must be sufficient to show how the Offeror proposes to comply with the Government's requirements and include a full explanation of the methodology and procedures to be followed. The technical proposal shall discretely address each of the following (separated by side tab file dividers): N0002420R5500 Page 95 of 119 Technical Volume Outline: Tab A - Manufacturing Plan Tab B - Configuration Management Plan Tab C - Proposed Configuration Changes Tab D - Test Plan Tab E – Engineering and Production Support Tab F - Program Management Tab G - Sustainment and Life Cycle Support Plan Tab H – Second Source Qualification Plan Technical Proposal Cross-reference Matrix Appendix A - Integrated Master Schedule – Leader Appendix B - Integrated Master Schedule – Challenger Tab A - Manufacturing Plan The Offeror shall demonstrate specific knowledge, experience, and capability to perform all tasks outlined in the SOW in Section C. The Offeror shall demonstrate their approach and plans successfully fabricate the AN/SPY-6(V) hardware, to include tools, techniques, and methods it intends to use to satisfy the requirements. The Offeror shall provide a manufacturing plan and work flowchart, based upon the work breakdown structure provided herein as Attachment J-S5. The Offeror’s manufacturing plan and work flowchart shall demonstrate the Offeror’s ability to produce radar systems in accordance with the Attachment J-2 TDP including all specifications and data contained in this solicitation. The Manufacturing Plan shall contain sequence and schedule of events at contractor and subcontractor levels that define use of materials, fabrications flow, test equipment, tools, facilities, inspections, and personnel. The Offeror shall provide a description of the Offeror’s system(s) for acquisition of material and material control, including the supply controls to comply with the Program Protection Plan (Attachment J-XX). The Offeror shall describe the extent and depth to which the Offeror’s production approach involves the use of Small Business, HUBZone Small Business, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business, Small Disadvantaged Business and Women-Owned Small Business concerns to accomplish contract requirements. The Offeror shall include major process activities and production metrics (including rates and yields) in the manufacturing plan and work flowchart to meet production requirements. The Offeror shall provide, by name, all subcontractors or suppliers it plans to partner or team with for all of the components/technologies listed below, or to state explicitly that it plans to build each major subsystem. The Offeror shall address the development, integration, configuration management, and use of firmware within all applicable hardware items. The Offeror shall describe availability of necessary assets including fixtures, software, physical plant facilities, required production and test equipment, special test ranges or facilities and skilled production, test and engineering support personnel needed to implement its manufacturing plan. The Offeror shall identify any facility upgrades required to meet the requirements of the program. N0002420R5500 Page 96 of 119 The Offeror’s Manufacturing Plan shall specifically discuss the following components/technologies: TRIMM LRU manufacturing, assembly, integration, and test o MMIC and RF Head manufacturing, assembly, integration and test Distributed Receiver/Exciter (DREX) subsystem and LRUs manufacturing, assembly, integration, test, and calibration Antenna structure assembly, integration, and test Radiating Element and Overlapped Beamformer manufacturing, assembly, and test RMA Chassis manufacturing, assembly, and test Overlapping Beamformer (OLBF), assembly, and test Digital Signal Processor (DSP) systems including Adaptive Digital Beamformer (ADBF), assembly, integration, and test Data Processor, assembly, integration, and test AN/SPY-6(V)1 and 4 Fixed Weight Digital Beamformer (DBF), assembly, integration, and test AN/SPY-6(V)2 and 3 Fixed Weight Digital Beamformer (DBF), assembly, integration, and test AN/SPY-6(V)2 and 3 Prime Power Equipment (PPE), assembly, integration, and test AN/SPY-6(V)1 and 4 Cooling Equipment, assembly, integration, and test AN/SPY-6(V)2 and 3 Cooling Equipment, assembly, integration, and test AN/SPY-6(V)1 Main Power Distribution Unit (MPDU), assembly, integration, and test LEADER ONLY: AN/SPY-6(V)2 Rotation Platform including Barbette and Weather Enclosure The Offeror shall provide an assessment of each of the above components/technologies with respect to challenges associated with achieving the necessary production quantities and how the Offeror’s manufacturing plan and resources satisfy these challenges. For the TRIMM LRU, the Offeror shall discuss the Offeror’s approach for manufacturing or acquisition of RF Head Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs), circulators, and coldplates. The Offeror shall discuss their approach and experience with MMIC Surface Mount Technology (SMT) manufacturing processes required for RF Head assembly. The Offeror shall describe their approach and experience with non-hermetic environmental protection of RF Head components. The Offeror shall describe their approach to assemble and integrate TRIMM LRUs into the next level subassemblies (i.e. RMA). For the DREX LRU, the Offeror shall discuss the Offeror’s approach for manufacturing or acquisition of each DREX LRU, specially the Frequency Synthesizer (FS) LRU, Dual Channel (DC) LRU, and the Auxiliary Power (AP) LRU. The Offeror shall discuss their approach and experience with RF, high speed digital, and power conditioning/distribution manufacturing processes at the PWB, CCA and LRU levels required for the DREX. The Offeror shall describe their approach and experience with building and testing these assemblies to the very challenging Phase Noise, SNR, Spurious, Video Harmonics, Clutter Attenuation, and Channel Pair Cancellation-Ratio (CPCR) requirements in the TDP. The Offeror shall also describe their N0002420R5500 Page 97 of 119 approach to assemble and integrate DREX LRUs into the next level subassemblies (i.e. RMA). Tab B - Configuration Management Plan The Offeror shall demonstrate specific knowledge, experience, and capability to perform all the tasks outlined in the SOW in Section C. The Offeror shall explain its approach to manage engineering changes and update production requirements as part of the configuration management process outlined in Section C. The Offeror shall discuss the Offeror’s plan to support the Government-chaired configuration management process as defined in Section C, including engineering changes and variances in a change management approach. The discussion should address both changes requested by the Offeror, and changes ordered by the Government. Tab C - Proposed Configuration Changes The Offeror shall discuss all changes proposed to the Attachment J-2 TDP. The Offeror shall provide technical detail on the benefits gained from the changes including cost, reliability, and obsolescence. The Offeror shall not include cost data in this section but must address life cycle cost impacts such as price scale factors, lower labor hours, combined efforts such as depot maintenance, and other factors impacting cost. The Offeror shall provide a Bill of Materials identifying all changed hardware items by part name, part number, quantity, and vendor in its proposed system. The Offeror shall provide measured data for any proposed item not currently listed in Attachment J-2 TDP by specific part number including but not limited to hardware, firmware, software, vendors, and/or processes. Measured data shall demonstrate that form, fit, and function requirements of the Attachment J-2 TDP are met. This documentation shall include discussion of any impacts to other items and how those impacts maintain compliance to the form, fit, and function requirements of the Attachment J-2 TDP. The Offeror shall address the pedigree of the proposed items including use on other systems, level of integration and testing conducted, MRL self-assessment, and TRL self-assessment. Tab D - Test Plans The Offeror shall demonstrate specific knowledge, experience, and capability to perform the test tasks outlined in Section C. The Offeror shall explain its approach to accomplish the test plan tasking. The Offeror shall describe its approach and timelines, including a proposed test schedule for each variant, for conducting first article and factory acceptance testing to ensure that production units comply with the configuration, functional, and test requirements in this solicitation. The Offeror shall describe how first article and factory acceptance testing will be implemented in its facility. The Offeror shall address facilities, fixtures, software, and test equipment required to successfully conduct first article qualification and factory acceptance testing. The Offeror shall identify any testing requirements that cannot be performed in its present facility, and provide a contingency plan to successfully test all such requirements. N0002420R5500 Page 98 of 119 The Offeror shall assess the sufficiency of the First Article Qualification Test (FAQT) Plans and Procedures (Attachment J-XX), Factory Acceptance Test Plans and Procedures (Attachment JXX), and all other test plans and procedures in the TDP. If the Offeror proposes deltas to these plans and procedures, the Offeror shall describe those proposed deltas and include technical and programmatic rationale for all changes. The Offeror may submit a request for waiver of First Article Approval, which shall comply with the requirements of solicitation provision M-209-H001, WAIVER OF FIRST ARTICLE REQUIREMENTS (CONTRACTOR TESTING) - (NAVSEA) (OCT 2018) Tab E - Engineering and Production Support The Offeror shall demonstrate specific knowledge, experience, and capability to perform the tasks outlined in the SOW in Section C. The Offeror shall explain its approach to accomplish the engineering efforts to reduce risk to production. The Offeror shall provide its plans to perform non-recurring engineering efforts under CLIN 0017 prior to or in parallel with hardware production. The plans shall address any and all efforts to reduce risk to hardware production, including but not limited to: component/LRU/subsystem qualification, proof-of-design (POD) or proof-of-manufacturing (POM) unit production and testing, subsystem/LRU demonstrations, and other transition to production activities. Tab F - Program Management The Offeror shall demonstrate specific knowledge, experience, and capability to perform the tasks outlined in the SOW in Section C. The Offeror shall demonstrate their approach and ability to effectively manage all efforts under this contract. The Offeror shall provide an overview of how the Offeror plans to manage the scope of the contract and how the Offeror plans to use corporate plans, policies, and procedures. This summary description shall include an overview of program organization, schedules, activities, and facilities required to plan, execute, manage, and support the proposed system. The Offeror shall depict the program organization to include the management team (identifying the proposed Program Manager), including the Integrated Product Teams (IPTs)/Cross Product Teams (CPTs) (identifying Contractor and/or Subcontractor IPT/CPT Leads), and the Government/contractor technical and contractual interfaces planned. If teaming or subcontracting is contemplated, Offerors shall provide the following: (a) The proposed Subcontractors or team members; (b) The portions of the contract Statement of Work that will be subcontracted or the planned division of tasks within the team; (c) Discuss agreements/arrangements with its teammates and/or subcontractors and why such agreements will benefit the Government and aid the Contractor in achieving the requirements and objectives of this effort and benefit the Government throughout the life of the contract; (d) The extent (percentage) of subcontracting or the percentage division within the team; N0002420R5500 Page 99 of 119 (e) The management structure for coordinating and controlling Subcontractors and/or team members; (f) Payment tracking; Points of contact; The sole bearer of ultimate responsibility for performance The proposal shall clearly demonstrate the Offeror's overall technical and management competence to successfully complete the specified requirements by delineating the categories of skills of management, administrative, engineering, technical, and other personnel to be assigned to the contract. The Offeror shall also describe its experience levels, including previous related active phased array radar, system and sub-system integration experience, performance based logistics and sustainment experience, and experience on previous contracts similar in scope of this solicitation. The Offeror shall describe how quality processes have positively or negatively impacted performance in these past experiences and what lessons are proposed to be incorporated in this effort. Tab G - Sustainment and Life Cycle Support Plan (LEADER ONLY) The Offeror shall demonstrate specific knowledge, experience, and capability to perform all tasks outlined in the SOW in Section C paragraph 3.3. The Offeror shall explain its approach to accomplish the tasking to include tools, techniques, and methods it intends to use to satisfy the metrics defined in Section C paragraph 3.3. The Offeror shall describe their proposed electronic inventory system to track metrics, provide traceability, and provide total asset visibility. The Offeror shall explain how the Government will be provided access and to what level of visibility and user rights/roles the Government will be granted. The Offeror shall describe availability and capacity of necessary assets including fixtures, software, physical plant facilities, required production and test equipment, special test ranges or facilities, and support personnel for the sustainment effort. The Offeror shall describe their analysis approach and execution plan related to the procurement of spares/inventory using the GFI sustainment model provided in attachment J-XX along with any plans for modifications or updates based on Offeror risk assessment. The Offeror shall consider GFE spares as part of this analysis approach and execution plan. The Offeror shall describe how they will manage the fulfillment of requisitions and meet the CRT, RFR and MaxCRT metrics. The Offeror shall describe their overall sustainment repair process. The Offeror shall include all descriptions of steps required from receipt of requisition to determining ready for issue or beyond economical repair. The Offeror shall include descriptions of accepting carcasses, performing initial inspection, determining root cause corrective action and verification and all other proposed steps in the Offeror’s process. The Offeror shall provide a visual depiction of the process with supporting notes and descriptions as required. N0002420R5500 Page 100 of 119 The Offeror shall describe how flexible their overall sustainment approach is to changes in production profile and fielding plans. The Offeror shall provide sensitivity analysis addressing demand changes from fielded assets (i.e. deviations from the Design Reference Mission Profile (DRMP), included in the GFI Sustainment Model). For the purposes of this Draft Solicitation, the description of the DRMP for a single ship at sea in one (1) year is nine (9) 20-day missions (476 operating hours plus 4 hours scheduled maintenance) or 180 days (4,320 operating hours per year). The Offeror shall describe their plan to work with the Challenger to ensure a transparent and collaborative sustainment effort including both FRACAS and DMSMS programs. Tab H - Second Source Qualification Plan The Offeror shall describe its plan to qualify second sources for the RMA LRUs as described in Section C 3.4. The plan shall begin with how the Offeror will survey industry and compete potential second sources, including criteria for choosing second sources. The plan shall provide details regarding schedule and execution of qualification of the second source, including anticipated development of POD/POM hardware and levels of testing necessary to qualify the LRUs. The plan shall indicate what interaction the Offeror plans to have with the chosen second source as well as what insight and interaction will be provided to the Government in execution. Technical Proposal Cross-reference Matrix The Offeror shall submit a Cross Reference Matrix (CRM) for the Technical Volume, similar to the example below, to help ensure that all solicitation requirements are addressed and to facilitate the evaluators’ review of the Offeror’s proposal. The CRM should be a single integrated matrix and cross-reference the proposal volumes and paragraphs to specific RFP requirements, as well as other parts of the proposal that contain relevant information. The Offeror’s CRM may be identical to the example below or revised such as to add columns to indicate the page number on which information may be found, identify where other relevant information in the proposal is located, or provide other comments. The CRM does not count against any of the proposal page limitations. EXAMPLE OF A CROSS REFERENCE MATRIX (CRM) Government SOW Section C, 4.5 Offeror’s Proposal Reference <Provide reference to the page/paragraph in the Offeror’s Proposal> CLIN Reference 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004 Appendix A - Integrated Master Schedule (Leader) The Offeror shall provide an IMS in Microsoft Project with all data editable and accessible as Appendix A to Volume I that covers all CLIN efforts at the maximum quantities. Appendix A N0002420R5500 Page 101 of 119 will not be included in the page count for the Technical Proposal. The schedule shall clearly identify activity for each subsystem including transition to production activities, assembly, test, and delivery. The IMS shall include identification of Critical Paths. Appendix B - Integrated Master Schedule (Challenger) The Offeror shall provide an IMS in Microsoft Project with all data editable and accessible as Appendix B to Volume I that covers all Challenger CLIN efforts at the maximum quantities possible for award in accordance with Section B, Note A, Option Exercise. Appendix B will not be included in the page count for the Technical Proposal. The schedule shall clearly identify activity for each subsystem including for at a minimum transition to production activities, assembly, test, and delivery. The IMS shall include identification of Critical Paths. 2.7.2 DATA RIGHTS VOLUME (VOLUME II) Volume II shall not include pricing information. Volume II of the submitted proposal shall include: Cover Letter. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Cover Letter. Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. Data Rights Proposal: Do not include cost or price information in this volume. The Data Rights Volume shall define how the Offeror will offer data rights for the work required by this solicitation. It shall describe in detail the proposed rights for hardware, software, and interfaces to be developed as required by this solicitation. The Government desires at least a Government Purpose Rights (GPR) license (as defined in DFARS 252.227-7013 and DFARS 252.227-7014) in all noncommercial technical data (TD), in all noncommercial computer software (CS), and in all noncommercial computer software documentation (CSD). If the Offeror proposes to deliver commercial TD/CS/CSD, it is the Government's desire to obtain a license to the commercial TD/CS/CSD that would grant the Government the equivalent of a Government Purpose Rights license. Any restrictions on the Data Rights offered (7017 list, 7028 list, and/or Supplemental Information-Noncommercial Technical Data, Noncommercial Computer Software, Noncommercial Computer Software Documentation) shall be provided as attachments to the Data Rights Volume and will become Attachments J-6, J-7, and J-8 to the Contract. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the proposal meets the Government's desired level of rights in TD, CS, and CSD and enables the Government to adequately sustain the end item deliverables over their lifecycle including for maintenance, repair and upgrade. The Offeror shall describe how they will support the Government's desired level of rights with respect to noncommercial TD, CS, and CSD. N0002420R5500 Page 102 of 119 In the event an Offeror proposes to deliver any commercial or noncommercial TD/CS/CSD with less than such rights as desired by the Government, the Government will evaluate the adverse impact on the Government's ability to use, modify, release, or disclose such TD, CS, or CSD. Further, the Government will consider the adverse impact of less than Government Purpose Rights license in the best value determination. The data rights offered shall be incorporated into the successful Offeror's contract upon award. The Offeror shall provide the following information as attachments to its offer: Rights In Noncommercial TD, Noncommercial CS, and Noncommercial CSD: 7017 Assertions List: The Offeror shall list all noncommercial TD, CS, and CSD that it asserts will be delivered with other than an unlimited rights license. Specific instructions and requirements concerning this list are set forth in the DFARS 252.227-7017 provision incorporated at Section K of this solicitation. If the Offeror does provide assertions, this paragraph shall also serve as the Contracting Officer's request for the Offeror to submit evidence and information to evaluate and validate the listed assertions. Additionally, if there is no TD, CS, or CSD to be identified in the 7017 list, the Offeror shall submit the list and enter "None" in the body of the list. If the Offeror is awarded a contract, the 7017 List shall be incorporated into the contract as Attachment J-XX. 7028 Assertions List: The Offeror shall list all noncommercial TD, CS, and CSD that it intends to deliver with other than an unlimited rights license and that are identical or substantially similar to noncommercial TD, CS, or CSD that the Offeror has delivered to, or is obligated to deliver to, the Government under any contract or subcontract. Specific instructions and requirements concerning this list are set forth in the DFARS 252.227-7028 provision incorporated at Section K of this solicitation. Additionally, if there is no TD, CS, or CSD to be identified in the 7028 list, the Offeror shall submit the list and enter "None" in the body of the list. If the Offeror is awarded a contract, the 7028 List shall be incorporated into the contract as Attachment J-XX. Supplemental Information Statement: The Offeror shall include in its offer a statement entitled "Supplemental InformationNoncommercial Technical Data, Noncommercial Computer Software, Noncommercial Computer Software Documentation" (the statement) that, for each item of noncommercial TD, CS, or CSD that the Offeror asserts should be delivered with a specificallynegotiated license rights license (as discussed at DFARS 252.227-7013 and/or DFARS 252.227-7014), sets forth a complete description of all such proposed restrictions on the Government's ability to use, modify, release, perform, display, or disclose such TD, CS, or CSD. This information shall be provided by referencing and delivering any and all proposed license agreements that are attached to the statement. The Offeror shall submit N0002420R5500 Page 103 of 119 the statement dated and signed by an official authorized to contractually obligate the Offeror. If there is no information to be included in the statement, the Offeror need not submit the statement. If the Offeror is awarded a contract, any statement provided will be incorporated into the contract as Attachment J-XX. Rights In Commercial TD, Commercial CS, and Commercial CSD: Commercial Restrictions List: The Offeror shall submit a list entitled "Commercial Technical Data, Commercial Computer Software, and Commercial Computer Software Documentation-Government Use Restrictions" (the Commercial Restrictions List), that the Offeror (including its subOfferors or suppliers, or potential sub-Offerors or suppliers, at any tier) intends to deliver with other than an unlimited rights license. The list shall include: (1) identification of the TD, CS, or CSD; (2) basis for asserting restrictions; (3) asserted rights category; and (4) name of the person asserting restrictions. For any item designated as NDI, the Offeror shall provide details of the Agency and level therein that paid for development and the contract number(s) and dates wherein payments were received. For each entry in the list citing an asserted rights category other than the standard license rights applicable to commercial TD and CSD as set forth in the DFARS 252.227-7015 clause, the Offeror shall provide a complete description of the asserted rights license (e.g., a specially negotiated license, or the license customarily offered to the public); this information may be provided by referencing any proposed nonstandard or commercial license agreement that is attached to the list, but in all cases, the non-standard or commercial license must be attached for the Government to review. The non-standard or commercial licenses attached to the list are exempt from the page count limitation of this volume. The Offeror shall submit the Commercial Restrictions List as an attachment to its offer, dated and signed by an official authorized to contractually obligate the Offeror. If there is no information to be included in the Commercial Restrictions List, the Offeror shall submit the list and enter "None" in the body of the list. If the Offeror is awarded a contract, the Commercial Restrictions List shall be incorporated into the contract as Attachment J-9. 2.7.3 PAST PERFORMANCE VOLUME (VOLUME III) Volume III shall not include pricing information. Volume III of the submitted proposal shall include: Cover Letter. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Cover Letter. Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. N0002420R5500 Page 104 of 119 Past Performance Proposal: The Government will evaluate the Offeror’s past performance. The Government may also evaluate the past performance of an Offeror’s subcontractors. In the investigation of an Offeror’s past performance, the Government reserves the right to contact former customers and Government agencies, as well as consult other private and public sources of information. The Government may use past performance information obtained from sources other than the sources identified. The Government will also assess the role subcontractors have played in contributing to the success and/or failure of the Offeror, and to what extent the past performance of proposed subcontractor has contributed to an Offeror’s past performance evaluation. The Offeror shall describe its past performance on directly related or similar contracts it has held within the last three (3) years, which are of similar scope, magnitude, and complexity to that which is detailed in this RFP. The Offerors that describe similar contracts shall provide a detailed explanation demonstrating the similarity of the contracts to the requirements of the RFP. The Offeror shall provide the following information regarding its past performance: a) Contract number(s) b) Name and reference point of contact at the federal, state, or local Government, or commercial entity for which the contract was performed c) Dollar value of the contract d) Detailed description of the work performed, e) Names of subcontractor(s) used, if any, and a description of the extent of work performed by the subcontract(s), f) Ability to meet cost, schedule, and technical requirement, g) The number, type, and severity of any quality, delivery, or cost problems in performing the contract, the corrective action taken, and the effectiveness of the corrective action. The Offeror shall provide information which depicts their depth of past performance and qualification under contracts which have helped to establish their management and technical capability for the scope of work and variety of skill categories and manning levels proposed to perform the work consistent with the size and scope of producing and sustaining AN/SPY-6(V) radar systems. The Offeror shall also provide information for all subcontractors whose total subcontract price (inclusive of all options) is greater than or equal to $12,500,000 (hereinafter “major subcontractors”). The Offeror shall provide information on past performance for all major subcontractors with a minimum of one page of discussion for each major subcontractor. Past performance information for major subcontractors will not count towards the page limit for Volume III. Offerors may submit past performance information for work performed as a major subcontractor, work performed as part of a team or joint venture, and other previous reincarnation of its current organization. 2.7.4 ENERGY VOLUME (VOLUME IV) N0002420R5500 Page 105 of 119 Volume IV shall not include pricing information. Volume IV of the submitted proposal shall include: Cover Letter. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Cover Letter. Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. Energy Proposal: The Offeror shall provide details of how the energy efficiency of the OEM design will be maintained or improved through the Offeror’s production and test processes. The Offeror shall address how power testing will verify compliance with MIL-STD-1399 and other power requirements of the system and show how power efficiency performance metrics are maintained. The Offeror shall address any other aspects of its proposed approach that affects power efficiency. 2.7.5 PRICE VOLUME (VOLUME V) Volume V of the proposal is the only volume which may include pricing information, and shall be used to evaluate Total Evaluated Price (TEP). Offered pricing shall be entered on Section B of the submitted Standard Form (SF) 33. Only pricing entered on Section B of the SF 33 will be considered when determining the Total Evaluated Price. Volume V of submitted proposals shall include: Letter of Transmittal. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Letter of Transmittal. Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Table of Contents, Tables, and Figures. Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. See paragraph 2.2, above, for a discussion of the content requirements for the Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations, and Acronyms. First Article Test Waiver Justification. Waiver justification shall only be included if an Offeror is providing both an “OFFER A” and “OFFER B”. Standard Form 33, “Solicitation, Offer, and Award” (SF 33). The SF 33(s) must be completed entirely by the Offeror. Common mistakes include: (1) failing to complete all of blocks 12-18 on the first page, (2) failing to list pricing for all Contract Line Items (CLINs) and stepladder quantities in Section B, and (3) failing to fully complete SF 33, Section K. If an Offeror is seeking a waiver of first article test requirements, the SF 33s shall include a separate coversheet N0002420R5500 Page 106 of 119 that clearly identifies the offer (“OFFER A” or “OFFER B”). To be considered for award, the Offeror must insert 270 days in Block 12 of the SF 33 to ensure adequate time for proposal evaluation and contract award. If the Offeror’s Representations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offerors are available, active, and valid in the System for Award Management (SAM) (https://www.sam.gov); the Offeror may reference them in the Letter of Transmittal and decline to complete the portions of Section K of the SF 33 which are already present in SAM. The Offeror bears the burden of: (1) ensuring all information referenced in SAM is current accurate, and complete; and (2) ensuring any necessary information not present in SAM is provided within the Offeror’s proposal. Changes to any portion of the SF 33 not specifically requiring the input of information by the Offeror are prohibited. Red-lines, strikethroughs, additions, deletions, or any other changes not specifically required will be considered conditional agreement with solicitation terms, conditions, and provisions. An Offeror’s proposal which changes any portion of the SF 33 not specifically requiring the input of information by the Offeror may be rejected, and the Offeror furnishing the proposal may be determined ineligible for award. Contract Data Requirements Estimated Price List. Offerors shall complete Blocks 17 and 18 for all Exhibit A CDRLs and include within Volume V of their proposal. Small Business Subcontracting Plan. See solicitation provision, L-219-H001 SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (NAVSEA) (JAN 2019), included below. For all large businesses, the Small Business Subcontracting Plan called for in the provision shall be submitted with Volume V. The Small Business Subcontracting Plan will be reviewed for compliance and adequacy for purposes of making a responsibility determination. See L-219-H001 for additional requirements. Offerors must meet the congressionally mandated goals for each small business concern type (small business, small disadvantaged business, woman-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned business, etc.) or provide substantiating evidence that meeting a particular goal is not feasible in the Small Business Subcontracting Plan. Contractor Award Information. Offerors shall complete Attachment J-S4 and attach within Volume V of their proposal. 2.8 OFFEROR QUESTIONS Communications regarding this solicitation with any Government personnel other than the point of contacts listed above are strictly prohibited. Communications regarding this solicitation with any Government personnel other than the point of contacts listed above may result in the Offeror being determined ineligible for award. Offerors may submit written questions using Attachment J-S7, Question Submittal Form, with the subject line: “N00024-20-R-5500: Offeror Question” N0002420R5500 Page 107 of 119 Questions shall be sent via electronic mail to the Contracting Officer and designated Contract Specialist. Only questions submitted using the provided .xlsx file attachment (attached to an electronic mail message addressed to the Contracting Officer and designated Contract Specialist) will be answered. Multiple questions may be submitted per .xlsx file by adding a row for each question. If citing a document in a submitted question, the specific document name, document date, page, paragraph, clause or other definitive citation requiring clarification must be included. It is anticipated all questions and responses will be distributed to all Offerors via solicitation amendment(s) published to the GPE. Offerors are encouraged to submit questions that do not contain any information specific to the Offeror (and/or address anything believed to be proprietary in nature). If an Offeror believes a question is necessary that addresses a subject that is specific to the Offeror (and/or addresses anything believed to be proprietary in nature), the inquiry must be marked accordingly by the submitter, and submitted in a separate electronic mail message (i.e. do not bundle Offerorspecific questions with non-Offeror-specific questions). Only emails containing the following in the subject line will be considered: "N00024-20-R-5500 Offeror Question OFFEROR SPECIFIC QUESTION" If the Government concurs with this identification, the Government may either: (1) respond only to the submitter, or (2) decline to answer the question. If the Government does not concur with the Offeror’s identification of any submitted question, we will inform the submitter of this non-concurrence. Only written questions, submitted following the instructions above, will receive a response. It is the responsibility of the Offeror to ensure all questions are received by the Government, and offerors are encouraged to contact the Contracting Officer and designated Contract Specialist by electronic mail if a confirmation is not received within five calendar days. The Government commits to respond to all questions received within twenty (20) calendar days after issuance of this solicitation. The Government will continue to accept questions up to the closing time of the solicitation; however, time may not permit responses to questions received after the twenty (20) day period. CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY FULL TEXT L-204-H002 SPECIAL PROPOSAL RECEIPT REQUIREMENTS FOR WASHINGTON NAVY YARD (NAVSEA) (OCT 2018) (a) NAVSEA HQ is located at the Washington Navy Yard (WNY) where access is strictly limited in accordance with Naval District Washington (NDW) security regulations. It is recommended that proposals be mailed in N0002420R5500 Page 108 of 119 accordance with RFP instructions. In the event you prefer to hand carry your proposal, ensure adequate time has been allowed by your representative to accommodate the additional security procedures. Detention at a NDW gate or failure to adhere to the procedures provided herein will not be considered an exception to timely proposal delivery as addressed in FAR 52.215-1, Instructions to Offerors – Competitive Acquisitions. (b) Offerors hand carrying proposals shall call the Contracting Officer or Contract Specialist at least 48 hours prior to arriving at the WNY to make arrangements. Offerors with proper credentials (Common Access Card (CAC)) can enter the WNY via any accessible turnstile; other offerors must go to the O Street Gate, WNY Pass Office, where they will need to be sponsored onto the installation by a Government representative of the Contracting Officer. Offerors driving onto the WNY must fully comply with NSAWINST 5560.1C. Packages should not be sealed as they are subject to inspection. Classified material shall be prepared in accordance with current security requirements. The Contracting Officer or Contract Specialist may receive the proposal and provide the offeror a receipt with the time and date of delivery. (c) All offerors shall mark each RFP package with the name of the Contracting Officer and the Contract Specialist, their codes and phone numbers. In the event you have not been provided with this information contact the person listed in Block 10 of the SF 33. (End of provision) L-209-H009 NOTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT(S) OF INTEREST (NAVSEA) (DEC 2018) (a) Offerors are reminded that certain existing contractual arrangements may preclude, restrict or limit participation, in whole or in part, as either a subcontractor or as a prime contractor under this competitive procurement. Of primary concern are those contractual arrangements in which the Offeror, if the awardee of the contract under this solicitation, would provide support to AN/SPY-6 Design Agent, or related laboratories (if applicable), in support of operation of the office or any of its programs. General guidance may be found in FAR 9.505; however, this guidance is not all inclusive. The Offeror's attention is directed to the "Organizational Conflict of Interest" (or similar) text which may be contained in current or completed contract(s) which prohibits the prime or subcontractor from providing certain supplies or services to the Government as described above during the period of the current "support" contract(s) or for a period after completion of the "support" contract(s). Notwithstanding the existence or non-existence of an Organizational Conflict of Interest (OCI) clause or similar text in current or completed contract(s), the offeror shall comply with FAR 9.5 and identify whether an OCI exists or there is potential for an OCI and not rely solely on the presence of an OCI text (b) If a potential conflict of interest exists at any tier, each potential prime offeror shall notify the Contracting Officer within 14 days of the date of this solicitation. The Offeror shall provide: (1) the contract number and name and phone number of the Contracting Officer for the contract which gives rise to a potential organizational conflict of interest; (2) a copy of the requirement; (3) the statement of work (or technical instruction) from the existing contract; (4) a brief description of the type of work to be performed by each subcontractor under the competitive procurement; and (5) any additional information the Contracting Officer should consider in making a determination of whether a conflict of interest exists. The Government may independently verify the information received from the offeror. Notwithstanding the above, the Government reserves the right to determine whether a conflict of interest exists based on any information received from any source. (c) The Government will notify an offeror of any conflict of interest within 14 days of receipt of all required information. Those offerors deemed to have a conflict of interest may be ineligible for award under this solicitation. An Offeror’s failure to provide the information in a timely manner does not waive the Government's rights to make a conflict of interest determination. The offeror is notified that if it expends time and money on proposal preparation, such expenditure is at its own risk that the Government will not determine that an organizational conflict of interest exists. (d) Any potential prime contractor which proposes a subcontractor later determined to have a conflict of interest N0002420R5500 Page 109 of 119 and deemed ineligible to participate in the current competition, may not be granted the opportunity to revise its proposal to remove the ineligible subcontractor. The Government reserves the right to determine which offerors remain in the competitive range through the normal source selection process. (e) If the offeror determines that a potential organizational conflict of interest does not exist at any tier, the offeror shall include a statement to that effect in its response to this solicitation. (End of provision) L-219-H001 SUBMISSION OF SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (NAVSEA) (JAN 2019) Offeror shall submit as part of its proposal a subcontracting plan in accordance with the clause entitled "Small Business Subcontracting Plan" (FAR 52.219-9) (Deviation 2018-O0018). The plan shall include a five percent (5%) goal for small disadvantaged business concerns or a detailed explanation as to why the goal cannot be included in the plan. (End of provision) N0002420R5500 Page 110 of 119 Section M - Evaluation Factors for Award SECTION M GENERAL INFORMATION 1.0 GENERAL The Government intends to select up to one (1) Leader Offeror and one (1) Challenger Offeror on the basis of its proposal providing the “best value” to the Government. The Government also reserves the right to select a single Leader Offeror on the basis of its proposal providing the “best value” to the Government. “Best Value” means the expected outcome of an acquisition that, in the Government’s estimation, provides the greatest overall benefit(s) in response to the requirement. The Offeror is advised that the proposal(s) meeting the solicitation requirements with the lowest price may not be selected for an award if award to a higher priced Offeror(s) is determined to be more beneficial to the Government. 2.0 EVALUATION PROCESS 2.1 The Government intends to award up to one (1) Leader contract and up to one (1) Challenger contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsible Offeror(s) whose proposal(s) represents the best value after evaluation, in accordance with the solicitation. The Government reserves the right to award a single Leader contract. The Government reserves the right to hold discussions; however, award is intended to be based upon the initial offer. Therefore, the Offeror’s initial proposal should contain the Offeror’s best terms from a cost or price and technical standpoint. The Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if the Contracting Officer later determines them necessary. If the Contracting Officer determines that the number of proposals that would otherwise be in the competitive range exceeds the number at which an efficient competition can be conducted, the Contracting Officer may limit the number of proposals in the competitive range to the greatest number that will permit an efficient competition among the most highly rated proposals. Any compliant Leader proposal that is not selected for the Leader contract will be used for evaluation of the Challenger role for the applicable Challenger CLINs stated in Section L paragraph 2.7. 2.2 All proposals will be evaluated for compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements set forth in the solicitation. Failure to address each of the areas identified in Section L in the proposal may impact the resulting evaluation ratings and risk assessment. Best value tradeoff analysis will not be performed for any offeror who receives an unacceptable rating for any factor and award will not be made to any offeror whose proposal is deemed unacceptable in any factor. Subjective judgment on the part of the Government evaluators is implicit in the entire process. 2.3 FAR Part 9.103(a) states that purchases shall be made from, and contracts shall be awarded to, responsible contractors only. FAR Part 9.103(b) stipulates that no purchase or award shall be made unless the contracting officer makes an affirmative determination of responsibility. In making a responsibility determination, the standards at FAR 9.104-1 will be considered. The Contracting Officer reserves the right to request adequate evidence of responsibility on the part N0002420R5500 Page 111 of 119 of the Offeror or any proposed subcontractor; communications with Offerors regarding responsibility issues may take place at any time during the proposal evaluation process. 2.4 If an Offeror identifies a conflict of interest in accordance with L-209-002 NOTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL ORGANIZATIONAL CONFLICT(S) OF INTEREST (NAVSEA) (DEC 2018) a mitigation plan shall be submitted as Annex 1 under Volume V and will be evaluated by the Government. If the proposed mitigation plan is ultimately deemed unacceptable, the Offeror will be ineligible for award. 3.0 BASIS FOR AWARD 3.1. The Government intends to award up to (1) Leader and up to one (1) Challenger contract to the responsive and responsible Offeror(s) whose proposal(s) represents the best value to the Government based on consideration of the factors in Section M of this Solicitation. 3.2. The Government intends to select up to one (1) Leader Offeror and up to one (1) Challenger Offeror on the basis of its proposal providing the “best value” to the Government, all factors considered. The award decision(s) will be determined based on the Government’s evaluation of each Offeror’s complete proposal against the evaluation factors identified below. The Government reserves the right to award a single Leader contract to the Offeror whose proposal demonstrated the best overall value to the Government based on the factors described herein. Best value means the expected outcome of an acquisition that, in the Government’s estimation, provides the greatest overall benefit in response to the requirement (FAR 2.101). In making the award determination, the Government is more concerned with superior technical merit based on the non-cost factors at a reasonable cost or price than with making an award to the Offeror(s) with the lowest proposed cost/price. Accordingly, the Government may be willing to pay a reasonable premium for a contract offering superior technical merit. 3.3. In order to select the successful Offeror(s), the Government will compare Offeror’s proposals in three (3) detailed steps . Both the Leader and Challenger comparisons will trade off differences in technical merit based on the non-cost factors and Total Evaluated Price (TEP). In step one (1), the Government will conduct a best value trade-off evaluation of the proposals submitted for the Leader position. A TEP may not be developed and best value analysis will not be performed for any Offerors who are unacceptable in any factor or marginal in Factor 1. An award will not be made to any Offeror who is unacceptable in any factor or marginal in Factor 1. Once a Leader is selected, the Government will move to step two (2) by creating a Challenger pool from all unsuccessful Leader bidders and all Challenger bidders. In this step, the Government will conduct a premium comparison of the selected Leader to all bidders in the Challenger pool. The Government will determine the competitive range for the Challenger role and eliminate those in the Challenger pool not assessed within the competitive range. The result of this step may be that the Government makes the decision to award a single contract to the Leader. N0002420R5500 Page 112 of 119 If, as a result of step (2), the Government intends to award both a Leader and a Challenger, The Government will move to step (3) and evaluate and any remaining Challengers assessed by the Government as within the competitive range via best value trade-off based on the factors described within the solicitation. The Government reserves the right to award the Leader and Challenger contracts at different times. 3.4. In making its best value determination, the Government will consider the relative importance of the non-price factors, as set forth below: Technical (Factor 1) Data Rights (Factor 2) Past Performance (Factor 3) Energy (Factor 4) Factor 1 and Factor 2 are approximately equal in importance. When combined, Factors 1 and 2 are significantly more important than the Total Evaluated Price, but, as competing proposal approach equality in the non-cost factors, TEP will increase in importance. Factors 3 and 4 are rated acceptable/unacceptable. DESCRIPTION OF EVALUATION FACTORS Factor 1: Technical Approach (Volume I) Tab A - Manufacturing Plan The Government will evaluate the degree to which the proposal demonstrates specific knowledge, experience, capabilities, and approach to perform the tasks outlined in Section C. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. The Government will evaluate the approach and plans to successfully fabricate the AN/SPY-6(V) hardware. The Government will evaluate whether the manufacturing plan meets all requirements to build the AN/SPY-6(V) variants according to the Attachment J-XX TDP provided with this solicitation. The Government will evaluate how well the Offeror’s plan addresses schedule and challenges in the manufacturing and inspection processes for the associated Leader and Challenger AN/SPY-6(V) variants. In addition, the Government will evaluate adequacy and completeness of the manufacturing efforts proposed by the Offeror. The Offeror will be evaluated on completeness and understanding of components/technologies identified in Section L. Additionally, the Offeror will be evaluated on its understanding of the specific challenges associated with producing TRIMM and DREX LRU hardware as well as assembling this hardware into next level subsystems. Tab B - Configuration Management Plan The Government will evaluate the degree to which the proposal demonstrates specific N0002420R5500 Page 113 of 119 knowledge, experience, capabilities, and approach to perform the tasks outlined in Section C. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. The Offeror will be evaluated on its ability to address engineering changes and update production requirements as part of the configuration management process outlined in Section C Statement of Work. The Government will assess clarity, completeness, and transparency of the Offeror’s proposed plan. The Government will assess any examples cited for relevance to the efforts outlined in this solicitation along with the impacts those examples would present to these efforts. The Government will assess how well the Offeror’s plan is inclusive of the Leader, Challenger, Design Agent, and Government in terms of transparency, timeliness, and decision making. Tab C - Proposed Configuration Changes The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. Any exceptions to the Attachment J-2 TDP must be addressed in the Technical Proposal. Any proposed item not currently listed in the Attachment J-2 TDP by specific part number will be evaluated by review of measured data to confirm the form, fit and function requirements of the TDP are met. The Offeror alone bears the burden of submitting sufficient measured data to demonstrate that its proposed non-TDP item(s) meet(s) the form, fit, and function requirements of the TDP. Failure to provide sufficient data to demonstrate that a proposed non-TDP item meets the form, fit, and function requirements of the TDP may result in an evaluation finding of increased technical risk, and could ultimately result in a determination that the Offeror’s technical approach is unacceptable. The Government will also evaluate the level of benefit to cost, reliability, and obsolescence of the proposed updates. If the Government determines that the result of the proposed changes would negatively impact cost or reliability, or that the obsolescence claims are incorrect, it may assess increased technical risk and could ultimately result in a determination that the Offeror’s technical approach is unacceptable. Tab D - Test Plan The Government will evaluate the degree to which the proposal demonstrates specific knowledge, experience, capabilities, and approach to perform the tasks outlined in Section C. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. The Government will evaluate the adequacy and completeness of the Offeror’s test plans. The Offeror’s proposal will be evaluated to determine the Offeror’s ability to execute First Article Qualification and Factory Acceptance Testing to ensure production units comply with the configuration and functional requirements specified in the solicitation. The Government will evaluate the adequacy of the test assets, facilities, and processes as part of the test plan. The Government will evaluate the Offeror’s plans for integration, test, and calibration of AN/SPY6(V) arrays through Near Field Range testing. The Offeror will be evaluated on its demonstrated understanding of all aspects of associated plans and procedures as set forth in its proposal. If a request for waiver of First Article Qualification Approval is submitted, the Offeror will be evaluated on compliance with the requirements of solicitation provision M-209-H001, WAIVER OF FIRST ARTICLE REQUIREMENTS (CONTRACTOR TESTING)—BASIC (NAVSEA) N0002420R5500 Page 114 of 119 (OCT 2018). Tab E – Engineering and Production Support The Government will evaluate the degree to which the proposal demonstrates specific knowledge, experience, capabilities, and approach to perform the tasks outlined in Section C. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. The Government will evaluate all engineering efforts proposed by the Offeror to reduce risk to production. The Government will assess the completeness and adequacy of each proposed effort and its potential benefit to reduce risk to the Offeror’s overall technical approach to meeting the requirements in this solicitation. Tab F - Program Management The Government will evaluate the degree to which the proposal demonstrates specific knowledge, experience, capabilities, and approach to perform the tasks outlined in Section C. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. The Government will assess the degree to which the Offeror has proposed a capability consistent with the size and scope of the contract requirements. The Government will evaluate the Offeror’s depth and breadth of related experience with similarly sized efforts. Production capacity, test facilities, quality control processes, and associated production and test experience will be assessed for adequacy and suitability. Tab G - Sustainment and Life Cycle Support Plan (LEADER ONLY) The Government will evaluate the degree to which the proposal demonstrates specific knowledge, experience, capabilities, and approach to perform the tasks outlined in Section C. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the proposal demonstrates specific knowledge, capabilities, and approach to satisfy the CRT, RFR, and MaxCRT metrics or exceed the CRT and RFR metrics outlined in Section C paragraph 3.3. The Government will evaluate how flexible the Offeror’s overall sustainment approach is to changes in production profile and fielding plans. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror’s proposed plan for the sustainment effort is collaborative with the Challenger. Tab H – Second Source Qualification Plan The Government will evaluate the degree to which the proposal demonstrates specific knowledge, experience, capabilities, and approach to perform the tasks outlined in Section C. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. The Government will evaluate the completeness and robustness of the Offeror’s second source qualification plan. The Government will evaluate the risk that Offeror’s plan may not produce qualified LRUs that are form, fit, function compatible with the TDP. Integrated Master Schedule N0002420R5500 Page 115 of 119 The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. The Government will evaluate the adequacy and completeness of the Offeror’s Integrated Master Schedule in terms of covering interrelationships between tasks and task durations for all proposed technical efforts. FACTOR 2 - DATA RIGHTS (Volume II) The Government will assign an adjectival rating to this factor. The Government will evaluate the degree to which the Offeror addressed all content required by Section L. The Government will evaluate Data Rights licenses using information in the proposal to assess the extent to which the rights in Technical Data (TD), Computer Software (CS), and Computer Software Documentation (CSD) offered to the Government ensure unimpeded, innovative, and cost effective operation, maintenance, and upgrade of AN/SPY-6(V) throughout its lifecycle and allow for the open and competitive procurement of AN/SPY-6(V) requirements. Evaluation will include both the system and software concept design. Offerors that propose at least a GPR license to the Government may receive a more favorable evaluation. Proposals will not be rated as UNACCEPTABLE because an Offeror does not offer a GPR license. However, any proposal that asserts less than a GPR license for any system/ subsystem interface or other interface may be negatively impacted. The Government will conduct an evaluation of risks associated with any inability to obtain at least a GPR license and this risk will impact the assigned adjectival rating for this factor. In the event that an Offeror proposes to deliver any commercial or noncommercial TD, CS, or CSD with less than a GPR license, the Government will evaluate the adverse impact on the unimpeded, innovative, and cost-effective operation, maintenance, and upgrade of AN/SPY-6(V) throughout its lifecycle. Use of proprietary algorithms, designs, processes, or interfaces will be evaluated based on the extent to which they affect the Government's overall goal and ability to acquire an open AN/SPY-6(V) design. The Government will also evaluate the adverse impact of less than a GPR license in its best value determination. The Government will evaluate each item of TD, CS, and CSD at the most favorable level of rights offered. For example, if an Offeror were to assert limited rights in a given item of TD, but also offered the Government an opportunity to purchase GPR for that item at a price proposed under CLIN 0008, then the Government would evaluate that item as though the Offeror had proposed to grant the Government GPR in that item. FACTOR 3 - PAST PERFORMANCE (Volume III) The Past Performance Factor will be subject to an Acceptable/Unacceptable rating based on information provided in the Offeror's proposal. The Government will evaluate Offeror's past performance over the past three (3) years for relevance, which is considered to be whether the experience cited is similar to the size, scope, and technical complexity of this effort. It is the responsibility of the Offeror to relate past performance to the requirements of this solicitation. The Government will consider the relevance of past performance information obtained in relation to the scope of this procurement. N0002420R5500 Page 116 of 119 Offerors are advised that the Government may consider past performance information obtained from sources other than those identified by the Offeror, including Federal, State and local Government agencies, better business bureaus, published media and electronic databases including, but not limited to, Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) and Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS). The Government may research Offeror performance on any Federal, State, local, and commercial procurement that is known to the Government, but not included on a submitted reference. For those Offerors who are determined by the Government to have no relevant past performance information, or for whom information on past performance is not available, a neutral past performance rating will be given. In evaluating the Past Performance, the Government evaluation will include: - Quality of Product. The degree to which the products provided met the requirements of the contract and the degree to which they were similar to this solicitation. - Delivery/Completion Schedule. The extent to which the Offeror satisfied customer requirement for contract completion in accordance with agreed upon schedule. - Cost Control. The extent to which the Offeror provided contract supplies at or below their initially proposed costs while maintaining customer desired level of quality and delivery, and limit direct and indirect cost growth. - Any other information pertaining to the Offeror’s past performance. FACTOR 4 - ENERGY (Volume IV) The Energy Factor will be subject to an Acceptable/Unacceptable rating based on information provided in the Offeror's proposal. TOTAL EVALUATED PRICE (Volume V) The Government will arrive at a Total Evaluated Price (TEP) for the Leader and a separate TEP for the Challenger by utilizing the methodology described below. The price will be evaluated at ceiling price and no realism (cost, price, or otherwise) will occur. PRICING EVALUATION The stepladder pricing for CLINs 0001, 0004, 0012 - 0016, 0020-0023, 1001 - 1004, 10201023, 2001-2004, 2020-2023, 3001-3004, 3020-3023, and 4001-4004, 4020-4023 will be evaluated by comparing the product of a randomly selected evaluated quantity (EQ) for each CLIN and the unit price associated with the randomly selected quantity for the CLIN. The randomly selected quantities will not be the same in calculating the Leader and the Challenger TEP. Offerors are hereby advised the EQ in no way restricts the Government as to the number of units it may order under each line item. It is used solely for evaluation purposes. The Government reserves the right to order any quantity within a stepladder subject to the 1) availability of funding at time of initial award or option exercise and 2) in accordance with the Section B Note A –Option Exercise or Section B Note B – Sustainment Quantity as applicable. N0002420R5500 Page 117 of 119 Example: Evaluated Quantity (EQ) = 2 Step-ladder * Price = Total Quantity 1–5 * $1,500 = $3,000 6 – 10 * $1,200 = $0 11 – 12 * $1,000 = $0 Total: $3,000 Offerors should note that price breaks given for each stepladder within a CLIN are to apply to all units within that and lower stepladders. The following example illustrates the correct procedure for calculating the overall price for specific quantities ordered: Step-ladder Price Quantity 1–5 $1,500 6 – 10 $1,200 11 – 12 $1,000 If an Offeror determines that it is eligible for waiver of first article testing requirements, and submits an Offer A and an Offer B (as specifically outlined in M-209-H001, below), the Offeror’s TEP will be determined after Government approval/denial of the waiver. If the waiver is approved, the TEP will be determined using the pricing proposed under Offer B (unless the pricing proposed under Offer A is lower, in which case the pricing proposed under Offer A will used). If the Government does not concur waiver of first article testing is appropriate, the TEP will be determined using pricing proposed under Offer A. In determining the TEP, the Government will calculate evaluated prices using a predetermined formula. The Government evaluated price for CLINs 0001, 0004, 0012 - 0016, 0017, 00200023, 1001 - 1004, 1020-1023, 2001-2004, 2020-2023, 3001-3004, 3020-3023, and 40014004, 4020-4023. The Government will include the CLIN 0008 (Enhanced Data Rights) price in the TEP. CLIN 0010 DATA is Not Separately Priced (NSP) and will not be evaluated as a part of the TEP. Costs for the Data CLIN will be included in and evaluated as part of the requiring CLINs. A TEP for the Leader will be calculated as follows: (1) Total Evaluated Price to the Government for CLINs 0001, 0004, 0012 - 0016, 0020-0023, 1001 - 1004, 1020-1023, 2001-2004, 20202023, 3001-3004, 3020-3023, 4001-4004, and 4020-4023. (2) Total Evaluated Price to the Government for Data Rights CLIN 0008 TOTAL EVALUATED PRICE (TEP) A TEP for the Challenger will be calculated as follows: (1) Total Evaluated Price to the Government for CLINs 0012 - 0016, 0017, 1001 - 1004, 2001-2004, 3001-3004, and 4001-4004. + $ + $ = $ + $ N0002420R5500 Page 118 of 119 (2) Total Evaluated Price to the Government for Data Rights CLIN 0008 TOTAL EVALUATED PRICE (TEP) + $ = $ The total evaluated price for Data Rights/License Fees, CLIN 0008 is the total price of the Offeror’s proposed Option CLIN 0008 in Section B. RATINGS DEFINITIONS The Government will perform an evaluation that focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of the Offeror’s proposal, resulting in the assignment of an adjectival rating for Factors 1 and 2 as described in the table below. It is recognized that a proposal need not have all aspects of the rating description to be rated accordingly. Table -1 Combined Technical/Risk Ratings Color Blue Rating Outstanding Definition Proposal indicates an exceptional approach and understanding of the requirements and contains multiple strengths, and risk of unsuccessful performance is low. Purple Good Green Acceptable Proposal meets requirements and indicates an adequate approach and understanding of the requirements, and risk of unsuccessful performance is no worse than moderate. Yellow Marginal Proposal has not demonstrated an adequate approach and understanding of the requirements, and/or risk of unsuccessful performance is high. Red Unacceptable Proposal does not meet requirements of the solicitation, and thus, contains one or more deficiencies, and/or risk of unsuccessful performance is unacceptable. Proposal is unawardable. Proposal indicates a thorough approach and understanding of the requirements and contains at least one strength, and risk of unsuccessful performance is low to moderate. Table 2 Risk Definitions Risk Low Moderate Definition Proposal may contain weakness(es) which have little potential to cause disruption of schedule, increased cost or degradation of performance. Normal contractor effort and normal Government monitoring will likely be able to overcome any difficulties. Proposal contains a significant weakness or combination of weaknesses which may potentially cause disruption of schedule, increased cost or degradation of performance. Special contractor emphasis and close Government monitoring will likely be able to overcome difficulties. N0002420R5500 Page 119 of 119 Risk High Definition Proposal contains a significant weakness or combination of weaknesses which is likely to cause significant disruption of schedule, increased cost or degradation of performance. Is unlikely to overcome any difficulties, even with special contractor emphasis and close Government monitoring. Unacceptable Proposal contains a material failure or a combination of significant weaknesses that increases the risk of unsuccessful performance to an unacceptable level. Definitions of General Terms in Adjectival Rating Standards: i. Strengths – an aspect of an offeror's proposal that has merit or exceeds specified performance or capability requirements in a way that will be advantageous to the Government during contract performance. ii. Weaknesses – a flaw in the proposal that increases the risk of unsuccessful contract performance (Per FAR part 15.001). iii. Significant Weakness – a flaw that appreciably increases the risk of unsuccessful contract performance (Per FAR part 15.001). iv. Deficiency - a material failure of a proposal to meet a Government requirement or a combination of significant weaknesses in a proposal that increases the risk of unsuccessful contract performance to an unacceptable level (Per FAR part 15.001). The Government will use the following ratings/definitions for evaluating Factor 3: Table 3: Past Performance Acceptable/Unacceptable Rating Adjectival Rating Acceptable Unacceptable Description Based on the offeror’s performance record, the Government has a reasonable expectation that the offeror will successfully perform the required effort, or the offeror’s performance record is unknown. Based on the offeror’s performance record, the Government does not have a reasonable expectation that the offeror will be able to successfully perform the required effort. The Government will use the following ratings/definitions for evaluating Factor 4: Acceptable: Proposal clearly meets the minimum requirements of the solicitation. Unacceptable: Proposal does not clearly meet the minimum requirements of the solicitation. CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE M-209-H001 WAIVER OF FIRST ARTICLE REQUIREMENTS (CONTRACTOR TESTING)--BASIC (NAVSEA) (OCT 2018) OCT 2018